among the following situations, which one is least likely to apply to a monopolistically competitive firm? a. profit is positive in the short run b. profit is positive in the long run c. total cost exceeds total revenue in the short run d. total revenue equals total cost in the long run


Answer 1

C) in the short term, total costs exceed total revenue

In the long run, a monopolist firm breaks even, resulting in zero profits.

At output levels ranging from 0 to 40, total costs will exceed total revenues in this example, resulting in a loss for the business. The company is making money when total revenues exceed total costs at output levels between 50 and 80.

This suggests that the business incurs a fixed cost even if output is zero. On the other hand, the TVC curve goes up. This suggests that TVC increments as the result increments. This curve begins at the origin, indicating that there are no variable costs when output is zero.

To learn more about total revenues here


Related Questions

the process of a business or organization attempting to acquire goods or services to accomplish the goals of its enterprise is called


Trying to purchase products or services so that a company or organization can achieve its objectives is the process known as purchasing.

The act of buying a product or service in a business often entails quick, everyday exchanges between buyers and sellers.

This frequently involves the ordering and payment procedures used by a procurement manager. Creating and completing purchase orders, as well as setting up payment for items, are some examples.

Contrarily, procurement is the process of identifying and acquiring the goods and services that a company requires to realize its objectives, frequently from an outside source such as a supplier or third-party vendor.

A solid procurement plan can help you achieve a number of objectives. An organization could be able to save money, for instance, by negotiating favorable terms and prices. Additionally, it may ensure the reliability, efficiency, and caliber of providers.

To know more about the organization click here,


List at least 6 things your credit card company must clearly disclose to consumers.


It is important to review the credit card disclosure for information on APRs, Penalties, Grace periods, Minimum financing charges, Calculation methodologies, and Fees.

An explanation of all the fees, charges, interest rates, and conditions that a consumer can encounter when using the credit card is contained in a credit card disclosure. The legislation requires disclosure of this information by organizations that provide credit cards. The disclosures on credit cards offer clear information about costs and charges. They also encourage rivalry. To allow consumers to evaluate credit cards more effectively, it is legally necessary of all credit card companies to give the same price information. They can pick the one that better serves their tastes in terms of price.

The interest rate that a client will pay on outstanding balances is the most obvious example of a cost listed on a credit card disclosure. Basic elements like the monthly payment deadlines will also be covered in the disclosure.

Learn more about Credit Card here:


Jesse launched a cheaper variant of her high-performing dishwashing liquid, anticipating similar success. Which strategy has jesse made use of?.


Jesse is using product line extension (B) strategy by launching a cheaper variant of her high-performing dishwasing liquid.  

Let's discuss every options we have.

Loss leadership strategy is a sacrificing strategy where a product is sold at not profitable price and aims only to attract new customers or to sell additional products. Loss leadership is usually used when a product first enter the market. Loss leadership aims to building a customer base and securing future recurring revenue. This strategy is commonly used by large companies who can afford to price a product with no margin.

Product line extension is a strategy to increase a company's reach and target audience with less preparation and development. Product line extension allows a company to uses an establised brand to introduce a new item into the same product line.

Product line extension may happen in both horizontal and vertical extension. Horizontal product line extension happens when a company keeps the price and quality of the new item consistent with the already exist product. A company only change specific factors to differentiate the new items with the older one. Vertical product line extension happens when a company decides to increase or decrease the price of quality of the new product to give image of more luxurious or more accessible to its potential market.

Product differentiation is a strategy that allows a company's product to be distinguished from other competitor's products. Product differentiation involves identifying and communicating the unique qualities of a product and highlight the distict differences between the product with its competitors.

Brand extension is a strategy when a company uses one if its well established brand names on a new product category. Brand extension exploits the company's already established brand equity to help the launching of its newest product.

Learn more about Product Line Extension here:


Complete Question:

Jesse launched a cheaper variant of her high-performing dishwashing liquid, anticipating similar success. Which strategy has Jeese made use of?

a. Loss leadership

b. Product line extension

c. Product differentiation

d. Brand extention

productivity is defined by the formula of outputs divided by ______ for a specified period of time.


A common definition of productivity would be the ratio between input volume to output volume.

Productivity gauges how effectively a company's production system operates. It must be determined by dividing a company's outputs even by inputs that were used to produce those outputs.

Organizations can detect performance gaps by starting with products are developed. Users can compare prior results to current standards as well as continuously update the standard for better performance by tracking metrics including KPIs inside your company.

Production per worker used per hour worked is referred to as labor productivity. Skills of the workforce, technology advancement, managerial techniques, and changes in those other inputs are all variables that can have an impact on labour productivity (such as capital). Production per unit of generally occurs is referred to as result in a higher level (MFP).

To know more about productivity


irene plans to retire on december 31st, 2019. she has been preparing to retire by making annual deposits, starting on december 31st, 1979, of $2100 into an account that pays an effective rate of interest of 10%. she has continued this practice every year through december 31st, 2000. her goal is to have $1.35 million saved up at the time of her retirement. how large should her annual deposits be (from december 31st, 2001 until december 31st, 2019) so that she can reach her goal?


Since December 31st, 1979, she has been contributing $2300 year into an account that earns a effective rate of return in order to prepare for retirement.

What does the term "interest rate" mean?

An interest rate provides information on how costly borrowing is and how profitable saving is. Therefore, if you are a borrower, then interests rate is the amount that pay for borrowing money and is expressed as just a percentage of the overall loan amount.

What is the current interest rate?

The average 30-year fixed mortgage's current average rate is 7.32% for Wednesday, December 14, 2022, up 15 basis points from the previous week. If you want to refinance your existing mortgage, the national average today

To know more about interest rate


relationship marketing can help a company a. create long-term, cost effective links with individual customers for mutual benefit b. reduce its strategic planning effort since the need for such planning is greatly diminished c. cut through the planning process straight to tactical plans d. find more effective media for use in advertising and mass marketing e. develop short-term relationships with customers for quick sales


Relationship marketing can help a company E. The marketing strategy aims to satisfy the business's immediate needs for sales, growth, and profit. The correct option is create long-term, cost effective links with individual customers for mutual benefit.

Market, concept of market, and market .All persons or groups in the market who are able to buy your products and have comparable needs and goals. The larger group before segmentation.The actions a business does to locate, cultivate, and maintain happy connections with customers that provide value for the customer and profit for the firm are referred to as marketing.The marketing notion holds that organisations should evaluate customer wants before making decisions that will best satisfy them.Marketing concept focuses on meeting con(sumers' requirements and wishes while also generating profits for the business.

To know more about Market visit:


a company chooses to change an accounting policy. this change requires that, if practical, the company restate its financial statements for:


If a company adopts a new accounting principle, the financial statements for all fiscal years shown in the report are presented, to the extent practical, as if the new principle had been applied throughout the entire period. This retrospective application of the change makes the financial results of the company more accurate.

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission adopted the accounting standard known as Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. Although the SEC previously said that it intended to switch from U.S. GAAP to the International Financial Reporting Standards, progress has been slow and uncertain due to the latter standards' significant differences from GAAP. The two sets of standards would "continue to coexist" for the foreseeable future, the SEC stated more recently that there is no longer a desire to convert more U.S. corporations to IFRS. Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) publications of U.S. GAAP were made available by the Financial Accounting Standards Board  starting in 2008.

Learn more about accounting principle from


nestle sells the kit kat bar in its traditional red packaging in drugstores in the united states and in the united kingdom, but in japan, nestle uses colorful, artfully designed packaging and sells its product in luxury boutiques. this is an example of a(n) marketing strategy. multiple choice arbitrary


Nestle sells the kit kat bar in its traditional red packaging in drugstores in the united states and in the united kingdom, but in japan, nestle uses colorful, artfully designed packaging and sells its product in luxury boutiques. This is an example of  an personalized  marketing strategy.

In order to engage with target audiences and current clients and to deliver an optimum personalized marketing strategy experience, this technique uses facts. Companies might choose strategies to more successfully target skilled clientele by gathering and utilizing data. These insights not only help advertising and marketing strategists identify their target market but also support them in nurturing leads throughout the buyer's journey. example such as using colorful, artfully designed packaging and sells its product in luxury boutiques

What's more, using personalized marketing tactics enables businesses to reach more people without spending money on campaigns that are ineffective or target the wrong demographics.

your question is incomplete but most probably your full question was

nestle sells the kit kat bar in its traditional red packaging in drugstores in the united states and in the united kingdom, but in japan, nestle uses colorful, artfully designed packaging and sells its product in luxury boutiques. this is an example of a(n)                marketing strategy. multiple choice






To learn about Personalized marketing strategy visit here.


What is it called when the government places limits on the number of a given good that can be imported?


When the government places limits on the number of a given good that can be imported it is referred to as a quota

The practice of placing limits on the number of a given good that can be imported is called quotas. Import quotas are a type of trade restriction that is used by governments to limit the quantity of a specific good that can be imported into their country. Quotas are used by nations in international trade to control the amount of trade that occurs between them and other nations.

These are typically implemented to protect domestic industries and producers from foreign competition. By limiting the quantity of a good that can be imported, a government can help to ensure that domestic producers are able to sell their goods at higher prices and earn higher profits. By limiting the number of imported goods, the government can help to ensure that consumers have access to a certain level of quality or safety in the goods they purchase.

Read more about quota on:


Penny arcades, incorporated, is trying to decide between the following two alternatives to finance its new $35 million gaming center: issue $35 million, 7% note. Issue 1 million shares of common stock for $35 per share with expected annual dividends of $2. 45 per share.


If the expected annual dividends of $2.45 per share, Earning per share = $1.43

A dividend is a distribution of profits through a agency to its shareholders. when a agency earns a profit or surplus, it can pay a portion of the income as a dividend to shareholders. Any quantity now not allotted is taken to be re-invested within the enterprise (called retained profits.

A stock, also called fairness, is a protection that represents the ownership of a fraction of the issuing organization. gadgets of inventory are referred to as "shares" which entitles the owner to a proportion of the organization's belongings and profits identical to how a whole lot stock they own.

Learn more about stocks here :-


which of the following is an example of frame-of-reference training? denzel makes managers aware of how errors influence ratings. kalena focuses on eliminating politics through discussion among managers. hassan stresses having consistent standards of evaluation. consuela focuses primarily on making managers aware of rating errors and how to reduce them effectively. francois emphasizes using the same idea of high, medium, and low performances when making evaluations.


Make judgments about salary increases, promotions, employee retention and termination, layoffs, and individual performance by using performance appraisal.

What is a frame of reference training?

By utilizing a "frame of reference" that raters may compare and evaluate their pupils against, frame-of-reference (FOR) training aims to encourage the use of a common mental model. According to research, FOR training enables raters to apply the given standards, producing more accurate ratings.

What is performance dimension training?

Through definitions and illustrations, performance dimension training (PDT) acquaints raters with the dimensions that are the focus of the evaluation. There are conflicting results in terms of rater error reduction. little modifications to rater accuracy.

To know more about frame-of-reference visit:


nataro, incorporated, has sales of $675,000, costs of $337,000, depreciation expense of $81,000, interest expense of $50,500, a tax rate of 23 percent, and paid out $42,500 in cash dividends. what is the addition to retained earnings? (do not round intermediate calculations.)


The addition to retained earning will be equal to $116505.

The total sales of Nataro Incorporated = $675000

Costs = $337000, Depreciation expense = $81000, Interest expense = $50500, Dividends = $42500 and tax rate = 23%

Earnings before taxes =Total sales - (Costs + Depreciation expense + Interest expense)

Earnings before taxes = $675000 - ($337000 + $81000 + $50500)

Earnings before taxes = $675000 - $468500

Earnings before taxes = $206500

Net Income = Earnings before taxes(1 - tax rate)

Net income = $206500(1 - 0.23)

Net income = $159005

Now, the addition to retained earnings will be

Addition to retained earnings = Net Income - Dividends

Addition to retained earnings = $159005 - $42500

Addition to retained earnings = $116505

Learn more about Dividends at:


What are 3 examples of more developed countries?


Examples of developed countries include the United States, United Kingdom, and most of Western and Northern Europe such as Germany and France.

These countries have high per capita income, low birth and death rates, low population growth, high population growth, and are highly industrialized. Level of industrialization and urbanization. Examples include the United States, Canada, Japan, and many European countries.

AD, Denmark and Sweden. Russia is still a developing country for the following reasons. Low GDP - Each economy's GDP is used to measure its development. Russia's GDP is on par with most developed countries, meaning it does not exceed the threshold required to be considered developed.

Developed countries (also called developed countries) have mature and sophisticated economies, usually measured by gross domestic product (GDP) and/or average income per capita. Developed countries have a highly technological infrastructure and diverse industrial and service sectors.

Learn more about Developed countries here:


the black death in fourteenth-century europe resulted in question 21 options: a lower marginal product of land. a lower marginal product of labor of surviving workers. economic hardship for surviving peasants. economic prosperity for surviving landowners.


The black death in fourteenth-century Europe resulted in question 21 options: a lower marginal product of labor of surviving workers.

A century is a period of one hundred years. Centuries are numbered ordinally in English and lots of different languages. The word century comes from the Latin centum, which means a hundred. Century is now and again abbreviated as c.

A century is a hundred-yr era. centuries are counted sequentially. The time period century is derived from the Latin word centum, because of this "a hundred." Century is abbreviated as “c”. A centenary is a one-hundredth anniversary, or birthday celebration of 1's one hundred years, usually of an occurrence that happened one hundred years in the past.

Learn more about century here:


typically when a company is in the news, it is because the company failed to be sustainable. which of the following best describes its failure? the company is unable to meet the business needs without sacrificing the ability of future generations to meet theirs. the company is willing to sacrifice the business and other needs to support the needs of its competitors. the company is pursuing economic goals despite social and ethical concerns. the company has developed socially responsible strategies at the cost of profits. the company is able to meet the business needs at the cost of environmental responsibilities.


The Role of Human Resources in Promoting CSR

Encourage and implement eco-friendly practices.Create an atmosphere of social responsibility.Recognize achievements.Communicate to employees and the community the significance of corporate social responsibility.

What effects do human resource policies have on sustainability?

Self-responsibility, work-life balance, job security, health promotion, flexibility, participate leadership, a value-added economy, and an influential organizational culture are all aided by sustainable HRM.

Product development, market expansion, market penetration, and diversification are the four categories of marketing strategic alternatives. These tactics can serve as a blueprint for businesses to achieve their objectives.

Learn more about Human Resources here:


a licensee wishes to sell the licensee's personally owned property without the assistance of the licensee's real estate company. at what point must the licensee disclose the licensee's licensed status?


Prior to accepting the buyer's offer or counter-offer.

Recognition in human psychology is a person's assent to the truth of a situation, spotting a process or circumstance (often a poor or uncomfortable state of affairs) without attempting to exchange it or protest it. The concept is near in meaning to acquiescence, derived from the Latin acquiēscere (to locate relaxation in). The term acceptance is a noun with various exclusive meanings.[2] while the person to whom an offer is made signifies their assent, it is an "reputation" of their provide, additionally known as an agreement.

Learn more about accepting here


if an international firm has a global strategy and a low level of product diversity, the best choice for its organizational structure is a(n) structure.


If an international firm has a global strategy and a low level of product diversity, the best choice for its organizational structure is Global product division structure.

The functions that a product or service division produces are included in the global product division structure. The parent company has headquarters divisions for the major product categories, each with its own human and other resources. Abroad auxiliaries creating a specific item or class of item need to answer to base camp division liable for that item or class of items. In order to be more responsive to competitive opportunities, efficiency, quality, or innovation, the Global Product Division Structure places manufacturing and value creation activities in the appropriate global locations. Global Product Design is overseen by divisional, cluster, or holding company-based global product divisions. Global product divisions share few similarities. They are very different from one another.

Exposure to various consumption conditions around the world allows for the effective formulation of a global vision for new products. Item division structure builds the specialization of work to such an extent that the quantity of comparable items can be expanded. The structure makes it easier to enter new markets and create novel product types. Leverage of resources is another advantage.

To know more about Global product division visit


how are unusual gains reported in a third-quarter interim financial report? recognized at year-end only. recognized in the first quarter. recognized ratably over the first three quarters. recognized in the third quarter. ignored.


Recognized in the third quarter gains reported in a third-quarter interim financial report.

For example, you should apprehend an income tax cost in an intervening time duration this is based totally on the expected weighted-average profits tax price for the entire yr. This treatment can also result in a chain of accrual modifications in later interim periods, as you refine your estimates.

Revenue is identified over the years if one of the following situations is met: The client simultaneously gets and consumes the monetary advantages of the furnished asset as the entity performs; the seller's overall performance creates or complements an asset managed by means of the consumer because the asset is created or more suitable.

Learn more about financial report here:


question content area after net income is entered on the end-of-period spreadsheet, the balance sheet debit and credit columns must the same amount as the total amount in the adjusted trial balance debit and credit columns b.equal each other c.not be equal to each other and need not be the same total amounts as any other pair of columns on the end-of-period spreadsheet the same amount as the total amount of the income statement debit and credit columns


After net income is entered on end-of-period spreadsheet, balance sheet debit and credit columns must be same amount as total amount in adjusted trial balance debit and credit columns.

What is trial balance?

The general ledger accounts in a business's ledger are listed in a trial balance. There will be a debit balance or credit balance in each nominal ledger account. The trial balance will have a debit column for the credit value balance and a credit column for the debit balance values. A trial balance is used to demonstrate that the sum of all the debit value balances is equal to the sum of all the credit value balances. If the total of the debit column differs from the total of the credit column, there is a problem with the nominal ledger accounts.

To learn more about trial balance, visit:


A clothing manufacturer checks one pair of pants out of every shipment to ensure the quality of its product. this process is known as quality: _________
a. assurance.
b. guarantee.
c. delivery.
d. inspection.


The business function in charge of overseeing the production of goods and services is operations management (OM).

What exactly is a manufacturer?

Manufacturing is the process of creating new goods from components or raw materials. Automotive businesses, bakeries, shoemakers, and tailors are all examples of manufacturing because they all produce goods rather than provide services.

What does it mean to be a manufacturer?

Manufacturing is the process of creating products—either manually or mechanically—that the company then sells to a client. Rough materials or smaller portions of a product . for example are both examples of items utilized in manufacturing. A large production line using sophisticated equipment and trained workers is typically where the manufacturing takes place.

To know more about manufacturer visit:


how would the federal reserve stimulate the united states economy and reduce unemployment?


The federal reserve stimulate the united states economy and reduce unemployment.Tthe Fed may decide to buy government securities. As a result, the amount of money that is easily available would increase, consumer and corporate spending power would increase, and the economy would be stimulated, resulting in a decrease in the unemployment rate.

What is unemployment?

According to the OECD, unemployment refers to those over a particular age who are currently seeking employment but are not employed or self-employed.

The unemployment rate, which is used to determine the degree of unemployment, is calculated using the number of unemployed people as a percentage of the labor force.

The US Federal Reserve stimulate the economy and lowers unemployment. The Fed might opt to purchase government bonds. In turn, this would raise the quantity of money that is readily available, boost consumer and corporate spending power, and stimulate the economy, lowering the unemployment rate.

Read more on unemployment


What are the three methods commonly used to distribute door-to-door purchases to customers?


Door-to-door deliveries are frequently made by couriers, the post office, or the seller at the moment of purchase.

In-home sales of products or services are known as door-to-door sales. Trading anyplace outside the trader's business premises is also regarded as door-to-door sales, so door-to-door sales are not always conducted at the consumer's home. With the aid of advancements in technology, communication, and transportation, there are many ways that door-to-door sales can be applied successfully.

Products can be distributed independently, through wholesalers, or through distributors. Direct and indirect channels are the two main types. Direct channels involve selling goods to customers directly through physical storefronts or online. Selling goods through indirect channels entails selling them to middlemen, such wholesalers or retailers, who then sell them to customers.

Know more about Door-to-door deliveries  at:


rosh corporation is planning to issue bonds with a face value of $750,000 and a coupon rate of 8 percent. the bonds mature in four years and pay interest semiannually every june 30 and december 31. all of the bonds will be sold on january 1 of this year. (fv of $1, pv of $1, fva of $1, and pva of $1) (use the appropriate factor(s) from the tables provided. round your final answers to nearest whole dollar amount.) required: compute the issue (sales) price on january 1 of this year for each of the following independent cases: a. case a: market interest rate: 8 percent. b. case b: market interest rate: 6 percent. c. case c: market interest rate: 10 percent.


The computation of the issue (sales) price (Present Value) of the bonds for Rosh Corporation is as follows:

a) Market interest rate is 8%, Price = $750,000

b) Market interest rate is 6%, Price = $802,647.69

c) Market interest rate is 10%, Price = $701,525.90.

What is the present value of bonds?

The present value of bonds represents the issue price.

For bonds A with a market interest rate of 8%, the bonds are issued at par (face value).  There is no sales difference between the issue price and the face value.

For bond B with a market interest rate of 6%, the bonds are issued at a premium with the issue price greater than the face value.

For bond C with a market interest rate of 10%, the bonds are issued at a discount with the face value greater than the issue price.

The present values under the three scenarios can be computed using an online finance calculator as follows:

a) Market interest rate is 8%:

N (# of periods) = 8 (4 years x 2)

I/Y (Interest per year) = 8%

PMT (Periodic Payment) = $30,000

FV (Future Value) = $750,000


Present Value (PV) = $750,000

Sum of all periodic payments = $240,000 ($30,000 x 8)

Total Interest Expense = $240,000

b) Market interest rate is 6%:

N (# of periods) = 8 (4 years x 2)

I/Y (Interest per year) = 6%

PMT (Periodic Payment) = $30,000

FV (Future Value) = $750,000


Present Value (PV) = $802,647.69

Sum of all periodic payments = $240,000 ($30,000 x 8)

Total Interest Expenses = $187,352.31

c) Market interest rate is 10%:

N (# of periods) = 8 (4 years x 2)

I/Y (Interest per year) = 10%

PMT (Periodic Payment) = $30,000

FV (Future Value) = $750,000


Present Value (PV) = $701,525.90

Sum of all periodic payments = $240,000 ($30,000 x 8)

Total Interest Expenses = $288,474.10

Learn more about the present value of bonds at


john maxwell mentioned situations in which a task becomes greater and the need for teamwork increases. this situation calls for a focus on which teamwork law?


Teamwork encouraging individual gains is not an important aspect of team work.

Explain about focus on which teamwork law?Teamwork refers to a collaborative effort of workers with an aim to achieve a common goal.It is well-proven that teamwork among workers helps achieve goals in an effective and efficient manner.This efforts helps workers have a collective belief in their-selves.Benefit of teamwork includes: Its helps to builds confidence and respect among staffs. Its helps to holds members more accountable.Its directs competitive spirit in the group. In conclusion, teamwork does not encourage individual gains because members eye are fixed are attaining common goal,Under a functional type of organization, an organization is divided into departments based upon functional area of specialization.For instance, a company may have different departments based upon functions performed therein such as accounting and finance, human resources, marketing and sales, etc.The disadvantage of this form being an individual reports to multiple heads since purchase department for instance would manage the purchases of the entire organization.Lack of coordination is one of the major disadvantages of this form of organization since departmental goals assume precedence over organizational goals and individuals get restricted to the operations of their own department rather than the organization as a whole.

To learn more about team work refer to:


How do I deposit money into bank without bank account?


You can deposit money into your online account via a linked ATM if your online bank is a part of an ATM network. A reloadable prepaid debit card that you may load money into and connect to your online bank account is another option.

Payments made online, via phone, or using a mobile phone number are all valid ways to finance an account. You can transfer funds between accounts or pay others. Simply log in to Internet Banking or the mobile app and follow the on-screen instructions to make a payment. Using Pay a Contact, you can send money to other people using their mobile number. depositing funds into your account in person You can deposit cash or checks into your account in branch in a few different ways. Put cash into your bank account right there at the desk. Self-service tool A lot of institutions today have equipment that can deposit money into your account on your behalf. Simply adhere to the directions shown on the screen and enter the required information.

Learn more about account from


a plant can manufacture 50 golf clubs per day at a total daily cost of $5409 and 70 golf clubs per day for a total cost of $6409. (a) assuming the daily cost and production are linearly related, find the total daily cost, c, of producing x golf clubs. c


A plant can manufacture 50 golf clubs per day at a total daily cost of $5409 and 70 golf clubs per day for a total cost of $6409. (A) Assuming the daily cost and production are linearly related, find the total daily cost

, C, of producing x golf clubs. C=

slope = 6409 - 5409 / 70-50 =  1000/20 = 50

y = 50x + b

5409 = 50*50 + b

b = 5409 - 2500  = 2909

C = 50x + 2909

production is the technique of mixing diverse inputs, both cloth (such as metal, timber, glass, or plastics) and immaterial (including plans, or knowledge) so as to create output. preferably this output will be an excellent or provider which has value and contributes to the software of individuals.[1] The region of economics that focuses on manufacturing is known as manufacturing principle, and it's miles closely related to the intake (or purchaser) idea of economics. The manufacturing system and output directly end result from productively utilising the original inputs (or factors of manufacturing). referred to as number one producer items or offerings, land, labour, and capital are deemed the 3 fundamental manufacturing elements.

Learn more about production here


russell is 50 years old and has recently lost his job of almost 30 years. he is glad, however, that he did not have problems finding a new job. even so, changes in his employment at this stage in life may lead to all of these consequences except:


A state of uncertainty regarding continued employment is known as job insecurity. Acute job insecurity, which can occur when a layoff or termination is imminent, or chronic job insecurity, which is a more generalized fear of losing their jobs, are both possible for workers.

Due to the fact that many workers have spent a significant portion of their professional lives in less-than-stable employment situations, they may experience job insecurity at some point in their careers. However, not all of the news is bad. What you need to know about job insecurity and how it affects your career and the workforce as a whole is in the following paragraphs. When a worker's employment is unsteady or appears to be unsteady, this is called job insecurity. It is the opposite of job security, which is when a worker believes their continued employment is almost certain. It doesn't really matter whether job insecurity is subjective or objective in some ways. Regardless of whether job loss is imminent, the negative effects of job insecurity—stress, anxiety, and impacts on mental and physical health—are real.

To know more about job insecurity visit


examples of product ingredients of the marketing mix include design of the product and trade names, packaging, and warranties. t or f


The product design, brand names, packing, and warranties are all part of the marketing mix, which is accurate.

How do you define a product?

A product is the name for the thing which is being sold. Products can be either a business or an item. This could manifest as anything tangible, digital, or cybernetic. Every good has a price, and every good has costs attached to it. The amount that is charged varies based on the market, quality grade, the promotion, and the population that is being targeted.

Who decides what the product is?

Whatever their formal title within the firm, the person who is ultimately in charge of defining the product is the product manager or product strategist. For instance, at a startup in its early stages.

To know more about product visit:


Marty earns $24 per hour. Marissa earns a base weekly salary of $100 plus $8 per hour. How long will marty and marissa have to work to earn the same amount of money?.


Marty and Marissa have to work 6.25 hours to earn the same amount of money and the shorter length is 6 cm.

A) The amount earn by Marty = $24

per hour

The amount earn by Marissa =

100weekly+8 per hour

Let the number of hours they work

to earn same amount =T hours

So, 24 T =8T+$100

Or, 24 T – 8t=$100

Or, 16 T=$ 100

So, T = 100÷16

Or, T= 25÷4

•T=6.25 hours

B) Given expression as: y=x+2

2x+ 3y= 36

Now put the value of y from first to

second equation:

So, 2x+ 3x( x+ 2) =36

Or, 2 x + 3 x +6 = 36

Or, 5 x =30 -6

Or, 5x=30

X= 30÷5 = 6

And y=x+2

So, y=6 +2 = 8

So, The shorter length is 6 cm.

Hence, the time at which both will

earn same amount is T=6.25 hours

and the shorter length is 6 cm.

To know more about Money visit:


________ focuses on problem solving and performance improvement, or speed with excellence, of a well-defined project.


Lean Six Sigma focuses on problem-solving and performance improvement, or speed with excellence, of a well-defined project.

A Lean Six Sigma can be referred to or considered as a phenomenon, which experiences a great deal of focus on the systems within an organization related to a particular project. Moreover, the lean six sigma also takes into consideration, the speed, and excellence that can be achieved by an organization in the completion of a well-defined project. This helps in improvement of the organizational performance.

Learn more about the Lean Six Sigma here:


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