How do you do this? I don’t understand it

How Do You Do This? I Dont Understand It


Answer 1



You are supposed to drag and drop the answer that you think belongs in that sentence. Drag the answer to where it says "drag and drop answer here".

Related Questions

Which word or phrase best clarifies the relationship between ideas in these sentences? the Byzantine Roman civilization lasted a long, long time. Empire lasted for about a thousand years. O A. However O B. Likewise C. On the other hand O D. Thus SUBMIT​





Which best describes the different points of view of these two passages?
The first passage is written from a third-person point
A) of view, while the second passage is written in first-
person point of view.
The first passage is written from a first-person point
B) of view, while the second passage is written in third-
person point of view.
The first passage is written from a first-person point
C) of view, while the second passage is written in a
second-person point of view.
The first passage is written from a second-person
D) point of view, while the second passage is written
from a first-person point of view.





Im not 100% sure


The answer is A


Passive voice They don't sell homeopathic medicine in supermarkets



Homeopathic medicine isn't sold in supermarkets.


The passive voice is that form of writing and grammatical organization of a sentence, in which the subject of the sentence is not the one who guides the order of the writing of the text, but it is the object of the sentence who does it, reversing the usual order of sentences. Thus, the passive voice focuses on the object instead of the subject, giving a grammatical predominance to that on which the verb falls, instead of the person who performs the action of the verb.

How does Alec help prepare Milo for his journey


Answer:Alec tells him to simply start thinking like an adult and once Milo does, sure enough he begins to rise off the ground


please connect researched-based teaching from project-based learning.

Thank you for the help.​



The required speech is as follows :


"Whoever controls media, controls mind". A very hearty Good Morning to one and all present here ! Respected Principal Sir, worthy teachers and all my dear fellow mates. Today I Aurora, of class XYZ is standing before you in this frizzy winter to deliver a short speech on the topic 'How media influences public opinion'.

Dear friends, first of all I would like to ask you all a question, 'What do you think is our media for ?' Most of us will reply that they are for our entertainment, fun and even unfortunately some will reply 'for movies and Bollywood'. Now if we look back at our history during 18th century we see that even first newspapers were started for spreading information in mass. Earlier literacy rate of India was very low.

A single person used to first read the newspaper and then shared the information to the gathered people around. But that time was different. Now nearly every person has a mobile phone, TV, PC and what not. Has this increased public participation in Democracy ? Yes indeed it has done that. On one single click we get information of our surrounding at a faster pace. As a fourth pillar of Democracy it makes our mindful of different social, political and financial exercises around us.

If we take current situation, most of the election popularisation works in different states is being managed by mass media only due to its advancements. Media makes participation of people in political activities even at grass - root levels. This efficiency enhances the Federalism of India. Media has many roles in shaping public opinion in our society. Let's discuss them one by one. In economic terms, media shows the expenditure, budgets and taxes to the citizens of a nation.

It makes people aware of the different types of money related issues that they have to face. Even it checks that no people are harassed by fake news on balances. Its makes people rise over their concern directly to the government so that actions can be taken for them. In social terms, media promotes the functioning of the government. It helps people to convey their social problems to the government. Even many NGOs and Human Rights Organizations take help of medias to make people aware of their rights.

Commonly Media acts as an inference or better to say 'compass' which gives direction to the views of people. It organises the vast multitudes of opinions into a single issue which can be beneficial to all the groups of society. It works 24 × 7 and makes people get in touch with latest developments. As 'Opposition' in Politics, media acts as a hub where the opposition party by taking views of public claims the wrong decisions of Ruling Party.

Also, during elections media shows mirror about different parties to people so that we can make right decision in voting. All these were some positive aspects of media's influence on public opinions. Now let's discuss about some negative aspects also. Nowadays its a common seen trend that media enlarges a short issue just to gain popularity. This results in riots, violence, protests, etc. because the issue which could have been solved by a single subtle discussion, now has been made a larger issue.

Let me present an example. I have a friend, Cupicake. She remains quite much familiar with medias. Some days ago, she received a post which asked her to share the image attached with it to her other friends. That image was of a case where Police was beating a few groups of people. She has shared that. This led a immediate violence in that region and finally it was known that Police was beating a few robbers. Now who to put blame of that riot ? Of course we are the one who done it.

At last I would like to conclude my speech by just saying that, it is the duty of media to transfer right and reliable information to people and its duty of people to share and trust upon right information from a good source. In this way the world and the nation would be leaded to right path.

Thank you one and all.


★ More to know :-

Format of Speech :

*Note - Here I used name as Aurora. You can use any according to your choice and class also according to the situation.


They are going to __________ the game because the star player is sick. *


They are going to lose the game because the star player is sick.

What are the benefits of publishing your writing online as opposed to on paper?

Select all that apply.

You can keep your writing private online more easily than you can on paper.

You can share your work with others online more easily than you can on paper.

You can update online information immediately, but you cannot do so on paper.

You can organize your content online, but you cannot do so on paper.


Answer: You can share your work with others online more easily than you can on paper.

You can update online information immediately, but you cannot do so on paper.


lol i just took this checkpoint :) !!!

The  benefits of publishing your writing online as opposed to on paper are that you can share your work with others online more easily than you can on paper.You can update online information immediately, but you cannot do so on paper.

What is information?

Information is defined as  an abstract concept that refers to that which has the power to inform. At the most fundamental level information  which pertains to the interpretation of that which may be sensed. Any natural process that is not completely random, and any observable pattern in any medium can be said to convey some amount of information.

Whereas digital signals and other data use discrete signs to convey information, other phenomena and artifacts such as analog signals, poems, pictures, music or other sounds, and currents convey information in a form which is  more continuous . Information is not knowledge itself, but the meaning that may be derived from a representation through interpretation.

Information is often processed iteratively: Data available at one step are processed into information to be interpreted and processed at the next step.

Learn more about information,here:


The writer wants to alter the passage for an audience that is unfamiliar with the historical period of Shakespeare’s time. Which of the following changes best accomplishes this goal?

A. In sentence 1, adding “English author” after “than”

B. In sentence 4, changing “the Victorian era” to “Queen Victoria’s reign”

C. In sentence 6, changing “skeptics” to “challengers”

D. In sentence 10, deleting “in Latin, the classics, and rhetoric”

E. In sentence 11, adding “(equivalent to a modern-day mayor)” after “bailiff”



E) In sentence 11, adding “(equivalent to a modern-day mayor)” after “bailiff”


This version considers the needs of the intended audience, because it provides a clear definition of “bailiff,” which someone unfamiliar with Shakespeare’s historical period would find helpful. Therefore, this change best suits the needs of the audience.

The changes that attain the goal would be:

E). In sentence 11, adding “(equivalent to a modern-day mayor)” after “bailiff."

William Shakespeare

The intent of the author is to alter the passage to offer it a general form so that even the readers unaware of Shakespeare and his efforts would also gain an understanding of this.

To serve this intent, sentence 11 must employ the phrase referring to its present-day meaning so that the new learners prevent any obstacles while reading and comprehending the text efficiently.

Thus, the apt solution is option E.

Learn more about "Shakespeare" here:

How are the ideas arranged?



Spatial order


Yup I think that is right I look it up

Please please help me please



something the author directly tells you, and something readers determine


Compare and contrast facts and opinions in news articles.


facts- contain real information
opinions- contains someone’s thoughts

facts and opinions both have information that can be used for news.

Could someone please help:)





It seems like the only reasonable answer.

It's an action that helped the plot.

Hope this helps!:)


B. It matches the plot.

Which part of the plot is most clearly the rising action?
A. A college student wanted desperately to pass her Particle Physics class, but her grade depended entirely on how she performed on the final exam.
B. She studied for two weeks and then showed up to class, ready and confident. But the questions on the exam looked like this: "True or false? Atoms." She strode up to the teacher and shouted, "This test is impossible!"
C. The teacher smiled and congratulated the student, and explained that standing up to him was part of the test. She had passed.
O D. The student, delighted, skipped out of the classroom, and later learned that she had gotten an A in Particle Physics.​








It has to be B because it was the day she was taking the test and while she looked at the questions on the test that the questions were impossible to do which gave that part of the plot a little bit of suspense since her grade depended on the exam it can make people wonder if she would fail the exam or not.

I hope this helped!! Have a great day :)

Select the correct answer.
A commercial that compares dry skin to a desert is using which literary device?
metaphorical language
literal language



The correct answer is option C: metaphorical language. A metaphor is generally understood as an allusion or figure of speech in which a word or group of words is applied to another word or an action or image to which it would not be literally applicable.

A commercial that compares dry skin to a desert is using metaphorical language device. So, the correct option is C.

What is Metaphor?

A metaphor is a phrase that, for the sake of rhetorical effect, addresses a single topic while simultaneously addressing another. It could offer clarification or reveal unnoticed connections between two dissimilar ideas.

"A term or phrase used it to describe some one else, in a manner which differs from its typical use, in order to illustrate that the two objects share the same attributes and to make the description more effective," is the definition of a metaphor according to the dictionary.

Generally speaking, a metaphor is an allusion or expression in which a term, phrase, or set of words is used to describe something that it would not be appropriate to use in its literal sense. A metaphorical language technique is being used in an advertisement that compares dry skin to a desert.

Therefore, the correct option is C.

Learn more about Metaphor, here:


Can the NFL Tackle Homophobia?





Answer:Some National Football League players appear to be turning over a new leaf when it comes to gay rights, but a history of homophobia still haunts the sport.


Please help me that’s my last question


I would say c good luck it just seems like c




All the other answers are things you should do, so it has to be C

Paul took the lunch money his dad gave him and used it to buy video games.
Is this a transgression against his father?


paul better get his money back or his mom is gon be mad

Can you tell me what the 2 allusions are in this please and thanks


keeping in mind an allusion is a reference to a well known piece of work or event

1. reference to: 101 dalmatians and the character Cruella DeVille
possible meaning: the teacher was mean, scary or harsh

2. reference to: the 9/11 attack
possible meaning: it is saying the earthquake was bad, but not nearly as bad as other disasters (i.e. 9/11)


1. reference to cruella deville

meaning.looks like the K prince


meaning: A worst attack


not sure just gussing

"It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters; it's the size of the fight in the dog." - what does this quote means ?



it means that if you want to achieve something then you will work hard for it no matter how tough/big the obstacles are

from “How It Feels to Be Colored Me”
by Zora Neale Hurston

In the first paragraph the speaker appeals to which of the following?
I. logos
II. pathos
III. ethos
II only
III only
I, II, and III
I and II
II and III

Please select the best answer from the choices provided






'How It Feels To Be Colored Me' is an essay written by Zora Neale Hurston. The essay reflects upon her autobiographical account as an African-American woman in America.

In the first paragraph, the speaker makes appeal to logos, pathos, and ethos. In her first paragraph, Hurston connects her audience to her origin or birth. She uses ethos in the first three words 'I am colored.' By introducing herself as a colored person, she is stating that her essay and she herself as an author  of the essay is reliable. In next few words, she appeals to pathos; invoking a emotion. By asserting that she offer nothing to extenuating circumstances, she is trying to tap into the emotions of African-Americans. Lastly, she appeals to logos by stating the fact that her origin is from an Indian Chief (term used to define white master).

Therefore, option C is the correct answer.

we celebrate democracy day on falgun 7 into passive voice​



democracy day is celebrated by us on falgun 7

passive voice​ : We celebrated democracy day on falgun seven.

Passive voice produces a sentence in which the subject receives an action. In contrast, active voice produces a sentence in which the subject performs an action.

Passive voice often creates unclear, less direct, wordy sentences, whereas active voice creates clearer, more concise sentences.

What is passive voice example?

A verb is in the passive voice when the subject of the sentence is acted on by the verb. For example, in “The ball was thrown by the pitcher,” the ball (the subject) receives the action of the verb, and was thrown is in the passive voice.

What is an active voice example?

In the active voice, the subject is performing an action: The dog chases the ball. Notice how the subject, dog, is performing the action, chase, on the target of the action, ball. This is a simple, direct example of the active voice

To learn more about passive voice, refer


Is conflict bad
True or false




Select the correct answer.

Decide which group of words is most appropriate for the diction and style of the sentence.

The lobbyists carefully cultivate the members of Congress with favors and

Α. are rewarded later on

B. take in their nets of votes

C. reap their rewards when the votes are counted




I wanna say A

Identify industries and career-based activities in which computer technology makes people's work easier or more efficient. (Select all that apply.) Industries Medicine Banking Education Finance











A, B, C, D


Just did it

Which answer is the best revision of the sentence fragment? Enduring a difficult situation all on your own?
1)Enduring a difficult situation all on your own, you?
2)Enduring a difficult situation you will find is hard to do all on your own.
3)On your own, is you enduring a difficult situation?
4)Are you enduring a difficult situation all on your own?​



4) Are you enduring a difficult situation all on your own?​ please mark brainliest if correct. thank you


took the test, I know for a fact that answer 4 is the answer

Thanks! Good luck!

The best revision of the sentence fragment is on your own, is you enduring a difficult situation?

What is Oppression in sentence?

Oppression is a sort of system where an individual takes power, the despot, either forcibly or by extortion.

Along these lines, despots practice tyrant legislatures over their residents, normally savage, abridging individuals' privileges and opportunities and ensuring exemption and practically absolute authority over them and over all circles of the State.

Dictators exercise such savagery as indicated by the degree of obstruction that residents set up in this manner, the more noteworthy opposition or hatred with respect to individuals, the more prominent the degree of persecution that the ruler works out.

For more information about sentence, refer the following link:

Which pattern of organization can you identify in this speech? Read the passage carefully The high school has lost the use of its indoor swimming pool due to a broken filtration system that needs to be replaced. Swimming classes can be suspended temporarily, but the swim team needs to find a place to practice. The athletic director at the community college five miles away has offered to let our swimmers practice in the college pool. I recommend that we pay for a charter bus to transport the athletes back and forth to the college until this problem can be solved. O cause and effect, because the speaker explains why the college should help swimmers O problem and solution, because the speaker recommends busing the swimmers to the college O compare and contrast, because the speaker shows differences between high school and college programs O compare and contrast, because the classes are compared to the swim team​



The answer is Problem and Solution


Answer: b


PART B: Which TWO sections from the text best support the answer to Part A?

A. “Sometimes Earth moves between the sun and the moon. When this happens, Earth blocks the sunlight that normally is reflected by the moon.” (Paragraph 2)

B. “A lunar eclipse can be seen from Earth at night. There are two types of lunar eclipses: total lunar eclipses and partial lunar eclipses.” (Paragraph 3)

C. “At least two partial lunar eclipses happen every year, but total lunar eclipses are rare.” (Paragraph 6)

D. “Sometimes when the moon orbits Earth, it moves between the sun and Earth. When this happens, the moon blocks the light of the sun from reaching Earth.” (Paragraph 7)

E. “People standing in the penumbra will see a partial eclipse. People standing in the umbra will see a total eclipse.” (Paragraph 12)

F. “Solar eclipses happen once every 18 months. Unlike lunar eclipses, solar eclipses only last for a few minutes.” (Paragraph 13)


c because that is the only lunar e-cigarettes

louisa bought the jogging suit with the blue pinstripes



wheres the question


on this assignment

Read this claim.

Middle schools should ban the sport of football.

Which evidence best supports this claim?

a newspaper article about head injuries in football
details from a book about how football is played
a biography of a famous football player
a personal story of trying out for the football team



the newspaper one i believe


A. a newspaper article about head injuries in football


Put the steps in order to show how to solve ethical dilemmas.
Make a decision.
Consider the effects of each choice.
Identify the ethical dilemma.



Identify the ethical dilemma.

Consider the effects of each choice.

Make a decision.


It's the steps of probleming solving





1.  Identify the ethical dilemma.

2. Consider the effects of each choice.

3. Make a decision.


You'll want to identify the ethical dilemmas then consider the effects so you can make decisions later on.

Other Questions
Please help me:((( George has a square garden with an area of 25 square feet. He doubles both the length and width of his garden. State the letters and answers to the questions given. a. Draw a diagram to show George's garden after its length and width are doubled. State the length and width of the new square. b. What is the new area of his garden? C. How many times greater is his new garden's area than his original garden's area? 25 sq ft Ariane borrows $300 on a 5year loan. She is charged 5% simple interest per year. How much interest is she charged for 5 years? What is the total amount she has to pay back? Help quick please! ill mark brainliest if correct just please Why is deconstruction important?0A. To create a mistrust of mass mediaB. To encourage more people to view a messageC. To ensure a deeper understanding of a messageD. To develop new sources of mass media The Earth has how many satellites?(i know this is not chemistry theres no science one) Choose the subordinating conjunction in the adverbial clause in the sentence.The dog will behave as long as you give it lots of attention and praise.A. asB. as long asC. ofD. and I bet you that I can tell you you're exact height and weight. Wanna try? If f(x) = 3x3+ 6x2+ 12x and g(x) = x2, what is the product of f(x) and g(x)?A) 3x3+ 7x2+ 12xB) 3x6+ 6x4+ 12x2C) 6x3+ 12x2+ 24xD) 3x5+ 6x4+ 12x3 Which of these inventions wasthe work of Edwin Drake?A. the light bulbB. the oil drillC. the phonographD. the typewriter I'll give points and brainalist for answer / explanation What type of government does France have?O A. Une superficie.B. Une rpublique.C. Une fdration.D. Une rgion.SUBMIT PLEASE HELP WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST "Find the value of f, correct to two decimal places." Many companies organize employees into work teams. The team meets to make plans, determine how work will be completed, and divide the work among the team members. The team is responsible for meeting objectives and may even have some say about their budget. Work teams still report to a manager and can ask for assistance when needed. True False When a famous artist was just beginning her career, she sold a painting for $250. Her artwork has been increasing in value by 15% every year as her popularity has grown. If this rate continues, how much will the painting be worth in 10 years? Round your answer to the hundredths place if needed. What was Europe like before and at the beginning of colonization Martin was given 10 math problems, and he has answered 7 of them. What percent of the problems does Martin haveleft to do?A)3%B)7930%D70 Help thanksXxxxxxxxx A body builder consumed 4,400 calories yesterday. Today, he consumed 3,600 calories. What is the percent decrease in number of calories consumed? Round to the nearest percent.A22%B122%C82%D18% What are Washingtons major climate regions? Check all that apply how did the war change relationships between Imperial powers and colonies