ano ang cohesive device?​


Answer 1
Ang Cohesive devices o, Kohesyong gramatikal ay mga salitang panghalili sa pangngalan sa isang pangungusap. Mayroong dalawang uri ng Kohesyong Gramatikal, ito ay ang mga sumusunod:

Anapora - panghalili sa pangngalan na matatagpuan sa hulihan ng pangungusap.

Katapora - panghalili sa pangngalan na matatagpuan sa unahan ng pangungusap.
Tatlong halimbawa ng Cohesive devices:

1) Ito
2) Dito
3) Siya

Related Questions




where's the equation?



pls give equation


US government wanted to expand into Florida​



Yes they did





Yes, that's true. The US government wanted to expand into Florida.

Into how many branches do state constitutions divide the government?


There are 3 branches and they are the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial.



it 3 branches

U.S cities grew quickly during the 1800s because



A.  factories began to hire more workers in cities


I got right on ap3x

In the late 1800s, attitudes such as the one expressed in the passage had contributed most directly to which of the following?



A. European states’ competition to acquire overseas colonies


In the late 1800s, attitudes such as the one expressed in the passage had contributed most directly to European states’ competition to acquire overseas colonies. Thus, option 1st is correct.

What is Age of Imperialism?

The Age of Imperialism began around 1870, when modern, reasonably developed nations took over less developed territories, colonized them, or influenced them in order to extend their own authority.

Many European countries had an increasing interest in colonies as sources of raw materials and new markets, as well as prospective destinations for excess population and administrators who could not be accommodated at home. Individual opportunities for adventure and profit were also plentiful.

Attitudes like the one articulated in the paragraph led most directly to European powers' quest for overseas territories in the late 1800s. Therefore, option 1st is correct.

Learn more about Age of Imperialism here;


Your question was incomplete, probably the complete question was....

European states’ competition to acquire overseas coloniesThe abolitionist movement to end slaveryThe creation of industrialized economies in EuropeEfforts by European missionaries to convert non-Europeans to Christianity for their spiritual salvation

Mark Twain was one of the authors of what novel


Answer:The Adventures of Tom Sawyer


Athens was the first Greek city-state to develop a __________. A. military B. system of roads C. democracy D. slave trade



it C


It C i took the test right now and got it right np you guys are welcome


C 100%!!


What was the result of the Constitutional Convention?
A The 56 delegates could not come to a consensus and the convention was cancelled.
B) The 56 delegates argued and voted to remain loyal to the British government.
The 56 delegates voted NOT to revise the Articles of Confederation, but to write a new constitution for the United States.
D The 56 delegates voted to establish a dictatorship where one man would be elected as the King of America.


Answer: C. The 56 delegates voted NOT to revise the Articles of Confederation, but to write a new constitution for the United States.


The Shays Rebellion and certain other events convinced the Americans that a stronger central government was needed than was being provided by the Articles of Confederation.

In the Constitutional Convention that followed, delegates from most states met and during their discussions decided that it would just be better to write a new Constitution that would that their unique situation into account. This led to the creation of the U.S. Constitution.

Why would it be important to slow down the decision-making process? Isn't
faster always better?



Faster isn't always better.


faster can tend to make things rushed and not something you put your time and thought into. Taking your time can lead to a better outcome with better results.

marbles numbered from 1 to 12 are put in a bag. if marbles are not put back into the bag after being drawn, what is the probability of drawing two prime numbers in a row?



[tex]P = \frac{1}{11}[/tex]



[tex]Marbles = 12[/tex]

Selection: Without replacement


The probability of selecting 2 primes

Between 1 and 12, the prime digits are: 3, 5, 7 and 11

i.e. 4 prime digits

When the first marble is selected, the probability that it will be prime is:

[tex]P(1) = \frac{4}{12}[/tex]


Since it is a selection without replacement, there are 3 primes left and 11 marbles in total.

The probability of selecting another prime is:

[tex]P(2) = \frac{3}{11}[/tex]

The required probability is:

[tex]P = P(1) * P(2)[/tex]

[tex]P = \frac{4}{12} * \frac{3}{11}[/tex]

[tex]P = \frac{1}{11}[/tex]

which of the following was not a preventative measure used to keep african Americans from voting
1. poll taxes
2. DNA test
3. morality tests
4. property ownership
literacy tests ​


I’m pretty sure it’s 2. Seeing as I don’t think they gave DNA test back then

What can be inferred from these passages?


what bro?..............
U need to write more info dude

Describe the connections between the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the Japanese internment.


Lots of people were scared and many lives were killed so it was very sad for friends and family’s

During which Cold War decade was the US
defense spending at its highest?
the 1940s
the 1950s
the 1960s



1960 ma4k me brain list plz



The 1960's


I know ya'll like them points! This one is 50 points, lol! Answer my question!

The drama class at a middle school was preparing for their spring play in the school auditorium. One week before the performance, a parent complained to the school board that the play was inappropriate for middle school students. The school board agreed and contacted the principal, who then informed the classes that the show was canceled. Students were upset that their preparations were a waste. They believe they have the right to freedom of expression in performing the play. The school board said that students are minors and that it must approve decisions about what is presented in school by teachers or students. The students did not have time to plan a different show. A group of the students’ parents brought the case to court on their behalf, but they lost the case in state district court. The students’ parents appealed the district court’s decision to their state court of appeals. There the students and their parents won the case, but the school board appealed the decision to their state-level supreme court. The state supreme court ruled in favor of the school board. Unhappy with the state supreme court’s decision, the students’ parents are now appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court.

What is this case about?

How is this case similar to the Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier case?

Which type of expression listed in the First Amendment relates to this case?



This is similar to the Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier case because they both represent students that are working towards the right to express themselves through writing or art. The main difference between the cases are one is fighting for the right to free written speech in Journalism, while the other is a physical piece of art.


Judging from the events of the late
1920s and early 1930s, how
important do you think public
confidence is to the health of the
economy? Explain.



1286 day on angnrjgnjkergnjrgnerjng


How did solider in WW1 adjust the gas mask that was rubbing agents their skin without exposing themselves to the gas


Is there multiple choice? Because if not, I’d say “deal with it” because those soldiers were some tough fellas

Which of the following statements is true about the relation?
The relation is not a function.
The relation is a function and the domain is {1, 2}.
The relation is a function and the domain is {-1, -2, -3, -4}.


the relation is a function and the domain is 1,2

What is one problem that Chief Joseph has with the "good words" of others?



He does not trust people's words unless actions are taken. According to Chief Joseph, what is one thing that white men need to do to live in peace? They need to treat each other alike and with dignity.

[T]hey raised their eyes to heaven, their hands clasped high above their heads, and stood straight and perfectly still, invoking the power of the Great Spirit to allow them to see and talk with their people who had died. . . .They would go as fast as they could, their hands moving from side to side.

What is Parker describing in this quotation?
the ritualized movements of Sioux Indians during a Ghost Dance ceremony
the horrified response of Cheyenne Indians after the Sand Creek Massacre
the celebratory reaction to the signing of the Treaty of Fort Laramie
the anger and fear of white settlers that began after the Battle of Little Bighorn



the ritualised movements of Sioux Indians after the Sand Creek Massacre



answer is a


i got 100

Which country liberated the most major Nazi camps?




Key Facts. Soviet forces liberated Auschwitz—the largest killing center and concentration camp complex—in January 1945.

2. What is one of Germany's most
pressing environmental problems?
O acid rain
O air pollution
O water pollution


The answer to your question is c water pollution idc if I’m right good luck!




What was a result of the political situation shown on this map?

Most local rulers had power equal to that of European leaders.
The economic prosperity of the African nationalist leaders increased their power.
African leaders willingly adopted European forms of governance including constitutions.
The boundaries that were established led to the divisions of traditional societies and cultures.


Answer: D


Politics is a collection of tasks linked with joint decisions or other forms of power relations between people, such as resource distribution or reputation. Democracy is the branch of sociology that examines legislation and governance.

The correct answer is option D. The boundaries that were established led to the divisions of traditional societies and cultures.

Traditional cultures, often referred to as the traditional or tribes citizens, gain massive and enlarged environmental information from their daily interactions and communications with the ecological sustainability.

Because of their close ties to nature, many people adopt an environmentalist mindset, which is expressed in attitudes toward plants, animals, water, and soil, and in which nature and society are seen as one indivisible whole.

 The accompanying morality is transmitted through myths and stories, and such viewpoints are implemented in symbology and vision of sculpted creations (Vatsayan 1993).

To know more about the division of traditional societies and culture, refer to the link below:

Which of these leadership qualities is MOST commonly associated with George Washington?
his devotion to abolition
his ability to re-unify the country
his commitment to telling the truth
his dedication to nonviolent protest





The integrity, dignity, wisdom, courage, and determination George Washington displayed during the founding of the nation can still serve as a model for present-day leaders.

"Speak lord, for your servant is listening."

- 1 Samuel 3:9








What do you call a pig that does karate? A pork chop

Income tax and property tax are paid straight from citizens to the
government. This makes them which type of tax?
A. Regressive tax
B. Direct tax
C. Progressive tax
D. Indirect tax


C is the answer I think


B. Direct tax

Explanation:  A direct tax is paid directly to the entity that imposed it. Income taxes and property taxes are direct taxes paid directly to the government

In the context of this text, why do people succeed? What qualities help a person succeed? Cite evidence from the text and consider your own experiences in your answer.

i have no idea what to say help i only have 20 mins left



Well, I don't have the text that we're supposed to be using. But I would say some of the qualities that help people succeed are confidence, showing pride in what you do is always important. Teamwork is also another quality that helps people succeed, learning how to work and solve problems with others is important. Finally, a good work ethic is one of the most useful and helpful qualities. It's useful because you learn how to use your brain and tools in tough situations.

Which is true regarding the Balkan Peninsula prior to the onset of World War 1?

The region had a long history of clashes between many ethnic groups living there
The region is home to one dominant ethnic group
The region played no role in the start of World War 1
The region was known for peace



B. The region is home to one dominant ethnic group.

Hope it helps.

How did events on Bloody Sunday affect Russia?
a/ The Duma was established.
b/ Tsar Nicolas II abdicated his throne.
c/Leningrad was established.
d/Russia withdrew from World War I.


The answer is A the duma was established

Which of the following statements most closely describes a socialist government?
A The country's property and wealth belong to the government.
B The country is managed by elected representatives who set rules.
C The country is ruled by a strong elite that lifts it above other nations.
D The country's decisions are all made by a direct vote.





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