argued that congress needed to protect the right of slave owners to take their property into territories


Answer 1

The Dred Scott decision was the U.S. Supreme Court's decision on March 6, 1857, that the existence of an enslaved territory did not confer any rights due to residence in a free state or territory.

Dred Scott, who was he?

Dred Scott was a slave who travelled with his owner, an army doctor, to assignments in Illinois and Wisconsin before returning with him to Missouri, a slave state. Attorneys opposed to slavery helped Scott and his wife file a claim for freedom in a St. The Supreme Court concluded that former slaves lacked U.S. citizenship even after they were liberated, which led to its judgement, which was eventually overturned by the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments.

To know more about Dred Scott click on the link below:


Related Questions

why must articles of confederation be revised?


The Continental Congress approved the Articles of Confederation on November 15, 1777. This text functioned as the first constitution of the United States. It lasted from March 1, 1781, until the current Constitution took effect in 1789.

Explain in detail.

The Articles established a loose confederation of independent states with a meager central administration that delegated most authority to the state legislatures. A stronger federal government was soon required, which prompted the Constitutional Convention in 1787.The Constitution took the place of the Articles of Confederation so that the United States could establish a more powerful government. It was clear by the end of the 1780s that the nation required a more powerful central government to handle numerous political and economic challenges.

To know more about Federal government here


Which of the following statements explains the regional location in the United States where the figures shown in the image are most likely part of the cultural landscape?Multipel choicesThe Northeast, because residents are influenced by British Protestantism.The Southeast, because residents are influenced by traditional religions from West Africa.The Great Plains, because residents are influenced by Native American traditional religions.The Southwest, because residents are influenced by Spanish Catholicism.The Northwest, because residents are influenced by Russian Orthodoxy.


The Answer is "Southwest residents are influenced by Spanish Catholicism".

What do Spanish Catholics believe?

Catholics believe in the doctrine of God as the 'Holy Trinity', consisting of the Son, the Father and the Holy Spirit. There is a church in almost every  town and neighbourhood in Spain, and Christian artefacts are visible throughout the country.

What is the main purpose of Catholicism?

Christ created the Catholic Church to give God “ reverence, praise, and service; to give him glory.” The goal is glory, the family of God sharing and enjoying the glory of God. The apostolic succession is a living sign of Christ's unending mediation as “the one mediator between men and God, the man Jesus Christ”

To know more about Catholicism :


the most famous great awakening revivalist minister was: group of answer choices cotton mather. john peter zenger. john locke. george whitefield.


The maximum well-known incredible awakening revivalist minister was: george whitefield.

The required details about revivalist is mentioned in below paragraph.

A revivalist is someone who holds, promotes, or presides over non secular revivals. A secondary definition for revivalist is someone who revives customs, institutions, or ideas. The definition has come to be extra strong in current decades, and has been revised and tailored through American Charismatic and Pentecostal Christians to be a person who “acknowledges that God’s occur presence transforms lives and cultures.” A revivalist also can encompass a person that both presides over, or actively pursues, a non secular re-awakening or recovery to religious ideas, orthodoxy, non secular or private experiences, and/or communal pursuit of divine occurrences.

To learn about revivalist  visit here.


True or False. (q052) after recovering from the recession of 1990-1991, the u.s. economy continued to expand for the rest of the decade; the boom became the longest uninterrupted period of economic expansion in american history.


It is factually correct to mention that the period after the recession of 1990-91 became the longest uninterrupted period of economic expansion in American history. Therefore, the statement given above holds true.

A period of economic expansion can be referred to or considered as the period during which there is an experience of unforeseen economic growth and development in the society. Moreover, the economic expansion is also able to bring extraordinary levels of growth in the current economic conditions.

Learn more about economic expansion here:


How did the close of Reconstruction affect the federal government?

The balance of power between federal and state governments was restored.

The Supreme Court was now more powerful than the legislative branch.

Congress continued to become more powerful by consistently overruling the President.

The federal government exerted more power over the states.





states in the south did not have as much power

It’s D. During and after Reconstruction the states that were in the Confederacy were placed under militia rule

Introduction: Civil disobedience is a form of protest in which protestors knowingly violate a law. Today’s issues are similar to those of the past: individuals still come into conflict with the needs of society. Consider the following dilemmas and then answer the questions.

1 –Man’s Needs vs. Society’s Needs: Competing interests in the San Joaquin Valley over water rights has created a conflict between farmers needing water for their crops and environmentalists fighting for an endangered fish. With 1,200 miles of canals and nearly 50 reservoirs, California’s irrigation system serves four million acres and provides water to 23 million people. The federal government sells water in this system to communities. With California having so much water, why isn’t there more water for farming?

The 1973 Endangered Species Act requires that the government take steps to save endangered species. In 2006, a lawsuit filed by environmental groups to save a three-inch bait fish called the Delta smelt resulted in the Fish and Wildlife Service agreeing to divert 150 billion gallons of water—even when drought conditions are present—from farmers into waterways emptying into the Pacific Ocean.

The diversion of water has resulted in huge economic losses for the farmers. Unemployment rates in some towns in the San Joaquin Valley soared to 40%, leaving 40,000 people in the Valley out of water and work.

2 –Individual Rights vs. Public Safety: The 9/11 attacks made it clear that Americans could be subject to terrorist attacks at any time and place. As a result, Americans must accept more intrusion into their personal lives, especially when traveling by air. According to the President’s Commission on Aviation Security and Terrorism, “the more security measures…imposed, the more fundamental freedoms…restricted.”

The Airport Security Safety Act directs the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) to implement better airport security technology. Part of this new security includes the use of invasive passenger screening scanners. The new security scanners, described as a “virtual strip search,” uses a low energy X-ray to reveal any objects under a person’s clothing. These scanners allow security officials to make out body features, including private body parts.

However, such screenings could be seen as a violation of the right to privacy amounting to an unconstitutional search. The Supreme Court through several controversial rulings (Roe v. Wade decision concerning abortion) has established the right to privacy as a basic inherent right that is protected by the Ninth Amendment and the Bill of Rights, as illustrated in the Fourth Amendment’s search and seizure limitations. However, under the Constitution and federal and state laws, courts have upheld the right of the FAA to institute airline passenger screening procedures, even when those procedures invade one’s right to privacy.

Assignment 1:

Design a tasteful and diplomatic protest sign or poster either on paper or electronically that includes a slogan you would use as a farmer to protest the government’s actions OR to support the goal of the environmentalists.

Assignment 2:

Write a five-paragraph essay considering the following questions:

Has technology reduced the rights of an individual? In the case of the airport scanners, how does the new technology impact the individual’s rights? Will you allow yourself to be screened with a scanner that reveals every part of your body under the justification of improving public safety? In other words, would you be willing to subordinate your rights for the public good? Why or why not?



5 paragaraphs


write an entire essay

wusston TTT
The passage below is the Preamble to the United States Constitution.
We the People of the United States, in Order to from a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure
domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the
Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish the Constitution for the
United States of America.
-Preamble to the United States Constitution
Which democratic principle is referred to in this passage?
O minority rights
O free enterprise
O popular sovereignty
O separation of powers



popular sovereignty


Meaning the people choose the gov, and they have great influence over it.

C popular sovereignty

Why was plow such an important tool for farmers


plow was such an important tool for farmers because it was used to turn and break up soil, to bury crop residues, and to help control weeds.

Which of the following represents a benefit of the United States government's laissez-faire
policies toward business during the late 1800s?
A Strong government regulation spurred the rise of entrepreneurship.
B Minimal government regulation encouraged investment and growth.
C Strong government regulation increased wages for unskilled workers.
D Minimal government regulation encouraged Congress to ban protective tariffs.
Per Capita Income in the South, 1860 and 1880


American entrepreneurs were allowed to invest in their firms with little intervention from the government. Thus, the correct answer is Strong government regulation spurred the rise of entrepreneurship.

What is the fundamental meaning of entrepreneurship?

Entrepreneurship is the process of creating or obtaining economic value. Entrepreneurship usually includes more risk than is typical when beginning a firm, and it may contain values other than monetary ones. An entrepreneur is someone who starts and/or invests in one or more enterprises, taking on the bulk of the risks and reaping the majority of the gains. Entrepreneurship is the process of starting a company. Entrepreneurs are normally regarded as pioneers, bringing new ideas, goods, and services to the marketplace.

To learn more about entrepreneurship, click


1. According to Esherick, why did the Boxer Rebellion become such a famous historical a event?



Esherick saw the Boxer Rebellion as part of the mass nationalist movement that was sweeping the globe. People were coming together and seeing themselves


Separation of powers- the division of government power into different branches-is
critical for the existence and proper functioning of this other core system of U.S.
O Federalism
O The bicameral Congress
Checks and balances
Due process


Separation of powers- the division of government power into different branches-is critical for the existence and proper functioning of this other core system of U.S. is Checks and balances.

What is separation of powers?

Separation of powers, can be described as the division of government responsibilities into distinct branches to limit any one branch from exercising the core functions of another.

It should be noetd that this can be seen as the intent is to prevent the concentration of power and  bringf about the checks and balances.

Therefore, option C is correct.

Learn more about Separation of powers at:


Representatives from large and small states most disagreed on which issue during the Constitutional Convention?​


The clue is, large and small states, this is alluding to the amount of people in congress, so the answer is C.

Answer: C


Maus said that Mexicans are "generally misunderstood by the American people" and that "contrary to the popular idea" Mexicans were anxious to work. What does this suggest about American attitudes towards Mexicans at this time?


According to Maus, Americans "generally misunderstand Mexicans," and "contrary to the popular idea," Mexicans are eager to work.

Who feels guilty in Maus?

In Maus, guilt is portrayed as an emotion that forces us to think about our obligations to others. Vladek places demands on Art that Art will never be able to meet, causing Art to feel guilty over his failure all the time. This is an example of how Vladek projects his survivor's guilt onto Art.

Due to Americans' misconception that Mexicans were overly eager to work, Americans may have also assumed that Mexicans didn't want to work, either specifically for them or in general. As a result, it is likely that Americans simply misinterpreted their attitude toward Mexicans.

Learn more about Maus here:


In a cross-cultural study of 3500 folk songs from around the world, Alan Lomax found that songs with more words and clearer enunciation were associated with __________.
a. tribal groups because they have such intricate lineages to pass on through song
b. complex societies since they depend more on transmitting complex verbal information
c. hunter-gather bands since they have more free time and sing more songs
d. chiefdoms since "big men" must be good oral communicators


In a cross-cultural study of 3500 folk songs from around the world, Alan Lomax found that songs with more words and clearer enunciation were associated with complex societies since they depend more on transmitting complex verbal information.

What is enunciation ?The act of speaking, announcing, declaring, enunciation , open certificate; description. It's time to announce the grave truth. The type of speech or pronunciation, especially with respect to richness and articulation or intelligibility. The main difference between enunciation and pronunciation is that pronunciation is the process of pronouncing words clearly and concisely, while enunciation is the process of pronouncing words correctly. Nerve or brain damage usually makes it difficult to control the tongue, lips, larynx, or vocal cords used to speak. Dysarthria, the difficulty in pronouncing words, is sometimes confused with aphasia, the difficulty in speaking. Using the correct sounds when speaking helps others  quickly understand what you are trying to say.If you are good at grammar and know a lot of different words, good enunciation will help others hear and understand you  more clearly.

To learn more about enunciation  from the given link :


received the nobel peace prize when he announced that the soviet union would no longer use its military forces to keep communist governments in power in eastern europe.


Mikhail Gorbachev received the Nobel peace prize when he announced that the Soviet Union would no longer use its military forces to keep communist governments in power in eastern Europe.

Gorbachev dismantled the Soviet Union for what reason?

It put an end to Mikhail Gorbachev's attempts to change the Soviet political and economic systems in an effort to halt a period of political impasse and economic decline. Ethnic separatism and internal stagnation had plagued the Soviet Union.

What three changes did Gorbachev implement?

The gradual nature of Gorbachev's reforms allowed for the preservation of many macroeconomic features of the command economy (including price controls, inconvertibility of the rouble, exclusion of private property ownership, and the government monopoly over most means of production).

To know more about Mikhail Gorbachev, click here-


True or false: Stephen A. Douglas proposed the organization of a huge new territory known as Nebraska, so that Indian areas could be opened up to provide a potential northern route for the transcontinental railroad.


True, Stephen A. Douglas advocated for the creation of Nebraska, a sizable new territory, in order to free up Indian lands and maybe create a northern route for the transcontinental railroad.

What exactly is a transcontinental nation?

States that have a portion of their territory geographically divided between at least two continents are known as transcontinental or intercontinental states. Contiguous and non-contiguous transcontinental states can both be categorized as transcontinental states.

Is Russia an intercontinental nation?

Russia is a transcontinental state, meaning it is located on two different continents. Russia stretches across the northern portion of the Eurasian continent; 77% of the country's land is in Asia, while 23% of it is in Europe.

To know more about transcontinental visit:


The Philadelphia convention in 1787 was located in the same room where what was signed 11 years before



The Declaration of Independence


Independence hall. The Declaration of Independence was signed at the Second Constitutional Convention.

Answer: The Signing of the United States Constitution occurred on September 17, 1787, at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,


What replaced the imperial government of Japan?



Following the end of World War II, the present Constitution of Japan was adopted.

One major difference between the Greek city-states of Athens and Sparta was
that Sparta:
OA. made military service voluntary.
OB. offered more rights to women.
OC. outlawed the slave trade.
OD. allowed all adult men to vote.


Sparta concentrated on the military while Athens concentrated on citizenship. The correct answer is option (A).

What is difference between Athens and Sparta?

As their troops were significantly more powerful than Athens', Sparta had a military edge on the continent. However, Athens possessed a much stronger fleet, which further increased their advantage at sea. Throughout this conflict, there were primarily two fighting phases that were separated by a six-year cease-fire. Because of their formidable and protective army, girls obtained some education, and women had greater freedom than in other poleis, Sparta is significantly superior than Athens.

While Sparta had a decentralized government, Athens had a centralized one. All eligible inhabitants in Athens were allowed to vote in the city's governing body since it was a "limited democracy." At this time, only adult male citizens could cast ballots.

To know more about Athens and Sparta, visit:





Which aspect of the image BEST indicates the work for which certain groups revered Brown?

his ignoring the harsh soldier in the foreground

his stern and calm demeanor in the face of slavery

his neutrality when faced with two opposing forces

his apparent kindness to the African American woman and child


His apparent kindness to the African American woman and child indicates the work for which certain groups revered Brown. The correct option is D.

Why was Brown so important to the civil right movement?

There is still much work to be done, and the Brown ruling did not instantly change the nation. However, eliminating segregation in the country's public schools served as a significant catalyst for the civil rights movement and made advancements in the desegregation of housing, public places, and institutions of higher learning possible.

The decision in Brown v. Board of Education by the U.S. Supreme Court marked a turning point in American history regarding racial relations. On May 17, 1954, the Supreme Court eliminated the legal protections against racial segregation and established equal opportunity in education as the rule of the land.

Thus, the ideal selection is option D.

Learn more about the civil right movement here:


Which actions by John D Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and other business tycoons would suggest that they were worthy of being called Robber Barons?


Business tycoons like Rockefeller were dubbed "robber barons" because they were notorious for paying their employees pitiful wages while raking in enormous profits using dishonest business tactics like dumping and trust-building.

What did Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller do?

Along with many other institutions, he founded the Carnegie Institute and the Tuskegee Institute. He was designated as the library's patron saint. He established philanthropic foundations. On the other side, Rockefeller started giving when anti-trust authorities started to pressure his Standard Oil Company.

There are significant parallels between Carnegie and Rockefeller. They both came from low-income households and went on to have highly successful business careers. Major corporations owned by Rockefeller and Carnegie destroyed all competition by monopolizing their respective industries.

They did it by establishing monopolies, which reduced competition. They were able to keep the pricing of their products as high as possible because to the monopolies they established in the steel and oil industries. There wasn't much competition to drive down their pricing in the market.

To know more about Robber Barons, refer:


Which of the following most accurately describes Europe at the end of World War II?

O A damaged economy but with strong infrastructure

O Widespread destruction with occupying armies throughout

O Mostly stable with some minor disrupted supply lines

O Many simultaneous civil wars with retreating Allied troops


Europe at the end of World War II had many simultaneous civil wars with retreating Allied troops. Hence, option (D) will be considered as the relevant option choice.

Give a brief account on World War II.

The Second World War, sometimes known as World War II or simply World War 2, lasted from 1939 until 1945.With the creation of the Allies and the Axis powers, two military alliances at conflict with one another, it involved the vast majority of the world's nations, including all the superpowers.More than 100 million people from more than 30 countries participated directly in World War II as a whole.

The line between civilian and military resources became increasingly hazy as the major warring parties committed their whole economic, industrial, and scientific capacities to the conflict. The only two nuclear weapons ever used in combat were deployed thanks to aircraft, which also played a significant role in the strategic bombing of population centers.

To know more about, World War II, visit :



O Widespread destruction with occupying armies throughout


What were some of the new "mass consumption society" devices available by 1915?


Factory production for mass consumption has become the major source of commodities in industrialized societies. Customised handcraft production continues alongside this, especially of men's clothing, women's fashions, shoes, and jewelry. Women's fashions have become international, with a few famous designers in Paris, Rome, New York, and Tokyo holding annual shows which set the latest fashion. At the luxury end of this mode of production the craftsmen designs a prototype made in his workshop; this may be commissioned by a customer, offered for sale through a show, or in exclusive shops. Successful designs may be copied in other workshops for sale in select stores; such as garment with a ‘designer label’ is still considered exclusive. A few designs are more widely copied and sold through chains of stores to the public. This ‘trickle-down’ of fashions through dressmakers' workshops has always linked dress to social mobility. Lace, from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries, moved from courts to town gentry to village bonnets. Maher describes this for Turin in the early twentieth century, where seamstresses copied the dresses made for customers to wear themselves—thus passing socially as ladies (Maher 1987). Customized craft production also continues to be important, for instance in fine furniture, jewelry, pottery, and textiles. These are sold in specialist shops, and increasingly in shops alongside replicas of museum holdings. Their makers are coming to be known as designer craftsmen,' and also as ‘artist craftsmen.’ There is a debate, as with some of the ethnic crafts, as to whether this is ‘art’ or ‘craft.’

the u.s democratic party mostly includes members who are


The U.S democratic party is mostly populated by people who are moderate and conservative.

The U.S democratic party

One of the two main modern political parties in the United States is the Democratic Party.

It was primarily created by Martin Van Buren and was established in 1828 with the support of war hero Andrew Jackson. As a result, it is the oldest continuously operating political party in the world.

Since the 1850s, the Republican Party has been its primary political adversary.

Due to the larger number of distinct voting blocs that make up the party, it is more ideologically diverse than the Republican Party, with important individuals typically expressing sharply divergent political views, even though modern liberalism is the party's dominant ideology.

Learn more on the U.S democratic party here


The Indian goddess of dance.
Select one:


Kisa Gotami




Answer: Rakshasa

Explanation: Goddess of dance

Rakshasa or Nataraja

one popular method of persuasion is the bandwagon technique, which suggests that a person should do something because everyone else is doing it. which of these passages best illustrates that technique?


Many are daily coming from the east, west, north and south; many that were very lately in the same miserable condition that you are in, are now in a happy state.

What is the bandwagon technique?

It is a psychological fact that people adopt beliefs, ideas, fads, and trends more quickly when compared to the percentage of other people who have already done so. Regardless of the supporting facts, more people "jump on the bandwagon" as a belief gains popularity.Examples of the Bandwagon Effect are shown below: Diets: People are more likely to give a fad diet a try when it appears like everyone else is doing it. Elections: Voters are more likely to support the candidate they believe will prevail.

To more about Psychology here


What did water. Explain. Yes I am in preschool



Water is a liquid that can be used for many things for many reasons



Water is a liquid that can be used for many things for many reasons

am also preschool


To what degree should a job analysis include an evaluation of the staff
member in the job being evaluated?
OA. Job analysis should not include staff evaluation.
OB. Job analysis should evaluate the team, not an individual.
OC. Job analysis should include some staff evaluation.
OD. Job analysis should focus almost entirely on staff evaluation.

Answer: A. Job analysis should not include staff evaluation.


The extent to which Job analysis has to be included an evaluation of the staff member in the job being evaluated is that : Job analysis should not include staff evaluation. Option A

What is meant by job analysis?

Job analysis is the process of acquiring and examining data regarding the subject matter, human requirements, and environment in which a job is performed. This method is used to decide where to position employees.

Job analysis is the process of researching a job to ascertain what tasks and duties it entails, how important it is in comparison to other jobs, the skills required to do the job, and the working environment.

The goal of a job analysis is to determine and record the "job relatedness" of hiring practices such hiring, training, remuneration, and performance evaluation.

It typically entails keeping track of an employee's responsibilities and the length of each work, as well as seeing the person perform his or her obligations.

Read more on Job analysis here:


A job analysis should not include staff evaluation, because the job needs to be assessed of its worth.

What is Job Analysis?

Job analysis is the act of evaluating the worth of a job, in this act the job and its surrounding jobs are analyzed and comparisons are made. This is the activity mainly performed by Human Resource of an organization, this activity is performed to identify the pay scale adequate for the job.

The job analysis activity should not include staff evaluation as it does not matter of the experience of the staff but the job and its roles are relevant to determine the pay for a certain job. A job has certain job description which includes all the tasks need to be performed by the individual that is hired for the job and so the pay should be according to the job and not based on the individual.

Learn more about job analysis at


Explain a likely cultural effect of the patterns of migration associated with the location shown in Image 2.


The location shown in image 2 is Mahabodhi Temple that is situated in Bihar, India. The likely cultural effect of the migration can be the influence of Indian culture and Hinduism religion.

What is Hinduism?

Hinduism is a religion that is followed by the people who are known as Hindu and mostly reside in the sub continent now India and Pakistan. As a result of Buddhist migrating to India there will be religious and cultural effects, the people who migrate will have the influence by the Hinduism, as both the religions are similar to each other. Both the religions Hinduism and Buddhism is the religion of worshipping idols.

The first picture is of Buddha statue that represents the religion Buddhism and the second image is of the Mahabodhi Temple of Buddhism.

Learn more about Hinduism at


Don't let Ignorant People Vote Literary Response

1) Read the article

2) Write a summarizing paragraph highlighting Grandersons' argument for why America should not allow politically ignorant people to vote.

3) Write a paragraph responding to Grandersons' point of view. Do you agree with him? Why or why not? Would his idea be good for America? Is his idea inherently American or Un-American? Can you have a representative democracy in which not everyone has the right to vote? Is it essential for a representative democracy to have educated voters?


Politically ignorant people should not vote because they are not aware of the social, economic and cultural impact that voting for one candidate or another can have.

What is Granderson's argument?

Granderson refers to the fact that people who do not have basic knowledge about the functioning of the state or the spending of public money are not fully aware of the consequences of their voting decisions. In general, she makes reference to the fact that these people should not be expelled from the country. On the contrary, he proposes that they should be taught basic knowledge about the state so that they are fully aware of their actions.

According to Granderson's point of view, we agree with this position because it is a good measure to prevent ignorant people from making decisions for other citizens without being aware of their consequences. Additionally, this would improve the contest between the candidates because the politicians would have to present stronger arguments to convince the voters.

This idea is inherent to all the citizens of a society, that is to say, to all those who have the opportunity to participate in the votes regardless of whether or not they are originally from the United States. In general, this measure should be applied to those who can participate in voting.

From my point of view, there could be a representative democracy in which not everyone votes because citizens should have the obligation to educate themselves to obtain their right to vote. Once they are educated in this area they would have the right to vote consciously. It is essential for this democracy that voters are educated because this would allow politicians and their proposals to be more rigorous and true.

Learn more about state in:


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