An automobile of mass 1.46 E3 kg rounds a curve of radius 25.0 m with a velocity of 15.0 m/s. The
centripetal force exerted on the automobile while rounding the curve is:


Answer 1


Centripetal force = 13140 Newton.


Given the following data;

Mass = 1.46 E3 kg = 1.46*10³ = 1460 kg

Velocity = 15m/s

Radius, r = 25m

To find the centripetal force, we would use the following formula:

Centripetal force = mv²/r

Substituting into the equation, we have;

Centripetal force = (1460*15²)/25

Centripetal force = (1460 * 225)/25

Centripetal force = 328500/25

Centripetal force = 13140 Newton.

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The Berlin marathon is one of the fastest marathons courses; many world records have been set there. In 2014 Dennis Kimetto ran the 42.195 km in 2 hours, 2 minutes and 5 seconds. what was his average speed?



about 2000 klm per min


How would a weaker jet stream help to cause extreme flooding?(1 point)



It would allow storm systems to stall in an area.

Answer: A weaker jet stream would allow storm systems to stall in one area.

What color rays have the smaller/lesser angle





Which magnets need electric current for magnetism?
a. Bar magnets b. Temporary magnets c. Permanent magnets magnets


Probably temporary magnets, but I’m. It sure

Temporary magnets require electric current to produce magnetism and magnetic field lines B) Temporary magnets

In electromagnets, their magnetism is dependent on electricity  with an iron core in the center. If we add an iron core to a solenoid, we can increase its magnetic field strength . When we connect  a battery to a solenoid and wrap the sanded copper wire around a nail, a magnetic field is created. This force is generated by the magnetic field that's  created when current flows through the coil.

As long as there is a direct current running  through the coil, the nail will retain its magnetic properties. However, once the current stops, the magnetism of the nail is lost .  Creating electromagnets can be achieved by winding wire around the iron core.

The advantages of electromagnets are :

Electromagnets can be turned on and off magnetic Fields can be increased and decreased Electromagnets can be cheap compared to permanent magnets. The same cannot be said for a permanent magnet.

To learn more about Magnets

A 5 kg object is moving downward at a velocity of 12 m/s and is
currently 2.6 meters above the ground.

calculate its kinetic energy
calculate its potential energy
calculate its mechanical energy



the first one i think


What happens when a pebble lying on the ground is kicked?

A. Energy is completely lost.

B. Energy is created.

C. Energy is destroyed.

D. Energy is transferred.



I'm 100% sure it's D. but if it isn't, sorry :(

D. Energy is transferred
explanation: energy is neither created nor destroyed, energy can be transferred from one object to another

How does Newton's third law of motion apply to how the planets move?


According to Newton's third law of motion, every action has an equal but opposite reaction. When the force of thrust is exerted on an object, it will cause the equal but opposite reaction of moving the object through the air.

name one material through which continuous flow of charge can be produced from chemical energy​





A battery is a device that stores chemical energy, and converts it to electricity. This is known as electrochemistry and the system that underpins a battery is called an electrochemical cell. A battery can be made up of one or several (like in Volta's original pile) electrochemical cells

is a rare disorder that includes the inability to feel pain.
A. Somatoform pain disorder
B. Congenital analgesia
C. Kinesthesis
D. Anesthesia
Please select the best answer from the choices provided


The rare disorder that includes the inability to feel pain is called Congenital analgesia. That is option B.

What is Congenital analgesia?

Congenital analgesia is defined as ,the name implies, a genetic disorder that rarely occurs which makes one not to be able to feel pain.

It is an autosomal recessive disorder in which there is genetic changes in the PMRD12 gene.

Therefore, the rare disorder that includes the inability to feel pain is called Congenital analgesia.

Learn more about pain here:


As a geologist, you come across a landscape with a massive fault zone that
produces a lot of large earthquakes but has no volcanoes. What type of plate
boundary is this? What are the movements of plates there? Where is this type
of boundary found in California?



At a convergent boundary where both plates are continental, mountain ranges grow and earthquakes are common. At a transform boundary, there is a transform fault and massive earthquakes occur but there are no volcanoes. Processes acting over long periods of time create Earth's geographic features.


Which type of waves are able to travel through various types of media and space
a) body
b) electromagnetic
c) parabolic







Are acceleration and force proportional or inversely proportional values?



Yes, acceleration and force are directly proportional to each other.


The force acting on an object is given by :

F = ma


m is mass

a is acceleration

It can be clear from the above formula that the acceleration and the force are directly proportional to each other.

Help pwease and tanks >:|





Cause I think it is

Which is heavier , a kilogram of lead or a kilogram of a polystyrene beads ?​



They weight the same, they're both 1 kilogram

The weight of the given objects is the same since they have equal mass.

Weight of object

The weight of an object is the gravitational pull of earth on the object. Weight is vector quantity because it varies from place to place due to difference in acceleration due to gravity.

The weight of 1 kg lead

W = mg

W = 1 x 9.8

W = 9.8 N

The weight of 1 kg polystyrene

W = mg

W = 1 x 9.8

W = 9.8 N

Thus, the weight of the given objects is the same since they have equal mass.

Learn more about weight here:

what is Schwartzchild radius??
no copied answers plz



Schwarzschild radius is the radius of the boundary of a hole of this type.

What does it mean with the car accelerates but in the opposite direction of the car?​



When an object slows down, its acceleration is opposite to the direction of its motion. This is known as deceleration.


A 0.144 kg baseball approaches a batter with a speed of . The batter lines the ball directly back to the pitcher with a speed of . Find the impulse exerted on the ball . If the bat and ball were in contact for 0.012 sec , find the average force exerted on the ball by the bat 20 m/s 30 m/s.



What you say ¡

no pagal

Mayur is very very shame


In which beaker were the particles moving the most slowly?
O A. Beaker C: 15°C
B. Beaker D: 18°C
C. Beaker B: 9°C
O D. Beaker A: 3°C



It might be wrong but d? i think


B. Beaker D: 18°C


Test approved

Explain the difference between velocity and acceleration.​



velocity has direction and acceleration doesn't

Acceleration is increasing or decreasing speed or changing direction, whereas velocity is how much distance you cover in a given amount of time.



i think so yes, it makes sense

The wood wrangler track team traveled South toward Garner Middle
School, they drove 20 km in 10 min, what was the VELOCITY of the team?
0.5 km/min
0.5 km/min SOUTH
2 km/min
2 km/min SOUTh





Velocity= change in distance / time taken

Velocity = 20km/10min=2km/min south

South is placed there to show what direction she went, as velocity has both magnitude and direction

Which of the following accurately describes how scientists use models?
A. To make science seem more complex and inaccessible
B. To take measurements of an object, process, or system as it is in
C. To make direct observations of a natural object, process, or
D. To represent objects, processes, and systems that are too large,
too small, or too complex to study directly





To represent objects, processes, and systems that are too large, too small, or too complex to study directly

The correct option is (d) To represent objects, processes, and systems that are too large, too small, or too complex to study directly.

Scientists employ models to comprehend phenomena they are unable to directly observe. Models aid scientists in their understanding of phenomena, no matter how big or little they may be, such as the universe or an atom. Additionally, they can aid in their understanding of systems like weather patterns.In a range of scientific disciplines, from physics and chemistry to ecology and the Earth sciences, scientific models are employed to explain and forecast the behavior of real things or systems.Models can aid in scientific prediction, understanding of processes, and communication of ideas.

The 4 types of scientific models -

Analogies diagrams, Physical replicas, Mathematical representations.Simulations on a computer.

Learn more about scientific models


Your personal hygiene is more important to avoid you becoming ill, more so than spreading germs.


I think it’s False, because spreading germs can impact and spread way easier than having a good hygiene ( but still wash your hand!)

What latitudes experience both summer and winter?


There are only two times of the year when the Earth's axis is tilted neither toward nor away from the sun, resulting in a equal amount of daylight and darkness at all latitudes. These events are referred to as Equinoxes.The word equinox is derived from two Latin words - aequus (equal) and nox (night). At the equator, the sun is directly overhead at noon on these two equinoxes. How do the climatological temperature patterns follow the four seasons? The temperatures are pretty much the same when comparing early winter to late winter and pretty much the same when comparing early summer to late summer. However, late Fall is much colder than early Fall and late Spring is much warmer than early Spring. Why is that? The reason is linked to the changing of the solar sun angle during each season. In the Fall, the sun angle is always getting lower and in the Spring it is always getting higher. From this it would make sense that late Fall is much colder than early Fall and late Spring is much warmer than early Spring.  In the winter, the sun angle is INCREASING and in the summer the sun angle is DECREASING. This fact causes temperatures to be pretty much the same when comparing early winter to late winter and pretty much the same when comparing early summer to late summer. The cumulative cooling of the ground and ocean is partially offset by an increasing sun angle in the winter and the cumulative warming of the ground and ocean is partially offset by a decreasing sun angle in the summer. This causes the Spring and Fall seasons to seem much quicker in duration than the Summer and Winter seasons.

I know this is long... but does this help??

If a ball that is 10 meters above the ground is thrown horizontally at 5.51 meters per second. a. how long will it take for the ball to hit the ground? b. how far will the ball travel in the horizontal direction before it hits the ground?​



a. t = 1.43 s

b. d = 7.88 m


a. The time of flight can be found using the following equation:

[tex] y_{f} = y_{0} + v_{0_{y}}t - \frac{1}{2}gt^{2} [/tex]


[tex]y_{f}[/tex]: is the final height = -10 m

[tex]y_{0}[/tex]: is the initial height = 0

[tex]v_{0_{y}}[/tex]: is the initial speed in the vertical direction = 0

g: is the acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/s²

By solving the above equation for "t" we have:

[tex] t = \sqrt{\frac{2y_{f}}{g}} = \sqrt{\frac{2*10 m}{9.81 m/s^{2}}} = 1.43 s [/tex]

Hence, the ball will hit the ground in 1.43 s.

b. The distance in the horizontal direction can be found as follows:

[tex] x_{f} = x_{0} + v_{0}t + \frac{1}{2}at^{2} [/tex]


x₀: is the initial position in the horizontal direction = 0

a: is the acceleration in the horizontal direction = 0 (it is moving at constant speed)

[tex] x_{f} = 5.51 m/s*1.43 s = 7.88 m [/tex]

Therefore, the ball will travel 7.88 m before it hits the ground.

I hope it helps you!

Narcotics are highly addictive and affect the driver's
Oa) decision making
Ob) vision
Oc) motor skills
Od) all of the above




that's should be the answer

Od) all of the above

URGENT PLEASE HELP!!!! GIVING BRAINLIEST!! If you answer this correctly ill answer some of your questions you have posted! (29pts)







I think these are right but if not I’m sorry

Hope I helped :]


Select the correct answer.

According to this map, which county in Florida is most in need of safe rooms and hurricane ties?






Palm Beach





I think it's Miami-Dade


i hope this helps


it is miami-dade!


I got stuck on this question ​


Answer it 2n


With this pandemic, have you gained a new appreciation for your education



YESSS. my education went down hill since the pandemic :(


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