an argument is sound if it is group of answer choices valid and has a true conclusion. invalid but has a true conclusion. valid and has true premises. invalid but has true premises


Answer 1

Yes a sound argument has true conclusion this statement is true.

1. A valid argument must have a true conclusion.

This statement(1) is false. A valid argument must have a true conclusion only if all of the premises are true.  So it is possible for a valid argument to have a false conclusion as long as at least one premise is false.

2.A sound argument must have a true conclusion.

This Statement(2) is true.

If an argument is sound, then it is valid and has all true premises.  Since it is valid, the argument is such that if all the premises are true, then the conclusion must be true.  A sound argument really does have all true premises so it does actually follow that its conclusion must be true.

3. If a valid argument has a false conclusion, then at least one premise must be false.

this statement(3) is true

A valid argument cannot have all true premises and a false conclusion.  So if a valid argument does have a false conclusion, it cannot have all true premises.  Thus at least one premise must be false.

To know more about sound argument here:


Related Questions

A grocery store chain introduces a new brand of cereal in several of its stores. The function B(w)=120w150+w2 for w≥0 models the number of boxes, B, in thousands, of the cereal sold after w weeks. The graph of this function is shown below.

Select the THREE true statements regarding the graph of B(w).
Based on the zeros of the function, the number of boxes of cereal sold is 0 after 0 weeks.

Based on the zeros of the function, the number of boxes of cereal sold is 0 after 1,250 weeks.

Based on the end behavior of the function, the number of boxes of cereal sold will keep falling after reaching the maximum.

Based on the asymptote of the function, the number of boxes of cereal sold will never fall below 800 after reaching the maximum.

Based on the asymptote of the function, the number of boxes of cereal sold will never reach 0 after the cereal is introduced in the store.


The THREE true statements regarding the graph of B(w) are;

A) Based on the zeros of the function, the number of boxes of cereal sold is 0 after 0 weeks.

C) Based on the end behavior of the function, the number of boxes of cereal sold will keep falling after reaching the maximum.

E) Based on the asymptote of the function, the number of boxes of cereal sold will never reach 0 after the cereal is introduced in the store.

How to Interpret Quadratic Graph?

We are given the graph represented by the quadratic function;

B(w) = 120w/(150 + w²) for w ≥ 0 that models;

the number of boxes, B, in thousands, of the cereal sold after w weeks

From the graph, we can see that at the origin which is the coordinate (0, 0) that it remains so and as such the number of boxes of cereal sold is 0 after 0 weeks. Thus, option A is correct

Secondly, from the given graph, we see that the graph starts rising from zero to a maximum after which it keeps falling. Thus, we can say that option C is correct

Lastly, we see that the graph asymptote approaches 500 thousand boxes but never gets to zero and as such we can say that option E is correct.

Read more about Quadratic Graph at;


which of the choices represents the number of days a taxpayer is allowed to extend the time to petition the tax court?a. 10 days, plus any days the location was unavailable or inaccessible. b. 12 days, less any days the location was unavailable or inaccessible. c. 14 days, plus any days the location was unavailable or inaccessible.d. 21 days, less any days the location was unavailable or inaccessible.


The right response is 21 days, minus any days that the location was unavailable or inaccessible.

What is the time petition of the tax court?

This is due to the fact that taxpayers have 21 days starting from the date of the Notice of Deficiency to file a petition with the Tax Court, as per the Internal Revenue Service. However, the taxpayer can be given longer time to submit the petition if their place of residence or business was inaccessible or unavailable as a result of a natural disaster..

Upon receiving a Notice of Deficiency, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) gives taxpayers 21 days to file a petition with the Tax Court. This petition is a formally filed motion asking the court to consider the proposed assessment of the IRS and resolve the taxpayer's disagreements with the agency.

Therefore, the right response is 21 days, minus any days that the location was unavailable or inaccessible.

To know more about tax payer, visit:


1 A rectangular prism has a base that is 6 meters by 3.5 meters, and the prism is
9 meters high. What is the surface area of the prism?
A 213 square meters
C 150 square meters
B 171 square meters
D 106.5 square meters



A) 213 m²



Dimensions of prism: 6m × 3.5m × 9m

Total surface area:

S = 2(lw + lh + wh)S = 2(6*3.5 + 6*9 + 3.5*9) = 2(106.5) = 213 m²

Correct choice is A.

for a test concerning a mean, a sample of size is obtained from a normal population. the population variance is known. in testing versus , the test statistic is . what is your decision in this test?


For a test concerning a mean, a sample of size is obtained from a normal population. the population variance is known in testing versus the test statistic. Therefore, The Null Hypothesis is Rejected.


In mathematics, especially statistics, there are several kinds of instruments. Each average is used to summarize a particular group of data in order to better understand the overall values ​​(magnitude and sign) of a particular data set.

For datasets, the arithmetic mean, also called the "arithmetic mean", is a measure of the central tendency of a finite set of numbers. More specifically, the sum of the values ​​divided by the number of values. The arithmetic mean of a series of numbers x₁, x₂, ..., xₙ is usually given by the overhead bar. The dataset was based on a series of observations obtained by sampling from a statistical population. The arithmetic mean is the population mean.

Sample Size:

Sample size is a term used in market research to define the number of subjects included in the sample size. Sample size means the group of subjects selected from the general population and considered representative of the actual population for this particular study.

For example, if you want to predict how a population of a certain age group will react to a new product, you can first test with a sample representative of your target group his size. In this case, the sample size is derived from the number of people interviewed in this age group.

Population Variance:

Population variance is a measure of variance that determines how far each data point is from the population mean. Population variance can be defined as the average squared deviation from the mean of the data. Population refers to all observations within a finite group. Population variance is calculated based on the population. However, as the number of observations increases, some data points are selected that can represent the entire population. These specific data points form the sample, and the variance calculated from these data is called the sample variance. We can use the sample variance to estimate the population variance.

Learn more about Population Variance:


Dalton and Alma work as tutors at two different test-prep
companies. In one week, Dalton earns 40% of the $2,100
collected from the pupils he tutors. Alma earns 20% of the
$3.675 collected from the pupils she tutors the same week.
arns more money in a week? Explain.
Dalton and Alma earn the same amount in one week.
They both earn $.
(Type a whole number.)
B. Alma earns more money in one week. Dalton earns
$ and Alma earns $
in one week.
(Type whole numbers.)
C. Dalton earns more money in one week. Dalton earns
$ and Alma earns $ in one week.
(Type whole numbers.)


Dalton earns more money in one week.

Dalton earns $840 and Alma earns $735 in one week.

What are Percentages?

Percentage can be calculated by dividing the value by the total value, and then multiplying the result by 100.

Percentage is a number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100. It is often denoted using the percent sign, "%".

Percentage can be calculated by dividing the value by the total value, and then multiplying the result by 100. It is given by:

Percentage = (value / total value) * 100%

The question requires us to work out the percentages of the pay each of Dalton and Alma gets.

Dalton makes;

40% of $2,100

which equals [tex]\frac{40}{100}[/tex] x 2100 = $840

While Alma makes;

20% of $3,675

which equals [tex]\frac{20}{100}[/tex] x 3,675 =  $735

Find out more on Percentage at:


In working with two variables related by a regression​ equation, the​ _________________ in a variable is the amount that it changes when the other variable changes by exactly one unit.


In working with two variables related by a regression equation, the marginal change in a variable is the amount that it changes when the other variable changes by exactly one unit.

What is the regression equation for two independent variables?The regression equation, Y'i = b₀ + b₁X₁[tex]_{i}[/tex] + b₂X₂[tex]_{i}[/tex], in three dimensions, defines a plane. If you computed all possible values of Y for all possible values of X1 and X2, all of the points would fall on a two-dimensional surface.If y is the dependent variable and x is the independent variable in a regression analysis, the relationship is described as the regression of y on x. A simple equation known as the regression equation can be used to represent the relationship.

Learn more about regression equation at:


Tom has a 300-foot fence around his
rectangular yard. The width is 90 feet
less than twice the length. What is the
area of his rectangular yard?


The area of the rectangular yard is 153, 00 square feet

How to determine the value

The formula for determining the area of a rectangle is expressed as;

Area = lw


l is the length of the rectanglew is the width of the rectangle

From the information, we have that;

Length = 300 feet

Width = 90 feet less than twice the length

Width = 2(300) - 90

Find the values

Width = 600 - 90

Width =510 feet

Now, substitute the values

Area = 510(300)

Area = 153, 00 square feet

Hence, the value is 153, 00 square feet

Learn more about area here:


what is the slope and y intercept of y+1=4/3x and how do you find the answers​



y intercept) -1

slope) 4/3

Step-by-step explanation:

To find the slope, we first need to move the 1 to the other side to get:

y = 4/3x - 1

The slope of an equation is basically the number next to the x, and it calculates the rise over the run. For this equation, for example, the slope is:


The y-intercept is when the line crosses the y-axis. Since all slope intercept form problems are written as y = mx + b, the b defines the y-intercept in this case it is:


which value of x makes the expression 3sqrt153x equivalent to 21sqrt153




Step-by-step explanation:

Answer: x=49

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]3\sqrt[]{153x} = 21\sqrt[]{153}[/tex]

To remove the radical on the left side of the equation, square both sides.

[tex](3\sqrt{153x})^{2}= (21\sqrt{153})^{2}[/tex]


Divide each term in

1377x=67473 by 1377and simplify


what adds to be -24 and multiplies to be 23




Step-by-step explanation:

Identify the slope for the given line. What does the slope represent?



25 m/s²


Step-by-step explanation:

m = (100 - 25)/(4 - 1) = 75/3 = 25 m/s²

The slope is the rate of change in velocity as a function of time.

The rate of change of velocity is called the acceleration.

0.84 is 28% of what number​








So, 3 is your answer
3. I can’t explain how I got the answer, because I guessed, but it’s right.

Cara used the order of operations to evaluate the expression below.


What was Cara’s first error?


Cara did not evaluate 7−13 .
Cara did not evaluate 7 minus 13 .

Cara did not evaluate (−4)2 .
Cara did not evaluate negative 4 squared .

Cara subtracted 2 from 6 incorrectly.
Cara subtracted 2 from 6 incorrectly.

Cara multiplied 2 and 4 incorrectly.
Cara multiplied 2 and 4 incorrectly.


The Car's first error is :

Cara subtracted 2 from 6 incorrectly.

Cara subtracted 2 from 6 incorrectly.

What is meant by mathematical expression ?

Mathematical expressions consist of at least two numbers or variables, at least one arithmetic operation, and a statement. It's possible to multiply, divide, add, or subtract with this mathematical operation.

A mathematical expression shows the value of something by combining numbers, variables, and operators. A mathematical statement known as an equation involves setting two expressions equal to one another.

Calcular los dos primeros términos: 4 *(-6)/3+(-4)²-2*(6-2)

Calcular los dos primeros términos: 4 *(-6)/3+(-4)²-2* 4

Reducir la fracción al término menor, cancelando el máximo factor común:-4 * 2 (-4)²-2 * 4

Calcular la potencia:-4 * 2+16-2*4

Calcular los dos primeros términos:-8 + 16-2*4

Calcular los dos primeros términos:-8+16-2*4

Calcular los dos primeros términos:8-8

Calcular los dos primeros términos:0

To learn more about Mathematical expressions refer to :


Solve the following system of equations.




x=-5  y=3

Step-by-step explanation:


















ethan buys a video game on sale. if the video game usually costs $39.99, and it was on sale for 20% off, how much did ethan pay? round to the nearest cent.


Answer: 31.99$ or 32$

Step-by-step explanation:

Discount = Original Price x Discount %/100

Discount = 39.99 × 20/100

Discount = 39.99 x 0.2

You save = $8.00

Final Price = Original Price - Discount

Final Price = 39.99 - 7.998

Final Price = $31.99


x/39.99 is the same as 20%/100% so you would cross multiply 39.99 x 20 then divide by 100 which is 16.8 then add 39.99 - 16.8 to get $23.19.

How much simple interest is earned on an investment of $800 with a rate of 6.1% over 7 years?

A. $341.60
B. $410.87
C. $3,416.00
D. $4,108.70




Step-by-step explanation:





Hopes this helps

Quadrilateral mnop was dilated with the origin as the center of dilation to create quadrilateral m'n'o'p'. The quadrilateral was dilated using a scale factor of 1. 5. The coordinates of the vertices of quadrilateral mnop are given. What are the coordinates of n'?.


The coordinates of N' will be (4.5, 5.25)

The picture is given by the product of the corresponding point on the preimage and the scale factor, with the center of dilatation at the origin.

The origin is the center of dilatation of a quadrilateral MNOP.

The picture that results from the dilatation of MNOP = M'N'O'P'

The dilation scale factor is 1.5.

N's coordinates in MNOP = N (3, 3.5)

The coordinates of a point (x', y') on the picture after dilatation with the center at the origin, of the preimage (x, y) by a scale factor are given below;

   (x', y') = Scale factor × (x, y)

Which gives;

The coordinates of N' = 1.5 × N(3, 3.5) = N'(1.5 × 3, 1.5 × 3.5) = N'(4.5, 5.25)

The coordinates of N' = (4.5, 5.25)

Learn more about dilation transformation here:


find the probability of getting 6 face cards (king, queen, or jack) when 6 cards are drawn from a deck without replacement.


The probability of getting 6 face cards (king, queen, or jack) when 6 cards are drawn from a deck without replacement is 77/1696543.

What is probability?

The area of mathematics known as probability deals with numerical descriptions of how likely it is for an event to happen or for a proposition to be true. A number between 0 and 1 is the probability of an event, where, roughly speaking, 0 denotes the event's impossibility and 1 denotes its certainty.

Total number of face cards in deck =12

When 6 cards are drawn = 12C6 =924

Without replacement :

P(6 face cards)=12C6 /52C6

P(6 face cards)=924/20358520

P(6 face cards)=231/5089630

P(6 face cards)=77/1696543

Or another way

P(6 face cards) =(12/52)*(11/51)*(10/50)*(9/49)*(8/48)*(7/47)

P(6 face cards)=665280/14658134400

P(6 face cards)=924/20358520

P(6 face cards)=77/1696543

Hence, the probability of getting 6 face cards (king, queen, or jack) when 6 cards are drawn from a deck without replacement is 77/1696543.

To know more about probability, click on the link


As Evin is driving her car, she notices that after 1 hour her gas tank has 7.25 gallons left and after 4 hours of driving, it has 3.5 gallons of gas left in it.
According to this equation, after how many hours of driving would Evin run out of gas?


According to this equation, after 3.73 hours (3 hours, 44 minutes) of driving, Evin would run out of gas.

What is the equation?

This equation, which is a mathematical statement showing that two or more mathematical expressions are equivalent or equal, shows the rate of change or consumption.

The rate of change that the equation demonstrates is computed as the unit of gas consumed per hour.

Gas Tank after 1 hour of driving = 7.25 gallons

Gas Tank after 4 hours of additional driving = 3.5 gallons

The quantity of gas consumed in 4 hours of driving = 3.75 gallons

The quantity of gas consumed per 1 hour of driving = 0.9375 gallons per hour (3.75/4).

The length of time that 3.5 gallons of gas can cover = 3.73 hours (3.5/0.9375)

= 3 hours 44 minutes.

Thus, Evin's car can only last for additional 3 hours 44 minutes, given the equation.

Learn more about equations at


A 5-ounce can of tuna costs $0.90. A 6-ounce can
of tuna costs $1.20. Graph each ratio relationship on
the same coordinate plane. Which is a better buy?



The 12 ounce can because you get more for only two cents more.

What is cost ?

A cost is the worth of money that has been used to produce something or provide a service and is thus no longer accessible for use in production, research, retail, and accounting. In the case of an acquisition cost, the money spent on the acquisition is considered the cost.

To find which tuna is a better deal, divide the cost by the number of ounces of tuna you are getting to get the cost per ounce.

$0.90/5  = $0.18 per ounce

$2.40/12 = $0.20 per ounce

Since the 5-ounce can of tuna has a cheaper unit rate price, meaning you are getting a better value, makes this the best option.

0.90/5 = 18 cents per ounce

2.40/12 = 20 cents per ounce

The 12 ounce can because you get more for only two cents more.

To learn more about rate price visit:


what percent of 300 is 78



it is 0.26 your welcome

Step-by-step explanation:


Step-by-step explanation:

X% x 300 = 78

X/100 x 300 = 78

X x 3 = 78

3X = 78

X = 26


Lara bought philly pretzels. Each serving has 1.7 grams of fat. She ate 1.5 servings of pretzels at lunch and 1.25 servings of the pretzels as a snack. How many grams of fat were in both servings? Explain how you found the answer.



  4.675 g

Step-by-step explanation:

You want to know the grams of fat in both of 1.5 servings and 1.25 servings of pretzels that have 1.7 grams of fat per serving.


Lara ate 1.5 +1.25 = 2.75 servings of pretzels.


Each serving has 1.7 grams of fat, so her total fat intake from the pretzels is ...

  (1.7 g/serving) × (2.75 servings) = 4.675 g

4.675 g of fat were in both servings.

when a confidence interval for the difference of two population means contains​ 0, what can be​ concluded?


The required conclusion for confidence interval for the difference of two population means contains​ 0 has no difference.

What probability distribution?

Probability dispersion help to display our reality, empowering us to get evaluations of the Probability that a specific occasion might happen, or gauge the changeability of event. They are a typical method for depicting, and perhaps anticipate, the Probability of an occasion.

According  to question:

In the event that your certainty stretch for a distinction between bunches incorporates zero,

it means that assuming you run your examination again you have a decent possibility tracking down no contrast between gatherings.

So, There will be no difference between both the experiments for the same.

To know more about probability distribution visit:


suppose 20% of all emergency room patients have broken bones. of the next fifteen patients to arrive, what is


The probability that none of the patients have broken bones is  0.0352.

What is binomial distribution?

A popular probability distribution known as the binomial distribution simulates the likelihood of getting one of two outcomes given a set of parameters. It totals the number of trials when each trial has an equal chance of producing a particular result. By dividing the quantity of independent trials by the number of successes, one can calculate the value of a binomial.

Let X has binomial distribution with n = 15 and  p = 0.20

The PDF of the distribution can be written as:

P(X=x)  = nCx(p)x (1-p)n-x

Probability for 0 patients have broken bones can be calculated as:

P(x=0) = 15C0(0.20)0 (1-0.20)15-0

P(x=0)  = 0.035184 = 0.0352

Therefore, the probability is  0.0352

To know more about binomial distribution, go to link


Complete Question

Suppose 20% of all emergency room patients have broken bones. of the next fifteen patients to arrive, what is the probability that none have broken bones?

What is the measurement after you double the recipe?
Did the ratio of sugar to flour change when you compare the single batch to the double batch?



the ratio would be 6:2 or 6/2. Yes, the ratio of sugar to flour change when I compare the single batch to the double batch.

Step-by-step explanation:

Which is the graph of f/x x2 2x 3?



The parabola has a minima, vertex and a y-intercept.


Since the equation is quadratic, the parabola has a vertex. To find it, do as follows:

x = -b/2a





x = -(-2)/ 2 × 1 = 1

Substitute this into the equation to obtain y:

y = 1² - 2 × 1  + 3 = 2

The point of the vertex is (1,2)  

The sign of a is positive, therefore, the parabola has a minimum.

Substitute x=0 into the equation to find y-intercept:

y = 0² - 2 × 0 + 3

y = 3

You know that this point is (0,3)

Recognize that the parabola has a minimum, a vertex, and a y-intercept, and that you may graph it as shown in the accompanying image.

Learn more about graph of f(x) here;


What happens to a figure when the scale factor is 1?


There is no change in the figure when the scale factor is 1 .

In the question ,

it is asked what will happen when the scale factor for a figure is 1 .

we know that ,

when the scale factor is greater than 1 , then new image is enlarged .

when the scale factor is 1 , then there is no change in the size of the image .

when the scale factor is less than 1 , then the new image is smaller than the original image .

Therefore , the size of the figure of the figure will remain the same when the scale factor is 1 .

Learn more about Scale Factor here


Each participant tastes snack A and snack B and them choses their favorite. Some participants have eaten snack A before and some have not. The results of the test are shown in the table. Using the data in a table, the company that makes snack A calculates probabilities related to a random selected person. Complete the conclusions based on the data on the table.

Given a person who has eaten snack A before, the customer will __.
Stay with snack A.
Change to snack B

Given a person who has not eaten snack A before, the customer will want to eat snack __.
Options: A or B

Table below:


The conditional probability values are 0.57 and 0.43

Missing information

              Has Eaten before   Have not           Total

Snack A     144                               108                252

Snack B      92                               228                320

Total          236                              336                572

Using the data in a table, the company that makes snack A calculates probabilities related to a random selected person.

Given a person who has eaten snack A before, the customer will want to eat snack A

Given a person who has not eaten snack A before, the customer will want to eat snack

How to determine the probabilities?

The required probabilities are conditional probabilities, and they are calculated using:

P(A | B) = P(A and B)/P(B)

Using the above formula, we have:

The probability that a customer eats snack A given that the customer has eaten snack A before, to be:

P = n(Have eaten snack A)/n(Snack A)

This gives

P = 144/252


P = 0.57

Also, we have:

The probability that a customer eats snack A given that the customer has not eaten snack A before, to be:

P = n(Have not eaten snack A)/n(Snack A)

This gives

P = 108/252


P = 0.43

Hence, the probabilities are 0.57 and 0.43

Learn more about probability at:


What is the quotient of 10/16 ÷ 5/16?


The quotient would be 2.


Step-by-step explanation:

10/16 divided 5/16. Keep 10/16, switch division to multiplication/times turn 5/16 to 16/5 which you will get 160/80 and the answer will be 2 because 80x2 is 160 so 160/80 will be 2. You'll thank me.

a certain disease has an incidence rate of 0.5%. if there are no false negatives and if the false positive rate is 3%, compute the probability that a person who tests positive actually has the disease.


The probability that a person who tests positive actually has the disease is 0.1046.

This problem is a classic application of Bayes' law, but let's try a more concrete approach rather than a boilerplate approach.

Suppose 1,000,000 people are being tested.

According to the incidence, 0.5 percent should be ill, so we would expect 5,000 to be ill and 995,000 not to be ill.

We are testing 5000 of him for this disease. With only a 7% false negative rate, the test is pretty good. That is, out of 5,000 or 350 people with the disease, only 7% will test negative, and the remaining 4,650 will test positive.

We are testing 995,000 people who are not sick. With only a 4% false positive rate, the test is pretty good. That means only 4% of 995,000 or 39,800 diseased people will test positive. The remaining 955,200 will be negative.

4,650 sick and tested positive

39,800 not sick but tested positive

350 sick and tested negative

955,200 not sick but tested negative

our test 955,200 + 4,650 = 959,850 people tested

4,650 + 39,800 = 44,450 people tested positive, but only 4,650 actually tested positive. This is a very small percentage, only 465044450≈0.1046.

In other words, if your doctor says you tested positive, there's only about a 10.5% chance that you actually have the disease. That's the probability we're looking for, and this low value indicates that this test isn't very good.

Learn more about probability:


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