Answer the statistical measures and create a box and whiskers plot for the followingset of data.4,4,5,5,5,6,6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 14, 15, 17

Answer The Statistical Measures And Create A Box And Whiskers Plot For The Followingset Of Data.4,4,5,5,5,6,6,


Answer 1

Notice that the set of data is already ordered from lowest to highest, therefore the minimum value is 4 and the maximum value is 17.

The median is 8, the first quartile Q₁=5, and Q₃=14.

Then, the corresponding box and whiskers plot is:

Answer The Statistical Measures And Create A Box And Whiskers Plot For The Followingset Of Data.4,4,5,5,5,6,6,

Related Questions

4/8=28/x show your work




Simplify the equation,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{4}{8}=\frac{28}{x} \\ 4x=28(8) \\ 4x=224 \\ x=\frac{224}{4} \\ x=56 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Answer: x = 56.

Patios Plus sold an outdoor lighting set for $119.95. The Markup on the set was $25.99. Find the selling price as a percent of cost. Round to the nearest percent


The selling price as a percent of the cost is given by the ratio between the selling price and the the cost. The selling price is given, which is $119.95 the cost is given by the difference between the selling price and the Markup($25.99). Combining all those informations in an equation, we have


To write this as a percentage, we just multiply the ratio by 100.


The selling price is 128% of the cost.

solve the system of equations by graphing. y = -5x + 4 andy = 3x + 4


1) To solve this System of Solutions graphically, we'll need to plot those lines described by those respective equations.

2) Let's set two tables

y=-5x +4

x | y

1 -1 ( 1,-1)

2 -6 ( 2,-6)

3 -11

y=3x + 4​

x | y

1 | 7 ( 1,7)

2 |10 ( 2,10)

3 | 13

2.2 Let's plot those equations and interpret the results:

3) As these lines have point (0,4) as their common point. Therefore we can state that the solution for this consistent system is S=(0,4)

There are 4 options on the dessert menu at a restaurant. Bill and Laura like all of the choices equally, so theyeach choose a dessert at random from the menu. What is the probability that Bill will choose apple pie andLaura will choose strawberry cheesecake for dessert? Express your answer as a decimal. If necessary, roundyour answer to the nearest thousandth.O 0.083O 0.250 0.938O 0.063


So Bill and Laura like all of the choices equally. This means that the probability of each of them choosing one out of the four is the same for each options. So this probability is 1 out of 4: 1/4. So the probability of Bill choosing apple pie is 1/4 and that of Laura choosing strawberry cheesecake is also 1/4. The probability of both making those choices at the same time is given by the product of the mentioned probabilities. Then the probability we are looking for is:


Then the answer is the fourth option.

Find at least three solutions to the equation y = 3x - 1, and graph the solutions as points on the coordinate plane.Connect the points to make a line. Find the slope of the line.


To find a solution to the equation y = 3x - 1, we have to replace a variable by a number and compute the other variable.

Assuming x = 0, then

y = 3(0) - 1

y = 0 - 1

y = -1

Then, the point (0, -1) is a solution

Assuming x = 1, then

y = 3(1) - 1

y = 3 - 1

y = 2

Then, the point (1, 2) is a solution

Assuming x = 2, then

y = 3(2) - 1

y = 6 - 1

y = 5

Then, the point (2, 5) is a solution

In the next graph, the solutions and the line are shown

The slope of the line that passes through the points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) is computed as follows:


Replacing with points (0, -1) and (1,2) we can compute the slope, as follows:


convert the rectangular equation to polar form.Assume a > 0x=18


To convert a rectangular equation to polar forma, we use

[tex]x=r\cos (\theta),y=r\sin (\theta)[/tex]

In the equation x=18, we only have x, so

[tex]\begin{gathered} 18=r\cos (\theta) \\ r=\frac{18}{\cos(\theta)}=18\sec (\theta) \end{gathered}[/tex]

The circle below has center S. Suppose that m QR = 84°. Find the following.




b) To find:

[tex]\angle QSR[/tex]

We know that,

[tex]\hat{QR}=\angle QSR=84^{\circ}[/tex]

Thus, the answer is,

[tex]\angle QSR=84^{\circ}[/tex]

a) To find:

[tex]\angle QPR[/tex]

We know that,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \angle QPR=\frac{1}{2}\angle QSR \\ \angle QPR=\frac{1}{2}(84^{\circ}) \\ \angle QPR=42^{\circ} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the answer is,

[tex]\angle QPR=42^{\circ}[/tex]

what is the smallest angle of rotational symmetry of a pentagon




Step-by-step explanation:

Origin is completely 360° and its divided into 5 sides. So,360÷5=72°

-2 7
-5 -6
Write your answer in simplest form solve this


The simplest form of 7 × (-2/-5) × (7/-6) is - 49/15.

Multiplication of fractions:  

A whole number or another fraction is produced when one fraction is multiplied by another fraction. We all know that a fraction has two components: a numerator and a denominator. In order to multiply any two fractions, we must multiply the numerators and denominators, respectively.    


Here we have

=> [tex]7. \frac{-2}{-5} .\frac{7}{-6}[/tex]

Can be multiplied as given below

=> [tex]7 \times\frac{-2}{-5} \times\frac{7}{-6}[/tex]  

=> [tex]7 \times\frac{1}{5} \times\frac{7}{-3}[/tex]  

=> [tex]-\frac{49}{15}[/tex]  


The simplest form of 7 × (-2/-5) × (7/-6) = -49/15

Learn more about Fractions at


Let f(x)=x2-2 and g(x)=9-X. Perform the composition or operation indicated.(fg)(-7)


Given the functions below

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(x)=x^2-2 \\ g(x)=9-x \end{gathered}[/tex]

We are to find (fg)(-x)


First of all, we have to get (fg)(x)


Expand the function

[tex]\begin{gathered} (fg)(x)=x^2(9-x)-2(9-x) \\ (fg)(x)=9x^2-x^3-18+2x \\ \therefore(fg)(x)=-x^3+9x^2+2x-18 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Let us now solve for (fg)(-7)

[tex]\begin{gathered} (fg)(-7)=-(-7)^3+9(-7)^2+2(-7)-18 \\ (fg)(-7)=343+441-14-18=752 \end{gathered}[/tex]



For a football game, 5,600 tickets were sold. The price for each adult ticket is $27.25, and the price for each childrens ticket is $12.00. The total revenue for the game was $117,311.50. How many children's tickets were sold for the football game?


We have a problem that can be solved with a system of equations.

First we need to identify the equations of the system.

We have two unknown variables, the number of adult's tickets sold and the number of children's tickets sold. Let's call them:

- number of adult's tickets sold: x

- number of children's tickets sold: y.

The total number of tickets sold, 5600, is the sum of these:


And since the prices are 27.25 (adult) and 12.00 (children), the total revenue (117311.50) will be the sum of these prices multiplyied by the number of tickets of each of them:


So, the system of equations is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} _{}x+y=5600_{} \\ 27.25x+12.00y=117311.50 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since we want y the number of children's tickets sold, we can solve for the other varible, x, in one equation, and substitute into the other.

Solving in the first equation, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x+y=5600 \\ x=5600-y \end{gathered}[/tex]

And substituting into the other:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 27.25x+12.00y=117311.50 \\ 27.25(5600-y)+12.00y=117311.50 \\ 27.25\cdot5600-27.25y+12.00y=117311.50 \\ 152600-15.25y=117311.50 \\ -15.25y=117311.50-152600 \\ -15.25y=-35288.50 \\ y=\frac{-35288.50}{-15.25} \\ y=2314 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since y is the number of children's tickets sold, then the number of children's tickets sold is 2314.

Question 4 When changing 67,430,000 to scientific notation, how many places is the decimal point mc 5 07


Observe that the given number is 67,430,000.

If we express it as a scientific notation, then we would have to move the decimal point 7 spots to the left.

[tex]6.743x\times10^{-7}[/tex]Therefore, the answer is 7.

Please give me an explanation and the answers on question 3


We will illustrate on how to find the inverse function.

First, recall that the inverse function is a function that given the output of a function, it will give you back the input out of which that output came from.

when athe function has a formula, we can follow some steps to find the inverse function. Suppose we are given the function


Now, we first change f(x) with the letter y. So we get


now, we interchange variables x and y. So we get


Finally we solve this equation for y. We will first subtract 5 on both sides and then divide both sides by 3. So we get

[tex]y=\frac{x\text{ -5}}{3}[/tex]

and now we replace the y with the symbol of the inverse function. So we have that

[tex]f^{\text{ -1}}(x)=\frac{x\text{ -5}}{3}[/tex]

Solve each system by elimination 10x-2y= -44x+5y= -19


10x - 2y = -4 ==== (1)

4x + 5y = -19 ==== (2)

To solve the system we should make the coefficients of y have the same values to eliminate it, then

Multiply equation (1) by 5 and equation (2) by 2

5(10x) - 5(2y) = 5(-4)

50x - 10y = -20 ===== (3)

2(4x) + 2(5y) = 2(-19)

8x + 10y = -38 ===== (4)

Now add equations (3) and (4) to eliminate y

(50x+8x) + (-10y + 10y) = (-20 + -38)

58x + 0 = -58

58x = -58

Divide both sides by 58 to find x

x = -1

Substitute the value of x in equation (1) or (2) to find the value of y

4(-1) + 5y = -19

-4 + 5y = -19

Add 4 to both sides

-4 + 4 + 5y = -19 + 4

0 + 5y = -15

5y = -15

Divide both sides by 5 to find y

y = -3

The solution of the system is (-1, -3)

Given the recursive formula shown, what are the first 4 terms of the sequence? A) 5, 25, 100, 400B) 5, 14, 60, 236C) 5, 25, 125, 625D) 5, 20, 80, 320



Step 1:

In this question, we have the following:

Step 2:


[tex]\begin{gathered} f(n)=5,\text{ if n =1,} \\ f(n)\text{ = 4 f(n-1) if n > 1} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} f(1)\text{ = 5} \\ f(2)\text{ = 4 f(2-1) = 4 x f(1) = 4 x 5 = 20} \\ f(3)\text{ = 4f(3-1) =4 x f(2) = 4x20 = 80} \\ f(4)\text{ = 4 f(4-1)=4xf(3) = 4 x 80 = 320} \\ \text{Hence, the first 4 terms of the sequence are:} \\ 5,\text{ 20, 80 , 320 --- OPTION D} \end{gathered}[/tex]

-16 = m - 3 solve m



m = -13


-16 = m - 3

Add 3 to both sides of the equation

-16 + 3 = m - 3 + 3

-13 = m

m = -13

solve the following system y=5x-33x-8y=24


The given system is

[tex]\mleft\{\begin{aligned}y=5x-3 \\ 3x-8y=24\end{aligned}\mright.[/tex]

We can multiply the first equation by 8, then we sum and solve for x.

[tex]\mleft\{\begin{aligned}8y=40x-24 \\ 3x-8y=24\end{aligned}\rightarrow3x=40x\mright.[/tex]

Then we, solve for x.

[tex]\begin{gathered} 40x-3x=0 \\ 27x=0 \\ x=\frac{0}{27}=0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now we use this value to find y.

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3x-8y=24 \\ 3(0)-8y=24 \\ -8y=24 \\ y=\frac{24}{-8}=-3 \end{gathered}[/tex]Therefore, the solution of the system is x = 0 and y = -3.

PerioAlgebra 2NameUsing Linear Equations to Solve Problems Date1) The chess club is selling popcorn balls for $1.00 and jumbo candy bars for$1.50 each. This week they have made a total of $229 and have sold 79popcorn balls. How many candy bars have they also sold?


The popcorn balls cost $1.00 each

Jumbo candy bars cost $1.50 each

This week they have made a total of $229 and have sold 79

popcorn balls.

First, let's make a function with includes this information.

Let's say that popcorn balls are x and Jumbo candy bars are y.

So the function would be

1.00x+ 1.50y = 229

We already have the x value which represents the total of popcorn balls sold this week, so replace this value in the function:

1.00x+ 1.50y = 229

1.00(79)+ 1.50y = 229

79.00 + 1.50y = 229

Solve the equation for y to find the total of candy bars sold.

79 + 1.50y = 229

1.50y = 229 - 79

1.50y = 150

y = 150/1.50

y = 100

So the have sold 100 candy bars this week

If f(x) = 6x + 8(x + 2), find f-1(x).f-1(x) = (x - 16)/14f-1(x) = x +16/14f-1(x) = -x - 16/14f-1(x) = -x + 16/14



We want to find the inverse of f(x);


We solve for x;

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=6x+8(x+2) \\ y=6x+8x+16 \\ y=14x+16 \\ y-16=14x \\ x=\frac{y-16}{14} \\ interchange\text{ }y\text{ }and\text{ }x \\ f^{-1}(x)=\frac{x-16}{14} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus the answer is OPTION A

Find the solution of the system of equations. 2x + 3y=-4 , x + 9y = 13


(-5, 2)

1) Solving this Linear System with the method of Addition/Elimination:

2x + 3y=-4

x + 9y = 13​ x-2 Multiply the whole equation by -2

2x +3y = -4

-2x -18y= -26


-15y= -30

15y= 30 Divide both sides by 15

y = 2

2) Plug into the simpler equation y=2

x +9y = 13

x + 9(2) = 13

x +18 = 13

x =13-18

x= -5

3) So the answer is (-5, 2)

7. In physics, the equation PV = nRT is called the ideal gas law. It is used toapproximate the behavior of many gases under different conditions. Whichequation is solved for T?





We have the following equation:


We solve for T:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{PV}{nR}=T \\ T=\frac{PV}{nR} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the correct answer is option 2.

(40s + 100t) + 6 distributive property to write the products in standard form


The given expression is


We will use the distributive property to solve it

Divide each term in the bracket by 10


Simplify each term

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{40s}{10}=4s \\ \\ \frac{100t}{10}=10t \\ \\ 4s+10t \end{gathered}[/tex]

The answer in standard form is 4s + 10t

A team digs 12 holes every 20 hours, what is the unit rate?



The unit rate = 0.6 holes per hour


Number of holes dug by the team = 12

Total time taken = 20 hours

The unit rate = (Number of holes) / (Time)

The unit rate = 12/20

The unit rate = 0.6 holes per hour

Linear Inequalities (Level 1)Sep 30, 10:57:41 PMWatch help videoSolve the following inequality for p. Write your answer in simplest form.8p + 10 > -5p - 1P


Solve the following inequality for p. Write your answer in simplest form.

8p + 10 > -5p - 1

group terms

8p+5p > -1-10

13p > -11

p > -11/13

Solve for x and simplify your solutions:x^2 = 63Select ALL the correct answers.answer choices include:18√79√7-3√73√7-18√7-9√7


In order to find the correct answers, let's simplify the equation by calculating the square root of both sides of the equation:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x^2=63\\ \\ x=\pm\sqrt{63}\\ \\ x=\pm\sqrt{3^2\cdot7}\\ \\ x=\pm3\sqrt{7} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore the correct options are 3√7 and -3√7.

If f(x) = 2x + 3 and g(x) = 4x - 1, find f(4).A. 11B. 15C. 5D.17


You have the following expression for the function f(x):

f(x) = 2x + 3

In order to calculate the value of f(4), just replace x=4 into the function f(x) and simplify it:

f(4) = 2(4) + 3

f(4) = 8 + 3

f(4) = 11

Hence, the answer is:

A) 11

Amer class, Mrs. Sandoval picked up several piece of paper containing students' work from SHAVN ELLA LEVI 263.140)14) + 2(3.4)() 602.86 units 21314)(a)) 2512 unit 23.425) - 2/3 4729 RUBY KATRINA LORENZO 22 28.141815) 218.1489 663.12 units 2[3.2) 203.4)(48) + 213.)(4) 30144 units Which student found the total surface area of a cylinder with a height that was two times greater than its radius? O Ruby O Lorenzo O Ella O Levi


we know that

the total surface of a cylinder is equal to



B us the area of the circular base

P is the circumference of the circular base

h is the height of the cylinder

we have



[tex]B=\pi\cdot r^2[/tex][tex]P=2\pi\cdot r^{}[/tex]


[tex]SA=2(\pi\cdot r^2)+(2\pi\cdot r)\cdot h[/tex]

substitute the value of h

[tex]\begin{gathered} SA=2(\pi\cdot r^2)+(2\pi\cdot r)\cdot2r \\ SA=2\pi r^2+4\pi r^2 \\ SA=6\pi r^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]


the answer is Rudybecauser=4 and h=8

I'll show you the picture of the question I'm struggling with


The proportion of the first row with the second row is


that is, we have the proportionality 1:2, which correspond to the pink square.

A scientist records 61 more
shooting stars in the fall than in the spring.
There are 15 shooting stars in the spring.
How many shooting stars are in the fall?



I call this a simple solution because it does not involve probability distributions. It just requires simple knowledge of probability, that’s it!

The question says any 15-minute interval, so one hour can be thought of as four 15-minute intervals.

Now, the question asks the probability of seeing at least one shooting star in those four 15-minute intervals.

Such a probability is the same as the complement of the probability of not seeing any shooting star in those four 15-minute intervals.

All of those four 15-minute intervals are independent of each other. So, their combined probability is the product of the individual probabilities.

The individual probability of not seeing any shooting star in an interval of 15 minutes is 1 - 0.2 = 0.8.

So, the combined probability of not seeing any of the shooting stars in the four intervals is: 0.8 * 0.8 * 0.8 * 0.8 = 0.8⁴ = 0.4096

Now, the complement of its probability is 1 - 0.4096 = 0.5904

So, that is the answer or the probability of seeing at least one shooting star in an interval of an hour.

Step-by-step explanation:


Before diving into the Poisson process, let me explain why such a demonstration is helpful even if the problem can be solved simply.

The problems we encounter in the real-life can’t be solved by mere simple probability formulas. That is the reason more complex concepts are developed in mathematics. They help model real-life scenarios. When the scenarios are not exactly the same as the mathematical model, we do some assumptions and approximate the scenarios with mathematical models. Then, we do the modeling.

Mathematical modeling requires prior practice. To visualize the mathematical models and naturalize ourselves to such (abstract) models, good practice with the problems always helps. So, even if these problems can be solved easily using simpler methods, such problems provide us a good opportunity to practice mathematics and modeling.


At first, let’s see if the assumptions of the Poisson process hold here. The number of events can be counted. The occurrences of the events are independent of each other. The average rate at which the events occur can be calculated and let’s assume two events can not occur exactly at the same instant in time.

So, all the assumptions of the Poisson process hold here. That gives us the green light to move forward.

Mathematical Work

Let’s assume the rate of λ per minute. Then, the rate corresponds to 15λ per quarter.

Now, the formula for the probability distribution is:

P(X = x) = μ^x * e^-μ / x!

Before we go further, let’s understand the mathematical statement. The mathematical statement expresses the probability of seeing x events in a time period. μ is the average number of events seen in the time period. The time period can be a minute, an hour, or even a day. It can be any time period.

At first, let’s see the first statement — In any 15-minute interval, there is a 20% probability that you will see at least one shooting star.

Here, the interval is of 15 minutes. So, the average number of events in the interval is 15λ. The probability of seeing 0 events (i.e X = 0) is:

P(X = 0) = μ⁰ * e^-(15λ) / 0! = 1 / e^(15λ) — — (1)

(1) is equal to 80% as the probability of at least one event happening is 20%.

So, 1 / e^(15λ) = 0.8

or, e^(15λ) = 1.25

or, 15λ = ln(1.25) = 0.2231

=> λ = 0.0149 / min

So, the average number of events (shooting stars) is 0.0149 per minute.

Now, the average number of events in an hour is:

0.0149 * 60 = 0.8926 / hour

So, the Poisson distribution expression becomes:

P(X = x) = 0.8926^x * e^-0.8926 / x! — — (2)

Here, the time period is an hour.

Now, let’s find the probability of not having even a single event in an hour:

P(X = 0) = 0.8926⁰ * e^-0.8926 / 0! = 0.4096

So, the probability of having at least one event is the complement of the above probability.

So, P(X≥1) = 1 - P(X=0) = 1 - 0.4096 = 0.5904

Step-by-step explanation:

How to: determine if the side lengths could form a triangle. use an inequality to prove your answer


We need to simply use the triangle inequality Theorem, This theorem state that the sum of the two side lengths of a triangle must always be greater than the third side.

Now let's check from the given lengths

16 + 21 = 37 and 37 is less than 39 which is the third side

Hence, it cannot form a triangle

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