ANSWER MY QUESTIONS PLEASE .........? A paddleboat can move at a speed of 14 kilometers per hour in still water. The boat is paddled 10 kilometers downstream in a river in the same time it takes to go 5 kilometers upstream. What is the speed of the river? Round your answer to the nearest tenth. AND A woman drives an SUV that gets 13 miles per gallon (mpg). Her husband drives a hybrid that gets 60 mpg. Every week, they travel the same number of miles. They want to improve their combined mpg. They have two options on how they can improve it.

Option 1: They can tune the SUV and increase its mileage by 1 mpg and keep the hybrid as it is.

Option 2: They can buy a new hybrid that gets 85 mpg and keep the SUV as it is.

Compute and state the combined mpg for each option. Round your answers to the nearest tenth. Then tell which option will give a better combined mpg.


Answer 1


Step-by-step explanation:

the suv question the first option would make the suv go from 13 mpg to 14 mpg and add 14 to 60 to get 74 and divided by 2 to get 37 is their average mpg

Options two would make the hybrid 85 mpg and the suv still 13 add them together to get 98 and divide them by 2 to get 49

Option 2 will give more mileage

paddle boat question


Cross multiply





X=4.7 is the speed of the current

Please don’t quote me on this paddle boat one XD

Hopes this helps

Related Questions

Select all the pairs of equivalent expressions.
3^8 and 3^-3
4^-3 and
(5^2)^-6 and 5^8
5^9 and 5^13



I don't know gh6y6y6yytthttrth3th

More after...............................


Equation of line having passing points (-6,0) and (0,-24) is 4x + y + 24 = 0

What do you mean by equation of line?

The general equation for every straight line is y = mx + c, where m is the gradient (or degree of steepness) of the line and c is the y-intercept (the point in which the line crosses the y-axis).

The variables x and y are related to coordinates on the line in the linear equation y = mx + c.

The formula y = mx + c yields a result for y when we enter a value for x.

As y depends on the value of x, it follows that x is an independent variable and y is a dependent variable.

Two passing points of line are (-6,0) and (0,-24)

Equation of line having two passing points as (a,b) and (c,d) is

[tex](y-b) = \frac{d-b}{c-a} (x-a)[/tex]

So, here equation of line become ,

[tex](y - 0) = \frac{-24-0}{0+6}(x+6)[/tex]

⇒ [tex]y = \frac{-24}{6}(x+6)[/tex]

⇒ y = -4(x+6)

⇒ y = -4x - 24

⇒ 4x + y + 24 =0

Hence, equation of line having passing points (-6,0) and (0,-24) is 4x + y + 24 = 0

To learn more about the equation of line from the given link.


The sum of two numbers is 7. Find the numbers


Statement Problem: The sum of two numbers is 7. Five times the larger number plus four times the smaller number is 48. Find the numbers.


Let x be the larger number and y be the smaller number such that;

[tex]\begin{gathered} x+y=7\ldots.\ldots\ldots\text{equation}1 \\ 5x+4y=48\ldots\ldots\text{.equation}2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

From equation 1, we have;

[tex]\begin{gathered} x+y=7 \\ x=7-y\ldots\ldots\ldots....\text{equation}3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substitute equation3 in equation2, we have;

[tex]\begin{gathered} 5x+4y=48 \\ 5(7-y)+4y=48 \\ 35-5y+4y=48 \\ -1y=48-35 \\ -1y=13 \\ \text{Divide both sides by -1;} \\ -\frac{1y}{-1}=\frac{13}{-1} \\ y=-13 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, substitute the value of y in equation3;

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=7-y \\ x=7-(-13) \\ x=7+13 \\ x=20 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the larger number is 20 and the smaller number is -13

Can someone help me ill award 30 points



The answer is Cai.

Step-by-step explanation:

2 1/4 is 9/4 as an improper fraction. 9/4 as a decimal is 2.25.

2/3 as a decimal is 0.666666666667.

2.25 is great than  0.666666666667, therefore Cai collected the most.

Adrianna’s football team ran some warm up laps with a total distance of 6125 centimeters. There are 7 players on her football team. If they all ran the same number of laps, what is the distance each player ran? At the end of practice, each player ran to the store, which was 10.31 meters from the field. What is the total distance each of them ran?


The distance each player ran for warm up laps is 875 cm and the distance each player ran for the store is 1.47 meters.

According to the question,

We have the following information:

Adrianna’s football team ran some warm up laps with a total distance of 6125 centimeters. There are 7 players on her football team.

The distance to the store = 10.31 meters

Now, we can find the distance ran by each player by dividing the total distance by number of players.

Distance for warm up laps = 6125/7

Distance ran by each player = 875 cm

Distance for the store = 10.31/7

Distance for the store = 1.47 m

Hence, the distance each player ran for warm up laps is 875 cm and the distance each player ran for the store is 1.47 meters.

To know more about distance here


What is the equation of the line that passes through the point (5,3) and has a slope of 3/5


The equation of the line that passes through the point (5,3) and has a slope of 3/5 is  y = 3 / 5x .

How to write equation of a line in slope intercept form?

The equation of a line in slope intercept form can be represented as follows:

y = mx + b


m = slopeb = y-intercept

The equation of the line passes through the point (5,3) and has a slope of 3/5. Therefore, let's find the y-intercept of the line using (5, 3)

y = 3 / 5 x + b

3 = 3 / 5 (5) + b

3 = 3 + b

b = 3 - 3

b = 0

Therefore, the equation of the lines is y = 3 / 5x

learn more on equation of a line here:


carlos swam to the bottom of a pool that is 12 feet deep. what is the opposite of carlos's elevation relative to the surface ?

A -12 C 12 feet

B 0 feet D 1/12 foot


The opposite of Carlo's elevation is 12 feet

Carlos is said to have submerged himself in a 12-foot-deep swimming pool.

Carlos' elevation will be -12 feet with regard to the surface because he submerged himself to the pool's bottom.

The elevation of Carlos as it relates to the ground would be opposite of -12 feet, or -(- 12) feet.

12 feet

Carlos' elevation in relation to the ground is therefore 12 feet higher than it should be.

Thus the opposite of Carlo's elevation is 12 feet .

To know more about elevation and related problems you may visit the link which is mentioned below:


Find the range and standard deviation of the set of data.230, 232, 234, 236, 238, 240, 242


The data given is ,230, 232, 234, 236, 238, 240, 242.

The range of the data is defined the difference of largest number from smallest number.

The largest number in the data is, 242.

The smallest number in the data is, 230.

Therefore, the range is determined as


The range of the set of data is 12.

To determine the standard deviation,

First determine the mean of the data,


The value of



The standard deviation is determined as,


Here v denotes the variance.


The standard deviation is given as,


Find the distance d between 21 and 22.Express your answer in exact terms and simplify, if needed.d=ImCO876-543+2+1+orA++ ++-9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2+ Re1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Cnu-2 +-3+-4-5+-6+


From the graph provided, the coordinates of the two points are;

[tex]\begin{gathered} z_1=(7,1) \\ z_2=(2,-7) \end{gathered}[/tex]

The distance between two points is;

[tex]\begin{gathered} d=\sqrt[]{(y_2-y_1)^2+(x_2-x_1)^2} \\ \text{Where;} \\ x_1=7,y_1=1,x_2=2,y_2=-7 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, we substitute the values into the formula, we have;

[tex]\begin{gathered} d=\sqrt[]{(-7-1)^2+(2-7)^2} \\ d=\sqrt[]{(-8)^2+(-5)^2} \\ d=\sqrt[]{64+25} \\ d=\sqrt[]{89} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The distance d, between the points is;


i'm stuck on this problem!




7x-7 ;x=4

we will just substitute for the values




Step-by-step explanation:

award as brainliest

Contestants in a dance-a-thon rest for the same amount of time every hour. A couple rests for 8 minutes in 2 hours. How long did they rest in 3 hours?


The couple rests for 12 minutes in 3 hours in the dance-a-thon.

Given that the couple rests for 8 minutes in 2 hours and also it is given that the contestants rests for the same amount of time every hour.

We will divide the 8 minutes by 2 to get the hourly rest time.


=4 minutes per hour.

The couple rests for 4 minutes every hour. For 3 hours they will rest for 3x4 minutes.  As they rest for same amount of time every hour.

= 12 minutes for 3 hours.

Therefore, the contestants in a dance-a-thon rests for 12 minutes in 3 hours.

To learn more on contestants here:


Ten years ago, you could buy a loaf of bread for $1.21. Twenty years ago, you could buy a loaf of bread for $0.92.



$0.29 is the price difference

Step-by-step explanation:

Ten years ago, you could buy a loaf of bread for $1.21. Twenty years ago, you could buy a loaf of bread for $0.92.

6x10^9/5x10^ write your answer in scientific notation



1.2*10^4 or 12*10^3

Step-by-step explanation:




20) Write a division number story with an answer of 1/4.Be sure to ask a question.


Example : 2 oraanges is to be share among two people in the ratio of 1 to 7. Find the amount of orange each person will get

Since, 16 oranges is to be shared among two people and their ratio is 1 to 7

Firstly, sum the ratios together

= 1 + 7

= 8

For the first person

Since the total ratio is 8

Then the first person will receive 1/8 of the total oranges

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{1}{8}\text{ x 2} \\ =\frac{2}{8} \\ =\frac{1}{4} \end{gathered}[/tex]

By half-time at a basketball game, Tracy had already made 18 points. He makes only 3-point baskets in the second half of a game and made a total of 33 points the entire game.

Discrete or Continuous?


I am guessing that it is discrete.

This is the info I’m going off of, “In a basketball game, for example, it is only possible for a team's score to be a whole number—no fractions or decimals are allowed, and so the score is discrete.”

Edmond, an NFL running back, rushed for an average of 148 yards per game this season, which is 85% higher than his average was last season. What was his average then?


Edmond average then was 174.12 , by using the given percentage.

What do you mean by percentage?

A  ratio that may be stated as a fraction of 100 is a percentage. If we need to calculate a percentage of a number, we should divide it by its entirety and then multiply it by 100. The proportion therefore refers to a component per hundred. Per 100 is what the word percent means. The letter "%" stands for it.

It is given that Edmond rushed for an average of 148 yards per game this season.

Let the average of Edmond last year be x

According to question, 148 yards per game is 85% of x

85% of x = 148

85/100 × x = 148

x = 148 ÷ (85/100) = 148 × (100/85) = 14800/85 = 174.12

Thereofore, Edmond average then was 174.12

To learn more about the percentage from the given link.


You borrow $6,191 from a bank which charges you 8.4% simple interest. Howamuch will you owe (total) after 6 and a half years?DO NOT ROUND ANY NUMBERS UNTIL YOUR FINAL ANSWER!Round your answer to the nearest cent.


The formula for simple interest is given by:

Simple Interest = Principal x interest rate x time period

SI = 6,191*0,084*6.5

SI= 3,380.286

Total amount: 3,380.286 + 6,191 = 9,571.286

Answer: $9,571.3

не 22° K What is the measure of angle HJI? O 389 0 68° 112 1589


As, from the figure :

Angle HJK = 90 and IJK =22

Substitute the value :

Angle HJK = Angle HJI and the angle IJK

So, equations will be :

[tex]\begin{gathered} \angle HJK=\angle HJI\text{ + }\angle IJK \\ 90=\angle HJI+22 \\ \angle HJI\text{ = 90 -22} \\ \angle HJI=68 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Answer : Angle HJI = 68 degrees

Answer B) 68 degrees

let's compare the significant notation recession of two of these numbers 0.00000000004=4.0x10 to the power of 7 =1.08v 10 Wright a sentence comparing then


We are given these two numbers:

4*10^(-7) and 1.08*10^(-9).

What is similar is that they are in scientific notation, that is, the base of both is

between 1 and 9.

The difference is in the exponent. 0.0000004 is lesser than 1, so the exponent will be negative, while 1,080,000,000 is greater than 1, so the exponent will be positive.

If f(x) = x - 3, g(x) = 3x - 9, and h(x) = x^2-6x+9, then (gf)(2)=



Given the question in the image, the following are the solution steps to answer the question.

STEP 1: Write the given functions

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(x)=x-3 \\ g(x)=3x-9 \\ h(x)=x^2-6x+9 \end{gathered}[/tex]

STEP 2: Find the gf(2)

[tex]\begin{gathered} \left(gf\right)\left(x\right)=g\left(x\right)f\left(x\right) \\ =g\left(2\right)f\left(2\right) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Find g(2)

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=2 \\ By\text{ substitution,} \\ g(2)=3(2)-9=6-9=-3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Find f(2)

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=2 \\ By\text{ subsitution,} \\ f(2)=2-3=-1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Find gf(2)

[tex]\begin{gathered} By\text{ multiplication,} \\ =-3\cdot-1=3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the answer is 3

I don't have a diagram, but here's the key info:
There is a sector of a circle:
The radius is 5.2
The arc length is 6π
You are not given the angle of the sector

Find the area of the sector, and give your answer in terms of pi I got 49π, let me know if I'm right ty. I've attached my working out



Area of sector is 15.6π


Let the central angle be α.

Arc length equation

s = 2πr × α/360, if α in degreess =  2πr × α/2π = αr, if α in radians

We have

s = 6π and r = 5.2

Find the central angle

s = αr6π = 5.2αα = 6π/5.2

Area of sector

A = r²α/2, when α in radians

Substitute the value of α

A = 5.2² × 6π/5.2 × 1/2 = 5.2 × 3π = 15.6π

Note: You could get it more easily if considered 360° = 2π in your calculations.


[tex]\dfrac{78}{5} \pi = 15.6 \pi[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Given values:

Radius (r) = 5.2Arc length = 6π

As the arc length is given in terms of pi, use the formulas where the angle is measured in radians.

[tex]\boxed{\begin{minipage}{6.3 cm}\underline{Arc length}\\\\Arc length $=r \theta$\\\\where:\\ \phantom{ww}$\bullet$ $r$ is the radius. \\ \phantom{ww}$\bullet$ $\theta$ is the angle measured in radians.\\\end{minipage}}[/tex]

Substitute the given values into the arc length formula to calculate the central angle (in radians):

[tex]\implies 6\pi=5.2\; \theta[/tex]

[tex]\implies \theta=\dfrac{6\pi}{5.2}[/tex]

[tex]\implies \theta=\dfrac{15}{13}\pi[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{\begin{minipage}{6.3 cm}\underline{Area of a sector of a circle}\\\\Area of a sector = $\dfrac12 r^2 \theta$\\\\where:\\ \phantom{ww}$\bullet$ $r$ is the radius. \\ \phantom{ww}$\bullet$ $\theta$ is the angle measured in radians.\\\end{minipage}}[/tex]

Substitute the radius and the found angle into the formula and solve for area:

[tex]\begin{aligned}\implies \textsf{Area of the sector}&=\dfrac{1}{2}(5.2)^2 \left(\dfrac{15}{13}\pi\right)\\\\&=\dfrac{1}{2}(27.04) \left(\dfrac{15}{13}\pi\right)\\\\&=(13.52) \left(\dfrac{15}{13}\pi\right)\\\\&=\dfrac{78}{5}\pi \\\\&=15.6 \pi\end{aligned}[/tex]

Need help asap!!!!!!
The county fair charges $1.25 per ticket for the rides. Jermaine bought 25 tickets for the rides and spent a total of $43.75 at the fair. Jermaine spent his money only on ride tickets and fair admission. The price of the fair admission is the same for everyone. Use y to represent the total cost and x to represent the number of ride tickets.
Define your variables.

Write a linear equation that can be used to determine the cost for anyone who only pays for ride tickets and fair admission.

What is the slope of the line? Show your work

Write the equation of the line in point-slope form. Show your work

Write the equation of the line in slope-intercept form. Show your work.


The equation of the line in point-slope form is; y=1.25 x+12.5 The slope of the line is 1.25.

What is an equation?

An equation is an expression that shows the relationship between two or more numbers and variables.

Let y is the total cost at the county fair and x is the number of tickets per ride

The variable in the linear equation;


m=Cost per ticket ride

c= fair admission price

Given that;


m=$1.25 per ticket ride

x=25 tickets


Now replacing;




The fair admission price will be; 12.5 dollar

The equation of the line in point-slope form is; y=1.25 x+12.5

The slope of the line is 1.25.

Learn more about equations here;


Factorise the following x^2-8x-9




step-by-step explanation:

this expression can be solved by grouping. hope that helps!

Answer: (x+1)•(x-9)

walks 3/4 mile in 1/5 hour. whats the speed in miles per hour


The speed in miles per hour for the given situation is 3.75 miles per hour.

Given that, walks 3/4 mile in 1/5 hour.

What is the speed?

The speed formula can be defined as the rate at which an object covers some distance. Speed can be measured as the distance travelled by a body in a given period of time. The SI unit of speed is m/s.

We know that, Speed = Distance/Time

= 3/4 ÷ 1/5

= 3/4 × 5/1

= 15/4

= 3.75 miles per hour

Hence, the speed in miles per hour for the given situation is 3.75 miles per hour.

To learn more about the speed, distance, and time visit:


A vendor sells h hotdogs and s sodas. If a hotdog costs twice as much as a soda, and if the vendor takes in a total of d dollars, how many cents does a soda cost?.


Given, there are hotdogs and sodas as items. Each hotdog costs twice the cost of soda.

Let's assume the cost of soda is x dollars. Then, the cost of a hotdog would be 2x dollars. Then, h hotdogs cost 2xh dollars, and simultaneously, s sodas cost xs dollars.

Given, the vendor takes a total of d dollars, then

d = 2xh + xs

Therefore, if the price of a soda is x dollars, then

x = [tex]\frac{d}{2h + s}[/tex] dollars

And also, since 1 dollar is 100 cents, therefore, 1 cent would be 0.01 dollars.

So finally, x, the price of a soda in cents would be

x = [tex]100(\frac{d}{2h+s})[/tex] cents


To learn more about this problem:

can yall help me with this



C is correct.

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex] \sqrt[4]{ \frac{16}{81} } = \frac{ \sqrt[4]{16} }{ \sqrt[4]{81} } = \frac{2}{3} [/tex]

the skills inWhat is the volume of the following figure?Front viewBack viewiş 1 cubic unitcubic unitsReport a problem


Given that each cube represents 1 cubic units, we need to count how many cubes are in the figure.

From the front view, we count 2 cubes.

From the back view, we count 5 cubes.

There are 5 + 2 = 7 cubes in total, so the volume of the figure is 7 cubic units.

I'll send the pic in the session


The Slope-Intercept form of the equation of a line is:


Where "m" is the slope of the line and "b" is the y-intercept.

In this case you know that "y" represents the number of books in Himanshu's home library and "x" represents the number of weeks.

In the graph you can identify that:


And you can also identify this point on the line:



[tex]\begin{gathered} x=2 \\ y=8 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substitute these values into the equation


and solve for "m" in order to find the slope:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 8=(m)(2)+6 \\ 8-6=2m \\ \\ \frac{2}{2}=m \\ \\ m=1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, the equation of this line is:


Based on the explained above, you can conclude that he had 6 books in his library and then he started adding 1 book each week.

To find the number of books he has after 4 weeks, you can make:


Substitute this value into the equation and evaluate. Then:


The answer is: Option A and Option F.

select all pairs of ratios that form a proportion.

A. 1/6,4/20

B.7/9 ,28/36

C. 14/18 ,21/27

D. 30/80 , 6/18


All the pairs of ratios that form a proportion are;

B. 7/9, 28/36

C. 14/18, 21/27

What is Proportional?

Any relationship that is always in the same ratio and quantity which vary directly with each other is called the proportional.

Given that;

All the ratio are,

A. 1/6,4/20

B.7/9 ,28/36

C. 14/18 ,21/27

D. 30/80 , 6/18


Solve the ratio in simplest form as;

A. 1/6, 4/20

1/6 = 1 / 6

And, 4 / 20 = 1 / 5

Thus, It is not form a proportion.

B. 7/9, 28/36

7 / 9 = 7 / 9

And, 28 / 36 = 7 / 9

Thus, It is form a proportion.

C. 14/18 ,21/27

14 / 18 = 7 / 9

And, 21 / 27 = 7 / 9

Thus, It is form a proportion.

D. 30/80 , 6/18

30 / 80 = 3 / 8

And, 6 / 18 = 1 / 3

Thus,  It is not form a proportion.

Therefore, All the pairs of ratios that form a proportion are;

B. 7/9, 28/36

C. 14/18, 21/27

Learn more about the ratio visit:


I am attaching a picture of the question as you can see my teacher has already answered it but she wants me to show how she got the answer


Surface area of a square pyramid:

[tex]\begin{gathered} SA=B+\frac{1}{2}p\cdot s \\ \\ B=\text{area of the base} \\ p=\text{perimeter of the base} \\ s=\text{slant height} \end{gathered}[/tex]

To find the surface area of the given pyramid as you don't have the length of the slant height, use the height of the pyramid and the radius of the base to form a right triangle and find the slant height:

Pythagorean theorem for the right triangle above:

[tex]\begin{gathered} s^2=h^2+(\frac{1}{2}b)^2 \\ \\ s=\sqrt[]{h^2+(\frac{1}{2}b)^2} \\ \\ s=\sqrt[]{(12in)^2+(\frac{1}{2}\cdot18in)^2} \\ \\ s=\sqrt[]{(12in)^2+(9in)^2} \\ \\ s=\sqrt[]{144in^2+81in^2} \\ \\ s=\sqrt[]{225in^2} \\ \\ s=15in \end{gathered}[/tex]

Perimeter of the base is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} p=4b \\ p=4\cdot18in \\ p=72in \end{gathered}[/tex]

Area of the square base:

[tex]\begin{gathered} B=b^2 \\ B=(18in)^2 \\ B=324in^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, the surface area of the given pyramid is

[tex]\begin{gathered} SA=324in^2+\frac{1}{2}\cdot72in\cdot15in \\ \\ SA=324in^2+540in^2 \\ SA=864in^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

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