Are there any steps of the rock cycle that do NOT connect directly to one another? Explain why this may be the case using at least two examples.

please helpp


Answer 1


rocks are destroyed


ricks are never destroyed they descompose

Answer 2

There are no steps in the rock cycle that do not connect directly to one another. The rock cycle describes the continuous process by which rocks are formed, weathered, eroded, transported, deposited, and lithified, leading to the formation of new rocks.

What are the steps in rock cycle ?

Each step of the rock cycle is interconnected and depends on the other steps. For example, the formation of sedimentary rocks requires the weathering and erosion of preexisting rocks, the transportation and deposition of the resulting sediments, and the lithification of the sediments into rock.

Without the weathering and erosion of preexisting rocks, there would be no sediment to form sedimentary rocks.

Similarly, the formation of metamorphic rocks requires the heat and pressure of burial and tectonic activity, which in turn is influenced by the existing rock formations and geological processes of the area.

Another example is the formation of igneous rocks, which can occur through the melting and solidification of preexisting rocks, or through volcanic activity.

Find more on rock cycle :


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You should be using the formula
speed = wavelength x frequency


The answer is 18 you multiply wavelength (6) times frequency (3)
Painted 18 because the wave length is 6 m and the frequency is 3.So 6×3 = 18

Question in picture**





But D ig :))

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lava because thats what comes out of a volcano when it erupts
Answer:It's Magma or Lava but I believe it's Lave.Your Welcome:Hope This Helped!

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i will give brainliest to correct answer - link = report
i cant give two people brainly so lmk if you want fr33 points


The answer is B. Hope that helped!
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It would be 128 (m/s) You would multiply the wavelength and the frequency.

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Guard cells open and close the stomata to regulate the rate of transpiration.

Guard cells protect the stomata from insects and other pests.

Guard cells store carbon dioxide for later use by the stomata.

Guard cells absorb light energy from the Sun for use by the stomata.



Guard cells open and close the stomata to regulate the rate of transpiration. Hope I helped

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A.letting the mixture stand still for a long time

B.shaking the mixture of solid and water

C.raising the temperature of the water

D.crushing the solid



C and D


the answer is c and d

Stacy made the following table to compare the functions of plant and animal structures, but she is missing a row title. Which of the following would best replace the X?

a table comparing the functions of different animal and plant structures. There is an unknown 'X' in the table. The skeleton in animals and the stem in plants provide support. The fur in animals and the waxy covering in plants provide protection. The ovaries in animals and the pistil in plants make 'X'



I believe they make Eggs

All vertebrates are known to have two ovaries. Many invertebrates have testes and ovaries in a single animal. The ovaries in animals and the pistil in plants make eggs. The correct option is A.

What is pistil?

The female reproductive structure of the flower is known as the pistil. It consists of the structures like stigma, style, ovary and ovule. The major function of the pistil is to support the pollination process which finally leads to fertilization.

The stigma of the pistil receives the pollen and the style transports the pollen to the ovule. Pistils protects the ovule present inside it. The ovary is also the female reproductive organ in which the sex cells are produced called an egg.

The function of the ovaries is to nurture the eggs for the process which is called the ovulation.

Thus the correct option is A.

To know more about pistil, visit;


The circulatory system is responsible for which of the following?
I. bringing oxygen to your cells
II. bringing nutrients to your cells
III. bringing carbon dioxide to your cells

I only
I and III only
I and II only
I, II, and III






The circulatory system is made up of blood vessels that carry blood away from and towards the heart. Arteries carry blood away from the heart and veins carry blood back to the heart. The circulatory system carries oxygen, nutrients, and hormones to cells, and removes waste products, like carbon dioxide.

l and ll only. The circulatory system is responsible for bringing both oxygen and nutrients to your cells. It is not lll because the circulatory system doesn’t bring carbon dioxide to your cells. It actually removes it from your cells. Hope this helps! :D

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a tulip and a crocodile

A function of both of their outer coverings is to reduce water loss.
In both the tulip and crocodile the male reproductive organ is the testes.
The tulip and crocodile both have internal skeletons that support them.
The outer coverings of the tulip and crocodile both protect the organism.



pretty sure the answer is "A function of both of their outer coverings is to reduce water"


Using process of elimination it would be A. That’s a strange question

Brsinlirst if correct




the first answer is reflected and the second is absorbed


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Can someone help please I just need the answer....


Every two minutes the height increases

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Explanation:blah blah

i will give brainliest to correct answer - link = report





Cellular Respiration's formula is C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O.

Photosynthesis's formula is 6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2.

C6H12O6 is glucose

O2 is oxygen

CO2 is Carbon Dioxide

H20 is Water




Alice went camping with her family. She set up her tent in a grassy area. After two weeks, she noticed that the grass under her tent turned brown. Which factor most likely explains why the grass turned brown?

lack of water and sunlight

lack of oxygen and fertilizer

lack of soil and shade

lack of food and nutrients


lack of water and sunlight

Water and sunlight are necessary for photosynthesis to occur absence of these turned the grass brown.

What is photosynthesis?

It is defined as a process by which plants and other photosynthetic organisms convert the light energy in to chemical energy  through the process of cellular respiration.

Some of the energy which is converted  is stored in molecules of carbohydrates like sugar and starches  which are made up of from carbon dioxide and water . Photosynthetic organisms which can perform photosynthesis  are algae and cyanobacteria. Photosynthesis is largely responsible for producing and maintaining the content of oxygen in earth's atmosphere.

The process begins with proteins absorbing light energy  which are called reaction centers and contain a green pigment which is called chlorophyll . In plants ,these pigments are present inside organelles called chloroplasts while in bacteria they are present in plasma membrane.

Learn more about photosynthesis,here:


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Mars would have different variations of brown, red, and orange.


Since different places of Mars have different substances or have different "ages" the color will be different.

Rust is formed because iron reacts to different substances, so there might be different weather patterns around Mars, and hence different colors of the rocks, iron, etc.

Hope this helps:)

Sorry just a 4th grader :(

I think this is correct though

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14583 i think thats the right answer




Rocks can be weathered by expanding and _________ .






the answer should be contracting!!


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wave means a number of different ways in which energy is transferred: In electromagnetic waves, energy is transferred through vibrations of electric and magnetic fields


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I’m trying to get things expanded graph explanation

why do you think mauna loa erupts periodically instead of steadily


The 1984 eruption of Mauna Loa volcano, Hawaii, produced about 220 million cubic meters of lava of remarkably homogeneous composition. No significant compositional changes occurred during the 22‐day eruption, and along the 20 km vent system, even though crystallinity increased substantially, accompanying a decline in the eruption rate. Such homogeneity in lava composition is typical of many historic Mauna Loa eruptions. The 1984 lava, along with most other homogeneous Mauna Loa lavas, is multiply saturated, crystallizing olivine, clinopyroxene, and plagioclase. Bulk compositions are “perched” at the intersection of an olivine‐control trend with a trend for more differentiated lavas. There is no evidence to indicate that the 1984 lava is a differentiate of the 1975 magma, or that it results from mixing a new batch of magma with differentiated melt remaining in the magmatic plumbing system after the 1975 eruption. It is proposed that these lavas are erupted directly from a small, continuously replenished magma reservoir located about 3–4 km beneath the summit caldera. Successive eruptions therefore provide a sampling of magma chamber processes, and small but discernible changes in lava composition reflect the competing processes of magma supply, differentiation, and eruption.

what's the difference between erection\arousal and erosion



uhhh they are VERY different things

maybe you should look up what erection/arousal is?

erosion is what happens to layers of the Earth such as rock over time


When a male is aroused sexually, the blood vessels in the penis relax and open up, allowing blood to fill them. Blood trapped under high pressure creates an erection. Ejaculation is a reflex action controlled by the central nervous system.




I believe it’s..Balance chemical equation

Answer: ok ?


difference between alloys and mixtures?



Top answer is correct :]


Can someone help me with this

why do you think mauna loa erupts periodically instead of steadily


Because it takes time for the pressure to build enough to push the lava out.
it takes time for the lava to push out

Other than water, what substance is formed when an acid and a base are combined in a water solution?



Salt. Hope this helps!!

Help me ill give you brainilest
(easy answer I'm in 5th grade T_T)
Bob thinks that plants get their materials for growth from the soil. Write a couple of sentences to explain why is Bob incorrect. (2 points)


Answer: Plants get there nutrients from not only the soil but from the sun as well. The sun provides the plants with food/energy. The plants take in the sun light and turn it into glucose, glucose is used by plants to give them energy.


Plants use photosynthesis to grow with water and sunlight

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Do they disappear?



Evaporation happens when a liquid substance becomes a gas. When water is heated, it evaporates. The molecules move and vibrate so quickly that they escape into the atmosphere as molecules of water vapor.


the water molecules evaporate into the air around us
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