Both the Mississippi Constitution of 1817 and the US Constitution


Answer 1


The Mississippi Constitution of 1817 and the US Constitution are both important documents in the history of the United States. The Mississippi Constitution was adopted on October 1, 1817 and served as the fundamental law of the state of Mississippi until it was replaced by a new constitution in 1890. The US Constitution, on the other hand, is the supreme law of the United States and was adopted on September 17, 1787. It establishes the framework of the federal government and sets out the powers and duties of the three branches of government. Despite some differences in their specific provisions, both constitutions are designed to protect the rights and liberties of individuals and to ensure the rule of law.

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What does vanderbilt decide that he needs to do to finally control a majority of the railroads in america?


Answer:Find a major supplier of kerosene and make a deal with him to transport it all on his (Vanderbilt) railroads.

Explanation:Hope this helps!

write an informational essay explaining how georgia steadily took control of land from the native americans.


The native Americans are badly treated as the State of Georgia violently takes over their land.

Why did Georgia expel Native Americans?

The discovery of gold on Cherokee land, the demand for arable land during the rapid expansion of cotton agriculture in the Southeast, and the racial prejudice that many white southerners held against American Indians all contributed to the removal of the Cherokee people.

What happened to Georgia's Native Americans?

During the first half of the 19th century, many Native Americans were forced or coerced out of north Georgia, but some Native Americans remained.

What did the land mean to Native Americans?

Native Americans didn't like to think of land as a commodity, especially not as something that could be owned by one person. Consequently, Indian groups would sell land but only the rights to use it, in their minds.

To learn more about Native Americans here:


How was life in American impacted
by these changes?




We have ambulances and hospitals

We prize America as a land of opportunity.

which culture group spread across eurasia in the 13th century and became the world’s largest empire?


Mongol empire, empire founded by Genghis Khan in 1206. Originating from the Mongol heartland in the Steppe of central Asia, by the late 13th century it spanned from the Pacific Ocean in the east to the Danube River.

What exactly is an empire?

A group of nations or regions ruled by a single ruler or government. An emperor or empress-ruled group of countries. An empire is indeed a sovereign state composed of several nations or cultures which are ruled by the a single person, usually a monarch or empress.

An empire is what kind of authorities it is.

An imperial power is a form of monarchy with a single ruler. An emperor is comparable to a king in that he rules over many countries, whereas a king typically rules over only one kingdom.

To know more about Empire visit:


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Mamluk generals were slave warriors who turned to Islam and have become fiercely loyal warriors again for Ottoman empire.

What exactly is an empire?

A group of nations or regions ruled by a single ruler or government. An emperor or empress-ruled group of countries. An empire is indeed a sovereign state composed of several nations or cultures which are ruled by the a single person, usually a monarch or empress.

An empire is what kind of authorities it is.

An imperial power is a form of monarchy with a single ruler. An emperor is comparable to a king in that he rules over many countries, whereas a king typically rules over only one kingdom.

To know more about Empire visit:


What was Ghana called before independence?


Answer: The gold coast

among the most important accomplishments of reconstruction was a dramatic change in southern . multiple choice question. education industry transportation banking


Economic integration is beneficial in many ways, as it allows countries to specialize and trade without government interference, which can benefit all economies. It results in a reduction in costs and ultimately an increase in overall wealth.

Improvement of human development, education, health, etc. It refers to economic development. economic growth. economic growth plus changes in the distribution of production and economic structure. improvement of the well-being of the urban population. sustainable increases in the Gross National Product. Economic Development are programs, policies or activities that seek to improve the economic well-being and quality of life of a community. What “economic development” means to you will depend on the community in which you live. Each community has its own opportunities, challenges, and priorities.

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Which of the following were the goals of The London Company


i don’t know sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!

What role do the allied powers like America played in the holocaust



How did the Allies respond to the Holocaust? The Allies were more focused on winning the war. Although there was some discussion of the Jewish refugee issue, little was done. Many Allied leaders believed the only way to stop the Holocaust was to defeat the Nazis as quickly as possible.


is thucydides correct to attribute the peloponnesian war to the growth of athenian power and the fear it provoked in sparta?


According to Thucydides, he started writing about the Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta as soon as it started and believed it would be a significant conflict that was more deserving of mention than any that had come before.

The hostilities were caused by a multitude of factors, including Athens' interference in a dispute between Sparta's ally Corinth and her colony Corcyra. However, the rise of Athens to power, according to the Athenian historian Thucydides, was the true cause of the battle.

Imperialism by the Athenians is Thucydides' main theme. His writings frequently feature Athens' spokespeople dismissing the importance of "just" or "fair" in intercities relations as they defend the city's imperialism.

For more info about 'Thucydides' click on below link-


NJ was one of the most corrupt states in the nation, Wilson decided he
wanted to improve it.
True or False?


True. New Jersey  was one of the most corrupt states in the nation, Wilson decided he wanted to improve it.

How was New Jersey a corrupt state?

In 1910, he was elected governor of New Jersey. He defeated the ruling political class during his two terms as governor and introduced progressive changes like a Direct Primary, safer working conditions, the eradication of political corruption, and the rebirth of the state public utilities commission.

Woodrow Wilson presided over Princeton University and served as governor of New Jersey before being elected president.

Wilson made the decision that he wanted to clean up New Jersey because it was one of the most corrupt states in the US.

Read more on corruption here:


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Ada Lois Sipuel
Clara Luper
Rosa Parks
Wilma Mankiller





B. Clara Luper is remembered as the "mother" of the Oklahoma civil rights movement because of her work with the NAACP Youth Council and sit-in protests. Ada Lois Sipuel, Rosa Parks, and Wilma Mankiller are all notable figures in the civil rights movement as well, but they are not known for their work specifically in Oklahoma.

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Social Security Act  

briefly describe one major difference between sinn’s and pfaelzer’s historical interpretations of immigration to the pacific coast of the united states during the 1850s and 1860s.


Sinn argues that Chinese immigrants found a variety of jobs; therefore, the miner's tax had no correlation to them. Pfaelzer argues that the miner's tax targeted the Chinese because that is where their jobs were concentrated.

A listen is a form of substance that has had most of the people of its base issue (within the case of a liquid: the solvent) removed. generally, this can be the elimination of water from a solution or suspension, which include the elimination of water from fruit juice. One benefit of manufacturing a concentrate is that of a reduction in weight and extent for transportation, as the concentrate may be reconstituted at the time of usage through the addition of the solvent. The manner of concentrating orange juice was patented in 1939.[1] It was at the start developed to offer world warfare II troops with a dependable supply of nutrition C. most sodas and smooth beverages are produced as surprisingly concentrated syrups and later diluted with carbonated water without delay before intake or bottling.

LEarn more baout concentrated here


the ideaof cooperatives in the socialist movements



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which of the following best summarizes the effect of the crusades on southwest asia? a. muslim leaders did not see knights as a threat and the crusades were irrelevant. b. the crusades struck a permanent blow to the prestige and power of cities like baghdad and cairo. c. the establishment of the crusader states threatened to undermine the religious dominance of islam. d. the crusades were economically devastating to the important centers of trade such as jerusalem.


Muslim leaders did not see knights as a threat and the Crusades were irrelevant.

The Latin Church in the Middle Ages began, encouraged, and at times even led a series of religious conflicts known as the Crusades. The most well-known of these Crusades took place in the Holy Land between the years of 1095 and 1291 with the goal of freeing Jerusalem and the surrounding region from Islamic authority.

At the Council of Clermont in 1095, Pope Urban II declared the First Crusade. He promoted an armed journey to Jerusalem and urged for military assistance for Byzantine Emperor Alexios I in his war against the Seljuk Turks. There was a positive reaction in western Europe across all social classes. The initial Crusaders were driven by a number of factors, such as religious salvation, completing feudal obligations, prospects for fame, and political or economic gain.

To know more about Crusades :


Why did people want Prohibition ended?


People wanted that Prohibition ended mostly because it was a failure.

In a nutshell, it failed due to a lack of widespread public support. It was never actually observed because it was so unpopular (or, to put it another way, because alcohol was so popular). This was an issue that extended far beyond the bathtub gin and speakeasies that are commonly associated with Roaring Twenties pop culture.

As gangsters like Al Capone fought for control of the now-illegal alcohol trade, Prohibition ushered in a period of organized crime without precedent in American history. By the conclusion of the decade, Prohibition was widely despised but still having considerable support, especially in the South. Prohibition's repeal was a key component of Franklin Roosevelt's programme when he ran for president in 1932. The Twenty-First Amendment, which was passed shortly after his administration, nullified the Eighteenth Amendment, which had established Prohibition in 1920. The end of Prohibition was mostly unremarked. The majority of historians consider it to be a futile attempt at moral regulation and social control.

To learn more about Prohibition ending, refer:


Which of the following is not a true statement about Andrew Jackson’s 1828 campaign for presidency?



Jackson publicly ordered the Democratic Party not to engage in 'negative campaigning.


Was the Prohibition movement successful?


At the start of the 20th century, the Prohibition movement inspired lawmakers to implement social reform across the country. The American Ban movement spurred a societal shift that resulted in the country's alcohol prohibition. It was successful.

Prohibition was an American attempt to limit the production and consumption of alcohol.

Prohibition was implemented to safeguard individuals and families from the "scourge of intoxication". However, it had unintended consequences, including a rise in organized crime connected to the illegal production and sale of alcohol, an increase in smuggling, and a drop in tax revenue.

A number of organizations that came after, which supported a voluntary abstinence from alcohol, were greatly influenced by the 1826-founded American Temperance Society.

To learn more on Prohibition:


What steps do you think have been necessary to preserve the Wall of China?


The longest wall in the world was built as a defensive structure in antiquity and is known as the Great Wall of China or Chángchéng in Chinese.

Steps to preserve the Great Wall of China.

One of the greatest engineering feats ever completed, the Great Wall of China continues to draw tourists from all over the world. But the unruly behaviour of numerous visitors and locals on the wall has caused a number of very serious issues. The wall is trying to survive! The Chinese government is very concerned about the protection and situation of the wall. The Great Wall Protection Regulation was published by the State Council on September 20 of 2006, and it became effective on December 1 of the same year.

Steps taken  to preserve the Great Wall of China :

The government has intensified its efforts to inform the locals that it is against the law to take bricks and other building materials from the Great Wall. It aims to prevent the Great Wall from being cut off during the building of highways and other public infrastructure.The Great Wall is greatly harmed by acid rain, which is why the government is asking people to maintain and enhance the environment.The Great Wall is being protected by government laws that are being strengthened. Tourists who leave trash behind, commit graffiti, or engage in other damaging behavior may face severe penalties.

To know more about, The Great Wall, visit :


True or false

By 1900, the United States had access to trade freely in China along with the other European countries, because of the "Open Door" policy put in place by United States Secretary of State, John Hay.


Answer: I believe it's true, correct me if it is not.

why would plebeians being elected as consul be good for the common people? select an answer the plebeians were wealthy and knew what was best for common people. the patricians did not have enough education to rule by themselves. the laws that the patricians passed were always good for the common people, so plebeians were not needed. since plebeians came from among the common people, it would give them more of a voice in the government.


Right Option: Since plebeians came from among the common people, it would give them more of a voice in the government.

By allowing plebeians to be elected as consuls, it would give the common people more of a voice in the government.

Giving Common People a Voice: The Benefits of Electing Plebeians as Consuls

Allowing plebeians to be elected as consuls would be beneficial for the common people because it would give them more of a voice in the government. This would allow them to have their concerns and needs heard and addressed. The plebeians were more likely to understand the needs of the common people because they came from among them.

This would also increase the diversity of the consul and allow for different perspectives to be heard when making decisions. It would also create more opportunities for the common people to become involved in the government, which could lead to more support for the laws and policies that affect them.

Learn more about Government:


how could farmers be educated and encouraged to reduce the amount of fertilizer that runs off their fields?


Researchers from Michigan State University discovered that by using remote sensing technology farmers can locate unproductive land, US maize and soybean growers may avoid spending $500 million on fertiliser.

According to a recent study, a newly developed tool could assist farmers in identifying areas of their fields that typically generate low yields and greatly reduce the unnecessary application of fertiliser there. This is particularly significant in areas like the American Midwest, where the presence of a sizable and valuable cornbelt necessitates the widespread use of fertilisers to accelerate crop development. But because farmers are unable to determine which crops will thrive and which won't, fertiliser is spread evenly throughout the ground. Therefore, in low-yielding areas, some fertiliser will always remain in the soil rather than being absorbed by developing crops. This enters streams and eventually makes its way to the Gulf of Mexico, where the nutrient-rich material feeds algae development that results in expanding dead zones.

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What was the consequence of the georgia general assembly’s expulsion of its african american members during reconstruction?


Georgia underwent significant devastation and upheaval during the end of the American Civil War.

A catastrophic impact on agricultural output was created by the devastation brought on by war, the challenge of maintaining a workforce free of slavery, and the harsh environment.

Soon after gaining office, a sufficient number of white Republicans and white Democrats plotted to remove the African-American MPs in September 1868, when they were the minority party in the Assembly.

The next year, the Georgia Supreme Court ruled that black people in Georgia could run for public office. The Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which outlawed slavery, was ratified by the Georgia General Assembly in the first few days of December 1865.

On December 20, once the Union's military goals of emancipation and union had been accomplished, President Johnson returned Georgia's government to its elected officials.

Learn more about Civil War from here:


Who founded the Chicago Defender in 1905 that grew to have the highest circulation of any black owned newspaper in the country?


The Chicago Defender in 1905 that grew to have the highest circulation of any black owned newspaper in the country was founded by the Robert S Abbott and he was an American lawyer, newspaper publisher and editor.

Abbott founded the Chicago Defender in 1905, that is grew to have the highest circulation of any black-owned newspaper in the country.The parade, which has developed into a celebration for youth, education and African American life in Chicago is the second largest parade in the United States.

He wanted to push for job opportunities and social justice that was eager to persuade blacks to leave the segregated, Jim Crow South for Chicago credited with contributing to the Great Migration of rural southern blacks to Chicago the defender became the most widely circulated black newspaper in the country. It was known as America's Black Newspaper.

Learn more about Chicago Defender click the link here:


Why did the people on the Brooklyn Bridge panic in 1883?


After a late-afternoon mishap on the bridge on May 30, 1883, panic led to a rush, which quickly marred the joy and celebration of the opening.

A rumor that the Brooklyn Bridge was about to collapse swiftly spread once it was made available to the general public. Twelve persons were killed in the collision as a result of the large rush that was sparked by the panic. The terrible event began on May 30, 1883, in the late afternoon when a woman fell while descending the wooden stairs on the bridge's Manhattan side.

It appears that this prompted another woman to scream loudly, which prompted people in the area to hurry to the situation. As more and more worried and crowded the steep stairway, the noise set off a domino effect of uncertainty that resulted in a tremendous buildup of individuals.

To learn more about Brooklyn Bridge, visit the link below:


what is the establishment of the yuan dynasty and cultural achievements?


A rich cultural diversity developed during the Yuan dynasty. The major cultural achievements were the development of drama and the novel and the increased use of the written vernacular. The political unity of China and much of central Asia promoted trade between East and West. No

What are the two main forces acting on a bridge?


compression and Tension are the main forces acting on a bridge.

Compression is a force that acts to compress or dock the thing it's acting on.

Tension is a force that acts to expand or outstretch the thing it's acting on.

Tension forces pull and stretch material in contrary directions, allowing a rope ground to support itself and the cargo it carries. Compression forces squeeze and push material inward, causing the jewels of an bow ground to press against each other to carry the cargo.

Three introductory types of islands used in transportation are ray and stilt islands, bow islands and suspense islands.

To understand how islands work, we must understand the forces that act on every ground. Two major forces act on a ground at any given time compression and tension.

To learn more about two main forces, click here:


No matter how complicated they are, all bridges must withstand two forces: "compression," which pushes inward toward the middle of the bridge (or span," and "tension," which pushes outward and downward.

Compression and tension are the two main forces that are ever-present on a bridge. A force that compresses or shortens the object it is acting on is known as a compressive force. A force known as tension or tensile force works to stretch or expand the object it is acting on.

A pushing (compressing) force is compression. A piece of wood can hold more compression the shorter it is. Pulling is what tension is. A lot of strain can be resisted by wood. If you gripped both ends and pulled them apart, it would be challenging to break a popsicle stick.

For more questions like Forces visit the link below


In what ways has the nature of work in the united states changed since the 1900s? << read less.


Here is the ways that the nature of work has changed in the United States since 1900s:

More machines are now replacing humans in performing tasksFurther improve manufacturingFurther increase the use of technologyUsing artificial intelligence applicationsWhat caused the nature of work in the US to change in the 1900s?

The period from 1894 to 1915 was a time of change, turmoil, and economic uncertainty for working people in the United States. Industrialism was growing largely unchecked in the post-Civil War United States, while creating new jobs and new problems. Immigration continues in unprecedented numbers, especially from Eastern and Southern Europe, forever changing the composition of the workforce. A recession began in 1893 (following two other recessions in the previous 20 years), forcing some factories to close and many workers losing their jobs. Conflicts between workers and management abound. But during those tumultuous years, many initiatives continue to this day, including the increasing presence of women in the workforce, worker rights, the ubiquity of office and retail jobs, as well as the need for reasonable working hours, holidays and safe working conditions.

Learn more about the changed of nature of work in the United States in 1900s


What does the bridge most likely symbolize?


The first and most potent representation of bridges is that of change. You travel from one location to another using the bridge. There is frequently a sense that you are literally moving from one place to another when you cross a bridge.

A bridge is frequently constructed as a symbol of the unification, friendship, or other connection between two communities. It is challenging to quantify the significance of this symbolism, but in some cases, it can be crucial and perhaps serve as the only justification for building a structure.

Whether it connects heaven and earth or two different realms, the bridge is fundamentally a symbol of communication and togetherness. It can be viewed as the link between God and Man because of this. It can be the gateway to reality or just a metaphor for movement and crossing.

Read more about the bridge symbolize at


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