Lester, the foreman, came to check on the fence I'd been building.
"Having any trouble?"
"I guess not. Except that the sun is about 16 feet over my head."
Lester chuckled. That was his kind of humor. Then he got pacing around. He looked down the fence row to see how straight it was. He
checked the oil in the tractor and adjusted the attachment that drilled the post holes.
"Got a pinch bar out here?"
"Yeah. It's back where I used it last, about four posts down."
Lester got back in his truck and leaned out. "Now listen, son. You should spend the rest of the afternoon deciding if you want to work on this
ranch any more. If you do, you're going to have to take those last twenty fence posts out. Before you do that even, you're going to have to put oil in
that tractor, and get your tools where you can work with them. That includes your hammer which seems to have been thrown over by that stump.
And it's none of my business, but I'd recommend you wear those leather gloves we gave you. Work is hard enough without feeling sorry for yourself
'cause you got blood running out of broken blisters."
He put the truck in gear and drove off.
Which best describes Lester?
1. mean and bossy
2. stubborn and lazy
3. fair and demanding
4. friendly and whimsical


Answer 1
Friendly and whimsical. Although he is telling his son what he thinks he should do, he is light and caring about it.
Answer 2

We can infer here that what actually describes Lester is: Friendly and whimsical.

What is inference?

Inference actually refers to the conclusion that one arrives at after observing a particular situation or condition.

We see here that what can be inferred from the given passage is that Lester can be best described as friendly and whimsical.

Learn more about inference on https://brainly.com/question/25280941


Related Questions

I thought my cousin would arrive by train that is on my mother's side of the family. Confused, the bus was his mode of transportation.


Answer: lol what? Is this a story?

Answer: So what's the question????


When Odysseus finally returned home, he found his house overrun with
suitors wanting to marry his wife
worshipers calling him a god
rats and disease
police looking for his son, Telemachus



A I believe.


Why did W. E. B. Du Bois ask "What does integrity do in the face of adversity / oppression? "



This course was co-created by Kiri Harris and myself for Greene Street Friends ... Quarter 1: What does integrity do in the face of adversity / oppression? ... West referenced the four questions once posed by W.E.B. DuBois as a


What is Samuel's point of view about Ann Burras?



feels bad for her


she is the center of attention because she was one of the first women english settlers in the new world, and she doesnt want to be the ceneter of attetion, as shes just an unmarried teenage girl.

Part A
What lesson does Milo learn in the Doldrums during Act of The Phantom Tollbooth?
A Rules are meant to be broken
B. Laughter is not a useful human behavior
C Failing to think means that you get nowhere
D. If you lose your way. try to find someone else's
Part B
Which of these lines from the act best illustrates the answer to Part A?
A. People who don't pay attention often get stuck in the Doldrums
Well if you can't laugh or think what can you do?
From 4:00 to 5:00 we loaf and lounge until dinner
D He's always sniffing around to see that nobody wastes time




abc ab

In chapter 11, Mary and Dickon begin working together on the garden to bring it back to life and help it be more beautiful.

Question 3 options:
Question 4 (1 point)


False it is false very much false

Read the sonnet.

Sonnet XII

by William Shakespeare

When I do count the clock that tells the time,

And see the brave day sunk in hideous night;

When I behold the violet past prime,

And sable curls all silvered o'er with white;

When lofty trees I see barren of leaves

Which erst from heat did canopy the herd,

And summer's green all girded up in sheaves

Borne on the bier with white and bristly beard,

Then of thy beauty do I question make,

That thou among the wastes of time must go,

Since sweets and beauties do themselves forsake

And die as fast as they see others grow;

And nothing 'gainst Time's scythe can make defence

Save breed, to brave him when he takes thee hence.

Part A

What can be inferred about Shakespeare's "Sonnet XII"?

The narrator is weary about the change in seasons.

The narrator believes that no one can avoid death.

The narrator believes that life is beautiful.

The narrator is old and thinks he will die soon.

Part B

Which line from the sonnet best supports the answer in Part A?

"And nothing 'gainst Time's scythe can make defence"

"And see the brave day sunk in hideous night;"

"Since sweets and beauties do themselves forsake"

"And summer's green all girded up in sheaves"


Answer: A)  The narrator believes that no one can avoid death.

B)  "And nothing 'gainst Time's scythe can make defence"

Explanation: I just took the test


He is corect just took test 100%


thank you

What are your first impressions of Eliezer’s family? What was his father like?



Eliezer's family seems like a typical Jewish family. They go about their day as any other family, observing traditions and going to temple. Eliezer's father is very respected within the Jewish community of his hometown, and he spends most of his time occupying himself with community affairs. He is a member of the Jewish Council, which is the first group to hear about deportation, and he refuses to try to escape the country.

Hope this helps you. Do mark me as brainliest.

Read the dictionary entry for the word stagnation.

stagnation \ stag-ˈnā-shən \ noun: a state of inactivity or lack of growth

Based on this definition, which sentence best illustrates the use of the word stagnant?

After years of losing money, our business is finally strong and stagnant.

These exciting new classes should boost our stagnant enrollment.

Due to the heavy rain, there was no one on the stagnant beach this morning.

Bring us your stagnant clothes, and we will either donate or recycle them.


D. These exciting new classes should boost our stagnant enrollment


Yes it’s B “ These exciting new classes should boost our stagnant enrollment“


Took th test!

When you analyze a prompt, you should mirror the language as closely as possible to the language of the
prompt so that you are sure to write a clear thesis or claim. This helps you to know what kind of relevant text
information to look for when you read your sources. When you write your essay, you can go
back to your thesis and revise it to make the sentence a complex or compound
sentence that uses a colon.


A colon can be used to emphasise, show dialogue, begin lists of text, or clarify the names of compositions. Emphasis: Only capitalise the first word following the colon if it is a proper noun or the beginning of a full sentence.

Emphasis: Only capitalise the first word following the colon if it is a proper noun or the beginning of a full sentence. (She loved Western Michigan University more than anything.)

Dialogue: Write the speaker's name, a colon, and then their quote. What exactly is the Western Edge? Dunn: It's a calculated strategy to advance student achievement.)

Introduce any text, lists, or tabular material—Only capitalise the first word following the colon if it is a proper noun or the first word of a complete sentence.

Learn more about colon here:



elicit means to:
O. disfigure
O. topple
O. espouse
О. raise


Answer: Raise

Explanation: Hope this helped!

Raise answer number 4

How does the interaction between the characters develop the theme of "The Machine Stops"?



Answer: The conversation between the mother and son indicates the advantages and disadvantages of the Machine.


The correct response is - The discussion between the mother and son reveals the benefits and drawbacks of the Machine.

What is "The Machine Stops"?

E. M. Forster wrote the science fiction short tale "The Machine Stops." The tale was first published in The Oxford and Cambridge Review, and it was then included in Forster's 1928 collection The Eternal Moment and Other Stories.

The Machine Stops was written by Forster in reaction to one of H. G. Wells' utopian books (probably A Modern Utopia, published in 1905). In response, Forster provided a pessimistic appraisal of humanity's over-reliance on contemporary technology and ultimate enslavement to it.

In the scenario depicted in the narrative, the majority of people are no longer able to live on Earth's surface. The omnipotent, universal Machine now provides for every person's physical and spiritual requirements while they dwell in seclusion in conventional rooms below the earth.

To read more about "The Machine Stops", refer to - https://brainly.com/question/16273907


Part A What inference about the flag can be made based on a “A Flag with 50 Stars”? A. Few people understand the significance of the number of stars and stripes on the flag. B. Its past history is more well known by Americans than its more modern history. C. The decision to change the design of the flag has always cause controversy. D. The placement of stars on the flag has been a design challenge throughout history. Question 2 Part B Which evidence from the text best supports the answer in Part A? A. “Now that Alaska and Hawaii had been admitted as states, Congressman Moeller had succeeded in having Bob's design chosen as the new U.S. flag.” B. “Legend has it that a Philadelphia seamstress named Betsy Ross was hired by George Washington himself to create this flag.” C. “There is no evidence that this legend is true, and no one knows for certain who made the first flag, which had 13 stars and 13 stripes.” D. “The U.S. flag at the time had six neat rows of eight stars each. What would be the best way to add two more stars while keeping the arrangement neat and orderly?”



part a is a and part b is c


i took the test :)

Few people understand the significance of the number of stars and stripes on the flag is the inference about the flag can be made based on a “A Flag with 50 Stars”. There is no evidence that this legend is true, and no one knows for certain who made the first flag, which had 13 stars and 13 stripes.” is the evidence from the text best supports the answer in Part A. Hence, option A and C are correct.

Who designed the 50-star pattern of the flag?

The fifty-star United States flag is credited to Ohioan Robert G. Heft. Heft's teacher, Stanley Pratt, invited his pupils to create a flag to celebrate the admission of Hawaii and Alaska as states to the union.

Today, a 50-star banner is flown over President Truman's home. Since the United States' inclusion of Hawaii and Alaska on July 4, 1960, it has been flying over the country. This is the country's twenty-seventh official flag to fly. It has been in the air longer as of 2021 than the 48-star flag.

An all-black American flag does not appear to have any particular meaning as of late.

Thus, option A and C are correct.

For more information about designed the 50-star pattern of the flag, click here:



AYUDAA¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DOY CORONA


Whats your name? My name is Cecilia.
How old are you? I’m tan years old.
Where are you from? I’m from Spain.
Where do you live? I live in Sevilla.
What’s your favourite subject?
My favourite subject is maths.
Do you like pizza? No I don’t.
Have you got a pet? Yes, I’ve got a cat.

My name is Karen
I live in London
I am from England
I am twelve years old
I’ve got two brothers
My favourite colour is red
I don’t like football
I’ve got blond hair
I can play the guitar

My name is David.
I live in New York, but i’m from Germany.
I’m thirteen years old.
I’ve got two sisters and one brother.
My favourite colour is blue.
I like pizza, but I don’t like hamburgers.
I’ve got black hair and green eyes.
I can play the piano.
My favourite subject is science.

I hope this helps!




(19 points) Can someone please do this chart for me? The name for these are,

Broward v board of education 1954,

Gideon v Wainwright 1963,

Miranda v Arizona 1966,

In re Gault 1966,

Tinker v Des Moines 1968.

I hope someone completes this for me :( or I get an F an example is in the first part


Tinker v dew monies is 1958

How to ma's feelings about moving change overtime use two details from the story to support your response search dust by charles grayson


The best way to understand Ma's feelings is to put yourself in his shoes and see her perspective.

How does Ma feel about the change?She feels comfortable.She feels hopeful.She feels calm and happy.

Ma is comfortable with the move because she knows it will open up many possibilities and hope for her and her family. This is an indirect way of characterizing this character, as it shows her as someone hopeful and calm, who always hopes for the best of things.

More information about indirect characterization at the link:


give an example of a word that has a vastly different denotations and connotations. What is the word's denotation and what is it's connotation?​


Hi do we want you in original email address or what is it ok if you can pick up a check in for the payment for the week I can get the money for you and

What is the theme in excerpt from the land that time forgot



Inequality hurts a wide variety of people.

The evidence in Sentence 3 is-
(1) The school tardiness policy needs to be revised. (2) Students should not 1 point
be punished for circumstances that are out of their control. (3) For
instance, the city buses tend to run late in the wintertime. (4) Students
should not be forced to wake up an hour early just to be sure that they're
not five minutes late. *
a quote
a statistic
an example
an anecdote



An example.


Sentence three is an example of why the school tardiness policy needs to be revised. Sentence three backs up this idea by providing an example of why that policy needs to be changed.

The sentence that  the steady proof is, understudies who regularly show up later than expected will get up before and venture out from home sooner.

What is message for students in this excerpt?

Sentence three is an illustration of why the school lateness strategy should be updated. Sentence three backs up this thought by giving an illustration of why that strategy should be changed.

Update is the activity or interaction of looking into, altering and moving along

Following this explanation, the choice gives us the best a legitimate request right now of introducing the contention and the supporting proof as a most probable aftereffect of the proposition.

For more information about students, refer the following link:


How does Sophocles characterize Teiresias in Antigone?

He shows him as angry in many scenes.

He portrays him as foolish.

He shows him as indecisive in many scenes.

He portrays him as wise.





He portrays him as wise

hope it helped lol


D i took the test


please answer fast



1. small

2. sock

3. difficult

The bolded syllables are "Once", "on", "mid", "drear", "while", "pon", "weak", and "wear".

Read the following passage from Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven.” Which sound device is expressed by the bolded syllables?

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered,
weak and weary …

A. alliteration

B. rhythm

C. rhyme

D. refrain



B. rhythm


The passage is the opening verse from “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe. As you read it, analyze the poem for its rhythm of accented syllables, or meter. Remember to read it quietly.

Notice that the first line of the poem has a very strong rhythm of stressed syllables that follow this beat: dah de dah de dah de dah de.

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,

I think the correct answer is a rhyme

According to the information in this article, which sentence describes how life was discovered beneath Antarctica? A Scientists found proof of water beneath Antarctic ice, then they drilled to get samples of the water to look for life. B Scientists saw signs of ice that may cover water on other planets, so they drilled for water beneath Antarctic ice. C Scientists knew that there were life forms in the deep parts of the ocean, so they concluded that there was life in the water beneath Antarctic ice. D Scientists found microbes on the surface of Antarctic ice, then they drilled into the ice to look for microbes beneath the surface.


I've found this question online. It refers to the text "Antarctica's Hidden Wetland: From Ice to E.T.", by Mary Reina.


According to the information in the article, the sentence that describes how life was discovered beneath Antarctica is:

A. Scientists found proof of water beneath Antarctic ice, then they drilled to get samples of the water to look for life.


According to Reina's article, it took scientists quite a long time to figure out there was liquid water underneath the frozen surface of Antarctica. It was only in the 1970s that radar technology suggested the existence of water there, and only in 1996 that scientists confirmed it was a huge lake. Of course, the existence of water is a known premise for the existence of life, which led scientists to wonder whether or not there was life in that lake. So they decided to drill the extremely thick ice cover above the lake to collect samples, and were able to indeed confirm the existence of microbial life.


Explanation: thank me :)

can someone please help me write an informative essay from the four freedoms address writing promt​



I can help!


This one is too long tho so that'll just slow down my device but here we go:

The study of our history marks the first step in understanding our earlier period which usually helps us to have a perceptive of the happenings and events that have taken place over years which can also facilitate improving the future. In this research paper we shall review the four freedoms which were articulated by President Roosevelt in the year 1941 (Crowley, 2010)[1].

Throughout the discussion we shall elaborate the four freedoms in a broader way for better understating; we shall also describe the several measures that were put in place in order to ensure the four freedoms are fully achieved for the better of US administration and for the wellbeing of the entire population as well.




can you answer this please
1. from the letter, we know that
A. sheila was lost
B. cindy met sheila and her friends
C. Rose could meet sheila on her holidays
D. Sheila didn't want to meet Rose
E. Rose hated to meet Sheila with Cindy
2. Please, let me know when your plans are DEFINITE...
The DEFINITE word has similar in meaning to
A. right
B. fuzzy
c. sharp
d. insure
e. certain
3. The word "cheers" can be replaced with
A. regards
b. yours sincerely
c. dear
d. hopefully
e. lots of love​



1.c 2.e 3.c


not sure bout 3 but hope this helps:)

Read the paragraph.

1Everyone has goals. 2Whether they are things one can achieve in a day or hopes for one's life, goals keep us moving and growing. 3Daily goals are usually easy to accomplish. 4Getting to school on time, for example, does not take a lot of effort. 5Graduating, on the other hand, is a long-term goal that takes time and dedication to achieve.

Which statement correctly describes the verb usage in this paragraph?


We in same question):
I just got this question

Have anyone read to story called ¨Elephant Women¨ by Laurence Pringle? if so I need help.
How do paragraphs 1 and 2 contribute to the development of the passage?
A) They describe the precision of the process of identifying elephants.
B) They detail the expertise necessary to locate groups of elephants.
C) They emphasize the danger involved with identifying elephants.
D) They explain the difficulty of tracking groups of elephants.40.





They describe the precision of the process of identifying elephants


u keep stealing peoples points so ill steal yours!! LEARN YOUR LESSON BESTIEEE According to all known laws

of aviation,


there is no way a bee

should be able to fly.


Its wings are too small to get

its fat little body off the ground.


The bee, of course, flies anyway


because bees don't care

what humans think is impossible.


Yellow, black. Yellow, black.

Yellow, black. Yellow, black.


Ooh, black and yellow!

Let's shake it up a little.


Barry! Breakfast is ready!




Hang on a second.




- Barry?

- Adam?


- Oan you believe this is happening?

- I can't. I'll pick you up.


Looking sharp.


Use the stairs. Your father

paid good money for those.


Sorry. I'm excited.


Here's the graduate.

We're very proud of you, son.


A perfect report card, all B's.


Very proud.


Ma! I got a thing going here.


- You got lint on your fuzz.

- Ow! That's me!


- Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000.

- Bye!


Barry, I told you,

stop flying in the house!


- Hey, Adam.

- Hey, Barry.


- Is that fuzz gel?

- A little. Special day, graduation.


Never thought I'd make it.


Three days grade school,

three days high school.


Those were awkward.


Three days college. I'm glad I took

a day and hitchhiked around the hive.


You did come back different.


- Hi, Barry.

- Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good.


- Hear about Frankie?

- Yeah.


- You going to the funeral?

- No, I'm not going.


Everybody knows,

sting someone, you die.


Don't waste it on a squirrel.

Such a hothead.


I guess he could have

just gotten out of the way.


I love this incorporating

an amusement park into our day.


That's why we don't need vacations.


Boy, quite a bit of pomp...

under the circumstances.


- Well, Adam, today we are men.

- We are!


- Bee-men.

- Amen!




Students, faculty, distinguished bees,


please welcome Dean Buzzwell.


Welcome, New Hive Oity

graduating class of...




That concludes our ceremonies.


And begins your career

at Honex Industries!


Will we pick ourjob today?


I heard it's just orientation.


Heads up! Here we go.


Keep your hands and antennas

inside the tram at all times.


- Wonder what it'll be like?

- A little scary.


Welcome to Honex,

a division of Honesco


and a part of the Hexagon Group.


This is it!






We know that you, as a bee,

have worked your whole life


to get to the point where you

can work for your whole life.


Honey begins when our valiant Pollen

Jocks bring the nectar to the hive.


Our top-secret formula


is automatically color-corrected,

scent-adjusted and bubble-contoured


into this soothing sweet syrup


with its distinctive

golden glow you know as...




- That girl was hot.

- She's my cousin!


- She is?

- Yes, we're all cousins.


- Right. You're right.

- At Honex, we constantly strive


to improve every aspect

of bee existence.


These bees are stress-testing

a new helmet technology.


- What do you think he makes?

- Not enough.


Here we have our latest advancement,

the Krelman.


- What does that do?

- Oatches that little strand of honey


that hangs after you pour it.

Saves us millions.


Oan anyone work on the Krelman?


Of course. Most bee jobs are

small ones. But bees know


that every small job,

if it's done well, means a lot.


But choose carefully


because you'll stay in the job

you pick for the rest of your life.


The same job the rest of your life?

I didn't know that.


essay about my class teacher 300 words



Education plays a significant role in the life of an individual, be it your personal or professional life, you will always be asked about your education. Education is a prerequisite for everything we wish to do in our life, therefore it is essential for every person to acquire education and accomplish his goals in life. If you need to get a good job or you want to set up your own business, you are supposed to have a great deal of knowledge in the particular domain. This is only possible if you have acquired education as it is the only means through which you can attain a vast amount of knowledge. To earn money and to become successful in life, you must be educated.

Education serves us in all aspects of life. Every human being needs to be aware of the things happening around whether good or bad so that he should come up with the appropriate decisions. This is possible if he is educated and has the power of problem-solving.

Educated people are more effective at using various technologies of the present era. Thus, education plays a great role in making us aware of numerous gadgets and technologies that can improve the quality of life. On the other hand, uneducated people find it quite difficult to withstand this modern era of technology.

Nowadays, there is a wide range of domains, which people can study to get into different professions such as doctors, computer engineers, software developers, fashion designers, astronauts, chartered accountants, and much more. However, there are some parents who forcibly place their children in the domain in which they are not interested in, which further destroys their career and actual talent. Therefore, it is important to identify the talent of your children and put them into the field of their interest so that they can excel in the same and become recognized.

An educated person leads a happy and prosperous life whereas an uneducated lives life full of misery and hardships as they do not get employed and lack the basic necessities of life such as food, shelter, and clothes. Hence, it is crucial to get educated to earn money and live a healthy and blissful life and also to take the nation to the next level of growth.

Hope i helped!

can i have brainliest


_____ is the repetition of a line or group of lines throughout a poem.

A. A refrain

B. A rhyme

C. Alliteration

D. A lyric



A. A Refrain


A refrain is the repetition of a line or group of lines throughout a poem.

Which of the following is a synonym for "pale?"

(sorry for asking so many questions)

















washed out









Light is a synonym of Pale


Pale is defined as "Light in color, or having little to no color" Light means light in color",  so it works, Thus your answer is Light!

Other Questions
What is the simplified form of the expression 0.3 (4x - 4y)? Alright, Im begging someone for help plz Find the volume: 5 cm cm 1ac 6.5cmPls help-? Do you think court interpretations should change over time ? WILL MARK BRAINLELIST HELPPPP ME Who was the leader of the Haitian rebels?What did the rebels want before they would stop fighting. Water plops into pond splish-splash downhill warbling magpies in three trilling melodic thrill whoosh passing breeze flags flutter and flags frog crooks, bird whistles babbling bubbles from tap. Find this poem onomatopoeia, Alliteration, Assonance and consonance PLEEASE HELP!!! The triangle shown below has an area of 20 units 2 squared. PLEASE HELP ME I WILL GIVE BRAINLIST TO WHO GETS IT RIGHT!!:D 1 Which of the following is a consequence of the new 24-hour news cycle?A.It has forced people to get their news from cable television instead of the Internet.B.It forces the American government to shut down national and international media.C.It has increased viewership for nightly news broadcasts.D.It forces governments to respond and take action more quickly.Please select the best answer from the choices providedABCD2 Which of these people would be a natural-born US citizen? Select three options.Ivan was born in Russia, but his mother was born in the United States.Ethans parents were both born in Israel, but he was born in the United States.Alice was born in France, but all of her grandparents were US citizens.Pedros parents were both born in Spain, but he was born in the US territory of Puerto Rico.Sebastian was born in Greece, but he moved to the US with his parents before he was two.3 In which decade did television replace newspapers as the primary news source for American citizens?A.1940sB.1950sC.1960sD.1970sPlease select the best answer from the choices providedABCD4 Read the prompt.Create a program that would get more people to vote in elections.What is the most effective research question for this prompt?How many people currently vote in national elections?Which states have the largest voter turnout? At what age should people be allowed to vote? What circumstances prevent people from voting? 5Which person is being a good community member?Lola always takes an afternoon walk with her dog.Ria studies hard to ensure she is on the honor roll each semester.Cooper does grocery shopping for his family while his parents are at work.Horace serves sandwiches at the local soup kitchen every Saturday afternoon.6How does bias negatively affect source material? Check all that apply.It demonstrates a lack of academic expertise on a topic. It forces an author to address counterarguments. It may reveal an authors opinion.It may led to the presentation of only one side of an argument.It can influence an authors purpose.7What does the constitutional guarantee of freedom of the press mean for news people?They can write about unsupported rumors as if they were factual.They must report the news without favoritism toward any point of view.They can report the news without getting the governments permission.They must always challenge the governments positions on major issues.8Which of the following is an example of muckraking?A.a politician signing social legislation to change teacher compensationB.a journalist uncovering and highlighting the plights of the homelessC.a journalist researching a story on a hurricane in the GulfD.a corrupt politician who receives bribes in exchange for a political favorPlease select the best answer from the choices providedABCD9Which is an example of a secondary source?news film footagea diarya magazine articlea speech10What are components of a good research question? Check all that apply.It is feasible to study.It focuses on a specific goal.It reveals the researchers bias. It is relevant to the topic at hand.It results in only one possible conclusion. 11Read the passage about protesting.Alexander is upset about a policy recently enacted by his state government. He talks with several friends who share his concerns, and they decide to take action. They organize a rally at the state capitol. They make signs with strongly worded slogans to get their point across to lawmakers. At the rally, they use a megaphone to share their thoughts with the crowd.Alexander and his friends are able to do this without the threat of government interference because of which right?freedom of speechdue processfreedom of religionfreedom of the press12Reflecting on whether adding a salad bar to a school lunch menu fixed a problem is an example ofimplementing a solution.weighing advantages.gathering information.evaluating a solution.13Jacob Riis is best known for his work How the Other Half Lives which was a photographic record of _____________.A.The living conditions in urban slums and child labor.B.The restricted rights of women in early twentieth-century America.C.The rise of corruption in urban centers.D.The lack of sanitary practices in the meat-packing industry.Please select the best answer from the choices providedABCD14What makes a source credible?It is found online.It contains bias.It is believable or trustworthy.It supports multiple perspectives.15Adding a salad bar to a school lunch menu for students with restricted diets is an example ofevaluating a solution.gathering information.implementing a solution.weighing disadvantages. Why was food processing (such as canned foods) a great innovation for food technology in the 1920s? As a result of the Battle of Coral Sea, U.S.forces successfullyA captured Japan's largest aircraft carrier.B. regained control of the Philippines.C. prevented Japan from invading New Guinea.D.sunk two ships in Japan's fleet of ships. How did geography affect the development of ancient Rome? (a minimum of three example sentences in the paragraph required.) * What figurative language is this? "My life is my foe's debt." from Romeo and Juliet. What is the slope-intercept equation for the line below?5(4,3)(0, 1)5O A. y=2x+1B. y=-3x+1O C. y=-2x+1O D. y = 2x+1 Presented below is information for Sunland Co. for the month of January 2022. Cost of goods sold $201,500 Rent expense $32,100 Freight-out 7,900 Sales discounts 9,000 Insurance expense 13,600 Sales returns and allowances 18,700 Salaries and wages expense 63,700 Sales revenue 393,500 Income tax expense 4,700 Other comprehensive income (net of $400 tax) 2,000 (a) Prepare an income statement using the multiple-step format. A tunnel is in the shape of a parabola.if the tunnel is 40 feet wide and has a maximum height of 12 feet. write the equation of the quadratic function that represents the tunnel(let the axis of symmetry be the y-axis) plz help me have a nice day (1 p 18. Demarcus drew a pair of complementary angles. He drew one angle that had a measure of 48. What was the measure of the other angle he drew? 42 48 O 132 O 138 Can you help me with this. Why did the United States see nationalist movements as being related to communism?