Atmosphere and Weather
Explain the following in a sentence: evaporation, condensation, freezing, melting, deposition and sublimation

Explain how the following cause precipitation in a sentence: convection, frontal and orographic uplift of air, and radiation cooling

Explain how each of the following is formed in a sentence: clouds, rain, hail, snow, dew, and fog

Atmosphere And WeatherExplain The Following In A Sentence: Evaporation, Condensation, Freezing, Melting,


Answer 1


Anwers for each point are below


1. Evaporation is the process by which a liquid turns into a gas. Condensation is the process by which a gas turns into a liquid. Freezing is the process by which a liquid turns into a solid. Melting is the process by which a solid turns into a liquid. Deposition is the process by which a gas turns into a solid without passing through the liquid phase. Sublimation is the process by which a solid turns directly into a gas without passing through the liquid phase.

2. Convection, frontal, and orographic uplift of air cause precipitation when moist air rises and cools, causing the water vapor in the air to condense into liquid or solid particles that fall to the ground. Radiation cooling can also cause precipitation when moist air near the ground cools quickly, causing the water vapor in the air to condense into liquid or solid particles.

3. Clouds are formed when moist air rises and cools, causing the water vapor in the air to condense into liquid or solid particles. Rain is formed when liquid water droplets in clouds combine and become heavy enough to fall to the ground. Hail is formed when hailstones, which are balls of ice, grow in size as they are carried up and down by strong winds within thunderstorms. Snow is formed when snowflakes, which are clusters of ice crystals, grow in size and fall to the ground. Dew is formed when moist air comes into contact with a cold surface and the water vapor in the air condenses into liquid droplets. Fog is formed when moist air cools and the water vapor in the air condenses into tiny water droplets that are suspended in the air.

Related Questions

which of the following is true about climate in eastern europe?
A. Eastern Europe has a harsh artic climate
B. Eastern Europe has a mild climate
C. Eastern Europe has a humid climate


Answer: Which of the following is true about climate in Eastern Europe?

B. Eastern Europe has a mild climate

Explanation:  Eastern Europe generally experiences a continental climate. This means that it has distinct seasons with warm summers and cold winters. The region is influenced by both maritime and continental air masses, resulting in a wide range of temperatures throughout the year.

During the summer, temperatures in Eastern Europe can reach as high as 30°C (86°F) or more. However, winters can be quite cold, with temperatures often dropping below freezing. Snowfall is also common during the winter months.

It is important to note that Eastern Europe is a large region and climate conditions can vary within it. For example, countries closer to the Baltic Sea, such as Poland, may have a more humid climate compared to countries further inland, like Ukraine.

What 2 resources are important in Brazil



Brazil is rich in a variety of natural resources and is the world's leading producer of tin, iron ore and phosphate. It has large deposits of diamonds, manganese, chromium, copper, bauxite and many other minerals. However, the country has no significant oil reserves.



tin, iron ore and phosphate.


t has large deposits of diamonds, manganese, chromium, copper, bauxite and many other minerals. However, the country has no significant oil reserves.

hope this helped:)

brainliest for the brains:)

what is the lowest to highest landform



The lowest land point is the Dead Sea Depression with an elevation amounting to approximately 413 meters below sea level, however, this elevation is an estimate and tends to fluctuate. The shoreline of the Dead Sea is the lowest dry land in the world.

Mountains, hills, plateaus, and plains are the four major types of landforms. Minor landforms include buttes, canyons, valleys, and basins. Tectonic plate movement under Earth can create landforms by pushing up mountains and hills

The vast landmasses or continents and the blue oceans are together referred to as 'First Order' landforms. While the Second Order Landform consists of plains, lowlands, plateaus, lofty mountains and other variations on the surface of the earth.                                                                                                            Managing Attorney at Desautel Law. Land use planning is critical to intelligent development and/or management of the landscape around us. There are five main different types of land use: residential, agricultural, recreation, transportation, and commercial.                                                              Third order landforms are formed on mountains, plateaus and plains mainly by erosional and depositional activities of rivers, glaciers, winds and waves. Valleys, beaches and sand dunes are some examples of third order landforms. Erosion is the process of removal of surface material from the Earth's crust.

notice the newly constructed seawall in the illustration below. the most likely outcome of its construction is that the seawall will____


The most likely outcome of its construction is that the seawall will temporarily protect the cliff from beach erosion.

What are effects of erosion?

Far beyond loss of agricultural land, soil erosion has other negative repercussions. In streams and rivers, it has enhanced pollution and sedimentation, blocking these waterways and resulting in a loss in fish and other species. Additionally, deteriorated soils are frequently less able to retain water, which can make floods worse.

Why is erosion control so crucial?

Your subsoil may lose its capacity to retain nutrients, manage water flow, and fight contaminants if erosion is not controlled. House prices and transportation networks may sustain long-term harm in addition to having an impact on the ecology of the local fauna.

To know more about Erosion visit:


Energy on public lands


Our world is a source of great energy.

In the previous centuries, most of the energy sources on public land were related to the extraction of coal, oil, and natural gas. But with a view to attaining these sources, we had to sacrifice our lives with dangerous air pollution with the ill effect of greenhouse gas emissions.

But all of these are non-renewable energies and for this reason, we had to search for some renewable sources viz wind, solar and geothermal development on our public lands. With the initialization of these projects, we can open a new door to our energy sources which help us to get rid of fossil fuels and repower our society with new renewable energy.

Read more about energy sources:

The complete Question is -

Describe the energy on public lands.

8. An angle with a measure of 180° is called a(n)_
a, acute
b. right
C. straight


the answer is a straight angle

what is the approximate southernmost latitude of north america


This is a list of the extreme points of South America, the points that are farther north, south, east or west than any other location on the continent. The continent's southernmost point is incorrectly often said to be Cape Horn, but Aguila Islet of the Diego Ramirez Islands is actually the southernmost point.

Both The United States And Canada Have A Vast What?
A. Highway Systems To Trade Products.
B. Budgeting Systems To Stay Under Budget .
C. Aqueduct Systems To Move Salt Water Around.


Answer: Highway Systems To Trade Products

Note: The US & CANADA, Both have one of the biggest trading ports via highway system.

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lowest to highest landforms










•U-shaped valley

What are the four lifting mechanisms? Do they typically cause wet or dry weather?



Lifting Mechanism

Hydraulics.Barges.Drilling Platforms.Turbines.


hope it helps

this biome, with some deciduous trees and an open areas of shrubs and grasses, are transitional between tropical rain forest and grassland.



select all of the right triangles

Country X has a high youth-dependency ratio. Country Z has fears of running out of agricultural resources. Which of the following explains why Countries X and Z would implement anti-natalist policies?a) Antinatalist policies promote higher birth rates so the country will have an adequate future workforce.b) Antinatalist policies promote immigration so the country will be able to sustain its population.c) Antinatalist policies correct skewed sex ratios so the number of each sex will be relatively even.d) Antinatalist policies promote health and sanitation to lower the number of deaths from infectious diseases.e) Antinatalist policies promote family planning and education of women to reduce fertility rates.


The reason that explains why Countries X and Z would implement anti-natalist policies is Anti Natalist policies promote family planning and education of women to reduce fertility rates.

What are Anti Natalist policies?

A population policy that discourages conception is known as an anti-natalist policy. This can be accomplished either legally (China's One Child Policy) or through increasing access to contraception and family planning education.

A philosophical stance that places a low value on birth is known as anti-natalism. Their definition appears to include the denial of conception, denial of reproduction, and denial of the emergence of sentient beings as a whole.

The well-known "one-child policy" in China, which was instituted between 1978 and 1980, is an illustration of an anti-natalist policy that promotes couples to have fewer children. The Chinese government actively promoted this, pressuring women who previously had children to get abortions.

to learn more about Anti Natalist click:


the east bay has a higher earthquake hazard than the san francisco peninsula due to the hayward-rogers creek fault and the higher number of faults that ...


The east bay has a higher earthquake hazard than the san Francisco peninsula due to the hayward-rogers creek fault and the higher number of faults that are the Hayward Fault.

What is earthquake ?Earthquakes are mild to severe ground shaking caused by sudden movements of rocky material below the  surface. Earthquakes originate at tectonic plate boundaries. The  quake probably caused a tsunami that hit the coast of Japan.  Scientists say the scale of the event is impossible because  earthquakes are related to the length of faults and fissures in the Earth. Earthquakes usually occur when under ground rocks suddenly break apart and move rapidly along fault lines. The sudden release of this energy causes  seismic waves that shake the ground. An earthquake is a shaking of the earth's surface caused by a sudden release of crustal energy. This creates seismic waves (also called S-waves). A region's seismic activity determines the type and intensity of an earthquake.

To learn more about earthquake  from the given link :


if the sun for some reason suddently turned into a nblack hole of the same mass what would happen to the earths orbit


If for some reason suddenly the sun is turned into a black hole of the same mass then all the planets including earth will lose the source of light.

If somehow the sun will be replaced by a black hole then there will be no life on earth. This theory is know as the black hole theory. Everything on the earth will freeze. If everything will freeze then there will be no life. It is a phase known as thermal equilibrium.

Thermal equilibrium is the condition when the temperature goes very down. But its a hypothetical situation sun can never be turned into a black hole because the sun is a dwarf star.

To know more about black hole theory follow the given link:

Complete the table. In your REPORT document, complete the table illustrated below. For each fruit of the Holy Spirit, think of someone you know or have read about who shows that fruit in a clear way. Write their name next to the fruit. Use at least five different people. Then write the reason that person shows that fruit of the Spirit to you. In other words, what it is about the person, or what is it that he or she does, to show that fruit of the Spirit so clearly to you? Write that in the "Reason" column.


Answer:The fruit of the sprit is love joy peace and the sound of mine


because its in the bible

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The point (-2, 5) is located in quadrant II III IV I



q II

Q II is (-x,y), top left Q

Answer: Quadrant II


Which of the following elements would be best to use when attempting to
describe regions in Europe and Southwest Asia?
O A. Common religions and languages
OB. Human rights records
C. Membership in the United Nations
D. Conquest by foreign powers


The elements that would be best to use when attempting to describe regions in Europe and Southwest Asia is A.

Common religions and languages.

What is language?

People communicate using gestures, speech, and a set of words and sounds that are used in a structured manner to form a language. It facilitates the sharing of thoughts and feelings with others.

Anthropologically speaking, native language is important.

One can interact with a wider range of people and gain insight into their cultures by learning another language. Religious studies scholars cannot agree on a single definition of religion, making it a contentious and difficult topic. The belief in and/or worship of a superhuman controlling power, particularly a personal God or gods, is what Oxford Dictionaries defines as religion.

In this situation, the correct option is A.

Learn more about languages on:


Indian National Congress always claimed to be representative of all the segments of Indian society”; Keeping in view of this statement, critically evaluate the emergence of All India Muslim League as a counterforce. Justify your answer with five valid points.



Point 1: India Muslim League, was founded on December 30, 1906

Point 2: It was created so that it can  protect and advance the political right.

Point 3: Muslims of India had serval challenges to come but the extra-territorial issues were the main of them.

Point 4: India, did not support this. thus this created an issue in the india subcontinent.

Point 5: India, did not escape its attention even though it tried.

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What are the geologic processes and the resultant land forms of Ethiopia and the horn


The exogenic and endogenic geologic processes that led to the formation of Ethiopia and the horn of Africa's landforms.

What do you mean by geologic processes?

Events known as geological processes take place over a period of time that can range from millions of years to thousands of kilometers.

Diagenesis, Earthquakes, Glaciation, Hydrothermal Processes, Isostasy, Land Subsidence, , Sedimentation, Tectonic Processes, Volcanic Activity, Earth Tide, Deformation, Soil Formation, Magnetic Storms, and Mass Wasting are a few examples of exogenic and endogenic processes geologic processes.

Like elsewhere, Ethiopia's landmass is the product of the interaction of exogenic and endogenic processes.

Thus Ethiopia is considered as both one of the world's and Africa's oldest autonomous nations due formation of the Awash Valley.

To know more about geologic processes refer:


explain a limitation of using the images to understand how colonialism spread cultural patterns and practices from the location shown in lmage 2 to the location shown in image 1


As a result of colonisation, indigenous peoples are not favoured by the laws, religions, or cultural norms that are imposed on them.

What impact does colonialism have on art?

Traces of colonisation can be seen in how society, art, and popular culture create images of what the "usual" human looks like, acts like, moves like, etc. and contrasts this with the "unusual" human, even though we are all capable of being both incredibly ordinary and incredibly extraordinary at the same time.

The amount of European-born colonists, the level of labour migration caused by colonialism, and the amount of colonial investment made in the health and education sectors all had an impact on society. Different forms of privileges or discrimination based on race and/or religion were connected to that.

To learn more about colonialism ,from the given link


Sediment is an important component of?


Sediment is an important component of soil.  Because it frequently nourishes the soil with nutrients, sediment is significant.

What is Sediment ?

Sediment is a naturally occurring substance that is broken down by weathering and erosion processes and then moved by the force of gravity acting on the particles or by the action of wind, water, or ice.

Sediment-rich regions are frequently also biodiverse. For farming, sedimentary soil is often preferable. The most productive agricultural regions in a region are frequently the deltas & river banks, where abundant silt is deposited.

In addition to providing substrates for aquatic organisms and animals, it is crucial in the construction of beaches, spits, sand bars, and estuaries. Additionally, sediment supplies nutrients and minerals essential to the health of ecosystems downstream.

To learn more about Sediment


according to the map in the textbook, the southernmost extent of contemporary glaciers in the united states is in california and .


The southernmost extent of the contemporary glaciers in the United States is in California and Colorado.

Glaciers are masses of ice that are heavy enough to flow like a really thick fluid. It forms in areas where a lot of snow accumulates with more accumulation than loss.

Contemporary glaciers are glaciers that currently exist. In the United States, most of the glaciers are located in Alaska state. Others are found in the higher ranges in Oregon, Washington, and as far south as California and Colorado. The ones that are not in Alaska are mostly small cirque glaciers or larger valley glaciers.

Learn more about glacier at


Coffee is venezuelas main_____ a product mainly for sale


Coffee is venezuelas main source a product mainly
for sale

During non - El Nino years there is relatively more upwelling off the coast of Peru. How does this upwelling affect fisheries?
a. The upwelling brings warmer waters up from deeper in the ocean which the fish don’t like, causing them to migrate northward.
b. The upwelling brings up nutrients from deeper in the ocean up to the surface, leading to more plants, fish, and birds
c. The upwelling brings cool waters up to the surface leading to fewer fish
d. The upwelling keeps deeper water from rising to the surface and leads to fewer fish


The upwelling allows more birds, plants and fish to be on the coasts of Peru due to the rise of nutrients from the seabed (option B).

What is the outcrop?

Upwelling is a phenomenon that occurs in marine waters that consists of the rise of deep masses of water, from the abyssal zone of the ocean to the surface in the areas of the continental shelf. Additionally, this phenomenon causes surface waters to have a temperature in accordance with the depth from which they come and that greatly contrasts with the atmospheric temperature in the corresponding latitudes.

How does this upwelling affect fishing off the coast of Peru?

During upwelling, deep waters drag nutrients to the surface that are used by phytoplankton to produce organic compounds through the process of photosynthesis. In this way, the upwelling regions contribute to the existence of a greater number of plants, fish and birds.

Learn more about upwelling in:


What is an equation of the line that passes through the points (3, 3) and (3, -3)?



y= 2/3x - 1


to find y intercept substitute x=0

y= 2/3x0-1

y= -1

y =mx + b

y=2/3x + -1


x = 3


It's actually pretty simple. Since both of the points, (3, 3) and (3, -3) have the same x values, they are on the line of that x value because no matter what the y value is, the x value stays the same. Meaning, it's on the line x = 3.

which of the following best describes an a mixed economy?
A. Individuals make their own economic decisions.
B. Economic decisions are decided by a group of tribal leaders.
C. The government has a role, but individuals can still make decisions.


Mixed Economy is described as government has a role, but individuals can still make decisions. Thus, option C is correct.

What is mixed economy?

A mixed economy is an economic system that combines parts of a market economy with components of a planned economy, markets with state interventionism, or industry with public enterprise. A blend of free-market and socialist concepts is shared by all mixed economies.

It basically consists of three characteristics: the preservation of private property, allowing the rules of demand and supply to determine market value, and obtaining motivation from individual interests. It promotes financial freedom and allows the government to achieve social goals.

The government plays a role in the mixed economy, but people may still make decisions. As a result, option C is correct.

Learn more about  mixed economy here:


what glacial feature, shown in light green, occurs between the dark green bands in Ohio,Indiana, and Illinois?


The end moraines of Wisconsin age shown in light green occurs between the dark green bands in Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois.

What is light?

Infrared energy that can be observed by the eye is commonly known as light or spectral information. Wavelengths are typically used to define light waves.

The original highlands landscape was buried by glacial as well as meltwater deposits, which further produced the flatter land formations that would later give rise to the prairies. Over nearly 90% of the state, glaciers left a coating of clay and buried rock, sandy, and clay deposits.

The original hill-and-valley landscape was buried by glacial and ice-melting sediments, which also produced the flatter land formations that would later give rise to the grassland.

Learn more about light, here:


Models used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change show that by the year 2100, the average annual temperature will have increased in some parts of the world by as much as ________.


In accordance with the Global Commission on Climate Change's models, certain areas of the globe would have seen a 4°C increase in average annual temperature by the year 2100.

Why is climate important?

The average weather conditions over a longer length of time in a particular place. A description of such a climate contains details such as typical seasonal temperatures and rainfall.

Why is the weather significant?

Nearly every element of our life is impacted by the climate, including our foodstuffs, transportation infrastructure, clothing choices, and vacation destinations. It significantly affects our future, our health, or our means of subsistence. The protracted trend of the weather in any given location is called the climate.

To know more about Climate visit:


waves are the fastest seismic waves and can travel through any type of material whereas waves travel only through solids.


P waves are the fastest seismic waves and can travel through any type of material whereas waves travel only through solids.

What do seismic waves go by?

Seismic waves are classified into two types: body waves and surface waves. Body waves travel within the Earth's body. Seismic waves are classified into three types: P-waves, S-waves, and surface waves. P-waves and S-waves are commonly referred to as body waves. They are P (primary) waves and S (secondary) waves. P waves cause the earth to compress and expand in the direction of motion, causing it to move back and forth. Seismic waves are created by abrupt movement of elements within the Earth, such as fault slip during an earthquake. Seismic waves can be caused by volcanic eruptions, explosions, landslides, avalanches, and even flowing rivers.

To know more about seismic waves visit:


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