According to the video, what are some tasks Production, Planning, and Expediting Clerks commonly perform?
Check all that apply.
tracking output
assembling parts for equipment
moving manufacturing materials
traveling between plants
dealing with inventory
keeping on schedule
keeping records


Answer 1


just did it on edgeuntiy got it on first try


According To The Video, What Are Some Tasks Production, Planning, And Expediting Clerks Commonly Perform?Check
Answer 2

The roles performed by Production, Planning, and Expediting Clerks include:

tracking outputdealing with inventorykeeping on schedulekeeping records.

What is production?

Production simply means the creation of goods and services for human use.

In this case, the roles performed by Production, Planning, and Expediting Clerks include tracking output, dealing with inventory, keeping on schedule, and keeping records.

Learn more about production on:

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B. J = 2 - 3B
C. J = 2B + 3
D. J = 3 - 2B
E. J = -2B - 3 ​


the answer is a . i hope you do well

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To compute the unknown term,.

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A leaf is the answer.

I think it's helpful for you.

Your answer would be Leaf. If you use a microscope and look through it at a leaf you will see cells.A car,raindrop,and rock wouldn’t be made out of cells because they are not living.

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Correct punctuation most definitely

i need this can you help if dont know dont answer. pls help me i am giving 100 points and brainlest



It shows tendency, China's wars were a threat to the country's northern frontier.

I'm not sure about my answer but you can keep building on from this.

chinas nation were a threat

all the pupils at the knight school Gawaine le Cur-Hardy was among the least promising. He was tall and sturdy, but his instructors soon discovered that he lacked spirit. He would hide in the woods when the jousting class was called, although his companions and members of the faculty sought to appeal to his better nature by shouting to him to come out and break his neck like a man. Even when they told him that the lances were padded, the horses no more than ponies and the field unusually soft for late autumn, Gawaine refused to grow enthusiastic. The Headmaster and the Assistant Professor of Pleasaunce were discussing the case one spring afternoon and the Assistant Professor could see no remedy but expulsion.
“No,” said the Headmaster, as he looked out at the purple hills which ringed the school, “I think I’ll train him to slay dragons.”

“He might be killed,” objected the Assistant Professor.

“So he might,” replied the Headmaster brightly, but he added, more soberly, “we must consider the greater good. We are responsible for the formation of this lad’s character.”

“Are the dragons particularly bad this year?” interrupted the Assistant Professor. This was characteristic. He always seemed restive when the head of the school began to talk ethics and the ideals of the institution.

“I’ve never known them worse,” replied the Headmaster. “Up in the hills to the south last week they killed a number of peasants, two cows and a prize pig. And if this dry spell holds there’s no telling when they may start a forest fire simply by breathing around indiscriminately.”

“Would any refund on the tuition fee be necessary in case of an accident to young Cur-Hardy?”

“No,” the principal answered, judicially, “that’s all covered in the contract. But as a matter of fact he won’t be killed. Before I send him up in the hills I’m going to give him a magic word.”

“That’s a good idea,” said the Professor. “Sometimes they work wonders.”

6. What is this passage about?
The problems that may arise from fighting dragons
How the educators would change Gawaine’s course of study
The way the Professor and the Headmaster taught about dragons
Giving Gawaine a magic word to help him fight dragons
7. What is the best way to describe Gawaine’s character?
Fearless and excitable
Careless and frigid
Spiritual and careful
Cowardly and apathetic
8. What is the meaning of “his better nature”?
An increased sense of honesty
A man’s ignoble ideas
A desire for propriety
A man’s nobler instincts







6.While some of the other choices are mentioned in the selection, they do not adequately explain what the entire selection is about.

7.Gawaine is said to be tall and sturdy, but would run away and hide at the smallest sign of trouble.

8.“His better nature” is a common way of talking about a person’s deeper character.

10 points and choose 3 lines of what it is and please be right



“we have before us many, many long months of struggle and suffering”

“we have before us a deal of the most grievous kind”

“victory at all costs, victory in spite of terror...”

Characteristics determined by an organism's genes


An organism's phenotype is determined by its genotype, but gene expression can be affected by environmental factors. These factors can alter the inherited traits of an organism.
A trait is a specific characteristic of an organism. Traits can be determined by genes or the environment, or more commonly by interactions between them. The genetic contribution to a trait is called the genotype. The outward expression of the genotype is called the phenotype.

Pls help i need this bad


that they treated there empower with respect because he’s on the top(on the social heirarchy)

Use the particle theory of matter to explain why laundry detergents tend to work better in hot "water than in cold water.


I think it will be medium or hocold water
Particle theory of matter states that particles at higher temperatures move faster that those at lower temperatures. Then laundry detergents particles move faster in hot water than in cold water, and therefore, they are more efficient and work better.






How will the motion of an object be affected if equal forces are applied in opposite directions?



the object will not move


Equal forces acting in opposite directions are called balanced forces. Balanced forces acting on an object will not change the object's motion. When you add equal forces in opposite direction, the net force is zero.

Why is it important to site sources? Name at least three reasons.

Sample response: It is important to site sources because authors should be given credit for their work. You should also document your sources to show that your research is reliable. Finally, documentation provides a guide for others.


Citing or documenting the sources used in your research serves three purposes: It gives proper credit to the authors of the words or ideas that you incorporated into your paper. It allows those who are reading your work to locate your sources, in order to learn more about the ideas that you include in your paper.


Citing or documenting the sources used in your research serves three purposes: It gives proper credit to the authors of the words or ideas that you incorporated into your paper. It allows those who are reading your work to locate your sources, in order to learn more about the ideas that you include in your paper.

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