Answer the following question in 3-4 complete sentences.

Read the caption below and answer the questions that follow.

On February 16, 1923, the Times of London cabled the New York Times with dramatic news of a discovery, saying,
“This has been, perhaps, the most extraordinary day in the whole history of Egyptian excavation…”

What discovery is being discussed? Why was this discovery so important?


Answer 1

The New York Times reported on a reported to be able and stated that it was possibly the most remarkable day in the entire history of Egyptian investigation."

What exactly do you mean by investigation?

A comprehensive investigation for information, particularly those that are obscure or that have to be straightened out in a complicated situation, is known as an investigation. An investigation's main objective is often to ascertain what transpired or why something occurred. Investigations are frequently formal, official processes.

What does research aim to investigation?

Establishing pertinent data to support or refute claims of bribery and corruption is the goal of an inquiry. It is a legally mandated fact-finding process that is carried out in an objective, impartial way with the goal of establishing the pertinent facts and making suggestions in this regard.

To know more about investigation visit:


Related Questions

santa sent his reindeer to different cities homework answers


Yes because it is actually a very interesting American

Blank can be made in the field or in the laboratory.


Experiments can be made in the field or in the laboratory.

An experiment is a method for determining whether a hypothesis is true or false as well as the likelihood or usefulness of a novel idea. Experiments demonstrate what occurs when a particular factor is altered, illuminating cause-and-effect connections.

The primary goal of performing experiments is to confirm or refute the scientific hypotheses or theories. The results of the experiment will show if the hypothesis is correct or incorrect. Our comprehension of the world and also how things function within it is aided by this data. Science uses experiments in many different ways. Testing hypotheses and acting as the basis for scientific knowledge are two of its most important roles. It may also indicate the need for a new theory by refuting an established theory or by revealing a brand-new phenomenon that requires an explanation.

To know more about Experiments, click on the link below:


2. The below sentence contains a clause in capital letters. Determine which type it is:

As my sister is always late, I'M GOING TO MISS THE START OF THE MOVIE.


The sent-ence contains a clause in capi-tal letters - As my sister is alw-ays late, I'M GOING TO MISS THE STA-RT OF THE MO-VIE. The clause is Dependent.

A dep-endent clause is a group of words that contains a sub-ject and verb but does not express a com-plete thought.

An independent clause is a group of words that cont-ains a subject and verb and expr-esses a com-plete thought. An independent clause is a sent-ence. Jim stu-died in the Sweet Shop for his che-mistry quiz.

A depend-ent clause has a sub-ject and verb, is intro-duced by a subordinate conjunction or a relative pro-noun, but does not express a com-plete thought. A dependent clause is not a complete sent-ence.

To know more about dependent clause click below:


The Great Wall, also known as the Great Wall of China, is an ancient Chinese military defensive construction, is a high-level, solid and continuous wall, and is used as long as an enemy. The Great Wall is not a single, isolated city, so the city is the main subject, the same large city, obstacles, pavilions, and a combined defense system.


The Chinese rulers constructed the Great Wall over many years to defend their domain. It currently covers thousands of km. The state of began constructing a permanent defensive system around the seventh century.

The historical northern frontiers of the ancient Chinese states and Imperial China were crossed by a network of fortifications known as the Great Wall of China. The city, which is the same big metropolis with obstacles, pavilions, and a coordinated defense system, is the major theme because the Great Wall is not a solitary, isolated city.

The Great Wall's most well-known and well-preserved part was constructed from the 14th to the 17th century A.D. during the reign of the Ming dynasty. Nevertheless, the Great Wall was never able to stop invaders from entering China.

To learn more about wall of china from given link


Look at the last two paragraph on the page 11. Underline the descriptive details that the author has included that has a positive connotation or Feeling related to the family’s comfort and Grete’s good health.


The details that have the positive connotation in the passage are:

promising prospectextremely favorablebeautiful

What is a positive connotation?

A word's positive connotation is the favorable emotion it evokes that goes beyond its dictionary definition. They may also have a good connotation in terms of symbolism or culture.

connotation that is good. words that elicit a positive emotional reaction. Using terms like "go-getter" or "youthful" to describe someone who is driven and inquisitive are two examples.

The word "negative connotation" in language refers to a connotation that carries unfavorable or negative undertones. A term that evokes unfavorable feelings carries emotional baggage.

Read more on positive connotation here:


please help me with ela i’ll give you brainlist



Explanation: A




hope this helped:)

brainliest for the brains:)

What meal when she got sick


Answer: Food Poisoning


If you eat something that your body doesnt like, you could get food poisoning.

Read the excerpt from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.

The manner in which they spoke of the Meryton assembly was sufficiently characteristic. Bingley had never met with pleasanter people or prettier girls in his life; every body had been most kind and attentive to him, there had been no formality, no stiffness, he had soon felt acquainted with all the room; and as to Miss Bennet, he could not conceive an angel more beautiful. Darcy, on the contrary, had seen a collection of people in whom there was little beauty and no fashion, for none of whom he had felt the smallest interest, and from none received either attention or pleasure. Miss Bennet he acknowledged to be pretty, but she smiled too much.

Which statement best explains Austen’s use of setting in the excerpt?

It helps readers learn about rules of social behavior in the 1800s.
It helps readers understand how Bingley and Darcy are different.
It informs readers about the different levels of society in the 1800s.
It helps readers visualize what the residents of Meryton look like.


Note that the statement that best explains Austen’s use of setting in the excerpt is: "It helps readers visualize what the residents of Meryton look like." (Option D)

What is setting in literature?

We normally pay attention to the characters and the narrative when we read a tale or watch a movie. However, we must also consider a third key aspect of storytelling: the environment. A story's setting is the time and location in which it is narrated. Every story has a setting, including this one.

One of the five basic parts of a tale is the setting. It sets the tone, introduces characters and conflicts, and hints at the story's topic. We'll show in this video how time and place can do more than just provide context.

It was critical for the author "Jane Austen" to provide a background to the plot, a place linked to some of the characters, in the preceding scene. as this would help to build the plot later on.

Learn more about setting:

Which of the following correctly describes this sentence?



it has a positive connotation


What evidence does the author provide that
supports his argument that the internet negatively
impacts teenagers


Answer: So far, on going research as shown that the heavy use of the Internet can isolate younger teenagers socially especially those who are unwilling to relate with others, this affects their ability to connect with people because they will pass time online which will be seen as a replacement for face to face interaction with people, friends, and families.

Question 5 of 10
Self-esteem, relationships, individual behaviors, responses to play and
work activities, attachments to parents and caregivers, and prosocial
behaviors are all related to Social and Emotional Development.
This is for childcare


This question is true

What makes up a literary analysis essay?
OA. The thesis statement, the supporting paragraphs, and the
concluding paragraph
OB. The introductory paragraph, the body, and the concluding
C. The thesis statement, the supporting paragraphs, and the clincher
OD. The literature, the analysis, and the writer


B period ahh period uhhhh but fr b the answer

Which sentence is written correctly?
A. I think the clothes on the clothesline is not dry yet.
B. The sound of barking dogs always wake me up at night.
C. Animals that live in the deepest part of the ocean looks strange.
D. The boxes of pasta in the cupboard are for the party.



The sentence that is written correctly is: The boxes of pasta in the cupboard are for the party.


The sentence that is written correctly is: The boxes of pasta in the cupboard are for the party.

In the other sentences, there are errors with verb agreement and subject-verb agreement. In sentence A, the verb "is" should agree with the subject "clothes," which is plural, so it should be "are" instead. In sentence B, the verb "wake" should agree with the subject "dogs," which is plural, so it should be "wakes" instead. In sentence C, the verb "looks" should agree with the subject "animals," which is plural, so it should be "look" instead.

Overall, it is important to make sure that the subject and verb in a sentence agree in number, and that the verb is in the correct tense. This will help you to write correctly and clearly communicate your ideas.

Write a detailed paragraph that uses precise diction to explain your sense of humor.
Use what you have learned about humor and at least 2 words from the digital chart you completed in this lesson. Explain what does and does not make you laugh and how you typically respond to humorous texts.
Be sure to:
begin with a clear thesis statement explaining your sense of humor;
include some specific examples of things that make you laugh;
check your pronouns and their antecedents to ensure that they agree in number;
use complete, complex sentences; and
write 1-2 paragraphs.


You can write paragraphs explaining that you have a sense of humor for incongruity, that is, when things get an unexpected turn, as seen below.

How to write a paragraph

This question requires you to write a couple of personal paragraphs about your type of sense of humor. Although we are not allowed to write the paragraph for you here, we can give you some tips on how to do it:

You can, for example, write a paragraph explaining that your sense of humor seems to fall under the incongruity theory. You enjoy it when things take an unexpected turn.Explain that seeing someone being fooled or getting hurt does not make you laugh at all. You do not enjoy hurtful sense of humor.You can say that you enjoy humorous texts, especially the ones that criticize society and the status quo.As an example of something that makes you laugh, you can mention the new series about a character who likes dark and death-related things. Explain how the character's actions and words are often unexpected as she defies what society considers normal.An example of a thesis statement, you could use: My sense of humor is tickled by unexpected turns and incongruities.

With the information above, you can write the paragraphs as per the instructions in the prompt.

Learn more about sense of humor here:


Reread paragraph 9 of the story. Then answer the multiple-choice questions that
From "The Mysterious Anxiety of Them and Us" by Ben Okri
9 I was tempted to offer them some food. But how could I? Where would I start?
The situation was impossible. If you turned around, you would see them all. Then
your situation would be polarized. It would be you and them. But it was never that
way to begin with. We were all at the feast. It's just that you were at the table, and
you began to eat. They weren't at table and they didn't eat. They did nothing.
They didn't even come over, take a plate, and serve themselves. No one told
them, to just stand there watching us eat. They did to themselves.
1. What is the literal meaning of paragraph 9?
OA. The people standing behind will eat after the people sitting are done.
B. The host created this situation as a test to see what the narrator would do.
C. The narrator thinks the best thing to do in this situation is not turn around.
OD. The fact that some get more than others is universal and Impossible to change.


The literary meaning of what is contained in the paragraph 5 is that: The fact that some get more than others is universal and Impossible to change. Option D

What is the a the meaning of the term literary meaning?

Literary refers to something that is involved with, relates to, or values literature.

The passage in this paragraph wants us to tell the meaning of the thoughts that this writer has written here. We can see that he is talking about those that were not privileged and the fact that they knew what their predicament was, so they have learnt to stay away from those that had it better.

Read more on literary meaning here:


In seven to ten complete sentences, explain your reason for selecting the primary resource you chose as support for your comparison/contrast essay in the Novel Study Honors Module.


A primary source and a secondary source are crucial because they let you organize your writing and add details to support or refute the topic.

What are primary resources in geography ?

Primary sources, or pieces of evidence that are directly relevant to the topic under study, are how data are gathered in the humanities and social sciences. For instance, a soldier's journal kept during the American Revolution can serve as the primary source for a history study on that era. This source offers the information or proof we require to respond to historical research inquiries.

In order to pinpoint spatial relationships, patterns, and concepts as they truly are, geographers rely on primary sources. Primary sources in geography are not produced by other academics researching this subject, similar to the diary.

To learn more about primary sources checkout the link below :


Galia has decided that the Cinderella story is about how the rich oppress the poor. What is Galia expressing?
A. an assumption
B. an interpretation
C. emotional attachment
D. circumstances
btw its not a



B. an interpretation



B: An interpretation


Each individual has their own interpretation on stories and the world, the example listed would be an interpretation

Explain how Mrs. Loisel’s character leads to her troubles.

Write a well-organized informational essay that uses specific evidence from the selection to support your answer.
Remember to –

What about Mrs. Loisel’s character led to her troubles?
The answer to this question becomes our thesis statement.




The woman asks a friend to lend her an expensive diamond necklace to wear for the party. Loisel loses the treasure and tries to find a replacement. She urges her husband to use his inheritance and borrow eighteen thousand francs to buy a similar necklace. The family becomes poor because of the debt, so Loisel learns to do housework and cook. Busy with her daily tasks, she stops noticing her simple clothing and plain interiors of the small apartment.

The woman stops judging other people based on their appearance. She also accepts her current situation with courage. When she meets her affluent friend, she tells her the truth about the necklace she lost. Turns out the piece of jewelry was fake, but the experience Mathilde gained was priceless.

So, the story is about the heroic stance of Madame Loisel against the unfortunate state. It teaches the readers moral lessons on humility and moderation.

Looking for an inspiring idea for a paper on The Necklace? Take a look at our The Necklace Essay Topic Ideas & Examples to find the perfect one!

what is one of the characteristics of multicutural literature



Definition of Multicultural Literature

In other words, we can learn about their culture and beliefs. It also presents an accurate representation of the culture it portrays and must be free from stereotypes, or beliefs about a particular group that are oversimplified or based upon generalizations.

In interactions with coworkers, Fiona tries to make sure she concentrates on what the other person is saying, often mirroring back what is said to make sure she understands fully. Fiona is demonstrating which of the essential professional skills and personality traits?

Active listening


Fiona is demonstrating active listening the essential professional skills and personality traits. Hence option 1 is correct.

What are personality traits?

Personality traits are defined as a pattern of behaviors, attitudes, feelings, and habits in the individual that suggests a reasonably stable, consistent, and persistent interior trait. Personality traits are not just a helpful way to characterize individuals you know; they also aid psychologists in making predictions about people's abilities as workers, lifespans, and the kinds of professions and activities they would find enjoyable.

An illustration of active listening is responding in a way that demonstrates your understanding of what the other person is trying to tell you about their experience.

Thus, Fiona is demonstrating active listening the essential professional skills and personality traits. Hence option 1 is correct.

To learn more about personality traits, refer to the link below:


The grass so little has to do,-
A sphere of simple green,
With only butterflies to brood,
And bees to entertain,
And stir all day to pretty tunes
The breezes fetch along.
And hold the sunshine in its lap
And bow to everything:
And thread the dews all night, like pearls,
And make itself so fine,-
A duchess were too common
For such a noticing.
And even when it dies, to pass
In odors so divine,
As lowly spices gone to sleep,
Or amulets of pine.
And then to dwell in sovereign barn
And dream the days away-
The grass so little has to do,
I wish I were the hay!
Dickinson, Emily, Poems, Mabel Loomis Todd and T W Higginson, eds. Boston:
"The Grass
by Emily Dickinson
Brown, and Company, 1924. Print.
from "The Grass"
Which is a theme of this poem?
OA Nature can play tricks on us.
OB. Nature is carefree.
OC. Change can occur at any time.
OD. It is better to be alone than with people.



Nature is carefree.


Suppose a painter interprets a story that had traditionally been expressed as
an epic poem. Which element of the story is most likely to be lost through the
change of medium?
A. Strong feeling of mood
B. Dialogue between characters
O C. Depiction of action
O D. Clear sense of setting


The element from the epic poem that would be lost in the change of medium is "dialogue between characters," option B, since a painting does not have dialogues.

What is a dialogue?

A dialogue is simply a conversation that takes place between two or more characters in a story. Dialogues are useful to move the plot forward. Through dialogues, characters can reveal their thoughts and feelings.

However, paintings do not have dialogues. Think about the most famous paintings in the world and note how none of them has a speech bubble with a line said by a character. Therefore, the dialogue of the epic poem would be lost if a painter were to interpret it through his or her craft.

With that in mind, we can select option B as the right answer.

Learn more about dialogue here:


Jenny had heard it all from her sister, Dora, a psychology major in college.
"Do you know people always expect others to do the right thing?" Dora once asked. "I mean—not even when they could easily help someone."
"I won't do that," Jenny had replied then, brushing off Dora's piece of information. "You always try to scare me!"
She would still disregard Dora's theory, but now she had witnessed something that helped change her mind. That morning, she had just gotten out of the car and was walking toward the classroom building. It was the summer that Texas saw a lot of rain. Jenny was trying to balance the umbrella, her iPod, and her lunchbox when she slipped and fell. Down went the iPod into a puddle and out came the books from her backpack. Just when she thought the mess could not get worse, the heels of her shoes broke while the umbrella blew away with the wind. That was when Jenny realized she was going to be late to class. Others who were also running late swiftly walked passed by without noticing her ordeal. Nobody even paused. "Wish at least one of you were a Good Samaritan," Jenny exclaimed with a sigh. That was when she saw a little pair of little hands lifting her belongings from the mud.

What is the best reason the author refers to the Good Samaritan in this passage?
Nobody helps Jenny unselfishly.
Jenny lacks faith in science.
Jenny learns the truth the hard way.
Dora thinks people are selfless.


The reason why the author uses the words "Good Samaritan," making an allusion to the biblical story, is because Dora believes people are selfless, option D.

What is an allusion?

An allusion is the act of mentioning someone or something that is well known. In the story under analysis here, the author mentions the "Good Samaritan," which is an allusion to a biblical story. The good Samaritan was a person who helped a man in need even though he had nothing to gain from it. He did out of selflessness.

The story is precisely about selflessness. Dora believes people are selfless, but Jenny does not. When Jenny screams out that she wishes someone were a good Samaritan, she is basically saying that no one will help her, no one is altruistic. But someone does. She was wrong, apparently.

Therefore, the words "Good Samaritan" are present in the story because of what Dora says about people being selfless. Option D seems to be the best answer choice.

Learn more about allusion here:



The correct answer is A


"Good Samaritan" is a Biblical reference to a selfless helper. In this story, Jenny does not find a single person to help her in need. The allusion to the Good Samaritan explains her plight well.

(This was straight from study island)

Unscramble the questions. Take turns with a partner asking the questions.


2. How old are you
3. How fast can you type
4. How tall are you
5. How often does your family move

Yung Wing use of the phrase "take time by the reins" in the passage is an example of what figurative language device?



In these, the Yung Wing use of the phrase "take time by the reins" in the passage is an example of what figurative language device was allusion. The correct option is (A).

What do you mean by the figurative language?

A word's strict or practical meaning is not used while expressing oneself through the use of figurative language.

Figurative language is frequently employed to add artistic flourish to written or spoken language or to convey a difficult concept. It is frequently found in comparisons and exaggerations.

It is very helpful for conveying a certain idea or emotion. There are several varieties, including personification, idioms, metaphors, similes, and metaphorical expressions.

Figurative language is a style of communication that employs extraneous meanings to communicate a more ethereal idea or message. Figurative language helps you visualize a concept.

Therefore, in these the Yung Wing use of the phrase "take time by the reins" in the passage is an example of what figurative language device was allusion.

To know more about the figurative language, visit:



its hyperbole because its not meant to be taken seriously.


please help ellipses iready! please please help due now


Based on the information in the given image, we can make conclusions on the correct use of ellipses and it is given below:

Not correct use of the ellipseCorrect use of the ellipseNot correct use of the ellipseCorrect use of the ellipse.

What is an Ellipses?

This refers to the term that is used to describe and define the use of three dots to show that some information has been left out that is intentional and does not affect the overall meaning of the sentence.

Hence, it can be seen that the original sentence talks about the contributions of Lewis Latimer and how he patented his inventions and also his influence in the works of Thomas Edison and Alexandar Graham Bell.

Read more about ellipses here:


English reading
Adapted extract based on the novel Lark Rise to Candleford by Flora Thompson


Children were strong, tough and short-tempered.

What is an extract?

Abstract and extract share a same meaning of "removing" or "drawing away," which comes from the Latin word ex-, which means "out of" or "away from." A sort of mirror image of abstract, extract is more frequently employed as a verb but can also be a noun or an adjective. The noun's former meaning of "summary," which overlapped with abstract, and the adjective, which meant "derived or descended," are now both out of date. In contemporary English, the phrases overlapped before they were split, but it is clear that abstract refers to something that has been summarized, while summarized meaning "extracted from a bigger work." A book excerpt is a brief passage from a larger work that is written or published independently.

Children were strong, tough and short-tempered.

To know more about extract, visit:


Emerson's conclusion is weak. Which sentence should replace sentence 33 to bring this
paper to a more effective conclusion?
His dance theater in New York is still flourishing, and his powerful works continue to
thrill audiences.
B People still go to see the dances that his company does, and many of the visitors
hope to learn to dance too.
He is an important person in history, and both dancers and audiences enjoy learning
about his methods.
People still respect his work, and they feel really good about themselves after
watching one of his performances.


From the options given, it can be inferred that the one that best gives Emerson the right touch of finality or conclusion is: " People still go to see the dances that his company does, and many of the visitors hope to learn to dance too." (Option B).

What is the best way to write a conclusion?

The best way to script a conclusion is to use the general method:

Restate your issue and why it is significant,Restate your thesis/claim.Address competing ideas and explain why readers should support your stance.A call to action or a summary of future research prospects.

The conclusion allows you to have the ultimate say on the topics discussed in your paper, integrate your views, highlight the relevance of your ideas, and move the reader to a new perspective on the subject.

Learn more about Conclusions;

Imagine you're working in the office during peak receiving a delivery when a client arrives for their tax appointment. At the same time the phone starts ringing and there are three people waiting to be greeted at the front desk.

How would you manage this situation?


To manage a situation where you have to deal with many things happening at the same time, such as receiving delivery, customer service and on the phone, you need to prioritize and delegate tasks.

How to manage many activities at the same time?

In the corporate environment, there will often be situations where there is pressure to carry out a series of activities together, being essential to manage time and delegate tasks so as not to overload a single employee.

In this case then, the employee should establish an order of importance for the fulfillment of each task, and then manage his time to solve them effectively.

Therefore, it is essential to plan the activities and establish a schedule where it is possible to carry out all the tasks of the day in order of relevance, but without harming the others.

Find out mrore about task schedule on:


Reading Passage
What is the topic sentence of paragraph 1 of the passage?
"However, the popularity of formal handwriting is in decline."
"Fewer American school systems are requiring it to be taught in
second and third grades, which is traditionally when students learn
"Cursive is an art that is centuries old, but might the book of its
history soon be closed?"
"In fact, during the seventeen hundreds, penmanship schools were
established to educate master scribes."
Question ID: 166064
The Clash over Cursive
by Rebecca Lebowitz
1 Cursive is an art that is centuries old, but might the book of its history soon be closed?
Cursive handwriting is beautiful. The graceful curves and elegant loops of cursive script
have long been taught in school. In fact, during the seventeen hundreds, penmanship
schools were established to educate master scribes. However, the popularity of formal
handwriting is in decline. Fewer American school systems are requiring it to be taught
in second and third grades which is traditionally when students learn cursive. Some
people support this trend, encouraging educators to teach more relevant skills, while
others believe that the disappearance of cursive would be a devastating loss. So, should
cursive writing continue to be taught in American schools?
2 Those in favor of teaching cursive see it as a link to the past. When students learn how
to read and write cursive, they are able to read letters and important historical
documents written in script. Older generations were taught to write using cursive almost
exclusively. Without cursive lessons, young people might lose a link to the past, for
example, the ability to read the Declaration of Independence and John Hancock's iconic
signature at its end. Some even say that certain details in cursive express emotions in a


The topic sentence of paragraph 1 of the passage is option B: "Cursive is an art that is centuries old, but might the book of its history soon be closed?"

What is the topic sentence of a passage?

The sentence that states the paragraph's primary idea is known as the "subject sentence." It is without a doubt the paragraph's most crucial sentence. The subject sentence typically consists of two components: the controlling notion and the issue itself.

The topic sentence, which expresses the subject of the entire paragraph, is the most crucial sentence in your paragraph. Because it provides a summary of the sentences that will come after it, the topic sentence is typically the first sentence of the paragraph.

Therefore, In most cases, the topic sentence comes first in a paragraph. The first sentence of the paragraph is frequently it. The topic sentence of a paragraph needs to be broad enough to cover the entire subject of the paragraph. Hence, option B is correct.

Learn more about topic sentence from

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