Anything that an agent obtains by virtue of the employment or agency relationship is his or hers to keep.


Answer 1

This claim is untrue. Anything a representative receives as a result of their employment or representative status is not theirs to keep.

Why does an agent in an agency partnership have the authority to speak for the client?

A principle selects an agent to stand in for them and protect their interests. Examples include selecting a fund manager as an investor might or hiring a lawyer for legal assistance. A principal-agent problem arises if there is a conflict of interest between the two.

What does the partnership's agency relationship mean?

When one person works on behalf of another and has the power to enter into contracts on the principal's behalf, there is a fiduciary relationship between the two parties that is in both parties' best interests. It could be either a personal or professional relationship.

Learn more about agency relationship:


Related Questions

You sell each bracelet for $200, with variable costs at $100 per unit. when you deduct the $100 costs from the selling price of each unit, what remains is the per-unit contribution to _______ costs.


We promote each bracelet for $200, with the variable cost of $100 in line with the unit. whilst we deduct the $100 charges from the selling fee of each unit, what stays is the according-to-unit contribution to the interrupt-even cost.

whilst the price charged is certainly greater than or less than the equilibrium price set by using market forces of both demand and supply, it's far known as a fee floor decrease fee floors have indeed been verified to be unsuccessful via commentary. The relevance of the rate floor inside the exertions market has been determined. whilst you input right into a rate conflict with one in every one of our opponents, like in the instance above. throughout this pricing warfare, your floor charge might be $100.

Manufacturing facility price saves the seller cash on transport fees and administration whilst passing the threat of loss on to the buyer.

Learn more about cost  here


a marginal cost pricing rule for a natural monopoly sets marginal cost equal to group of answer choices minimum average variable cost. marginal revenue. average cost. price. the smaller of price or marginal revenue.


The partial derivative of the cost function with respect to output; the rise in cost that occurs along with a unit increase in output. One more unit of product produced at an additional cost.

In economics, the technique of fixing a product's price to cover the additional expense of generating an additional unit of output is known as marginal cost pricing. This policy limits the producer's ability to charge for each unit of a product sold to the addition to total cost attributable to materials and direct labor.

This is so because the price does not change despite changes in output levels. In a monopoly, marginal revenue will always be equal to or less than average revenue because the price fluctuates as the amount sold fluctuates.

To know more about marginal cost, refer:


The authors of both documents write about the same event in different ways due to?


Due to information gaps and author prejudice, the authors of the two texts present the same event in different ways. Both records are secondary sources. Due to information gaps and author prejudice, the authors of the two papers describe the same event in distinctly different ways.

What is prejudice?

Laws and other original documents are examples of primary sources. newspaper articles written by reporters who really saw the event. A certain degree of agreement can be reached by comparing the accounts of the same event given by many narrators. Author participated in or saw the event, but see the event Usually written simultaneously with or shortly after the incident, The writers of both papers discuss the same topics.

To learn more about prejudice from given link


Does a genuine free market require restrictions on the ability of predator multinationals to create monopolies?


Technically, a genuine free market does not require restrictions of any kind.

A market is a place where buyers and dealers can meet to facilitate the alternate or transaction of goods and offerings. Markets may be physical like a retail outlet, or virtual like an e-store. Different examples consist of illegal markets, public sale markets, and financial markets.

In marketing, the time period market refers to the institution of consumers or organizations that is interested in the product, has the sources to buy the product, and are permitted by regulation and different guidelines to gather the product.

Financial market structures may be grouped into four classes: best competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly.

Learn more about Market here:-


transactions that don’t increase or decrease cash, but that result in significant investing and financing activities, are reported either directly after the cash flow statement or in a separate note to the financial statements as noncash activities.


Transactions that do not increase or decrease cash, but that result in significant investing and financing activities, are reported as non-cash activities either directly after the cash flow statement or in a note to the financial statements.

Thus, the correct word to fill in the blank is non-cash activities.

What is the Statement of Cash Flows?

The Stаtement of Cаsh Flows (аlso referred to аs the cаsh flow stаtement) is one of the three key finаnciаl stаtements thаt report the cаsh generаted аnd spent during а specific period of time (e.g., а month, quаrter, or yeаr). The stаtement of cаsh flows аcts аs а bridge between the income stаtement аnd bаlаnce sheet by showing how money moved in аnd out of the business.

The statement of cash flows is the only statement ignoring an accrual basis and is based on a cash basis. All other financial statements follow an accrual principle and which means that we have lots of non-cash transactions in our financial statements that we need to eliminate for cash flows.

For more information about the cash flow statement refer to the link:


which of the following is not legislation related to unions? a. the fair labor standards act b. the wagner act c. the taft hartley act d. the landrum-griffin act


The Wagner Act is not a piece of legislation affecting unions. b. IS THE Answer

What did the Wagner Act serve to accomplish?

The Wagner Act's main goal was to make it lawful for most workers to join unions and engage in collective bargaining with their supervisors. Additionally, it outlawed unfair employment practices by employers.

The Wagner Act bears the name of Democratic U.S. Senator Robert F. Wagner, a key figure in the development of the contemporary welfare state and a Social Security Act sponsor.

What did the Wagner Act entail and how did it work?

An illustration of the Wagner Act IT required employers to engage in unionisation with unions chosen by a majority of the workers in a suitable union contract, and it granted individuals the right to create and join unions within Section 7.

To know more about employment click here


in the malthusian model, if the current level of consumption per capita, , is larger than the steady-state level of consumption per capita, what happens to the population in the short run.


We first present a Malthusian model that Lee investigated in order to introduce the theory of nonstable population dynamics (1974). Take into consideration a framework of overlapping Malthusian model in which each person lives for one or two periods.

If the child survival rate is l and the number of children born during period t is Bt, then Nt=l. Bt−1. The reduced form of the two equations above can be combined as follows: Bt is equal to h(Bt), where h(Bt)g(f(l. Bt−1)).l. Bt−1. The dynamic pattern and the possibility of cyclicity can be examined using the above expression, which is a recursive equation of Bt. In this context, the Malthusian model is interpreted as a density dependency model in which the density is defined by the number of births in the preceding period. It turns out that, contrary to Malthus's prediction, the above Malthusian model may not converge to a "dismal" steady state. The Bt series can be cyclic, converge, or diverge mathematically, and the feedback elasticity of h( is a crucial factor in determining the volatility of the birth series Bt.) in relation to Bt1 At the point when this versatility is adequately enormous, the Bt series can without much of a stretch have cycles. This is the classic example of a population that is not stable. After introducing the general population structure, we will talk about modern versions of nonstable populations.

To know more about Malthusian model visit


ms. ruang, a single taxpayer, purchased her principal residence on august 19, 2022 and financed the purchase with a mortgage secured by the residence. in 2022, the average balance of the mortgage was $817,000, and ms. ruang paid $35,000 of mortgage interest. how much of this interest is an itemized deduction?


The interest that is an itemized deduction is $32,130. Original or anticipated mortgage balance.

Original or anticipated mortgage balance. Up to $1,000,000 in mortgage debt can be written off by taxpayers as a deduction for interest paid on first and second mortgages (if married and filing separately, the cap is $500,000). Over this sum, interest on first or second mortgages is not tax deductible. Our calculator restricts your interest deduction to the interest payment that would be made on a $1,000,000 mortgage. The smaller of $100,000 or the sum of your property's market value less any existing debt is the maximum on the amount of interest on home equity debt that can be deducted. Please don't borrow more than this amount for home equity loans as you can overestimate your tax savings.

Know more about mortgage here:


As robo advisors matured, it became clear that sometimes they could do an effective job by themselves. Group of answer choices true false


As Robo-advisors mature, it is clear that they can do an effective job by themselves. This statement is true.

Robo-advisors are digital financial platforms that provide automated,  financial planning services with little to no human supervision. They ask questions about an individual's financial situation and future goals through an online survey; it then uses the data to offer advice and automatically invest for the individual.

They are often inexpensive and require low opening balances, making them available to retail investors. They are best suited for traditional investing and make use of modern portfolio theory.

They are more accessible, they hold the same legal status as human advisors, and reduce the influence of human advisors. They make money on the interest earned on cash balances.

To know more about Digital financial platforms,


Which one of the following is not necessary in order for a corporation to pay a cash dividend?Question options:a. Sufficient Retained earningsb. Sufficient cashc. Formal action of the board of directorsd. Declared dividends


Declared dividends is  not necessary in order for a corporation to pay a cash dividend. Option D.

What is meant by a dividend?

A dividend is a gift that a business delivers to its shareholders, whether it be cash or something else. Dividends may be distributed in a number of ways, including stock dividends, cash payments, and other forms. The board of directors of a firm determines its dividend, which requires shareholder approval.

A dividend is a payment made by a corporation to its shareholders that is decided by the board of directors. Dividend payments are frequently made quarterly and might take the form of cash payments or stock reinvestments.

Read more on dividend here:


an extreme case of oligopoly in which firms collude to raise joint profits is known as a: a duopoly. b dominant producer. c cartel. d price war. e price leadership.


An extreme case of oligopoly Managing prices effectively is a type of market structure. when a company establishes the industry-wide price level and additional smaller businesses must match it. The correct answer is leadership.

The business with the most affordable production costs usually sets the pricing standard for the market. Making their goods distinct from the competition The competing businesses seek to avoid this dilemma.For example, a small business can strive to distinguish its products by putting an emphasis on gaining some popularity with vegetarian cuisine Share percentage in a food market when the price established by the leader was lower than the manufacturing costs for a small business.That’s how the Oxford Dictionary defines leadership. In simple words, leadership is about taking risks and challenging the status quo. Leaders motivate others to achieve something new and better. Interestingly, leaders do what they do to pursue innovation, not as an obligation.

To know more about Leadership visit:


fifteen years ago a couple purchased a house for $190,000.00 by paying a 20% down payment and financing the remaining balance with a 30-year mortgage at 4.12% compounded monthly. (a) find the monthly payment for this loan.


According to the given information, The monthly payment for this loan is $735.86

For a loan with principal P, a monthly interest rate r, and a total number of payments T, we can use the following formula to determine the monthly payment: [tex]\frac{Pr}{1-(1+r)^-^T}[/tex]

In this case, the borrowed amount is 190,000 × (1 - 20%) = 152,000. There are 360 payments total because of the 30-year term. The interest rate for the month is 4.12% / 12. With the use of the calculation, the monthly payment is: [tex]\frac{(152000)(4.12percentage/12)}{1-(1+4.12 percentage/12)^-^3^6^0}[/tex] = 735.86

In order to maintain good standing with a credit card issuer, a borrower must make at least the minimum monthly payment on a revolving credit account each month.When compared to consumers who make more than the minimum payment each month, those who just make the minimum payment each month will end up paying more interest and taking longer to pay off their loans.As long as they are in good standing and have no delinquencies, revolving credit accounts let customers keep their balances open indefinitely.Non-revolving credit accounts pay the borrower a principal sum upon loan approval and demand that they repay the principal plus interest in accordance with a predetermined payment plan.

Learn more about Monthly payment, here


The best leaders display both transactional and transformational leadership styles.a. trueb. false


The best leaders display both transactional and transformational leadership styles. This statement is true, so the correct option is (A).

What Is the Importance Of a Good Leadership?

The reason that the statement in the question is true is that the type of leadership that is best suited in a company or in an organization is when the leader displays transformational and transactional leadership styles. According to Yammarino, Waldman, and Bass (1990) leaders can be more effective when leaders can combine transactional and transformational leadership styles. Good leadership in an organization is very important because it can affect the motivation and productivity of each member or employee.

Learn more about transactional leadership at


which are risk mitigation strategy? group of answer choices risk delivery risk allocation risk retention risk abatement


Risk retention are risk mitigation strategy.

What are techniques for risk mitigation?Prior to any accident or disaster, risk mitigation measures are intended to eliminate, lessen, or otherwise limit the effect of recognized risks that are inherent in a given activity. Risks can be anticipated and managed with the help of these strategies.Avoidance, retention, sharing, transferring, and loss prevention and reduction are the fundamental risk management strategies that can be applied to all facets of a person's life and have long-term benefits.For controlling risk, there are always numerous solutions. The four Ts of risk management — tolerating, terminating, treating, and transferring — are an useful way to summarize the various reactions.

To learn more about risk mitigation refer to:


olivia decides to forgo a third slice of pizza and eats an ice cream cone instead. this behavior exemplifies the economic concept of:


Olivia decides to forgo a third slice of pizza and eats an ice cream cone instead. this behavior exemplifies the economic concept of altruism.

Neoclassical economics holds that rational humans will go to any lengths to increase their own wealth. However, people are regarded as acting kindly when they give up something for the sake of others without anticipating compensation for themselves.

For instance, some businesses would hire employees even if they are not required. They don't want to cause unemployment, which is why. Additionally, companies may not aim to maximize revenues. Other goals that businesses may have include those related to the environment, charity, and social responsibility.

To know more about economics click here,


the market in which households supply their savings to firms that demand funds in order to buy capital goods is the market. a. money b. savings c. investment d. capital


On the capital market, individuals give their savings to businesses who need them to purchase capital products.

How do capital goods work?

Buildings, machinery, tools, and equipment are a few examples of the capital goods that firms employ to produce their goods and services.

Is money a strategic good?

Consequently, since money is "the" good used during exchange, exchange reduces the value of goods from upper to the lower order, and manufacturing reduces the value of products from greater to lesser sequence, money is also a producer's good. Money is a capital decent used in exchange, exchange reduces the value of goods from lower to higher order, and manufacturing reduces the value of products from to lower order.

To know more about capital goods visit:


find the cost per meal if you serve 120,000 meals, spend $46,000 in food purchases and $1250 worth of food was removed from the inventory.


The cost of a dinner If you spend $46,000 on food purchases and $1250 worth of food is taken out of the inventory while serving 120,000 meals

= 120036.8

Total Cost = (Fixed Cost + Variable Cost) / Number of Units Produced.

= 120,000+$46,000/$1250 =120036.8 .In economics, the cheapest way to create a specific quantity of product is called total cost (TC). The fixed cost of production, which is unaffected by the quantity of a good produced and includes inputs like buildings and machinery, possibly including sunk costs, and the variable cost, which varies with the quantity of a good produced and includes inputs like labor and raw materials, make up the total economic cost of production. In economics, the total opportunity cost of each manufacturing factor is accounted for as one of the fixed or variable costs in the total cost. The additional overall cost incurred by an additional unit of output is known as the marginal cost.

Learn more about Total Cost from


Paying dividends to stockholders reduces taxable income because dividends are an expense.
a. True
b. False


This statement is false that paying dividends to stockholders reduces taxable income because dividends are an expense.

A dividend is a distribution of profits by a corporation to its shareholders. When a corporation earns a profit or surplus, it is able to pay a portion of the profit as a dividend to shareholders. Any amount not distributed is taken to be re-invested in the business. The current year profit as well as the retained earnings of previous years are available for distribution; a corporation is usually prohibited from paying a dividend out of its capital.

Distribution to shareholders may be in cash or, if the corporation has a dividend reinvestment plan, the amount can be paid by the issue of further shares or by share repurchase. In some cases, the distribution may be of assets.

The dividend received by a shareholder is income of the shareholder and may be subject to income tax. The tax treatment of this income varies considerably between jurisdictions. The corporation does not receive a tax deduction for the dividends it pays.

To know more about Dividend visit:


the partners realize that brendan will be the first partner to start receiving cash. how much cash will brendan receive before any of the other partners collect any cash?


Brendan will receive $17,000 before any of the other partners collect any cash.

What does Cash mean?

Money in the form of physical bills and coins, as opposed to money in a bank account or other form of electronic funds transfer, is referred to as "cash." It is a liquid asset, which means it is easily accessible and can be used to pay for goods and services quickly.

What does Services mean?

Services are activities carried out by individuals or organizations for the benefit of other individuals or organizations. This includes giving advice, delivering goods, performing tasks, and selling products. Services can be delivered in person, online, or a combination of the two.

To know more about Service,


Thus the correct question is :

The partners realize that Brendan will be the first partner to start receiving cash. How much cash will Brendan receive before any of the other partners collect any cash? Choose the correct.

a. $12,250

b. $14,750

c. $17,000

d. $19,500

fashion, inc. had a retained earnings balance of $12,000 at december 31, 2021. the company had an average income of $6,500 over the next 5 years, and an ending retained earnings balance of $13,000 at december 31, 2026. what was the total amount of dividends paid over the last five years?





15,000 = 12,000 + 225,000 - Dividends

15,000 = 345,000 - Dividends

Dividends = 345,000-15,000

= 19,500

75,000 * 3 years = 225,000

20,000 dollars in dividends have been distributed over the past three years.

A company pays dividends to common stockholders in the form of cash dividends and stock dividends. The company's net income is used to pay out the cash dividend.

Two-year total income is equal to the average income divided by two. Two-year total income is $7,000 divided by two. Two-year total income is $14,000.

Equation: Beginning retained earnings balance plus net income divided by dividends equals ending retained earnings balance > Beginning retained earnings balance plus net income divided by dividends equals ending retained earnings balance > Beginning retained earnings balance plus net income divided by dividends equals ending retained earnings balance Dividends $ 14000 plus ($7000 divided by three years) divided by $ 15,000 equals dividends for three years $ 20,000 equals dividends for three years 20,000 dollars in dividends have been distributed over the past three years.

To learn more about dividends here


Full Question = Fashion, Inc. had a Retained Earnings balance of $14,000 at December 31, 2021. The company had an average income of $7,000 over the next 3 years, and an ending Retained Earnings balance of $15,000 at December 31, 2024. What was the total amount of dividends paid over the last three years?

this type of irrigation is often used by small-scale farming operations, and it requires extensive labor to set up individual irrigation lines.


Drip irrigation is a type of irrigation that is commonly used by small-scale farming operations and requires a lot of labor to set up individual irrigation lines.

Irrigation is the agricultural process of applying controlled amounts of water to land to aid in crop production as well as the growth of landscape plants and lawns, where it is also known as watering.Agriculture that relies only on direct rainfall and does not use irrigation is known as rain-fed agriculture.

Irrigation aids in the growth of agricultural crops, the preservation of landscapes, and the revegetation of disturbed soils in dry areas and during periods of below-average rainfall.

To know more about irrigation, click here.


which industry has the lowest concentration ratio? a. industry m b. industry j c. industry k d. industry l


If the market share information is accurate and easily accessible, the idea is straightforward. It makes sense of the degree of rivalry in the business and the presentation of the organizations working in an industry. For instance, if a company has a ratio of 100 percent, there is no competition in the industry, indicating a monopoly.

Information about the industry can be obtained from concentration ratios that range from 0% to 100%. If the ratio's value is zero, there is no competition at all, while a value of 100 indicates monopoly and no competition. The concentration is low if the value is less than 40%. Additionally, it demonstrates monopolistic competition by demonstrating that numerous producers are engaging in healthy competition by selling distinct products. When the value is greater than 40%, it indicates that the industry is dominated by a small number of significant and large players in the medium concentration scenario. Lastly, oligopoly or monopoly is indicated when the concentration is high and competition is very low when the CR is greater than 70%.

Economists can study and compare various industries and their major players with the assistance of an understanding of the concept. Economists have the option of going with a CR of three, four, or five firms. Understanding the industry's concentration and distribution of market share is helpful. A larger company is a sign of a market with more concentration. Besides, a high focus level isn't generally alluring since it includes a restraining infrastructure or oligopoly, making unfavorable impacts like high obstructions section and decreasing development.

To know more about market share visit


cash flows from activities include both inflows and outflows of cash from the external funding of a business. t or f


True. The process of making payments or receiving payments for purchases made through the provision of goods and services is known as cash flow.

Therefore, the given statement is true.

The process of making money through money in various forms is known as cash flow in the business.

For instance, the Bater system involved a flow of materials that were exchanged. However, money flow or cash flow is an exchange of cash during the purchase or provision of goods and services.

Therefore, knowing the process of channeling money into the economy, enterprise, or society constitutes cash flow.

To know more about Cash flow visit:


In the Breakthrough Energy Catalyst video case, investments are being made to develop technologies to convert biological inputs, including municipal waste, into what product?
a. Sustainable Aviation Fuel
b. Green Hydrogen
c. Direct Air Capture
d. Long-duration Energy Storage


In the Breakthrough Energy Catalyst video case, investments are being made to develop technologies to convert biological inputs, including municipal waste, into Sustainable Aviation Fuel. The correct option is (a).

What do you mean by the biological inputs?

A living organism or ingredient of biological origin (such as nettle dung), as opposed to elements of synthetic or mineral chemical origin, is referred to as a biological input when it is added to a farm or livestock facility to help improve productivity.

SAF, a biofuel having qualities similar to those of regular jet fuel but a lower carbon footprint, is used to power aero planes.

In comparison to traditional jet fuel, SAF can significantly lower life cycle GHG emissions depending on the feedstock and methods utilized to create it.

Therefore, in the Breakthrough Energy Catalyst video case, investments are being made to develop technologies to convert biological inputs, including municipal waste, into Sustainable Aviation Fuel.

To know more about the biological inputs, visit:


When revenue is greater than total expenses, resulting in a net income, the income summary account has a?


When revenue is greater than total expenses, resulting in a net income, the income summary account has a credit balance.

A credit balance to your billing assertion is an quantity that the cardboard issuer owes you. Credit are introduced in your account on every occasion you're making a payment. A credit score might be brought whilst you return some thing you acquire together with your credit score card.

A credit score stability is the ending overall in an account, which means either a high-quality or bad amount, relying at the situation. A credit balance applies to the following situations: A positive stability in a bank account. the whole quantity owed on a credit card.

Learn more about credit balance here:-


when exchange rates are defined as foreign currency per dollar and foreign goods per us goods, the ability to profit by purchasing wheat in the united states and selling it in china implies that the


The opportunity to make money by buying wheat in the US and selling it in China suggests that the nominal exchange rate would rise when exchange rates are defined as foreign currency per dollar and foreign products per us goods.The correct option is b.

The nominal effective exchange rate (NEER), which measures the nominal worth of one country's currency in relation to a basket of several foreign currencies, is a weighted average exchange rate. The nominal exchange rate is the amount of domestic money needed to purchase foreign currency.A country's capacity to compete internationally in the foreign exchange (forex) market is gauged by the NEER. By forex dealers, the NEER is also referred to as the trade-weighted currency index.The difference between the inflation rates in the home nation and its trading partners may be taken into account when calculating the NEER. The real effective exchange rate is the name given to the final figure.

when exchange rates are defined as foreign currency per dollar and foreign goods per us goods, the ability to profit by purchasing wheat in the united states and selling it in china implies that the a. nominal exchange rate is less than 1. b. nominal exchange rate is greater than 1. c. real exchange rate is greater than 1. d. real exchange rate is less than 1.?

To know more about the nominal effective exchange rate, visit;


miss young earns $720 a week she spent 1/3 of her money on groceries and household goods and 3/4 of the remaining money on clothes how much money does she spend all together on groceries household goods and clothes


The total money spent is $600

Money earned by young =  $720

Money spent on groceries = 1/3

Money spent on clothes = 3/4

The total amount may refer to the sum of all the money that is involved in a particular transaction or series of transactions.

Calculating money spent on groceries  -

= 1/3 × 720

= 240

Calculating money spent on clothes  -

= 3/4 × 720

= 360


Total amount spent = Amount spent on groceries + Amount spent on clothes

= 240 + 360

= 600

Read more about the amount on:


deep earth extraction inc. operates a facility near estuary bay. discharging waste from the facility into the bay can result in
a. penalties and damages
b. penalties only.
c. damages only.
d. none of the choices.


Deep Earth Extraction Inc. action of discharging waste from its facility into a nearby body of water in the Bay will result in penalties and damages. The correct answer is a.

The United States government formed a Federal government agency called Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that is in charge of the environment in December 2, 1970 under president Nixon administration. Its creation was a response to the increasing concerns about pollution and toxic waste which is being dumped by industries and also to protect the nation's water and its biodiversity from chemical and biological pollutants.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) passed a Clean Water Act that regulates the discharge of toxic pollutants into the nation's water as well as regulates the standard for dumping waste water for all industries in order to minimize the damages caused by the toxic waste. Failure to comply with the Clean Water Act will result in penalties as well as criminal prosecution.

To learn more about the Environmental Protection Agency visit:


which type of industry structure does costco fall under? (perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition or oligopoly? explain.


The Costco market is an effective monopoly with certain rivals, including such Walmart and Amazon, and that first stumbling blocks.

Costco warehouses have always had the following characteristics: Low margin warehouses are spread across many nations.

Costco warehouses handle bulk packing.

Major ingredients are available at Costco warehouses.

Indeed, there is an oligopoly between Pepsi and Coca-Cola in global market share. They are delivering uniform goods throughout the real economy.

The entrance restrictions and operating costs for sugary drink dissemination businesses are significant.

Distributing uniform goods to customers are a few merchants' main focus.

Oligopolistic businesses decide the cost of their goods.

To know more about Oligopolistic click here


______ is a technique in which data is gathered about individuals and used to "serve up personalized messages to prospective voters."


Microtargeting is a technique in which data is gathered about individuals and used to "serve up personalized messages to prospective voters."

What is data?

Data is a set of discrete values that transmit information, such as amount, quality, fact, statistics, or other fundamental units of significance, or simply sequences of characters that may be interpreted further. A datum is a single value inside a set of data.

Microtargeting, which is frequently employed by political parties and election campaigns, comprises direct marketing data mining methods such as predictive market segmentation. Therefore, it can be concluded that Microtargeting is the correct option for the given blank.

A technique in which data is gathered about individuals and used to "serve up personalized messages to prospective voters" is called as Microtargeting.

Learn more about data here:


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