A ray of light is passing through a medium making an angle of 45°. If the
refractive index of the medium is 1.4, calculate the angle of refraction. [Ans: 30°)​


Answer 1

Answer: By Snell's law, we can see that the angle of refraction is 30.34°


Snell's law says that:

If a ray in a medium of refractive index n₁, insides with an angle θ₁ in another medium with refractive index n₂, then the angle of refraction θ₂ is given by:

n₁*sin(θ₁) = n₂*sin(θ₂)

We know that:

The incidence angle is 45°, then: θ₁ = 45°

We can assume that the first medium is air, then n₁ = 1

The refractive index of the other medium is 1.4, then n₂ = 1.4

Replacing these in the Snell's law equation we get:

1*sin(45°) = 1.4*sin(θ₂)

Now we can solve this for the angle of refraction:

sin(45°)/1.4 = sin(θ₂)

Asin(sin(45°)/1.4 ) = Asin( sin(θ₂)) =  θ₂ = 30.34°

So the angle of refraction is 30.34°

Related Questions

After a devastating forest fire, the surrounding area contained no life. After some time, small plants began to grow along the remaining soil.





Yes, small plants began to grow along the remaining soil because of the presence of seeds in the soil that sense suitable environmental condition and come out of the soil. The ashes of burn trees have huge amount of nutrients in the form of minerals that triggers the growth of small plants. After the destruction of forest, new plants grow on that land, this type of phenomenon  is called ecological succession.


Secondary succession


Secondary succession occurs when a previously occupied area is recolonized after a disturbance kills most, or all, of its community.

A large industrial company manufactures paper products such as paper towels and napkins using wood pulp. Which of these BEST describes why wood is considered to be a 'renewable' resource?


Answer: The question is incomplete because the options were not given but the options has been gotten from another website.

Here are the options.

a. Wood is routinely recycled to make new wood-based products.

b. Wood products can be manufactured from different tree species.


c. Wood may be replenished by planting new trees to replace those being used.

d. Wood products can be manufactured using various other materials such as plastics.

The correct option is c.

Wood may be replenished by planting new trees to replace those being used.


This is because wood is a Renewable resource because Renewable resources are resources that can be replenish or reproduce again after usage either by naturally producing another one. Theses resources are not exhausted because they can naturally be reproduce again. Wood is a Renewable resources because new ones are planted to replaced the used ones.

Unicellular organisms can reproduce, move, are simple, eats.

Which word is not true.



So, they do eat...they do reproduce...they are simple...and can move.

So if you were lazy and skipped a type of food mentioned or anything, please ask the entire question, with all the included words. This way I can evaluate from how/the way they say it.

100 POINTS!!!!




I have not done it yet give me a sec

No I have not done it but u can put this on g.o.o.g.l.e. “pigeonetic” worksheet

What reacts with sulfur dioxide in
the atmosphere to form acids that
return to the surface as either dry
or wet deposition?



Acid rain is caused by emissions of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide, which react with the water molecules in the atmosphere to produce acids.

Animals release _____ into the atmosphere through _____



animal release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere through respiration


When an animal breathes, it takes in oxygen gas and releases carbon dioxide gas into the atmosphere. This carbon dioxide is a waste product produced by the animal's cells during cellular respiration.

Animals breathe, taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide. Animals release carbon dioxide gas into the outer atmosphere through respiration process.

What is respiration?

This process completes in two steps: external respiration and internal respiration. External respiration, or breathing, includes inhaling (inhalation) oxygen from the outside atmosphere and exhaling (exhalation) carbon dioxide to outside. In this process, gas exchanges take place at the lungs, and deoxygenated blood oxygenates before going back to the left heart.


In cellular respiration, the cell takes oxygen from the oxygenated blood and uses it in different cellular metabolic reactions, releasing carbon dioxide into the blood. So in cellular respiration, oxygen is taken up by the cell and carbon dioxide is released by the cell. This carbon dioxide goes to the lungs, and by the process of exhalation, it is released into the atmosphere.

Hence, animals release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere through the respiration process.

To learn more about respiration, refer to the following link:






1. granatic

2. basaltic


1. B

2. A


Which tissues are in both leaves and roots? (Select all that apply.)


The xylem is a tissue which transports water and minerals from the roots up the plant stem and into the leaves. Xylem consists of dead cells.
it’s xylem i’m pretty sure :)


the answer is phloem and xylem


they are both in the leave and the roots.

Plzz help
Determine the proper number of chromosomes that would be found in a human cell at each stage of the cell cycle.


Answer:  The genetic material of the cell is duplicated during S phase of interphase just as it was with mitosis resulting in 46 chromosomes and 92 chromatids during Prophase I and Metaphase I. However, these chromosomes are not arranged in the same way as they were during mitosis.


The illustration shown is an ovum, a female sex cell. A mutation in this cell may be passed to the woman's offspring during
DNA replication
sexual reproduction.


Answer: C)  DNA replication

Explanation: A mutation in this cell may be passed to the woman's offspring during During this process, the nucleus of a cell divides to form two nuclei that are identical to the original cell. (AKA DNA replication)


the correct answer is D


One condition in the body that needs to be controlled is the level of
water. Give one other condition in the human body that needs to be



Levels of electrolytes, blood sugar, temperature etc

How does water change the shape of Earth's surface?



water can dissolve rocks and cement thru a process called erosion



Without the oceans the Earth would look like it had dents in it. It wouldn't have the round smooth-ish appearance it has with the water.

Why are DNA fingerprints are more reliable than hand fingerprints in solving crimes.


dna gives an automatic trace, ur dna is original and no one else has it so it’s easier to track

2. Write the complementary DNA strand: (1 points)


GAA CTG ACT ACG is the answer
pretty sure this is right

Is the following cell a plant of an animal cell? How do you know? Plant cell because there is a cell wall and a chloroplast O Plant cell because there is a large vacuole and a cell wall 0 Animal cell because there is a cell membrane and no chloroplasts O Animal cell because it has a cell wall and a a large vacuole​



A plant cell contains a large, singular vacuole that is used for storage and maintaining the shape of the cell. In contrast, animal cells have many, smaller vacuoles. Plant cells have a cell wall, as well as a cell membrane. In plants, the cell wall surrounds the cell membrane.


Adaptations that result from natural selection are expected to increase
the fitness of an organism. In terms of natural selection, which of the
following best describes fitness?
A Being able to escape from predators
B Being among the strongest organisms in a population
C Being able to survive, find a mate, and produce offspring
D Being able to survive long enough to reach the adult stage
A prey population consists of individuals with a variety of running speeds. 10 points





Trust meeeeeeeeeeeeee

Justine is ice-skating at the Lloyd center what is her final velocity if she accelerates at a rate of 2.0m/s for 3.5 seconds?


7 m/s



Where v and u are the final and initial velocities of the Justine respectively, t is the time taken for Justin to attain final velocity.

Making v the subject then


Taking u as zero then

Substituting 3.5 for t, 2 as a then

v=3.5*2=7 m/s

How many calories do I need to gain muscle i am 75 pounds and 4 foot 5



is there a reon why u want to gain mucle


Just follow a plan that best suits you! Best of luck!

22. Carbon dioxide gas production happens within me...
A. Chlorophyll
B. Glycolysis
C. Mitochondria
D. Ribosome


The answer is A. Chlorophyll
Chlorophyll because I think gly is like glucos and mitochondria is like energy and ribosomes they decode messages etc

please help me with this it’s due today



The correct answer is - 0 m/s.


In this position-time graph or distance-time graph, there are three different part that shows three different velocities one in increasing as it moves from a lower position in relative to time and one is stationary and the third is decreasing.

'Straight lines' on a distance-time graph suggest that the movement of the object is constant. During 'Part B' of the journey the object travels 0m in 3s. It is stationary for 3 seconds so the velocity will be zero as well.


Both parents in the example carry the dominant and the
recessive alleles for a trait (heterozygous). What is the
probability of the offspring expressing the recessive





D, 25%


We can do this with simple math! Since we have a 1:4 ratio of possibly expressing the recessive phenotype, we will do 1/4.

1/4 = .25

Then, we will multiply this by 100, which results in 25.

Over time, the running water wears down rocks, making them smooth.





The answer is weathering because, weathering is the breaking or wearing down of rocks, soil, minerals, and wood. The water wore down the rock, making it smooth, so it connects to the definition that i just gave you.

Hope it helped!

Illness or condition that negative affects my organ



some illnesses that can affect your organ system are heart disease, asthma, and cancer


Autoimmune hepatitis, Graves' disease, type 1 diabetes, and Cystic fibrosis.


Throughout history, amoebic dysentery has resulted in the deaths of many soldiers. Deaths from this illness have often exceeded the number of deaths from wounds.
What likely led to the high rate of infection by the amoeba that causes this disease?
A. lack of available vaccines
B. lack of doctors to treat the sick soldiers
C. lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet
D. unclean food and water on the battlefield


I don’t know if this is right but I think it’s D.

sorry if it’s wrong;(.

What is the relationship between capillaries and lymph vessels


Answer Blood vessels deliver oxygen and nutrients to virtually all cells in developing mammalian embryos and adults, whereas lymphatic vessels drain the interstitial fluid that collects in tissues, and serve as a conduit for immune cell trafficking and fat absorption.

: Lymphatic capillaries collect lymph fluid from the tissues, which allows them to regulate the pressure of interstitial fluid. This fluid is essentially plasma that leaks out of cardiovascular capillaries into the tissues due to the forces of hydrostatic or oncotic pressure.

Hope this helps have a awesome day/night❤️✨


what is released into the cell during glycosis?


cellular respiration,glucose is oxidizedto Carbon dioxide and water

Edrophonium​ is a drug the blocks cholinesterase from breaking down acetylcholine in the muscles. Why does this improve Annie's muscle function?



Edrophonium is a drug used for the treatment of myasthenia gravis, a long-term neuromuscular disease that leads to varying degrees of skeletal muscle weakness, which results from antibodies that block or destroy nicotinic receptors at the junction between the nerve and muscle. By blocking cholinesterase, an enzyme which demolish acetylcholine, it increases the amount of acetylcholine in the neuromuscular junction improving the muscle weakness

It improves Annie's  muscle function as a result of the acetylcholine not

being able to be broken down in the muscles.

Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that sends signals to the brain and other

parts of the body in the activation of the skeletal muscles.

The drug known as Edrophonium​ which blocks cholinesterase breaking

down acetylcholine in the muscles will thereby lead to more presence of

acetylcholine and a corresponding increase in the muscle functions.

Read more on https://brainly.com/question/21986963

Cell respiration occurs in
heterotrophs only.
all eukaryotes.
animals only.



Cell respiration occurs in all eukaryotes

2. In restaurants, most food contact surfaces are smooth and lack cavities/pores in their surface. What is the advantage of that for microbial control?



Microbes and Bacteria can be killed more easily and so they cant hide in the little pores.


What is a learned behavior?
A behavior passed down from parents
A behavior shaped by the environment
A behavior that develops naturally
A behavior that helps an organism camouflage


A learn behaviour is a type of a behaviour shaped by the environment.

What is learned behaviour?

Learned behaviour can be defined as the type of behaviour where by an organism develops a new way of living through life experiences from its environment.

Therefore, a learn behaviour is a type of a behaviour shaped by the environment.

Learn more about behaviour here:



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What oftenest offends me at the houses of married persons where I visit, is an error of quite a different description;it is that they are too loving.Not too loving neither: that does not explain my meaning. Besides, why should that offend me? The very act of separating themselves from the rest of the world, to have the fuller enjoyment of each others society, implies that they prefer one another to all the world.But what I complain of is, that they carry this preference so undisguisedly, they perk it up in the faces of us single people so shamelessly, you cannot be in their company a moment without being made to feel, by some indirect hint or open avowal, that you are not the object of this preference. Now there are some things which give no offence, while implied or taken for granted merely; but expressed, there is much offence in them. If a man were to accost the first homely-featured or plain-dressed young woman of his acquaintance, and tell her bluntly, that she was not handsome or rich enough for him, and he could not marry her, he would deserve to be kicked for his ill manners; yet no less is implied in the fact, that having access and opportunity of putting the question to her, he has never yet thought fit to do it. The young woman understands this as clearly as if it were put into words; but no reasonable young woman would think of making this the ground of a quarrel. Just as little right have a married couple to tell me by speeches, and looks that are scarce less plain than speeches, that I am not the happy man,the ladys choice. It is enough that I know I am not: I do not want this perpetual reminding.The display of superior knowledge or riches may be made sufficiently mortifying; but these admit of a palliative. The knowledge which is brought out to insult me, may accidentally improve me; and in the rich mans houses and pictures,his parks and gardens, I have a temporary usufruct at least. But the display of married happiness has none of these palliatives: it is throughout pure, unrecompensed, unqualified insult.Marriage by its best title is a monopoly, and not of the least invidious sort. It is the cunning of most possessors of any exclusive privilege to keep their advantage as much out of sight as possible, that their less favoured neighbours, seeing little of the benefit, may the less be disposed to question the right. But these married monopolists thrust the most obnoxious part of their patent into ourfaces.Nothing is to me more distasteful than that entire complacency and satisfaction which beam in the countenances of a new-married couple, in that of the lady particularly: it tells you, that her lot is disposed of in this world: that you can have no hopes of her. It is true, I have none; nor wishes either, perhaps: but this is one of those truths which ought, as I said before, to be taken for granted, not expressed. The excessive airs which those people give themselves, founded on the ignorance of us unmarried people, would be more offensive if they were less irrational. We will allow them to understand the mysteries belonging to their own craft better than we who have not had the happiness to be made free of the company: but their arrogance is not content within these limits. If a single person presume to offer his opinion in their presence, though upon the most indifferent subject, he is immediately silenced as an incompetent person. Nay, a young married lady of my acquaintance, who, the best of the jest was, had not changed her condition above a fortnight before, in a question on which I had the misfortune to differ from her, respecting the properest mode of breeding oysters for the London market, had the assurance to ask with a sneer, how such an old Bachelor as I could pretend to know any thing about such matters.All the following are mocked in the passage EXCEPTA.intelligence gained as a result of marriageB.undisguised preference of married couples for their spouseC.condescension of married females to bachelorsD.married individuals presumptive knowledgeE.overt cruelty of married couples to unattractive unmarried femalesPlease select the best answer from the choices providedABCDE 2Which statement is true about the asymptotes of a rational function if the degree of the polynomial function in the numerator is 1 and thedegree of the polynomial function in the denominator is 2? .It has two horizontal asymptotesOBIt has only one vertical asymptote.It has only one horizontal asymptote.D.It has no vertical asymptote.E.It has no horizontal asymptote. What is 79.2 divided by 2.55 1.The boy is (_____________) on the couch. 2.Your clothes will (__________) on the floor until you pick them up. 3.Terry ( ________________) his books on the counter yesterday. 4.She always ( ________________) the towel on the rack. 5.The cat is ( ______________) under the porch. 6.The baby is (______________) quietly in the crib. 7.Mary (_______________) the baby on my lap. 8.Did you ( ________________) the newspaper on the table? 9.He always (___________) when I ask him if he was late for class. 10.The snow is ( ______________) on the ground. 11.( ________________) down your gun! 12.Where are the directions he ( ________________) here yesterday? 13.The leaves have ( ______________) in the yard for days. 14.The basket ( ______________) out there for months. 15.He must have (______________) in the bed all day. 16.When I get the urge to exercise, I (___________) down until it passes. 17.They are (__________________) the carpet today. 18.The new test is (__________________) on the desk. 19.She was (_______________) if she told you I broke the vase. 20.Father is ( ________________) silverware on the table. What is the median of data set 32 25 25 32 32 10 -10 25 WILL MARK BRAINLIEST Think about and discuss the various labels that have been used across US history, from the Civil War to current times, to describe the psychological distress that comes from participating in war- insanity/melancholia, battle fatigue, being shell-shocked, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). What in the culture produces these labels? Why have the labels changed/evolved over time, and what do the differences suggest, about us, and about how we view war? 2. A spelunker is down in a cave next to the cliff. If sheclimbs down deeper into the cave, this will be anegative change. If she climbs up, whether inside thecave or out of the cave and up the cliff, this will be apositive change.Complete the table.startingelevation(feet)change(feet)finalelevation(feet)Correct?- 200150 down-350B- 200100 up-100-200200 up0x < < < There once was a ship that put to sea and the name of that ship was the billy'o tea. The winds blew hard her bow dipped down blow my bully boys blow. (HA) Soon may the wellerman come to bring us sugar and tea and rum Why was Wilson's slogan "He Kept Us Out Of War" so effective? ) In this passage, what does that author mainly use to create the settingof the story? Which value of h make the equation true?2.3 + h = 7.8 How did democracy expand during Jackson's Presidency?A. All adult white men could vote over the age of 21.B. Only rich land owners could vote.C. Slaves were allowed to vote. Find the equation of the line shown What describes Esquivel's primary purpose in her essay "At the Hearth"?O to instruct the reader in how to prepare nutritious mealsO to entertain the reader with quaint stories of her childhoodto inform and persuade the reader about her dream of a "New Man"to persuade the reader to consider giving up meat Allison needed to get her computer fixed. She took it to the repair store. 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