are nobles higher in power or knights


Answer 1




Nobles were the upper ranks of society, usually having at least traces of royal blood. A noble who became a soldier would become a knight. They could even serve the same purpose, have the same equipment and even the same wealth but a knight would socially outrank a man at arms.

Related Questions

In general, lobbyists have a ____ reputation.

A. negative
B. positive



A. negative


They basically influence the the power of the majority and in most cases the public opinion towards these people are ugly least to say. Many people believe them to be lying, double headed people and this isn't exactly a good thing.

If I'm wrong I am very sorry

who were the business owners of pullman railroad cars 1860-1920?


George Washington 18283737373883384848484848838384884848484747278

The three main reasons the Amerindians/ Native Americans hunted


Answer: The Three Main reasons the Native Americans were hunted were because they feared them, resented them, and thought of them like they were like Aliens from another planet.


Answer: false


What was the name of the group Hitler eventually led?



Nazi Party


Answer:Adolf Hitler became involved with the fledgling German Workers Party – which he would later transform into the Nazi Party


Cited from Wikipedia.

Use the pyramid diagram of the social classes in feudal Japan to answer the
following question:
Political leader
Wamior Class
Paid Soldiers
90% of the
Farmers and
Public Domain
How were the ranks in feudal Europe unlike the ranks in the Japanese pyramid?
(1 point)
1) In Europe, merchants ranked above peasants.
2) In Europe, women held the lowest rank.
3) In Europe, there were few artisans.
oners were at one level.


Answer: Honestly I think it is A

In Europe, merchants ranked above peasants.

Explanation: And I don't what the hell the other person try to put to answer this question.

In Europe, merchants ranked above peasants were the ranks of feudal Europe unlike the ranks in the Japanese pyramid. The correct option is A. In Japanese feudal society, merchants were at the bottom of the social ladder rather than the peasants or serfs who were in European feudal society.

Why did Japan not like merchants?

The lowest caste under the Tokugawa shogunate was the "Shomin," which included merchants. They were derided as parasites of society for their financial dealings. Following the abolition of the samurai class in the 1870s, many illustrious families entered the merchant class.

Due to their lack of production, merchants were positioned at the very bottom of the official system and were compelled to hustle trade local and regional goods as a result of their low status. Similar to artisans, merchants frequently resided in separate neighborhoods within cities.

Thus, the ideal selection is option A.

Learn more about Japan here:


3. How have our views of what is "beautiful" changed and evolved over time?



We tend to think electronics is the beauty of life instead of beaches. thats what has became 2021.


The beauty standards changed, especially for women. The ideal Renaissance woman had a curvier and fuller figure, with pale skin and light hair. ... Women longed for some youthful plumpness, but wore corsets to show smaller waists. This also a big time for makeup (though no one could know you were wearing any)

List three ways that Henry Ford’s assembly line changed America forever?




It employed people with no special training. All they had to do was one thing which they could easily be taught.

It made the automobile relatively inexpensive. Workers could afford it within a limited period of time.

It employed a great many people and still made money for investors.

people were
trained at
university, but
were very





Early medical school development in the United States was considerably more robust than is usually appreciated. Most histories

include only that portion of medicine known as regular or allopathic medicine. To fully understand developments in the country, it

is necessary to include the various medical sects that developed in the country in the early 19th century. It is also important to

realize that the impetus for medical school development came not from established academic institutions but from the medical

community itself. Medical schools in the United States developed at a time and place that hospitals, as we know them, did not

exist. The melding together of the preceptorship (apprenticeship), didactic lectures, demonstrations, and clinical/hospital

experience evolved slowly. The move from heroic medicine occurred somewhat reluctantly as in Europe. In the United States, in

contrast to the situation in Europe, the majority of medical practitioners were called ‘‘doctor.’’ The development of medicine and

medical education is usually discussed as a progression of knowledge. It has been fashionable to ignore the development of the

various medical sects. Even within regular medicine, no uniformity of thought existed by this time. The American Medical

Association was born of this. Change within a segment of society always reflects, and is reflected by, change in society at large.

The rapid increases in geographic area and the huge population growth must be understood. Times changed as the character of

the population changed. Perception of gender and freedom were important aspects of this change. A number of prominent African

American physicians also emerged. Hope this helped :)

pls pls pls answer this asap



A, West Germany. B, Berlin. C, East Germany


Answer is Berlin. And just for future reference, C is East Germany and A is West Germany

During WWII, many governments forced Jews to live in urban ghettos which often had walls to keep the occupants inside. What are these ghettos an example of?

ethnic distribution

regional concentration

forced segregation

affinity segregation





your answer would be forced segregation

Which of the following were railroad industrialists?
(multiple choice)
a. Morgan
b. Vanderbilt
c. Hill
d. Harriman
e. Rockefeller



The answer to this question is Vanderbilt. Cornelius Vanderbilt was an American businessman who made immense business in railroads.

One of the richest Americans of the 19th century was self-made multimillionaire Cornelius Vanderbilt (1794–1877), a railroad and shipping magnate.

What is a century?

When stating a date, a century is a time frame of 100 years. For instance, the 19th century covered the years 1801 to 1900. Since the late eighteenth century, the Church's material standing had been deteriorating. Any period of 100 years is referred to as a century.

The American business tycoon known as "the Commodore" amassed his money through railroads and shipping. After working for his father's company, Vanderbilt rose through the ranks to assume leadership roles.

Therefore, Thus option (B) is correct.

Learn more about the century here:


why does the constitution stop people from lying?



I did a bit of research, and basically its in the power of the goverment.



Constitution stop people from lying because when regular people lie, sometimes their lies are detected, sometimes they’re not. Legally speaking, sometimes they’re protected by the First Amendment – and sometimes not, like when they commit fraud or perjury. Research found that lies by government officials can violate the Constitution in several different ways, especially when those lies deprive people of their rights.


I WILL GIVE BRAINLEIST! (if answer is correct) Did Jefferson pursue the best foreign policy options? Explain



Thomas Jefferson's foreign policy was to trade with both France and England without getting involved in their disputes. This was illogical and problematic as both sides regarded mutual trade as an act of war. Q: What changes did Jefferson make to US policy? Jefferson's goal was to end the 1790s Federalist programs PLEASE MARK ME AS THE BRAINLIEST

How did media affected Emmet Till case?



"Emmett Till and his photograph become the catalyst for the Civil Rights Movement in America and forced African Americans of that time to realize the culture of racism, deference and racial violence in the South would never die out peacefully as many hoped it would. Till’s death embodies the vision of the Civil Rights Movement"


Briefly explain how ONE example from the period 1880 to 1920 not explicitly mentioned in the excerpts could be used to support Wiebe's argument.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you did not attach further references, a text, an excerpt, or something else in order to know Wiebe's argument.

However, trying to help you, we did some deep research and can comment on the following.

Historian Robert H. Weibe published the "Search for Order" in which he commented on the scope of the Progressivist movement and its main reformers. He said that the heart of the progressivist movement relied on the ambition of the middle class to pursue its goals.

One example from the period 1880 to 1920 that could be used to support Wiebe's argument could be the reformer's goal to "clean" the government of corruption reported by muckraker journalists, the modernization of the American education system, and the support of the right of women to vote.

After Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, what major American island possession did they attack next?






1. Japan made invasions to Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, and Singapore.

2. Japan invaded Tulagi.

3. Japan attack a third time in the battle of Midway.


What were negative aspects of Joseph Stalin’s first Five-Year Plan? Check all that apply.
decline of infrastructure
shortage of consumer goods
waste and inefficiency
setbacks to modernization
use of enslaved laborers



Shortage of consumer goods

Waste and inefficiency


Terrible work efficiency with already available supplies, completely shifted the focus and methods of the country at the expense of the livelihood of its citizens.

What kinds of environments did the gold seekers work in?​



very harsh unfair environments

During the gold rush, gold seekers worked in a variety of environments, including riverbeds, mountains, and underground mines. They often endured harsh weather conditions, dangerous working conditions, and environmental hazards in their quest for gold.

What was the gold rush?

The Gold Rush was a significant period in American history that began in 1848 when gold was discovered at Sutter's Mill in California. News of the discovery sparked a massive influx of people from all over the world, who came in search of gold and the prospect of wealth.

Gold seekers, also known as "forty-niners," endured harsh conditions and faced many challenges, including difficult travel, harsh weather, and dangerous working conditions.

Despite the risks, the Gold Rush led to significant economic growth and development in California and helped fuel the growth of the American West.

The legacy of the Gold Rush continues to be felt today, both in the physical artifacts left behind and in the cultural impact on American society.

Learn more about gold rush here:


According to "Introduction to the Harlem Renaissance and the Civil Rights Movement," the dangerous and violent
atmosphere created by Jim Crow laws in the South contributed to
O the second wave of the Great Migration.
O a decrease of support for southern agricultural interests.
O the first wave of the Great Migration.
O an increase of employment opportunities in the North.



the second wave of the great migration


It is C the first wave of the great migration


I took the test and got it wrong but the correct answer showed up

Alexander Hamilton believe that judicial review would serve as protection from the abuse of power by Congress. How does Marbury V. Madison real firms Hamilton’s belief ?



Suprime court case affirmed courts power of judicial review by declaring a law made by congress as unconstitutional.


What did Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin agree to at the Yalta Conference?

They called for a conference to discuss forming a new international organization, the United Nations.

They decided the best way to defeat Japan was to launch an invasion rather than drop an atomic bomb.

They approved a plan for the Soviet Union to occupy Germany, Italy, and Japan after the war.

They approved a negotiated peace with Germany that would allow Hitler to remain in office.





"At Yalta, Stalin agreed to Soviet participation in the United Nations, the international peacekeeping organization that Roosevelt and Churchill had agreed to"

Why did President Ford want to pardon Nixon?

He did not want a trial to disturb the now-peaceful American public.
He wanted Nixon to run again for president after his own term ended.
He believed Americans were ready to forget Nixon’s crimes.
He planned for the next president to bring Nixon to trial.

answer is a



"A" He did not want a trial to disturb the now-peaceful American public.


I would have to say the answer is A

What is the name of the offspring produced between a red and white short horn cattle?





A case of codominance because you see both types of hair in the offspring

Why was the United Nations
headquarters placed in New York City?
A. Everyone in the world believes it is the best city on
B. It is a city where the entire world has
C. It is the capital of the United States.


b . It is a city where entire world has representation

What did it mean to boycott British goods



boycotting British goods meant that people refused to use them


people stopped using tea reading the newspaper amongst other things

Have a great day!



Britain also needed money to pay for its war debts. The King and Parliament believed they had the right to tax the colonies. ... They protested, saying that these taxes violated their rights as British citizens. The colonists started to resist by boycotting, or not buying, British goods.

Describe the ways Hitler stereotypes the Jewish community.



He said all Jews were "Jews always acting with unforgiving hostility towards Christians, Jews' religious rituals which have specifically undermined the Christian Church and state, and Jews' habitual assassinations of Christians as their most extreme deeds." And he said Jews ate babies so


it was thought that they killed Jesus

What type of government emerged in Russia after Lenin came to power?



A communist state after lenin came to power

The development of regional trade associations in Africa represents an effort to

deregulate the regional African economy.

encourage foreign investment in African nations.

remove barriers to trade between African nations.

expand trade between Africa and other world regions.


i think the answer is D

Which of the following resources was originally used to create aspirin?

iron ore

willow bark

cow hide

tree root


Answer: willow bark...................................


Willow bark


What is the purpose of government rules and regulations in a mixed economy



What is a Mixed Economic System?

A mixed economic system is a system that combines aspects of both capitalism and socialism. A mixed economic system protects private property and allows a level of economic freedom in the use of capital, but also allows for governments to interfere in economic activities in order to achieve social aims. According to neoclassical theory, mixed economies are less efficient than pure free markets, but proponents of government interventions argue that the base conditions required for efficiency in free markets, such as equal information and rational market participants, cannot be achieved in practical application.

Other Questions
3. Convent the following into Indirect Speech :HOB-Now where is your husband, mistress ?MARY: In his bed. He is sick, and weary. You would not harm him !HOB: We are going to smash his evil work to pieces. Where is the machine ? What is the purpose of the lab, the importance of the topic, and the question you are trying to answer What is your hypothesis (or hypotheses) for this experiment?What methods are you using to test this (or each) hypothesis?Locate the data and observations collected in your lab guide. What are the key results? How would you best summarize the data to relate your findings?Do you have quantitative data (numerical results or calculations)? Do you have qualitative data (written observations and descriptions)? How can you organize this date for your report?What do the key results indicate?If you constructed graphs, what trends do they indicate in your data?Were there any problems with the experiment or the methods? Did you have any surprising results?What do the results tell you about your hypothesis(es)?How do the data support your claim above?If you could repeat the experiment and make it better, what would you do differently and why?Writing the Lab ReportNow you will use your answers from the questions above to write your lab report. Follow the directions below.Section I: Experimental OverviewUse your answers from questions 13 as the basis for the first section of your lab report. This section provides your reader with background information about why you conducted this experiment and how it was completed. Outline the steps of the procedure in full sentences. It also provides potential answers (your hypothesis/es) relative to what you expected the experiment to demonstrate. This section should be 13 paragraphs in length.Section II: Data and ObservationsUse your answers from questions 45 as the basis for the second section of your lab report. This section provides your reader with the data from the experiment, in a summarized and concise way. No paragraphs are required for this section, but you do need to include the key data and observations from which you will generate your analysis and discussion. This section is objective.Section III: Analysis and DiscussionUse your answers from questions 68 as the basis for the third section of your lab report. This section provides your reader with your interpretation of the data set. You will also give an example of any calculations or formulas you used to analyze your data. Also, you will want to include any graphs that you made and interpret them for the reader.If you did construct graphs, your Student Guide included information on which graphs to construct. Graphs should have the following:Appropriate titlesAppropriate labels for each axisAppropriate scales for each axisCorrect units for the dataComplete a rough sketch of each graph. Explain in one or two sentences what trend the reader should observe in each of your graphs.Mention any problems, unusual or unexpected data, or other factors with the experiment here, and suggest possible causes. This section can be somewhat subjective, unlike Section II, because you are free to include your personal interpretations or even speculation if it adds constructive, reasonable insight to the discussion. This section is variable in length, and should likely be the longest part of your report.Section IV: ConclusionsUse your answers from questions 9-11 as the basis for the fourth section of your lab report. In this section you will summarize the outcome of the experiment, and discuss how the original hypothesis(es) was (were) either supported or refuted. Use logic and reason in explaining your statements, and be sure to refer to specific data from your experiment that supports your argument.This section also demonstrates your understanding of the experiment, through your ability to offer constructive criticism about its design and make suggestions for future experimentation. There are always ways that experiments can be improved. Now that you are a veteran of this experiment and have experience with the procedure, offer some advice to the next scientist about what you suggest and why.This section should be 12 paragraphs long.OverallWhen complete, the lab report should be read as a coherent whole. Make sure that you connect different pieces with relevant transitions. Review for proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, formatting, and other conventions of organization and good writing. Scenario 2: Saving for college You are a freshman in high school and have your eye on a college degree. But college is expensive, especially since the costs include tuition, food, living expenses, travel, and books. What financial information do you need? What financial decision-making strategies can you use? (Cost comparison, cost-benefit analysis, calculating future expenses, or budgeting?) Find the area of the parallelogram.The area of the parallelogram is [a] in2. please help What is the missing value? (-4, 6) and (p, 7) = -1/2 which of the following is a run on sentence? Some of the ways gender identity has changed A circle has an approximate circumference of 15.7 ft. and a radius of 2.5 ft. Based on thiscircle, which ratio is equivalent to the value of ? Function or not a function? The formula for compound interest is:Where:A = the future value of the investment (including interest)P = the principal investment amount (the initial deposit amount)r = the annual interest rate (decimal)n = the number of times that interest is compounded per yeart = the number of years the money is invested forIf Josh invests $500 in a 5-year fixed interest savings bond that pays 5% per annum, how much will his entire investment be worth at the end of the term? You are playing your favorite video game and suddenly you get transported inside the game. What do you see? What is happening inside your game? Write a short story about what happens next. can you make it among us theme and can you make it exciting and. fun and make it a story dont make a short story make it a little longer story. : ) plsss help me i will give brainless someone write a strory What is the slope of these ordered pairs (3,-4(6,1) PLSSSSS HELPPPPPPP! will give 3 free brainliests if right please help find the perimeter 2Fe + 6HCl -> 2FeCl3 + 3H2 If 7.0 moles of HCl is added to enough iron that the HCl is completely used up, how manymoles of hydrogen gas will be produced? What is the above picture an example of? Define this form of glass art and its purpose(s). The following transactions occur for Badger Biking Company during the month of June: a. Provide services to customers on account for $34,000. b. Receive cash of $26,000 from customers in (a) above. c. Purchase bike equipment by signing a note with the bank for $19,000. d. Pay utilities of $3,400 for the current month. Analyze each transaction and indicate the amount of increases and decreases in the accounting equation. (Decreases to account classifications should be entered as a negative.) Shrings dining room table is round and has a radius of 4.5 feet. What is the tabletops area? Plz Which is true regarding the Balkan Peninsula prior to the onset of World War 1? aThe region had a long history of clashes between many ethnic groups living there bThe region is home to one dominant ethnic group cThe region played no role in the start of World War 1 dThe region was known for peace What evidence do we have that all continents were merged into one super-continent called Pangaea 250 million years ago?