'A professional mentor should be:
O A teacher in your high school
O An employer or manager at the child care facility
O An experienced person in your field
O Aminister at your church
O Aparent of a child in your care


Answer 1
Since it’s professional I would say an experienced person in your field
Answer 2
An experienced person in your field

Related Questions

Child-care providers are not required to participate in the Child and Adult Care Food Program,
O False


That is in fact true, they are not obligated to required and type of program if they don’t want too.


True lol


i just looked it up

An active commitment to challenging prejudice, stereotyping and all forms of discrimination.
Anti Semitism
Anti Bias



A) Anti- bias




Which of the following are ways to reduce advertising in your life.

A. Don't be a walking advertisement
B. Reduce junk mail
C. Keep your branded items hidden
D. All of the above


i believe the answer is D .

How long has Yolanda participated in a weight loss program?



The Mayo Clinic Diet is the official diet developed by Mayo Clinic, based on research and clinical experience. It focuses on eating healthy foods that taste great and increasing physical activity. It emphasizes that the best way to keep weight off for good is to change your lifestyle and adopt new health habits.

What is a "branliest" or however u spell it...


itit's for people that give the best answer wich means they have to explain their answers really good

Drugs, diseases, and other harmful substances are most dangerous to the
developing organism during the_______





it where the fetus grow

the answer is Embryonic

Which of the following medications blocks vagus nerve effects on the​ heart?


Hope this helps
The answer is B

Nutritional therapy is founded on the principle that although each person is biochemically different from another, the things that make up good health are the same for everyone. True False





Nutritional therapy can be defined as the treatment of a medical condition such as obesity, diabetes, kwashiorkor, etc., through the administration of special diet with respect to quality, quantity and nutrients.

Basically, nutritional therapy is a physiological and biochemical process that is largely based on the principle that although each individual is biochemically different from another, the things that make up good health are the same for everyone.

A good health can be defined as the state of well-being in which all of the components of an individual's health are in balance. These state of well-being comprises of six (6) important components and they are; physical, spiritual, emotional, environmental, social and mental or intellectual. In order to have a good health, physicians and medical professionals advise individuals to eat food with high nutritional values and engage in physical activity such as an aerobic exercise.

An aerobic exercise refers to all forms of physical activity that an individual engages in, in order to increase the heart rate (from low to high intensity) in response to the level of oxygen required by any activated or working muscle in the human body. Some examples of aerobic exercise (cardiofitness activity) includes cycling, swimming, jogging, walking, skiing etc.

In conclusion, fitness experts usually advises everyone to maintain a healthy lifestyle, eat well and judiciously engage in cardiofitness activities or exercises so as to improve well-being, body mass index (BMI), wellness or heart health.



1) the amount of certain nutrients the FDA thinks adults should consume each day if they are to remain healthy
3) hot dog

The first one is the amount of certain nutrients the FDA thinks adults should consume each day if they are to remain healthy

The second one is USDA

And the third one is hot dog

I hope this helps!

All of the following statements are true EXCEPT:

A. Interest is always a bad thing.

B. Interest is money you earn on money you have in a savings account.

C. Interest is additional money that must be paid on money that was borrowed.

D. Owing interest may make you a slave to money.



i think option  A is is the answer


All of the following statements are true EXCEPT Interest is always a bad thing. Correct Option is 1.

The statement "Interest is always a bad thing" is not true. While owing interest on borrowed money can be a financial burden, earning interest on money invested or saved in a savings account can be beneficial. Interest earned on savings allows the money to grow over time, helping individuals build wealth and achieve their financial goals. So, statement A is the one that is not true.

Try to know more about Interest :



please help !!

What is the first thing you should do when using an AED?

A. Wipe the victim's chest dry.
B. Find a power source for the AED.
C. Administer a shock to the victims
D. Attach pads to the victim's chest.


B. Find a power source for the AED

The Coggin’s test checks for the presence of in horses.






A Coggins test is a blood test that checks for the presence of Equine Infectious Anemia or EIA. It is mostly transmitted by large biting flies like horse or deer flies. ... A horse that tests positive for EIA may be actively infected or a carrier.

: In your own words, define the following terms. GREEN HOUSE EFFECT



The greenhouse effect is a natural process that warms the Earth's surface. When the Sun's energy reaches the Earth's atmosphere, some of it is reflected back to space and the rest is absorbed and re-radiated by greenhouse gases.The absorbed energy warms the atmosphere and the surface of the Earth.



the greenhouse effect is the holding of the sun's heat in the atmosphere. which causes weather changes and other environmental issues

what is family health?


Family health history is a record of the diseases and health conditions in your family. You and your family members share genes. You may also have behaviors in common, such as exercise habits and what you like to eat. You may live in the same area and come into contact with similar things in the environment. The family plays a central role in developing and maintaining attitudes, values, and behaviors related to health promotion of its members. Further, the family is responsible for providing basic resources that support the promotion of health in its members. Working with a reference group of family physicians in private practice, ten central elements were identified: (1) comprehensiveness of care, (2) anticipation of problems and continuity of care, (3) personal relationships with a patient, (4) medical knowledge and skills characteristic of family medicine. Hope this helps!


[tex] \colorbox{yellowgreen}{ \sf{family \: health}}[/tex]

State of positive interaction between family members which enables each members of the family to enjoy optimum, physical, mental,social and spiritual well being

I hope it helps !


Sometimes you have to stop being scared and just go for it. Either it’ll work out or it won’t. That’s llife.



Very true :)


What dances are Cardio dances?

Cotton Eye Joe, Cha Cha slide

Zumba, Bollywood Zumba



A:cotton eye joe,cha cha slide


TAMA O MALI Lahat ng awitin na nasa anyong unitary ay may isang melodiya lamang.



I think it's true

Which word describes a tumor that is cancerous?

A. benign
B. malignant
C. carcinogen
D. biopsy



B. malignant

stay safe healthy and happy.

Malignant describes a tumor that is cancerous.

What is Tumor?

Cysts and tumors can have similar appearances and can develop on practically any area of the body. Tumors, on the other hand, are solid masses of tissue, whereas cysts are sacs that contain liquid or air.

Cysts may seem softer to the touch than tumors, which often feel solid, due to their composition. On the other hand, some benign tumors have a velvety texture.

The majority of benign tumors are not dangerous and are not likely to spread to other body regions. if they rub against nerves or blood vessels or start the endocrine system's overproduction of hormones, they may result in pain or other issues.

Therefore, Malignant describes a tumor that is cancerous.

To learn more about tumors, refer to the link:



BACK provides guidelines for safe lifting.
O True
0 False


i believe this is false

Which condition does exercising regularly reduce the risk of developing?

Type 1 diabetes
Multiple sclerosis


The correct answer would be - Type 1 diabetes
Type one diabetes is the correct answer

Can y’all name your own dance

( Create a dance name )


You said create a dance name.


Let it be maniopalogejashcerosepticneologisad.

If you want it simple then let it be:

corosnritya or nrityacoros

[corotya or nritros in short]

I made the word corosnritya or nrityacoros by combining two words of the two most ancient languages:

coros means dance in Greek language

nritya means dance in Sanskrit language

Beta-blockers have what effect on heart rate and​ contractility?
Increased heart rate and decreased contractility
Increased heart rate and contractility
Decreased heart rate and increased contractility
Decreased heart rate and contractility



um i think its C but im not sure lol

If your urine is blue, what might that indicate? *
O you ate as asparagus or had food dyes
O you have blood in your urine
you had food dyes or a rare genetic condition
O you have UTI - urinary tract infection



Your urine can tell you a lot about your health and your habits. Urine is produced when blood passes through the kidneys, which filter out excess waste and water. This waste travels through tubes known as ureters and is stored in the bladder until you urinate.

Urine is roughly 95 percent water, and the rest is composed of thousands of compounds — both inorganic and organic — exiting the body.

Certain changes in your urine or urine habits, either during or after urination, may indicate that you have a medical condition. These signs often include:

Dark or discolored urine

Cloudy urine

Blood in urine

Frequency of urination

Pain during urination

The presence of abnormal amounts of certain chemicals, such as proteins, sugars, ketones, and others, can also help your healthcare provider diagnose and monitor various medical conditions.


Second option.


Food coloring can enter the blood stream and the kidneys' filter.

The "rare genetic condition" is most likely referring to Blue Diaper Syndrome, which is a rare, autosomal recessive metabolic disorder found in infants.

help me please. i need help


I did this the other day I’ll try to remember

(Blank) is the study of how genetic variations can affect people's responses to drugs.

(Blank) uses genome technology to discover new drugs.





Pharmacogenetics - is the study of how genetic variations can affect people’s responses to drugs.

Pharmacogenomics - uses genome technology to discover new drugs.


Good luck

1. What position did you choose sitting up or lying down?
2. What did you focus on when breathing and meditating?
3. Focusing on the sensation of sitting on the chair, the rising and falling of your breath, the sounds of birds or any other specific focal point, you will, in effect, bring your mind to “the present moment” and experience the many stress & anxiety-reducing benefits that follow. What did you feel throughout your body during your meditation session? What did you sense in your surroundings?
4. Many believe meditation is about clearing the mind and avoiding our thoughts, when in fact, meditation is the best tool to improve our deep thinking & creative problem-solving ability. Pick out a problematic situation you may be dealing with right now and use it during your session. Were you able to think through this problem during your meditation session? Why or why not do you think you were successful?
5. How did you feel after your meditation session?
Were you able to focus and connect with your body and feel the sensations all around you while thinking deeply into a situation.



My answer


sitting up

trying to forget everything that is going on around me.

I felt peaceful

I forgot everyone there

Yes I think I was successful because i focused very hard.

I felt calmer and happier

what is cross contamination in your own words? PLEASE I NEED IT RUGHT NOW



the process by which bacteria or other microorganisms are unintentionally transferred from one substance or object to another, with harmful effect


In my own words: When items are not cleaned properly they can infect the food you are dealing with and cause a harmful effect.

Which of these is NOT a description of an eating disorder?
Eat very little on purpose because of an intense ear of weight gain.
Overeat (because of feeling out of control) and binge (get rid of those calories)
through laxatives, diuretics, bills, fasting, vomits or exercising a lot.
Overeat large amounts of food and feel out of control even when they're not
Strictly avoid specific foods
These are all descriptions of eating disorders



These are all descriptions of eating disorders.


If this is wrong then its strictly avoid specific foods, but if its really strict I don't think that's healthy. So last one is the best option.

Record keeping should be:
Done on paper
O Done digitally
O Done digitally and on paper
O Digitally, on paper or a combination
O Record-keeping is not necessary


Answer: O Done digitally and on paper


Record keeping should be done digitally and on paper

which one has one axon and zero dendrites :)






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