Are dolphins afraid of orcas?


Answer 1

Dolphins get afraid of Orcas because orcas are carnivores and regularly kills dolphins as their hunting strategies are mind blowing.

Orcas are the only predators that regularly kill and devour dolphins. Dolphins feature heavily in the diet of some Orcas. Orcas are called  Killer Whales even though they are the largest of the dolphins. There are different species of Orca, the transient Biggs Killer Whale is perhaps especialy a Dolphin predator. Their hunting strategies are mind blowing. Orcas are carnivores and they are known to attack their prey in packs. These orcas not only hunt in deep waters but they send chills down the spine for the seals by chasing them along the shores which is quite shocking and least expected when they bask in the sun. like this Orcas kills other water mammals.

To learn more about Orcas please visit:


Related Questions

what is the dominant force that causes mass movement? group of answer choices running water earthquakes frost wedging gravity


Earthquakes of magnitude 6.0 or higher triggered mass movements

Gravity acts downward on a flat surface parallel to the Earth's surface.

Earthquakes of magnitude 6.0 or higher triggered mass movements such as lateral earth propagation, boulder fall, debris tumbles, desert boils, sand fluidization, fissures, and settlement. Lateral rock spread, on the other hand, requires a higher seismic magnitude to occur. Gravity is the primary driving force behind mass movement. Gravity is a force that acts on everything on the Earth's surface, pulling everything in the direction of the Earth's center.

Learn more on Earthquakes


what is the difference between faults and joints? group of answer choices joints are the result of compression, whereas faults are the result of tension. joints form from external stress, and faults form from cooling. joints form in place, whereas faults form because rock has moved. joints are the result of earthquakes, and faults are the result of weathering.


Answer: Joints form in place, whereas faults form because the rock has moved.

Explanation: A fault is a break in a rock mass along which movement has occurred. A joint is a fracture formed by the movement of the rock in a direction perpendicular to the plane of fracture.

Fault forms when rock above an inclined fracture plane moves downward, sliding along the rock on the other side of the fracture. Normal faults are often found along divergent plate boundaries, such as under the ocean where new crust is forming. Long, deep valleys can also be the result of normal faulting.

A joint is a type of extension fracture formed by the movement of the rock in a direction perpendicular to the plane of fracture. Joints form in solid rock that is stretched and its brittle strength (the point at which it breaks) is exceeded. When this happens, the rock fractures

how does snow vary with temperature? snow has a uniform moisture content, but cold snow consists of larger crystals. warm snow is often called sleet because it is mixed with rain, but cold snow is more like hail with very large solid ice crystals. warm snow is powdery and light, while cold snow is moist. cold snow is powdery and light, while warm snow is moist. snow has a uniform moisture content, but warm snow consists of larger crystals.


Snow varies with temperature because it is mixed with rain, but the cold snow is more like hail with very large solid ice crystals.

What is Snow?

Individual ice crystals that make up snow grow while hanging in the atmosphere, typically within clouds, and then fall to the ground, where they accumulate and alter further. By consuming sources of atmospheric moisture and frigid air, snowstorms organize and grow. By drawing supercooled water droplets that then freeze into hexagonal-shaped crystals, snowflakes form around airborne particles. Snowflakes can take on many different shapes, but the most common ones are platelets, needles, columns, and rime. It's possible for snow to blow into drifts as it builds up into a snowpack. Snow that has built up over time changes through processes like sintering, sublimation, and freeze-thaw. A glacier may develop in areas where the environment is sufficiently chilly for yearly accumulation. Other than that, snow usually melts seasonally, causing runoff into streams and rivers and refilling groundwater.

To learn more about atmosphere, visit:


What is the main purpose of the K to 12 curriculum in the Philippines?


Answer:  To improve Filipino students' skills in mathematics, science, and linguistics to further exhibit competence in the global job market.


They teach very similar to the US.

2. What two crops combined bring in twice as much money as coffee does in Colombia?
tobacco and marijauna
marijuana and coca
tobacco and cocaine
marijauna and wheat


Marijuana and Cocaine are two crops combined bring in twice as much money as coffee does in Colombia.

Option B is correct.

Where did marijuana come from?

Marijuana comes from the hemp plant. Its scientific name is Cannabis sativa. The main active ingredient in marijuana is THC (short for delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol). This ingredient is found in the leaves and flowers of marijuana.

Why Was Marijuana Legalized?

The most common reasons given for legalizing marijuana were its medical benefits (41%) and the belief that marijuana is no worse than other  (36%). Many specifically state that they consider it less dangerous than liquor or tobacco. .

How Does Marijuana Affect Your Brain?

Marijuana use directly affects brain function, especially the parts of the brain involved in memory, learning, attention, decision-making, coordination, emotion, and reaction time.

Learn more about Cocaine:


10) looking at question 9 what is is about the chemical composition that makes one volcano more explosive? relate the chemical composition of the volcano to the type of crust involved.


The magma composition that will cause the most explosive volcanoes is magma that contains huge amount of silica. Since silica makes explosive magma extremely viscous, or thick and sticky, this is crucial to understand. Aluminum and silicon oxides make up the majority of the continental crust. The rocks' pale color makes them resistant to deterioration.

Magmas differ in composition, which impacts viscosity. How a volcano erupts is greatly influenced by the composition of the magma. More viscous and erupting violently or not at all are felsic lavas. Less viscous and more effusive are mafic lavas. Volcanoes can take on a variety of shapes, which are determined by the makeup of the magma and the process of eruption. When a volcano produces lava that is very fluid (low in silica, or SiO2), the magma travels a great distance before cooling, creating a flat, shield-shaped volcano. The majority of island arcs were formed on oceanic crust as a result of the lithosphere's plunge into the mantle along the subduction zone. Because gas volume expands as pressure decreases, gas lends magmas their explosive nature. Magma is mostly composed of water vapour and carbon dioxide, with trace amounts of sulphur, chlorine, and fluorine gases.

Learn more about magma composition here


ways that Canada and Australia can reduce their dependence on fossil fuels.



phasing out pollution from coal-fired electricity by 2030.

setting new standards for natural-gas electricity.

increasing investment in renewable energy.

increasing investment in transmission lines and smart grids.

supporting rural and remote communities to reduce reliance on diesel.

the coastal environment represents a balance between erosional processes and depositional processes. if left undisturbed, what coastal profile would develop? can you name examples of such profiles (3 points)?


The coastal environment represents a balance between erosional processes and depositional processes if left undisturbed tidal profile would develop.

The coastal environment that would develop is shallow often a muddy part of foreshore which are covered and uncovered by the rinse and fall of the tide .

Tidal currents on the open coast such as along a beach or rocky coast are not enough to transport sediment. the role of tides in molding coastal landforms is twofold tidal currents transport large quantities of sediment and may erode bed rock.

Waves tides and wind dominate coastal processes. Tidal feeds estuaries.

Tides prevent the blocking of ports with sediment.

To know more about coastal environment, click on the link below:


how long is a piece of nylon rope that costs $1.00?


The length of rope depends on many factors like quality, strength and material used. Hence, it can vary accordingly.

Explain in detail.

Bow-to-stern towing hawsers, surge lines, safety lines, lariat ropes, boat falls, drop hammer ropes, target tow ropes, fishing ropes, and industrial slings are all excellent uses for nylon.One of the strongest and most popular fiber materials today is nylon (polyamide), which was the first synthetic material used to manufacture rope. Nylon rope is frequently utilized in dynamic climbing applications due to its high strength, inherent elasticity, and abrasion resistance in dry or wet circumstances.

To know more about Nylon here


How do whales survive in water?


Because of a layer of fat called blubber that covers their entire body beneath the skin, whales can survive in deep or icy arctic water. Compared to the fat present in other mammals, blubber is substantially thicker.

The lungs of marine mammals are substantially larger than those of humans, allowing them to breathe in more air with each breath. Additionally, each time they inhale and exhale, they exchange more air. Additionally, their red blood cells contain more oxygen. Contrary to the buoyancy supplied by water, their bodies are not built to support that amount of weight on land.

Without the buoyancy and weightlessness of the ocean to support it, the whale's own body weight would destroy its organs after only a few minutes on land. Whales are marine mammals that live best in the ocean, but they cannot survive in freshwater conditions, at least not for very long. In actuality, all species of whales that are currently understood prefer saltwater habitats to freshwater ones for a variety of reasons.

Learn more about Whales visit:


What is concept and its function?


Abstract ideas are defined as concepts. They are recognized as the fundamental building blocks of the concept that underpins principles, thoughts, and beliefs. They are crucial in all aspects of cognition.

A concept, in general, is a function whose valuation is always a truth value . A relation is a two-dimensional function whose valuation is always the truth value . Frege makes a significant distinction between concepts based on their level. Concepts are cognitive abstractions that represent groups of items, occurrences, or ideas. In general, concepts are regarded as natural semantic categories that aid in the unification of things, characteristics, and happenings based on similarity of characteristics.

Learn more on concept, -


3. what is the most frequent type of damaging severe weather from thunderstorms? straight line winds, hail, or tornadoes


Straight-line winds are strong airflows in one direction that are typically linked to thunderstorms.

Any strong wind produced by a thunderstorm that does not spin is referred to as a straight-line wind. They have the potential to cause significant property damage, including knocking trees into buildings and automobiles, breaking through electricity lines, and harming homes. Additionally, straight-line winds can reach speeds of more than 58 mph and last for an extended period of time, possibly longer than twenty minutes.

The National Weather Service will issue a Severe Tornado Warning if straight-line winds are predicted. When this warning is issued, take refuge in a room inside your home that is away from windows on the lowest floor, just as you would during a tornado, to protect yourself, your family, and your possessions.

To know more about straight-line winds:


Which of the following is accurate about monsoons?
Check all that apply.
A. Monsoons create a perfect environment for rice farming.
B. Monsoons can cause devastating landslides and floods.
C. Heavy monsoons hurt the affected economies.
D. Indians prefer heavy monsoon seasons.


Monsoons can cause landslides and floods.

Hope this helps. Please give brainliest I need five more

what is the main way groundwater accumulates? seawater in the oceans loses its salt via the process of saltation. plants release water and carbon dioxide through their roots. magma releases water as part of the hydrologic cycle. precipitation and surface water infiltrate through the upper layers of soil.


The main way groundwater accumulates is: (D) precipitation and surface water infiltrate through the upper layers of soil

Groundwater is mainly accumulated through precipitation (rainwater or river water), this precipitation may infiltrate through the upper layers of soil and water is accumulated in beneath surface or in subsurface. This is known under groundwater.

Ground water is replenished by precipitation and depending on the local climate and geology is unevenly distributed in both quantity and quality. Warmth from the sun causes the lakes and rivers to evaporate and turn into water vapour in the air. All most all precipitated water goes into the air because of evaporation.

To know more about groundwater, click on the link below:


Present day glaciers are found primarily in _______________. A. Canada and greenland b. Canada and iceland c. Antarctica and greenland d. Antarctica and iceland please select the best answer from the choices provided a b c d.


Present day glaciers are found primarily in Antarctica and Greenland (C).

Where do glacial ice sheets exist today?Most of the world's glaciers exist in the polar regions, in areas like Greenland, the Canadian Arctic, and Antarctica. Glaciers also can be found closer to the Equator in some mountain regions. The largest glaciers are continental ice sheets or ice caps, only Antarctica and Greenland have massive amounts of ice (> than 50,000 square kilometers 12 million acres).Continental Glaciers are a type of glacier found in Antarctica. Continental glaciers are large, slow-moving ice sheets that cover a portion of a continent, such as Antarctica. Antarctica is engulfed in sea ice during the winter, resulting in months of darkness. In the winter, the monthly mean temperature at the South Pole is around -60°C. Winter temperatures along the coast range between 15 and 20 degrees Celsius.

Learn more about glacial ice here:


level of globalization, geostrategic conditions, and disaster response/emergency are all examples of which category in the desix stability index?


As indicated by the standardizing perspective on science, researchers ought to leave their qualities at the lab entryway.

Security classification in the desix strength record.

What does the expression "security" mean?

The trademark, demeanor, or level of strength, including the ability to endure or persevere: Immovability: A body's capacity to make tensions or times that will permit it to return towards its past state after being shaken out of homeostasis or a steady movement.

What is a delineation of strength?

Maintainability in designing and science portrays a framework that is in homeostasis and can continue balance in the wake of being irritated. For example, a design that opposes gravity yet rises upward is in harmony.

Learn more about desix stability index:


body of water partially surrounded by land




A bay is a body of water partially surrounded by land. A bay is usually smaller and less enclosed than a gulf. The mouth of the bay, where meets the ocean or lake, is typically wider than that of a gulf.

How do you find displacement example?


Total distance travelled d = 3 m + 5 m + 6 m = 14 m. A magnitude of the displacement can be obtained by visualizing the walking. The actual path from A to B as 3 m then from B to D as 5 m and finally from D to E as 6 m. |S| =√92+52 = 10.29 m.

An object's position changes if it moves in relation to a reference frame, such as when a passenger moves to the back of an airplane or a professor moves to the right in relation to a whiteboard. Displacement describes this shift in location.

What does distance displacement mean?

Distance is the length of any path connecting any two points. When measured along the shortest path between any two points, displacement is the direct distance between them. Since it only depends on magnitude and not direction, distance is a scalar quantity.

Learn more about to displacement visit this link


Place the following hurricanes in order from least to greatest, based on the amount of monetary damages created by each. I. Hurricane andrew ii. Hurricane katrina iii. Hurricane ivan a. I. , ii. , iii. B. Ii. , iii. , i. C. Iii. , i. , ii. D. I. , iii. , ii.


Option C is correct, ( iii, i, ii ) Hurricanes Ivan, Hurricane Andrew, and Hurricane Katrina in the order from least to greatest.

Hurricane Ivan, a sizable, protracted Cape Verdean hurricane, caused significant damage to the Caribbean and the US. The storm was the fourth significant hurricane and the sixth overall.

Storm Andrew, a dangerous Category 5 Atlantic hurricane, hit the Bahamas, Florida, and Louisiana in August 1992. It was the most costly and destructive storm to have hit Florida in terms of the number of buildings damaged or destroyed.

More than 1,800 people died and billions of dollars in monetary damage were lost as a result of Hurricane Katrina, a destructive Category 5 Atlantic hurricane that made landfall in New Orleans and the surrounding areas in late August 2005. It was the most expensive tropical cyclone ever at the time.

To learn more about hurricanes, follow the below link:


What factors affect sea urchins?


A variety of biotic factors, including competition, predation, and disease, all play important roles in regulating sea urchin populations. Abiotic factors have an impact on sea urchin populations at various stages of their life cycle.

Sea urchinsare spiny, globular echinoderms in the Echinoidea class. There are approximately 950 species of sea urchins that live on every ocean's seabed and inhabit every depth zone from the intertidal seashore down to 5,000 meters (16,000 ft; 2,700 fathoms).

Sea urchins' spherical, hard shells (tests) are round and spiny, ranging in diameter from 3 to 10 cm (1 to 4 in). Sea urchins crawl slowly with tube feet and propel themselves with their spines. Although algae are the primary source of nutrition, sea urchins also consume slow-moving (sessile) animals. Fish, starfish, crabs, and marine mammals are among the predators that eat sea urchins. Sea urchins are also eaten, particularly in Japan.

Learn more about   sea urchins to visit this link


Do orcas need water to breathe?


Orcas breath through their Blowholes which is located on the top of their head.

Orcas is a toothed whale and is the largest member of the Dolphin family. These large marine mammals are easily distinguished by their black and white coloration. Whales have lungs they use to get the oxygen they need by breathing air like humans. But instead of breathing through their mouth they breathe through their nostrils called blowholes. Blowholes is located on top of their heads. They can easily breathe through the blowhole without lifting their entire head out of the water. They only need to breath air from the surface once every 5 to 10 minutes. They don't need to fully come out over the water.

To learn more about Orcas please visit:


Part B: Developing Your Arguments Claims form the basis of an argument. They’re detailed statements that you must prove. Consider how you’ll support your claims with evidence using credible sources such as My NASA Data and NASA Climate Time Machine. You can use other reliable sources as well. Write down two or three claims for your argument and include evidence to support each of your claims. Cite the sources for your evidence using a URL address or book or journal title. 100 points



People used letters or postcards before the internet was created to communicate with their friends and family. Around the turn of the century, people began using the internet and discovered that they could quickly interact with one another .


what term describes the northernmost of the two large continents produced by the breakup of pangaea?


Laurasia is the name given to the northernmost of the two large continents formed by the breakup of Pangaea.

Laurasia and Gondwana were the 2 significant landmasses that comprised the Pangaea supercontinent between 335 and 175 million years ago (Mya). Laurasia was the northernmost of the two.

It split from Gondwana at the breakup of Pangaea between 215 and 175 Mya (beginning in the late Triassic period), drifted north just after split, and eventually dissolved around 56 Mya with the onset of the North Atlantic Ocean. Asia and Laurentia are combined in the name.

To know more about Laurasia, click here:


The monsoons are experienced in the tropical area between 20 N and 20 S. Do you think India has a monsoon type of climate? 5 marks


Do you think India has a monsoon type of climate? Yes


A monsoon is a seasonal change in the direction of the prevailing, or strongest, winds of a region. Monsoons cause wet and dry seasons throughout much of the tropics. Monsoons are most often associated with the Indian Ocean.

Monsoons always blow from cold to warm regions. The summer monsoon and the winter monsoon determine the climate for most of India and Southeast Asia.


Check out and for more information on Monsoons

How long can orcas stay above water?


They typically only submerge for around 20 minutes, but various orcas behave differently. Orcas can only endure a brief period of time on land. They have no problems breathing. Their fat retains too much heat, which is an issue.

Without the buoyancy and weightlessness of the ocean to support it, the orca's own body weight would destroy its organs after only a few minutes on land. Second, the orcas would quickly overheat, become dehydrated, and dry out because of the thick covering of blubber (over 1 ft. of blubber in certain species) and lack of water.

Because they are animals, whales and dolphins also breathe air into their lungs like humans do. Since they lack gills, they cannot breathe underwater like fish can. They breathe through a blowhole, which is a pair of nostrils on top of their heads. orcas breathe air via their lungs to obtain the oxygen they require (like humans). However, they breathe through their blowholes, which are placed on top of their heads and serve as noses instead of mouths. Without raising their entire head out of the water, they may effortlessly breathe through the blowhole.

Learn more about orcas visit:


the tremblor fault has a magnitude 4 earthquake every 5 years. the shaky fault has magnitude 6 earthquakes every 150 years. both faults can have earthquakes of the same magnitude and follow gutenberg-richter. which fault is more dangerous?


Shanky fault is more dangerous. An earthquake's magnitude is a numerical scale that is used to determine how much seismic energy is released as a result of the earthquake.

The Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale is a descriptive scale that is used to determine the intensity of an earthquake's shaking. Magnitude: The size of an earthquake is a numerical indicator of the magnitude of the earthquake at its source. The Richter Magnitude Scale gauges the seismic energy that an earthquake releases. The two terms used to describe earthquake characteristics are magnitude and intensity. The energy released at the epicentre of an earthquake is measured in magnitude. Measurements made with seismographs are used to calculate magnitude. The magnitude of the shaking caused by an earthquake at a certain site is measured by intensity. The amount of energy produced by an earthquake at its focal point determines its magnitude.

Learn more about earthquake here


Which state has no sea in India?


In India, Telangana has no sea. Telangana is bounded to the north by Maharashtra, to the east by Chhattisgarh, to the west by Karnataka, and to the east and south by Andhra Pradesh.

In India, there are 20 landlocked states. States such as Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, and Chhattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh and Haryana, and Delhi and Sikkim have no coastal boundaries. The coast line is the area that separates the mainland from the islands.

It is bounded to the east by the Bay of Bengal, to the south by the Indian Ocean, and to the west by the Arabian Sea.

Learn more on India -


The Andes consist of altiplanos, or groups of several mountain ranges that run parallel to one another.


Altiplanos, or groups of several mountain ranges that run parallel to one another, make up the Andes. There is no other place on Earth with more biodiversity per square mile than the Amazon rain forest. In South America, the puna and tierra helada have the lowest vertical climate zones.

Which route was built to move timber and minerals from the Amazon rain forest?

The Trans-Amazonian Highway, which runs 5,300 kilometers from east to west across Brazil, is the longest road. In this vast, sparsely populated river basin, the highway was constructed to make it easier to settle and look for resources.

Above the tree line in the Andes, what climate zones are there?

The habitat can be referred to as the alpine zone, and the climate above the tree line of the mountains is known as an alpine climate. Because of the increased shade on north-facing slopes, the snowpack melts more slowly in the northern hemisphere. As a result, treelines on slopes with a northerly orientation are lower than those on slopes with a southerly orientation.

To learn more about alpine zone here


What term describes the northernmost of the two large continents produced by the breakup of pangaea?


Laurasia is the time period describes the northernmost of the 2 big continents produced via way of means of the breakup of pangaea

The present-day North America, Greenland, and all of Eurasia had been part of Laurasia. The present-day South America, Africa, Madagascar, the Indian subcontinent, Arabia, Malaysia, East Indies, Australia, and Antarctica had been part of the Gondwanaland. When Pangaea broke up, the northern continents of North America and Eurasia have become separated from the southern continents of Antarctica, India, South America, Australia and Africa. The big northern continent is known as Laurasia and the southern continent is known as Gondwanaland. According the idea of continental drift, Pangaea break up into halves—Laurasia and Gondwanaland—more or less 2 hundred million years ago. In turn, Laurasia break up into Eurasia and North America, whilst Gondwanaland broke up into Antarctica, Africa, Australia, South America, and the Indian subcontinent.

To know more about Laurasia visit:


Minerals or organic matter carried and deposited by water or wind that may consolidate into rock.a. True
b. False


Minerals or organic matter carried and deposited by water or wind that may consolidate into rock.

The above statement is True.

The breakdown or dissolution of rocks and minerals on the surface of the Earth is known as weathering. Once a rock has been disintegrated, the minerals and rock fragments are carried away by a process known as erosion. Weathering and erosion can be caused by water, acids, salt, plants, animals, and temperature changes.Pre-existing rocks or fragments of extinct species serve as the building blocks for sedimentary rocks. They develop from deposits that build up on the surface of the Earth. Sedimentary rocks frequently exhibit recognizable bedding or layering.

To know more about Weathering here


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