A(n) _____ is a legal right of ownership of intellectual property.

end-user license


free and software license

proprietary software license



Answer 1




Copyright protects intellectual property. If you own a copyright, you own the legal rights to said property.

Answer 2



Related Questions

Why is myConcerto considered essential to Accenture's work with enterprise



myConcerto can help clients envision, innovate, solution, deliver and support their transformation to an intelligent enterprise–providing the technology foundation to accelerate their journey and minimize risk along the way.

Hope it helps

Please mark me as the brainliest

Thank you

myConcerto is considered essential to the Accenture enterprise because it helps to do the following:

It can help the clients to envision more.It is useful for innovation.It provides solution.It helps to deliver and also support transformation to enterprises that make use of artificial intelligence.

What is myConcerto?

This platform is one that is digitally integrated. What it does is that it helps Accenture in the creation of great business outcomes.

Read more on Accenture here:


C++ "Simon Says" is a memory game where "Simon" outputs a sequence of 10 characters (R, G, B, Y) and the user must repeat the sequence. Create a for loop that compares the two strings starting from index 0. For each match, add one point to userScore. Upon a mismatch, exit the loop using a break statement. Assume simonPattern and userPattern are always the same length.
Ex: The following patterns yield a userScore of 4:
Ex: The following patterns yield a userScore of 9:
simonPattern: RRGBRYYBGY
userPattern: RRGBBRYBGY
Result: Can't get test 2 to occur when userScore is 9
Your value: 4
Expected value: 9
Your value: 4
Tests aborted.



In C++:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main(){

   int userScore = 0;

   string simonPattern, userPattern;

   cout<<"Simon Pattern: ";    cin>>simonPattern;

   cout<<"User Pattern: ";    cin>>userPattern;

   for (int i =0; i < simonPattern.length();i++){

       if(simonPattern[i]== userPattern[i]){

           userScore++;        }

       else{            break;        }


   cout<<"Your value: "<<userScore;

   return 0;



This initializes user score to 0

   int userScore = 0;

This declares simonPattern and userPattern as string

   string simonPattern, userPattern;

This gets input for simonPattern

   cout<<"Simon Pattern: ";    cin>>simonPattern;

This gets input for userPattern

   cout<<"User Pattern: ";    cin>>userPattern;

This iterates through each string

   for (int i =0; i < simonPattern.length();i++){

This checks for matching characters

       if(simonPattern[i]== userPattern[i]){

           userScore++;        }

This breaks the loop, if the characters mismatch

       else{            break;        }


This prints the number of consecutive matches

   cout<<"Your value: "<<userScore;

what is digital museum​


Access hundreds of professional development resources for museum professionals. Museum professionals can benefit at any career stage from student to retiree. Student Membership. Industry Membership. Established Since 1906. Museum Memebership. 501(c)3 Nonprofit Org.


1.Digital museum is a museum exhibition platform that utilizes computer and information technology, on which cultural relics and historical collections can be preserved and displayed in digital format. It is one of the main outcomes of digital curation. Learn more in: The Challenges of Digital Museum

A Products table and an Orders table have several linked records that are joined by a cross-referencing table named ProductsOrders. What kind of table relationship do these tables demonstrate?



I believe it could be D. many to many.


C. Many-to-Many



true or false with reason :- carriage inword is carriage on purchases​





Carriage on purchases is carriage inward. Explanation: Carriage inwards refers to the transportation costs required to be paid by the purchaser when it receives merchandise it ordered with terms FOB shipping point. Carriage inwards is also known as freight-in or transportation-in.


What is the second step in opening the case of working computer


Answer: 1. The steps of opening the case of a working computer as follows:

2. power off the device.

3. unplug its power cable.

4. detach all the external attachments and cables from the case.

5. Remove the retaining screws of the side panel.

6. Remove the case's side panel.


suppose as a head software engineer you assign the job of creating a class to a subordinate. You want to specify thirty-eight different methods in which you are willing to detail the parameters each is to receive as well as what each returns. You, however, do not have the time to create the details of each method and wish to assign that work to the subordinate. What would be your best approach to ensure that the subordinate finishes the assigned job.




What is full form of (IP)​



internet protocol?


the set of rules governing the format of data sent via the internet or local network

explain 3 components of the Visual Basic IDE (6 marks)​




The IDE of Visual Studio 2008 contains numerous components, and it will take you a while to explore them. It’s practically impossible to explain in a single chapter what each tool, window, and menu command does. We’ll discuss specific tools as we go along and as the topics get more and more advanced. In this section, I will go through the basic items of the IDE — the ones we’ll use in the following few chapters to build simple Windows applications.

The IDE of Visual Studio 2008 contains numerous components, and it will take you a while to explore them. It’s practically impossible to explain in a single chapter what each tool, window, and menu command does. We’ll discuss specific tools as we go along and as the topics get more and more advanced. In this section, I will go through the basic items of the IDE — the ones we’ll use in the following few chapters to build simple Windows applications.The IDE of Visual Studio 2008 contains numerous components, and it will take you a while to explore them. It’s practically impossible to explain in a single chapter what each tool, window, and menu command does. We’ll discuss specific tools as we go along and as the topics get more and more advanced. In this section, I will go through the basic items of the IDE — the ones we’ll use in the following few chapters to build simple Windows applications.

The Edit menu contains the usual editing commands. Among these commands are the Advanced command and the IntelliSense command. Both commands lead to submenus, which are discussed next. Note that these two items are visible only when you’re editing your code, and are invisible while you’re designing a form.

Blocks that allows you to repeat scripts multiple times are



here are several methods to make a script perform an action for a set amount of ... Technically, this may not work if you have wait blocks or other blocks that take up time. ... This script uses the timer and the Repeat Until block.


You have a certificate that you want to convert into digital form, what kind of device would you use? *
نقطتان (2)
Barcode scanner





In this scenario, you have a certificate that you want to convert into digital form, the kind of device you would use is a scanner.

When scanners and digital cameras are used to capture images that are uncompressed or minimally processed image file, it is known as a RAW image file.

Generally, this file type are usually very large in size because of their lossless quality and does not have any alteration and as such have not been processed; thus, cannot be printed

how does abstraction help us write programs



Abstraction refines concepts to their core values, stripping away ideas to the fundamentals of the abstract idea. It leaves the common details of an idea. Abstractions make it easier to understand code because it concentrates on core features/actions and not on the small details.

This is only to be used for studying purposes.

Hope it helps!

Which term is defined by the total operating current of a circuit?





What happens when text is added to grouped objects that is larger than an object ?



You have to select the picture and pick the text at first.

Then press context menu key on a keyboard or right mouse button and choose group/ungroup point.

Choose group.

And finally you can select and resize the object and text simultaneously.

Harry wants to change the background of all of his presentation slides. Which slide will enable him to make this change to all the slides at once?
Harry needs to change the ___________ to change the background of all his presentation slides.






What are the short comings of the Napier bones?



Disadvantages of Napier's bone: It became tedious when the multiplication has to be done with big numbers. It was a much elaborate setup. It was made up of 200 rods placed in a special box.

Which statement in main() generates an error?
public class Players {
public void setName(String newName) { … }
public void setAge(int newAge) { … }
public class SoccerPlayers extends Players {
public void setDetails(String newName) { … }
public String getLeague() { … }
public static void main(String args[]) {
String leagueName;
Players newPlayers = new Players();
SoccerPlayers playerObject = new SoccerPlayers();
playerObject.setName("Jessica Smith");
leagueName = newPlayers.getLeague(); }
A. SoccerPlayers playerObject=new SoccerPlayers(); An object of a derived class cannot be created.
B. playerObject.setName("Jessica Smith"); setName() is not declared in SoccerPlayers.
C. leagueName=newPlayers.getLeague(); getLeague() is not a member of Players.
D. Players newPlayers=new Players(); An object of a base class cannot be created.



C. leagueName=newPlayers.getLeague(); getLeague() is not a member of Players.


The main method in this code will case an error when trying to run the following line of code...


This is because the method getLeague() is being called on a Player object which takes all of its methods from the Player class. Since getLeague() is not a method located in the player class then it cannot be called by an object from that class. Especially since the Player class does not extend to the SoccerPlayers class where the getLeague() method is actually located. Instead, it is the SoccerPlayers class which extends the Players class as its parent class.

What is
Computer Security



Computer Security is the protection of computer systems and networks from information disclosure, theft of or damage to their hardware, software, or electronic data, as well as from the disruption or misdirection of the services they provide.



the protection of computer systems and information from theft


Complete the sentence.

When you enter “weather.com" into the URL, the _____ acquires the IP address.

a. Revolver
c. Telnet


the http acquires the ip address


this is because it is the default protocol


A. Revolver


On Edge, it states that a revolver, "makes a request to a name server, giving a domain name and receiving an IP address."

I hope this helped!

Good luck <3

giving Brianlist (to the correct answers)help plesee question is what is keyboard (long paragraph)​plzz don't spam with unnecessary answers !!!!thankyouuuuuuu:)




A computer keyboard is an input device that allows a person to enter letters, numbers, and other symbols (these are called characters in a keyboard) into a computer. Using a keyboard to enter lots of data is called typing. A keyboard contains many mechanical switches or push-buttons called "keys".

My goal is to help Edmentum kids
Select the correct answer.
What type of communication flow occurs in a formal network when employees submit status reports to their superiors?
downward communication
horizontal communication
lateral communication
upward communication
Hopefully people will answer these



D upward communication



upward communication


You are given a 5-letter word (for example, abcde). Write a C-Program which outputs all possible unique 5 letter permutations of this word in a text file. There should be no repetition of letters in permutation (i.e. in our example, bacde is a valid permutation but bbcde is invalid. Use of library functions for generation of permutations is NOT allowed.
The text file containing the output should be named as q3out.txt. Each word of the output must be on a separate line in the text file. The 5-letter input word should be read by your program from the console. Provide comments in your code. Submit your C code, and the q3out.txt file for the following inputs:
(a) parba
(b) arbca



See attachment 1 for code

See attachment 2 for the output of permuting letters of parba

See attachment 3 for the output of permuting letters of arbca


The program was implemented in C

The program uses a recursive function letterpermutation and a swap function to successfully implement the requirement of this question.

The letterpermutation function is defined here

void letterpermutation(char *mystring, int index1, int index2) {  

This lets the program writes to a file

  FILE *fptr;

This opens the file in an appending mode

  fptr = fopen("q3out.txt","a");

int i;

This checks for unique strings.

if (index1 == index2) {

If found, this appends the string to the text file

   fprintf(fptr,"%s\n",mystring); }

If otherwise


This iterates through the string

for (i = index1; i <= index2; i++)   {

The swap function is called to swap the characters of the string

 swap((mystring+index1), (mystring+i));  

This calls the function, recursively

letterpermutation(mystring, index1+1, index2);  

This further swaps the characters of the string

swap((mystring+index1), (mystring+i));  

} } }  

The swap function begins here and what it literally does is that it swaps characters of the input string to create a new string

void swap(char *ch1, char *ch2) {  

char temp;  

temp = *ch1;  *ch1 = *ch2;  *ch2 = temp; }

The main function begins here

int main() {  

This declares and initializes the string

char mystring[] = "ABCd"; // The string here can be changed

This calls the function to permute the string

letterpermutation(mystring, 0, strlen(mystring)-1);  

return 0; }

What type of role does the group leader have? Informal negative positive Formal


Just as leaders have been long studied as a part of group communication research, so too have group member roles. Group roles are more dynamic than leadership roles in that a role can be formal or informal and played by more than one group member

what precautions should be taken to make a computer more secure ​



To make a computer more secure


we have following ways :

1)we should have anti virus to protect our computer.

2)we should not play or look computer for a long time because it destroy our files

Which three major objects are built into the JavaScript language?
This task contains the radio buttons and checkboxes for options. The shortcut keys to perform this task are A to H and alt+1 to alt+9.

Document, Object, Model.

Canvas, Geolocation and Drag.

None, JavaScript is object-based not object-oriented.

Document, Navigator, Array.




Pretty sure, the answer is: None, JavaScript is object-based not object-oriented.

On a roulette wheel, the pockets are numbered from 0 to 36. The colors of the pockets are as follows: Pocket 0 is green. For pockets 1 through 10, the odd-numbered pockets are red and the even-numbered pockets are black. For pockets 11 through 18, the odd-numbered pockets are black and the even-numbered pockets are red. For pockets 19 through 28, the odd-numbered pockets are red and the even-numbered pockets are black. For pockets 29 through 36, the odd-numbered pockets are black and the even-numbered pockets are red. Write a program that asks the user to enter a pocket number and displays whether the pocket is green, red, or black. The program should display an error message if the user enters a number that is outside the range of 0 through 36.



pkt = int(input("Pocket Number: "))

if pkt == 0:


elif pkt >= 1 and pkt <=10:

   if pkt%2 == 0:




elif pkt >= 11 and pkt <=18:

   if pkt%2 == 0:




elif pkt >= 19 and pkt <=28:

   if pkt%2 == 0:




elif pkt >= 29 and pkt <=36:

   if pkt%2 == 0:







The program was written in Python and the line by line explanation is as follows;

This prompts user for pocket number

pkt = int(input("Pocket Number: "))

This prints green if the pocket number is 0

if pkt == 0:


If pocket number is between 1 and 10 (inclusive)

elif pkt >= 1 and pkt <=10:

This prints black if packet number is even

   if pkt%2 == 0:


Prints red, if otherwise



If pocket number is between 11 and 18 (inclusive)

elif pkt >= 11 and pkt <=18:

This prints red if packet number is even

   if pkt%2 == 0:


Prints black, if otherwise



If pocket number is between 19 and 28 (inclusive)

elif pkt >= 19 and pkt <=28:

This prints black if packet number is even

   if pkt%2 == 0:


Prints red, if otherwise



If pocket number is between 29 and 36 (inclusive)

elif pkt >= 29 and pkt <=36:

This prints red if packet number is even

   if pkt%2 == 0:


Prints black, if otherwise



Prints error if input is out of range



Which of the following terms is associated with instant messaging?
A. buddy list
B.subject heading
C.Save As



Texting is associated with instant messaging

Answer: A buddy list is a term that is associated with instant messaging (IM)

Have a wonderful day :D


Sentence Deobfuscate Name this file deobfuscate.cpp Hints: Don’t overthink this problem. Prompt the user to enter a collection of sentence words (i.e., words in the sentence), with the spaces removed (i.e., the obfuscated sentence) and with words that are less than ten (10) letters each. Then prompt the user to enter a sequence of numbers that represent the length of each corresponding sentence word (i.e. the deobfuscated details). Output the deobfuscated sentence. Convert char c to int by subtracting 48 (‘0’) from c.
Sample Execution:
Please enter obfuscated sentence: Thisisasentence
Please enter deobfuscation details: 4218
Deobfuscated sentence: This is a sentence



In C++:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main(){

   string text,lengt;

   cout<<"Please enter obfuscated sentence: ";    cin>>text;

   cout<<"Please enter deobfuscation details: ";    cin>>lengt;

   string t1, t2;

   int kount = 0;

   for(int i = 0;i<lengt.length();i++){


   t1 = text.substr(0, kount);

   t2 = text.substr(kount, text.length()-1);

   text = t1 +" "+ t2;

   kount++;   }

   cout<<"Deobfuscated sentence: "<<text;

   return 0; }


This declares the text and the deobfuscation details as string

   string text,lengt;

This prompts for the sentence

   cout<<"Please enter obfuscated sentence: ";     cin>>text;

This prompts for the details

   cout<<"Please enter deobfuscation details: ";     cin>>lengt;

t1 and t2 are declared as string. They are used to split the texts into 2 parts

   string t1, t2;

This declares and initializes a count variable to 0  

   int kount = 0;

This iterates through the deobfuscation details

for(int i = 0;i<lengt.length();i++){

This gets each deobfuscation character


The next two instructions splits the text into 2

This gets from 0 to kount.

   t1 = text.substr(0, kount);

This gets from kount to the last index

   t2 = text.substr(kount, text.length()-1);

The new string or sentence is calculated here

   text = t1 +" "+ t2;

The kount variable is incremented by 1

   kount++;   } The loop ends here

This prints the new sentence

   cout<<"Deobfuscated sentence: "<<text;

See attachment for program file

how does dual concepts work?​


The transaction that affects a business

why is GDS important to travel industry?



A Global Distribution System (GDS) is a wonderful tool that properties should use to reach customers easily. This is a central reservation system that allows travel agents to access hotel rates and availability as well as prices for flights, trains and rental car companies in real time.

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