Adding adjectives to When I have enough money there are three things I like to my face I need to buy a car I want to buy a television if I have enough money left over I'm going to buy a lamp


Answer 1


Rewrite the following paragraph, adding adjectives to describe the three things you'd like to buy.

When I have enough money, there are three things I'd like to buy. First, I need to buy a trendy car. Next, I want to buy a big 50'' television. If I have enough money left over, I'm going to buy a beautiful lamp for my living room.


Adjectives are parts of speech that describe items, thus giving them more meaning. In the paragraph above, the adjectives, trendy, big 50'', and beautiful, add more meaning and visual description to the items that I will like to buy. The reader can thus imagine what the items look like.

Adjectives describe people, places, and things. Things described in the paragraph above include, car, television, and lamp.

Related Questions

Which greeting of a business letter is written correctly?

O Dear Ms. Baker.

O Dear Ms. Baker.

Dear Ms. Baker,

(Dear Ms. Baker)


Answer: I believe it's the third one.

Dear Ms. Baker;


What is the meaning of the word orderly as it is used in this paragraph?

“It started off nicely enough. There was a garden directly beneath Bruno’s window. Quite a large one too, and full of flowers which grew in neat orderly sections in soil that looked as it if was tended very carefully by someone who knew that growing flowers in a place like this was something good that they could do, like putting a tiny candle of light in the corner of a huge castle on a misty moor on a dark winter’s night.”





Orderly as used in the paragraph above means well-arranged and organized. It is an adjective that describes the manner or how the flowers were arranged.

The supporting details in the paragraph show that this is the right meaning. The mention of the careful and neat manner in which the flower was planted can help a reader deduce what the word means. This word can also be used as a noun to signify an attendant who works in a hospital or a soldier who takes orders.

Which scenario shows an example of situational irony?

Portia says she believes Brutus, when really, she thinks he is lying to her.
Brutus lies to Portia about his health, knowing that he is fine.
The audience knows that Brutus is actually ill even though Brutus does not.
Brutus says that he is about to do something that will make him well, but his actions bring about his death.





Taking it right now.

Answer: D.Brutus says that he is about to do something that will make him well, but his actions bring about his death.


Took the Exam

Please help!!

“There is no more dangerous experiment than that of undertaking to be one thing before a man's face and another behind his back. We should live, act, and say nothing to the injury of anyone.”

How does the author convey his tone?

A. by alerting his son to the dangers of miscommunication

B. by suggesting that his son avoid bringing physical harm to anyone.

C. by discourage his son from experimenting too much

D. by impressing upon his son the importance of being honest.



by suggesting that his son avoid bringing physical harm to anyone.

What does the root infer mean in the word inferior?
After the change of management, the store began to offer inferior products.





The root "infer" means to deduce, to conclude. And the word "inferior" means something that is lower, lesser in quality, of a low position, etc.

In the use of the word "inferior" in the sentence "[a]fter the change of management, the store began to offer inferior products", we can deduce that the word meant "a lower quality", which can be related to the word "below". So, the sentence meant to say that after the management changed, the store began to offer lesser quality products. This means that the store gave goods that are below the expected or normal quality.

Thus, the correct answer is "below".

the differences between a toxic leader and a good leader



A good leader would help if you needed it a toxic leader would leave you to fall. Is that what you mean??


Rain and hail start to fall, and lightning begins flashing.
a. compound
C. compound-complex
b. complex





its nolonger siply easy to say how are u

I want a possible solution



1 won't drop rubbish in the nature reserve

2 we will protect the endangered animals

3 won't pick the flowers and plants

1. List the three main characters of "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow," and explain how each one
fits or does not fit the Romantic ideal. Give an example from the text to support your



Katrina Van Tassel: she is a rich and beautiful girl and represents the romantic interest, in which the protagonist and the antagonist deposit their love and desire. Katrina is an 18-year-old girl and knows that she has a strong sensual appeal to the men of the city. She highlights her own attributes as a way of getting attention from those she desires.

Brom Van Brunt: He is the antagonist of the story and wants to prevent the protagonist from winning Katrina's love, as he is also in love with her. He is admired in the region and is a skilled and daring man.

Ichabod Crane: He is the protagonist who disputes Katrina's love with Brom. Ichabod is not as admired in the city and has disadvantages as winning the woman he wants. He is also not as strong and handsome as Brom.


30 Points if you answer! How Does The Writer Use Language Here To Describe Zoe's Feelings (8 marks) (English)

Any Help is appreciated :)​


Answer:  She feels confident


1.) Which of the following choices is an example of a visual aid?

A.) a title page

B.) an appendix

C.) a map

D.) a word in bold or italicized print


D. Because it’s bolded to help someone who has trouble seeing


C.) a map


Hope this helped!!!




genotype of both parents is uu.


All different type of genotypes (parent 1 and parent 2; offspring)

UU + UU = UU

UU + Uu = Uu

UU + uu = Uu

Uu + UU = Uu

Uu + Uu = Uu

Uu + uu = Uu

uu + UU = Uu

uu + Uu = Uu

uu + uu = uu

Which sentence is written correctly?

O The scores of the contestants are as follows, Jackson, 6: García, 9. Chen, 8

O The scores of the contestants are as follows, Jackson, 6; García, 9; Chen, 8.

The scores of the contestants are as follows: Jackson, 6; Garcia, 9, Chen, 8.

O The scores of the contestants are as follows: (Jackson, 6. Garcia, 9, Chen, 8).


The last one of written correctly

How does the underlined analogy on page 2 support the author's purpose? It emphasizes the idea that life experiences shape the brain The brain at this stage is a bit like an unmolded lump of clay. The neurons need to be rearranged for the young individual to thrive. Each neuron contains an axon, a thin, long structure extending from the center of the neuron. The axon acts as a messenger, transmitting information in the form of electrical signals, or impulses, to other neurons. Also extending from each neuron are numerous dendrites, which receive impulses from other neurons. Multiple connections called synapses are formed among growing neurons. These synapses, which form between axons and dendrites, help to organize the cells into complex networks inside the A.It emphasizes the idea that life experiences shape the brain. When a person is born, each neuron has B.It helps the reader understand the physical appearance of the brain at birth. C.It draws a connection between brain structure and neuron numbers at birth, D.It illustrates the importance of cultural experiences on brain growth.​



“It emphasizes the idea that life experiences shape the brain.”

which two of these words can be used to describe summary?



compendious and short.

thenks and mark me brainliestt :))

i need help on ixl ixl ixllll



The 2nd one


Answer: Some people say that standing desks promote good study habits, but others are wary about the new desks.

Explanation: Some students and parents are agreeing that standing desks are better than seating desks. On the other hand, some other students and parents don't like the idea and oppose it. Hope this helps!

What is an argument?
Group of answer choices

A scientific statement based on humor

A position statement based on logic

A political statement based on fear

A practical statement based on emotion


In my opinion, the answer would be the second one, A position statement based on logic. Number A does not make sense as it is not a serious argument and the third one also doesn’t make sense as it’s based on emotion which is also isn’t D.

Second option; A position statement based on logic

Which sentence describes the etymology of a word?
O A. A paradigm is the set of overall assumptions that experts make.
O B. The pas in faux pas is pronounced like the English word paw.
O C. Mega, as in megabyte, comes from the Greek word megas.
O D. Synonyms of cowardly include craven and yellow-bellied.




Etymology is the study of where words come from. Answer C talks about where the prefix "mega" comes from.

Need help please
No links, I will report them!

Which two sentences best develop the character of John Messner?

A Day's Lodging
by Jack London (adapted excerpt)

John Messner seemed succumbing to the apathy of it all as the frost was benumbing his spirit. He plodded on with bowed head, unobservant,
mechanically rubbing nose and cheeks, and batting his steering hand against the gee-pole in the straight trail-stretches. But the dogs were
observant, and suddenly they stopped, turning their heads and looking back at their master out of eyes that were wistful and questioning. Their
eyelashes were frosted white, as were their muzzles, and they had all the seeming of decrepit old age, what of the frost-rime and exhaustion.
The man was about to urge them on, when he checked himself, roused up with an effort and looked around. The dogs had stopped beside a
water-hole, not a fissure, but a hole man-made, chopped laboriously with an axe through three and a half feet of ice. A thick skin of new ice
showed that it had not been used for some time. Messner glanced about himself. The dogs were already pointing the way, each wistful and
hoary muzzle turned toward the dim snow-path that left the main river trail and climbed the bank of the island.
"All right," he said. "I'll investigate. You're not a bit more anxious to quit than I am."
He climbed the bank and then disappeared. However, the dogs did not lie down, but on their feet eagerly waited his return. He came back to
them, took a hauling-rope from the front of the sted. It was a stiff pull, but their weariness fell from them as they crouched low to the snow,
whining with eagerness and gladness as they struggled upward to the last ounce of effort in their bodies. When a dog slipped or faltered, the
one behind nipped his hind quarters. The man shouted encouragement reats, and threw all his weight on the hauling-rope.



Explanation: first and third


1.) John Messner seemed succumbing to the apathy of it all as the frost was benumbing his spirit.

2.) Messner glanced about himself.



After what type of event is this story set?


tell us what the even is about

How is Abo MOST influenced by preparing
meals in the Islamic Center?
What Makes A Meal




It awakens his desire to share iraqi food and customs

Answer:It awakens his desire to share Iraqi food and customs.


Which statement describes the impact of the author’s word choice in paragraph 1?
A.The author uses the word fascinating to express interest in the topic
B.The author uses the word backward to criticize mirror technology.
C.The author uses the word find to create a dark and mysterious tone
D.The author uses the word classic to contribute a hint of humor.


Answer: it’s A

Explanation: guessing because we don’t know the statement

The author uses the word fascinating to express interest in the topic. This statement describes the impact of the author’s word choice in paragraph 1. Hence, option A is appropriate.

Who is an Author?

A writer of a book, essay, play, or other written piece is referred to as an author. An author is "the individual who started or gave existence to anything" and whose authorship defines responsibility for what was made, according to a more comprehensive definition of the term.

A writer is someone whose writing has been made public. Those who write are considered writers when they create the concepts and content of their written work, in addition to creating published work. Because of this, the majority of authors write, yet not all writers are called authors.

An individual is considered an author if they meet all of the following requirements: (1) significant conceptional and design input; (2) data collecting; (3) data analysis and interpretation; and (4) final version approval.

Hence, option A is correct.

Learn more about the Author here:


Can someone plz help me with this one problem plz plz!!!


Answer:Entery 3


My reasoning is that he saids he‘s bringing it into the arts center and usually arts is like artwork or music.

Are people too reliant on the internet?

and why and why no write 3-4 sentence



Yes we use it for our basic needs such as family, entertainment, school, love. Instead we could go out in the world and actually meet people! But we do not. And if people in the 80s could do it without phones and still have a good time, then so can we!

Kenisha realized that she was staring out the window during reading time. She tried to think about what she had just read about black holes. She remembered that they are in outer space. She could not remember what makes black holes dangerous. Read the scenario carefully. What reading strategy would best help Kenisha to improve her comprehension in this situation? She could ask herself questions about black holes. She could reread to find characteristics of black holes. She could summarize what she remembers so far about black holes. She could pause and think about whether she remembers the central idea of the text.





k look up the answer

how can the concept of collective leadership be successful​



Collective leadership requires specific conditions for the success of the whole: trust, shared power, transparent and effective communication, accountability, and shared learning.


How does Annie respond to Helen's "test"?
A. Hugs Helen
B. Asks Kate for help
C. Restrians Helen
D.Walks away from Helen
E.Gives in to Helen


i dont know but i’ma say E
I believe that the answer is E

Choose the correct answer.
Which is most likely to organize an exhibition?
A) a school committee
B) a group of paintings
C) the museum staff
D) a service station



C) the museum staff


museums are where exhibitions are

I need a book report on the book no way out Bluford.



This is the fourteenth Bluford book. This is about freshmen Harold Davis whose grandmother is sick and they struggle to pay her hospital bills and if she doesn't get better he will go to a foster home. The neighborhood drug dealer Londell James convinces him to work for him so he'll get money for his grandmother. When Harold sees that Londell only wants money and his grandmother has always warned him about drugs, he tries to escape, but Londell threatens him and now he is trapped.

Author: Peggy Kern

Published: 2009

ploughing, sowing, manuring, rowing odd word
rowing ​


Answer: rowing


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