An individual who believes that someone is following them is likely displaying which type of delusion?

a. Grandiose delusions
b. Thought insertion
c. Persecutory delusions
d. Referential delusions


Answer 1

The primary distinction between delusion and hallucinations is that the former focus on senses while the latter are primarily based on beliefs.

What function does an individual have in the world?

A role, also known as a rôle or social role, is a group of related actions, rights, expectations, beliefs, and standards that people in a social setting conceptualize. It may have a specific particular social position or rank and is an expected, free, or constantly changing behavior.

What level does the individual have?

Each individual within an organization is included at the individual level. Each person behaves differently, which has an impact on the dynamics of the group and the company as a whole. The workplace will be productive and efficient if there are many happy and successful people there.

To know more about individual visit:


Related Questions

when one person around you yawns, most of the people who saw or heard the yawn will yawn too. this phenomenon is an example of .


when one person around you yawns, most of the people who saw or heard the yawn will yawn too. this phenomenon is an example of social mirroring.

The act of subconsciously copying another person's gesture, speaking pattern, or attitude is known as mirroring. Mirroring frequently happens in social settings, especially when one is among close friends or family, and frequently goes unnoticed by both parties. According to widely accepted psychological theories, social mirroring is a sign of trust and empathy and frequently indicates that you have a genuine interest in another person.

Yawning as soon as someone else yawns, crossing your legs after the person next to you does, strolling in time with a friend or partner, or even straightening your hair after the person in front of you are a few examples of social mirroring. If any of them apply to a circumstance in your past, you have at some point been "copying."

Learn more about social mirroring here:


What does stephens suggest that science and experience have revealed about the declaration of independence?


Stephens suggest that science and experience have revealed about the declaration of independence as experience-based independence produced fresh inventions.

What drove the Declaration of Independence's primary arguments?

The Declaration of Independence of the United States was written primarily to inform other countries of the reasons the colonies had decided to break away from Great Britain. There had already been a number of significant battles in the Revolutionary War.

What is the Independence Declaration?

The 13 British colonies in North America announced their independence from Great Britain in the Declaration of Independence, which was adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776.

To know more about Declaration of Independence, click here-


Stephens suggest that science and experience have revealed about the declaration of independence as experience-based independence produced fresh inventions.

What motivated the main points in the Declaration of Independence?

The primary purpose of the United States Declaration of Independence was to explain to foreign nations why the colonies had chosen to secede from Great Britain. The Revolutionary War had already seen a number of notable engagements.

What does the Declaration of Independence say?

The Declaration of Independence, which was approved by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, contained a declaration of the 13 British colonies in North America's independence from Great Britain.

The 13 British colonies in North America announced their independence from Great Britain in the Declaration of Independence, which was adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776.

To know more about Declaration of Independence, click here-


Trevor’s peers were surprised when he received a promotion and suddenly becametheir supervisor. They thought he was rather unreliable and weren’t sure hewas up to the task. According to the contingency model, Trevor haspoor leader-member relations.
Transformational leadership is positively associated with all the following
less commitment to organizational change.
Which of the following is NOT one of the five sources of power?


Coercion empowers one to threaten, punish, or employ any critical attitude to get people to do things. There is no such thing as appearance power. As a result, the correct answer is D.

What exactly does organization imply?

A homeowner's association, a charitable organization, a confederation, or a corporation are all examples of organizations. The term organization can refer to a group or business, as well as the behave of trying to form or establishing something.

What are the different types of organizations?

7 Different Organizational Structures

Structure that is useful. A functional structure divides employees into departments based on their job specialization.Structured division.The matrix structure.Organization of the team.The network structure.Structure that is hierarchical.Organizational structure is flat.

To know more about Organizational visit:


greg strongly believes in supporting the youth in his community so he volunteers weekly at the local boys & girls club to support their after-school program. greg has positive feelings toward his volunteer time. he regularly tells people that it feels good to help the youth in his community, which reflects which component of greg’s attitude about volunteering?


This reflects the positive attitude in Greg, who volunteers effectively and enthusiastically.

- Good thinking, also referred to as optimism, is the practice of focusing on the positive qualities of any situation. Your physical and emotional health could be negatively impacted. That doesn't mean you should minimize challenges or deny reality.

- Numerous advantages of volunteering exist for both mental and physical health. To counter the damaging effects of stress, wrath, and anxiety, consider volunteering. Depression is combated through volunteering. You feel joyful when you volunteer. Self-confidence rises as a result of volunteering. Giving back gives one a sense of purpose.

To know more about positive attitude, kindly click on the link below :



affective component


after the council of trent, whose works were, ironically, immediately placed on the index of prohibited books?


Ironically, Erasmus's works were immediately added to the list of prohibited books after the Trent Council.

One of the finest thinkers of the northern Renaissance was a Dutch philosopher and Catholic theologian by the name of Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus.

He was a prominent figure in classical studies and a Catholic priest who wrote only in Latin. He has been referred to as "the crowning glory of the Christian humanists" and is known among humanists as "Prince of the Humanists." He prepared significant new Latin and Greek editions of the New Testament using humanist techniques for working on texts, raising issues that would have a significant impact on the Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter-Reformation.

He also wrote numerous other books, including Julius Exclusus, Copia: Foundations of the Abundant Style, On Free Will, In Praise of Folly, Handbook of a Christian Knight, On Civility in Children, and many more.

Learn more about  " prohibited books " to visit here;


Which of the following groups has the highest high school graduation rate?


A. varies widely among ethnic groups and is lower for those without a high school diploma than for college graduates. People without a job to support themselves are known as being "unemployed."

The qualifications and skill sets that people possess have a strong correlation with unemployment .It has been observed that those without a high school diploma have a lower employment rate than those with a college diploma. Additionally, it varies widely amongst ethnic groups. The rate of unemployment is higher for those who lack the specific skills needed for employment. Academic achievement is another significant need for employment.

learn more  about college graduates here:


walter tells irene that he will give her a raise if she agrees to have a romantic relationship with him. in legal terms, this is known as:


In legal terms, this is known as: Quid pro quo harassment

Quid pro quo, a Latin expression, translates to "this for that." Sexual harassment for a fee might come in one of two forms: 1) When receiving job benefits—such as employment, promotions, pay raises, bonuses, or preferred shifts or assignments—requires the employee to perform sexual favors for another person.The most common type of employment discrimination that is documented involves an employer's retaliation.Quid pro quo sexual harassment typically happens when a supervisor asks a worker for sexual favors in exchange for a workplace benefit, such as a raise, better hours, promotion, etc., or to prevent a detriment, such as a pay cut, demotion, negative performance assessment, etc.

To know more about legal here


your level of fear or anxiety with either real or anticipated communication with another person or persons is known as:


Your level of fear or anxiety with either real or anticipated communication with another person or persons is known as communication apprehension.

A specific form of shyness known as communication apprehension (CA) is characterised by fear or worry about speaking to others. According to one definition, CA is "the fear or anxiety associated to either actual or expected conversation with another person or persons."

The automatic reactions that can result from communication anxiety (CA) include shivering, nausea, sweating, forgetting the knowledge, and "stomach butterflies," which is when your body shuts down your digestive system and enters the fight-or-flight response.

The phrase "communication apprehension" is frequently associated with "stage fright"; however, this reaction is not always related to giving a speech on a stage or in front of a big audience.

Any of the four types of communication—interpersonal, group, public, and mass communication—can contribute to this anxiety.

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don went to three different dances this past week. prior to this, he had an ambivalent attitude toward dancing, but after observing his behavior, he starts to conclude that he must in fact enjoy it, otherwise he wouldn't have attended so many dances. this change in don's attitude is most consistent with the predictions of:


Answer: I think peer pressure

Explanation: thought

Which citation format is correct if a student is quoting from an article entitled ""we the people"" that is published on a website and has no author information?


The citation format that is correct if a

Student is quoting from an article is C. (We the People,” No page #).

Citation simply means a way that’s used to authors to tell readers that certain parts of their work came from someone. In this case, the citation format that is

Correct if a student is quoting from an article is (We the People,” No page #).

“(Anonymous, “We)’ would be best

option from the list when a student is quoting from an article entitled “We the

We the People” that is published on a website and has no author information, but a student shouldn’t use something that has no author attribution.

To know more about Citation visit:


Complete question: Which citation format is correct if a student is quoting from an article entitled “We the People” that is published on a website and has no author information? A) (Author Unknown) B) (“We the People,” No page #) C) (“We the People”) D) (Anonymous, “We”)

Who were the residents short answer?


Residents in an art rock band and an art collective too.

Residents in a musical and art collective group founded in the early 1960s. They released their first album 'Meet The Residents' in 1974. They have continued to produce a large body of musical work from 60 music albums to innumerable music videos and short films. Their record label, Ralph Records, came out in 1974 and focuses on Avant-Garde music.

Residents got their group name from the rejection slip sent by Warner Bros. signed Captain Beefheart, one of the group members but later rejected the tape and sent the rejection slip in the name of The Residents. They posted it in the name of The Residents as the band members did not put any address while sending the tape.

Learn more about rock band here


example of a mood disorder: a.obsessive-compulsive behavior b.phobia c.psychogenic amnesia d.panic attack e.manic-depressive illness


Manic-depressive illness is a mood disorder.

Hence, Option E is correct.

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that results in unusual swings in mood, energy, activity level, concentration, and the capacity to carry out daily tasks. It was formerly known as manic-depressive illness or manic depression.

Environmental influences, such as stress and trauma: A manic or depressive episode can be brought on by a stressful event, such as the death of a loved one, a significant illness, divorce, or money issues. As a result, trauma and stress may potentially contribute to the onset of bipolar disorder.

To know more about Bipolar disorder here


Which are examples of sole proprietorships? check all that apply. Lawyers working for a corporationdoctors in a partnershipindependent workersfranchise restaurants in a partnershiptax preparer working his own businessfreelance writers.


The examples of sole proprietorships are Independent workers; tax preparer working his own business and freelance writers. A sole proprietorship is a business that can be owned and controlled by an individual.

What is a Sole Proprietorship?

A sole proprietorship is also known as individual entrepreneurship which is run by one person only, there is no legal distinction between the business and the person in charge.

The proprietor is the receiver of all the profits but also responsible for all the losses and debts. It's not necessary for the person in charge to work alone, it is possible to employ other people.

Learn more about Sole Proprietorship  here:



which citation format is correct if a student is quoting from an article entitled ""we the people"" that is published on a website and has no author information?


All American citizens are included in the phrase "We the People." This phrase's significance demonstrates that the government was given powers by more than just legislators and Constitutional framers.

Instead, the citizens of the United States of America hold all of the authority over the government.

Where did the expression "We the People" originate?

The preambles of the Indian Constitution and the United States Constitution both begin with the phrase "We the People."

What is the slogan of We the People?

We, the people of the United States, do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States in order to secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and form a more perfect union.

To learn more about We the People here


What does Napoleon do in Chapter 6 of Animal Farm?


Napoleon declares that Animal Farm will start conducting business with nearby farms and appoints Mr. Whymper, a solicitor, to serve as his representative.

Napoleon sentences Snowball to death and provides the traitor's killer with a bushel of apples in exchange. He then makes a fervent speech in which he persuades the animals to repair the windmill despite the laborious work required.

Napoleon's greed increases in Chapter 6. The pigs enter the farmhouse and begin sleeping on the beds since they aren't satisfied with just eating the apples and milk. Napoleon tries to prevent the other animals from questioning this choice by using propaganda and fear.

To know more about  Animal Farm:


timmy, who has recently been diagnosed with schizophrenia, believes his neighbors are spying on him through his television. timmy is experiencing


According to Tarik's condition and experiences, he is suffering from schizophrenia.

A significant mental condition called schizophrenia has an impact on a person's thoughts, feelings, and actions. It can be upsetting for both the person with schizophrenia and their loved ones and friends when a person with schizophrenia appears to have lost touch with reality. It may be challenging to engage in routine, everyday activities due to the symptoms of schizophrenia, but there are effective therapies available. Many persons who receive treatment are able to attend classes or work, become independent, and value their relationships. After the first episode of psychosis, schizophrenia is often diagnosed in patients between the ages of 16 and 30.

Tarik believes that his neighbors can read his thoughts and are spying on him. He hears voices telling him that his neighbors are plotting to take his money and torture him because he is the Supreme Being. Tarik is suffering from ____________________.

Learn more about schizophrenia here:


What does Supremacy Clause do Brainly?


Article VI, paragraph 2, of the U.S. Constitution is known as the Supremacy Clause. It asserts that state laws and even state constitutions are superseded by federal law, which includes the constitution.

The Supremacy Clause's fundamental argument is simple: Federal laws of the sort listed in the first part of the Clause trump state laws that conflict with the Constitution.This Constitution, the laws of the United States made in conformity with it, and all treaties made or to be made under the authority of the United States shall constitute the supreme law of the nation.

learn more about Supremacy Clause here:


What values do wolves represent?


One of the wolves stand for inferiority, false pride, falsehoods, ego, fear, rage, arrogance, sorrow, regret, envy, greed, guilt , self-pity, and superiority. The opposite symbolizes sharing, faith, kindness, tranquility, generosity, happiness, friendship, empathy, and humility.

What is the meaning of tranquility?

When there is serenity, Peace can better be spread from inside. The ambition of tranquility is to beckon serenity to the within from without .

A sentiment of silence and peace is tranquility. It's the feeling you get while looking up at the stars and hearing to the crickets. The soothing feeling of the globe gives out a peaceful air that gives the feeling that there are no problems in the world.

You can take steps to feel more at ease by practicing meditation and concentration on the present rather than thinking on what might happen or may not happen in the future.

Learning to meditate may help you stay positive, balance sentiments, reduce worries, improve your ability for self-evaluation, and increase productivity.

Learn more about tranquility, here on this link:


both democrats and republicans in congress are saying they will pass legislation meant to prevent a ___________________ strike.


Both democrats and republicans in congress are saying they will pass legislation meant to prevent a rail strike.

The government and train corporations and the unions are at odds over wages, job losses, and term and condition modifications.

Any compensation offer, according to unions, should take the growing cost of living into account.

The following dates will see nationwide network disruption due to upcoming strikes: Action by the RMT union on December 13, 20, and 14, 2022. 24th Saturday, 18:00 to 6:00 The RMT union took action on Tuesday, December 27. Action by the RMT union on December 16, 2022, and December 17, 2022.

Learn more about to strike visit here;


there are no logical responses to the problem of evil which causes most secularists to reject christianity. t or f


The large majority of atheists reject Christianity because there is no reasonable way to deal with the problem of evil. TRUE

What is considered evil?

Natural evils are bad circumstances that are not the result of morally repulsive or negligent behavior. Hurricanes and toothaches are examples of natural disasters. Moral diseases are nevertheless influenced by the deeds or negligence of moral agents. Murder and lying are examples of moral transgressions.

What do you evil a bad person?

Sometimes the phrases corrupt, depraved, iniquitous, evil, and cruel are used as synonyms to villainous. The phrase "especially revolting or nasty in nature, attitude, or action" is used to describe all of these actions, although the adjective "villainous" can be used to describe any form of evil, nasty, or filthy behavior.

To know more about evil visit:



infant monkeys raised with a nourishing wire mother and a nonnourishing cloth mother


Infant monkeys were raised by a wire mother who provided nourishment and a cloth mother preferred the non-nourishing cloth mother.

The primate order in the order Mammalia includes monkeys. They are thought to be extremely social animals. They frequently exist in groups known as troops. Typically, they are herbivores. Pygmy Marmoset monkeys are the tiniest primates in existence.

The child is comforted and kept warm by the cloth mother, who is unable to feed the child. The mother that permits the youngster to cling to her is known as the cloth mother, and this behavior is most frequently seen in monkeys.

To know more about cloth mothers visit:


What effect did yellow journalism have on the American public's view of the rebellion in Cuba?


Yellow journalism only told one side of the story, causing Americans to declare war on Spain. They harmed Spain's image. The United States supported Cuba's independence.

Independence is the status of a person, nation, nation, or state in which its people and population, or some component of it, exercise self-government and, in most cases, sovereignty over its territory. The status of a dependent region is the inverse of independence. The observance of a country's or nation's independence day celebrates whenever a country is free from all types of foreign colonialism; free to develop a country or nation without interference from other nations. The topic of whether obtaining independence is distinct from revolution has long been argued, as has the issue of violence as a valid means of achieving sovereignty. In general, revolutions seek only to redistribute power, with or without a component of emancipation.

Learn more about redistribute here


What were the similarities between Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt?


They shared a commitment to enacting major social reforms

What was the African American literary movement of the 1920s?


Black Renaissance The Harlem Renaissance was an African American literary movement that took place in the 1920s.

The most significant period in the history of African American literary movement was the Harlem Renaissance, which took place between 1918 and 1937 and saw a flourishing of African American culture, notably in the creative arts. Participants tried to rethink "the Negro" in a way that was distinct from the white preconceptions that had shaped Black people's relationships to their history and to one another. This was done through incorporating literary, musical, theatrical, and visual arts.We are discussing a significant event for African Americans in the 1920s. In the great arts, including poetry, music, literature, and theater, the Harlem Renaissance attempted to respect the culture and legacy of these African Americans. Langston Hughes was a significant artist of the period.

learn more about literary movement here:


Once a person enters the workforce, they do not have to read much. please select the best answer from the choices provided a. true b. false


Once a person enters into the workforce, they do not have to further read much. This refers to a false statement.

It is false that once an individual joins the workforce, they do not require to read much any longer. It is because reading makes you better at learning new things. When you enter the workforce, it does not mean that you possess all the required skills and training, and thus you further not need to read and learn more. Instead, every individual needs to learn new skills and training with advancements in technologies and as per the requirements of the job.

You can learn more about reading for workforce at






an alternative to child removal is _______, in which a child protective services worker is able to leave the child with the offending family and provide support and frequent visits.


An alternative to child removal is family preservation in which a child protective services worker is able to leave the child with the offending family and provide support and frequent visits.

What is Family Preservation?

The family preservation movement aimed to keep kids with their families instead of placing them in institutions or foster homes. The prior policy of family breakup, which took children from unhealthy households, prompted this trend. Even the foundation of extreme poverty used as justification for the removal of children.

Finally, family preservation works with families to improve their ties and reduce the possibility that children will find up in foster care.

Learn more about family preservation here:

#SPJ1 a person responds to the death of another person depends on who has died and . long they have known them b.if they were related the death occurred d.what age the person was at death


A person responds to the death of another person depends on how the death occurred.

Hence, Option C is correct.

Rage, disappointment, disbelief, remorse, and loneliness. Mentally: forgetfulness, inability to focus, fuzziness, and impaired recall. Changes in your appetite, dreams, or nightmares are examples of behavioral changes. You may or may not want to leave the house or interact with people.

You can act as though nothing has changed or feel numb. This is due to the fact that processing what has happened can take some time. Additionally, you can have disorientation—a sense of being lost in your own environment.

To know more about Feelings here


according to thomas aquinas, using sex in unnatural ways is immoral. what did he consider the worst of all sexual sins?


According to thomas aquinas, using sex in unnatural ways is immoral. Homosexuality consider the worst of all sexual sins.

Homosexuality is romantic appeal, sexual appeal, or sexual conduct among individuals of the equal sex or gender. As a sexual orientation, homosexuality is "a long lasting pattern of emotional, romantic, and/or sexual points of interest" to human beings of the identical sex

bizarre world which turned into released on November 23, 2022, features Ethan Clade, who is the primary homosexual lead character in a Disney animated film. Ethan Clade is voiced with the aid of gay comedian Jaboukie young-White.

Learn more about Homosexuality here:

following the september 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, which film genre did hollywood turn to in order to offer american audiences entertainment and a sense of security?


The film genre which turn to in order to offer American audiences entertainment and a sense of security was Comic book superheroes.

Many films that were in production were trimmed, and many projects that were in progress were canceled. The changes were made for a number of reasons, including keeping the information current, as a mark of respect for those who perished, and to spare individuals who were emotionally touched by the incident from trauma.After September 11, 2001, the Department of Homeland Security was established by the federal government to coordinate initiatives to enhance domestic security.

To know more about 11 September 2001 here


true or false? trade secrets have an unlimited duration, i.e. do not expire after a fixed period of time.


True trade secrets don't have an expiration date; rather, they last indefinitely.

Does length equal time?

Duration simply means "period of time," whereas maturity signifies "the degree to something which is fully developed." When bond investors use the term "duration," they mean something very specific: the degree to which the price of a bond is affected by interest rate changes.

What are time and duration?

The amount of time it takes for just a procedure to finish is its duration. For instance, if you checked the time, leave for a stroll, come back, and discover that fifteen minutes have passed, your walk lasted for that amount of time.

To know more about duration  visit:


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