which of these mutations will have an effect on the protein produced by the gene in which the mutation occurs? select all that apply.


Answer 1

Missense mutations will have an effect on the protein produced by the gene in which the mutation occurs.

A gene's DNA sequence can be changed in a variety of ways. Gene variants, commonly referred to as mutations, can affect a person's health in a variety of ways, depending on where they occur and if they change the way certain proteins operate. The following are examples of variant types: This kind of variation swaps out one nucleotide, which is a component of DNA, for another. By their impact on the generation of protein from the changed gene, substitution variations can be further categorized.

Missense: A missense variant is a form of substitution when a nucleotide change causes the protein produced from the gene to have a different amino acid in place of one that was originally present. The protein's functionality could be affected by the amino acid alteration.

To know more about Mutations visit:



Related Questions

the evolution of the notochord in chordates permitted a more complex embryonic development. t or f


A notochord is a feature of developing chordates (which include amphibious, tunicates, and vertebrates) and, arguably, some other animals.

The Notochord's Evolution

Although notochords have been thoroughly reviewed from a developmental genetic standpoint, an adequate survey of the dozen or so scenarios that account for their evolutionary origin has yet to be completed.On the one hand, advances in molecular phylogenetics and developmental genetics have failed to support many of these ideas (although, it is not impossible that some of these rejects may yet, at least in part, return to favor).For the time being, studies of all aspects of the biology of enteropneust hemichordates, a group widely thought to be the key to understanding the chordates' evolutionary origins, will be one way forward.

To learn more about molecular refer to:



The growth hormone axis contains at least one example of a negative feedback loop.
a) true
b) false


The growth hormone axis will contain at least one example of the negative feedback loop is a true statement.

Classical research advocates that increased growth hormone (GH) secretion is managed with the aid of using the negative feedback loops mediated with the aid of using GH-liberating hormone (GHRH)- or somatostatin-expressing neurons. Catecholamines are acknowledged to adjust GH secretion and neurons expressing TH are positioned in numerous mind regions containing GH-responsive cells. Most hormones are managed with the aid of using terrible comments, wherein the hormone feeds again to lower its personal production. This form of comments brings matters again to every day each time they begin to end up too extreme. Positive comments are tons much less not unusual places as it reasons situations to end up increasingly extreme.

Learn more about the growth hormone in



what are some major characteristics of (a) successful invader species and (b) ecosystems vulnerable to invader species?


invader species: 1) Pioneer species, quick generation times, long lifespans, rapid dispersal, generalists, and great genetic variability. 2) Climate characteristics resembling the invader's environment, the absence of predators on the invaders, early successional systems, a lack of diversity in native species, the absence of fire, and human activity disturbance.

Accidental introduction of invasive species into a new area is common. In Central Asia, the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea are home to zebra mussels. Zebra mussels accidently made their way to the Great Lakes of North America after becoming affixed to massive ships that sailed between the two areas. An organism that harms the ecology or the economy in a new habitat where it is not native is referred to as an invasive species. In the 1970s, Asian carp, including bighead, silver, black, and grass carp, were imported into the United States to help clean up the nation's aquaculture ponds and wastewater treatment facilities. They originated in China and are currently widespread throughout the United States, including along the Mississippi River1.

To learn more about invader species here



The abdominal quadrants are located with what structure as their midpoint?

A. Umbilicus

B. Pubic bone

C. Xiphoid process

D. Iliac crest

in animals, what is the difference between reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning?


Reproductive cloning is the process of creating genetic copies of entire organisms, whereas therapeutic cloning is the process of creating genetic copies of tissues or organs to replace damaged body parts.

Reproductive cloning is the intentional creation of genetically identical individuals. Each newly created person is a clone of the original. Natural clones are monozygotic (identical) twins. Somatic cell nuclear transfer is used in reproductive cloning to create an animal that is genetically identical to a donor animal. The newly created embryo is placed back into the uterine environment where it can implant and develop in reproductive cloning. Dolly the sheep is probably the best-known example.

The transfer of nuclear material isolated from a somatic cell into an enucleated oocyte with the goal of producing embryonic cell lines with the same genome as the nuclear donor is known as therapeutic cloning. The process of creating a cloned embryo solely for the purpose of producing embryonic stem cells with the same DNA as the donor cell is known as therapeutic cloning. These stem cells can be used in experiments to better understand disease and develop new treatments.

To learn more about Reproductive and therapeutic cloning, here



in a certain signal transduction pathway, the binding of an extracellular molecule to a cell-surface protein results in a rapid increase in the concentration of cyclic amp inside the cell. the cyclic amp binds to and activates cytosolic enzymes that then activate other enzymes in the cell.


The function of cyclic AMP is best explained by the following claims: c) it functions as a second messenger that aids in relaying and amplification of the signal inside the cell.

Best describes the role of cyclic AMP in the signal transduction pathway is?

cAMP serves as a second messenger in numerous biological processes, including signal transduction, the development of certain diseases, and others.

In the network of signaling pathways, it is a significant molecule. Employed to transmit the cAMP-dependent route for intracellular signal transduction in a variety of different species. Bringing the effects of hormones like glucagon and adrenaline—which cannot cross the plasma membrane—into the cells. The impact of signaling molecules is amplified.

The function of cyclic AMP is thus best described by the following statements: c) It functions as a second messenger that aids in relaying and amplifying the signal within the cell.

To know more about cell visit:-  




In a certain signal transduction pathway, the binding of an extracellular molecule to a cell-surface protein results in a rapid increase in the concentration of cyclic AMP inside the cell. The cyclic AMP binds to and activates cytosolic enzymes that then activate other enzymes in the cell.Which of the following statements best describes the role of cyclic AMP in the signal transduction pathway?

a) It acts as a signaling molecule that passes the signal from the cell to other cells.

b) It acts as a receptor that carries the signal from outside the cell to inside the cell.

c) It acts as a second messenger that helps relay and amplify the signal within the cell.

d) It acts as a channel protein that transmits the signal across the cell’s nuclear membrane.

Which principle of cell theory best supports the idea that new cells will replace damaged cells in a scraped knee?.


The best principle that support it, was "All cells come from other cells". Which mean C was appropriate option.

What are the 3 principles of cell theory ?

The cell theory has three parts, they are:

Every living organism is made up of one or more cells and products of cells.The smallest living organisms are single cells that are unicellular and cells are the functional units of multicellular organisms.All cells come from other cells or pre existing cells.

The three principles of cell theory was initiated by scientists that contributed to the development of cell theory, are:

Matthias Schleiden.Theodor Schwann.Rudolf Virchow.

Learn more about principles of cell here: brainly.com/question/11764740


What is the importance of understanding your own gender and sexuality?


The maximum essential aspect to recognize approximately sexuality is that it's far self-defined; that is, that all and sundry is authorized to speak approximately and recognize their very own sexuality of their very own manner that makes experience to them.

Understanding the gender variations in conversation fashion can help each male and girl salespeople to expect how others are possibly to understand them primarily based totally on their gender and conversation fashion.

Gender and sexuality are centrally essential forces that form each issue of our lives: we recognize our bodies, minds and selves thru our gender and our intercourse. as a society, felony definitions and social expectancies approximately males and females intercourse and replica prepare our medical, felony, academic and political systems.

Read more about gender:



muscle fibers contain cylindrical structures called myofibrils, which are composed of ______.


muscle fibers contain cylindrical structures called myofibrils, which are composed of Skeletal- Gross Anatomy

What materials make up myofibrils?

The thin and thick myofilaments that make up the myofibrils are what give it muscle the striped appearance.Along with 2 other muscle regulating proteins, tropomyosin and troponin, the thick filaments are made up of strands of the protein myosin, while the thin filaments are made up of strands of the protein actin.

A muscle fiber is made up of what three components?

The layer or connective tissue known as the perimysium surrounds each bundle or muscle fibers, in which fasciculi are referred to.The fasciculus' endomysium, a connective tissue, surrounds each muscle fiber fiber or muscle cell.

To know more about muscle fibers visit:



What term is used to describe a period characterized by very high rates of speciation?


An era with extremely high rates of speciation is described by the punctuated equilibrium model.

How does a woman's menstruation feel?

Even though there appears to be a lot of blood, a female typically only sheds a few tablespoons of blood over her whole period. About three to six times each day, most girls need to replace their pads, tampons, or menstrual cups.

Do boys have their period?

Because they lack uteruses, men do not experience menstruation, but their bodies do alter and grow in similar ways. For instance, people may alter their voice or grow hair on their faces and other areas of their body. So even though they don't have periods, males' bodies still undergo alteration.

To know more about Periods visit:



DNA to Proteins (diagram match )


The process of translation of DNA to proteins according to the attached image is given below:

DNANuclear MembraneDNA template for producing mRNAmRNA in the nucleusNuclear poremRNA in the cytoplasmchain of amino acidsamino acidanticodonCodonamino acidmRNA moves to the ribosomerRNAWhat is the process of translation of DNA?

The process of translation of DNA is the process by which proteins are synthesized from the information stored in the genes of the DNA.

The process of translation begins with the synthesis of RNA from regions of DNA containing the gene for a particular protein.

The mRNA produced passes through the nuclear pore into the cytoplasm, In the cytoplasm, the codons in the mRNA are used to synthesize proteins from anticodons of amino acids.

Learn more about the translation of DNA at: https://brainly.com/question/22595845


Of the following chromosomal abnormalities, which type is most likely to be viable in humans?


The least dangerous sort of DNA mutation is typically a point mutation, which involves changing just one nitrogen base in a DNA sequence. Messenger RNA "reads" codons, which are composed of three nitrogen bases consecutively, during transcription.

Which syndrome is depicted by the quizlet on XO chromosomal abnormalities?

Turner syndrome is distinguished by an XO chromosomal pattern, which means that there is only one X and no Y chromosome.

Which of the following has a chromosomal makeup that is unique?

Haploid. One set of chromosomes makes up the entirety of a haploid cell. Human cells are typically diploid (two copies of each chromosome) as opposed to haploid (one copy of each chromosome).

To know more about viable in humans visit;



identify the cranial nerve, which innervates intrinsic and extrinsic tongue muscles.


The hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) is the cranial nerve that innervates intrinsic and extrinsic tongue muscles.

Except for the palatoglossus muscle, which is usually affected by the vagus nerve (CN X). the hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) innervates all of the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the tongue.

The 12th Cranial Nerve is the Hypoglossal Nerve (Cranial Nerve XII). It primarily serves as an efferent nerve for the tongue musculature. The medulla nerve gives rise to the nerve, which travels cranially and dorsally to the tongue.

The hypoglossal nerve helps to control the muscles that keeps moving the tongue, allowing you to: Make clicking sounds with your mouth. Move things around within your mouth.

For more information on hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) , visit :



when a habitat has been seriously degraded by chemical pollution, what type of recovery plan would be effective?


If a habitat has been seriously degraded by pollution, cleanup and rehabilitation would be effective.

When left alone, ecosystems operate fairly well; they behave as a system of equilibrium. A single, minor alteration to an ecosystem, usually brought about by people, might, nevertheless, upset the delicate balance. Humans are responsible for the extinction of hundreds of species as a result of activities including clearing land for crops and roads, destroying habitats to make place for buildings, and polluting the environment. There are repercussions for the animals and plants that depend on a particular habitat when humans change it. Habitat fragmentation is the word used when we divide an environment into smaller pieces by erecting buildings or roads (fragmentation means breaking into smaller chunks). Humans unavoidably harm the environment when they construct. Anthropogenic contamination is the name given to human-caused pollution.

To learn more about the causes behind the loss of habitat please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/13257888


in a genome-wide expression study using a dna microarray assay, what is each spot used to detect?


Genome-wide expression studies use DNA microarray assays to detect the locations of proteins produced by cells.

DNA microarray is a technology used to view the order of nucleic acid sequences in a certain location and can be used to analyze thousands of samples simultaneously.

Microarray applications are often used in cancer detection, where cancer cells have abnormalities in their gene expression. This technique also makes it possible to determine the developmental stage of cancer cells by comparing their expression levels with specific probes already present on the microarray.

The question is multiple choice:

A) fate of proteins produced by a cell.

B) location of a protein produced by a cell.

C) location of a gene within a cell.

D) expression of a specific gene by a cell.

E) type of chemical modification of proteins produced by a cell.

The true choice is B.

Learn more about DNA microarray at https://brainly.com/question/25505636


dna fragments can be separated out by size using gel electrophoesis. what property of dna allows this process to occur?


Gel electrophoresis is a laboratory technique used to split combinations of DNA, RNA, or proteins in line with molecular length.

In gel electrophoresis, the molecules to be separated are driven via way of means of an electrical subject thru a gel that carries small pores. All DNA molecules have the equal quantity of fee according to mass.

Because of this, gel electrophoresis of DNA fragments separates them primarily based totally on length only DNA is negatively charged, therefore, while an electric powered contemporary is carried out to the gel, DNA will migrate toward the undoubtedly charged electrode. Shorter strands of DNA circulate extra fast thru the gel than longer strands ensuing withinside the fragments being organized so as of length.

Read more about DNA;





Answer: #1: Scientist and crime solvers are alike by both figuring out what happened when theres no one there to witness and by looking for clues to help them solve something.
#2: The five areas of science mentioned that have evidence for evolution are paleontology, biography, developmental biology, morphology, and genetics.

Explanation: Look at the first 2 sentences for question #1 and for question #2 look at the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th sentences to find your answer. - From a 7th grade student :)

When does water stop moving by osmosis between two areas of different solute concentration?


Answer:Osmosis occurs until the concentration gradient of water goes to zero or until the hydrostatic pressure of the water balances the osmotic pressure


an organism in your lab has tissues with a malformed central nervous system that can be traced all the way back to the embryonic stage. to further investigate this issue, which germ layer would you want to examine closely to get an idea of exactly how the malformation occurred?


I would examine ectoderm to examine closely to get an idea of exactly how the malformation occurred.

The fertilization results in formation of zygote. It further grows through replication followed by differentiation to form tissues and organs. For this, the primary differentiation occurs into three germ layers which are the base of different cells, tissues and systems.

The three germ layers are ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. Ectoderm is the external layer that differentiates to form epithelial and neural tissues. Mesoderm or middle layer forms heart, muscle and bones. Endoderm or inner layer forms digestive system and respiratory system.

Learn more about ectoderm -



When two traits are expressed equally with neither being dominant over the other this called?


Codominance is the term used when two traits will be expressed equally and neither is dominant over the other.

In terms of genetics, codominance is a sort of inheritance in which two distinct expressions (alleles) of the same gene result in distinct features in a person. That is, both qualities emerge rather than one trait predominating over the other, as in a plant or animal with multiple pigment colors. partial dominance The term "incomplete dominance" refers to the phenotypic "blending" of two features, which implies that neither trait is truly dominant over the other.

Both hues are expressed concurrently, rather than one overpowering the other. Codominance. One common characteristic of people that you can't really see just by looking at them, but that many people are aware of, is their blood type. One A allele and one B allele are present in individuals with the blood type AB. Their blood type is AB because both alleles are expressed simultaneously.

Learn more about traits visit: brainly.com/question/26434916


in a animal cell which part of the cell is responsible for releasing energy during cellular



Here you go


The mitochondria is responsible for releasing energy during cellular respiration.

Organisms that live on land are fundamentally the same as organisms that live in aquatic environments.a. Trueb. False


Organisms that live on land are fundamentally the same as organisms that live in aquatic environments is False.

Which organism is aquatic organism?Crabs, frogs, seals, octopuses, seahorses, starfish, and fish are examples of aquatic creatures, while crocodiles are one type of aquatic reptile.Freshwater and saltwater both naturally contain a large number of microbes. These comprise microorganisms like rotifers as well as bacteria, cyanobacteria, protozoa, and algae. These could play a significant role in the food chain that serves as the foundation for aquatic life.Algal, bacterial, and protozoan populations make up planktonic microbial communities. The creation of nearby aerobic and anaerobic microenvironments, as well as the cycling of crucial nutrients, are supported by the benthos' dramatically increased microbial population and activity.

To learn more about aquatic environments refer,



in a group of 500 people, the frequency of genotype nn is 40%. assuming both autosomal inheritance and that the population is in hardy-weinberg equilibrium, how many individuals would you expect to have the mn genotype?


The mn genotype, which describes an organism's entire set of genes and may be found in 232 people, is the genetic make-up of an organism.

Give an illustration of what a genotype is.

A genotype is indeed a rating of the kind of variant that is present at a specific locus (i.e., place) in the genome. Symbols are a form of representation. To illustrate a specific gene variant, BB, Bb, bb might be utilized.

What is the genotype AA?

Genotype There is no chance of them having a child with sickle cell disease regardless of who they mate with because they have the universally compatible genotype, or AA. Here are the genotypes that are compatible and incompatible: Compatible is AA plus AA. AS and AA are compatible. Compatible is AA plus SS.

To know more about  genotype visit:



Wind turbines can generate a great deal of usable energy and have become popular because there is no cost to use wind and they do not emit greenhouse gases. A typical wind turbine is only 30% efficient though. Explain what has happened to the other 70% of the energy.


Wind turbines can generate a great deal of usable energy and have become popular because there is no cost to use wind and they do not emit greenhouse gases. A typical wind turbine is only 30% efficient though, and the other 70% of the energy slows down and moves towards the air, and transmits that energy into a rotating turbine to regenerate the electricity, or other mechanical operations (such as milling grain).

The most energy that can be extracted from flowing air by a wind turbine of any design is 59.3 percent of the total energy or 16/27ths. This is known as Betz's Law or the Betz Limit. In 1919, Albert Betz published proof of the theorem.

The following criteria define wind power (not energy):

P = ½ × ρ × A × V³


P = Power in Watts

ρ (rho) = Air density in kg/m³

A = Swept area of the rotor in m²

V = Wind speed in m/s

As the Betz limit is approaching, more wind has a tendency to bypass the turbine and not be captured. The circle in which the rotor and blades rotate is known as the swept area of the rotor, not the surface area of the blades.

Learn more about energy



the phenonmenon in which individuals lose their identity and relinquish normal restraints when they are part of a group is called


People who experience deindividuation lose their awareness of their socially constructed individual identities and turn to antisocial and anti-social behaviour.

One of the most frequently mentioned impacts of social groups is deindividuation, which is a condition of lower self-evaluation in a group. Deindividuation is a phenomena when people act in ways that appear impulsive, abnormal, and occasionally aggressive when they feel they can't be individually identified (e.g., in groups and crowds and on the Internet). The American social psychologist Leon Festinger first used the term "deindividuation" in the 1950s to refer to circumstances where individuals are unable to exist independently of one another. Due of the difficulty of locating or blaming individuals who are hidden inside a group, some deindividuated situations may result in a reduction in culpability.

Learn more about Deindividuation here



1. Which statement best describes conservation efforts?


The statements Methods of conserving resources have both costs and benefits and The benefits of conserving resources always outweigh the costs best describe conservation efforts (Option a and c).

What do biological diversity conservation efforts mean?

The expression of biological diversity conservation efforts makes reference to all procedures aimed at preserving the biological variation present in an ecosystem, which is fundamental to protecting the ecosystem in a ever changing environment.

Biological diversity conservation efforts allow the environment to face changes such as natural disasters such as fire or earthquakes by conserving the species that are associated with the state of internal equilibrium of homeostasis of the overall ecosystem.

Therefore, with this data, we can see that biological diversity conservation efforts always have more benefits than costs because they are associated with the maintenance of the overall health of the entire ecosystem, which is a long term objective in any conservation program.

Complete question:

Which statement best describes conservation efforts? A.Methods of conserving resources have both costs and benefits.B.Methods of conserving resources all have the same costs and benefits.C.The benefits of conserving resources always outweigh the costs. .D.Many methods of conserving resources have only benefits.

Learn more about biological diversity conservation efforts here:



What is the influence of family when it comes to determining your human sexuality?


Families may have a main effect at the well being of sexuality various younger people.

Young individuals who come from households that completely guide their sexuality have higher ordinary fitness, intellectual fitness, better self-esteem, and are much more likely to agree with they'll have a great existence as an adult.

Peer norms affect intentions to have sex, early sexual debut, and next sexual conduct; friends might also additionally affect adolescent sexual conduct thru direct modeling of sexual conduct and the adolescent's belief of peer attitudes towards sex.

Read more about health:



given that curly hair (ww) and straight hair (ww) exhibit incomplete dominance, what are the chances that two individuals with wavy hair will have a curly-haired child?


There is a 25% probability that two people with wavy hair will give birth to a child with curly hair.

If both parents have wavy hair, the genotype is Ww since wavy hair is WW= curly hair, ww= straight hair, and Ww= wavy hair. It is a 1:2:1 ratio.

A phenotypic in between straight and curly hair is wavy hair. It is an instance of incomplete dominance because there is an intermediate phenotype present. There are no recessive alleles in total dominance; a heterozygote will exhibit the intermediate phenotype.

A gene's sequence carries instructions for producing a certain protein. When a mutation occurs, it alters the gene’s sequence and produces a different form of the gene that can modify the protein that is produced. The phenotypic of the organism may alter as a result. Every creature contains two alleles—one from each parent, a male, and a female—which are these alternative variants of the gene. A recessive allele is one that can be covered up by a dominant allele, whereas a dominant allele can cover up the effects of another allele. As a result, an organism will manifest the dominant trait whether it possesses two copies of the dominant allele or one copy of the dominant allele and one copy of the recessive allele. Only when an organism possesses two recessive alleles will it manifest the recessive characteristic.

To learn more about genotype, refer:-



scientists mate two parrots from different populations to see if speciation has occurred. the parrots mate over and over again, but the male sperm never fertilizes the female egg.


Mating occurs, but gametes not able to unite. This is example of gametic isolation, a prezygotic reproductive barrier.

Reproduction is the manufacturing of offspring. There are most important paperwork: sexual and asexual replicas. In a sexual replica, an organism combines the genetic data from each of its dad and mom and is genetically particular. In an asexual replica, one determines to copy itself to shape a genetically identical offspring.

There are two kinds of duplicates: asexual and sexual reproduction. though asexual reproduction is quicker and extra strength green, sexual replica higher promotes genetic variety via new combinations of alleles in the course of meiosis and fertilization.

It is an organic system thru which residing organisms produce offspring just like them.

Learn more about Reproduction here:-https://brainly.com/question/815744


Energy used by the body to perform muscular contractions is called adenosine diphosphate, or ADP.
a. True
b. False


False- The body uses adenosine diphosphate, or ADP, as the energy source for muscle contractions. Adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, is the cellular energy currency that provides the power to contract skeletal muscle.

What is Adenosine diphosphate?

Adenosine diphosphate, or ADP, is the name of the energy that the body uses to cause muscular contractions. ADP, also referred to as adenosine pyrophosphate (APP), is a crucial chemical component in metabolism and is necessary for the movement of energy. Ion transport, muscular contraction, nerve impulse transmission, and substrate phosphorylation are a few examples of processes that use ATP as an energy source. Adenosine diphosphate (ADP) is a platelet agonist that, as a result of its actions, induces platelet aggregation and shape change as well as the production of thromboxane A2, another platelet agonist.

To learn more about Adenosine from given link



Mary Keeper woke up with yet another throbbing headache and decided she couldn’t stand it anymore—she needed to see a physician. She not only has this headache, but her eyes have been bothering her and her right wrist has hurt constantly for about a week and she does not know why. She did She took some Tylenol® and then spent the rest of the morning lying on her couch drinking several glasses of water (10 glasses altogether) until the physician’s office opened that morning.
She made an urgent appointment to see Dr. Nee. Physical Examination Vital Signs
 Age: 41 years old
 Weight: 120 lbs
 Height: 5′ 6″
 Temperature: 36.9°C
 Pulse: 90 beats/minute
 Respirations: 16 breaths/minute
 Blood Pressure: 126/75 (systolic/diastolic) mmHg General Appearance
 Skin is warm and moist
 Looks fatigued Head and Neck
 Bitemporal hemianopsia (blindness in her lateral visual fields) Lungs
 Normal Cardiovascular
 Normal Abdomina
 No swelling or pain is present but patient mentions she has had diarrhea Musculoskeletal
 An X-ray reveals a small hairline fracture in the right scaphoid bone
Physician Comments There is a slight weight loss (10 lbs.) from her last appointment (10 months ago); however, the patient indicates that she has a good appetite and good nutritional habits. She indicates that she has been having re-occurring headaches this past month, which have led to problems sleeping. A blood chemistry, thyroid, and endocrine test are ordered. A follow-up appointment is arranged for the next week to review the blood lab results.
Part II—The Follow-up Visit Scenario Mary has been on "pins and needles " the past week waiting for her blood results. Finally, Dr. Nee knocked, entered the examination room, and pulled a stool over to Mary. He sat down next to her and opened the manila folder labeled "Keeper, Mary—Blood Results." Blood Lab Results Abbreviated Blood Chemistry
 Osmolality: 240 mOsm/kg/water
 Urea nitrogen: value is within normal limits
 Calcium: value is above the normal limits Blood Thyroid
 T3-total: value is above the normal limits
 T4-total: value is above the normal limits
 TBG: value is below the normal limits
 TSH: value is below normal limits
 TSI: present and high Blood Endocrine
 ACTH: value is below the normal limits
Physician Comments Additional hematology tests are ordered and a follow-up appointment is arranged for the following week.
Part III—Help Dr. Nee Explain His Diagnosis Scenario Dr. Nee knocked on the examination room door and entered. Immediately, he told Mary that the additional blood work helped immensely with his diagnosis.
Blood Lab Results  TRH: value is below the normal limits
 PTH: value is above the normal limits
 LH: value is above the normal limits
 Estrogen: value is above the normal limits
 FSH: value is above the normal limits
 GHrH: value is above the normal limits
 GH: value is below the normal limits
 GnRH: value is below the normal limits
Questions: Be sure to explain your answers. Be specific and give good rationales for your answers. 1. Dr. Nee decided that Mary was suffering from 3 different endocrine dysfunctions. Give the names of 3 possible conditions that you have decided are likely.



her right wrist has hurt constantly for about a week and she does not know why. She did She took some Tylenol® and then spent the rest of the morning lying on her couch drinking several glasses of water (10 glasses altogether) until the physician’s office opened that morning


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