At 2:00 p. M. Two cars start toward each other from towns 240 miles apart. If the rate of one car is 10 mph faster than the other, how fast does each car go if they meet at 5:00 p. M. ? if 3x represents the distance that the slower car traveled, then which expression represents the distance the faster car traveled? 3 x + 10 3 x + 30 3(240).


Answer 1

135 miles represents the distance the faster car traveled.

Just what is distance?

Distance is an object's overall movement, regardless of direction. Regardless of an object's starting or ending point, distance can be defined as the amount of ground it has travelled.

If we call the slower vehicle's speed S, the other vehicle's speed is S + 10 mph.

They've been on the road for three hours as of 5:00 p.m. The faster car travels 3(S+10) miles, while the slower one travels 3S miles.

However, the sum of the two distances has to be 240 miles, so 3S+3(S+10)=240,


6S=210, and

S=35 mph.

The faster vehicle travels at 45 mph. We can see that 3S is equal to 3x, which means that x=S=35 mph and that the faster vehicle travels 3×45=135 miles.

To know more about distance visit:


Related Questions

what happens when atoms gain, lose, or share electrons



They form ions, or charged particles


Some atoms become more stable by gaining or losing an entire electron (or several electrons). When they do so, atoms form ions, or charged particles. Electron gain or loss can give an atom a filled outermost electron shell and make it energetically more stable.

hope it helped please tell me if im wrong.

A 25.5 kg video cart is rolled down a hallway. It is accelerated at 0.12 m/s2. If a force of 30 N is applied to move the cart, what force of friction do the wheels have against the floor??


A 25.5 kg video cart is rolled down a hallway. It is accelerated at 0.12 m/s2. If a force of 30 N is applied to move the cart . The wheels have 26.4 N  force of friction against the floor

Force of friction is that force  that resists the sliding or rolling of one solid object over another

F(applied) - friction = F net

30 - fr = mass * acceleration

30 - fr  = 25.5  *  0.12  

fr = 30 - 3.06

  = 26.4 N

The wheels have 26.4 N  force of friction against the floor

To learn more about force of friction here :


angle. what is the angle between the colors when they emerge? (b) how far would they have to travel to be separated by 1.00 mm?


A rainbow often has the following hues: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet. Indigo is occasionally included as well. These hues are related to various light wavelengths.

What three sorts of light beams are there?

Three types of light beams are possible. Both convergent and divergent, they are parallel.

What different kinds of beams are there?

5 Various Light Bulb Types

Incandescent Light Bulbs:

3- Compact Fluorescent Lamps: 2- Fluorescent Lamps (CFL)

4. Halogen lighting

Light-emitting diode No. 5 (LED)

What names do beams have?

Following the depth of section, beams are designated according to their respective shortened.

To know more about angle between the colors visit:-


Help me please!!!!!!!


lab report shows water changing state of matter is an endothermic process with changing temperature this is an example of physical change.

When some of a material's properties change but the identity of the material does not, there is a physical change to the substance. Reversible and irreversible physical changes are further separated into two types. Since the melted ice cube can be refrozen, melting is a physically reversible process.

For instance, when water is heated, the temperature and energy of the water molecules rise, causing the liquid water to vaporize into water. When this occurs, some sort of alteration has occurred, but the water's molecular makeup remains unchanged. A bodily transformation like this is an example.

For more information on physical change kindly visit to


Please help tonight!!! 50 points! Two objects producing 0.004 N of gravitational force one object had a mass of 3000 kg in another object had a mass of 2600 kg what is the distance between them





m₁ = 3 000 kg

m₂ = 2 500 kg

F = 0.004 N


r - ?

F = G·m₁·m₂ / r²

r = √ (G·m₁·m₂ / F)

r = √ (6.67·10⁻¹¹·3000*2500 / 0.004) ≈ 0.35 m

The final products of photosynthesis are oxygen and ______
A. Sunlight
B. Water
C. Sugar
D. Carbon dioxide





A 50 kg ball traveling at 20 m/s would haveA50 kg ball traveling at 5 m/s would haveA 50 kg person falling at 10 m/s would havekinetic energy✓ kinetic energykinetic energythe same2 times more2 times less4 times more4 times lessDoneIntro5 of 9


We have the next formula to calculate the kinetic energy


where m is the mass and v is the velocity

For the kinetic energy of ball 50 kg traveling at 10 m/s

[tex]KE=\frac{1}{2}(50)(10)^2=2500\text{ joules}[/tex]

For the kinetic energy of ball 50 kg traveling at 20 m/s

[tex]KE=\frac{1}{2}(50)(20)^2=10000\text{ joules}[/tex]

A 50 kg ball traveling at 20 m/s would have 4 times kinetic energy.

For kinetic energy of the ball 50 kg at 5m/s

[tex]KE=\frac{1}{2}\mleft(50\mright)\mleft(5\mright)^2=625\text{ joules}[/tex]

A 50 kg ball traveling at 5 m/s would have 4 times less kinetic energy

For the person 50kg falling 10 m/s


A 50 kg person falling at 10 m/s would have the same kineticenergy}.

The solution is

A 50 kg ball traveling at 20 m/s would have 4 times more kinetic energy.

A 50 kg ball traveling at 5 m/s would have 4 times less kinetic energy.

A 50 kg person falling at 10 m/s would have the same kinetic energy.

the syringe used in the boyle's law experiment leaks, giving you a low pressure. will the calculated constant be too high, too low or unchanged?


The syringe used in the Boyle's law experiment leaks, giving a low pressure,hence, the calculated constant will be too low.

What is the statement of Boyle's law of gases?

Boyle's law of gases states that the pressure of a given volume of gas is inversely proportional to the volume of the gas provided that the temperature is kept constant.

This implies that as pressure increases, the volume will decrease at a constant temperature.

On the other hand, if the volume increases, the pressure decreases at a constant temperature.

Learn more about Boyle's law of gases at:


What is the percentage efficiency of a 70W bulb that produces 210J of light energy over a minute?






power = 70w

output = 210 J

time = 1 mins = 60 secs

for total input we get

input energy = P*t

= 70*60 = 42000J

for the efficiency we know that

%efficiency = (total output / total input ) * 100%

= (210/42000) * 100%

= 5%




P = 70 W - Lamp power

A = 210 J - Lamp energy

t₀ = 1 min = 60 s - Time


ε - The percentage efficiency

t = A / P = 210 / 70 = 3 s

ε = t / t₀ = 3 / 60 = 0.05   or  ε = 0,05·100% = 5%

Q.5 Louisa rolls a ball with 31N of force. She observes that it has a acceleration
of 2.1m/s2. What is the mass of the ball?



F = M a       Newton's Second Law

M = F / a = 31 N / 2.1 m/s^2 = 14.8 kg

Rather heavy since 1 kg mass weighs about 2.2 lbs force

1. While traveling along a highway a driver slows from 24 m/s to 15 m/s in 12 seconds. What is theautomobile's acceleration? (Remember that a negative value indicates a slowing down.)


Given data

*The initial speed of the driver is u = 24 m/s

*The final speed of the driver is v = 15 m/s

*The given time is t = 12 s

The formula for the automobile's acceleration is given as


Substitute the values in the above expression as

[tex]\begin{gathered} a=\frac{15-24}{12} \\ =-0.75m/s^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Please help me with this I’m stuck!



C. Similar to both Iron and Oxygen.


For iron to re­act with oxy­gen, it must be heat­ed be­fore­hand. Iron burns with a daz­zling flame, scat­ter­ing sparks – in­can­des­cent par­ti­cles of iron cin­der Fe₃O₄. The same re­ac­tion of iron and oxy­gen also takes place in air, when dur­ing me­chan­i­cal pro­cess­ing, steel heats up dras­ti­cal­ly from fric­tion.

Answer: I believe that (C) the oxidation is similar to iron and oxygen.

Explanation: The law of conservation of matter states that matter can't be created nor destroyed. So oxidation would be both iron and oxygen. It will only be changed, but will contain some of oxygen, and some of iron. so I believe the answer is (C)

what seems to happen to the one electron in the outer layer of sodium when it combines with chlorine to form sodium chloride?


it jumps to an excited state




Sun has enough mass to attract the planets is the correct answer


sun has enough mass to attract the plante

A rocket accelerates at 65 m/s² with the force of 54,080 N. What is the mass of the rocket?



832 kg


The mass of the rocket given it's acceleration and force can be found by using the formula

[tex]mass = \frac{f}{a} \\ [/tex]


f is the force in N

a is the acceleration in m/s²

From the question

f = 54,080 N

a = 65 m/s²

We have

[tex]mass = \frac{54080}{65} = 832 \\ [/tex]

We have the final answer as

832 kg

hope this helps you

4) A 200 kg empty cart moves east at 15 m/s. A 50kg rock is dropped straight down into th
moving cart. What is the final speed of the railroad cart?


The final speed of the railroad cart is equal to 12 m/s.

What is law of conservation of linear momentum?

According to the law of conservation of momentum, the sum of the momentum before and after the collision of the objects must be equal.

m₁u₁ + m₂u₂ =  m₁ v₁ + m₂ v₂

Where m₁ and m₂ are the mass of the objects, u₁ and u₂ are the initial speed while v₁ & v₂ is the final speed.

The momentum of an object is defined as the product of the mass times the velocity of that object.

Given the mass of the empty cart, m₁ = 200 Kg

The mass of the rock, m₂ = 50 Kg

The initial velocity of the empty cart, u₁ = 0

m₁ u₁ + m₂ u₂ = (m₁ + m₂)× V

200 × 15 + 50 × 0=  (200 + 50) × V

V = 12 m/s

Therefore, the final speed of the railroad cart is equal to 12 m/s.

Learn more about the law of conservation of linear momentum, here:


A 0.0500-kg ice cube at −30.0ºC is placed in 0.400 kg of 35.0ºC water in a very well-insulated container. What is the final temperature?


The amount of heat that is gained by water is equal to the amount of heat loss by the ice. Therefore, we have the following relationship:


Where "Qw" is the heat of water and "Qi" is the heat of ice. The heat of water is given by:


The amount of heat of ice must be calculated for the two states, solid and liquid. For the solid-state the temperature will be from -30 degrees to 0 degrees, therefore, we have:


Where Ci is the specific heat of ice in solid-state and is equal to:


Replacing the values:


Solving the operations we get:


Now we need to determine the amount of heat that needs the ice to convert into liquid. This is given by:


Lf is the latent heat of ice and is equal to:


Replacing the values we get:


Solving the operations:


Now we need the amount of heat of liquid ice to its final temperature, this is given by:


Applying the relationship:


Cw is the specific heat of water and is equal to:


And the specific heat of ice is:


Replacing the values. The first two terms on the right side we already calculated and the final temperature is the same for both:


Solving operations:


Now we solve for the final temperature:


Subtracting 19835 to both sideS:

[tex]\begin{gathered} -1673.6T_f+58576-19835=209.2T_f \\ -1673.6T_f+38741=209.2T_f \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now we add 1673Tf to both sides:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 38741=209.2T_f+1673.6T_f \\ 38741=1882.8T_f \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now we divide both sides by 1882.2


Therefore, the final temperature is 20.57 °C. This value can be converted into Kelvin using the following relationship:


Replacing the temperature:


Therefore, the final temperature is 293.72 K.

According to newton's 3rd law, the force on the (smaller) moon due to the (larger) earth is.


Bigger in magnitude and pointing away from the force the moon exerts on the earth.

Explain about the Newton's 3rd law?

According to Newton's third law, there is an equal and opposite reaction to every force (action) in nature.

Understanding which forces are external to a system is possible with the aid of Newton's third law. Recall that while creating a problem, identifying external forces is crucial since they must be combined together to determine the net force.

Newton's third law states that the force the ball exerts on the bat when it is struck by the bat will be similar in magnitude but directed in the opposite direction. You won't typically feel the bat "recoiling" when you strike the ball forward because your arms are usually rigid.

To learn more about Newton's 3rd law refer to:


Molten steel, melted steel, liquid steel, and solid steel are different because of Energy Oxygen Phases Matter ??


The molten steel is the or melted

Tariah is riding on her bike at 4m/s (North). If she accelerates at a rate of 1.5 m/s^2 for 2 s, what is her final velocity?



7 m/s



Initial velocity (u) = 4 m/s

Acceleration (a) = 1.5 m/s^2

Time (t) = 2 s

We can calculate the final velocity using the following formula:

[tex]v=u+a\cdot t[/tex]

We replace and calculate the value of the final velocity:

[tex]\begin{gathered} v=4+2\cdot1.5 \\ v=4+3 \\ v=7\text{ m/s} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The final velocity is equal to 7 m/s.

Which of the following objects has gravitational energy? CHOOSE TWO ANSWERS
a book on the edge of a table
a ball sitting on the floor
a falling skydiver
a car driving on a road


A and c a book on the edge of the table and and a falling skydiver

By what factor does the gravitational force between two objects increase if one object doubles in mass and the distance between them decreases by half?


The factor is that since gravitational force is inversely proportional to the square of the separation distance between the two interacting objects, more separation distance will result in weaker gravitational forces.

What is gravitational force?

Gravitational force is described as the universal force of attraction, which is acting between objects. This force causes mutual attraction between all things with mass or energy.

The newton's law of universal gravitation states that every particle in the universe attracts every other particle with a force along a line joining them. The force is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

Learn more about gravitational force at:


Two waves with the same wavelength interact. One has an amplitude of +0.42 m and the
other wave has an amplitude of -0.18 m. When the two waves exactly overlap, what is the
resultant amplitude?


The resultant amplitude of the waves when the two waves overlap is +0.24 m.

What is amplitude of a wave?

The amplitude of a wave is the maximum vertical displacement of the wave or the highest upward displacement of a wave.

The resultant amplitude of the waves when the two waves overlap is calculated as follows;

resultant amplitude = amplitude of the first wave + amplitude of the second wave

resultant amplitude = 0.42 m - 0.18 m

resultant amplitude = 0.24 m

The resultant amplitude of the waves when the two waves overlap depends on the initial amplitude of each wave as shown above.

Learn more about resultant amplitude here:


How can you does units help you to solve a problem?



They help by knowing what you are using them for.


i.e: you know you're solving for length if the units are meters

you're solving for time if you are using seconds


A satellite is orbiting Earth at a distance of 42.0 kilometers. The satellite has a mass of 900kilograms. What is the force between the planet and the satellite? Hint: Recall Earth's mass aradius from earlier problems.



8716.97 N


The force between the planet and the satellite can be calculated using the following equation


Where G = 6.67 x 10^(-11) N m²/kg², m1 is the mass of the satellite, m2 is the mass of the Earth and d is the distance from the center of the Earth to the satellite

Since the radius of the Earth is 6,371 km, we get

d = 42 km + 6,371 km = 6413 km

Then, to convert to m, we need to multiply by 1000

d = 6413 km x 1000 m/km = 6.413 x 10^6 m

Finally, replacing m1 = 900 kg, m2 = 5.972 x 10^24 kg, and d = 6.413 x 10^6 m, we get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} F=6.67\times10^{-11}\frac{(900)(5.972\times10^{24})}{(6.413\times10^6)^2} \\ F=8716.97\text{ N} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the force between the planet and the satellite is 8716.97 N

A 0.4 kg object is attached to a spring with
a spring constant 145 N/m so that the object
is allowed to move on a horizontal frictionless
surface. The object is released from rest when
the spring is compressed 0.14 m.
Find the force on the object when it is
Answer in units of N.


20.3 Newton spring force on the object when it is released.

Force on the object when it is released,

F = kx (Hooke's law)

k=spring constant

x=spring compression

F = 145 N/m × 0.14 = 20.3 N

Basic Harmonic Periodic motion includes motion. In SHM, the relationship between the restoring force Fx and the displacement x is straightforward. The displacement and the restoring force always have opposing signs. Forming the equation for the force is achievable thanks to the proportionality constant k. F = kx This connection, known as Hooke's Law for springs, will depend on the spring constant, k. k is measured in Newton per meter in the SI.

To know more about  spring force visit :


A ball is thrown horizontally from the top of a building 53.5 m high. the ball strikes the ground at a point 49.7 m from the base of the building. the acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s 2 . find the time the ball is in motion.


Answer: who ever thrown that ball, got an arm.


A hover board is moving at 6 m/s . If it slows down at a rate of -3 m/s per second, how long is the board in the air before coming to rest? Round to 4 decimal places if necessary



a uniformly accelerated motion is the one in which the acceleration of the particle throughout the motion is uniform,to fidn the time take we can use the formula:

[tex]\begin{gathered} t=\frac{v_f-v_1}{a} \\ where \\ v_f\text{ is the final velocity} \\ v_{i\text{ }}\text{ is the initail velocity} \\ a\text{ is the acceleration, so} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 1


[tex]\begin{gathered} v_i=6\text{ }\frac{m}{s} \\ v_f=0(\text{ rest\rparen} \\ a=-3\frac{m}{s^2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

b) now, replace

[tex]\begin{gathered} t=\frac{v_{f}-v_{1}}{a} \\ t=\frac{0-(-6\frac{m}{s})}{3\frac{m}{s}} \\ t=2\text{ seconds} \end{gathered}[/tex]

therefore, the answer is 2 seconds


11. The temperature of a 50 kg block increases by 15°C when337,500 J of thermal energy are added to the block. (Chapter5- Pages 141-142)a. What is the specific heat of the object? Show theappropriate equation from your book and show your workwith units.b. What is the block made of? Use the chart on page 141.c. Is this block a good material for insulators or conductors


0.45 kJ/kg/°C is the specific heat of the object when the temperature of a 50 kg block increases by 15°C when337,500 J of thermal energy are added to the block.

Heat = mass × specific heat × change in temperature

q = m C ΔT


q = 337500 J

m = 50 kg

ΔT = 15°C

now, place values

337500 J = (50 kg) C (15°C)

C = 450 J/kg/°C

Specific heat is usually recorded in J/g/°C or kJ/kg/°C.  Converting:

C = 0.45 J/g/°C = 0.45 kJ/kg/°C

the amount of heat needed to increase a substance's temperature by one degree Celsius in one gram, also known as specific heat. Typically, calories or joules per gram per degree Celsius are used as the units of specific heat. For instance, water has a specific heat of 1 calorie (or 4.186 joules) per gram per degree Celsius.

To know more about  specific heat visit :


Hello, I needed help with a few assignment questions. Thank you. It's about Newton's second law of motion.


We will have the following:

2) We can determine that the ratio is constant due to the fact that the acceleration of the gravity on Earth remains constant on the planet. And the mass of the planet is constant.

3) What causes the objects accelerate is the mass of the body that supports them and the mass of the very object. In clasical mechanics the acceleration is due to the influence that a body imparts on another. In relativistic mechanics the acceleration is due to the warping of the space that makes the bodies towards the one with a bigger sphere of influence.

It can also be interpreted as the relationship of the force that is imparted on a body by another and the mass of the smaller object.

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