According to the e-waste in South Africa video case, what has resulted in a business opportunity for Bolunga Electronic Waste company to provide recycling e-waste services?


Answer 1

The Bolunga Electronic Waste company has been able to capitalize on the growing e-waste problem in South Africa to create a business opportunity for itself.

With South Africa being one of the largest producers of e-waste in Africa and the world, the Bolunga Electronic Waste company has been able to provide recycling services that are desperately needed in order to reduce the amount of e-waste that is left in landfills or improperly disposed of. Bolunga's services include collecting, sorting, dismantling and recycling e-waste, which not only reduces the amount of e-waste in the environment, but also creates jobs and income for the company. By providing e-waste recycling services, Bolunga is able to help protect the environment and create a sustainable business opportunity for itself.

To know more about e-waste here


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if diamond, a corporate recruiter, wants to selectively recruit passive job candidates, she should utilize the linkedin social media network. t or f


The statement if diamond, a corporate recruiter, wants to selectively recruit passive job candidates, she should utilize the LinkedIn social media network is True.

What is passive Job candidates?

A passive job candidate can be defined as person which an employer wish or desire employ but in which the person is not available for the job position which an employer want to employ him/her for.

The statement is true based on the  fact a recruiter that desire to recruit a passive candidate for a job position can result to making use of LinkedIn social media network as this will enables the recruiter to find the right candidate.

Therefore the correct option is TRUE.

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Fed buy $300,000 worth of bonds, if the

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The multiplier effect is a term used in

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withdrawal. In effect, it calculates the influence of a change in economic activity, such as investment or spending, on a company's total economic output.

Fed buy $300,000 worth of bonds, if the

money multiplier is 3 and want to increase the money supply by $900,000. As the formula of the money multiplier is change in total money supply upon change in total monetary base. Thus,

Fed buys $300,000 worth of bonds.

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which company acts on behalf of more than 200 universities, bowls, and conferences to negotiate licensing agreements?


Collegiate Licensing Company acts on behalf of more than 200 universities, bowls, and conferences to negotiate licensing agreements.

What is a licensing agreement?

A licensing agreement is a binding legal pact between licensee and indeed the licensor. According to a normal licensing deal, the licensor gives the licensee permission to make and sell items, be using the licensor's company brand names, or employ any patented technology.

The business Collegiate Licensing Company is an advertising and intellectual licensing firm. The company is offering brand management such as brand control systems and different licensing kinds, as well as product insurance such as patent registration, holographic branding, and employment standards compliance.

Learn more about licensing agreement, here:


The term ________ is best described as "a stream of equal installments made at equal time intervals."
A) time value of money
B) capital budgeting
C) annuity
D) payback period


Answer: C


When an amount is paid in equal cash payments at equal time intervals then it is known as annuity payments. Annuity payments are usually payment usually made for a defined number of periods. Hence, it is a correct option.

Joshua earned $60 for working h hours. Which expression represents how much he earned in 1 hour?.


Joshua earned $60 for the hours he worked. The expression 60/h describes what he earned in one hour.

What time is considered working hours?

An 8-hour shift is a global standard that requires full-time employees to work 5 days a week every day, and according to the same standard results in a total work week of 40 hours.

The traditional American office hours are 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. This equates to eight hours five times a day for a total of 40 hours a week.

Is lunch included in working hours?

When you don't have to work, you should skip your lunch break. You should also skip the lunch break you want to do. Work hours do not include breaks, so do not count breaks during or between shifts.

To learn more about working hour visit:


which qualitative risk analysis technique involves using various sources of risks or project areas impacted to determine the areas of the project most exposed to the effects of uncertainty?


The correct to the given question of Qualitative risk analysis technique is Delphi Technique.

It is impractical for project managers to manage every risk that a project can encounter. The resources used to reduce a risk frequently outweigh the risk itself. As a result, one of the main objectives of qualitative risk analysis is to rank hazards according to their likelihood and impact. This enables project managers to concentrate on coming up with solutions for the biggest risks. Experts in a field reply to numerous rounds of surveys using a process called the Delphi Technique. After each round, the responses are compiled and distributed to the group. This technique can be used in risk management to both identify risks and then assess their likelihood and impact. The experts are tasked with forming a judgment on the risk's likelihood of happening as well as the implications of it. The experts compile and evaluate these comments until an agreement is reached.

To learn more about experts click here  


question content area cost behavior refers to the manner in which a cost estimated used in setting sellin


The correct response is D. a cost changes as the related activity changes. Cost behaviour describes how a cost changes as an associated activity changes.

Children may find it challenging to switch activities. These circumstances can give rise to challenging behaviour. The best behaviour control technique for transitions is routine. Other methods for controlling behaviour include timing, making decisions, and being composed. When kids anticipate change, they are more likely to accept it. Therefore, one of the greatest methods to deal with activity variations that occur every day is to establish a predictable family routine. Every child's day includes varying levels of activity. Your youngster may transition from one item to another more easily if the timing is appropriate. The actual tasks that students must finish in order to finish the course and meet the learning objectives are known as learning activities. They may be necessary or optional for passing the course.

Learn more about activity changes here


Cost behavior refers to the manner in which

A. a cost is allocated to products

B. a cost is used in setting selling prices

C. a cost is estimated

D. a cost changes as the related activity changes

what are the three components of a firm's organizational structure? multiple select question. how an organization segments, targets and positions the formal division of the organization into subunits the accounting and financial systems that a company uses location of decision-making responsibilities within the organization the establishment of integrating mechanisms to coordinate the activity in the subunits


Three elements make up structure: centralization, formalisation, and complexity. Talk about each of these elements. The degree of differentiation among organisational functions is referred to as complexity.

In what ways are you complex?

the quality of having many components and being challenging to comprehend or solve: a problem of enormous complexity. Complexities [plural] are characteristics of anything that make it challenging to comprehend or resolve: This problem is complicated in many different ways.

What is the importance of formalization?

Formalization leads to system stability, simplifies coordination and control. Employees know exactly what to do and how to do it. From a management perspective, it is certainly easier to manage a highly formalized system than an organization without any official rules.

To know more about organizational structure visit:


according to the e-waste in south africa video case, what has resulted in a business opportunity for bolunga electronic waste company to provide recycling e-waste services?


E-waste can be dangerous, is not biodegradable, and accumulates in the land, air, water, and other living things in the environment, which leads to a business opportunity for Bolunga Electronic Waste Company to provide recycling e-waste services.

When techniques like open-air burning and acid baths are used to recover precious elements from electronic components, toxic chemicals are discharged into the environment.

Recycling e-waste makes it possible to recover and reuse crucial components in the development of new goods, conserve energy, reduce carbon emissions, and safeguard the planet's finite natural resources.

Therefore, one of the key benefits of e-waste recycling for your business is that it keeps that hazardous chemical-filled equipment out of landfills.

To learn more about e-waste


if a company wanted to import materials duty-free, for use in the production of their end items, and then export them to other countries, they would most likely utilize?


If a company wanted to import materials duty-free, for use in the production of their end items, and then export them to other countries, they would most likely utilize foreign trade zone. Hence, option D is correct.

When activated, Foreign-Trade Zones (FTZs), which are controlled by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), are typically seen as being beyond CBP territory. They are the American equivalent of what are referred to as free-trade zones overseas, and are situated in or close to CBP ports of entry.

A physical, guarded enclave within the US known as a Foreign Trade Zone, or FTZ, is frequently situated in or close to a Port of Entry. Since an FTZ is not regarded to be part of US customs territory, goods stored there are not charged customs fees while they are there.

Learn more about foreign trade zone here :-


customers who tend to postpone all decisions, and who want the salesperson to make the decision for them, are characterized as:


Customers who tend to postpone all decisions, and who want the salesperson to make the decision for them, are characterized as indecisive.

Why are customers indecisive?

A problematic personality feature known as indecisiveness is characterized by a broad inability to make decisions. When faced with several options, customers may become hesitant to make decisions. When faced with several options, customers may become hesitant to make decisions.

However, they eliminate a potential cause of uncertainty if the advisor initially only offers them one option. However, indecisive customers are those who frequently hesitate and put off making purchases even though they are interested in a good or service.

Learn more about indecisive customers, here:


By placement in the composition of american progress, farmers are visually and thematically related to?


which part of Yukinori's installation is closely connected to the origin of Japanese nationalism.

What drives student placement?

enhances your abilities in a variety of areas, such as time management, email and business communications, project work, and teamwork. gives you practice doing job applications and interviews, as well as the chance to land a job before going back to finish your final studies.

Why is placement crucial?

With the help of a professional placement, you can test out a position or industry to see if it's suited for you. You will get a taste of what a regular workday is like and learn about the chances for career advancement. Setting your professional aspirations involves taking a key step, which is a work placement.

To know more about placement visit:


In comparing bonds with notes, bonds are typically issued to a single lender while notes are issued to many lenders.a. trueb. false


In comparing bonds with notes, it is a false statement that bonds are typically issued to a single lender while notes are issued to many lenders.

What Is a Bond?

In finance, a bond means an instrument that represents a loan made by an investor to a borrower (typically for corporate or governmental). It could be thought of as I.O.U. between the lender and borrower that includes the details of the loan and its payments. Bonds are popularly used by companies, municipalities, states, and sovereign governments to finance projects and operations. The owners of bonds are debtholders, or creditors, of the issuer.

What does notes mean in finance?

In finance, a note refers to debt security obligating repayment of a loan, at a predetermined interest rate within a defined time frame. They are similar to bonds but typically have an earlier maturity date than other debt securities, such as bonds.

Read more about Bond


a small business notices they have been using about 40% more printer paper in the last 30 days compared to the previous 12 months. they ask you to investigate the matter. what/where will you check?


In this small business, you have to check the event viewer.


Business refers the practice of making one's living or making money by producing or buying and selling products


Here we have a small business notices they have been using about 40% more printer paper in the last 30 days compared to the previous 12 months. they ask you to investigate the matter.

Here we need to find in which place we have to check.

While we looking into the given situation, we have identified that the paper usage in the last 30 days is increased comparatively higher than the last 12 months.

So, in order to analysis these usage you should check the event viewer to review in which purpose should used more paper.

To know more about Business here.


What describes Accenture's approach to automation both internally as well as for clients in Brainly?


Accenture's approach to automation uses creative and clever automation to boost productivity overall. Client help will be more involved and effective as a result. It will raise the standard and output of their internal activities.

It means a more interactive and efficient assistance to clients. It will improve their internal operations quality and productivity. It reduces manual work and employees would be allotted to creative fields. It increases performance and improve overall user experience. There are different ways that are often used to achieve a goal. Accenture's approach to automation is said to be human-centered. Accenture's my Wizard often helps their clients through their automation journey. They help by creating, implementing, and measure enterprise-wide automation strategies for their client.

learn more about Accenture's approach here:


personal selling goals typically include finding prospects, determining their needs, persuading prospects to buy, and _______.


Personal selling goals typically include finding prospects determining their needs persuading prospects to buy and keeping customers satisfied.

Face-to-face selling is paid face-to-face communication that attempts to inform customers and persuade them to purchase products in exchange situations. His three general goals for face-to-face selling are to find prospects, convince them to buy, and keep customers happy.

A good example of personal selling is at the perfume and cosmetics counters in department stores. Customers can get advice on how to use products and try different products. Products that are relatively expensive or have complex features are often sold directly. Face-to-face selling strategies involve meeting with customers for face-to-face interactions designed to inform them and persuade them to purchase.

Learn more about Personal selling here:-


well-educated americans do not experience wage drops because of undocumented immigrants. t or f





our business teacher told us that it happens.

Hope it was correct :>

Body glove’s social media managers have been creating a series of lifestyle videos that highlight the benefits of physical fitness and yoga through its ""create happiness"" campaign. ________ allows customers to become subscribers to ensure they never miss a new posting.


Body glove’s social media managers have been creating a series of lifestyle videos that highlight the benefits of physical fitness and yoga through its "create happiness" campaign. You-tube allows customers to become subscribers to ensure they never miss a new posting.

Social media managers are people that generally responsible for developing strategies to improve brand awareness and reputation. They do that by producing content, creating (as well as overseeing) social campaigns, engaging with online followers, and overall creating an active social media presence.

To achieve that, they use social media. The social media that use videos and allows customers to become a subscriber on their platform is You-tube.

Learn more about social media manager at


si international had a fcfe of $122.1m last year and has 12.43m shares outstanding. si's required return on equity is 11.3%, and wacc is 9.8%. if fcfe is expected to grow at 7.0% forever, the intrinsic value of si's shares is


If FFCE is expected to grow at 7.0% forever, the intrinsic value of si's shares is $375.379.

The present value of the Free cash flow to equity (FFCE) discounted at the cost of equity is what determines a share's intrinsic value.

Equity total value = FCFE (1+g)/ (r-g)

Equity total = 122.1 (1.07), /(0.113-0.07), = 3038.302326

Total Company Value / Shares = The Value Per Share.

= $3038.302326 / 12.43 units

= $244.43 for each unit

Net income, investments, working capital, and debt make up free cash flow to equity. The corporate income statement includes net income. The cash flows from investment component of the cash flow statement includes capital expenditures. Although it appears in the section titled "Cash flows from Operations," working capital is also included in the cash flow statement. Working capital is typically the difference between the business's most immediate assets and liabilities.

Know more about investments here:


if someone gets a tv for 200$ and marks it up 180% retail price is 600 what is the percent is the sale tax


The percent is the sale tax = 14%

Given that,

The wholesale price = $200

The mark it up = 180%

The retail price = 600

Using the data above, the sales tax percentage is

But first, the following computations must be made:

Total price = $200 + 180% of 200

                  = $200 + $360

                  = $560

The difference in the amount is

= $600 - $560

= $ 40

So, the percent of the sale tax is

= $40 ÷ $560

= 14%

A tax that is paid to a governing body for the sale of particular products and services is known as a sales tax. Typically, laws let the merchant collect money from the customer at the time of purchase to cover the tax.

It is typically referred to as a usage tax when a tax on products or services is paid directly to a governing body by a customer. Many laws exclude some products and services from sales and use tax, including food, education, and medicine. A sales tax has a connection to the value-added tax (VAT) levied on products and services.

To know more about Percent of the Sale tax here


jupiter corporation has 1.70 million shares outstanding and debt that leads to annual interest payments of $1.53 million. the corporate tax rate is 25%. calculate jupiter's earnings per share (eps) if earnings before interest and taxes ebit) is 4.59 million? answer:$


With Interest payments of $1.53 million, the corporate tax rate is 25% and earnings before interest and taxes ebit) is 4.59 million jupiter's earnings per share (eps) is 1.53 * 0.25 =3825000. 4.59/ 3.82 = 1.2

The profit of a corporation is divided by the number of outstanding shares of its common stock to arrive at earnings per share (EPS). The resultant figure is used to gauge a company's profitability. It is typical for businesses to publish EPS that has been adjusted for unusual expenses and possible share dilution.

A company's net income is subtracted from any preferred dividends before being divided by the number of outstanding shares to arrive at its earnings per share (EPS). A company's profit for the period is equal to net income less preferred dividends, which is the amount of money left over in a reporting period after all cash and non-cash expenses are subtracted.

To learn more about earning per share refer here:


According to the e-waste in south africa video case, what has resulted in a business opportunity for bolunga electronic waste company to provide recycling e-waste services?


The availability of changes in technology and e-waste has resulted in a business opportunity for Bolunga electronic waste company

Discarded electrical or electronic equipment is referred to as electronic trash. E-waste is another name for these used electronics that are intended for recycling through material recovery, refurbishment, reuse, resale, or disposal. The e-waste in South Africa video argument asserts that technological advancements have accelerated the end-of-life for electronic items.

The Bolunga electronic waste company now has the chance to offer services for the recycling of e-waste. Approximately three lakh tonnes of e-waste are produced annually in South Africa, with Gauteng being the country's economic hub and producing around 55% of that amount, according to the UN's Global e-waste monitor study.

Read more about e-waste on:


What's another word for a private club?


strip club is another word for a private club. An association of persons who share a common interest or objective is called a club.

An association of persons who share a common interest or objective is called a club. For example, a service club engages in volunteer or charitable work. There are clubs for social activities, political groups, religious clubs, and clubs for hobbies and sports, among others.

Clubs have been documented historically in all ancient states that have been thoroughly studied. There was a need for people with a shared interest to be able to connect even when they had no blood links after people began residing in greater groups. Clubs and organisations of the kind have been around for a long time, as shown by the Ancient Greek clubs and associations (collegia) in Ancient Rome.

Learn more about club here


tahlia is interested in exporting. she is accompanying representatives of the u.s. department of commerce to london where she will meet with qualified agents, distributors, and customers to help her make contacts and explore export opportunities in london. tahlia is participating in


She is accompanying representatives of the U.S. Department of Commerce to London the place she will meet with qualified agents, distributors, and customers

In global trade, exporting is the technique by way of which corporations from one usa sell their items and offerings to organizations or buyers in a unique country.

Why is exporting important?

Exporting can be worthwhile for organizations of all sizes. On average, income grow faster, extra jobs are created, and personnel earn extra than in non-exporting firms. Competitive Advantage. The United States is acknowledged international for excessive quality, revolutionary goods and services, consumer service, and sound enterprise practices.

Learn more about Exporting  here:

According to recent data, obese patients are less likely than nonobese patients to obtain preventive health services and exams, including cancer screenings, pelvic exams, and mammograms. They are more likely to cancel appointments, delay appointments, and delay preventive care service.

a) Both the first and second statements are false.
b) Both the first and second statements are true.
c) The first statement is true, and the second statement is false
d) The first statement is false, and the second statement is true.


The statements that are true based on the obese pations are statements 1 and 2. Henvce Both the first and second statements are true.. Option 2

What is meant by obesity?

The delay in receiving medical care has a positive relationship with BMI. 12.7% of participants said they have postponed or cancelled a doctor's appointment because of weight issues.

An important component of treating obesity is increasing physical activity or exercise: Exercise. For those who are obese, 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity exercise is required to either maintain current weight loss or to stop further weight gain.

Weight gain that is abnormal or excessive and poses a risk to health is what is meant by the terms "overweight" and "obesity." Overweight is defined as a body mass index (BMI) of 25, and obesity as a BMI of greater than 30. Obesity in the United States has dramatically increased in prevalence over the past few decades, leading to a huge public health concern.

Read more on obesity here:


What characteristics of the mixed economic system differ from the command economic system?


The characteristics of economic systems, such as a mixed economy and command economy, include,

Government controlInterventionPlanners of economic operationsIndustrial ownership

The industries in a command economy are owned and controlled by government authorities. Moreover, the command economic system has less to zero intervention of private enterprises in the industries, as they are completely owned publicly.

Furthermore, the mixed economy, on the other hand, is an economy wherein the public and private enterprises share the roles and responsibilities of ownership and control of the economic functions.

Learn more about command economy here:


Which one of the following is the minimum required rate of return on a new investment that makes that investment attractive?a. Risk-free rateb. Market risk premiumc. Expected return minus the risk-free rated. Market rate of returne. Cost of capital


The cost of capital is the minimum return required for a new investment to make it attractive.

What is the cost of capital?

The cost of capital is the minimum rate of return or profit that a company must generate before it can create value. It is calculated by the company's accounting department to determine whether the financial risk and investment is justified.

How do you calculate your cost of capital?

The most common way to calculate the cost of capital is to use the  WACC (weighted average cost of capital). In this method, all funding sources are included in the calculation and each funding source is weighted proportionally to its share in the company's capital structure.

What does a 10% cost of capital rate mean?

With a 10% cost of capital, NPV of the project (that value of 10% discounted future cash flows minus $20 million investment) is essentially at breakeven. Yes, it is effectively a coin toss decision.

To learn more about cost of capital visit:


a college student is thinking about running an ice-cream truck over the summer. what would economists say is the student's main objective?


Ice cream cones' price, The truck's price, How much gasoline costs, THE TOTAL COST WOULD INCLUDE ALL OF THESE.

.In economics, the cheapest way to create a specific quantity of product is called total cost (TC). The fixed cost of production, which is unaffected by the quantity of a good produced and includes inputs like buildings and machinery, possibly including sunk costs, and the variable cost, which varies with the quantity of a good produced and includes inputs like labor and raw materials, make up the total economic cost of production. In economics, the total opportunity cost of each manufacturing factor is accounted for as one of the fixed or variable costs in the total cost. The additional overall cost incurred by an additional unit of output is known as the marginal cost.

Learn more about Total Cost from


The success of an advertising program depends on how well the advertiser can identify its audience.
a. True
b. False


It is true to say that the success of an advertising program depends on how well the advertiser can identify its audience. Option A is correct.

What is successful advertising?

Advertising aims to promote a company's product or service in the market, attracting and retaining potential consumers.

For this, it is necessary that the advertising communicates in an aligned way the characteristics of the product to the values and desires of the target public, generating the desire and the persuasion for the purchase to be carried out.

Therefore, the purpose of advertising is to increase brand value and positively influence the consumer's perception of the product or service, creating value, engagement and strengthening the relationship, inducing the customer to consume.

Find out more about advertising on:


in what ways is the transnational structure different from the traditional organizational structures? how will it work for mncs facing global pressures?


The international business strategy makes sure that whatever is being marketed is in keeping with the regional language and culture.

A multinational organizational structure: what is it?You can often organize your company along a number of dimensions with a transnational organizational structure, including geographic, product, and functional levels. In other words, you succeed in integrating yourself into numerous product categories, geographic regions, or job roles.As opposed to the global strategy, which simply considers marketing their products to more foreign nations, these businesses are always conscious of the local language, customs, and culture. The international business strategy makes sure that whatever is being marketed is in keeping with the regional language and culture.      

To learn more about International business strategy refer to:


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