60.60 increased by 60%


Answer 1

The answer is 96.96

From the question, we have

60.60 increased by 60%

= 60.60 + 60.60 * 60/100

= 96.96


Use the percentage formula to express a number or percentage in terms of 100. % simply indicates one out of one hundred. An expression for a number between 0 and 1 can be made using the percentage formula. It is a number that is represented as a fraction of 100. The sign % is used to denote it and it is mostly used to compare and calculate ratios. The formula for percentage increases is the ratio of the increased value to the original value multiplied by 100. It is described in percentage form. If anything is valued more highly, both its value and proportion will rise.

To learn more about percentages, visit: brainly.com/question/25764815


Related Questions

Which type of angles are described in the second question?


In the first case:

The angle is an acute angle. It measures more than zero but less than 90 degrees.

Second case:

The angle is an obtuse angle. It measures more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees.

Third case:

The angle is a right angle. It measures exactly 90 degrees.

Fourth case:

The angle is a straight angle. It measures exactly 180 degrees.

Let f(x) = 4x² + 6.

The quadratic function g(x) is f(x) translated 3 units up.

What is the equation for g(x) in simplest form?
g(x) = ____​


g (x) = 4x² + 10 is the equation for g(x) in the simplest form.

What is a function?

A special relationship where each input has a single output is called a function.

Given that, f(x) = 4x² + 6, the quadratic function g(x) is f(x) translated 3 units up.

The translation of a function f (x) in the Cartesian coordinate domain can be done by following the given guidelines:

Translation guidelines ;

Horizontal shifts

Right :  f (x) → f (x - a)

Left :  f (x) → f (x + a)

Vertical shifts

Up :  f (x) → f (x) + b

Down :  f (x) → f (x) - b

General shift (Horizontal and Vertical shift) is;

f (x) → f (x ± a) ± b

We will use the guidelines for Vertical shifts, where in this case the magnitude of b = 4.

f (x) = 4x² + 6

g (x) = f (x) + 4

g (x) = 4x² + 6 + 4

g (x) = 4x² + 10

Hence, the equation for g(x) in the simplest form is  g (x) = 4x² + 10

For more references on functions, click;



The denominator of a fraction is three more than the numerator


Let it be x the numerator. Then we have:

• x + 3: Denominator.


• x + 9: Numerator increased by nine.


• (x + 3) + 9: Denominator increased by nine.

Since the simplified result of the fraction is 13/14, we can write and solve for x the following equation.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{x+9}{(x+3)+9}=\frac{13}{14} \\ \frac{x+9}{x+3+9}=\frac{13}{14} \\ \frac{x+9}{x+12}=\frac{13}{14} \\ \text{ Apply cross product} \\ (x+9)\cdot14=13\cdot(x+12) \\ \text{ Apply distributive property} \\ 14\cdot x+9\cdot14=13\cdot x+13\cdot12 \\ 14x+126=13x+156 \\ \text{ Subtract 126 from both sides } \\ 14x=13x+156-126 \\ 14x=13x+30 \\ \text{ Subtract 13x from both sides} \\ 14x-13x=13x+30-13x \\ x=30 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, we replace the value of x into the left expression from the equation we just solved.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ Original fraction }=\frac{x+9}{(x+3)+9} \\ \text{ Original fraction }=\frac{30+9}{30+3+9} \\ \text{ Original fraction }=\frac{39}{42} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the original fraction is 39/42.

Find the missing side length. Show all work.
first right answer with right work gets 500 points



[tex]x=14 \tan 61^{\circ}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\tan 61^{\circ}=\frac{x}{14} \\ \\ x=14 \tan 61^{\circ}[/tex]





Step-by-step explanation:

Using the table, the last point has coordinates (120, 190).



Step-by-step explanation:

the 5th point has the coordinates (129, 190).

120 followers : that is 2 units to the right of 100 on the followers axis.

now we go up to 190 of posts per month.

what point do we find there ? A

Given that 1+i is a root of the equation
x³ + 2x² + λx + μ = 0,
(a) find the values of the real constants λ and μ,
(b) find all the other roots of the equation.


(a) The values of the real constants λ and μ are -6 and 8, respectively.

(b) The roots of the equation are (1 + i), (1 - i), and -4.

We are given an equation. The equation is cubic in nature. It means the equation has three roots. The equation is given below.

x³ + 2x² + λx + μ = 0

One of the roots of the equation is given to us. The known root is "1 + i". The given root is a complex root. We know that complex roots occur in conjugate pairs. So, another root of the equation is "1 - i". Let the third root be represented by the variable "a". We can form the factors as given below.

[x - (1 + i)][x - (1 - i)](x - a) = 0

[x² - x(1 - i) - x(1 + i) + (1 + i)(1 - i)](x - a) = 0

[x² - x + ix - x - ix + (1² - i²)](x - a) = 0

[x² - 2x + (1  + 1)](x - a) = 0

(x² - 2x + 2)(x - a) = 0

x³ - ax² - 2x² + 2ax + 2x - 2a = 0

x³ - (a + 2)x² + (2a + 2)x - 2a = 0

This equation must be the same as the given equation. Now we will compare the coefficients of different powers of "x".

First, we compare the coefficient of x².

2 = -(a + 2)

a + 2 = -2

a = -4

Now, we compare the coefficient of x.

λ = 2a + 2

λ = 2*(-4) + 2

λ = -8 + 2

λ = -6

Now we compare the constant terms.

μ = -2a

μ = -2*(-4)

μ = 8

To learn more about equations, visit :



Solve: -8 + | 1 + 9x | ≤ 2



-11/9 and 1

Step-by-step explanation:

The radius of a circle is 3 centimeters. What is the circumference?Give the exact answer in simplest form. ___ centimeters (pi, fraction)





The formula for circumference is 2 * pi * r

the value of pi can be estimated as 3.14 or 22/7

Using the formula

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2\text{ }\times\text{(}\frac{22}{7}\text{)}\times3 \\ \frac{132}{7} \\ 18\frac{6}{7} \end{gathered}[/tex]

2.1 A new field is to be turned into a soccer ground. It is covered in weeds and volunteers are needed to clear it. It was estimated that it would take 2 men 12 days to weed. The following table was drawn up: No. of Volunteers 3 5 6 No. of days 12 4 2.1.1 Complete the table above. (6) 2.1.2 Is the relationship represented direct or indirect proportion? Give a reason for your answer. (3) 2.1.3 Give the names of the two variables given above and indicate which is independent and which is dependent? (4) 2.1.4 If the field must be complete in 1 day, how many volunteers will be needed? (2) 2.1.5 Draw a graph on the set of axes provided below to represent the data given (5) above. Number of days to weed a field. 12 11 10 9 No. 00 N of 6 5 days 1 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 DO 9 11 12


For 2 Volunteers hours= 12 days

For 3 = X days = 10 days

For 4= 8 days

For 5 = 6 days

from 12 to 4 there are 8

And from 6 to 2, there are 4

Then divide 8/4= 2

Part B) Is an INVERSE relationship, because more volunteers, means less time

Part C) Independent variable is , number of volunteers

Dependent variable is time to clear soccer field

Part D) How many volunteers in 1 day ?

= 12+2= 14 volunteers

QUICK ANSWERS PLEASE!37. What common angle do AACF and ABCG share?BСAFGA. ZCB. ZFC. ZAD. ZB


[tex]A)\angle C[/tex]


as we can see in the picture, after drawing the angles, we can observe the common angles is

[tex]A)\angle C[/tex]

I hope this helps you

Need help solving! I got 4x+17 with a remainder of 42 not sure if it is correct!




Using synthetic division we get,

Hence, the answer is,


The equation for the motion of an object with constant acceleration is d=vt+0.5at2where d is distance traveled in ft, v is starting velocity in ft/s, a is acceleration inft/s2, and t is time in seconds. A racecar begins with a velocity of 200 ft/s andaccelerates at 100 ft/s2.8Write an expression for the distance the car travels after t seconds.


Replacing the values in the equation, we have:

D(t) = (200 ft/s)*t + 0.5*(100 ft/s2)*t^2

D(t) = (200 ft/s)*t + (50 ft/s2)*t^2 (Multiplying)

The answer is:

D(t) = (200)*t + (50)*t^2 (Distance in ft)

Write the quadratic equation in Standard From whose graph has the following: x-intercepts: 2, 5 passes through the point (4, -2) Group of answer choices


The equation of the quadratic equation is y = x² - 7x + 10.

What is x-intercept of a graph?

The points where a line crosses x- axis  and y- axis are known as the x-intercept and the y-intercept, respectively.

Given that the x-intercepts of the graph are 2 and 5.

If a and b x-intercepts of a graph, then the equation of the graph is y = A(x -a)(x - b).

Assume the equation of the quadratic equation will be y = A(x -2)(x - 5).

The graph is passes through the point (4, -2).

Putting x = 4 and y = -2 in the equation y = A(x -2)(x - 5)

-2 = A(4 -2)(4 - 5)

-2 = -2A

A = 1

The equation of the quadratic equation is y = (x -2)(x - 5)

y = x² - 7x + 10.

To learn more about quadratic equation, you can click below:



What does -(-82) mean and my teacher said evaluate too




Step-by-step explanation:

it means minus of minus 82. minus times minus equals to plus so the given number is a positive number.



The answer is {2,4,0,1}

A town doubles its size every 17 years. If the population is currently 3,070, what will the
population be in 68 years?


Answer: 49120 would be your answer!

multiply by 2 four times.

Not equivalent to 3x -6


The equivalent equation for 3x - 6 is 3(x - 2).

What is equation?

Equation: A statement that two variable or integer expressions are equal. In essence, equations are questions, and the motivation for the development of mathematics has been the systematic search for the answers to these questions.

Given equation:

3x - 6

Take 3 as common from both the term,

= 3(x - 2)

Therefore, the equivalent equation for 3x - 6 is 3(x - 2).

To know more about equation:



PLEASE HELP ASAP! I am struggling fr rn



1. -8

2. -4

3. 17

Step-by-step explanation:

To solve these questions, all you need to do is plug in the number into the function.

1. (2)² - 4(2) - 4

   = 4 - 8 - 4

   = -8

2. (4)² - 4(4) - 4

   = 16 - 16 - 4

   = -4

3. (-3)² - 4(-3) - 4

   = 9 + 12 - 4

   = 17

2 cubed x what x 5 = 120

please i really need help




Step-by-step explanation:


30 is the missing number.

Step-by-step explanation:

The equation is,

→ 2³ × x × 5 = 120

Then the value of x will be,

→ 2³ × x × 5 = 120

→ 8 × x × 5 = 120

→ x × 40 = 120

→ x = 120/40

→ [ x = 30 ]

Hence, the value of x is 30.

Restrict the domain of the function so that the function is a one-to-one function and has an inverse. Find the inverse function, State the domain and ranges of the function and its inverse. Explain your results.


[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{restrict the function }f(x)=(x+6)^2 \\ \text{The vertex is located at }(-6,0),\text{ therefore, this is the point where it is symmetrical} \\ \text{We can restrict the domain to:} \\ \text{Domain: }\lbrack-6,\infty) \\ \text{Range: }\lbrack0,\infty)| \\ \text{To find the inverse, replace y with x and vice versa} \\ f(x)=(x+6)^2 \\ y=(x+6)^2,\text{ then do the replacement} \\ x=(y+6)^2 \\ \sqrt[]{x}=\sqrt[]{(y+6)^2},\text{ then get the square root} \\ \sqrt[]{x}=y+6 \\ \sqrt[]{x}-6=y \\ y=\sqrt[]{x}-6 \\ \text{therefore, the inverse is} \\ f^{-1}(x)=\sqrt[]{x}-6 \\ \text{the Domain and range of the inverse is} \\ \text{Domain: }\lbrack0,\infty) \\ \text{Range: }\lbrack-6,\infty) \\ \text{As observed, the domain of the original function is the range of the inverse function} \\ \text{whereas, the range of the original function is the domain of the inverse function} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Determine if each point is a solution to the inequality 2x + 2y > -10 by using the graph shown. Explain. Then justify your answer algebraically.


The region in the graph shows the solutions for the inequality.

If the point falls on the region, then it is a solution.

The boundary line is a broken line which means, every point on this line is NOT a solution.

a. (-3, -2), Plot this point and check with the region.

That will be :

Since the point is on the boundary, therefore, it is NOT a solution

b (3, -7), plot this point and check with the region :

Since it falls under the region, it is a solution.

A street light is at the top of a 17ft tall pole. A woman 6ft tall walks away from the pole with a speed of 4ft/sec along a straight path. How fast is the tip of her shadow moving when she is 45ft from the base of the pole?


A woman 6 ft tall walks away from a 17 ft tall pole with a street light on top of it.


From the diagram, we can say that:


The laws of motion of the woman and the shadow with respect to the base of the pole are:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y(t)=y_0+v_y\cdot t \\ x(t)=x_0+v_x\cdot t \end{gathered}[/tex]

Where x0 and y0 are the initial positions, vx and vy are the shadow speed and the speed of the woman, respectively. We know that vy = 4 ft/s, so if we say that the starting point for the woman was 11 feet away from the pole, then using equation (1):

[tex]\begin{gathered} y_0=11 \\ \frac{x_0}{6}=\frac{y_0}{11}\Rightarrow x_0=6 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, the laws of motion are:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y(t)=11+4\cdot t \\ x(t)=6+v_x\cdot t \end{gathered}[/tex]

We now calculate the instant of time when y = 45 ft. Using the law of motion of the woman:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 45=11+4\cdot t \\ 34=4\cdot t \\ t=8.5\text{ sec} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Again, using the equation (1):

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{x(8.5)}{6}=\frac{y(8.5)}{11} \\ x(8.5)=\frac{6\cdot45}{11} \\ 6+v_x\cdot8.5=\frac{270}{11} \\ 8.5v_x=\frac{204}{11} \\ v_x=\frac{24}{11}\text{ ft/sec} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Anastasia needs to order liquid fertilizer for her landscaping company. She plans to keep the fertilizer in a large cylindrical storage tank, but isn’t sure how much it will hold. The tank is 10 feet tall and the circular base has a diameter of 10 feet. What is the volume of her storage tank?


785 feet² is the volume of her storage tank .

What is volume ?

Every three-dimensional item takes up space in some way. The volume of this area is what is being measured. The area contained by an object's limits in three-dimensional space is referred to as its volume. It is sometimes referred to as the object's capacity.

(V = πr2h)

(V = π * (5)2 * 10)

(V = 250π)

(π) (pi) is approximately equal to (3.14)

V = 250 * 3.14 = 785

Learn more about volume



What is the equation in slope -intercept form , of the line that is parallel to the guven line and passes through the point (0, 12



A.  y=-5+12

Step-by-step explanation:

It asks for slope intercept form which is y=mx+b. This matches the first option but not the last.

First you can rewrite the given equation (10x+2y=-2) in slope intercept form. That will give you y=-5x=1. (in the slope intercept form the number in front of the X is ur slope and the last number is ur Y intercept).

The question says that ur line is parallel to the given equation line. This means that they have the same slope. In your rewritten equation, y=-5x=1, the slope is -5 because it is in front of the X. A is the only option with -5 in the slope position.

All options are eliminated now but in case u want to know, when it tells you that the line passes through (0,12) that means the X intercept is 12. Because 0 is the x axis, and 12 is the Y. Y intercept just means the point where your line touches the Y axis.

Y intercept goes at the end and that also matches your first equation.

Mcm de 2,5,10,25 grupo de valores


i don't know the answer

-1/15+(-3/5) write in simplest form.




Step-by-step explanation:

Section 1/3 (From our Algebra 2 textbook) Solve the system of linear equations in two variables by elimination or substitution. 33. 3x + y =7 - 2x - y =9



The solution to the given system of linear equation is;

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=16 \\ y=-41 \end{gathered}[/tex]


Given the linear system of equation;

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3x+y=7\text{ ---------------1} \\ -2x-y=9​\text{ --------------2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

We want to solve the simultaneous equation by elimination.

We need to eliminate either x or y. from the given equation, we can see that by adding equation 1 and 2 together we can eiminate y;

So, let's add equation 1 and 2 together;

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3x-2x+y-y=7+9 \\ x=16 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since we have the value of x, we can use it to get y by substituting into equation 1;

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3x+y=7 \\ 3(16)+y=7 \\ 48+y=7 \\ y=7-48 \\ y=-41 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the solution to the given system of linear equation is;

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=16 \\ y=-41 \end{gathered}[/tex]

A clerk sold three pieces of one type of ribbon to different customers. One piece was 8 3/8 yards long, another was 6 4/5 yards long, and the third was 15 3/4 yards long. What was the total length of that type of ribbon sold?



If one piece was 8 3/8 yards long, another 6 4/5 and the another 15 3/4 we need to compute the total length as shown as follows:

The total length was:

[tex]\text{Total length=8}\frac{3}{8}+6\frac{4}{5}+15\frac{3}{4}=30\frac{37}{40}=\frac{1237}{40}=30.92\text{ yards long}[/tex]

If you would like to make $2283 in 9 years, how much would you have to deposit in an account that pays simple interest of 5%


To solve this question, we would use the formula of simple interest.

[tex]\begin{gathered} S\mathrm{}I=\text{PRT} \\ s\mathrm{}i=\text{simple interest} \\ p=\text{ principal} \\ r=\text{rate} \\ t=\text{time} \end{gathered}[/tex]

So the given data are

[tex]\begin{gathered} p=\text{?} \\ s\mathrm{}i=2283 \\ t=9 \\ r=5\text{ \%=0.05} \end{gathered}[/tex]

We would need to find the principal

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2283=p\times0.05\times9 \\ 2283=0.45p \end{gathered}[/tex]

Divide both sides by the coefficient of p

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{2283}{0.45}=\frac{0.45p}{0.45} \\ p=5073.33 \end{gathered}[/tex]

In order to make an interest of 2283 in 9 years, you would have to save $5073.33 now

Estimate the answers to the following calculations by rounding each number to a 1 decimal place and then adding them together. 12.55 and 1.74 = 30.38 and 5.49 = 19.16 and 11.42 =



Step-by-step explanation:

One Decimal Place Rule #1: If the last digit in 1.74 is less than 5, then remove the last digit.

One Decimal Place Rule #2: If the last digit in 1.74 is 5 or more and the second to the last digit in 1.74 is less than 9, then remove the last digit and add 1 to the second to the last digit.

One Decimal Place Rule #3: If the last digit in 1.74 is 5 or more and the second to the last digit in 1.74 is 9, then remove the last digit, make the second to last digit 0, and add 1 to the number to the left of the decimal place.When rounding 1.74 to one decimal place we use

One Decimal Place Rule #1. Therefore, the answer to "What is 1.74 rounded to 1 decimal place?" is:

The estimated answers by rounding each number to a 1 decimal place and then adding them together are 14.3, 35.9, 30.6, respectively.

Here are the estimated answers to the following calculations:

12.55 and 1.74 rounded to 1 decimal place are 12.6 and 1.7. The sum is 14.3.

30.38 and 5.49 rounded to 1 decimal place are 30.4 and 5.5. The sum is 35.9.

19.16 and 11.42 rounded to 1 decimal place are 19.2 and 11.4. The sum is 30.6.

The sum of all three calculations is 14.3 + 35.9 + 30.6 = 80.8.

To estimate the answers, we simply rounded each number to 1 decimal place. This means that we lost some precision, but the overall accuracy of the estimates is still good. For example, the actual sum of 12.55 and 1.74 is 14.29, which is very close to our estimate of 14.3.

To learn more about estimated here:



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