we went to the grocery idenity the verb​


Answer 1



we went to the grocery.

Here verb is went.

Answer 2




went is a verb meaning to go.





went= verb

Related Questions


Read this excerpt from Levitt and Dubner’s Freakonomics.

The incentive scheme that rules sumo is intricate and extraordinarily powerful. Each wrestler maintains a ranking that affects every slice of life; how much money he makes, how large an entourage he carries, how much he gets to eat, sleep, and otherwise take advantage of his success. The sixty-six highest-ranked wrestlers in Japan, comprising the makuuchi and juryo divisions, make up the sumo elite. A wrestler near the top of this elite pyramid may earn millions and is treated like royalty. Any wrestler in the top forty earns at least $170,000 a year. The seventieth-ranked wrestler in Japan, meanwhile, earns only $15,000 a year. Life isn’t very sweet outside the elite. Low-ranked wrestlers must tend to their superiors, preparing their meals and cleaning their quarters and even soaping up their hardest-to-reach body parts. So ranking is everything.

A wrestler’s ranking is based on his performance in the elite tournaments that are held six times a year. Each wrestler has fifteen bouts per tournament, one per day over fifteen consecutive days. If he finishes the tournament with a winning record (eight victories or better), his ranking will rise. If he has a losing record, his ranking falls. If it falls far enough, he is booted from the elite rank entirely. The eighth victory in any tournament is therefore critical, the difference between promotion and demotion; it is roughly four times as valuable in the rankings as the typical victory.

Based on the excerpt, which of the following statements best summarizes the incentive system that ranks sumo wrestlers?
The incentive system penalizes elite sumo wrestlers.
The incentive system rewards elite sumo wrestlers.
The incentive system treats all sumo wrestlers equally.
The incentive system treats all sumo wrestlers like royalty.



the answer is D.) The incentive system treats all sumo wrestlers like royalty.


What does friar lawrence tell romeo to do in act 2



Friar Lawrence counsels Romeo to love moderately and not with too much intensity, saying, “these violent delights have violent ends” 


The Friar criticizes Romeo for jumping so quickly from loving Rosaline to loving Juliet, but agrees to perform the ceremony because he thinks that the marriage may end the hatred between the Capulets and Montagues.



1. Pablo isn’t a teacher.

2. She’s isn’t a nurse.

3. Paola and Robert’s not sad.

4. Pepe are’t happy.

5. We aren’t happy. ayudaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa



only 1 is correct


Paola and Robert aren't sad

pepe isn't happy

she isn't a burse


1, 2, 5 are correct.


Based on what you learned about Gothic conventions, elements, and themes, explain what interests you and other readers who are drawn to this popular literary genre. Some examples of questions that you might consider as you formulate your response are: Is it the terror that makes Gothic fiction popular? Do you think reading about "liminal states" is more interesting than reading about a person's normal state? You can give examples of some favorite Gothic stories to support your point about why Gothic works are so popular among readers. ​





what is the corerct meaning of livelihood the oil spilll threatened the livelihood of people working in the finishing and tourism industries


manager man u the boss

The pirate looked out onto the open sea a parrot perched upon his peacock figurative language





(no joke I lost 3 brain cells reading that)

The figurative language in the sentence the  pirate looked out onto the open sea a parrot perched upon his peacock is alliteration.

What is alliteration?

Alliteration is when two or more words that start with the same sound are used repeatedly in a phrase or a sentence. The repeated sound creates alliteration, not the same letter.

Words that begin with the same sound don’t have to be necessarily near to each other to be considered alliteration. There's no rule saying how many words apart they can be, but the best way to figure out if alliteration is used in a piece of text is by reading it out loud. The sound will clearly tickle the ears!

Learn more about alliteration,here:



Who is the speaker in the video you viewed and listened to?

pakisagot po,,need kolg​


Hello. You did not inform the video to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for it to be answered. However, I will try to help you in the best possible way.

In a video, the speaker is the one who is narrating the video, presenting the information that the video contains. To determine who the speaker of the video is, you must identify how that speaker is related to the context of the video, that is, if this vice is talking about science, the speaker can be a scientist, a teacher or a researcher. If the video talks about theater, the speaker can be an artist, an actor, a director, or another professional related to it.

read any book and describe the main character or write something intresting you read abt the book write 5 sentences. ​​



The Reason I Jump by Naoki Higashida


This book is an autobiography written by a 13-year-old boy from Japan about what it is like to live with autism. The way autistic people view the world is very different than the way we may perceive them to view the world. This disconnect between how we view and treat people with autism and how they actually view the world makes living with autism even more difficult.

The tone of an argumentative research paper should be _____.
Formal,Informal, or a bit of both?



I think it's formal I always write them that way, so I would say formal.

write a set of rules and regulations for a department store.​


Answer: Generate an idea and business plan

Choose a name for your retail store

Cover your legal basics

Find the right location

Create a personalized experience

Build vendor relationships

Explore marketing opportunities

Plan for a grand opening


a set of rules and regulations are Receipt of incoming packets after inspection, Identification, short-term holding, and transporting items when necessary.

What are the rules and regulations?

Rules are recommendations and directions for performing a task correctly. It was developed to control behavior inside a community or nation. They resemble principles in writing. In contrast, guidelines are instructions issued in addition to a nation's laws.

The  set of rules and regulations for a department store are as follows:

Finally, records control and material accounting.

shipping and packaging

Create a company strategy and an idea.

Pick a name for your retail business.

Refresh your legal knowledge

Locate the proper place

Make the experience individualized

build relationships with suppliers

Investigate marketing possibilities

Create a big opening plan.

Learn more about rules and regulations, Here:



All of the following are general reasons for producing media texts except
A. entertaining an audience
B. informing people
C. promoting media literacy
D. persuading consumers​



uhm i'd say C.

Explanation: because they wouldn't want to tell ppl ab other things they would just want promo's?

Can someone write a psa like this just not with these words.​


I’d say “It’s more harmful than you think.” i’d use these words because when someone gets bullied a lot goes through their mind and they can cause themselves harm or others such as suicidal thoughts or self harm. i hope this helps !

Anyone wanna ta.lk?...


this is not the time




I'm very bored lol how are you?

write a letter to your friend telling
him what you do to reamain healthy​


Dear Josh

I hope your staying safe out there. Right now me and my family are trying to stay healthy. First we like to make sure are hands are cleaned and mask are on when we go out. Second my mom is always trying to make me eat a few vegetables and gives me vitamins. Third is I like to play outside and I run a lot Maybe you can try different ways to stay healthy and safe too

From (Your name)

If the text that introduces a quote is not a complete sentence, which punctuation mark should you use between that text and your quotation?

- colon
- a semicolon
- a dash
- a comma



a comma


A comma is the punctuation mark that can be used between the text and your quotation. So, it's D.

What do you mean by Punctuation marks?

Punctuation marks may be defined as those symbolic representations that are utilized in writing distinct sentences and their components to clarify meaning. It includes comma, semicolon, dash, colon, etc.

A comma is used to give a small break during the sentence which makes the meaning clear and sensational.

Therefore, a comma is the punctuation mark that can be used between the text and your quotation. So, it's D.

To learn more about Punctuation marks, refer to the link:



2. What do the other prisoners say/do to Eliezer and his father that actually helps
them survive?



They were glad to throw out the corpses since it meant more room for the living and more clothes because the bodies were stripped naked. Two men, thinking that the old man was dead, were going to throw the father off the train, but Elie revived him.


1. Please give THREE SPECIFIC reasons why the character Tim O´Brien believed the

Vietnam War was morally wrong? |


1. He knew the psychological causes and effects of fighting in a war aka trauma , being ripped from your innocence, isolated and the thought of killing as a everyday sport. 2. It go against his principles, he doesn’t believe in the killing but he is also scared about what his family might say. 3. He says the war was only fought by men who were “reluctant and conflicted. And he will feel guilty for ignoring his own objection to the United States involvement in Vietnam.




i think


1 is pungent....waif

and 2 is compliant....logevity


Kathy is from the Watutu Tribe, but she and Watsu Bangu met at the Sudan university of Technology.

Which word is incorrectly capitalized?






University should be capitalized because it is part of the title of the school.

In Macbeth
Who knocks at the door the morning after the murder? *

A soldier
A porter
A nobleman
A murderer



On the Knocking at the Gate in Macbeth. The essay concerns Act II, scene three in The Tragedy of Macbeth, in which the murder of King Duncan by Macbeth and Lady Macbeth is succeeded by Macduff and Lennox knocking at the gate of the castle. The knocking ends Act II, scene 2 and opens II, 3, the Porter scene.


absent - minded scientist in
house on
Once, there lived


Ummm what are you asking or explains the question or???….

Which transition best fits the blank in the passage?
A. Nevertheless
B. In time
C. One afternoon
D. On the one hand


The transition that best fits should be: In time

Answer: Nevertheless


Is millie boby brown amazing dont anser ules you think so. have coman sence


Answer:she’s a queen.



Shes my idol and shes an amazing actress. I really hope she recives an oscar one day.


Look up a company in a field that you like. This can be a company in science, education, politics, math, sports, clothing, etc. Identify 2-3 advertisements that are used for their company. Analyze and evaluate the techniques that they use in their advertisements and how it affects their audience.


Answer: audience= techniques+field i guessss

What does the word "Calvary" most likely suggest





Calvary or Golgotha, was according to the Gospels, a site immediately outside Jerusalem's walls where Jesus was crucified. ... The Bible translates the term to mean place of [the] skull, which in Greek is Κρανίου Τόπος, and in Latin is Calvariae Locus, from which the English word Calvary is derived.


According to tradition, at the beginning of the 1st century, Golgotha was located outside the city walls of Jerusalem, to the northwest of the city. It is currently part of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in the Christian quarter of the old city of Jerusalem. Since the end of the 19th century, some researchers have put forward other versions of its location, for example, the Garden Tomb in the north of Jerusalem at the Damascus Gate.


Which sentence is written correctly?

O The lead actor in the play has broken his leg, the director must find someone to take his place.

The lead actor in the play has broken his leg: the director must find someone to take his place.

O The lead actor in the play has broken his leg, the director must find someone to take his place.

(The lead actor in the play has broken his leg) the director must find someone to take his place.



the third one

The lead actor in the play has broken his leg, the director must find someone to take his place

A sunken ship is inoperable yes or no



See explanation for answer.


Assuming that the ship has sunken it should be mostly inoperable. Perhaps some parts of the ship could be saved but I doubt the ship would still work as it did before.

I hope this helps!

Have a lovely day!




IT sunk so it obviously wont work

At the end of the story, what attitude does Buddy have toward Vicki Koob?



at first he didnt like him but now he is all right with him


A person's attitude can change towards someone as a result of different reasons

What is Attitude?

This refers to the way a person relates with others and the way he acts around such people. This can either be good or bad.

Please note that your question is incomplete so I gave you a general overview to help you get a better understanding of the concept.

Read more about attitudes here:

In which of the following sentences are both the capitalization and punctuation correct?
A. Mr. Chan is one of several science teachers in our school; Mrs. Romero is the only Latin teacher.
B. Mr. Chan, having taught for more than twenty years may retire next year?
C. Juana enjoys science, she especially likes Chemistry and its various labs with their interesting results.
D. Mrs. Romero, often encourages her students to recite latin verses aloud.





8. We know Romeo and Juliet got married, but many other characters do not.
a. Dramatic Irony
b. Situational Irony
c. Verbal Irony
d. Figurative Irony
NO LINK please



A. Dramatic Irony



b. Situational Irony


Situational irony is a literary technique in which an expected outcome does not happen, or its opposite happens instead. Situational irony requires one's expectations to be thwarted and is also sometimes called an irony of events. The outcome can be tragic or humorous, but it is always unexpected.

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