Are patents based on a first to file basis?


Answer 1

Yes, patents are based on a first to file basis. This means that a patent is granted to the first person or entity who files a patent application with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for an invention. This is regardless of who was the first person or entity to invent the invention. In the United States, a patent application includes the description of the invention and a claim to the invention. The USPTO will then review the patent application and decide whether or not to grant the patent.

The first person who files a patent application for an invention is the one who will be granted the patent rights, regardless of who was the first to invent the product. Here is a step-by-step explanation of the process:

1. The inventor conceives of the invention and develops a prototype.

2. The inventor files a patent application with the relevant patent office.

3. The patent office reviews the application and decides whether the invention is novel, useful and non-obvious.

4. If the application is approved, the patent office will grant a patent to the inventor, giving them exclusive rights over their invention.

5. Once a patent is granted, it is the responsibility of the inventor to enforce their patent rights. This means that if someone else tries to make, use, or sell the invention without permission, the inventor can take legal action to stop them.

The current “first to invent” system is intended to award patents to the first person to invent a claimed invention—even if a later inventor beats the first inventor to the patent office.A patent is an exclusive right granted for an invention, which is a product or a process that provides, in general, a new way of doing something, or offers a new technical solution to a problem. To get a patent, technical information about the invention must be disclosed to the public in a  application.

To learn more about PATENT Visit here :


Related Questions

assume the hbox variable references an hbox container. write a statement that creates a scene object


The Scene class from the JavaFX library can be used to build a scene object from the hbox container that is referred to by the hbox variable.

This class can be built from a container (such a hBox) and a number of optional arguments to represent a scene in a JavaFX application. The hbox container is used to construct a Scene object by making the following statement:

Scene scene = new Scene(hbox);

The hbox container serves as the root node of the new Scene object that is created by this line. The scene will start out with the standard window and stylesheet settings, as well as the standard width and height (400 by 300 pixels). By adding more options to the Scene constructor, such as the scene's width and height, the style class of the root node, and the window's title, you can change these settings. For instance:

Scene scene = new Scene(hbox, 800, 600, Color.BLACK, new javafx.scene.paint.CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE);


scene.getWindow().setTitle("My Scene");

This hbox code generates a Scene object with a black backdrop, a width of 800 pixels, and a height of 600 pixels. Additionally, it changes the window title to "My Scene" and the stylesheet to "styles.css." This Scene object can then be used in your JavaFX application, for instance by being set as the scene of a Stage object.

To know more about hbox kindly visit


over the last few days, several employees in your enterprise reported seeing strange messages containing links in their company's im account. even though no one has clicked on the messages, they are spreading throughout the network. which type of malicious activity is this?


Kind of malicious activity that is happened in the several employees are known as spim. Spim refers to the activity of delivering unsolicited commercial communications through an instant-messaging system.

SPIM can be described as a spam messages symptomatic of widely-used free instant messaging apps. Kind of these spam messages are usually commercial spam but can consist malware and spyware. Spim stands for Spam over instant messaging, and point to unsolicited instant messages. Spim not only stolen your chatting, but can also include viruses or spyware. You can avoid spim by blocking any messages from sources not on your contact list.

Learn more about spimming here


what software development model uses a seven-stage approach with a feedback loop that allows progress one step backward?


Waterfall Model is the software development model that uses a seven-stage approach with a feedback loop that allows progress one step backward.

The very first Process Model to be developed was the Waterfall Model. The phrase "linear-sequential life cycle model" is frequently used to refer to it. It is easy to use and learn. There is no overlap between stages in a waterfall model; each one must be finished before the next one can begin.

It is also called to as a "linear-sequential life cycle model." It is really simple to use and understand.  In this sequential design process the steps of conception, initiation, analysis, design, construction, testing, production/implementation, and maintenance are all seen as flowing continuously downward (like a cascade).

To learn more about Waterfall model click here:


when you log into your email with your username and password, you are logging into a static website, since the look and feel is the same each time. true false


It is false that when you log into your email with your username and password, you are logging into a static website since the look and feel is the same each time.  Because static web pages are composed of "fixed code," they won't change unless the site developer makes adjustments.

Consider it to be a business brochure. While static webpages provide a lot of the same information that you may find in a brochure, they cannot automatically modify. Someone needs to make a new page in order to accomplish this. For this reason, static websites are sometimes known as brochure sites.

A static site only keeps its actual pages in storage. It has zero users, no remarks, no blog entries, and lack of interaction

If a site is dynamic, it can be easily determined. It is a dynamic website if you can interact with it. For instance, dynamic websites let you make a reservation, comment on a post, or build a user profile.

To learn more about static website click here:


a greedy algorithm is attempting to minimize costs and has a choice among five items with equivalent functionality but with different costs: $6, $5, $7, $8, and $2. which item cost will be chosen?


A DFS is just a graph traversal method (the pre order traversal of a tree is an example), and it often has no optimization objectives to pursue. Therefore, the issue of greed doesn't even come up with DFS.

A greedy approach (or algorithm) is used to solve an optimization problem, where a local optimum (min or max) is computed at each stage of the algorithm to ultimately compute the global optimum (for example, Dijkstra's algorithm to compute the single source shortest paths to the nodes in a graph with positive edge weights). To understand what local optimization entails, look at how Dijkstra's algorithm is implemented. Be aware that it doesn't try to find the global optimum by eliminating every candidate solution that might exist.

Learn more about algorithm here-


What Problem Does it Solve?Why is CS used in this way? How is it solving a problem in the creation of entertainment?


Computer Science (CS) is used in the creation of entertainment in a variety of ways. It can be used to create the visual effects, animations, and characters seen in movies, television, and video games. It can also be used to develop the interactive and intuitive interfaces seen in video games and virtual reality experiences.

CS is used to solve problems in the entertainment industry by providing efficient and effective solutions that are both visually appealing and engaging. For example, in the movie industry, computer graphics are used to create photo-realistic effects and animations, as well as virtual sets and environments. In the gaming industry, CS is used to create 3D models of characters and environments, as well as to create interactive user interfaces. In addition, algorithms and artificial intelligence are used to create immersive experiences, such as the ability to interact with virtual characters or to explore virtual worlds.

CS is also used to create interactive, intuitive experiences for users. In the gaming industry, CS is used to create sophisticated user interfaces that allow players to easily interact with the game.

read more about this at


which is a correct procedural step for a webpage to render on a user's browser? an information request is sent to an ip address


Following is the correct procedural step for a webpage to render on a user's browser:

type an URL. To ascertain the protocol, host, port, and path, the browser parses                        the URL. It forms a HTTP request. DNS lookup. A socket( Port 80) needs to be opened from the user's computer to that IP number The HTTP request is sent to the host The host forwards the request to the server software The server examines the request (often just the path) and starts the server plugin required to process it (according to the server language you're using—is it PHP, Java,.NET, or Python) DOM nodes are moved, Javascript is performed, and style information is updated as a result of the parsed and executed Javascript.The DOM tree and the style information for each node are used by the browser to render the page on the screen.

What is Webpage Rendering?

The interactive pages visitors view while visiting a website are created from website code through a process called rendering.

The employment of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript codes is generally referred to by the phrase. A rendering engine, which is the program a web browser uses to render a web page, completes the process.

To know more about Webpage Rendering, visit:


Spam emails are relevant or appropriate messages sent on the Internet to a large number of recipients.


Spam emails are relevant or appropriate messages sent on the Internet to a large number of recipients is false.

What is spam email?

Unsolicited messages sent in bulk via email are referred to as email spam, junk email, spam mail, or simply spam. The term was inspired by a Monty Python skit in which the term for a tinned pork product was Spam is pervasive, inevitable, and monotonous.

They are seen aa emails sent without permission. The term Email spam, commonly referred to as junk email, is the practice of sending unwanted email to a large list of subscribers in mass.

Learn more about Spam emails  from

there has been an attack on your public website, and the virtual machines resources have been overwhelmed and are now unavailable to customers. what service should you use to prevent this type of attack?


AWS Shield service can be used to prevent a DDos attack on your public website, and the virtual machine's resources have been overwhelmed and are now unavailable to customers.

A Denial of Service (DoS) attack is a malicious attempt to reduce a targeted system's accessibility to authorized end users, such as a website or application. Attackers frequently produce a lot of packets or requests, which eventually overwhelm the target system. In the event of a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack, the attacker creates the attack using numerous compromised or controlled sources.

DDoS attacks can generally be classified according to the layer of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model that they target. The Network (Layer 3), Transport (Layer 4), Presentation (Layer 6), and Application (Layer 7) Layers are where they are most frequently found.

When considering defenses against these assaults, it is helpful to categorize them as Infrastructure layers (Layers 3 and 4).

To learn more about AWS click here:


which initial search console step includes a report that breaks down the traffic by queries, pages, and countries?


Search performance report includes a report that breaks down the traffic by queries, pages, and countries.

The Search Performance Report shows you how much traffic you get from searches, broken down by query, page, and country. For each of these breakdowns, you can see trends in impressions, clicks, and other metrics.

What are Search Console reports?

Search Console tools and reports help you measure search traffic and site performance, troubleshoot issues, and help your site stand out in Search results. Get started now. Optimize your content with search analytics. See what searches brought users to your site.

What are search query reports for?

The Search Term Report is a list of search terms used by a significant number of users that resulted in your ad being shown. Depending on your keyword match options, the search terms displayed may differ from the keyword list.

Learn more about search console report :


suppose s is a sequence of n values, each equal to 0 or 1. how long will it take to sort s with the merge-sort algorithm? what about quick-sort?


Merge-sort takes O(n log n) time, as it is oblivious to the case when there are only two possible values.

On the other hand, the way we have defined quick-sort with a three-way split implies that using quick-sort to sort S will take only O(n) time.

What Is a Merge Sort Algorithm?

Merge sort is one of the most efficient sorting algorithms. It is based on the divide-and-conquer strategy. Merge sort continuously cuts down a list into multiple sublists until each has only one item, then merges those sublists into a sorted list.

What is the best case time complexity of merge sort?

Best Case Complexity: The merge sort algorithm has a best-case time complexity of O(n*log n) for the already sorted array.

What is the quick sort?

Quicksort is a divide-and-conquer algorithm. It works by selecting a 'pivot' element from the array and partitioning the other elements into two sub-arrays, according to whether they are less than or greater than the pivot. For this reason, it is sometimes called partition-exchange sort.

To know more about merge sort:


Can a patent get rejected?


Patents Rejections are indeed possible. The claims or those deemed unpatentable will be rejected if the invention is not thought to be patentable or not thought to be patented as asserted.

Among the grounds for denial of patent applications are:

Your Invention Is Obvious: It indicates that your idea is evident as a result of one or more earlier references. This is one of the most frequent grounds for rejection and has a high bar to clear. This isn't novel : When discussing patents, the word "novel" refers to how distinctive your innovation is. There should be no prior mention, disclosure, application, product, or article using your invention or any of its components for your invention to be considered innovative.The application was incorrectly created: This refusal is the reason it's so crucial to work with knowledgeable counsel. You are a pro se applicant if you submit your application on your own behalf. Ineligible for Patent Subject Matter: Even though this type of rejection is uncommon, it will be quite challenging for you to get over it if you do. Despite the fact that practically anything can be patented, some things just cannot. For instance, the theory of gravity cannot be patentable.Problems with the Illustrations: There was a time when your application drawings had to adhere to a fairly rigorous set of rules. Despite those rules being more lax, there are still many ways that your drawing could cause problems. When your patent is issued, you want to have the best drawing you can.

To learn more about Patent Rejection click here:


Order the following key steps that bi follow to transform raw data into easy to digest insights for everyone in an organization to use.
A. Uncover trends and inconsistencies using tools such as Data Mining
B. Present findings using tools such as visualization
C. Take action on insights in real time
D. Collect and transform data forum multiple sources


Here are the order of steps to transform raw data into easy to digest insights for everyone in an organization to use:

D. Collect and transform data from multiple sources

A. Uncover trends and inconsistencies using tools such as Data Mining

B. Present findings using tools such as visualization

C. Take action on insights in real time

What is raw data?

Raw data (sometimes called source data, atomic data, or master data) is data that has not been processed for use. There is sometimes a distinction between data and information in the sense that information is the end product of data processing. Raw data that has undergone processing is sometimes referred to as baked data.

While raw data has the potential to become "information," it requires selective mining, organization, and sometimes analysis, and formatting for presentation. Due to processing, raw data sometimes ends up in the database, allowing the data to be accessible for further processing and analysis in a variety of ways.

Learn more about raw data


an isa specifies a word size of 8 bytes; word addressability; and an address space of 4g; it uses single-word instructions (i.e. each instruction is a single 8 byte word). what are the sizes of the pc and the ir?


In most architectures, a word is the biggest chunk of data that can be moved into or out of working memory in a single operation.

A hardware word is the term used to describe the greatest address size that can be used to identify a location in memory. As a result, although your CPU can address 64KB (216), it can only send 8 bits at a time. A CPU might promote a 16-bit bus (for this purpose). In its instructions, it employs 16-bit addresses, and, like your example, it has 64 ki. However, it has a 16-bit data bus and a 15-bit address bus. It simply requires 32 Ki addresses, and each location always provides 2 bytes.

Learn more about memory here-


even though you can't specify this modifier for a named constant within a class, what is the effective access modifier for the constant?


In a class in the C# programming language, the effective access modifier for a named constant is always "private."

Constants are variables in C# that are given a value at the moment of their declaration and cannot have that value modified later. Any C#-supported data type, such as int, string, or bool, may be used to declare constants by using the "const" keyword.

An access modifier cannot, however, be specified for a named constant that is part of a class. Whether or not an access modifier is supplied, all named constants are automatically regarded as private. The constant can only be accessed from within the class in which it is defined, according to this.
It's crucial to remember that this restriction only applies to named constants that are declared inside of a class.

To know more about effective access modifier kindly visit


you manage a windows server that is used to hold user data files. the system volume is drive c:, while all user data is on drive e:. you will use windows server backup to configure a backup schedule. you want to back up only the e: volume twice per day. you want to be able to restore individual files and folders. what should you do? (select two. each choice is a required part of the solution.)


You launch the Backup Schedule wizard after starting Windows Server Backup. You receive a notification claiming that there is no backup destination available after configuring the schedule. Integrate a fresh external hard drive into the setup.

How does file recovery work?

Choose File Recovery from the Backup dashboard menu. The menu for file recovery appears. Users should be aware of this feature's performance restrictions.

How can I get back a previous version of a file?

You can browse a timeline, choose the version you want, and restore a file if you wish to go back to an earlier version of it (even if it wasn't deleted or lost).

To know more about Windows server visit:-


which type of threat actor would benefit the most from accessing your enterprise's new machine learning algorithm research and development program? a. competitors b. criminal syndicates c. shadow it d. brokers


Nation-state actors who pose a cyber threat typically have geopolitical objectives. Cybercriminals frequently have financial goals in mind. Ideological reasons are frequently present among hackers.

Terrorist organizations typically have violent ideologies at their core. The motivation behind thrill-seekers is typically fulfillment. An insider threat is somebody who has access to a company's tangible or digital assets. Insiders are current employees, former employees, contractors, vendors, and business partners who have been granted access to a company's network and computer systems. Two threat actors that are viewed as ideologues are hackers and terrorists. These two teams of attackers can work together because they have similar goals. Terrorists and hacktivists use distinct techniques to commit cybercrimes, though.

Learn more about network here-


which switch command would a network administrator use to determine if there are encapsulation or media errors on an interface


The network administrator would use the show interfaces switch command to determine if there are encapsulation or media errors on an interface.

What is the switch statement?

A multipath branch is offered by the SWITCH statement in a program. The value of the control expression given with SWITCH determines the precise path taken during program execution. Depending on the value of the switch expression, the switch statement enables you to switch control to various commands within the switch body. The keywords switch, case, and default must all be written in lowercase and cannot be condensed.

Depending on whether a supplied value matches one of the multiple wildcarded values, the switch statement is used to execute one of several blocks of commands. To decide which block should be executed, the case statement is used in conjunction with the switch command. One or more parameters are given to each case statement.

To learn more about the switch statement, use the link given

a floppy disc is doubly-interleaved. it has eight sectors of 512 bytes per track, and a rotation rate of 300 rpm. how long does it take to read all the sectors of a track in order, assuming the arm is already correctly positioned, and half rotation is needed to get sector 0 under the head? what is the data rate? now, solve the same problem for the case without interleaving. how much does the data rate degrade because of interleaving? (10 points)


The head moves across 8 sector in one revolution, which occupies 0.2s (i.e. time for 1 rotation).

How are files on a floppy disk stored?

Magnetic encoding regulates how info is read from and written to a floppy disk. Magnetic polarization is used to write information to the disk and to extract it as the read/write heading moves over certain tracks on the floppy disk.

Briefing :

300 rpm  => 300 rotations --> 60 secs

                       1 rotation --> 0.2 secs

Now we can create a complete track in a single spin. However, the sectors on a double interleaved disk are not organised in the order 0,1,2,3,...7.They are separated by 2 interleaved sectors. Furthermore, it is a given that its scanning be carried out in sequence.

The head moves across 8 sectors from one circle, which takes 0.2 seconds (i.e. time for 1 rotation).

So for 1 sector it takes 0.2/8 =0.025s. Let us take t=0.025s.

Given that the head need to go over sector 0 after half a revolution.

1 rotation as we calculated takes 0.2s. So 1/2 rot will take 0.1s.

The head has now been relocated to sector 0's commencement. Remember that it takes time (t) to scan one section. Therefore, scanning sector 0 takes t seconds.

Now we have to move to sector 1. This will require moving past sector no. 3,6 i.e. 2 sector time i.e. 2t. To scan sector 1 another t. As an outcome, this can require three seconds to accomplish sector 1.

Now we have to move to sector 2. It will be necessitated to move the head across 4,7, or 2 sectors, for this. It takes two hours and two seconds to scan sector eleven. After 3t to complete scanning Sector 2.

Similarly, we can observe that it takes 7*3t=21t to scan all sector from 1 to 7.

Total time = Positioning head over sector 0 + scanned sector 0 + 21t = 0.1 s + t +21t = 0.1 +22t = 0.1 +22*0.025 = 0.1 +0.55 = 0.65 s = 650 ms.

Non interleaving allows us to read all of the track's data in a single rotation while reading data for a single track .

300 rpm => 300 rotations --> 60 sec 1 rotation --> 0.2 secs

and time for arm for correct it at position 0 sector is =1/2 of full rotation =0.1 s . hence, the total reading time is equal to the reading time and as well as the learning time for the arm.

= 0.1 s+2.75 * 0.2 =0.65 second =650 ms

The head moves over 8 sectors in one rotation, which assumes 0.2s (i.e. time for 1 rotation).

To know more about Floppy disc visit :


you are the network administrator for westsim. the network consists of a single active directory domain. westsim often hosts business meetings for its partners and contractors at the new york office. during these meetings, personal laptops belonging to the contractors, partners, and some employees are connected to the company network. a server named fs1, which is located in the new york office, contains data related to confidential research. management is concerned about the security of this data. you need to ensure that only those computers that are members of the westsim domain are allowed to connect to fs1, and only when logged on with a valid user account in the westsim domain. you must provide the highest level of security possible to the data located on fs1 to protect it from being compromised by unknown resources connected to the company network. what should you do?


Create a new Isolation Connection Security Rule in Windows Firewall with Advanced Security and require authentication for inbound and outbound connections.

What is Windows Firewall?

The firewall feature of Microsoft Windows is known as Windows Firewall (or Windows Defender Firewall in Windows 10). Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 introduced it first. It was formerly known as Internet Connection Firewall until Windows XP Service Pack 2 was released in 2004. The Windows Defender Firewall was changed to its current name with the September 2017 release of Windows 10 version 1709.

"Internet Connection Firewall" was a constrained firewall that came with the initial release of Windows XP in October 2001. Because of issues with backward compatibility, it was disabled by default, and the configuration screens were hidden in network configuration screens that many users never looked at.

Learn more about Windows Firewall


if a host's ipv6 address contains the network adapter's mac address within the last 64 bits of the ipv6 address, what standard is being used?


EUI-64 is the standard used.

What is EUI-64 used for?

EUI-64 (Extended Unique Identifier) is a method we can use to automatically configure IPv6 host addresses. An IPv6 device will use the MAC address of its interface to generate a unique 64-bit interface ID.

When converted to EUI-64 standard how many bits are inserted into the existing OS-assigned MAC address?

The IPv6 EUI-64 format address is obtained through the 48-bit MAC address. The MAC address is first separated into two 24-bits, with one being OUI (Organizationally Unique Identifier) and the other being NIC-specific. The 16-bit 0xFFFE is then inserted between these two 24-bits for the 64-bit EUI address.

Does EUI-64 improve security?

The IID used to be based on an encoding of the device's hardware MAC address, known as EUI-64. It subsequently became clear that EUI-64 should be considered harmful to privacy because it exposes hardware identifiers at the network layer.

To know more about EUI-64:

is when a virtual machine simulates a real physical host and allows an operating system to run without being modified. a. transparent (or full) virtualization b. virtual networking c. hosted virtualization d. paravirtualization


Full virtualization is when a virtual machine simulates a real physical host and allows an operating system to run without being modified.In Full virtualization, the VM simulates sufficient hardware to enable the isolation of a guest OS without modification

A VME can be provided using the virtualization technique known as full virtualization, which entirely simulates the underlying hardware. Any software that can operate on the physical hardware can be used in this kind of environment, and each individual VM can run any OS that is supported by the underlying hardware. Users are able to run many guest operating systems at once.

Full virtualization is useful in many situations. For instance, in the development of operating systems, experimental new code can run concurrently with older versions, each in a different VM. Each virtual machine (VM) is given access to all of the real system's features, including a virtual BIOS, virtual peripherals, and virtualized memory management, by the hypervisor. The virtualization layer completely disengages the guest OS from the underlying hardware.

To learn more about Full virtualization click here:


Which control is used to move and resize the control on the form window?


The control used to move and resize the control on the form window is called the Size and Move Handle. This control is located at the top left corner of the control on the form window.

Here are the steps to use the Size and Move Handle:

1. Select the control you want to move and resize.

2. To move the control, click the Size and Move Handle at the top left corner of the control and drag the control to the desired location on the form window.

3. To resize the control, click the Size and Move Handle and then drag the corners of the control to resize it.

4. Release the mouse button when the control is in the desired location and size.

To resize a window horizontally point to one of the vertical edges of the window. The mouse pointer changes to indicate that you can resize the window. Grab the edge and drag the window to the new size.To  a window vertically point to the bottom edge of the window.  mouse pointer changes to indicate that you can resize the window. Grab the edge and drag the window to the new size.

To learn more about RESIZE A WINDOW visit here :


you deployed an app engine application using gcloud app deploy, but it did not deploy to the intended project. you want to find out why this happened and where the application deployed. what should you do?


You should examine project settings and the app.yaml file for your application. To check the gCloud configuration used for app deploy, open Cloud Shell and execute gcloud config list.

Your deployment was rolled back since you weren't able to get well in the allowed period. If you think this was a mistake, consider modifying the readiness check section's app start timeout sec setting.

Verify that the app start timeout sec value is present in the readiness check section of your app.yaml file. If it doesn't already exist, create it and increase the app start timeout sec value from the default 300 seconds.

Before deploying, you must add the endpoints API service section to app.yaml during configuration. To receive the configuration for your service, the Extensible Service Proxy (ESP) requires the settings that you specify in this section.

The rollout strategy: managed option or a configuration ID must be entered in the config id field, but not both. This setting tells ESP to utilize the most recent service configuration that has been deployed. When you choose this option, ESP automatically recognizes the change and starts utilizing it up to five minutes after you deploy a new service configuration.  We make a change and use it immediately after. Instead of providing ESP with a specific configuration ID, we advise using this option.

To learn more app deploy about  click here:


war consumerization is the practice of tagging pavement with codes displaying where wi-fi access is available. group of answer choices true false


The practice of locating and possibly exploiting connections to wireless local area networks while operating a vehicle through a city or elsewhere is known as war driving, also known as access point mapping. Thus, it is false.

What war consumerization practice of tagging pavement?

A key element of a wireless communications system that uses radio links to connect individual devices to other areas of a network is called a radio access network (RAN).

However, it also encompasses the usage of internet services, including social media, web-based email, and online data storage, as well as privately downloaded software used on business equipment.

Over a fibre or wireless backhaul connection, the RAN connects user devices, such as a cellphone, computer, or any remotely operated machine.

Therefore,  it is false that war consumerization is the practice of tagging pavement with codes displaying where Wi-Fi access is available.

Learn more about tagging pavement here:


In a washing machine how is water on its own different from water that has been mixed with detergent.


In a washing machine, water on its own is different from water that has been mixed with detergent because unlike water by itself, water with detergent will be attracted to dirt.

What is machine learning?

Machine learning is the study of, and development of, "learning" methods, or systems that use data to enhance performance on a given set of tasks. As a component of artificial intelligence, it is considered.

Machine learning theory includes tasks like:  Developing mathematical models that capture key aspects of machine learning, in which one can analyze the inherent ease or difficulty of various learning problems. Machine theory of learning pulls aspects drawn from both the Theory of Learning and Statistical data.

Simply defined, machine learning enables a user to provide a computer algorithm with a massive amount of data, and the computer will analyze it and base its suggestions and judgments entirely on the data it receives.

To learn more about machine learning, use the link given

to complete this question, you will develop a python program that will determine how many years until retirement and how much is still needed to save. to complete this program successfully the program must be designed to collect the following inputs from the user: full name current age desired retirement age current level of retirement savings what is the total amount of retirements savings is needed at retirement


Python is a computer programming language often used to build websites and software, automate tasks, and conduct data analysis.

What is the basics of Python?

Python has a simple syntax similar to the English language. Python has syntax that allows developers to write programs with fewer lines than some other programming languages.Python runs on an interpreter system, meaning that code can be executed as soon as it is written. This means that prototyping can be very quick.Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics developed by Guido van Rossum. It was originally released in 1991. Designed to be easy as well as fun, the name "Python" is a nod to the British comedy group Monty Python.Algorithms are used as prototypes of an actual program, and they are not bounded by the syntax of a programming language.

#Prompt user for input

length = float(input("Length of the edge: "))

#Calculate the area of a side

Area1 = length * length

#Calculate the area of the cube

Area2 = 6 * Area

#Calculate the volume

Volume = Area1 * length

print("Length: "+str(length))

print("Area of a side: "+str(Area1))

print("Area of the cube: "+str(Area2))

print("Volume: "+str(Volume))

The flowchart , pseudocode and python program start by requesting for user input;

This user input is saved in variable length

The surface area of a face is calculated by length * length and saved in Area1; i.e. Area1 = length * lengthThe surface area of the cube is calculated by 6 * Area1 and saved in Area2. i.e. Area2 = 6 * Area1 = 6 * length * lengthThe volume of the cube is calculated by Area1 * length and saved in volume. i.e. Volume = Area1 * length = length * length * lengthAfter the surface area of one side of the cubeThe surface area of the whole cube  and the volume of the cube are calculated; the program then prints the user input (length) and each of the calculated parameters.

To learn more about python program refer to:


the software configuration management (scm) repository is the set of mechanisms and data structures that allow a software team to manage change in an effective manner. what functions does the scm repository assists in? (check all that apply ) question 7 options: information sharing auto-code generation capacity planning methodology enforcement data integrity


The functions of SCM repository assists are information sharing, methodology enforcement, data integrity.

One of the biggest issues during system deployment and upkeep is software configuration management. The good news is that there are many tools at our disposal, starting with systems like Revision Control System (RCS) and Concurrent Versions System (CVS), which were followed by more recent tools like Subversion (SVN), Mercurial (Hg), and Git.

A working copy of the software should be kept on your local hard drive after creating a software repository, which is typically on a network drive or online. Working copy software modifications are made, and the repository is then updated. Alternatively, software can be downloaded to the working copy by checking it out from the repository.

To learn more about SCM  click here:


sally, a member of the sales department, is borrowing a laptop computer from her supervisor to do some work from home in the evenings. sally contacts you and indicates that she cannot access the c:\reports folder on the laptop. this folder contains documents that she needs to edit. you log on to the laptop as a domain administrator to check the folder's access control list. you are denied access to view the permissions. you contact sally's supervisor to verify that sally should receive access to the folder. sally's supervisor indicates that sally should be able to read, change, and delete documents in the folder, but that only the supervisor should be able to configure permissions. you need to grant sally appropriate permissions to the c:\reports folder. what should you do? (choose two. each correct choice is part of the solution.)


After giving ownership of the C:\Reports folder. You have to grant Allow Modify permission to the folder C:\Reports for Sally.

You must configure permissions for the new user after granting a group or individual user access to a folder (s). You can control a user's or users' level of access to a folder and the files contained in it by setting permissions. Checking Deny for any rights should be done with caution because it overrides all other permissions connected to Allow.

Only the folder's owner (i.e., its creator) or a person to whom the owner has granted authority may modify a folder's permissions. All checkboxes will be gray if you don't own the folder or the owner hasn't given you permission to access it. As a result, you won't be able to do anything until the owner grants you permission.

To learn more about Access Control List click here:


you have a computer that runs windows connected to a domain network. one day, you find that the computer is unable to connect to the internet, although it can communicate with a few other computers on the local subnet. you run the ipconfig command and find that the network connection has been assigned the address of with a mask of what can you try as first step to resolve this issue?





When you restart, the computer shuts down and it gives it space to load.

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