An employer can eliminate a worker's medical, optical, or dental insurance coverage on the voluntary termination of the worker's employment. True or false?


Answer 1

False. Upon the voluntary termination of a worker's employment, an employer is not permitted to terminate the worker's medical, vision, or dental insurance coverage.

- An employee decides to leave their position or terminate their agreement voluntarily. In contrast to being fired, laid off, or downsized, a voluntary termination is one in which the employee, not the employer, makes the decision.

- When you resign from a job, you might characterize your exit favorably. However, there are also advantages to getting fired. If you aren't fired from your work, you can't receive unemployment benefits.

- For instance, a shift in one's personal circumstances due to family obligations, a decision to return to school, unhappiness with one's workplace due to a hostile supervisor, a lack of appreciation for one's work performance, and a lack of autonomy, challenge, or professional relationships (among others).

To know more about voluntary termination , kindly click on the link below :


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role _______ is experienced when individuals have inadequate information concerning their roles.




The first role process variable to be discussed here is role ambiguity. When individuals have inadequate information concerning their roles, they experience role ambiguity.

with reference to the interactionist view of conflict, conflicts are almost always dysfunctional. a. process b. task c. relationship d. organizational


The correct answer is option c) relationship ; according to the interactionist perspective, conflict is necessary for a group to function properly and can even be advantageous.

Conflict can therefore be healthy or unhealthy. Functional conflict always improves the performance of the group. Personality differences are the basis of disputes in relationships. Given the wide range of human behavior, it can be difficult to control.

Relationship disagreements are so frequently unhealthy since people are typically unable to accept others' differences. Interpersonal interactions are the main focus of relationship conflict. The way the task is done is the source of process conflict. Studies show that interpersonal confrontations are virtually always unhealthy, at least in professional contexts.

Dysfunctional conflict occurs when parties are unable to work together in order to accomplish their shared goals, typically as a result of a failure to settle differences.

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What responsibilities do state courts and the Supreme Courts have in common Use the term constitutional law in your answer​



State courts and the Supreme Court both have the responsibility to interpret and apply constitutional law. They must adhere to the principles of the Constitution and make sure that laws, regulations, and policies are consistent with it. They must also ensure that the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens are protected.



State courts and the Supreme Court both have the responsibility to interpret and apply constitutional law. They must adhere to the principles of the Constitution and make sure that laws, regulations, and policies are consistent with it. They must also ensure that the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens are protected.

when cory is given a logic problem to solve, he systematically tries every possible solution until he finds the correct answer. cory’s strategy is to use:_____.


When Cory is given a logic problem to solve, he systematically tries every possible solution until he finds the correct answer. cory’s strategy is to use: an algorithm.

What is an algorithm?

An algorithm is a process employed for solving a problem or performing a recording. Algorithms act as an same list of instructions that conduct particular actions step by step in either hardware- or software-based routines. Algorithms are popularly employed throughout all fields of IT.

Therefore, an algorithm is the strategy which can be employed to solve a logical problem by systematically seek solution until one gets the correct answer.

learn more about algorithm:


The two-neuron chain allows increased communication and control of the effector organ.T/F


The two-neuron chain allows increased communication and control of the effector organ is True.

Two neuron chains enhance communication and control of effector organs. Two neurons. The visceroefferent pathway innervating smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands involves her two neurons and synapses within the autonomic ganglia.

The cell bodies of preganglionic neurons are located in the brainstem or spinal cord of the central nervous system. preganglionic and postganglionic neurons. Motor neurons release chemicals that are taken up by muscle fibers. This causes the muscle fibers to contract and the muscle to move. Neurons carry messages from the brain through the spinal cord.

Learn more about Two neuron chains here:-


what president believed that american individualism would get them through the depression?


President Herbert Clark Hoover was the American President that believed that American individualism would get America through the depression.

What is Hoover's individualism?

President Herbert Clark Hoover used the term 'rugged individualism' to refer to America's entrepreneurship, free enterprise, and the use of volunteerism as means of civic intervention.

While citing US history in defining  'rugged individualism', he explained that the American System has been developed by the country's history of freedom, self-governance, and individualism.

According to him, 'rugged individualism' would be the primary point to come out of the Great Depression and make America great.

Hoover coined the term on October 22, 1928, in his final campaign speeches at Madison Square Garden in New York City to strike three core points: individual freedom, the elimination of poverty, and success and happiness.

President Hoover was the 31st president of the United States of America from 1929 to 1933. He ruled under the Republican Party.

President Herbert Clark Hoover believed that America would come out of the Great Depression if it would embrace individualism.

Learn more about President Herbert Clark Hoover at


Anything that an agent obtains by virtue of the employment or agency relationship is his or hers to keep.
a) true
b) false


Anything that an agent obtains by virtue of the employment or agency relationship is his or hers to keep FALSE .

The employment level is described because the wide variety people engaged in efficient sports in an economic system. The idea consists of both personnel and the self-employed. the two essential measures used for employment are the quantity of men and women employed or the variety of employees.

Full employment is in particular crucial for low- and moderate-profits households because it now not simplest method extra jobs but additionally leads employers to offer higher wages to attract and hold the people they need.

Inside the phrases of economics, employment way the kingdom of having a process or being hired. If one has to hire a person, they must pay them. the one who employs is called the corporation, and the only who is getting paid for providing services is the worker. Employers can be an company or an character, and so on.

Learn more about employment  here


Which of the following age groups are least likely to turn out to vote ?


An electoral system or voting system is a set of regulations that regulate how elections and referendums are conducted and how their outcomes are determined.

Governments are chosen through electoral processes in politics, although non-political elections can occur in the business world, non-profit organizations, and unofficial groups. All voting-related procedures are governed by the following rules: when elections take place, The table bundle displays voter turnout trends by race, Hispanic origin, age, as well as other factors including educational level and family income. A record-breaking 59.7% of Asian voters participated in the 2020 presidential election. As in previous elections, more women (68.4%) than men (65.0%) cast ballots. Along with rising age, education level, and income, voter turnout also rose. Voter turnout was highest among voters 65 to 74 years old at 76.0%, and lowest among voters 18 to 24 years old at 51.4%. Overall, voter turnout grew with age, with the exception of those 75 and beyond, whose turnout rate was lower than that of those aged 65 to 74 but not statistically different from that of those aged 55 to 64.

learn more about turn out vote here:


What are the 3 roles of local government?


Planning and zoning rules are two examples of local government duties that have an impact on economic growth and planning. Taxation. local support for business.

Local governments oversee services and activities that are tailored to the requirements of the community they serve, as well as develop and enforce local laws. Local infrastructure and roads are two examples of the services offered by councils. pools and park maintenance.

The Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches are among the three branches of government that each of them has. Many of the systems that we use and come into contact with on a daily basis are managed by state and municipal governments. These include public libraries, parks, police and fire departments, as well as schools.

To know more about local government:


when viewing feng mengbo's long march: restart, what are some of the many iconic sites and events from both the east and west? multiple select question. the american moon landing


The Yankee moon touchdown, Godzilla,The red square in Moscow viewing Feng Ningbo's lengthy march.

All crewed moon landings happened between July 1969 and December 1972 as a part of the us Apollo application. All twelve people who have walked on the Moon are American guys.

Moscow, at the Moskva River in western Russia, is the state’s cosmopolitan capital. In its historical center is the Kremlin, a complicated one that’s home to the president and tsarist treasures in the Armoury. out of doors, its partitions is purple square, Russia's symbolic middle. it is home to Lenin’s Mausoleum, the kingdom's historic Museum's comprehensive series, and St. Basil’s Cathedral, regarded for its colorful, onion-fashioned domes.

Learn more about Moscow here


Place the following labels in order indicating the passage of light through the eyeball start with the comes at the top 6 Astro caber Lens 16ook Vibrous Pupil Posto che Cho Come


The anterior chamber is the the front phase of the eye between the cornea and the iris.

The iris controls the quantity of mild that enters the eye by means of opening and closing the pupil. The iris uses muscle tissues to exchange the dimension of the pupil.

What does the anterior chamber of the eye contain?

Anterior chamber: The area of the eye between the cornea and the lens that contains aqueous humor. Aqueous humor: The fluid produced in the eye.

Its main characteristic is to focus the rays of mild that penetrate the eye on the retina. It encompasses the most superficial and transparent phase of the eye, the cornea and the crystalline lens, our eye's natural lens that helps us to center of attention objects.

Learn more about Anterior chamber here:

what term is used to describe a period characterized by very high rates of speciation?


A rapid increase in the number of species that share an ancestor is known as adaptive radiation, and it is characterized by a great deal of ecological and morphological diversity.

What exactly are sympatric and allopatric?

During allopatric speciation, geographical separation causes groups from an ancestral population to develop into distinct species. During sympatric speciation, individuals from the same ancestral population transform into distinct species without regard to distance.

What kind of speciation moves quickly?

Polyploidy, such as doubling the number of chromosomes, can lead to rapid sympatric speciation. The end result is offspring that are immediately unable to reproduce with the parent population.

To learn more about adaptive radiation here


______ theory states that the more participatory and involved older adults are, the more likely they are to be satisfied with their lives.


Activity theory states that the more participatory and involved older adults are, the more likely they are to be satisfied with their lives.

Who are Older Adults?

The United Nations considers everyone over the age of 60 to be an older person. However, additional sociocultural indicators, such as family status (grandparents), physical appearance, or age-related health issues, are frequently used by families and communities to define age.

Because of this, the activity theory, also known as the implicit theory of aging, normal theory of aging, and lay theory of aging, posits that successful aging occurs when older individuals maintain their level of activity and their social connections.

Learn more about older adults here:


Major depressive disorder is often ________, meaning its symptoms are typically present at their full magnitude for a certain period of time and then gradually abate.


Major depressive disorder is considered episodic: its symptoms are typically present at their full magnitude for a certain period of time and then gradually abate.

How is a Sancho different from burrito?


Typically, three different types of meat, beans, and fillings are used to make burritos. The Sancho resembles a burrito with ground beef but has melted cheese on the outside and is served with lettuce and tomatoes on the side.

Burritos differ from other foods in that they are primarily filled with meat before being fried and are served with cheese and sour cream.

A Sancho is a flour tortilla-wrapped portion of seasoned pork with a lot of salad ingredients on top. They were referred to as that by a Midland eatery nearby, and I will, too. The Sancho was originally made using ground beef.

Sancha is the feminine form, whereas Sánchez is the typical patronymic. The name has strong literary ties to Sancho Panza outside of the Spanish-speaking world.

To learn more about Sancho


How did the status of government officials affect the daily lives of people in this social class?


The standing of the government officials determined whether their lives were lavish or not. The luxurious dinners and better lives were experienced by higher-rank officials than by lower-status officials.

What is Social Class?

The social class describes societal distinctions based on social and economic standing. People who belong to the same socioeconomic class frequently have comparable levels of wealth, educational attainment, employment status, and income.

Because of the connection between social class background and life opportunities (or lack thereof) and the controversy over the degree to which social class background affects an individual's life chances, social class is one of the most crucial subjects throughout AS and Level Sociology.

The working, middle, and upper classes are the three social classes most commonly used to describe the social class in Britain. Social class is, however, subject to change, and most people concur that during the past 20 years, an underclass with few opportunities for full-time employment has emerged. We must start somewhere, therefore here are some basic definitions for these four terms that you should strive to go beyond.

To learn more about Social Class follow the link.


what is the term used to describe overcoming adverse environmental circumstances and achieving healthy development despite those circumstances?


Resilience is the term used to describe overcoming adverse environmental circumstances and achieving healthy development despite those circumstances.

The American Psychological Association defines resilience as both the process and the result of successfully adjusting to adverse or challenging life circumstances.Physical, mental, and social. three distinct domain kinds. Physical, biological, physiological, motor, health, and disease processesThe three factors that make up HDI are used to evaluate it: Education. expectancy of life. per-person income.

To know more about Resilience here


the global availability of a multitude of communication methods has enabled the use of media in new ways that can benefit indigenous communities. what is the definition of indigenous media?


The global availability of a mess of communique strategies has enabled the use of media in the use of media through people who've experienced monetary, political, and geographic disruption to construct alternative techniques for conversation, survival, and empowerment.

An anthropologist who has written ethnographies approximately both power infrastructures like strength and German newshounds writing international news proposed that we flow from media anthropology to an “anthropology of mediation.Rather than use a popular definition of what counts as media .

Multimedia generation is a herbal healthy for ethnography and different forms of regions in which social description is wanted. it could assist the visual ethnographic strategies of studies and representation, analysis of the sphere place, preparation of research layout, and various methods of records series.

Learn more about Multimedia here


How is education funded in the US?


From kindergarten through the twelfth grade, basic education is offered in public schools in the United States. This is offered at no cost to the parents and pupils,

but it is funded by regular federal tax revenue as well as property owner taxes. The states have mandated this schooling. After completing this foundational education, one receives a high school diploma, which serves as proof of fundamental abilities for employers. State government money is the main source of funding for primary and secondary education, followed by municipal contributions (primarily property taxes). The General Education Development (GED) coursework required to get a job or go to college are offered by the public education system. Higher education may be deemed appropriate.

learn more about education here:


physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual well-being are components of the multidimensional model of wellness true or false


Emotional, occupational, physical, social, intellectual, and spiritual wellness are the six dimensions of wellness promoted by the National Wellness Institute.

A comprehensive sense of wellness and fulfillment is created in our lives when we take care of all six facets of wellness. There are numerous ways to define wellness. The National Wellbeing Institute, with the assistance of experts in health and wellness, provided several interpretations and models of it, despite the fact that there may be disagreements over what wellness entails.One learns the interdependence of each dimension and how each one contributes to healthy living by using the Six Dimensional Model.

learn more about  wellness  here:


what does stephens suggest that science and experience have revealed about the declaration of independence?


Stephens have revealed about the declaration of independence as a beautiful work of literature.

When reading The Declaration of Independence, the reader can understand that in order for human life to be peaceful and as one, three elements—Life, Freedom, and the pursuit of Joy—must have been satisfied.

Since it makes extensive use of literary devices including parallelism, redundancy, symbolism, absolute opposite, and symbolism, declaration of independence qualifies as a work of literature. It's not simply scholarly tools that are a sign of a good piece of writing. It is a remarkable piece of literature because it allows readers to explore incredibly imaginative prose with strong and audacious guidelines to support the convictions and privileges they need to achieve. It encourages readers to consider the struggle for opportunities and strong will.

Learn more about Declaration of Independence here:


How quality can be brought about in the teaching/learning process?


To bring about quality in the teaching/learning process, we should:

Utilize technology to enhance learning.Involve students in the learning process.Utilize different teaching styles.

Bringing Quality to the Teaching/Learning Process

Utilize technology to enhance learning.

Technology, such as interactive whiteboards, can help to engage students and give them a more interactive and stimulating learning experience.

Involve students in the learning process.

Ask students to contribute to the lesson by participating in activities and discussions. This can help them to become more engaged and invested in the learning process.

Utilize different teaching styles.

Different students have different learning styles, so it’s important to use a variety of teaching styles to cater to each student’s needs.

Encourage critical thinking.

Ask students to think critically and apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios. This can help them to gain a deeper understanding of the material.

Set high standards.

Set high expectations for yourself and your students. Make sure that your students are held accountable for their learning and that your goals are challenging yet achievable.

Make learning relevant.

Connect the material to real-world applications, as this can help to make learning more meaningful and engaging.

Learn more about Teaching/Learning Process at:


1. why do christians believe that morality is absolute and objective, rather than relative and subjective? if morality is objective, where do christians get their moral standard?


Since they think that morality is only valid if it is given by a neutral authority with perfect knowledge who can dependable determine what is "good" and "evil" in all circumstances.

What is morality?

Morality is the conviction that certain behaviors are proper and appropriate while other behaviors are wrong. A civilization employs moral principles to evaluate what is reasonable, right, or acceptable. Most societies agree that killing is bad, although some recognize an exemption for killing during a war that is waged to defend the nation or for killing in self-defense.

What does morality mean in ethics and why morality is important in our daily life?

Morality is the term used to describe what societies sanction is right and acceptable. Most people have a tendency to behave decently and obediently. Morality frequently calls for putting society ahead of one's own short-term interests.

Happiness rises when one is treated morally; it falls when one is treated immorally. People's feeling of meaning and purpose in life rose when they personally engaged in moral actions. This study found, among other things, that both religious and non-religious people were equally prone to commit morally righteous and immoral activities.

To know more about Morality visit:


the birth and growth of the church in acts reveals god’s plan to take the gospel to the world as an extension of the jewish messianic hope from its beginning in jewish jerusalem to the heart of the gentile world in rome. t or f


The birth and growth of the church in acts reveals god’s plan to take the gospel to the world as an extension of the Jewish messianic hope from its beginning in Jewish Jerusalem to the heart of the gentile world in rome. This statement is true.

What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the birth of the church?

In the Christian church, the day came to be known as Pentecost and was commemorated as the "birthday of the Church." The "Acts of the Apostles," a book in the New Testament that recounts the history of the early church and begins with this incident, was written at the end of the first century by the author of the Gospel of Luke.

To know more about birth and growth of the church, refer:


in what way does sara's story significantly differ from the diagnoses criteria for bulimia and anorexia? a.sara's negative self-image was driven by her grandmother's concern, not hers. b.sara seems to have control over her eating habits. c.sara, an african american, is also a minority among girls and women diagnosed with bulimia in that the vast majority are white. d.sara's negative self-image began with her height.


Option (c). Because the majority of girls and women with bulimia are white, Sara, an African American, is likewise a minority when compared to the criteria used to diagnose bulimia and anorexia.

Sara's tale is not all that dissimilar from that of most sufferers of eating disorders. My battle with bulimia meets the standard diagnosis, and the parallels between my experience and others' are startling. But to me, it is special, distinctive, and deeply personal. And my most recent recovery path has been both the most difficult and proudest achievement of my life. Anorexia nervosa is a sickness of self-starvation including severe weight loss of 15% or more of optimum body weight, which is the fundamental distinction between the diagnosis.

Patients with bulimia nervosa, however, are always overweight or average weight. The disordered eating behaviors used to express the conditions are the major distinction between BN (bulimia) and AN (anorexia). Restrictive eating habits are displayed by those who have anorexia nervosa. People who have bulimia nervosa go through periods of bingeing and subsequently cleansing. However, research on twin studies, which can isolate the genetic component, has demonstrated that 40% to 60% of the risk for anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder is genetically determined.

Learn more about bulimia visit this link :


Why is it important to include keywords that represent each of the essential concepts that make up your research question when you are searching for sources?

Group of answer choices

- To ensure that your results are more relevant.
- To find every source that might be related to your topic.
- To get every potential format, like books or articles, in your search results.
- To ensure the perfect keyword combination so you only need to search once.
- To ensure you only find authoritative sources.


It is important to mention keyw-ords as :  To find every source that might be related to your topic

Hence, option B is correct.

The words and phrases that users enter into as keywords help them find the information they're looking for. For instance, you may enter " jack-et" into Goo-gle if you want to purchase a new jacket. That phrase is still a keyword even though it contains many words.All keyw-ords can be grouped into four basic types of intent when determining a user's motivations for conducting a search: commercial, transactional, informational, and navigational.

To know more about Key-words visit


Why is turnout so important?


Turnout may be decreased by voter tiredness. Voter turnout will decline if several elections are held quickly after one another since people would become weary of voting. The typical voter receives seven invitations to the polls annually in Switzerland, a country with low voter turnout; the average voter receives two invitations per year in the United States;

Voter turnout is the percentage of voters who participated in an election commonly referred to as those who cast ballots according to political science. This can be the proportion of voters who are registered, eligible, or of voting age. Political scientists Adam Boniva and Michael McFaul of Stanford University claim that there is general agreement that "democracies perform better when more people vote."

learn more about turnout here:


22. true or false: schools should avoid having law enforcement personnel provide a visible and regular presence on campus during school hours and at school-related events.


Schools should avoid having law enforcement personnel provide a visible and regular presence on campus during school hours and at school-related events. FALSE.

School resource officers were expected to be accountable for preventing mass shootings and juvenile crime. The role of school police in keeping order and school safety is critical. School resource officers who have been properly trained perform very much like advisors and teachers. School resource officers "effectively reduce some sorts of violence in school system, but do not help stop school shootings," according to the study. Two studies indicate that  law enforcement personnel make schools safer, however a third does not.

Learn more on law enforcement


When you experience severe anxiety and stress, your ____________ is likely playing a role in your emotional state.


When you experience the severe anxiety and stress, your anxiety is likely playing role in your emotional state.

What is anxiety?

A state of mind known as anxiety comprises unpleasant internal conflict as well as feelings of dread about upcoming events. A subjectively perceived threat can produce anxiety, which manifests as a generalised feeling of unease and fear. Along with it are commonly tense muscles, restlessness, fatigue, shortness of breath, nausea, tight abdominal muscles, and attention deficit disorders. Fear and anxiety are closely related; while anxiety is the worry about an approaching threat, including dread, fear is the response to an immediate threat, whether that threat is real or imagined. Anxious people may avoid circumstances that have previously made them feel anxious. Anxiety disorders come in a variety of forms, each with a distinct clinical description.

To learn more about anxiety, visit:


Which event occurred as a result of General Cornwallis’s surrender at the Battle of Yorktown?


Answer: The revolutionary war ended

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