Although George Washington warned against having political parties, the united states has long had a two-party political system. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different party systems.


Answer 1


1)It creates disunity & factionalism

2)Candidates often use dirty tricks to discredit their opponents & win elections

3)Long term policies may become a casualty for electoral politics

4)Money power is often a crucial determinant of results in elections & smaller and independent candidates may not have sufficient resources to compete with big parties on equal terms.

5)Parties can even bribe the people with money or snacks for vote.


1) It creates competition among parties to serve the people better.

2)People will have lot of options among various leaders.

3) People acn select a particular leader who can solve their problems.

4) Political Competition mostly benefits the people as parties will do their best to lure the people.

5) Poltical Competition leads to the development of the nation.

Answer 2

Although George Washington warned against having political parties, the united states has long had a two-party political system. the advantages and disadvantages of the different party systems are:

Advantages of a Two-Party System Political parties can be chosen in a two-party system. The electorate selects the party with the better programme.Strong Opposition is Provided: Under this arrangement, one party forms the government while the other forms the opposition. For instance, in Britain, the opposition Conservative Party serves as a counterbalance to the incumbent Labour Party.It Contributes to Good Governance The opposition party has a responsibility to monitor and critique the government's harmful policies. It motivates the government to be cautious while developing and implementing policy.It Ensures Stability: Because there is no room for a coalition government, which could result in a feeble and unstable government, stability is assured.It is democratic: There is room for freedom of association and choice.Easy Recognition: People are able to quickly recognise the advantages and disadvantages of the party in power.Change of Government: Because the constitution includes a clause requiring regular elections, a change of government is feasible.Demerits of the Two-Party System the separation of the nation into two factions: There is a chance that a two-party system may create two rival factions in the nation. This might undermine racial harmony.It does not foster harmony. It's possible that the power struggle within the system does not advance racial harmony.It might result in a one-party system: The other party may disintegrate into the ruling party if one of the two keeps office for an extended period of time.Election fraud is a possibility because all parties would like to hold office. In addition, future elections could be managed by the current administration using the incumbency apparatus.unhealthy party competition: A two-party system may lead to intimidation, persecution of political rivals, threats, etc.The majority of the nation's resources are wasted on the administration of elections and the upkeep of two political parties.Multi-Party State BenefitsDemocracy is present.increased political education and involvement.increased representation.decreases the likelihood of a one-party dictatorship taking power.Party management.acknowledging opposition partiesgovernment changePeople's and order.The Multi-Party System's demeritscoalition administration.A surplus of political programmes.It is challenging to hold a specific party accountable.political parties with ethnic and sectional roots.It makes it exceedingly challenging to establish a new administration.The party system is incredibly pricey.political opponents are victimised.Instability in politics.The executive is weakened by a multi-party system.It reduces significant areas of law to class bribery.What is party system?

A party system is a notion in comparative politics that refers to the way political parties govern in democracies. Political parties are supposed to share some fundamental characteristics: they have power over the government, a solid base of widespread popular support, and internal systems for regulating donations, information, and nominations.

Supporting answer

To Learn more about two party system here


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A. Continents b. Pyramids c. Cuneiform d. Polytheism



d. Polytheism


According to, "The religions in both Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt were polytheistic, meaning they believed in multiple gods and goddesses, and were based on nature. Both civilizations had gods of the sky, earth, freshwater, and the sun, and gods devoted to human emotions and the underworld."

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It exists when prices are lowest


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many ballots could not be read by machine.



Many ballots were destroyed.



D: many ballots could not be read by machine



The reason the recount had to happen in Florida in the 2000 election was due to hanging chads. This was the idea of the hole punch in the ballots were not fully punched and there was still paper hanging. This meat the ballots were unable to be fully read by machine, so they had to recount entirely.

What was the result of the Great Schism of 1054?

The Emperor Justinian split the Byzantine Empire into two parts.

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The Seljuk Turks conquered Constantinople.

he Eastern Orthodox Church split off from the Roman Catholic Church.


[tex]\huge{ \mathcal{ \underline{ Answer} \:  \:  ✓ }}[/tex]

The result of the Great Schism of 1054 also known as The East–West Schism was :

[tex]\hookrightarrow [/tex] The Eastern Orthodox Church split off from the Roman Catholic Church.


[tex]\mathrm{ \#TeeNForeveR}[/tex]


The Eastern Orthodox Church split off from the Roman Catholic Church.



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For many years people have spent their lives fighting for racial equality.

After South Carolina seceded, only six more states followed to form the Confederate States or The Confederacy. They adopted a Constitution that was exactly the same as the Constitution of the United States of America. True or false





It is FALSE that after South Carolina seceded, only six more states followed to form the Confederate States of The Confederacy. And it is also FALSE that they adopted a Constitution that was precisely the same as the Constitution of the United States of America.

What happened was that after South Carolina seceded, initially, six more states followed, including Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas.

Then, another four joined the secession, including Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina, to form the Confederate States of The Confederacy.

Also, while the Confederate Constitution is similar to the United States Constitution, there is much emphasis on the sovereignty of each state.

Reagan's first act as president was to sign an executive order eliminating price controls on oil and gasoline, a step towards

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C: cutting spendning.


Why did the leaders of the Catholic Church want to reform their church?



The desire for reform within the Catholic Church had started before the spread of Luther. Many educated Catholics had wanted change – for example, Erasmus and Luther himself, and they were willing to recognize faults within the Papacy. ... Others had tried to bring forward Catholic doctrine.


I hope this helped ;)

Multiple Choice How did railroads affect the West?

A. More people moved there.
B. It was easier for businesses and farms to buy and sell goods.
C. Small towns became big cities.
D. All of the above


Answer:  D


What happened when Hitler attacked Poland?

Hitler lost power and was replaced by a new government.

The United States declared war on Germany.

Great Britain and France declared war on Germany.

Great Britain and France appeased Germany by doing nothing.



The 3rd one!


Why do you think opposing religious beliefs can lead to distress and conflict?


Many people have different views and opinions on God and those views and beliefs lead to others saying others are wrong thus leading to further conflict

What was the German air force called?
A. The RAF (Royal Air Force)
B. The Panzer division
C. The Reichstag
D. The Luftwaffe


D is correct. Brainliest pls
the answer to the question is d

Please help me with this



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Tyre, sidion, Byblos, and arwad

The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 led to which of the following
unintended consequences?
Select one:
O a. Asian and Latin American immigrant communities formed.
b. Fewer people immigrated to the United States from Europe.
O c. Many employers moved operations to countries overseas.


The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 led to Asian and Latin American immigrant communities formed. Thus, option (a) is correct.

What is Nationality Act of 1965?

Through a national origins' quota, the Immigration, and Nationality Act of 1965 set a restriction on the number of immigrants who might enter the country.

The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 states that the removal of the quota system made it simpler for Asians to immigrate and more challenging for Latin Americans also.

As a result, option (a) is correct.

Learn more about on Nationality Act, here:


Briefly describe Athens’s location.



Athens is in central Greece. Athens is located near the Aegean sea which helps during trade. Sparta is more isolated on the peninsula. This peninsula is located in the southern part of Greece near the mediterranean sea.


Just put it in your own words!

Does anyone know the answer to this please be honest



C The Dnieper


See attached map

During the early Middle Ages, only a few towns existed because O agriculture was the basis of the economy. people were encouraged to rely on a lord. poor farming methods required many workers. individuals wanted to live in a small community.



agriculture was the basis of the economy.


During the early Middle Ages, only a few towns existed because "agriculture was the basis of the economy.".

The Middle Ages began around the fifth century following the end of the "the Western Roman Empire."

During this period, many people care less about town formations, as many favored agricultural practices to survive. Hence, people prefer to stay far away from each other to cultivate a large expanse of land that will be enough for them to survive throughout the year.


Yup it's A. agriculture was the basis of the economy.



In 1919, a communist party formed in the US, creating fear among Americans starting the Palmer Raids. True or false



True !


The Palmer Raids were a series of raids conducted in November 1919 and January 1920 during the First Red Scare by the United States Department of Justice under the administration of President Woodrow Wilson to capture and arrest suspected leftists, mostly Italian immigrants and Eastern European immigrants and ...

What questions did the Supreme Court evaluate in
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Check all that apply.
Which is supreme, the state governments or
the federal government?
Do state governments have the right to
regulate commerce?
Which part of the government can evaluate
laws passed by Congress?
Can Congress act in ways that are not
explicitly stated in the Constitution?



Which is supreme, the state governments or the federal government?

Do state governments have the right to regulate commerce?

McCulloch vs. Maryland was about Maryland trying to collect taxes from the 2nd national bank which was a federal building.

Select all the statements that are true about U.S. citizens.
The rights of US citizens allow those citizens to do whatever they want.

The rights of US citizens limit their behavior in certain ways.
US citizens are free to say anything in public.
US citizens may not say certain things in public
US citizens may follow any religion they wish
US citizens may not follow certain religions



I believe it's the 2nd and 3rd options because you cannot talk about illegal activities which I cannot describe and all religions are allowed in the US.

US citizens are free to say anything in public and  US citizens may follow any religion they wish. Both the statement are true related about U.S. citizens. Thus, the option (a) and (c) is correct.

What is rights?

The term “right” refers to the power and privilege applied by the citizens of the country. The rights are given by the constitution of the country. The regulations, statutes, judicial precedents, or other types of law are the rights. Citizens benefit from the addition of rights.

The modification, recreation, and advancement of legislation The Bill of Fundamental Ten Rights is the tenth amendment to the United States Constitution that guides citizens and their governments.

According to the First Amendment, connected to the five fundamental rights of citizens such as press freedom, assembly freedom, free speech, petitioning the government, and religion. Congress may not enact legislation that either respects or prohibits religious freedom.

Therefore, option (a) and (c) is correct.

Learn more about on rights, here:


What sparked off Shays's Rebellion?


High taxes and lack of help for farmers
No one was helping farmers and the taxes were very high

Are you willing to sacrifice your individual freedoms for the idea of national security??

help please



it's depend on you cuz if you are with your government then the answer it's yes. I hope this will help you

How did Great Britain interfere in the western area of the United States in the nation's early years?



It wasn't even intrusion because the locations weren't then America's part. A further explanation is provided below.


Throughout America, whenever the British have already invaded and conquered as well as built settlements, those who had agreed mostly with Indians that they'll go no beyond that and abandon their own country.The American community treated the country as becoming their conservative movement such that they decided to forget, slaughter Indians but instead take them away.

Read the excerpt to answer the question. In this essay, Phyllis Schlafly argues that "American women have never had it so good." Which of the following is the best statement regarding this conclusion?​



The conclusion is unreliable because Schlafly was a well-known opponent to feminism.


Just got an 100 on the practice test

At the world’s first women’s rights convention in 1848, the most contentious issue proved to be _________.
the right to education for women
suffrage for women
access to the professions for women
greater property rights for women


I would guess B. Suffrage for women AKA voting rights

Answer: suffrage for women


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Answer: Dred Scott and his family


What actions did Harriet Tubman take during the Civil War in 1863?

enlisted in the Union Army

helped liberate 727 enslaved people

scouted behind Union lines

stormed Fort Wagner with the 54th Massachusetts


B. He listed 727 enslaved people for the union army

I just found a spider on my arm it was tiny and black!




Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww, burn the whole arm! It's no good now. It's been defiled and contaminated by a horrid, eight legged, death crawler.

What happened to the birthrate during the 1950’s? Use bar graph to be specific.


The birth rate increased to women having around 4 children in their lifetime. There were about 36 births per 1000 population per year

The crude birth rate of the world was about 36 births per 1,000 population per year in 1950; it has been reduced by 17-18 percent in 25 years and is a little above 30 today. ... The average decline has been more than one-quarter (28.7 percent), and the level of crude birth rates today is 16-17.

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