All of the following were reasons for immigration except

All Of The Following Were Reasons For Immigration Except


Answer 1


d i think hopes this helps

Answer 2
D is your answer. I hope this helped you<3

Related Questions

help fasttttttttttttttttttttt



b, b, a, d, A


i imight be wrong but here you go

To what extent do you believe the dropping of the atomic bombs contributed to the Japanese surrender?



high amount


while yes the US was winning, the japanese had taught their people to fight at all cost to occupation, this lead to mass s*icides in american occupied territories, and resistance, meanwhile even if there was a land invasion, the japanese were not just going to give it up, they had planned to fight to the last man, woman and child to make sure the americans.  the only solution that would end it swiftly and ironically save more lives in the long run was the A Bomb

As societies in the Neolithic Age began to grow
peoples jobs became more?
O smaller
O specialized





Why did the Native Americans take sides? With whom did they side?



it is your answer..... if it is helpful plzz like and comment......

Ok I think they took side with Christopher Columbus

5. How might the need for oil affect American foreign policy?



America's oil and natural gas industry supports 10.3 million jobs in the United States and nearly 8 percent of our nation's Gross Domestic Product we spur economic growth through hundreds of billions of dollars investing right here at home every year.

I hope this is your answer.

What was one "pull" factor in
A Poor soil "pulled" workers off the
B Deforestation "pulled" workers out of
the woods.
C New factory jobs "pulled" workers into
the cities:
D Boats "pulled" new workers to
America .


the answer is c because poor soil is a push and deforestation . boats weren’t as important as jobs .

Which of the following illustrates food safety?

The WTO prevents developing countries from exporting crops.

The United States provides farm aid to Uganda.

The E.U. eliminates trade barriers among countries.

Haiti develops processes for clean water.



The WTO prevents developing countries from exporting crops. The E.U. eliminates trade barriers among countries.

Haiti develops processes for clean water.


Answer: The United States Provieds farm aid to Uganda


Farm Aid works year-round to build a system of agriculture that values family farmers, good food, soil and water, and strong communities. And if they are working year-round then they will be constantly helping people get nutritious foods in Uganda and not just the US

What did the Soviet government explain was their reason for placing nuclear missiles in Cuba?



The Soviet Union put the missiles in Cuba to prevent a Nuclear War



All of the following were causes of the war except

A. Wanting to support France in their war with Britain

B. Impressment of U.S, sailor's

C. The fear that the British were supporting the natives

D. Interfering with U.S. shipping in terms of blockades


I think the answer is A

what were the effects of the treaty of brest-litovsk check all that apply

A) the treaty ended World War I.
B) Russia withdrew from the war
C) Germany could turn all it's attention to the western front
D) Austria-Hungry ended it's war with Serbia
E) The United States entered the war



Russia withdrew from the war, Germany could turn all its attention to the western front.


Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed between Central powers and the new Bolshevik government of Russia March 3, 1918, With the treaty Russia ended its participation in the world war one. It withdrew from the war and lost many territories. In the treaty it gave Baltic states to Germany. Russian exit allowed the Germans to use all their resources on the Western front. Russia granted gave independence to Georgia, Finland and Ukraine, It gave Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia to Austria-Hungary and Germany and ceded some territories to Turkey.




Great Migration

What did the War Production Board do about strikes by workers during WWII? A. They discouraged strikes. B. They encouraged strikes. C. They financed strikes.​




The War Production Board do about strikes by workers during World War II is they discouraged strikes. The correct option is (A).

What do you mean by the war production board?

During World War II, the War Manufacturing Board (WPB), an organisation of the US government, oversaw war production. With Executive Order 9024, President Franklin D. Roosevelt formed it in January 1942.

The War Production Board (WPB) was given exclusive responsibility to oversee industrial production plans and material purchases during World War II.

Franklin D. Roosevelt issued an executive order establishing the War Production Board in 1942 to control the production and distribution of supplies and fuel in the United States during World War II.

Therefore, the War Production Board do about strikes by workers during World War II is they discouraged strikes.

To know more about the war production board, visit:


What was Abraham Lincoln's dilemma during the civil war?






In 2-3 sentences, describe the legacy of the californios.



1. What was one legacy of the Californios?

Answer: city names

2. What was an important legacy of the early missionaries to Oregon? Answer: They opened the west for settlers.



The Californios' Legacy was in 1846, when the United States captured California because of the war with Mexico. After a while Californios were decreasing in California. But, the Californios, caused effects that will never be forgotten.

What happened to Rızal when he returned to
the Philippines in 18922


Answer:José Rizal, son of a Filipino father and a Chinese mother, came from a wealthy family. Despite his family's wealth, they suffered discrimination because neither parent was born in the peninsula. Rizal studied at the Ateneo, a private high school, and then to the University of St. Thomas in Manila. He did his post graduate work at the University of Madrid in 1882. For the next five years, he wandered through Europe discussing politics wherever he went. In 1886, he studied medicine at the University of Heidelberg and wrote his classic novel Noli me Tangere, which condemned the Catholic Church in the Philippines for its promotion of Spanish colonialism. Immediately upon its publication, he became a target for the police who even shadowed him when he returned to the Philippines in 1887. He left his country shortly thereafter to return to Spain where he wrote a second novel, El Filibusterismo (1891), and many articles in his support of Filipino nationalism and his crusade to include representatives from his homeland in the Spanish Cortes.

He returned to Manila in 1892 and created the Liga Filipina, a political group that called for peace change for the islands. Nevertheless, Spanish officials were displeased and exiled Rizal to the island of Mindanao. During his four years there, he practiced medicine, taught students, and collected local examples of flora and fauna while recording his discoveries. Even though he lost touched with others who were working for Filipino independence, he quickly denounced the movement when it became violent and revolutionary. After Andrés Bonifacio issued the Grito de Balintawak in 1896, Rizal was arrested, convicted of sedition, and executed by firing squad on December 30, 1896.

Following the revolution, Rizal was made a saint by many religious cults while the United States authorities seized on his non-violent stance and emphasized his views on Filipino nationalism rather than those of the more action-oriented Emilio Aguinaldo and Andrés Bonifacio.

Explanation:Hope this helped u may i also plz have brainlist plz.

which global impacts (russian revolution, sykes-picot agreement, french conscription law) of WWI had the biggest effect on world history?


Russian Revolution had the biggest effect

In the mid-1800s, which of the
following would have been a
reason to go out West?
A. to search
B. to work in a factory
C. to live in a big city
D. to look for oil



a because there was the California gold rush

In the mid-1800s, the following would have been a reason to go out West is to search for gold. The correct option is (A).

What happened in early 1800s in America?

America saw rapid growth in the 1800s. The Louisiana Territory was purchased by the United States from France in 1803. Between 1800 and 1860, 17 new states were created. Millions of immigrants from different nations arrived in the 1800s.

Prospects for mining and the gold rush (silver in Nevada) the chance to engage in the cattle business; to "cowboy" By railroad, it is possible to go to the West more quickly and supplies are more readily available. affordable land ownership options provided by the Homestead Act.

Many people fled crop failure, land and job shortages, rising taxes, starvation, and other problems because they believed the United States to be the country of economic opportunity.

Therefore, in the mid-1800s, the following would have been a reason to go out West is to search for gold.

To know more about the 1800s in America, visit:


someone help me pls i need it by today





I think it’s B let me know if I’m right

5. What is in Friar Laurence's basket? O

A. Plants and flowers

B. Rosaries

C. His lunch

D. Bible​



Plants and flowers


Answer: plants and flowers


"Friar Laurence he is outdoors, carrying  an " osier" ( basket)  and picking flowers and herbs for his medical practice"

What is the best description of capitalism?

the selling of finished goods to other colonies
the finding and producing of natural resources
the distributing of goods to individuals by the government
the making and selling of goods by individuals and businesses

answer is d



the answer is D


have a good rest of your day :)

The best description of capitalism is the making and selling of goods by individuals and businesses. Therefore, option D is correct.

What is capitalism?

Capitalism is an economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately owned and operated for profit. In a capitalist system, individuals and businesses are free to engage in economic activity, such as producing and selling goods and services, with the goal of making a profit.

The market forces of supply and demand determine prices, and competition drives innovation and efficiency. Capitalism is characterized by private property rights, voluntary exchange, and the freedom to pursue self-interest.

While government intervention may exist to regulate the economy and protect property rights, the overall operation of the economy is driven by individual decisions and market forces rather than central planning.

Learn more about capitalism here:


1. What technology was used during the
Age of Exploration?



The five major advancements of the Age of Exploration were the astrolabe, magnetic compass, caravel, sextant and Mercator's projection.


Glad I could help!

Which goal did the Founding Fathers have when they created the national government under the Constitution?

a, They wanted a government that was strong enough to hold the country together.

b, They hoped for a government that would model the government of Great Britain.

c, They wanted to establish a government that gave the states more power.

d, They wanted to create a government that could control the people.


the answer is A i’m pretty sure, if not A then it is C
hope that helps:)




How were these civilizations that existed in eastern, central, and southern Africa alike and different?



these civilizations were not colonised by the same countries, thus had style of living that was adapted by the people who were indigenous.


The African empire is a term that is ie for the entire African kingdom from the pre-colonial kingdoms. The western African empire of the 18th century consisted of a permanent welfare culture. They consisted of Nork, yoy Benin, and Kaabu civilization.   The central African consisted of the Kongo kingdom, the central African empire, and Lunda empire. The southern Africa consort of the Mutapa kingdom, Luba empire, and Zulu kingdom. The eastern Africa consisted of the Kitara empire and the Buganda empire. As most of the slave trade began around the western routes easter, central, and southern were more alike and not influenced.

Give an example of a religious freedom in the Republic of Texas?



Individuals, business owners, health care providers, and government workers continue to be threatened and sued for their sincerely held religious beliefs on marriage and human sexuality.

Which of the following campaigns/battles led to the Ally defeat of the Axis



Tunisian campaign and the Italian campaign



Battles of El-Alamein, (1–27 July 1942, 23 October—11 November 1942), World War II events. After the First Battle of El-Alamein, Egypt (150 miles west of Cairo), ended in a stalemate, the second one was decisive. It marked the beginning of the end for the Axis in North Africa

Normandy Invasion, also called Operation Overlord or D-Day, during World War II, the Allied invasion of western Europe, which was launched on June 6, 1944 (the most celebrated D-Day of the war), with the simultaneous landing of U.S., British, and Canadian forces on five separate beachheads in Normandy, France.


This is a very hard questions answer as WWII had many important battles as the Allies strive to defeat the Axis. Sorry, if this answer is not exactly what you wanted.

what type of government was the us after the industrial revolution



Instead of allowing industry to run without oversight and pursue profit at the expense of society, regulations were enacted which resulted in improved living conditions for the working class. This change to government after Britain's Industrial Revolution is the basis for modern-day government.


I hope I helped

i have 5 minutes to answer ​


I think is the 1st option, hope that helps :)

Briefly summarize both sides of the argument that made it difficult for the U.S. Congress to pass the farm bill in 2013. Your summary should be at least one paragraph. BRAINLIEST



The farm bill is an expansive piece of legislation that provides funding for commodity programs, conservation, trade, nutrition, credit, rural development, research, forestry, energy, horticulture, organic agriculture, livestock, crop insurance, disaster assistance programs and tax provisions The farm bill is typically passed every five years. The 2008 Farm bill expired on September 30, 2012. Congress extended the 2008 bill for one more year, which caused controversy over the 2013-2014 Farm Bill.

The vast majority of the $1 trillion farm bill was nutrition--roughly 75% of the total bill. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) made up about 72% of the nutrition budget. Crop insurance was the second largest budgetary expense.

Nutrition and federal spending were in the cross hairs of the farm bill debate. Republicans sought cuts to the food assistance programs and Democrats were concerned with crop insurance fraud. In an effort to push through some type of farm bill, the House attempted to split food stamps from farm policy and create two separate bills in September 2013. This would have been the first time since 1973 that food stamps split from farm policy. Despite the split bill being passed in the House, it stalled in the Senate in September 2013.

After the first round of debate in September 2013, Congress did not revisit the bill until early 2014. On January 29, 2014, the U.S. House approved the Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Act of 2013, H.R. 2642, also known as the Farm Bill. The bill passed by a vote of 251-166. The nearly 1,000-page bill reformed and continued various programs of the Department of Agriculture through 2018. The $1 trillion bill expanded crop insurance for farmers by $7 billion over the next decade and created new subsidies for rice and peanut growers that would kick in when prices drop. However, cuts to the food stamp program cut an average of $90 per month for 1.7 million people in 15 states. On February 4, 2014, the Democratic controlled Senate approved the Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Act of 2013, H.R. 2642, also known as the Farm Bill.

What organization was created by this executive order? O AmeriCorps O National Organization of Women O Peace Corps O Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee



Peace Corps


From the available options, the organization that was created by this executive order is "Peace Corps."

This is evident in the fact that Peace Corps was founded by Executive Order 10924 issued by President John F. Kennedy in March 1961.

It is a volunteer program managed by the United States Government to give international social and economic development aid and services.

What form of resistance did Mohandas Gandhi promote?



He promoted Indian resistance.


I hope you were finding this answer only..

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