Which statement is true regarding achievers?
Achievers bring about a reduction in socializers.
Achievers interact with the environment.
Achievers cause grief to other players.
Achievers like to interact with other players.
Achievers like to collect points and earn rewards.


Answer 1


The correct answer will be:

E. Achievers like to collect points and earn rewards.


Related Questions

You do not have to move your fingers to click the top row reach keys.
1. True
2. False


False you have to move your fingers

acess labeling windows​



I got the same thing


Which of these is a way of making applications less vulnerable to hacking?

make Deny the default

make Allow the default

apply the principle of greatest privilege

have a single point of defense


(First one )
With deny as the default, applications are less vulnerable to hacking. (so yeah the first one lol)

What will be printed if the below code is run?
1. a = "123"
2. b = “456"
3. a = b + "123"
4. b = a
5. print (b + a)



What will be printed if the below code is run?

1. a = "123"

2. b = “456"

3. a = b + "123"

4. b = a

5. print (b + a)

Decrypt this message: P ht uva h zwf
It has been encrypted with a shift of 7 (remember each letter needs to go backwards.
uhhh pls help with this ill mark brainliest


translation: I am a spy

Digital and analog audio recordings have pros and cons. Do you think the pros of digital recordings outweigh the cons and therefore prefer digital audio recordings? Or, do you think the cons outweigh the pros and therefore you prefer analog audio recordings? Explain.


Digital vs Analog Audio is completely personal preference and there is no clear winner on which is better.

But there are some pros and cons about both, Analog sometimes distorts when playing and can be easily scratched and ruins the grooves. Analog is believed to be the true representation of the sound when it was recorded. Digital is not the actual recording of the sound, it's actually a combination of binary code. It is also sometimes mixed or remastered in Digital and sounds a bit different to make it sound better. It also depends on the system you are listening it from. You could have a horrible Digital system its playing through and an amazing Analog system playing, of course the Analog system will sound better in that case. Some believe that Digital is on par to overtake Analog in the "true picture of sound" category but some also say Analog will forever be the best at playing sound and Digital will always be the alternative.

But, in the end it's all personal preference and the pros and cons don't overweigh to make one better than the other.

I need anyone's help so please do so!
Do some research online about plasmapheresis. Then write a paragraph explaining what it is and in what kind of situation it would be useful to a patient.


I don’t understand this or else I would help
Plasmapheresis is the process in which plasma is separated from the blood cells. After the plasma has been treated, they either put it back, or replace it with saline solution. A situation that someone would need plasmapheresis is if they had an auto-immune disease. Certain auto-immune diseases can be treated with plasmapheresis, such as: myasthenia gravis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, or chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy.


Identify in the space below three rules you feel are most important for deciding what personal information is
appropriate to post online.




Names. Be careful how you use your name. Avoid using your full name. Even a nickname could spell trouble -- for instance, if it says something suggestive about your character, if it's a name you already use with others who know your real identity, or if it's made up from your real name (say, from your initials). First names are best, unless yours is extremely unusual. These days, many people do use their full names for online posting -- on social media sites and blogs for example. Just know that in doing so you're raising the risk of becoming an identity theft victim.

Photos. Bearing in mind Golden Rule #1, don't post photos you wouldn't want everyone to see. Full face, high resolution photos may be "snagged" (copied) and used for identity theft. Some people don't know how easy this is to do with any photo, with just a couple of clicks. Also, as a matter of etiquette, don't post photos of others without their permission, unless you're prepared for the consequences if the other person doesn't think it's funny. For preference, use photos in which identities are obscured. And, as a general rule, don't post photos of children online (especially not other people's children without permission). If you want to share photos of your kids, put them in a private online album, accessible by invitation or password. Or email them directly to your friends.


Select all the correct answers.
Which TWO of the following are recommended practices to protect users' privacy while using email services?
Avoid forwarding a personal emails to others.
Avoid forwarding jokes and trivia using email.
Avoid using webmail if you have an email client on your computer.
Avoid opening emails from unrecognized senders.
Avoid using webmail in the workplace:


Answer: Avoid forwarding a personal email to others and most likely Avoid forwarding jokes and trivia using email.

The recommended practices to protect users' privacy while using email services are options A and C: avoid forwarding a personal emails to others and avoid using webmail if you have an email client on your computer.

What do you mean by term E-mail?

An E-mail is refers to as the communication source. It is a specialized computer network that stores, processes, and send the material from one person to another within seconds..

E-mail is considered as the computer equivalent but it has many advantages like timeliness and flexibility.

Moreover, the content of email include text, files, images or other kind of attachments send by the specified person to the one or more than one groups.

In order to protect the personal data of the user, it is recommend that people should note share their personal information with other and specially the young generation do not use webmail if the another party already utilize your computer.

Nowadays more frauds are happen due to the fact that people are more indulge in these communications for their better advancements. So, we have to take every step very carefully.

Therefore, correct options are A and C.

Learn more about E-mail, refer to the link:


int x = 42
fill in the missing part of the following code to divide x by 3 using the shorthand division operator ​


42/3 will be equal to 14

With what finger do you type the letter m​



Index Finger


I type m with my middle because it’s just right down from j

Edhesive 8.5 code Practice help me pls



twainQuotes = ['I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.', 'Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please.', "If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.", 'The secret of getting ahead is getting started.', "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. "]




twainQuotes.insert(1,'Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.' )




The program is an illustration of lists and list manipulation


Lists are variables that are used to hold multiple values in one variable name

Python Program

The program in Python, where comments are used to explain each line is as follows:

#This initializes the list

twainQuotes = ['I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.', 'Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please.', "If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.", 'The secret of getting ahead is getting started.', "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. "]

#This prints the list elements


#This sorts the list elements


#This prints the sorted list


#This inserts an element into the list

twainQuotes.insert(1,'Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.' )

#This prints the new list


Read more about lists and list manipulations at:

I need somebody to help me with this question I’ll give points!
Please help no funny business



create a new folder (you need that in order to choose it as a destination)

click the rules button

new rule; blank rule

select forms and conditions

apply the rule to messages received

How do I calculate this square footage?



To calculate it, you have to break it apart. Sorry for the bad writing but after you break it apart, you multiply the smaller squares. Then with all of the smaller areas, add them together for the final answer which in this case is 456.

A computer game picks a random number between 1 and 100, and asks the player to guess what the number is. If the player makes a correct guess, the game congratulates them, and stops. If the player does not make a correct guess, the game tells the player that their guess is either too high, or too low. If the player guesses with an answer that is not a number between 1 and 100, an error message is displayed. The game continues to give the player chances to guess, until the player guesses correctly. You are going to plan an interactive program to implement this game. do this using scratch



In Python:

import random

computerguess = random.randint(1,101)

userguess = int(input("Take a guess: "))

while not (userguess == computerguess):

   if userguess<1 or userguess>100:


   elif not (userguess == computerguess):

       if userguess < computerguess:

           print("Too small")


           print("Too large")

   userguess = int(input("Take a guess: "))



This imports the random module

import random

Here, a random number is generated

computerguess = random.randint(1,101)

This prompts the user for a guess

userguess = int(input("Take a guess: "))

The following loop is repeated until the user guess correctly

while not (userguess == computerguess):

If user guess is not between 1 and 100 (inclusive)

   if userguess<1 or userguess>100:

This prints error


If the user guessed is not correct

   elif not (userguess == computerguess):

If the user guess is less

       if userguess < computerguess:

It prints too small

           print("Too small")

If otherwise


It prints too large

           print("Too large")

This prompts the user for a guess

   userguess = int(input("Take a guess: "))

The loop ends here

This prints congratulations when the user guess correctly


Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu. Which are the features of conditional formatting? Conditional formatting enables you to and .


Answer: oracle planning data sheet.

Me pueden decir todo lo que sepan sobre las redes informáticas porfa? De preferencia que sea algo largo



Una red informática es una fusión de varios sistemas electrónicos técnicos, principalmente independientes que permite que los sistemas individuales se comuniquen entre sí. El objetivo aquí es el intercambio de recursos como impresoras de red, servidores, archivos y bases de datos.  

La estructura de red más conocida es Internet, y los protocolos a través de los cuales se transmite la información más conocidos son el TCP (Protocolo de control de transmisión) y el IP (Protocolo de Internet), pero varios otros protocolos también desempeñan funciones importantes en Internet. Internet en sí no es una red homogénea, sino que consta de un gran número de subredes, algunas de las cuales tienen diseños muy diferentes, que solo tienen en común las capas de protocolo superiores y que manejan la transmisión de datos de usuario en las capas de protocolo inferiores en muy diferentes caminos.

There is one clear definition of IT. True False



That is False. it has more definitions not only one.

Question 6 (2 points)
The recipe for good communication includes these "ingredients":

a.clause, brevity, comments, impact, value

B.clarity, brevity, comments, impact, value

C.clarity, brevity, context, impact, value

D.clause, brevity, context, impact, value





i think lng hehehehehe

Meat and poultry exposed to some forms of radiations to extend shelf life. *



Food Irradation



Which of the following algorithms is the same as the flowchart shown below?



i believe it’s c


Use the drop-down menus to complete statements about multiple calendar options in Outlook.
The default multiple calendar view is
Overlay view will color-code multiple dates in
include multiple users' calendars as a team



The default multiple calendar view is

✔ side-by-side


Overlay view will color-code multiple dates in

✔ one view



✔ groups

include multiple users’ calendars as a team.



The default multiple calendar view is

✔ side-by-side


Overlay view will color-code multiple dates in

✔ one view



✔ groups


Actuators drive everything that moves on a competition robot. The most
common type of actuator in this application is a motor; in particular, VEX
Robots utilize____Motors. *

A)Direct Speed

B)Direct Current

C)Free Current

D)Direct Circulating





Successful businesses must have managers who are able to complete each of the management functions well. True False



I think that is true.

After inserting a video into your slide how can you test it



How to insert video into PowerPoint

Click on the slide you want, then go to Menu > Insert.In the top right corner, click Video > Video on My PC.Find the video you want to add and click “Insert”.Adjust the settings in the Video Format toolbar to make sure it plays the way you want.

Document accurately describes the differences between servers and computers and between local and wide area networks. Document provides at least four suggestions including password managers and safe browsers.

Thinks someone could help me out with this? ​



Cell towers and internet uses allow local and wide area networks, but they also allow you to steal IP and things like that.


This is quite difficult. I appologize if I get this wrong.

(Also if you upload a file for someone to answer, and they give you a link, don't click on it!! They track your IP address and things like that!)

What’s an input Device


Somthing that you plug in can I have brainlyist I just need one more :)


._.  a computer is a input why because you can tell


Dan is working with a team that is integrating an application with a database system. Which of these statements are true with regard to database systems?

The testing phase of the SDLC creates databases.

Selection of a DBMS occurs during the designing phase of the SDLC.

Database development also has a life cycle, with phases similar to those of the SDLC.

All compilers intrinsically support database creation.

Databases use query language to perform operations.



Database development also has a life cycle, with phases similar to those of the SDLC.

Databases use query language to perform operations.


PLATO :) no prob btw

Select the best answer to the following question.
Remote data storage and the ability to access data from any device using the Internet is called



I think its called "cloud computing"


cloud computering





I replied ...?


He removed vertical borders, kept only vertical borders for the header and the totals. He also added shading to the rows.
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