according to the e-waste in south africa video case, what has resulted in a business opportunity for bolunga electronic waste company to provide recycling e-waste services?


Answer 1

According to the e-waste in south Africa video case, Bolunga now has the opportunity to offer e-waste recycling services.

They have created a business strategy that collects e-waste from manufacturers and customers before recycling it ethically.

Through their services, Bolunga is assisting in reducing the amount of e-waste that is inappropriately disposed of as well as the effects of e-waste on the environment.

The growing volume of e-waste that is not being properly disposed of has created a commercial opportunity for the Bolunga Electronic Waste firm in South Africa.

E-waste is just thrown out with regular trash in South Africa because there is no structured method for recycling it, posing a serious environmental risk.

To learn more about e-waste


Related Questions

a guarded barbed wire fence separates east and west bovinia. soccer players are paid twice as much in west bovinia as in east bovinia. this is an example of a. a permanent resource price differential. b. diminishing marginal revenue product. c. a temporary resource price differential. d. increasing marginal revenue product. e. an inelastic supply of labor.


Soccer players are paid twice as much in west Bovinia as they are in east Bovinia, which is divided by a patrolled barbed wire barrier. This is refereed as an example of permanent resource price differential.  The answer is (a).

Permanent differences in resource prices won't affect how resources are allocated and won't lead to their reallocation. The additional output that one additional unit of a resource produces, keeping all other factors constant, is its marginal product. A natural person who annually spends at least 75% of his working time and at least 1 100 hours to the supplier is referred to as a permanent resource.

Resources that are continually renewed are called perpetual resources. the tide, the wind, etc. Resources that are replenished more quickly through natural processes are known as renewable resources. for example, clean air and water, rich soil, vegetation, and animals. The fifth worker's marginal product is 7, which is 3 less than the fourth worker's marginal product, and this is when marginal productivity starts to decline. Accounting profit is determined by subtracting clear measurable costs from total revenue.

Learn more about resources visit this link :


musk describes his early days in his first startup, zip2, as very tight with cash. for example, he and the two other founders began the firm on a very small budget by sleeping on futons in the office. this matches which part of the text's description of entrepreneurship?


The description regarding the condition of Musk and his friends in the text about entrepreneurship is undertake business risks.

In entrepreneurship, a person or company cannot be separated from business risks even though they have good management. Business risk can occur due to economic uncertainty.

Risk is in the form of events, information, losses or jobs that can occur as a result of the decisions we make in everyday life. Company risk is usually caused by many things such as an unstable market that has an impact on the survival of the company or the shares in the company. What Musk and his friends experienced, who started a business with small capital and slept on futons in the office, were the business risks they had to face. when economic uncertainty makes the business they have built not running or not giving the results they expected.

So good governance is needed in dealing with tight business risks with cash and reducing the company's budget that Musk did so that the company can continue to run and produce maximum results when the economy is stable.

Learn more about business risks at:


because of circumstances beyond the control of the project team, many projects are easy for a review group to close down. this type of project closure is called


Because of circumstances beyond the control of the project team, many projects are easy for a review group to close down. this type of project closure is called a failed project.

A project is deemed to have failed when it is closed because it did not live up to expectations or was simply unfinished.

The project team cannot control the situation in this instance, which results in an incomplete project. The review team simply closes the project in this case because they don't have much else to do.

Premature closure is the term used when a project is finished ahead of schedule and must therefore be closed sooner than anticipated. In this case, the project team has control over the situation.

To know more about the incomplete project, click the below link


before starting a new business, what is one of the questions that an entrepreneur must answer when studying the markets?


1. Who are My Main Industry Competitors?...

2. What is the market's reaction to this sector?...

3. What sets my solution apart from those of my rivals?

4. Who Is My Optimal Client? ...

5. How will I promote my company?

6. Will My Company Launch Softly or Hardly?

7. How Might I Support My Business?

8. When and How Can I Make Money?

9. After a year, how will I define success?

To know more about Market visit


Answer: What is the demand for the product or service I plan to offer?

Explanation:Understanding the demand for the product or service is essential because it directly influences the potential customer base, revenue generation, and overall viability of the business. Conducting market research to assess the target audience's needs, preferences, and purchasing behavior helps the entrepreneur gauge whether there is sufficient demand to support the business's success. This information guides product development, pricing strategies, and marketing efforts, ensuring that the business aligns with customer demands and market trends.

Why should inflation be low and stable?


Low inflation is advantageous since it guarantees that prices for necessities remain consistent. Low inflation helps the economy practically everywhere, including with the GDP, borrowing costs, and cost of basic goods and services.

Adjective us before a noun ECONOMICS. used to define a time when prices are gradually rising: Bonds and banks both benefit from stable economic growth and low inflation. The broad word for an increase in the cost of goods and services throughout an economy in the study of economics is inflation. As the general price level rises, each unit of currency may buy fewer goods and services,  inflation is related to a reduction in the purchasing power of money. The opposite of inflation is deflation, which is a persistent rise in the overall level of prices for goods and services. The most common measure of inflation is the annualised percentage change in a general price index.

Learn more about inflation from


Troy bought a new boat that cost $28,000. The normal depreciation for such a boat is 14% per year. Which equation models the value of troy's boat after t years?.


The equation that models the value of Troy's boat after t years is Value = 28,000 * (1 - 0.14)^t

This equation can be derived from the formula for exponential decay:

Value = P * (1 + r)^t

Where P is the initial value, r is the rate of decay, and t is the time.

Since Troy's boat has a 14% depreciation rate, we can substitute 0.14 for r. Since the initial value is $28,000, we can substitute 28,000 for P.

Therefore, the equation is: Value = 28,000 * (1 - 0.14)^t

For more questions like Value click the link below:


Since depreciation is a noncash deduction, it does not have cash flow consequences.
a. true
b. false


How non-monetary expenses are handled when calculating cash flows: The income statement's non-cash expenses are subtracted to determine net income.

Which four sorts of deductions are there?

Pre-tax, post-tax, voluntary, and statutory payroll deductions are divided into four groups with considerable overlap in between. For instance, medical coverage is frequently provided on a pretax basis and is a voluntary deduction.

How are deductions applied?

Tax deductions enable you to deduct specific expenses from your income, lowering the amount of tax you must pay. Deductions lessen your tax liability by essentially lowering your taxable income. To get the full benefit, you usually need to itemize your deductions.

To know more about deduction visit:


which type of report is used for marketing and letting future partners know that compliance has been met?


SOC Type III report is used for marketing and letting future partners know that compliance has been met.

A non-detailed report Type III attesting to the organization's compliance. This kind of report is utilized for marketing and informing potential partners that compliance requirements have been satisfied.

In essence, this means that a SOC 3 does not include as much information on the system/services, the controls checked by the service auditor, and the specific outcomes of those tests because the report's readers do not require that level of detail.

SOC 3 reports are generally used by the service organisation as a marketing tool and given to potential customers who do not need to know the level of information provided in the SOC 2 report.

They are regarded as general-use reports and are typically used as a marketing tool by the service organisation.

To know more about auditor, visit:


Cael tells his co-worker and friend, Kevin, that he has been interviewing at a rival advertising firm and thinks that he has secured a job. He said he is not going to tell his boss because he will have to start immediately at the new job and will be unable to give two weeks’ notice as expected when leaving a position. Kevin knows that their boss is depending on Cael to finish a big project and feels like he should tell his boss but he also wants to be a good friend. What kind of situation is Kevin facing?
a. Conflict of ownership
b. Conflict of friendship
c. Conflict of loyalty
d. Conflict of intuition


The type of conflict that Kevin is facing based on the scenario that has being painted here is what is called the Conflict of loyalty. Option B.

What does it mean to be in conflict?

A mental conflict brought on by conflicting or incompatible wants, urges, wishes, or demands from the outside or the inside.

Conflict-affected individuals may come out as tense and uneasy. For instance, they could shun social situations and question everything they do all the time. Words and comments - How workers communicate verbally might show whether conflict is present. People tend to use far more emotional language when they are agitated.

When a person has a duty of loyalty to many entities and those entities' interests disagree, there is a conflict of loyalty.

When a board member may be swayed by factors other than what is best for the organization, there is a possible conflict of loyalties. Loyalty conflicts could be severe enough to qualify as interest conflicts.

Read more on conflict here:


zach needs a new pair of nike air max. the pair that he wants regularly sells for $129. if they are on sale for 24% off, how much will he pay in total of sales tax is 6.4%?


If zach buyed a new pair of nike air max at a regular price of $129 and on a sale of 24% discount when the total tax is 6.4%, then he will be paying $104.27.

What does Discount mean?

A price reduction on a product or service is referred to as a "discount." It is typically used to persuade customers to purchase or use a specific product or service. Discounts can take many forms, including percentages off the original price, free items with purchase, and reduced shipping costs.

To find the sale price of the shoes.

If the regular price is $129 and it is sale on 24% off : find the total with sale tax of 6.4%.

After calculation we find that the sale price is $98.04. So, to find the value of the sales tax, multiply the sale price by the percentage of the sales tax:

98.04 x 0.064 = 6.27456

The sales tax rounds to 6.27.

Finally, to find the total price, add the value of the sales tax to the sale price:

98.04 + 6.27 = 104.31

The total price Zach will pay is $104.31.

To know more about Discounts,


which of the following is not correct? question 32 options: poverty is long-term problem for relatively few families. measurements of income inequality usually do not include in-kind transfers. measurements of income inequality use lifetime incomes rather than annual incomes. measurements of income inequality would be more meaningful if they reflected permanent rather than current income.


Lifetime incomes rather than yearly incomes are used to measure income inequality.

What 3 different sorts of inequality are there?

Related ideas include: lifetime inequality (the distribution of earnings during a person's lifetime), inequality of wealth (the distribution of wealth across households or people at a particular point in time), and inequality of opportunity (the effects of exogenous factors on income).

What are poverty's effects?

Poor housing, homelessness, poor nutrition, food insecurity, inadequate child care, lack of access to health care, dangerous neighborhoods, and underfunded schools are just a few of the unfavorable conditions that are linked to poverty and harm our nation's youth.

To learn more about poverty here:


1. there are many generations of the baii plus. how long has the student version been available? 1991 1999 2004 2010 2. according to the video, what is the best reason to rest your calculator? to make sure it is not broken. to make sure it is not in french. to make sure it can automatically do your homework. to make sure it is reliable. 3. the cash flow worksheet lets us handle sets of cash flows? lumpy smooth rough legitimate


1. The time for student version been available is 1991.

2. The best reason to rest your calculator to make sure it is reliable.

3. The cash flow worksheet lets us handle sets of cash flows is lumpy.

What is business finance?

It refers to the corpus of funds and credit used in business. Business funds are necessary for the purchase of assets, goods, raw materials, and for conducting other economic activities. Strictly speaking, it is required to perform all business transactions. Corporate finance, also called corporate finance in the business world, is responsible for allocating resources, preparing economic forecasts, evaluating equity and debt financing opportunities, and other functions within an organization.

Learn more about business finance:


currently, business intelligence replaced the term with its role being to change business methods.


Business artificial intelligence has morphed into information technology, and its role is now to change business methods.

What is information technology?

Corresponds to the automation of organizational processes by intelligent systems capable of processing large volumes of data and information, increasing decision-making support and speed of processes.

Therefore, information technology assists in the development and innovation of organizational systems by positively using data and organizational processes for managerial support and focused decisions.

Find out more about information technology on:


if you were put in charge of launching the third wine, what would your marketing plan be? would you use the traditional bordeaux wine distribution system?


There would be a involvement of wide range of practices including marketing, awareness and  Visual promotion.

How does the Bordeaux wine distribution system work who benefits and how?

Bordeaux wine is a premium wine that is sold by retailers known as négociants (Beyersdorfa and Dessain 175).One year after the wines are bottled, they buy all of the estate's wine and pay in advance.Definitely a connoisseur's brand, since individuals who truly appreciate wine adore their high caliber wine. These are devoted brand-loyal repeat customers. Luxury clients, on the other hand, are more prone to swap between products.

To know more about Wine here


when entering into an income based repayment plan option, a student must contact their ________________________ to select the repayment plan option


A student must get in touch with their mortgage lender to choose the repayment plan choice before implementing an income-based repayment plan.

How would you define income?

The sums of money, properties, and certain other forms of value obtained over a predetermined time span in return for services or goods are often referred to as "income." Income is defined in accordance with the circumstance in which the word is employed; there is no one, universal meaning.

What does the term "income" in accounting mean?

Total revenue is the differential between a company's revenue and its costs or expenses for a certain accounting period. It is stated to as a firm ’s profitability at times. A corporation's asset values increase dramatically of revenue.

To know more about Income visit :


in the long run, a company's ability to maintain profits depends on: barriers to entry. high demand. marginal costs. low costs.


In the long run, a company's ability to maintain profits depends on barriers to entry. Thus, the correct answer is option A.

What are barriers to entry?

A term used in economics and business to describe variables that can deter or make it difficult for newcomers to enter a market or industry sector and so limit competition is "barriers to entry." These might include prohibitive startup fees, bureaucratic roadblocks, or other barriers that make it difficult for new rivals to enter a market.

Existing businesses win from entry barriers because they preserve their market share and capacity to make money. Special tax incentives for existing businesses, patent protections, strong brand recognition, devoted consumers, and high switching costs are a few examples of common entry barriers.

Therefore, the barriers to entry help a company to maintain its profits in the long run.

To learn more about barriers to entry, click here:


Upon import, you notice the column headings are number instead of the field name but Row 1 had the correct names, what should you do? Remove Row 1 and I will make it the column names Start the query over because you did something wrong Select the Use First Row as Headers option Double click on each columin name and rename the column


In a spreadsheet, while doing import, user notice the column headings are number instead of the field name but Row 1 had the correct names then Double click on each column name and rename the column. The correct option is D.

What is Spreadsheet?

A spreadsheet is a piece of software that can store, display, and edit data that has been organized into rows and columns. One of the most used tools for personal computers is the spreadsheet. Typically, a spreadsheet is made to store numerical data and short text strings.

Further spreadsheet is a tool for used storing, modifying, and analyzing data. A spreadsheet's rows and columns of data can be searched, sorted, calculated from, and utilized to create a variety of graphs and charts.

Thus Option D is correct.

Learn more about Spreadsheet refer:


What does it mean tamper proof?


Tamper proof means made so that you are able to see if anything has been changed, opened, removed or damaged.

Tamper-proof containers/locks/packaging product makers are encouraged to use tamper-proof packaging for their products.

Tamper evident packaging is packaging that alerts the consumer to foul play or damage to the product.

When tamper evident packaging is triggered by attempted removal or manipulation, it leaves evidence of these actions behind.

To know more about Tamper proof here,


how is it legal for sellers on etsy to create handmade items using tv show quotes, images, characters, etc. without violating copyright infringement?


This is a total illegal. It violates copyright owners' rights and fosters unfair competition on Etsy.

Can you sell handmade items with licensed characters?It's not necessarily lawful to sell these things just because another company owner is doing so. To sell items that imitate Disney characters or utilise fabric with Disney themes, you must get a licence agreement.It implies that you cannot purchase the licenced fabric, make your own items, and then engage in "commercial usage" by marketing those products. Even giving them out for free is prohibited if it specifies "individual use only."Getting a licence from the owner of the trademark is the only method to legitimately sell goods bearing it. Even against a tiny, local firm, trademarks are significant property rights that are fiercely guarded by their owners.

Learn more about copyright infringement refer to :


what constitutes a company's capital structure? group of answer choices a company's posititve net present value projects the relative proportion of a company's outstanding debt, equity, and other securities a company's outstanding shares of common stock times the market share price the par value of outstanding debt


The exact ratio of debt to equity utilized to fund a company's assets and activities is referred to as its capital structure. From a company standpoint, equity provides a more expensive, permanent source of capital with greater financial flexibility.

If you are a stock investor who favors companies with strong foundations, you might consider investing in options with a strong balance sheet. Three main types of metrics can be used to evaluate a firm's balance sheet strength and, as a result, the organization's investment quality: working capital, asset performance, and capital structure. A company's smart use of debt and equity is a key indicator of a sound balance sheet. A healthy capital structure with less debt and a lot of equity is a sign of strong investment quality. The major focus of this essay is a capital structure examination of a corporation.

Learn more about capital structure from


What is the process of following up a job interview?
What is the 4 step interview process?
What are the five stages of the interview process?


Introduction about yourself,  Q&A in interview, Your Questions to them and  Closing of the interview are the four steps involved in interview process.

An interview is a planned dialogue in which one party asks questions and the other replies.  The term "interview" in everyday speech describes a private discussion between an interviewer and an interviewee. The interviewee replies to queries by the interviewer by typically supplying information. The use of or distribution of that information to other audiences is entirely up to you. This characteristic is evident in many different sorts of interviews; even when no one else is present during a witness interview or a job interview, the answers will be made available to others later on in the hiring or investigating process. Information can be exchanged in both directions during an interview.

learn more about interview here


after starting a web design company while still in college, ricardo sold the company after graduation. he then opened a computer repair shop; and most recently, he has started a marketing firm that specializes in social media. ricardo is an example of a(n):


After starting a web design company while still in college, Ricardo sold the company after graduation. he then opened a computer repair shop; and most recently, he has started a marketing firm that specializes in social media. ricardo is an example of a(n): lifestyle entrepreneur.

An entrepreneur is a man or woman who creates and/or invests in a single or greater agency, bearing most of the risks and enjoying maximum of the rewards. The system of putting in place a commercial enterprise is known as entrepreneurship. The entrepreneur is generally visible as an innovator, a supply of the latest thoughts, items, offerings, and business/or procedures.

Extra narrow definitions have described entrepreneurship as the process of designing, launching, and strolling a brand new business, that's regularly just like a small business, or as the "capability and willingness to develop, prepare and control a commercial enterprise assignment together with any of its risks to make an income."The individuals who create these companies are often called entrepreneurs while definitions of entrepreneurship typically recognition on the launching and running of agencies, because of the excessive dangers involved in launching a begin-up, a sizable share of begin-up agencies have to near due to "loss of funding, horrific business decisions, authorities rules, a financial crisis, loss of market call for, or a combination of all of these."

To learn more about Entrepreneur visit here:


which monetary policy tool is a supplementary tool that sets a floor for the federal funds rate?


The monetary policy tool is a supplementary tool that sets a floor for the federal funds rate is overnight reverse repurchase agreement facility.

What is the perfect definition of federal funds rate?

In economics, federal fund rate is defined as the interest rate that banks charge each other to borrow or lend excess reserves overnight

Here we need to find the monetary policy tool is a supplementary tool that sets a floor for the federal funds rate

According to the definition of federal fund rate, we know that if the federal funds rate falls far below the interest on reserve balances rate, banks will borrow at the federal funds rate and deposit at the interest on reserve balances rate to earn a profit, which will increase the demand for federal funds and raise the federal funds rate.

Based on this condition, the best suitable supplementary tool is overnight reverse repurchase agreement facility.

To know more about federal funds rate here.


jamie is a degree candidate at her local state college. she received a scholarship for $4,000, which covered half of her tuition costs. how much, if any, of the scholarship is taxable income?


The scholarship is taxable income.A ratio or value that may be expressed as a fraction of 100 is called a percentage. When determining a percentage of a number, we should divide it completely before multiplying the result by 100.

Let x serve as the symbol for the typical value.

This will be: X- (35% xx) = 5200 X - 0.35x = 5200 0.65x = 5200 as Sierra received a scholarship to her state's university and will pay 35% less for her tuition than the original cost.Multiply X by 52O0/0.65 to get 8000.Let's assume for the purpose of clarity that the Scholarships pay about 60% of the cost of attending college. COsts.Tamara must therefore raise an additional 40%.

The total price of her college tuition over the a two-year period (24 months) $8240 is the total cost of college tuition. Tamara still has to raise 40% of the total. 8240 = $3296.She has two years to raise this amount (24). on a monthly basis (months). Consequently, the amount she must save each month over 24 .(3296/24) = $137.333 in months Therefore, whatever the amount or fraction of the total cost of the scholarship for college tuition Just divide the remaining college.

To know more about taxable income visit:


investors can benefit from investments in stock via increases in the market price of the stock or through the receipt of dividends. this statement is


You may increase your savings, shield your funds from inflation and taxes, and increase the return on your assets by purchasing stocks in a variety of companies.

What advantages do investors receive? Your investment portfolio may benefit from including stocks.Investing in stocks of various companies can help you increase your savings, shield your money from inflation and taxes, and increase the return on your assets.It's critical to be aware of the hazards associated with stock market investing.A source of income is provided through stock market investments.When firms announce profits and choose to allocate a portion of those profits to shareholders, dividends are paid on shares.The holders of bonds receive interest payments.Capital is invested in a wide range of financial instruments, including stocks, bonds, commodities, real estate, mutual funds, hedge funds, and enterprises.

To learn more about investments in stock refer


although western europe is very industrially developed, agriculture is the main form of land use. t or f


Although western europe is very industrially developed, agriculture is the main form of land use.: True

Agriculture is the primary land use in Western Europe, notwithstanding the region's advanced industrialization. In Western Europe, the Alps are seen as a climate divide. Between Greece and Turkey, the Aegean Sea is a part of the Mediterranean Sea. There is less agriculture in Eastern Europe than there is in Western Europe since there aren't enough good soils and weather for it. 16 million people work in agriculture. Dairy, beef, and pork production make up the majority of livestock.

Grazing and forestry are conducted in the nearby hilly and mountainous regions. Small- to medium-sized private family farms and large corporate or cooperative farms make up its two primary subsystems.

Learn more about Western Europe here:


which statement is the most accurate? select one: a. there is considerable disagreement as to whether the federal minimum wage helps the unskilled workers more than it hurts them. b. the federal minimum wage rate is indexed to the rate of inflation: each year it's raised equal to the rate if inflation during the previous year. c. very few people's wage rates are actually determined by supply and demand.


This paper examines the evidence from around the world regarding the effects of minimum wages as well as current studies demonstrating the effects of the National Living Wage.

What are the minimum wage's advantages and disadvantages?

The fundamental argument in favor of a minimum wage is that it helps low-income and impoverished families make enough money. The potential drawback is that it might make firms less likely to hire low-paid, unskilled labor. There will be winners and losers if the employment of low-skill workers is reduced by minimum wages.

Why shouldn't the minimum wage be increased?

The argument against raising the minimum wage is that doing so could have a number of unfavorable effects, including inflation, decreased company competitiveness, and job losses.

To know more about  federal minimum wage visit:-


a firm is considering the purchase of an expensive piece of equipment. they plan to use the net present value method to determine whether or not to accept the project. they could issue bonds in the market. the current ytm for the corporation would be 4.8%. the growth rate of the firm's dividend will be 3% per year over the next five years. management is trying to determine the appropriate required return to use in the npv calculation. which method would be most appropriate?


As per the NPV calculation, The Weighted Average Cost of Capital should be calculated and used as the required return.

How to calculate NPV?

The formula to calculate the NPV is defined as the difference between the present value of cash inflows and the present value of cash outflows over a period of time.


The firm is considering the purchase of an expensive piece of equipment. they plan to use the net present value method to determine whether or not to accept the project. they could issue bonds in the market. the current YTM for the corporation would be 4.8%. the growth rate of the firm's dividend will be 3% per year over the next five years. management is trying to determine the appropriate required return to use in the NPV calculation.

Here we need to find in which method would be most appropriate.

Here we know that, the firm planned to use the net present value method to determine whether or not to accept the project.

Current YTM = 4.8%

Growth rate = 3%

So, best suitable method is to calculate the required return by using the Weighted Average Cost of Capital.

To know more about NPV calculation here.


christie deleon purchased a ten-year $1,000 bond with semiannual coupons for $982. the bond had a $1,100 redemption payment at matu- rity, a nominal coupon rate of 7% for the first five years, and a nominal coupon rate of q% for the final five years. christie calculated that her annual effective yield for the ten-year period was 7.35%. find q.


The q of the bond if Christie Deleon purchased a ten-year $1,000 bond is 77.

What is a bond?

A bond is a type of financial instrument where the issuer (debtor) owes the holder (creditor) a debt and is obligated, depending on the terms, to repay the bond's principal at expiry as well as interest (known to as the coupon) over a specific period of time. Both bonds and stocks are regarded as securities, but the principal distinction between the two is that (equity) stockholders own a portion of the company's equity, whereas bondholders hold a creditor interest in it. A redeemable bond that has no redeeming value, also referred to as a perpetuity or bond with no maturity, is an exception. The term duration of the instrument is the primary distinction between bonds, CDs, and short-term commercial paper.

q=1100*7%= 77

To learn more about bond, visit:


1. when economic growth , fiscal policy should be . a. slows; contractionary b. accelerates; accelerated c. slows; expansionary d. accelerates; expansionary


When economic growth, fiscal policy should be slowed; contractionary.

Economics focuses on the behaviour and interactions of economic marketers and the way economies work. Microeconomics analyzes what's considered as primary elements within the economic system, which includes man or woman sellers and markets, their interactions, and the effects of interactions. person marketers might also encompass, for example, families, corporations, buyers, and dealers. Macroeconomics analyzes the economy as a system in which production, intake, saving, and funding have interaction, and factors affecting it: employment of the resources of labour, capital, and land, forex inflation, monetary increase, and public regulations that have impact on those factors.

Learn more about economic here


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