Among countries in the western hemisphere, what is el salvador the "most" at?densely populatedoil productionsmartest peoplewealthiest economy.


Answer 1

Among countries in the western hemisphere, el salvador is the "most" at densely populated. The correct answer is A.

A nation in Central America is called El Salvador. The nation's capital is San Salvador. The largest city in El Salvador is San Salvador. El Salvador has a population of around 6.8 million people. El Salvador is the Western Hemisphere nation with the "most" and "densely" inhabited population.

A place has a dense population when there are more people there than there are square kilometers of land. Sparse population is the antithesis of dense population. The average number of people living on each square kilometer (or square mile) of land is referred to as population density.

Total population / total land area = population density.

Learn more about population density at


Related Questions

How could sharecroppers still be in debt even after the
crop was sold?



Charges for the land, supplies, and housing were deducted from the sharecroppers' portion of the harvest, often leaving them with substantial debt to the landowners in bad years.


Answer:Landowners provided sharecroppers with land, seeds, tools, clothing, and food. Charges for the supplies were deducted from the sharecroppers' portion of the harvest, leaving them with substantial debt to landowners in bad years.


the ideology of separate spheres caused women in the 1950s and 1960s more strain than it had in earlier decades. how would this increase in strain be best explained?


Men were supposed to be the head of the home and the primary provider during the 1950s, while women were expected to be the homemaker and the children's caregivers.

Women in politics challenge inequality in two ways: first, they challenge androcentrism, but not sexism. It eliminates androcentrism, sexism, and subordination.

For American women, the 1950s marked a new era. After World War II, men took up the roles that women had held during the conflict. Many women made the move to the position of homemaker, or someone who runs and maintains a home. For the majority of families, wealth and disposable income increased in the 1950s.

To know more about inequality , click here:


Opening trade between a nation that has "cheap labor" and one that has "expensive labor" will a. lower the standard of living in both countries.b. raise the standard of living in both countries.c. make some workers less efficient.d. lead to an inappropriate allocation of resources.


Opening trade between a nation that has "cheap labor" and one that has "expensive labor" will b. raise the standard of living in both countries.

As any enterprise chief knows, one of the most important charges of doing business is hard work. hard work, which may account for as plenty as 70% of general business costs, includes employee wages, advantages, payroll, and different related taxes. labor costs must be around 20 to 35% of gross income. cutting hard work prices is a balancing act. locating ways to streamline labor prices is rooted in lowering fees without sacrificing team workers' morale or productivity.

Complete-time enterprise worker fees also can consist of unwell leave, bereavement goes away, maternity leave, vacations, persevering with schooling credits, bonuses, incentives, and increases. those are all additional fees that upload to the labor costs you pay on the display ground for services.

Learn more about labor here:


What was called the positive action during the fight for independence?


The Positive Action campaign was a series of political protests and strikes in pre-independence Ghana.

In Ghana prior to independence, there were a number of political strikes and protests known as the "Positive Action movement." Before being elected popularly as the ruler of the Gold Coast and later as the Prime Minister of Ghana after the country's independence, Kwame Nkrumah started the campaign.

The Positive Action campaign was started in order to oppose imperialism through nonviolent action and public education. But when Nkrumah began the campaign, rioting broke out all throughout Accra, the nation's capital.

The decolonization process came to an end with Nkrumah's election and Ghana's transformation from a British colony to an independent nation.

To know more about campaign:


What major events led to Ghana's independence?


World War II veterans were shot while peacefully demonstrating, and 60 others were also injured. As the first colonised African nation to achieve independence, Ghana was also the beginning of a chain of events that ignited the liberation war.

Following the deaths of the three veterans, there were protests and boycotts of stores carrying products from Europe. The "Big Six," who headed Ghana's first political organisation, the United Gold Coast Convention, were detained, and the Watson Commission started an inquiry into the riots.Nkrumah was detained again and given a one-year prison term. While incarcerated, he was elected to Parliament in 1952. Nkrumah split from the UGCC to create the Convention People's Party (CPP), which demanded "Self Government Now!" after his party won the general elections. He was then freed from prison and became Head of Government Business and de facto Prime Minister of the Gold Coast. and oversaw a hugely well-liked non-violent campaign.

learn more about ghana independence here:


The independence movement in Ghana was possible because of these major events.

1. Formation of the United Gold Coast Convention: The party was formed by Kwame Nkrumah and it was one of the parties that were relentlessly fighting for the freedom of Ghana. Nkrumah becomes the President of the party.

2. Riots in 1948: When the police forces fired at the anti-colonial demonstration killing twenty- nine people and wounding hundreds. Riots occur in many places and this event marked the beginning of the process of Independence.

3. Formation of the Convention People's Party: It was due to the rising dissatisfaction of Nkrumah on the efforts being taken to fight for freedom, he broke from UGCC and formed a new party CCP.  This party became the pioneer in fighting for Ghana's Independence.

4. Election of Kwame Nkrumah: Kwame Nkrumah became the first Prime Minister of Ghana but he shared power with the British Governor. He won the elections in  1954 and 1956.

To know more about Ghana Independence, please click here:


The "Dust Bowl" had the greatest impact on - (12A)

Question 5 options:

Residents in urban areas

Citizens of Alaska

Farmers in the Great Plains states

Workers in Northern factories


The immediate impact of the drought is most commonly recognized as agricultural. Many crops were harmed as a result of little rainfall, high temperatures, and strong winds, as well as bug infestations and dust storms that followed these circumstances. Hence, the correct option is Farmers in the Great Plains states.

What happened in the dust bowl?

Dust bowl winds swept into Nebraska and other portions of Texas. These strangling winds had such a devastating influence that crops failed altogether, as well as the loss of a few lives and cattle. Dust Bowl, both the drought era in the Great Plains that lasted from 1930 to 1936 and the region of the United States Great Plains that spanned southeastern Colorado, southern Kansas, the Texas and Oklahoma panhandles, and northern New Mexico.

To learn more about the dust bowl, click


from where did most of the slaves involved in the atlantic slave trade come? where were the slaves taken?


The vast majority of those transported in the transatlantic slave trade were West and Central Africans who had been sold by other West Africans to Western European slave traders,

while others had been captured outright by slave traders in coastal raids. The transatlantic slave trade had its start in the mid-15th century when Portuguese ships sailed along the West African coast. The intention was to trade for gold and spices, but the travelers found another even more valuable commodity human beings. About 12 million Africans were enslaved during the transatlantic slave trade. Between 1640 and 1807, British ships carried around 3.4 million Africans across the Atlantic. At a glance, the viewer could see the large-scale patterns of the economic system that held nearly 4 million people captive slavery was concentrated throughout the Chesapeake.

To learn more about transatlantic please click on below link.


U.S. battle ships by year1895- 3 battleships1899- 5 battle ships1903- 11 battle shipswhich generalization can be made about the U.S. and the number of the battle ships?-The US had seen an increase in joint naval operations with allied nations-the us had a desire to improve international communication-the us


In 1892, the US Navy began building battleships with USS Texas, although USS Indiana was the first. Texas and USS Maine, commissioned three years later, were part of the late 19th century New Navy initiative, a plan by then-Secretary of the Navy William H. Hunt to match Europe's navies.

The argument ended when the Brazilian Empire commissioned the battleship Riachuelo. The Navy Act of June 30, 1890, allowed the building of "three sea-going, coast-line warships"—the Indiana class—as a result of Alfred Thayer Mahan's book The Influence of Sea Power upon History, which inspired Secretary Benjamin F. Tracy. USS Iowa was built under the July 19, 1892, Navy Act.

In the Spanish–American War, these "coastal defense ships" were promptly employed for offensive actions despite later assertions. By 1900, the US Navy had three Illinois-class and two Kearsarge-class battleships, making it the world's fifth-strongest naval force from 12th in 1870. 

To know more about the battleships:


Aluminum makes up 8.0% of the weight of the Earth's crust. This metal is used to make aluminum cans such as soda cans. How can the environmental and economic impacts of mining aluminum and producing aluminum cans be reduced by practicing the three Rs of waste management?



Aluminum makes up 8.0% of the weight of the Earth's crust. This metal is used to make aluminum cans such as soda cans. You may recycle the cans to reuse the aluminum, which will help cut down on the number of miners that died in the mines as well as the number of mines that are in operation.

What are the environmental and economic impacts of mining aluminum?

Generally, The plant and animal life in the immediate region around open and underground mines, as well as farther afield and for numerous generations, are adversely affected.

Trees and grasslands that have been clear-cut contribute to the loss of biodiversity, as well as to habitat loss, carbon emissions, and erosion.

The weight of Earth's crust contains an amount of aluminum equal to 8.0% aluminum. Cans made of aluminum, such as those used to hold soda, are produced using this metal.

You may recycle the cans to reuse the aluminum, which will help cut down on the number of miners who perished in the mines as well as the number of mines that are in operation.

If you recycle the cans, you can also help reduce the number of mines that are in operation.

Read more about the environmental and economic impacts of mining aluminum


Which concern resulted in the U.S. congress rejecting membership in the league of nations?
a. Economic depression in other nations would threaten the U.S. economy.
b. Conflicts in other countries would lead to U.S. involvement in another war.
c. Dictatorial governments would have increased influence on U.S. politics.
d. U.S. companies would hurt the economy by outsourcing labor.



Economic depression in other nations would threaten the U.S. economy.


The timeline below shows events in U.S. history between 1898 and 1904.
Based on the timeline, which conclusion can be made about American policy in these years?
A. Americans took new steps because they feared attacks by foreign powers.
B. Colonial peoples welcomed American leadership to develop their economies.
C. American imperialists triumphed over those opposing the annexation of overseas territories.
D. Congressional leaders overcame the reluctance of U.S. Presidents to acquire overseas possessions.


The American imperialists won over opponents of annexation of overseas lands, Between 1898 and 1904. This phrase best represents American policies throughout these years.

What is the significance of the American policy?

The importance of American policy includes to preserve the United States' national security. Promoting global peace and environmental security is one of the important policy of the United States.

Keeping the balance of power among nations, and solving international difficulties with allies, are also important among the American policies.

The promotion of freedom and democracy, as well as the protection of human rights across the world, are important to American policy. Between 1898 and 1904, American imperialists defeated opponents of annexation of other nations.

Therefore, option C is correct.

Learn more about the American policy, refer to:


Who led the freedom movement in Ghana Class 8?


Kwame Nkrumah founded the Convention People's Party, which quickly gained popularity because to its distinctive appeal to the typical voter. When Ghana formally proclaimed its independence from Britain in 1957, he was still serving as acting prime minister.

In addition to being nationalist, his administration was largely socialist. It financed national energy and economic undertakings as well as pan-Africanist culture and a robust national education system. Kwame Nkrumah was substantially to blame for Ghana's prominence in African foreign affairs during the period of independence. He led an authoritarian government in Ghana that suppressed political opposition and conducted rigged elections. A constitutional amendment made Ghana a one-party state in 1964, with Nkrumah acting as the party's and the country's life president. Many of the nation's state-owned businesses were privatised by foreign financial institutions while they were being supervised by the National Liberation Council, which deposed Nkrumah in 1966.

learn more about Ghana independence here:


cherokee leader wilma pearl mankiller reminded us that when making decisions that affect the people, iroquois leaders are encouraged to remember what?


Cherokee leader "Wilma Pearl Mankiller" reminded us that when making decisions that affect the people, the iroquois leaders are encouraged to remember the unity among the nation.

Who was Wilma Pearl Mankiller?

He was a Native American activist, social worker, community developer and the first woman elected to serve as Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation.

Mankiller was inspired by the social and political movements of the 1960s, He became involved in the Occupation of Alcatraz and later participated in the land and compensation struggles with the Pit River Tribe. For 5 years in the early 1970s, she was employed as a social worker focusing mainly on children's issues.

As a principal chief, her administration focused on high unemployment rate and low levels of education on the reservation and improvement of community health care and developing the economy of northeastern Oklahoma. She also spent much time writing grants for health and education programs, including the Cherokee Home Health Agency and Head Start.

Read more about Pearl Mankiller


In 2010, there were 311 middle schools in virginia. In 2016, there were 306. By what percent did the number of middle schools in virginia decrease from 2010 to 2016? round your answer to the nearest whole number.


You have 1.6 but it says round to the nearest whole which is 2.

no of students in 2010=311

no of students in 2016=306

difference=  311-306 = 5

%decrease=5/311 x 100

      =      1.6%

Whole numbers :- The numbers that include herbal numbers and zero. now not a fragment or decimal. {0, 2, 3, four, 5 6, 7, 8, nine, 10, eleven …} Integer. A counting wide variety, 0, or the negative.

To decrease is to reduce or emerge as decreased in number, quantity, length, or in some other way, as in Our earnings will retain to lower until we cut charges.

Learn more about whole number here :-


According to Section 6 of the Act, who beide the legal enlaver of a fugitive from lavery had the authority to apprehend a peron ecaping enlavement?


Fugitive Slave Acts, which Congress approved in 1793 and 1850 (repealed in 1864) provided for the capture and return of runaway slaves who escaped from one state into another or into a federal territory.

What does the Constitution say about someone who is running from the law?

A person charged with treason, a felony, or another crime in any state who flees justice and is discovered in another state must, upon demand of the executive authority of the state from which he fled, be turned over to be transferred to the state having jurisdiction over the crime. This is stated in Article IV, Section 2, Clause 2 in constitution act.

To learn more about Fugitive Slave Act here:


What caused the women's suffrage movement?


Women’s suffrage, also called woman suffrage, the right of women by law to vote in national or local elections.

Ancient Greece, republican Rome, and the limited democracies that had developed in Europe by the end of the 18th century all forbade women from voting. Women remained to be denied all voting rights even when the voting age was raised, as it was in the United Kingdom in 1832. In the nineteenth century, the topic of women's voting rights finally arose, and the battle was particularly fierce in Great Britain and the United States. However, those nations were not the first to give women the right to vote, at least not on a national level. Women had gained the right to vote in national elections by the early 20th century in New Zealand (1893), Australia (1902), Finland, and other countries.

To learn more about women's suffrage movement, refer:


The united states responded to the launch of sputnik by the soviet union in 1957 by.


US responded to the launch of Sputnik by the Soviet Union in 1957 by increasing spending on missile development.

What was the US response to Sputnik in 1957?The successful launch came as a shock to experts and citizens in the United States, who had hoped that the United States would accomplish this scientific advancement first. The fact that the Soviets were successful fed fears that the U.S. military had generally fallen behind in developing new technology.The launch of Sputnik increased the Soviet Union's global respect and influence significantly. Politicians and ordinary Americans were shocked, and they demanded increased military and science education spending.

Learn more about Sputnik in 1957 here:


What was life before the Agricultural Revolution How did farming change people's lives?


Before agriculture, people lived by hunting wild animals and gathering wild plants.When supplies ran out, these hunter-gatherers moved on. Agriculture meant that people did not need to travel to they food.

Instead, they began to live in settled communities and farmed or raised animals on nearby land. Often nomadic, this was the only way of life for humans until about 12,000 years ago, when archaeological studies show evidence of the rise of agriculture.Human lifestyles began to change as groups formed permanent settlements and tended crops.There are still some hunter-gatherer peoples today. When the first humans started farming, they were able to produce enough food that they did not have to migrate to their food source.This meant that they could build permanent structures and develop villages, towns, and eventually even cities.Closely related to the rise of sedentary societies was the increase in population.

To learn more about hunter-gatherer please click on below link.


Which of the following is not one of the seven principles of the Constitution
Group of answer choices

A. Republicanism

B. Separation of Powers

C. Individual Rights

D. Presidential Authority



I would say A republicanism


Because it doesn't sound like a real thing but if A is not correct then it would be D

What bridge is the 8th wonder of the world?


The Brooklyn Bridge has been tagged as the 8th wonder of the world.

Downtown Manhattan and Brooklyn Heights are connected by the famous Brooklyn Bridge. The Brooklyn Bridge, which is famous for its stone arches, has six lanes of traffic and a shared route for pedestrians and bicycles. Over 116,000 cars, 30,000 pedestrians and 3,000 cyclists cross the Brooklyn Bridge each day on average as of 2018.

John A. Roebling was the architect of the Brooklyn Bridge. It was the world's longest suspension bridge at the time. By crossing the East River, the Brooklyn Bridge links the boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn. In 1964 and 1972, respectively, the Brooklyn Bridge received the designations of National Historic Landmark and National Historic Civil Engineering Landmark. Recent decades have seen the structure undergo upgradation to suit traffic demands.

To learn more about Wonders of the World refer:


Which two of the following ideas related to international relations and security did the allies support and promote during world war ii?.


Answer: china


china because its china

Two basic assumptions trait theorists make about traits is that every trait is _____, it applies to all people , and that they can be ______, or measured


Answer: The traits exist along a continuum,


Which of these region's physical features attracted german settlers to texas during the early 1800s?.


Many people fled their country as a result of the German war of 1848. While some German immigrants sought better lives in Texas, others wished to escape the stifling ideologies of the ruling class.

Where in Texas did the German immigrants settle?

The majority of them resided in urban areas as opposed to rural ones, and towns like Fredericksburg and New Braunfels were strongly influenced by German colonists. By 1880, one-third of people in San Antonio were German.

How did immigrants from Germany reach Texas?

In the 1840s, when the Adelsverein (The Society for the Protection of German Immigrants in Texas) was founded in Biebrich on the Rhine near Mainz, the largest German immigration occurred. It aided countless individuals in settling in Central Texas.

To know more about German settlers visit:-


How did banking change in Europe from the 1700s to the 1800s?



Before 1750, the traditional ‘start date’ for the Industrial revolution, paper money and commercial bills were used in England, but gold and silver were preferred for major transactions and copper for daily trading. There were three tiers of banks already in existence, but only in limited numbers. The first was the central Bank of England. This has been created in 1694 by William of Orange to fund wars and had become a foreign exchange storing foreign country’s gold. In 1708 it was given the monopoly on Joint Stock Banking (where there’s more than 1 shareholder) to try and make it more powerful, and other banks were limited in size and resources.

during the history of the universe, what important event occurred about 380,000 years after the big bang?


The stage after big bang is known as recombination

The Big Bang theory, according to which the universe started as an extremely hot, dense point around 13.7 billion years ago, describes the history of the universe and how it evolved. This theory is widely accepted.

After the Big Bang, the matter cooled to a point where electrons could unite with nuclei to form neutral atoms, around 380,000 years later. The universe turned translucent as a result of the absorption of free electrons during this phase, which is referred to as "recombination." The cosmic microwave background radiation, which is produced as a result of the light that was released at this time, may still be seen today. But before stars and other luminous objects were created, a time of darkness came after the recombination phase.

Know more about the recombination at:


How many Brooklyn blocks is a mile?


10 street blocks (east-west) forms a mile in Brooklyn.

Cities can have different block sizes. In some cities, there may be more blocks than in others. Additionally, different sized blocks could exist inside the same metropolis. Blocks don't have to be a precise square or rectangle; they can take any shape. Even triangles can sometimes be made using blocks.

Depending on which way you go, there may be varying numbers of bricks in addition to diverse shapes and sizes. It can simply come down to how you view the blocks.

New York City is arguably the most famous city that springs to mind (NYC). In addition to being the largest metropolis in the country, everything in New York City is measured in terms of how many blocks it takes to get someplace.

To know more about Brooklyn:


In 1980 mount st. helens in washington state erupted. what were some of the destructive forces that occurred? a. over a billion feet of the top of this mountain blew off, and toxic gas killed everyone in the state of washington along with plants and animals. b. a tsunami wiped out san francisco. c. a nearby glacier melted and flooded the area, killing additional humans and animals. d. over a thousand feet of the top of the mountain was obliterated.


Mount St. Helen's eruption in Washington state in 1980. These devastating forces also caused a nearby glacier to melt, flooding the area, and killing more people and animals. Here option C is the correct answer.

Large stones and logs that were carried by lahars obliterated woods, bridges, roads, and structures. The biggest volcanic disaster in the history of the contiguous United States was caused by these tragic occurrences, which claimed the lives of 57 people, among them David Johnston, a dedicated USGS scientist.

Hundreds of houses, buildings, and other structures were destroyed, and 57 people lost their lives. Following the eruption, rivers took on new courses, forests were destroyed, and Mount St. Helens' summit disappeared. More than 150 new lakes and ponds were created, and the banks of already-existing lakes were flooded by the addition of silt.

To learn more about Mount St. Helen


What group of immigrants arrived in large numbers on the US west coast for the primary purpose of working on the Transcontinental Railroad in the 19th century?
a) Chinese
b) Irish
c) Japanese
d) Mexican


Chinese immigrants who showed up during the nineteenth century were essentially utilized in the development of the Focal Pacific Railroad.  This resistance to the Chinese movement finished with the section of the Chinese Rejection Demonstration of 1882.

Starting in 1849, Chinese immigrants came to California for a similar explanation every other person did: to get rich mining gold. However, when the central government started a lively competition to construct the western leg of the cross-country railroad, American organizations recruited Chinese workers in large numbers.

Hence option (A) is correct.

Learn more about immigrants:


Question 19 (1 point)
Which statement best describes what it means to annex land?
O a
O c
To remove a territory from your control
Shows how Napoleon was controlled by others.
To add a territory to your control.
To share a territory control with another country.


The statement that best describes what it mean to annex land is option C. To add a territory to your control.

What is annexation?

In terms of international law, annexation refers to the forcible acquisition of a state's territory by another state, typically after a period of military occupation. The majority of people believe it to be unlawful.

Conquest and cession, in which territory is surrendered or sold through treaty, are not the same thing as annexation, which is a unilateral act in which land is acquired and held by one state.

If other states and international organizations largely recognize an annexation, it can be considered legitimate.

Because annexation is prohibited, states that engage in it typically refrain from using the word to describe what they are doing.

Learn more on annexation here


The "final solution" was an effort by the germans to:_______.



the Jews


The final solution was akmed at the jews, but also outcasts such as homeless people and prostitutes.

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After reading the following excerpts, please respond to A, B, and C:The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is a government agency that administers the immigration system, overseeing lawful immigration and the naturalization process. A requirement for people seeking citizenship through naturalization is demonstrating good moral character in the years prior to application. Good moral character includes obeying laws as well as not attempting to exercise the rights or privileges reserved solely to U.S. citizens. An example is the right to vote in U.S. elections.In 1993, Congress passed the National Voter Registration Act to increase registrations of eligible voters. The act requires that the states provide people who are getting a drivers license or state ID card the option to register to vote at the same time. 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