an agent must keep confidential any information acquired through an agency during the term of the relationship, but can disclose it after the agency ends. t or f


Answer 1

Any information obtained by an agent throughout the course of the connection must be kept confidential, but once the agency has ended, the agent is free to divulge it. Therefore, this statement is false.

Even after the agency relationship ends, this duty remains. When one person (the principal) authorizes another (the agent) to act on his behalf while under the P's supervision, and the A agrees to do so, an agency relationship is established. The term "agency" is most frequently used in connection with business-related issues. This connection was known as "master-servant" under common law.

When the agent receives authorization to act on behalf of the principle, a principal-agent relationship is established. As long as the agreement was made within the scope of the authority that was actually delegated to the agent, or as reasonably perceived by a third party, it is binding on the principal. Both the principal and the agent's agreement. Without an express statutory provision to the contrary, neither consideration nor a written agreement are required for the establishment of an agency relationship.

Learn more about confidential visit this link :


Related Questions

What does stare decisis have to do with the American legal system?
O The system is based on common law.
O Its meaning indicates that previous decisions have precedence.
O It means a higher court must decide.
O It means that the US law is based on the natural law.


In the American legal system stare decisis:

B. Its meaning indicates that previous decisions have precedence

What is stare decisis as used in American legal system?

Stare decisis, which is Latin for "to stand by things decided," is a legal principle that directs courts to adhere to previous rulings (or rulings of higher tribunals) when resolving a case with allegedly comparable facts.

There are horizontal and vertical components to the stare decisis concept.

Absent extraordinary circumstances, a court that upholds the principle of horizontal stare decisis will follow its own earlier decisions (e.g., the Supreme Court follows a precedent unless it has become too difficult for lower courts to apply).

Vertical stare decisis, in contrast, requires lower courts to adhere strictly to rulings made by higher courts within the same jurisdiction.

Learn more about stare decisis:


What is the correct order of steps in the naturalization process take an oath of loyalty to the United States?


Generally, the process of naturalization, from filing the application to attending the oath of allegiance ceremony, takes between 18.5 to 24 months.

Your application procedure has distinct time requirements for each phase. The duration is roughly indicated here.

Processing time for Form N-400, the application for naturalization, is approximately 14.5 months on average.

appointment for biometrics: no additional month.

Attending the citizenship interview and test will take four more months.

Receiving your application's decision: an additional 0–4 months.

0–1.5 more months are needed for the Oath of Allegiance and the Certificate of Naturalization.

Consequently, it takes 18.5 to 24 months to process and approve your citizenship application overall. The current filing fee for the naturalization process in Texas by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services is $1,170.

To know more about naturalization:


a personal foul occurs when a player has unsportsmanlike conduct, illegal entry or excessive timeouts.


A player commits a personal foul when they act improperly, enter the field illegally, or take too many timeouts. TRUE

What does a dating player do?

A player is by nature deceitful and manipulative; they can be best described as someone who pretends to have a serious level of love interest while frequently juggling multiple relationships at once.

A player could fall in love.

That whenever a player finds love, a lot of things go place. One is that they start to behave differently toward the person that have grown fond of. It is possible to fall in love with the a player, even though it can be risky, especially if they are beautiful and have many excellent traits.

To know more about player visit:


Under what circumstances can public schools justify an action that limits students free speech?


Public school officials must justify attempts to suppress or language. They cannot be stopped or  for being uncomfortable. However, language may be regulated if the expression "causes significant disruption or disruption to school activities."

The First Amendment allows us to speak our minds and stand for what we believe. But restrictions on free speech are rooted in the principle that we cannot others in order to get we want. For this reason, speech must not be used for , , or slander. Court orders imposing content-neutral time, place, and type restrictions are subject to enhanced interim scrutiny.

Public school students enjoy First Amendment freedoms, but courts allow school officials to regulate the expression of certain types of students. For example, school officials may prohibit speech that significantly disrupts the school environment or violates the rights of others.

Learn more about Public school here :


What is the importance of Hamlet's speech to the players?


Hamlet's address to the actors emphasizes the significance of how manufactured reality can reveal the truth.

How would you characterize reality?

Instead of referring to hypothetical, fictional, or theoretical notions, reality refers to real facts or the essence of real things. Reality and fiction became more and more muddled. The kids camp will be forced to close if we don't find fresh money quickly, which is the truth of the situation.

Which three levels of reality are there?

Three dimensions of human experience and perception—which together comprise our experience of reality—are highlighted in process work. Consensus Reality, Dreamland, and Essence levels are what Arny refers to them as. Dr. Hoffman's hypothesis that life is an illusion produced by our brains needs to wait to be proven or disproven.

To know more about reality visit:


Why is there a limit on how long a President can serve?


In presidential and semi-presidential systems, term limitations serve as a means of preventing the possibility of monopoly, where a leader essentially becomes "president for life." This prevents a republic from turning into a de facto tyranny.

The 22nd Amendment, which limited the number of terms the President could serve, was approved on this day in 1951. The action put an end to the debate surrounding Franklin Roosevelt's four consecutive presidential terms.

No one may be elected to the office of the President more than two times, and no one who has served in that capacity for longer than two years during a period for which another person was elected President may be elected to that position again.

A two-term limit is formally established by the 22nd amendment. I support this amendment because it provides a practical defence against "executive tyranny" and gives the President enough time to make decisions.

To know more about 'term limitations' related questions



under the privacy act, individuals have the right to request amendments of their records contained in a system of records. t or f



under the privacy act, individuals have the right to request amendments of their records contained in a system of records. t or f


It is true because the Privacy Act grants individuals the right to request amendments to their records contained in a system of records.

The Privacy Act recognizes that individuals should have the ability to review and correct any inaccuracies or incomplete information in their records.

By allowing individuals to request amendments, the Act promotes transparency and accountability in the handling of personal data by government agencies.

This provision empowers individuals to maintain control over their personal information and helps to prevent potential harm or negative consequences that could arise from incorrect or outdated records.

Thus, it reinforces the principles of privacy and data protection, safeguarding individuals' rights to accurate and up-to-date information about themselves.

Learn more about the Privacy Act here:


Luke takes temporary family leave from his job at Metal Works Corporation to arrange for child care and deal with financial and legal matters when Nancy, his spouse, a U.S. Marine on active duty, is deployed overseas. On Luke's return from the leave, Metal Works must

a.promote him to the status of a key employee. nothing.

c.reimburse him for his expenses while on leave.

d.restore him to his same position or a comparable position.


Based on employee rights, standards, and the content of the question, it is expected that when Luke returns from the leave, Metal Works must restore him to his same position or a comparable position.

What are Employee Leave Rights?

Employee Leave right is a term that is used to describe the right of an employee to different kinds of leave, such as annual leave, maternal leave, family leave, emergency leave, etc.

Usually, the employee leave is around six working days minimum with full salary. And it is expected that a worker must have worked for at least twelve months to qualify for annual leave.

In this case, therefore, since Luke is going on temporary family leave, it is expected that when he returns from the leave, Metal Works must restore him to his same position or a comparable position, so as not to be termed as discrimination or cheating.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is option D. "d. restore him to his same position or a comparable position."

Learn more about Employee Leave here:


in marbury v. madison, the supreme court established a principle that would eventually be used by all courts to


According to question, in Marbury v. Madison, the supreme court established a principle that would eventually be used by all courts to Judicial Review .

The Constitution's language does not mention the most well-known Supreme Court power, judicial review, or the ability to declare a legislative or executive action to be in violation of the Constitution. In Marbury v. Madison, the court articulated this theory (1803).

The following are the three guiding principles of judicial review: The US Constitution is the supreme law of the land and supersedes all other laws. With regard to all instances involving constitutional questions, the United States Supreme Court has the final say.

To know more about Judicial Review visit :


what is the status of affirmative action in college admissions after the supreme court decisions in the two michigan cases, one involving the university of michigan undergraduate program and one the law school?


Affirmative action policies are generally acceptable, but they cannot include racial quotas or numerical point systems. This is the current position of affirmative action in college admissions following the supreme court decisions.

Following the supreme court rulings in the two Michigan cases—one involving the undergraduate program at the University of Michigan and the other the law school is for federal contractors and subcontractors—covered employers are required to take affirmative action to hire and promote qualified minorities, women, people with disabilities, and covered veterans. Training initiatives, outreach campaigns, and other constructive measures are examples of affirmative action.

Employers must provide documentation of their affirmative action policies and metrics if they work with the government or receive any other federal monies. Under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, affirmative action is another remedy available when a judge determines that an employer engaged in discriminatory practices on purpose. Affirmative action's goal is to build a workforce that accurately reflects the demographics of the competent workforce that is available in the relevant labor market. It does this through establishing fair access to employment opportunities.

To learn more about University of Michigan, refer:


What do we call a product that is brought into one country and bring inside of our country?


An import is a good or service that is produced overseas and bought in your home nation. When domestic industries are unable to offer comparable goods and services effectively or competitively, consumers are drawn to goods and services.

What distinguishes effectively from efficiently?

Effectiveness and efficiency are two different ideas. The ability to complete a task with the least amount of lost time, effort, and resources is known as efficiency or performance competency. The level to which that is successful in yielding the anticipated outcome is referred to as its effectiveness.

What does "working more effectively" mean?

The ability to produce the most with the least effort is known as work efficiency. It entails boosting efficiency. working smarter rather than harder As you advance

To know more about effectively visit:


What is constitutional supremacy simple definition?


The simple definition of supremacy is highest authority.

Article VI, Passage 2 of the U.S. Constitution is  is commonly referred to as the Supremacy Clause. It lays out that the federal constitution, and bureaucratic regulation for the most part, overshadow state regulations, and even state constitutions. It restricts states from disrupting the  federal government's exercise of its constitutional powers, and from accepting any capabilities that are only shared with the central government. It does not, however, allow the federal government to review or veto state laws before they take effect.

Supremacy is the quality or state of having more power, authority, or status than anyone else the state of being supreme.

Know more about Supremacy -


What are the 4 types of inheritance in Java?


In Java, there are four different types of inheritance: single inheritance, multiple inheritance, multilevel inheritance, and hierarchical inheritance.

Single inheritance allows for the inheritance of traits and behaviors from a single parent class by derived classes. It enables code reuse while also allowing for the addition of new features to the current code by allowing a derived class to inherit the traits and characteristics of a base class. This greatly improves the elegance and reduces repetition in the code. One of object-oriented programming's fundamental elements is inheritance (OOP).

If done correctly, single inheritance is less risky than multiple inheritance. Additionally, if a method is overridden in the constructor of the parent class or the derived class, the derived class may invoke the parent class implementation of that method.

Learn more about single inheritance here


because of various texas and us laws, interest groups with lower amount of financial resources possess the same amount of political influence as larger, wealthier interests.


This same provided statement is incorrect in accordance with the discussion.

What exactly is financial resources?

The funds and investments that finance an organization's activities and investments are referred to as financial resources. Monetary support are the funds that maintain a business going, and there are various ways for a business to raise and use its monetary capacity.

What are some examples of financial resources?

Financial resources refers to all of the organization's financial funds. Financial resources are part of the assets from an economic standpoint (property).

Gold and money (in cash or in the bank account)Shares.Bonds.Debentures.Notes of promise.Checks.

To know more about Financial resources visit:


What is the purpose of US sanctions?


To achieve aims in foreign policy and national security, sanctions can be either sweeping or selective, using the asset freezing and trade restrictions.

What does the US imposing sanctions on a country mean?

Economic sanctions are financial and commercial penalties that one or more countries impose on a certain independent state, group, or individual. Economic sanctions are not always adopted for economic reasons; they can be used for a variety of political, military, and social purposes as well.

What is the purpose of government sanctions?

Their primary objective is often to persuade the regimes, citizens, or groups in the target country to take actions that will improve the status of the nation. Each censure recently imposed by the UN and the EU has a basis for its imposition as well as a purpose.

To know more about Economic sanctions, visit:


Which of these resulted from the exonerations of the separate wrongful 1986 convictions of Timothy Cole and Michael Morton?A state-level advisory panel recommended reforms.A prosecuting attorney was criminally convicted for actions leading to wrongful conviction.Compensation was increased for wrongfully convicted and imprisoned individuals.Information collected by prosecutors in discovery must be made available to the defense.


A prosecuting attorney was criminally convicted for actions leading to wrongful conviction  resulted from the exonerations of the separate wrongful 1986 convictions of Timothy Cole and Michael Morton .

Reforms were advised by a state-level advisory body. For those who were unfairly convicted and imprisoned, compensation was increased. Texas has had the most false convictions in the country, according to the National Registry of Exonerations. This is caused by a variety of causes, including an over reliance on eyewitness testimony and excessively zealous prosecutors.

One of the main causes of erroneous convictions is incorrect eyewitness identification. In fact, according to the Innocence Project, it was a factor in around 70% of convictions that were subsequently acquitted using DNA evidence.

To know more about National Registry of Exonerations visit :


What are the 2 types of inheritance patterns?


Inheritance patterns in humans include incomplete dominance, codominance, lethality, X-linked dominance and excessiveness, and autosomal dominance and excessiveness.

Genetic variation distribution in families is characterized by inheritance patterns. To anticipate disease risk in a patient's family members, it is essential to comprehend these patterns. By examining a pedigree, we may discover genotypes, identify phenotypes, and predict how a trait will be passed down in the future. The most frequent inheritance patterns are autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, X-linked dominant, X-linked recessive, multifactorial, and mitochondrial inheritance; the ABO blood type is inherited in an autosomal codominant manner. Information from a pedigree allows one to determine the mode of inheritance of a given allele, such as whether it is dominant, recessive, autosomal, or sex-linked. The O allele is recessive, whereas the A and B alleles are codominant.

Learn more about Inheritance from


How do parties exercise control over the functioning of committees ?


Standing committees review and modify bills and decide if they should be reported to the floor for a vote.

Subcommittees then do lots of the work of reviewing a bill. Joint committees coordinate the efforts of both houses on key troubles, while choosing committees conduct unique investigations.

The conventional technique of exercising congressional oversight is thru committee hearings and investigations into government branch operations.

For more than 200 years, Congress has conducted investigations of varying kinds and with varying effects.

Learn more about committees here:


What role of the president would deal with military issues ?


The President would become the Commander in Chief of Army and Navy in order to deal with military issues.

According to the Constitution, the President serves as the top military commander and is in charge of leading the Army and Navy as well as defending the country. The president and Congress each have a portion of the war authority under the Constitution. The president is the head of state and commander in chief of the armed forces, but only Congress has the authority to declare war and authorise military spending. The person who has ultimate command and authority over an army or military branch is known as the commander-in-chief or supreme commander. Technically speaking, it alludes to military skills held by a head of state or head of government, who serves as the executive leadership of their nation.

Learn more about President here:


What did the school band in the Tinker v. Des Moines case ?


The school band in the Tinker v. Des Moines case of black armbands.

The Tinker V. Des Moines decision was a historic Supreme Court decision in 1969 that cemented students' right to free speech in public schools. Mary Beth Tinker was born in December 1965 when she was 13 years old and in middle school. She and her group of students decided to wear black armbands to school to protest the war in Vietnam.

John Tinker explains why he wore armbands to protest the Vietnam War. While her eponymous historic Supreme Court ruling is a First Amendment issue John Her Tinker explained that her real interest was to raise her awareness about the Vietnam War. I'm here. During their suspension, the student's parents sued the school for violating their children's right to free speech.

Learn more about The Tinker v. Des Moines case here:-


Does the 14th Amendment deal with citizenship?


Yes, according to 14th Amendment all people who are subject to the jurisdiction of the United States and who were born or naturalised they are citizens of both the nation and the state in which they currently reside.

The Court has determined that a child born in the United States to Chinese parents who were not eligible for naturalisation themselves is nonetheless a citizen of the United States and is entitled to all the rights and privileges of citizenship based on the first sentence of Section 1,1 of the 14th Amendment. However, the need that a person be subject to its jurisdiction does not apply to children born of foreign state diplomatic representatives, children born of hostile alien occupiers, or children born to members of Indian tribes subject to tribal laws.

Learn more about 14th Amendment here:


Which of this keyword is used to inherit a class Mcq?


Extends keyword is used to inherit a class in java Mcq. Single inheritance allows for the inheritance of traits and behaviors from a single parent inherit class by derived classes.

Single inheritance allows for the inheritance of traits and behaviors from a single parent class by derived classes. It enables code reuse while also allowing for the addition of new features to the current code by allowing a derived class to inherit the traits and characteristics of a base class. This greatly improves the elegance and reduces repetition in the code. One of object-oriented programming's fundamental elements is inheritance (OOP).

If done correctly, single inheritance is less risky than multiple inheritance. Additionally, if a method is overridden in the constructor of the parent class or the derived class, the derived class may invoke the parent class implementation of that method.

Learn more about inherit here


What are the limitations of NGOs Mcq?


Factors limiting the impact of NGOs' activity mcq , support from the public, funding, staff, volunteers, and resources, Corruption.

What, for instance, are NGOs?

Non-governmental organizations, or "NGOs," are a broad category that encompass a variety of organizations. In addition to academic institutions, churches, neighborhood organization, activist organizations, and trade organizations, they also include international nonprofits like Various charities and Save the Children.

What do NGOs do, exactly, and what are they?

NGO stands for non-governmental organization. Despite the absence of a single, widely accepted definition of an NGO, it's typically a community group or group that has a social aim and operates independently of the government. NGOs and other similar groups are active all over the world.

To know more about NGOs visit:


What guiding principle emerged from the Tinker case ?


The Tinker case led to the development of the principle that districts only can restrict speech that is materially and significantly disruptive.

What made the Tinker case so significant?

The historic ruling decision Tinker v. Des Moines has frequently cited as the turning point in school students' freedom of speech. Apply it to a current instance where students walk out of class to protest new new dress code that forbids wearing messages on clothing.

What was decided in the Tinker case?

This majority of the US Supreme Court ruled 7-2 that both teachers and children "lose their legal rights to expression or speech at only the gate." The court ruled that educators could not restrict speech just because they thought it could hinder pupils' capacity to learn.

To know more about Tinker case visit:


Selling of all illicit drugs remains a criminal offense under decriminalization laws in the united states.



Selling of all illicit drugs remains a criminal offense under decriminalization laws in the united states.


Law forbidding colonists from moving west of appalachian mountains, angered colonists is called



Royal Proclamaton of 1763

What are the problems of inheritance?


Problems with inheritance are as follows:

1. Reusing code

The primary goal of inheritance is to eliminate redundant code by allowing child classes to use parent class implementations.

2. State the interface

Also known as the "Liskov replacement principle," the child class and parent class interact using the same interface.

Encapsulation of breaks : When a class inherits another class, we include all of the parent class's methods and attributes and expose them to the child class, which breaks encapsulation. The child object can access all of the parent object's methods and replace them. That goes against the principle of object oriented programming and generates a tightly connected relationship between child and parent classes.

Because inheritance must include all of the parent class's methods and properties, even if they are not utilized or required by the child class, this adds more complexity than is necessary. It is challenging to reuse just a portion of the code without including all the methods in ServiceBase because we can only inherit from a single class if we extract all the code into ServiceBase.

To learn more about inheritance, refer:


the u.s. supreme court enabled which government practices to continue in its ruling in plessy v. ferguson?


"Separate but equal" means to the notoriously discriminatory Plessy v. Ferguson ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1896, which has authorised the application of segregation laws by state and municipal governments.

The Court affirmed state-imposed Jim Crow laws in "separate but equal" judgment and the fifty years afterwards, it served as the official justification for racial segregation in the United States.

Justice Brown acknowledged that the 14th Amendment sought to guarantee complete equality for all races before the law, but he held that African Americans' separate status did not entail their inferiority. In other words, segregation was not in and of itself illegal discrimination.

The US Supreme Court did not pay heed to this when it rendered its decision in the Plessy v. Ferguson case in 1896 and it upheld segregated places for blacks and whites as long as they were treated equally, a ruling that would stand for nearly 60 years before being overturned.

To know more about 'plessy v. ferguson' related questions



Which of the following is NOT an adjustment to total income in arriving at adjusted gross income?
Select one:
a. Health insurance of self-employed persons
b. Certain contributions to a medical savings account
c. Contributions to a ROTH IRA
d. Interest paid on student loans


Among all the one that is not an adjustment to total income in arriving at adjusted gross income is contributions to a ROTH IRA. Hence, Option C is correct.

What is a gross income?

Gross income, before any deductions or taxes, is the total of all wages, salaries, profits, interest payments, rents, and other sources of income for both families and individuals.

The opposite of gross income is net income, which is the gross income less all taxes and other deductions.

Items like tuition costs, interest on student loans, alimony payments, and contributions to retirement accounts are all considered adjustments to income.

Therefore, Option C is correct.

Learn more about gross income from here:


the u.s. supreme court enabled which government practices to continue in its ruling in plessy v. ferguson?



the u.s. supreme court enabled which government practices to continue in its ruling in plessy v. ferguson?

racial segregation

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