amber feels that there is no substitute for the true secular brand jeans she is about to buy. what level of price sensitivity might amber be expected to have in this moment?


Answer 1

Amber to have low price sensitivity would possibly amber be anticipated to have on this moment.

The required details about price sensitivity  is mentioned in below paragraph.

Low price sensitivity suggests that customers are inclined to pay the stated fee and may even pay greater for it. The degree facilitates derive the fee of services and products and recognize patron behavior. It empowers your organisation to evaluate how fluctuations in costs have an effect on the call for in your products Price sensitivity is the diploma to which the fee of a product influences customers' shopping behaviors. Generally speaking, it is howcall formodifications with the extrade withinside the value of products.

In economics, price sensitivity is normally measured the usage of the fee elasticity of call for, or the degree of the extrade in call for primarily based totally on its fee extrade. For example, a few customers aren't inclined to pay some greater cents in keeping with gallon for gasoline, in particular if a lower-priced station is nearby.

To learn about price sensitivity visit here.


Related Questions

umpqua defines other financial institutions that perform banking services as their competitors. therefore they take a/an ___________ of its competition.


Umpqua defines other financial institutions that perform banking services as their competitors, so they take an industry-based approach to their competition.

An industry-based approach to competition means that a company views its competitors as other firms that operate in the same industry or sector. In the case of Umpqua, this means that they consider other banks and financial institutions to be their competitors, rather than companies in other industries. This approach allows Umpqua to focus on competing with other firms in the banking and financial services industry, rather than trying to compete with companies in unrelated industries.

Learn more about Umpqua here:


What are the Big Six enterprise platform partners used by Accenture's IPS business?


The Big Six enterprise platform partners used by Accenture’s IPS business are Microsoft, Amazon Web Services, Oracle, Salesforce, SAP, and IBM.

Microsoft provides Accenture with a range of cloud-based technologies, including Azure and Office 365, that help to streamline business processes and create a better experience for customers.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) enables Accenture to develop and deploy applications in the cloud quickly and cost-effectively.

Oracle provides Accenture with a powerful suite of cloud-based solutions for data management, analytics, and application development. Salesforce provides Accenture with an integrated platform to build customer applications and provide a unified customer experience.

SAP provides Accenture with a range of cloud-based solutions for enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM).

Finally, IBM provides Accenture with a range of analytic tools, as well as Watson and cognitive computing capabilities, to help Accenture’s clients gain insights and improve decision making.

To know more about Accenture here


How does the communicative strategy shift?


The communicative strategy shifts depending on the setting and the people involved.

The communicative strategy may shift depending on the situation and the individuals involved. For example, if a person is communicating with someone who has a different cultural background or speaks a different language, they may need to adjust their communication style in order to effectively convey their message.

Additionally, the communicative strategy may shift depending on the context of the communication, such as whether it is a professional or personal setting, or whether the communication is taking place in person or online. In general, it's important to be flexible and adapt the communicative strategy as needed in order to effectively communicate with others.

Read more about communicative strategy on:


with mediation as form of a dispute resolution, the parties have a very limited degree of control over the process. group of answer choices true false


The parties have a very limited degree of control over the process. However, under hippocampal supervisors, people discuss things with reactionary behaviour and attitude or unanticipated goals, despite. The correct answer is True.

The fact that those same activities have been intentionally prioritised, permitted to choose, managed, and prioritised. Every successful college student should, therefore, be aware of a voluntary procedure for writing even more fruitful research papers.Other preferences may not be particularly applicable in the given circumstance. Therefore, the obvious answer given above is the right one.In order to encourage openness and transparency with the staff of the company, management, including the CEO, MD, president, or supervisor, may leave the door to their office "open."In order to foster openness and transparency with the company's employees, management, including the CEO, MD, president, or supervisor, may leave their office door "open."

To know more about mediation visit:


a company has bonds outstanding with a par value of $100,000. the unamortized discount on these bonds is $5,000. the company calls these bonds at a price of $92,000 the gain or loss on retirement is:


The company calls these bonds at a price of $92,000 the gain or loss on retirement is $1,500 loss.

Retirement is the withdrawal from one's position or occupation or from one's lively operating existence.[1] a person can also semi-retire via lowering work hours or workload. Many people select to retire when they are aged or incapable of doing their activity because of health motives. human beings may retire while they may be eligible for non-public or public pension benefits, despite the fact that a few are compelled to retire when physical conditions not allow the character to work to any extent further (via contamination or twist of fate) or because of legislation regarding their positions.[2] In most countries, the idea of retirement is of recent starting place, being delivered all through the late-nineteenth and early-20th centuries.

Learn mroe about retirement here


How will the shift in communicative strategies affect the duration of interaction?


The shift can affect the communicative strategies in a negative way.

Changes in communication can have a significant impact on how much communication occurs. A change in the communication method might negatively affect the message and lead to undesirable results. Utilizing the communication plan effectively will help one save time and effort. It's also important to implant communication channels properly.

Lack of focus and attention can cause speakers to perform poorly and cause misunderstandings. Repairing as a change in communication style can impact how a message is delivered and how long an interaction lasts. The phrase that caused the misunderstanding needs to be given further consideration. Therefore, one must resist the temptation to change their strategy and policy in order for communication to be at its best.

Read more about communicative strategies on:


What are 3 ways that you can deposit a check?


Remote deposit via a mobile application. depositing remotely using a scanner. After making an online deposit, send a check via mail.

Remote deposit, also known as mobile deposit, refers to the capability of a bank customer to deposit a check into a bank account from a distance without having to physically deliver the check to the bank. This was formerly accomplished by scanning a check into a computer and sending the resulting digital image to the bank, but now it can be accomplished using a smartphone. The process became authorised in the US in 2004 when the Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act took effect, albeit banks are not required to employ it. This service, which was previously only used by businesses with specialized check scanners, is now widely accessible in consumer banks thanks to the growth of smartphones and mobile banking.

Learn more about deposits from


the monthly salaries of three people working in a small firm are $3,500, $4,000, and $4,500. if instead of a $100 raise, everyone gets 10% raise, how, if at all, would the average of the three salaries change?


The average salary would be affected by $300

The average of salary when increase by $100 each=
=4100+ 3600 + 4600/3

The average of salary when 10% increased-
For A- 3850
B- 4400
C- 4950
Average= 3850 + 4400 + 4950/3

             = 4400

The total difference is $300.

Average salary- The result is obtained by dividing the sum of two or more values by the quantity of values. In other terms, the average or mean is equal to (a+b+c)/3. These five salaries total $264,000 in total. The average or mean pay is then obtained by dividing the total by the number of data points (five), which equals $52,800.

For more information on Average salary visit:

Thailand and malaysia are trading partners. if the price level in thailand decreases relative to the price level in malaysia, what will happen to thailand’s exports to malaysia and thailand’s aggregate demand?


Thailand's exports increase and Thailand's aggregate demand decreases this will happen to Thailand’s exports to Malaysia and Thailand’s aggregate demand.

What is aggregate demand?

A macroeconomic term for the total demand for goods and services in an economy at a certain time is aggregate demand (AD), often known as domestic final demand (DFD). It is commonly known as effective demand, despite other instances when this phrase is distinguished. A country's gross domestic output is in demand in this way. The aggregate demand curve is shown by a line drawn between the price level and the real production on the horizontal axis. By virtue of the equilibrium of the financial market, the Keynes effect states that rising prices indicate a smaller real money supply and, thus, higher interest rates. Because of this, it is likely that there will be less money spent on purchasing new physical capital, which will reduce overall demand for goods.

To learn more about aggregate demand, visit:


As Monte Carlo simulation is essentially statistical sampling, the larger the number of trials used, the more precise is the result. True or False?


As Monte Carlo simulation is essentially statistical sampling, the larger the number of trials used, the more precise is the result. This is True statement.

A Monte Carlo simulation is a model used to predict the probability of a variety of outcomes when the potential for random variables is present. Monte Carlo simulations help to explain the impact of risk and uncertainty in prediction and forecasting models.

The Monte Carlo method is a computerized mathematical technique that allows people to quantitatively account for risk in forecasting and decision-making. At its core, the Monte Carlo method is a way to use random samples of parameters to explore the behavior of a complex system.

The Monte Carlo simulation works the same way. It uses a computer system to run enough simulations to produce different outcomes that mimic real-life results. The system uses random number generators to recreate the inherent uncertainty of the input parameters.

Learn more about Monte Carlo simulation  here:-


jose reynolds deposited $10,000 in an account paying interest of 4% compounded annually. what amount will be in the account at the end of 4 years?


In case of Jose Reynolds the amount will be in the account at the end of 4 years is $ 11,698.60.

What do you mean by the interest?

The fee you pay to borrow money or the fee you charge to lend money is called interest. The most common way to represent interest is as a yearly percentage of the loan amount. The interest rate on the loan is known as this percentage.

interest, the cost associated with using credit or cash. It can be stated as a rate of payment or in monetary terms.

Interest is the fee paid for having access to borrowed funds. While the interest rate used to compute interest is often reported as an annual percentage rate, interest expense or revenue is sometimes expressed as a dollar figure (APR).


$10,000 × 1.16986 (4 periods and 4%) = $11,698.60

Therefore, in  case of Jose Reynolds the amount will be in the account at the end of 4 years is $ 11,698.60.

To know more about the interest, visit:


when creating a sub asset record for a capital improvement in gfebs, what is the first tab that requires data entry? values general data assignments fixtures / fittings


To serve the Army's present and future goals, the General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS) creates, acquires, integrates, deploys, and maintains enterprise-wide finance and procurement management capabilities.

What is GFEBS:

The cloud-based financial, asset, and accounting management system known as GFEBS is used by the Army to standardize, simplify, and communicate vital data throughout the active-duty Army, Army National Guard, and Army Reserve. GFEBS utilizes commercial off-the-shelf enterprise resource planning (ERP) software systems applications and solutions.

What is the purpose of Gfebs?

GFEBS is a system for managing finances and resource allocation. The system combines associated procurement, acquisition, and contract data with financial performance and cost data. Its programs include project cost, payroll, labor, and other expenses.

Learn more about GFEBS:


countries a and b both have the same money growth rate and in both countries, real output is constant. in country a velocity is constant while in country b velocity has fallen. in which country will inflation be higher? explain why.


Country A will inflation be higher. Velocity of money is also called as the velocity of circulation which indicates the amount of money that is in circulation inside a particular economy over a particular timeframe. This facilitates evaluating the health of the economy.

Long-lasting episodes of high inflation are often the aftereffect of lax monetary policy. On the off chance that the money supply becomes too large relative to the size of an economy, the unit value of the cash diminishes; at the end of the day, its purchasing influence falls and costs rise. This relationship between the money supply and the size of the economy is called the quantity hypothesis of money, and is quite possibly of the most established hypothesis in financial matters.

Pressures on the stockpile or demand side of the economy can also be inflationary. Supply stuns that disrupt creation, like natural disasters, or raise creation costs, for example, high oil costs, can lessen overall stockpile and lead to "cost-push" inflation, in which the impulse for cost increases comes from a disruption to supply.

to know more about monetary policy click here:


what is the nash equilibrium for jake and zoe? a jake prices high; zoe prices low b jake prices low; zoe prices low c jake prices low; zoe prices high


The correct answer is Jake prices low; Zoe prices low.

According to the game theory decision-making theorem known as the Nash equilibrium, a player can succeed by sticking to their initial plan of action.

Each player's approach in the Nash equilibrium is the best one given what the other players have decided. Because everyone receives the result they want, everyone wins.

A typical example from game theory that effectively illustrates the impact of the Nash equilibrium is the prisoner's dilemma.

The Nash equilibrium is frequently addressed in conjunction with dominant strategy, which holds that an actor's chosen approach will produce superior results than any other feasible strategy, independent of the opponent's strategy.

The complete question is "Jake & Zoe are the only producers of slushies in vacatown. each week, each firm decides whether to price high or price low for the following week. the figure shows the profit per week earned by the two firms. what is the nash equilibrium for Jake & Zoe?"

To know more about prisoner's dilemma visit:


Rachel has drafted a plan for her firm that explicitly analyzes the marketing and advertising situation, identifies the objectives of the advertising campaign, clarifies a specific strategy for accomplishing those objectives, and indicates how the firm can assess whether the campaign was successful. this subsection of the firm’s overall marketing plan is called its?


Selecting your advertising aim is the first stage in developing a new campaign. You will receive guidance in selecting your goals once you have decided on this purpose.

What are the many types of marketing?

The 4ps are a "marketing" that includes four crucial elements for selling a product or service product, pricing, location, and promotion. When businesses create strategies or marketing plans for reaching their target audience, they frequently consider the four Ps.

What is an effective marketing example?

In a summary, it is an effort to make customers aware of a business's offers, which could include both physical products available for purchase and services rendered. Advertising on television, on posters at the end of the road, and in magazines are common examples of marketing in action.

To know more about marketing visit:


Which one of the following is a primary component of an internal control system?
a. Monitoring
b. Chain of command
c. Financial pressure
d. Physical controls
e. Bonding


Monitoring is the primary component of an internal control system .

Option A is correct .

A company's management, board of directors, and other employees execute internal control procedures with the goal of providing a reasonable level of assurance that the data is accurate, timely, and reliable. of compliance with pertinent laws, regulations, rules, agreements, policies, and procedures.

Internal controls can help firms become more operationally efficient by improving the accuracy and timeliness of financial reporting, as well as by assisting them in adhering to legal requirements and preventing employees from stealing or engaging in fraud. Monitoring, information and communication, risk assessment, control actions, and the control environment are the five interrelated components that make up an internal control framework.

To know more about  risk assessment visit :


liquidity preference theory is most relevant to the a. long run and supposes that the interest rate adjusts to bring money supply and money demand into balance. b. long run and supposes that the price level adjusts to bring money supply and money demand into balance. c. short run and supposes that the interest rate adjusts to bring money supply and money demand into balance. d. short run and supposes that the price level adjusts to bring money supply and money demand into balance.


The liquidity preference theory is most relevant to the short run and supposes that the interest rate adjusts to bring money supply and money demand into balance. The Option C is correct.

What is liquidity preference theory?

In economics, the Liquidity Preference Theory means the economic model that suggests that an investor should demand a higher interest rate or premium on securities with long-term maturities that carry a greater risk because most investors prefer cash or other highly liquid holdings.

The theory suggests that investors demand progressively higher premiums on medium and long-term securities as opposed to a short-term securities. According to this theory which was developed by John Maynard Keynes, in support of his idea that the demand for liquidity, he holds that speculative power and liquid investments are easier to cash in for full value.

Read more about liquidity preference theory


a residential property recently sold for $450,000 and land value was estimated to be $82,000. the cost new of the dwelling today would be $527,000. the dwelling is 15 years old. what is the present depreciated cost of the improvements?


The present depreciated cost of the improvements will be $445,000

Depreciation, which results in the difference between the value of the improvements and their current contributing value, is the decrease in value of the building and/or its improvements. You should take into account the property's physical, functional, and economic depreciation while calculating its depreciation. While functional depreciation refers to the changes in customer likes and preferences over time, physical depreciation refers to the wear and tear that occurs as the building ages.

External negative tendencies including the downfall of large employers, the recession, and fresh negative developments cause economic depreciation.

To learn more about  depreciation click here


the importance of business is not new, but the need to manage it like any other asset is.


The importance of business Knowledge is not new, but the need to manage it like any other asset is.

Now, According to the question:

What is Asset management?

Asset management is a systematic process to cost-effectively procure, maintain, upgrade, and dispose of organizational assets. As a result, it enhances asset delivery potential and lowers costs.

Businesses that invest in asset management reap various benefits. Not all of these benefits are linked to financial gains. Real-time asset tracking produces a constant stream of data, fosters responsibility, and keeps planning and equipment maintenance on track with the help of a suitable asset management system.

Learn more about Asset Management at:


from a liquidity standpoint, it is more desirable for a company to have current group of answer choices assets equal current liabilities. liabilities exceed current assets. assets exceed current liabilities. liabilities exceed long-term liabilities.


From a liquidity standpoint, it is more desirable for a company to have a current group of Assets exceed current liabilities.

In accounting terms, current liabilities are often understood to mean all of a company's liabilities that are paid in cash within a particular company's fiscal year or business cycle, whichever is longer.

Current liabilities are short-term financial obligations of companies that mature within one year or within normal business cycles. Current liabilities are usually settled with current assets, which are assets that are exhausted within one year.

Current liabilities are reported on the balance sheet and settled from the income from the company's operations. Examples of current liabilities are accounts payable, current liabilities, accrued expenses, and accrued dividends.

Learn more about Current liabilities


Entry, Exit, and Long Run Profitability - End of Chapter Problem Classify each of the given expenses based on whether they are used to calculate accounting profit. Used to calculate accounting profit Not used to calculate accounting profit Answer Bank The business hires several employees, cach of whom is paid an annual salary The business operates out of a building that is owned by the business owner. She could lease the building to another company for $100.000 per year. The owner of the business uses her time to manage day to day operations. The business's owner could have earned an additional $20,000 over the past year, had she invested the $200,000 she used to start her company in the stock market instead


The expenses used to calculate accounting profit are:

The business hires several employees, each of whom is paid an annual salary

The expenses that are not used to calculate accounting profit are:

The business operates out of a building that is owned by the business owner. She could lease the building to another company for $100.000 per year.

The owner of the business uses her time to manage day to day operations.

The business's owner could have earned an additional $20,000 over the past year, had she invested the $200,000 she used to start her company in the stock market instead

What is accounting profit?

Accounting profit is explicit cost less revenue. Explicit cost is the cost that is actually incurred in running a business. Examples of explicit cost are the rent paid on an office space and the salary paid to workers.

Accounting profit = revenue - explicit cost

Economic profit is accounting profit less implicit cost. Implicit cost are the cost of the next best opportunity forgone when one option is chosen over other options. An example of an implicit cost is the interest that would have been earned if the investment was left in the stock market.

To learn more about accounting profit, please check;


besides the grade of an ore, what are 2 other factors that will determine whether a deposit is an economic reserve?


Richness or Grade of the Ore (ii) Size of Deposit are 2 other factors that will determine whether a deposit is an economic reserve.

What is economic reserve?

The term "Economic Reserves" refers to the general account economic reserves for the Covered Insurance Policies as of any date of determination, excluding any reserves ceded to reinsurers under the Existing Reinsurance Agreements or the Reinsurer Existing Reinsurance Agreements, as determined by the Reinsurer in accordance with the methodologies and assumptions set forth on Schedule 1.1(E) consistently applied.

Risks of Not Discovering Economic Reserves - Inherent Industry Risks The Company's strategies include concentrating on particular Australian regions that are oil and gas-prone, using a team of highly qualified professionals with in-depth knowledge of these regions, expanding operations in key areas, continuously assessing new exploration opportunities to complement current activities, and attempting to strike a balance between higher-risk exploratory drilling and lower-risk development drilling.

To study more about economic reserve


__________ are a part of big data analytics that allow a company the opportunity to analyze location data from mobile phones of employees.


Location analytics is a part of big data analytics that allow a company the opportunity to analyze location data from the mobile phones of employees.

A company is a prison entity shaped by using a group of individuals to interact in and perform an enterprise—business or commercial—organization. An enterprise can be organized in diverse approaches for tax and financial liability purposes relying on the corporate law of its jurisdiction.

There are 3 commonplace kinds of corporations—sole proprietorship, partnership, and organization—and each comes with its very own set of benefits and downsides. In easy terms, the reason for an enterprise is to have a significant imagination and prescient after which to be worthwhile in accomplishing it. And we should qualify “profitable”: profitability means long-time period sustainable returns, and each word in that phrase is vital.

Learn more about company here:


what type of goal can help you be prepared for unexpected costs, such as car repairs?


An emergency fund is a goal can help you be prepared for unexpected costs, such as car repairs.

A cash reserve set up expressly for unanticipated costs or financial emergencies is known as an emergency fund. Repairs to a car, home, medical expenses, or lost wages are a few frequent instances.

In essence, an emergency fund is a money set aside to deal with unforeseen circumstances. If you lose your work, you'll be able to use the money to cover a few months of expenses without getting into debt. You'll also be able to use it to cover any other unforeseen expenses. As an insurance policy, think about it.

To know more about Emergency Fund here


which accounting concept applies when expenses are reported in the same fiscal period that they are used to produce revenue?


The accounting concept that applies when expenses are reported in the same fiscal period that they are used to produce revenue is the matching principle.

The matching principle is a basic principle of accounting that states that expenses should be reported in the same period as the revenue they are used to generate. This means that expenses should be recorded and reported in the same fiscal period in which the related revenue is earned. The matching principle is based on the idea that the financial performance and position of a business should be accurately reflected in its financial statements, and that expenses should be matched with the revenue they help to generate in order to provide a more accurate picture of the business's financial health.

Learn more about the matching principle here:


the purchase price of a business minus the value of the tangible assets of that business equals the intangible assets of the business. this is called


The intangible assets of a business are equal to the purchase price of that business less the value of its tangible assets.It is known as goodwill.

What is a company's goodwill worth? Goodwill is the portion of a company's value that exceeds the value of its independently identifiable tangible assets when it is being bought or sold.Goodwill is an intangible asset, not a physical asset like a building or piece of machinery.When one company buys another's new business, goodwill is created as an intangible asset—a non-physical asset with long-term value.Goodwill is defined as the purchase price less the fair market value of the identifiable tangible assets, liabilities, and intangible assets.When one company buys another, goodwill serves as a proxy for a specific value (and prospective competitive advantage). It is the portion of the purchase price above what the assets and liabilities of the target firm are worth at fair market value.

To learn more about goodwill refer


to pay for social insurance programs administered by the social security administration, employers, employees, and the unemployed must contribute.


Each year, the tax rate may rise in order to adequately finance OASDI programs. Employers and employees must each contribute 7.65% toward FICAS; for self-employed people, this amount is typically doubled, or 15.3%.

What is an employee?

An employee is a person who works for a company, organization, or community, whether a manager or worker. These people make up the staff of the company. Although there are several kinds of employees, in general, anyone hired by an employer to do a specified activity in exchange for payment is regarded as an employee.

Pensions are employee benefit plans that provide retirement income or defer income until the end of the covered job or beyond. It could be created or run by a company, a group of workers (such as a union), or both.

In the United States, the Social Security program offers security against income loss brought on by retirement, death, or disability. The Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) and Disability Insurance (DI) Trust Funds are in charge of this program's financial operations.

Therefore, Employers and employees must each contribute 7.65% toward FICAS; for self-employed people

Learn more about employees here:


why do you think setting aside money in your savings and looking for scholarships is a good ""preparation"" step before applying for financial aid?


For the purpose of assisting students in covering costs like as tuition, lodging and board, books, supplies, and transportation, the federal government provides a program known as federal student aid.

Your future plans and aspirations are just as crucial to proving your worth as your prior achievements were. Students who have the ability to excel or who desire to give back to their communities are supported by scholarship sponsors.

Students who receive scholarships are more likely to stay in school and earn their degrees on schedule by putting their studies first. Scholarship recipients worry about money less and more.

To know more about federal government visit:-


What are the 4 types of accounts?


Revenue, Equity, Assets, Liabilities, and Expenses are the four different types of accounts.

Your accounting records need to be updated to reflect each sale of a product or service. Once this is complete, the relevant transaction is subsequently added to the respective account. Additionally, all transactions in which your company acquires goods or services from other businesses must be documented. Your company will operate at a high level thanks to this never-ending trail of documents. Thanks to accurate financial reporting, you'll be able to make critical company decisions because you'll know how much working capital you have available. So that you know what each account comprises, each one should display the right quantities.

Learn more about account from


A vertical analysis is best used to make comparisons between multiple companies.
a. True
b. False


The claim is a. accurate. Vertical analysis is frequently used to compare different organizations. This instrument is used to assess financial statements.

A vertical analysis is what?

Vertical analysis compares financial statements by showing each line item as a percent of another budget item on the statement. "Horizontal analysis" is frequently used in conjunction with this kind of study.

What quality does vertical analysis have?

What quality does vertical analysis have? It determines the proportions of individual items to the overall. It is a statement of the logical connections between things within a time frame. It computes the dollar variations in the statement items. It computes adjustments to components or totals of comparative statements.

To know more about vertical analysis visit:


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