Alina is revising her research paper about online classes to be sure she is citing her sources correctly. Alina is using MLA style for her in-text citations. Which sentence should she revise?

The widespread use of technology (including computers and smartphones) have led to a wide variety of online course opportunities (“Benefits of Digital Learning”).

Online classes can really support “students who struggle to build positive relationships with teachers, need to recover failed credits, or have a work schedule that makes attending traditional school hours difficult” (Deleon, Desiree).

Students can also “participate in unique courses that may not be offered at their own school, such as language or business classes” (Deleon).

In an online class, “Emails and discussion board posts are utilized in place of in-person discussions” (Rhodes).


Answer 1


Online classes can really support “students who struggle to build positive relationships with teachers, need to recover failed credits, or have a work schedule that makes attending traditional school hours difficult” (Deleon, Desiree).


MLA format: (Author's Last Name Page Number)

(Deleon, Desiree) is (last, first name)...incorrect and needs to be revised.

Answer 2



Related Questions


question 1.

"Two Kinds" is, at its most fundamental level, a story about the difference between what a parent wants for her child and what that child wants for herself.


Question 2

The story "Two Kinds" is written from a third-person perspective.







"Two Kinds" is a short story by Amy Tan. The story is narrated from a first-person perspective by the main character, June. She is the daughter of Suyuan, a Chinese immigrant living in America.

At its most fundamental level, the story revolves around the conflict between mother and daughter. Suyuan expects June to be a child prodigy, no matter in which field - singing, dancing, mathematics, acting, playing the piano. June, on the other hand, quickly decides that she does not want to be a prodigy at all, but would rather be mediocre. And that is what she does, her whole life. Thus, the conflict is basically between what the mother wants for her daughter, and what the daughter wants for herself.

Why might you want to annotate your notes as you record information from sources?

A. to provide additional information about the process you used to find sources.

B. to begin forming your own ideas about the topic, based on what information you find.

C. to teach yourself some new and interesting words used in some of your sources.

D. to provide mostly accurate citation information for sources used in your project.


Answer: b. to begin forming your own ideas about the topic, based on what information you find

Explanation: I took the quiz.


to begin forming your own ideas about the topic, based on what information you find


Really need it would appreciate an answer


Answer: B. Students should make an informed decision when choosing a college.


The article tries to explain to students that there are various things that should be factored into choosing a college such as the cost, admission deadline, location and quality of tuition in terms of academic reputation.

The article is therefore telling students that they need to make an informed decision by factoring in all these things when they need to decide which college is best for them.

What is something you accomplished this year that you are proud of? Explain

(be specific!)



i have that too for english i dont know what to write


After lunch, the whole school will assemble for a concert.



thats cool


What inference can be drawn based on this excerpt from Friedan's "The Problem That Has No Name"? Men did not like for their wives to be intelligent. The dormitories built by the colleges often remained empty. Women were happy to drop out of school and stay at home. Men did not sacrifice their education for marriage as women did.


Answer: Women were happy to drop out of school and stay at home.


The excerpt talks about women in the fifties and their attitude towards marriage and higher education. In those times, there was a very high emphasis on marriage which is why most women (60%) were happy to drop out of college to get married.

Some dropped out because they didn't think that being too educated would be good for their marriage chances and even the ones that pursued further education, still stayed with their husbands.

Which device gives a poem the most regular, predictable rhythm?
a. foreshadowing
b. rhyme
c. free verse
d. meter


Rhyme, along with meter, helps make a poem musical. In traditional poetry a regular rhyme aids the Memory for recitation.




The main way to create rhythm is with meter, a pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables.

Read the following paragraph from "From Behind the Veil."
When she reached her room Siham could barely stop herself from laughing out loud. She picked up her veil and danced with glee, then stopped in the middle of the room and began to whisper to the veil: "You black shroud, you know how I despise you and make use of you to keep him apart from me! I don't care about you and I feel nothing for you. I defy you. But I love you too. These poor girls take refuge behind you in order to preserve their virginity, and their honour, and good morals. If they were more truthful they would say that they love you because you hide faults and scandals. I love you because you help me to enjoy my life in a way that only those who wear the veil can appreciate. I pity those wretched unveiled women. I scorn them."
Which of the following statements best expresses the writer's perspective of veiled women?
A. Veiled women look down on those who do not wear veils.
B. Women who wear veils are often unhappy and secretly defiant.
C. Girls who wear veils can learn to appreciate life's experiences in ways that others cannot.
D. Girls who wear veils strive to uphold the tradition and ethical values dictated by their culture.



D. Girls who wear veils strive to uphold the tradition and ethical values dictated by their culture.


The correct option is - D. Girls who wear veils strive to uphold the tradition and ethical values dictated by their culture.

Reason -

In the passage, it is given that,

These poor girls take refuge behind you in order to preserve their virginity, and their honor, and good morals.


The girls wear veils to protect their moral values and culture.

They love to wear veils because they can enjoy their life.


D. Girls who wear veils strive to uphold the tradition and ethical values dictated by their culture.


Took the Exam! :)

How is this theme developed in Julius Caesar?

Among powerful men, nobility is a rare trait.

A: Brutus comes from a very aristocratic and wealthy family.

B: Brutus is a traitor and a criminal.

C: Antony was once Brutus's best friend, but they become enemies when both want to be named king of Rome.

D: Brutus is the only conspirator who acts for the good of Rome, rather than out of jealousy, bitterness, or a thirst for power.



The answer is C.

Step by step explanation:

This theme developed in Julius Caesar C: Antony was once Brutus's best friend, but they become enemies when both want to be named king of Rome.

What is the Tragedy of Julius Caesar?

They celebrate Caesar's victory at Pompey through statues, decorations, etc. The Tragedy of Julius Caesar is a tragedy by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written in 1599. It is one of several plays written by Shakespeare based on true events from Roman history, which also include Coriolanus and Antony and Cleopatra.

Thus, option "C" is correct.

To learn more about Julius Caesar click here:



some people think that there are no difference between prejudice and discrimination ​



Are should be is


Some people think that there is no difference between prejudice and discrimination.


some people think that there are no difference between prejudice and discrimination ​                        

the answer is are


use grammerly it will help u with this type of thing.

Identify three character traits of Mrs. Mallard


intelligent , independent, repressed

list some of the ways to concentrate more on school work. ​



some ways to concentrate more on school work include

• keeping your phone away from you unless needed for the work

• set up a desk or similar, and not do your work on your bed.

• ask your teacher questions as most of us our online, send a email to your teacher for more guidance

• study and do work in a quiet place always although it's not always possible.

• don't stress yourself too much and always take a deep breath and time for yourself. HEALTH IS PRIORITY.

The following sentence is most likely which part of an expository essay?
An elephant has more muscles in its trunk than a human has in its
entire body.
A. Supporting detail
B. Concluding sentence
C. Topic sentence
D. Thesis statement





A supporting detail because it is not a thesis statement, topic sentence or concluding sentence

Identify the phrases AND what type of phrase. Juan was writing his paper, while his sleeping dog napped by his feet.



The phrase "Juan was writing his paper" is a Noun Phrase, in addition to being an independent clause. The phrase "while his sleeping dog napped by his feet" is a Conjunctional Phrase, in addition to being a dependent clause. The two sentences together form a complex sentence.


A complete sentence is one that has a dependent clause and an independent clause. Dependent clauses are those that cannot emit meaning alone and need to be complemented by the independent clause, which is the one that has meaning alone.

In the sentence shown above, "Juan was writing his paper" is the independent clause and can also be considered a Noun Phrase, which are phrases that are established around a single noun that is the subject of the sentence, in this case, the noun is the word "Juan."

The "while his sleeping dog napped by his feet" clause is a dependent clause and is a Conjunctional Phrase that are phrases that always start with a conjunction. The word "while" is a subordinate conjunction, as it is able to link a dependent clause to an independent clause.

I NEED HELP! vjrdfgvbngsdkgf


Ayy, have you seen the state of her body? (Mad)
If I beat it, I ain't wearin' a johnny (Hah)
Adeola wanna roll with a geezer (With a geez)
Is it me or the lifestyle, sweetheart?
Actually, I don't give a shi (Nah)
I'm a rapper now, might as well live in it (Live in it)

This is a public service announcement about flu prevention.

Two people sharing ear buds on a poster that reads, "Spread Music. Not Flu. Even healthy people can get the flu, and it can be serious. Everyone 6 months and older should get a flu vaccine. This means you. This means protect yourself, and those around you, by getting a flu vaccine."

What is the mood of this public service announcement?






We can see that the mood of this public service announcement is: Upbeat.

What is mood?

Mood refers to the feeling which one has temporarily about something. In literature, the tone of a passage can actually dictate the mood.

Thus, in this public service announcement, we see that the mood is upbeat.

Learn more about mood on


are there any events that compare to 9/11


The  Bombing  Of   Pearl  Harbor might somewhat compare because of the amount of deaths (2,403) which is about 500 off

Question 2 (10 points)
The baby, Paris, was taken care of by a bear and then adopted by herdsmar
O True
O False




The name Paris is probably of Luwian origin, and comparable to Pari-zitis, attested as a Hittite scribe's name.[2] The name Paris is etymologically unrelated to the name of the French city of Paris, which derives its name from a Gaulish tribe called the Parisii.

How does magic work in this story?

Dust is sprinkled.
Chants are recited.
Potions are cooked.
Spells are woven.



I believe it will be "Chants are recited" if I'm wrong im so sorry

Someone help out




I think it's recent studies suggest that the language changes ..

which word is a SYNONYM for the word faint?




Slight, because faint means pass out, or barely viewable or not as good object


Bleary, blear, blurry, dim, foggy, fuzzy, gauzy, hazy, indefinite, indistinct, indistinguishable, misty, murky, nebulous, obscure, opaque, pale, shadowy, unclear, undefined, undetermined, vague

What are Sodapop's strengths in The Outsiders.



He is a very happy go lucky person who has a sweet and sensitive personality.

Explanation: 8'th Grade huh?

Exercise 6
You have a school exam next week. You want to invite your friend Abdulla to your house to
study together. Write an email to Abdulla.
Invite Abdulla to your house.
Tell Abdulla why and when to come.
Suggest what you and Abdulla can do after finishing studying.
Your email should be between 150 and 200 words long.


Hey Abdulla! I really need to study for my exam but I’m having some trouble focusing. I just thought maybe you can come over and study with me. Do you want to? You are my best friend and I thought it’d be easier to study with you. I want you to come because in the past, you’ve always helped me with my school studies. You always seem to know how to help me. If you want to come, you should be at my house by 3:00. After we finish studying, I thought maybe we could go get some smoothies and go out to eat. Maybe we can also watch some movies and just hang out. I’d really love to see you and I really hope you decide to come! I know we make a great team when we work together!

Love your friend,

Eden <3


dear abdulla,

hope u r doing good as u know that next week we have a school exam, so I wanted to invite u to my house so that we can study togethere. my parents won't be home for a couple of days and as u know I feel scared while leaving alone so I wanted to invite u and moreover this is a great opportunity for us to study togethere and score good in our exam as we both are good in this subject and teach each other many tricks to solve the questions easily and in less time. also after studying we can go to beach near my house and hang out with our friends. it would be too fun. u can come to my house by tomorrow. hope for a positive response.

Someone please help and thank you



These prices won't last forever


Why do you think it is important to look at opinions on both sides of an issue?



It is important


Without knowing both sides of a story, you cannot make a fair comment on that story or pass a fair judgment. This is one of the first things that students in journalism school are taught. It's also why every trial consists of both prosecution and defense teams.


i hope it works and given is the answer


What role does advertising play in communicating a mass message? Remember to justify your answer (minimum 4-5 complete sentences)


Advertising plays a huge role in mass messaging. Advertising helps bring in a large "audience" of wide spread. Including many different forms; televisions and radios for example. Advertising takes the role of a messenger; communicating or getting the word out about the business. This takes the role of advertising and communicating as a mass message.

.... hopefully that helped a bit. If not i am so so sorry

The role that advertising plays in communicating to the mass is to be inform and persuade the media and people.

The thesis statement of a text contains its main idea, argument, or key points, and an active reader is not concerned
with this information.

Will mark brainliest!!!


True, im pretty sure not 100% goodluck



I was reading and i think the part "is already to graduate"

is wrong.

shouldn't it be "Is already graduating."

Answer:  ALL ready


help please im giving 15 points for this



When you choose a college to attend, you should spend sufficient time learning about the programs offered there. When it is time to tell your parents about your top choices, you need to support your assertions with specific details. Do not misrepresent the university, but carefully present your opinion. Who knows? They might end up thinking your top choice was really their idea all along! If you don't do this, the alternative could be miserable.

collage - college

their - there

ascertions - assertions

misrepersent - misrepresent

there - their

ideal - idea

alternetive - alternative

I could only find 7, sorry.

Two resources are online checking websites, like Grammarly and you can also have someone else proofread your writing.

October sky questions

1. Who tried to talk to homer after lunch.
A. His dad
B. Bluefield Telegraph reporter
C. The science club
D. The high school football coach

2. How many people would have died in the mining accident if it weren’t for Mr.Hickman
A. 12
B. 24
C. 6
D. None

3. Why does Homer start working in the mind?
A. His dad made him
B. He was interested in mining
C. His brother chickened out of working in the mines
D. To help pay bills while his dad is in the hospital

4. When Homer visits his teacher, what does she tell him
A. “teachers push you to do things you don’t want to”
B. “you are better than the mine”
C. “I am proud of you no matter what you choose”
D. “You don’t want to stay here”

5. The principle of the school is supportive of Homer and the boys,as well as the teacher for the rocketry. (True or false)


Answer: 12

B. 24

C. 6

D. None

3. Why does Homer start working in the mind?

A. His dad made him

B. He was interested in mining

C. His brother chickened out of working in the mines

D. To help pay bills while his dad is in the hospital

4. When Homer visits his teacher, what does she tell him

A. “teachers push you to do things you don’t want to”

B. “you are better than the mine”

C. “I am proud of you no matter what you choose”

D. “You don’t want to stay here”

5. The principle of the school is supportive of Homer and the boys,as well as the teacher for the rocketry. (True or false)


Other Questions
Donde un auto produce mas friccion en una carretera con hielo o en una sin hielo The Black killed almost what percentage of the people in Europe?A. 20% B. 40%C. 60%D. 80% Guys pls help me!!!! 4. How would you calculate the poH of a base when given theconcentration of [OH]-? subtract 7 1/8-1 1/9 Simplify the answer and write as a mixed number. What is the value of 3n +1 when n = 4? A. 12 B. 13 C. 7 D. 8 A quantity with an initial value of 7200 decays exponentially at a rate of 0.3% everyday. What is the value of the quantity after 10 weeks, to the nearest hundredth? A rice farmer employs 15 men to harvest his crop. The men take 12 days to do the job. If he had employed 9 men, how many days would it have taken them? Ok here is the question I need it answered fast I'll give brainliest! Complete the blanks in the stories with the corresponding verb forms. Naomi pays $1.50 each time she rides the city bus. She has already ridden the bus 18 times so far this year. The expression 1.50b+1.50(18) represents the amount of money she expects to spend on bus rides for the entire year.What part of the expression represents the amount of money Naomi expects to spend on bus rides between now and the end of the year?A bB 1.50C 1.50bD 1.50(18) k heres the actual question Define and explain the rules for an ellipsis. Provide an example sentence correctly using an ellipsis. __________ is a characteristic of an organism that allows it to survive better in an environment.A. AdaptationB. Natural selectionC. Artificial selectionD. Mutation What kind of property is used in the following example?3 x 7 = 7 x 3Identity PropertyAssociative Property Distributive propertyCommutative Property What is the correct answer? A rock climber is standing at the edge of a cliff looking down into a valley and sees a lion laying 120 feet fromthe base of the cliff. The angle of depression of the rock climber to the lion is 35. How high is the cliff in feet? (NEED DONE SOON) The measure of two supplementary angles are 4x - 24 and 4(2x - 3). What is x Por qu el Cirque du Soleil es una organizacin? Qu caractersticas tiene? 1. The amount of income that would result from an alternative use of cash is called opportunity cost. A. TrueB. False2. When a segment of a company is showing a net loss, it is always best to discontinue the segment in order not to continue with losses.A. TrueB. False