According to the Navajo elders, what would happen if the Navajo language were lost and not past on?


Answer 1



Referendum allows non-Navajo speaker to be president TWEET SHARE ... Navajo Nation voters passed a referendum last month that allows for the first time for ... When one elder passes a piece of that puzzle is gone forever.


Related Questions

Study the map here. Then choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence about European
found a sea route around southern Africa in 1488.
Vasco da Gama found a route to
by sailing around Africa in 1498.
explored northeastern Canada in 1534.
In 1609, exploration of inland waterways in what is now the northern US led to the European discovery of the



✔ Bartolomeu Dias

found a sea route around southern Africa in 1488.

Vasco da Gama found a route to

✔ India

by sailing around Africa in 1498.

✔ Jacques Cartier

explored northeastern Canada in 1534.

In 1609, exploration of inland waterways in what is now the northern US led to the European discovery of the

✔ Hudson River


The answers to these questions are:

Bartolomeu Dias

found a sea route around southern Africa in 1488.

Vasco da Gama found a route to

India by sailing around Africa in 1498.

Jacques Cartier

explored northeastern Canada in 1534.

In 1609, exploration of inland waterways in what is now the northern US led to the European discovery of the

Hudson River

What is exploration?

This was the ways that the Europeans used to discover new areas in the past by carefully exploring and examining the places.

Read more on exploration here:

Which is the best example of a model citizen’s civic participation?



making contributions to political campaigns and attending school

following basic traffic laws and paying bills on time

volunteering in the community and voting in elections

reading a newspaper regularly and attending religious services

Serve at homeless shelters. join the volunteer firefighters.

donate for blood donors



having a job is


How did King Henry VIII change religion in England? Choose three correct answers. He split with the Catholic Church and formed the Church of England. He claimed that the king was the authority of the Church of England. He required that all people in England join the Catholic Church. He gave all the lands of the Catholic Church to people living in poverty. He had the Bible translated into English.



A, B, and E

he did not like the catholic church                                                                              




help fasttttttttttttttttttttt



b, b, a, d, A


i imight be wrong but here you go

I need a constructed response of the story "Under fire" because i have to many baby siblings to baby sit and have a bunch of homework and personal things going on. I really need a constructed response for it and here is the question
Constructed Response
Look back at Passage A: “Calm Under Fire”. A central idea of the passage is that Henry Ossian Flipper became the first black graduate of West Point and a successful engineer through his determination in facing overwhelming obstacles. Identify and explain TWO relevant details from the passage that support the central idea. Use the RACECE format.

Thank you so much to whoever answers this because i don't have enough time to finish this essay.



I'll help you for 20 bucks

What was life like for child factory workers?




They had long and inflexible work hours. According to many studies, these hours ranged from 14 hours a day or 70 hours per week. The child laborers worked in environments that were unhealthy and dangerous to their physical well being. Many lost limbs, were killed in gas explosions; crushed under machines; and burned.

In the mid-1800s, which of the
following would have been a
reason to go out West?
A. to search
B. to work in a factory
C. to live in a big city
D. to look for oil



a because there was the California gold rush

In the mid-1800s, the following would have been a reason to go out West is to search for gold. The correct option is (A).

What happened in early 1800s in America?

America saw rapid growth in the 1800s. The Louisiana Territory was purchased by the United States from France in 1803. Between 1800 and 1860, 17 new states were created. Millions of immigrants from different nations arrived in the 1800s.

Prospects for mining and the gold rush (silver in Nevada) the chance to engage in the cattle business; to "cowboy" By railroad, it is possible to go to the West more quickly and supplies are more readily available. affordable land ownership options provided by the Homestead Act.

Many people fled crop failure, land and job shortages, rising taxes, starvation, and other problems because they believed the United States to be the country of economic opportunity.

Therefore, in the mid-1800s, the following would have been a reason to go out West is to search for gold.

To know more about the 1800s in America, visit:


What fears of Americans did progressives articulate?



Progressives articulated American fears of the growing concentration of power and the excesses of industrial capitalism and urban growth.

explain why the “jazz age” represented an important transition for american society


The jazz movement was then a reflection of an evolving African American identity born of shared historical experience, including the contemporary experiences of the Great Migration and continuing troubled race relations.


Why were Spanish weaknesses so significant in the defeat of the Spanish Armada?
[12 marks]



The Armada was difficult to attack because it sailed in a 'crescent' shape. while the armada tried to get touch with the Spanish army, the English ship attacked fiercely. however, an important reason why English were able to defent the armada was that the wind blew the Spanish ships northwards.




I could be wrong but i think the anwser is A.


Hope this helps!

The equilibrium price is commonly called the __________ price.
A. production
B. saturation
C. cost-efficiency
D. market-clearing


D. market-clearing is the answer


D. Market Clearing


Just did the test on edge

How did Henry VIII encourage more people in England to read the Bible?
He required all men to attend religious services.
O He burned Protestants at the stake.
He had the Bible translated into English.
O He returned England to Catholic traditions.



The answer is c


It was against the law to publish a Bible in English before the 1530s. Latin readers and speakers had the power to interpret the Bible.  Hence option C is correct .

How did Henry VIII encourage more people in England to read the Bible?

Yet, Henry VIII authorised the publication of an English translation of the Bible in 1538, providing his subjects with easy access to the Bible. This was consistent with the religious reforms that the Reformation brought about across the continent.

Henry is clearly conveyed to be receiving the Word from God through the image. The speech-scrolls deliver the King's and the clergy's messages to the local parish congregation and Henry directly from God.

Thomas Cromwell, Henry VIII's prime minister, ordered each parish to purchase a copy of an English dictionary in September 1538.Bible and put it "any convenient place" where everyone can see and read it. The Big Bible, so named because to its size, was produced to satisfy this need.

Learn more about Henry VIII here





Great Migration

What was going on in Europe at the time that prevented the British from committing a larger portion of its military to fighting in the War of 1812?





What is the best description of capitalism?

the selling of finished goods to other colonies
the finding and producing of natural resources
the distributing of goods to individuals by the government
the making and selling of goods by individuals and businesses

answer is d



the answer is D


have a good rest of your day :)

The best description of capitalism is the making and selling of goods by individuals and businesses. Therefore, option D is correct.

What is capitalism?

Capitalism is an economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately owned and operated for profit. In a capitalist system, individuals and businesses are free to engage in economic activity, such as producing and selling goods and services, with the goal of making a profit.

The market forces of supply and demand determine prices, and competition drives innovation and efficiency. Capitalism is characterized by private property rights, voluntary exchange, and the freedom to pursue self-interest.

While government intervention may exist to regulate the economy and protect property rights, the overall operation of the economy is driven by individual decisions and market forces rather than central planning.

Learn more about capitalism here:


Explain 5 principles of democracy​


“The first principle, rule of law, provides the framework for a democracy. In America, the US Constitution establishes the boundaries for every citizen and government official to follow, as it is the supreme law of the land. Likewise, American state and local governments also have laws to keep order and freedom. There must be a clear establishment of law to secure liberties.
Next, individual rights are essential to a democracy, because citizens are the heart of a nation. The US Constitution provides for individual rights in many capacities. One of the most prominent places is in the First Amendment (which provides for freedom of worship, speech, assembly, petition, and the press). The founding fathers of America wanted to make sure that a democratic form of government was created, so citizens never lived under tyranny again. The premise that “all men are created equal” and have natural rights (which should never be taken away) is central to democracy.
Another principle, the consent of the governed, is essential for a democracy to endure. This means that all citizens agree to abide by the laws of the land but that they also have a voice in the government. Citizens have the right to vote, petition the government, elect and recall officials, and more. When a form of government loses the consent of the governed, it is no longer a democracy. This principle asserts that the government is to exist for the people, not the other way around.
The next principle of a democracy, representative government, coincides directly with the consent of the governed. In America, citizens vote for many officials to be their voices in government. These representatives are to serve the people as they work for the expressed needs and desires of their constituents. Citizens can call, write, and visit their representatives to petition government officials or demand change. If citizens lose their voice, government officials can begin working for their own agendas.
Lastly, a system of checks and balances is also vital for a healthy democracy. In order to maintain this, the US Constitution established three branches of government—legislative, executive, and judicial—each with its own responsibilities and powers. Again, the founding fathers of America did not want a king who acted as a despot ever again. Likewise, they did not want lawmakers who made unjust rules or judges who were corrupt. So, checks and balances exist to maintain accountability and keep citizens’ rights at the center of government.”

^ From enotes

i have 5 minutes to answer ​


I think is the 1st option, hope that helps :)

What rights we're expanded and restricted for women in the 1700s?​



So long as they remained unmarried, women could sue and be sued, write wills, serve as guardians, and act as executors of estates. These rights were a continuation of the colonial legal tradition.


For starters, women were only granted the right to vote in 1920. Before that, they didn't have a voice in who shaped America's laws or ran the government. They were also barred from acts as practical and simple as wearing pants or enjoying a vice, like smoking in public.

What was Abraham Lincoln's dilemma during the civil war?






someone help me pls i need it by today





I think it’s B let me know if I’m right

What did missionaries do in the new world?


civilize it, and made them more obedient.

French and Portuguese missionaries also made inroads in Canada, Brazil, and other parts of the Americas.

Why did the Native Americans take sides? With whom did they side?



it is your answer..... if it is helpful plzz like and comment......

Ok I think they took side with Christopher Columbus

what were the effects of the treaty of brest-litovsk check all that apply

A) the treaty ended World War I.
B) Russia withdrew from the war
C) Germany could turn all it's attention to the western front
D) Austria-Hungry ended it's war with Serbia
E) The United States entered the war



Russia withdrew from the war, Germany could turn all its attention to the western front.


Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed between Central powers and the new Bolshevik government of Russia March 3, 1918, With the treaty Russia ended its participation in the world war one. It withdrew from the war and lost many territories. In the treaty it gave Baltic states to Germany. Russian exit allowed the Germans to use all their resources on the Western front. Russia granted gave independence to Georgia, Finland and Ukraine, It gave Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia to Austria-Hungary and Germany and ceded some territories to Turkey.

Select the boxes to identify denominations and sects of Christianity today
Eastern Orthodoxy





Eastern Orthodoxy




What was one "pull" factor in
A Poor soil "pulled" workers off the
B Deforestation "pulled" workers out of
the woods.
C New factory jobs "pulled" workers into
the cities:
D Boats "pulled" new workers to
America .


the answer is c because poor soil is a push and deforestation . boats weren’t as important as jobs .

Which goal did the Founding Fathers have when they created the national government under the Constitution?

a, They wanted a government that was strong enough to hold the country together.

b, They hoped for a government that would model the government of Great Britain.

c, They wanted to establish a government that gave the states more power.

d, They wanted to create a government that could control the people.


the answer is A i’m pretty sure, if not A then it is C
hope that helps:)




Give an example of a religious freedom in the Republic of Texas?



Individuals, business owners, health care providers, and government workers continue to be threatened and sued for their sincerely held religious beliefs on marriage and human sexuality.

Identify the following
1. Aid plan for world war 2 ravaged nations
2. war that took place on the day of the atonement
3. Leader of the Iranian revolution against the shah
4. British agreement with the jews that promised a home for the jews after world war 2
5. Code name for the U.S operations to prevent Iraq from occupying the Arabian peninsula
6. part of Egypt occupied by the Israelis
7. present Syrian president
8. port in Yemen where terrorists bombed a U.S ship



1.The Marshall Plan

2.Yom Kippur War: October 1973

3.Ruhollah Khomeini

4.Balfour Declaration

5.Operation Desert Shield

6.Sharm el-Sheikh

7.Bashar al-Assad

8. Aden harbor


How did Mughal Empire became so weak?


During the reign of Muhammad Shah (reigned 1719–1748), the empire began to break up, and vast tracts of central India passed from Mughal to Maratha hands.
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