during dry weather the water level in a river drops by 2.6 inches each day for 4 days which expressions can represent the total change in water level in inches choose all that apply


Answer 1


Step-by-step explanation:..:&:&:&:

Answer 2

The answer to this Question related to Water Level is 10.4 inch

What is water level?

It is mark for safe amount of water in seas oceans etc and which is safe for Humans and Nature but sometimes due to heavy rains water level increase that is not good most of the times


Here we can see water level rise per day = 2.6 inch

and rain continued for 4 days

hence after 4 days total water level reached = 2.6(4) = 10.4 inches

If rain would continued more than water level would've increased more

To learn more about water level:



Related Questions

Sine, Cosine, Tangent question below



Its just simply incorrect


A probability value is listed at the top of each column. Determine the probability for each situation, then drag and drop each situation into the column under its correct probability.


The list of all probabilities from first to last are 0.5, 0.5, 0.2, 0.4, 0.5,

and 0.2.

What is probability?

Probability is the chance of occurrence of a certain event out of the total no. of events that can occur in a given context.

There are a total of 6 possibilities when rolling a die and of which three are even numbers.

P(rolling an even number is) = 3/6 = 1/2 0.5.

There are two possibilities when flipping a coin,

∴ The probability of getting a head is (1/2) = 0.5.

There are a total of (1 + 1 + 3) = 5 possibilities of choosing a block out of which one is red, therefore the probability of choosing a red is = (1/5) = 0.2.

Total 10 marbles and 4 blue marbles, hence the probability of choosing a blue marble is (4/10) = 2/5 = 0.4.

There are a total of 8 balls out of which 4 are soccer balls, hence the probability of choosing a soccer ball is = 4/8 = 1/2 = 0.5.

Total 15 balls out of which 3 tennis balls hence the probability of choosing a tennis ball is = 3/15 = 0.2.

learn more about probability here :



An aircraft factory manufactures airplane engines. The unit cost C (the cost in dollars to make each airplane engine) depends on the number of engines made. If
x engines are made, then the unit cost is given by the function C(x)-0.3x²-192x+47,470. How many engines must be made to minimize the unit cost?
Do not round your answer.


There are 320 engines must be made to minimize the unit cost.

What is an expression?

Expression in math's is defined as the collection of the numbers variables and functions by using signs like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Given that;

The unit cost is given by the function,

⇒ C(x)= 0.3x²- 192x + 47,470


Since, The unit cost is given by the function,

⇒ C(x)= 0.3x²- 192x + 47,470

Hence, We get;

⇒ dC/dx = 0.6x - 192

Put dC/dx = 0

⇒ 0 = 0.6x - 192

⇒ 0.6x = 192

⇒ x = 320

And, d²C/dx² = - 192 < 0

Hence, This gives the maximum value.

So, The number of engines which must be made to minimize the unit cost = 320

Learn more about the linear expression visit:



write the equation of the line shown on the graph 0,3 3,1



write the equation of the line shown on the graph 0,3 3,1

Step-by-step explanation:

ano ba slope of variables

Explain why a selection of 10 students from your class can have marks that aren’t normally distributed when the marks of entire class are normally distributed.


pick the five lowest and five highest including outliers.

consider the following method, which is intended to return the product of 3 and the nonnegative difference between its two int parameters.


Answer: the answer is try hard and if you don’t succeed try try again

Step-by-step explanation:

A salon wants to conduct a survey in order to study the consumption pattern of its consumers. The population mean spending on visiting salon per month is unknown with the population standard deviation is assumed to be $200. A random sample of 55 customers is selected and the sample mean spending on visiting salon per month is $800.
(a) Construct a 95% confidence interval estimate for the population mean spending by a customer on visiting salon per month. (3 marks)
(b) It is suggested to do the second round inspection. This time, the sample size is 120. What is the sampling error at 95% confidence level? (2 marks)


a) The 95% confidence interval estimate for the population mean spending by a customer on visiting salon per month is given as follows: (747, 853).

b) The sampling error at 95% confidence level is of: $35.78.

What is a z-distribution confidence interval?

The bounds of the confidence interval are given as follows:

[tex]\overline{x} \pm z\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex]

In which:

[tex]\overline{x}[/tex] is the sample mean.z is the critical value.n is the sample size.[tex]\sigma[/tex] is the standard deviation for the population.

The parameters for this problem are given as follows:

[tex]\overline{x} = 800, \mu = 200, n = 55, z = 1.96[/tex]

Hence the lower bound of the interval is of:

800 - 200 x 1.96/square root of 55  = 747.

The upper bound of the interval is of:

800 + 200 x 1.96/square root of 55  = 853.

The sampling error for a sample size of 120 is calculated as follows:

200 x 1.96/square root of 120 = $35.78.

More can be learned about the z-distribution at https://brainly.com/question/25890103


Andrew buys 8 bottles of cranberry juice at the corner store for a total cost of $5.68. If each bottle costs the same amount, how much is 6 bottles of juice?



it is y=kx

Step-by-step explanation:

The cost of 6 bottle juice is $4.26.

What is cost?

A cost is the value of money that has been expended to produce something or provide a service and is therefore no longer available for use in production, research, retail, and accounting. In the case of an acquisition cost, the money spent on the acquisition is considered the cost.


Andrew buys 8 bottles of cranberry juice at the corner store for a total cost of $5.68.

So, the cost of each bottle is,

$5.68/8 = $0.71

Now to find the cost of 6 bottle of juice.

6 x $0.71 = $4.26

Hence, the cost of 6 bottle juice is $4.26.

To know more about cost, click on the link



What do the graphs indicate about (4, 4) ?

A. It is the only ordered pair that satisfies y = 1/4 * x + 3 it is also the only ordered pair that satisfies . y = 2x - 4

B. It is the only ordered pair that satisfies y = 4x + 3 it is also the only ordered pair that satisfies y = 1/2 * x - 4

C. It is the only ordered pair that satisfies both y = 1/4 * x + 3 and . y = 2x - 4

It is the only ordered pair that satisfies both y = 4x + 3

D. and y = 1/2 * x - 4


Point (4,4) is the only ordered pair that satisfies both equations y = (1/4) x + 3 and y = 2x - 4.

What is an equation?

An equation is a combination of different variables, in which two mathematical expressions are equal to each other.

In the given graph,

The point (4, 4) is the intersection point of the lines.

Since, the point (4, 4) is intersection point,

Therefore, this point will satisfy the equations of line.

From the options, take equations,

y = (1/4) x + 3

Substitute x = 4 and y = 4

4 = (1/4) 4 + 3

4 = 4

y = 2x - 4

Substitute x = 4 and y = 4

4 = 2 × 4 - 4

4 = 4

The point (4,4) satisfies both the equations.

Therefore, (4,4) is the only ordered pair that satisfies both equations y = (1/4) x + 3 and y = 2x - 4.

Option (C) is correct option.

To know more about Equation on:



How do i say uwu please tell me right now now right now


Answer: look it up how to pronounce the word

Step-by-step explanation: go to goggle translate or an app.

Help!!!! Urgent pls!!!!


Answer: 34.44

Step-by-step explanation:

Answer:its d

Step-by-step explanation:

Determine the x-intercept of the line whose equation is given: y = 4 x + 2 a. (0, 2) b. (negative 2, 0) c. (0, negative one-half) d. (Negative one-half, 0) Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D




Step-by-step explanation:

the x- intercept is the point where the line crosses the x- axis.

any point on the x- axis has a y- coordinate of zero.

let y = 0 in the equation and solve for x , that is

4x + 2 = 0 ( subtract 2 from both sides )

4x = - 2 ( divide both sides by 4 )

x = [tex]\frac{-2}{4}[/tex] = - [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] ← x- intercept

coordinates of x- intercept = (- [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex], 0 )

For a birthday party, Marissa bought three cartons of ice cream at $4.59 each and two packages of plastic
bowls at $3.00 each. If food is not taxed and non-emergency grocery items are taxed at the rate of 5%, what
was her total bill?




Step-by-step explanation:

You want Marissa's total bill when she bought three cartons of ice cream at $4.59 each and two packages of plastic bowls at $3.00 each, with the plastic being taxed at 5%.

Extended amounts

The amount for each item will be the product of the cost per unit and the number of units.

  ice cream total = 3 × $4.59 = $13.77

  plastic total = 2 × $3.00 = $6.00


The tax is applied only to the plastic, so the amount of tax is ...

  5% × $6.00 = $0.30

Total bill

The total bill is the sum of the item costs and the tax:

  $13.77 +6.00 +0.30 = $20.07

Marissa's total bill was $20.07.

what is an equation of the line that passes through the points (2,7) and (8,4)



y = - 0.5x + 8

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\frac{y_{2} -y_{1} }{x_{2} -x_{1} }[/tex]




m = - 1/2

y = - 1/2x + b

4 = - 0.5(8) + b

4 = - 4 + b

b = 8

y = - 0.5x + 8

Suppose you roll a six-sided die. What is the probability that a 2 or 5 is NOT rolled? (in fraction form)
A) 1/6
C) 3/6


On solving the provided question, we can say that the probability that a 2 or 5 is NOT rolled is - 1- 1/3 = 2/3

What is probability?

A branch of mathematics called probability describes the likelihood that an event will occur or that a proposition is true. The probability of an event ranges from 1 to 1, with 1 indicating certainty and numbers in between indicating the difficulty of the event.

to determine the likelihood of rolling a die with a 2 or a 5 on it. The probability formula can be used to do this.

[tex]P(E) = (Number of times event occurs)/(Total number of trials)[/tex]

S = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 is a sample space of potential results when rolling a dice.

If the likelihood of rolling a die and having a result of 2 or 5 is event E.

Number of occurrences [n(E)] = 2

[n(S)] = 6 trials in all

[tex]P(E) = 2/6 = \frac{1}{3}[/tex]

So, the probability that a 2 or 5 is NOT rolled is - \

1- 1/3 = 2/3

To know more about probability visit:



-3-10x=25+4x what’s the answer



[tex] \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: -3-10x=25+4x \\ ⇒ - 10x - 4x = 25 + 3 \\ ⇒ \: \: - 14x = 28 \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \\ ⇒x = - \frac{ 28}{ 14} \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \\ ⇒x = - 2 \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: [/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Thank you

-3 - 10x = 25 + 4x
-10x = 28 + 4x
-14x = 28
x = -2

Please factor the following questions


Factor the following questions is.6 m(x+2 n+2),

What is factor?

In mathematics, an integer m that can be multiplied by another integer to create n is known as a divisor of an integer n, also known as a factor of n. One can also state that n is a multiple of m in this situation.

[tex]6 x m+12 m+12 m n[/tex]

Factor out common term[tex]$6 m$ : $6 m(x+2+2 n)$[/tex]

[tex]\begin{aligned}& =6 m(x+2+2 n) \\& =6 m(x+2 n+2)\end{aligned}[/tex]

[tex]13 r+r+9 x r[/tex]

Add similar elements: [tex]$13 r+r=14 r$[/tex]

[tex]=14 r+9 x r[/tex]

[tex]15 x y+45 y+3 m y[/tex]

Factor out common term [tex]3y: $\quad 3 y(5 x+15+m)$[/tex]

[tex]\begin{aligned}& =3 y(5 x+15+m) \\& =3 y(5 x+m+15)\end{aligned}[/tex]

[tex]$7 m n+13 m n+8 m n$[/tex]

Add similar elements: [tex]$7 m n+13 m n+8 m n=28 m n$[/tex][tex]$=28 \mathrm{mn}$[/tex]

To learn more about Factor visit.https://brainly.com/question/14209188


A sorting machine at an orange processing plant has to sort 720 tons of oranges to meet a
deadline. The machine can process 360 tons of oranges in 50 minutes. Determine how
long it will take the machine to sort 720 tons of oranges.


Proportionately, the sorting machine will take 100 minutes (1 hour and 40 minutes) to process 720 tons if it takes 50 minutes to process 360 tons.

What is proportion?

Proportion is the ratio or numerical relationship that one quantity bears to another.

Proportions are equated to each other to find missing variables.

Proportions are fractional values, usually depicted as fractions, decimals, or percentages.

The total number of oranges to sort = 720 tons

Machine processing speed = 360 tons per 50 minutes

Proportionately, the machine can process 7.2 tons per minute (360/50).

The time to sort 720 tons = 100 minutes (720/360 x 50) or (720/7.2)

Learn more about proportions at https://brainly.com/question/1496357


i need help with finding the slope


The slope is 7 over 4

A school sells adult tickets and student tickets for a play. Adult tickets cost $8 each and student ticket cost $4 each. They collect $320 in total



The answer is 8a + 4s = $320

Step-by-step explanation:

Let us take a for adult tickets and s for student ticket we get,

8a and 4s

They collect $320 in total

8a + 4s = $320

Thus, The equation represents this relationship is 8a + 4s = $320

Please help asap will give BRAINLIEST
Solve 2 4/7 X 2/3

1 15/21
2 8/21
2 12/14
3 2/12






Step-by-step explanation:


Find the arc length and sector area for the following:

(Use pi=3.14...do not use the pi button on your calculator!)

arc length =

sector area =


The area of the sector and length of the arc are 4.7 unit squared and 3.14 units respectively.

How to find the area of a sector and arc length?

A sector is a portion of a circle which is enclosed between its two radii and the arc adjoining them.

The area of sector of a circle is the amount of space enclosed within the boundary of the sector.


area of the sector = 1 / 2 r²∅

area of the sector = 1 / 2 × 3² × π / 3

area of the sector = 9π / 6

area of the sector = 3 / 2 × 3.14

area of the sector = 4.71 units²

Length of the arc = r∅


r = radius∅ = radian


Length of the arc =  3 × π / 3

Length of the arc = π

Length of the arc = 3.14 units

Therefore, the area of the sector is 4.71 units² and the length of the arc is  3.14 units.

learn more on arc and sector here: https://brainly.com/question/15910815


Determine the type of basic curve the set of parametric equations represents.
Select the correct answer below:








Then it is a circle!

Could the average person lift the weight of $150 in quarters? HINT: The average quarter weighs 0.2 oz.


The solution is 120 ounces

An average man can lift the weight of $ 150 in quarters

What is an Equation?

Equations are mathematical statements with two algebraic expressions flanking the equals (=) sign on either side.

It demonstrates the equality of the relationship between the expressions printed on the left and right sides.

Coefficients, variables, operators, constants, terms, expressions, and the equal to sign are some of the components of an equation. The "=" sign and terms on both sides must always be present when writing an equation.

Given data ,

Let the total weight an average man can lift be = A

Now , the weight of an average quarter = 0.2 ounces

Now , Number of quarters in $ 1 = 4 quarters

Let the total amount be = $ 150

So , the number of quarters in $ 150 is given by the equation

Number of quarters in $ 150 = 150 x 4

Substituting the values in the equation , we get

Number of quarters in $ 150 = 600 quarters

And , the weight of 600 quarters = 600 x weight of an average quarter

Substituting the values in the equation , we get

Number of quarters in $ 150 = 600 quarters

The weight of 600 quarters = 600 x 0.2

The weight of 600 quarters = 120 ounces

Therefore , the value of A is 120 ounces

Hence , an average man can lift the weight of $ 150 in quarters

To learn more about equations click :



The three planes below represent a system of linear equations in three variables.
How many solutions, if any, does the system have? Explain your answer.


The figure has three planes with three system of linear equations and three variables, we would definitely have three solutions

System of Linear Equation

System of linear equations is the set of two or more linear equations involving the same variables. Here, linear equations can be defined as the equations of the first order, i.e., the highest power of the variable is 1. Linear equations can have one variable, two variables, or three variables. Thus, we can write linear equations with n number of variables.

In the given problem, we have a figure with three planes and it is a three variable system of linear equation.

Assuming the planes are x, y and z, we would expect three solutions because we have three variables.

Looking at the image again, from the three system of linear equations with three variables, we will have three solutions.

Learn more on system of linear equation here;



Find the measure of angle A.


Answer: 32

Step-by-step explanation:


25 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

sum of all three angles of a triangle equal 180



-135.     -135



angle A is 5x



hopes this helps please mark brainliest

A group of researchers wants to develop an experiment to determine whether a new drug effectively treats high blood pressure. The researchers want to inject the drug in monkeys first to determine whether there are any potential serious side effects.

Part A: What are some possible ethical issues to this type of testing? (5 points)

Part B: While conducting the experiment, the researchers find that blood pressure levels return to normal, and they declare the drug is the cause of the change. Is this a good assumption? Explain. (5 points) (10 points)


The possible ethical issues of testing are given below.

What is drug?

Any chemical that, when consumed, alters the physiology or psychology of an organism qualifies as a drug. Usually, foods and other substances that support nutrition are distinguished from drugs.


Possible ethical problems: Since animals are able to perceive their surroundings, they have the right to exist free from human interference.

Therefore, animal research should not be done by humans. It is wrong to use animals only as stools to advance scientific understanding.

The right for an animal to live a full life without pain or suffering should be equal to that of humans.

Part B:

For the following reason, this is a bad assumption.

It does not follow that just because a drug causes the blood pressure levels in monkeys to return to normal after consumption that the drug will do the same for humans. This is because how humans and monkeys react to drugs differ.

Furthermore, it's unclear whether the drug's return to normal blood pressure was caused by it or by some other confounding variables that the researcher neglected to take into account.

To know more about drug, click on the link



HELP ASAP PLEASE PASA PLEH math yes math middle school math yeah it’s math ok I’ll stop now


The expression of the inequality is -0.96 ≤ 0.3x and the solution will be x ≥ -3.2 thus, option (D) is correct.

What is inequality?

A mathematical phrase in which the sides are not equal is referred to as being unequal. In essence, a comparison of any two values reveals whether one is less than, larger than, or equal to the value on the opposite side of the equation.

As per the given,

-0.96 ≤ 0.3x

Divide by 0.3 into both sides of the above equation,

-0.96/0.3 ≤ x

x ≥ -3.2

The number line goes from -3.2 to the positive or greater than -3.2 in the last option.

Hence "The solution of the inequality -0.96 ≤ 0.3x is x ≥ -3.2".

For more about inequality,



The equation of a line perpendicular to y=3x-1 and goes through (0,2)



y = [tex]-\frac{1}{3}[/tex]x + 2

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the reciprocal change the sign of the gradient (m=3):



y = [tex]-\frac{1}{3}[/tex]x + c

The intersect is 2, so c = 2

Final answer: y = [tex]-\frac{1}{3}[/tex]x + 2

Two parallel lines are cut by a transversal, as shown. If m 21 = 114°, what is m 22?

help me asap



∠ 2 = 66°

Step-by-step explanation:

∠ 1 and ∠ 2 are same- side interior angles and sum to 180° , then

∠ 2 + 114° = 180° ( subtract 114° from both sides )

∠ 2 = 66°

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