1. Which of the following is a guideline for drinking responsibly?
Use alcohol only to relieve stress.
ORide with a friend who has had less to drink than you.
O Sip alcoholic beverages slowly.
Always drink on an empty stomach.

1. Which Of The Following Is A Guideline For Drinking Responsibly?Use Alcohol Only To Relieve Stress.ORide


Answer 1


Use alcohol only to relieve stress.


Siping alcoholic beverages slowly or drinking on empty stomach are definitely not guidelines for responsible drinking of alcohol.

Riding with a friend who has had less to drink than you is also not enough precaution to take as your friend stand the chance of being intoxicated by the alcohol taken and might lead to accident. In fact, it is advised not to drink and drive.

So, the only option that is most appropriate as a guideline is to use alcohol only to relieve stress.

Answer 2


Sip alcoholic beverages slowly.


I took the quiz and this was the right answer

Related Questions

Which of the following terms relate to hair color or hair loss? Choose all that apply.

sudoriferous glands
telogen effluvium




sudoriferous glands

telogen effluvium


what is climate change​



climat change is a long term change in the average weather pattern that have come to define Earth's local,regional zand gobal climate.

personal question just wondering. give a good response.

I would like to go back in time and change_______ because _____________.


me being born because LOL
I would like to go back in time and change my Father passing away because he did not deserve it, he had more of a life to live. I wish I could tell him how much he means to me and how much I love him.

Someone plsss help me on this!!!!





its does if you are sick with a fever then your mood is often downed , and you feel moody

The answer is false, for example if you exercise your energy level will be lower.

Which of the following is a good plan for college application?

Visit campuses before applying.
Research career choices and narrow college options to a few choices.
Research, apply to your favorite school, and wait to be accepted or rejected.
Which of the following is a good plan for college application?



Research career choices and narrow college options to a few choices.


Answer: B. Research career choices and narrow college options.


i got it correct.    

What is this on my arm? I’m concerned



That's kinda the same thing I get sometimes. It's a simple rash unless you have eczema. It is also just dried skin.


Don't worry about it, don't scratch it, just put cocoa butter on it. You will be fine :D

Which organ system consists of hormone-secreting glands, such as the pituitary and thyroid glands?


That‘s The Endocrine System :)

HELP!!! A college student who drinks heavily is at increased risk of:


all of the above, normally when a question has that as an answer, thats the correct one.

The skin helps to keep pathogens out of the body by
O providing a physical barrier.
O producing white blood cells.
O making T-cells and antibodies.
O absorbing histamine.


I think A would be the correct answer. Your skin does not produce white blood cells, your body produces white blood cells and releases them into your blood system. Your skin does not also make T cells or antibodies. This all happens internally and they stay internal. Your body can absorb things like histamine, however I’m not sure how this would help to keep pathogens out of the body.

Explain the French Paradox.



The French paradox is the observation of low coronary heart disease (CHD) death rates despite high intake of dietary cholesterol and saturated fat. The French paradox concept was formulated by French epidemiologists3 in the 1980s. France is actually a country with low CHD incidence and mortality (table 1​).


For Canvas to work successfully, which web browses below will work best? Check all that apply.



Chrome I've had trouble with Edge hope this helps,

I'm a regular user of Edge and I can't open a lot of links

Chrome works best for canvas

1. What is the correct definition of digestion?
The process by which food is prepare before consumption.
The process by which the body gets rid of waste materials
O The process by which the body breaks down food for absorption by the body.
The process by which the body delivers nutrients to the body



The process by which the body breaks down food for absorption by the body.


Can someone help me to identify each statement as -True-, -False- or -It Depends-.
-1. Alcohol is a stimulant, meaning it excites or arouses the central nervous system.
-2. People who have a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08 or higher and are considered "legally impaired".
-3. Pregnant women should only consume moderate amounts of alcohol.
-4. People who have consumed alcohol often feel very relaxed and happy, and are therefore less likely to show aggression.
-5. Each year alcohol use contributes to over 4,300 deaths of people under age 21 in the United States.
-6. Alcohol poisoning can cause permanent damage.
-7. Children of alcoholics are less likely to develop a problem with alcohol when they are adults.
-8. High School and College students tend to overestimate their peers' frequency of and comfort with alcohol use.
-9. Unintentionally encouraging an addict's unhealthy behaviors is not enabling.
-10. Medications can help alcoholics stop drinking.

Those statements should be identify as -True-, -False-, or -It depends-


-1. Alcohol is a stimulant, meaning it excites or arouses the central nervous system. TRUE

-2. People who have a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08 or higher and are considered "legally impaired". TRUE

-3. Pregnant women should only consume moderate amounts of alcohol. FALSE

-4. People who have consumed alcohol often feel very relaxed and happy, and are therefore less likely to show aggression. FALSE

-5. Each year alcohol use contributes to over 4,300 deaths of people under age 21 in the United States. TRUE

-6. Alcohol poisoning can cause permanent damage. TRUE

-7. Children of alcoholics are less likely to develop a problem with alcohol when they are adults. FALSE

-8. High School and College students tend to overestimate their peers' frequency of and comfort with alcohol use. TRUE

-9. Unintentionally encouraging an addict's unhealthy behaviors is not enabling. FALSE

-10. Medications can help alcoholics stop drinking. TRUE

you're welcome lol

This blood vessels brings blood toward the heart






How do I get it exclamation

Every cell of every living thing on earth contains all the information it needs to create and duplicate and make variations of


Every cell of every living thing on earth contains all the information it needs to create and duplicate and make variations of itself. It is fundamental to survive in challenging environments.

What is the genetic material?

The genetic material or DNA is a molecule that carries the hereditary information to express all traits across generations.

A fundamental feature of the genetic material is that this molecule can suffer modifications across its replication (DNA replication).

These variations in the genetic material are fundamental to survive in challenging environments.

Learn more about evolution here:


Which statement best describes the relationship between genes and disease?
A. There is never a relationship between genes and disease.

B. Only missing genes lead to disease.

C. Some diseases are caused by mutated genes.

D. All diseases are caused by mutated genes,





Some diseases are caused by mutated genes.

The correct statement is C. Some diseases are caused by mutated genes.

What is the relationship between genes and disease?

The relationship between genes and disease is complex and multi-faceted. Some diseases are caused solely by genetic factors, meaning that they are caused by mutations or changes in specific genes. These mutations can be inherited from parents or occur spontaneously in the individual. Examples of diseases caused by genetic factors include cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, and Huntington's disease.

However, many diseases are caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. For example, certain gene variations can increase a person's risk for developing a certain disease, but the disease may only occur if the person is exposed to specific environmental factors, such as toxins or viruses.

Lifestyle factors, such as diet and physical activity, can also play a role in the development of many diseases. In some cases, the interaction between genetic and environmental factors can result in complex diseases, such as cancer, that are difficult to understand and treat.

Learn more about genes, here:



investigates the body's structure, whereas investigates the processes or functions of living things​


Answer:physical,cytology does are correct ones


Which would be a good example of disinfecting a surface?
a. You use a solution to remove microorganisms from sheers that will be reused
b. You use soap and water to remove dirt and dust from a hard surface
c. You use a product on the mirror to remove dust
d. You use a solution to wash a customer’s hair


Answer: B is the answer.

Explanation: Disinfecting a surface is cleaning off dirt and germs. When you use soap and water to remove dirt, your disinfecting it the surface, meaning your cleaning off the germs so you and your family or peers don't get sick.

Let me know if you have any questions.

~ Lily, from Brainly.

B bc it’s the only actual surface

How is it possible for person B to be both the son and grandson of person A? How does that even happen?



Simple. Person A adopted person B as his son...soon to realize he adopted his grandson. How could this happen? Person A's daughter died in a car crash, leaving person B an orphan. Person A was never told that Person B's mother had a son. About 5 years later, Person A decides he wants to adopt a boy. He goes to the local orphanage were all the wild children laid. There, he found Person B, not knowing who he was and what he had been through. Person A adopted Person B as his son and ta da! The mystery's of life.

(This is so informal, but I believe it's enough to answer your question)

"Hoped this helped" :)

Oh and, this triggers a new plot for a new story, thank you!


How did you feel while solving the puzzle, and which parts of your nervous system were involved?


confused and engaged. touch, sight, and mind

The Forebrain helps to solve the puzzle which is the part of the Nervous system.

What is Forebrain?

The forebrain also known as the prosencephalon is defined as the region of the developing vertebrate brain that includes the telencephalon, which contains the cerebral hemispheres, and below these, the diencephalon, which includes the thalamus, hypothalamus, epithalamus, and sub thalamus.

It plays a central role in the processing of information related to complex cognitive activities, sensory and associative functions, and voluntary motor activities representing one of the three major developmental divisions of the brain where the other two are the midbrain and the hindbrain.

Thus, the Forebrain helps to solve the puzzle which is the part of the Nervous system.

Learn more about Forebrain, here:



If you have a swim meet the next day at 8:00 am, you should do what the day before?


-get a good nights rest

-drink water

-eat food that gives you energy

Discuss the importance of your peer group with regard for striving toward wellness.



We tend to make choices that are similar to those made by the people with whom we spend the most time. If your peer group values and strives for wellness, then you are likely to do the same. Conversely, if your peers have poor wellness, then you may also suffer.


Getting a second opinion would not be appropriate in which of the following situations?
A) A car accident in which several people were severely injured
B) A risky surgery that could solve one problem but create others
C) Removing a breast because of a strong family history of breast cancer
D) A diagnosis of cancer in which both surgery and chemotherapy were options



A is correct.


Out of all of these, A is the best. Mark brainliest?

HELP!!! Quoting smoking:



will provide health benefits within as little as 6 to 12 weeks

it’s definitely will provide benefits

Loss of power can affect multiple operations within a hospital. Which of the following components of a disaster plan should describe alternative ways of doing business in the case of a power outage? Check all that apply.

A. Utilities
B. Supplies
C. Communications
D. Clinical activities



D. Clinical activities


The component that should focus on this should be Clinical activities. This component has to do with everything related to the everyday tasks within the hospital. Therefore, it is logical that this component should also describe how to complete these everyday tasks in an alternative way in case of a power outage. This includes taking client information, performing manual routine checks, and performing common clinic operations, all so that the hospital runs as efficiently as possible during a disaster.


A - utilities

C - Communications

D - Clinical Activities


on edge

Describe a time you had to make a decision that was important to you. Write about what you needed to decide, the steps you followed to make your decision, and what the results were.



Step 1: Identify the decision. You realize that you need to make a decision. ...

Step 2: Gather relevant information. ...

Step 3: Identify the alternatives. ...

Step 4: Weigh the evidence. ...

Step 5: Choose among alternatives. ...

Step 6: Take action. ...

Step 7: Review your decision & its consequences.


Which expression can be used to represent the phrase "Lamar decreased his collection of cards by seven"? x minus 7 7 minus x x + 7 7 x






The answer is A!! Have a great day :3


Which of the following are the primary skills required by an administrative worker? Select all that apply.

- lab analysis
-basic keyboarding
-database management


All the above... lab, keyboarding management


basic keyboarding and medical coding

database management

these 2 are your only 2 correct answers


Name a strategy you can utilize to help protect yourself from risk and ensure a health future



As Long As You Eat A Healthy Diet And Stay Active, You Will Live A Healthy Life! And Be Safe!!!


Yw :3

First thing find shelter and food and start a fire before dark

Alice is 10 yrs old and over the last few years has had several fractures even though she is not an active child. A recent blood test indicated that her alkaline phosphatase level was highly elevated. What diagnosis is possible with her history and lad values? What are some treatment options if your diagnosis is correct?



She has may be liver disease, bile duct obstruction, gallbladder disease, or bone disorders.


High alkaline phosphatase level causes liver disease, bile duct obstruction, gallbladder disease, or bone disorders. This means that Alice has one of the above diseases so for that reason she needs medication for that specific disease. If she has liver disease, there specific medication and treatments for that or any other diseases such as bile duct obstruction, gallbladder disease, or bone disorders.

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