According to Chief Joseph, how did white settlers view American Indians?


Answer 1


Early Years

The leader of one band of the Nez Perce people, Chief Joseph was born Hin-mah-too-yah-lat-kekt in 1840 in the Wallowa Valley in what is now Oregon. His formal Native American name translates to Thunder Rolling Down a Mountain, but he was

Answer 2
the answer is “early years”.

Related Questions

Match each government action with its purpose and impact on the economy.


Answer: 1.Charge a fee on airline ticket,2.Impose emission standards for cars,3. Enforce antimonopoly laws,4.pass worker health and saftey laws



1. 1

2. 3




First Inaugural Address of Andrew Jackson, selected quotes


... In administering the laws of Congress I shall keep steadily in view the limitations as well as the extent of the Executive power trusting thereby to discharge the functions of my office without transcending its authority. ...
In such measures, as I may be called on to pursue in regard to the rights of the separate States I hope to be animated by a proper respect for those sovereign members of our Union, ...
This I shall aim at the more anxiously both because it will facilitate the extinguishment of the national debt, the unnecessary duration of which is incompatible with real independence, ...
that the spirit of equity, caution, and compromise in which the Constitution was formed requires that the great interests of agriculture, commerce, and manufactures should be equally favored ...
As long as our Government is administered for the good of the people, and is regulated by their will; as long as it secures to us the rights of person and of property, liberty of conscience, and of the press, it will be worth defending ... "

According to Jackson, what is required of the national government for it to "be worth defending"?

A - The national government must favor the interests of agriculture over all others.
B - The national government must restrict freedoms of the press and assembly.
C - The national government must allow the president to act as he sees fit.
D - The national government must protect people's rights and property.


Answer: a house


The house is so cool

D because yeah chchyffy


What types of art were popular in the Roman Empire?

What effect did the currency of Rome have on the Roman Empire?

What enabled the Christian religion to spread in Rome?



1. Seal - cutting, Jewelry, Glassware, Mosaics, Pottery, Frescos, Statues, Monumental architecture, Epigraphy and coins.

2. With soaring logistical and admin costs and no precious metals left to plunder from enemies, the Romans levied more and more taxes against the people to sustain the Empire.

3. Over time, the Christian Church and faith grew more organized. In 313 AD, the Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, which accepted Christianity: 10 years later, it had become the official religion of the Roman Empire

I hope this helps ^_^

8. Approximately what percentage of the world’s Muslims are Sunni?

9. Approximately what percentage of the world’s Muslims are Shia?

5 point for each question you can get 10 points if you know how to do two question, if not don't answer thanks because it may call lie thanks :)
( I need corrrect answer)




Shia Muslims account for approximately 15 percent of the total Muslim population in the world.


Thanks for the points the answer is at the bottom :D

8. According to a study in 2015, Islam has 1.8 billion adherents, making up about 24.1% of the world population. Most Muslims are either of two denominations: Sunni (87–90%, roughly 1.6 billion people) or Shia (10-13%, roughly 180–230 million people).

9.   10%

Shia makes up roughly 10% of all Muslims, and globally their population is estimated between 154 to 200 million, according to a 2009 report from the Pew Forum. Iran has the largest Shia majority, with more than 66 million making up nearly 90% of the population.

President Hoover believed that the government should respond to the Great Depression by

staying out of the nation’s economy.
intervening in the nation’s economy.
lowering taxes on struggling businesses.
pursuing new programs to help citizens.



i think it might be that he donated money and asked the wealthy to donate money

Staying out of the nations economy

What happens at the end of scene 4?(anne frank)



The Soldiers break down the annex door and give the people 5 minutes to pack their clothes and nothing else. Anne also asks Miep to save her diary for her.


Two Roads , Joseph Bruchac summary.



It's 1932, and twelve-year-old Cal Black and his Pop have been riding the rails for years after losing their farm in the Great Depression. Cal likes being a "knight of the road" with Pop, even if they're broke. But then Pop has to go to Washington, DC—some of his fellow veterans are marching for their government checks, and Pop wants to make sure he gets his due—and Cal can't go with him. So Pop tells Cal something he never knew before: Pop is actually a Creek Indian, which means Cal is too. And Pop has decided to send Cal to a government boarding school for Native Americans in Oklahoma called the Challagi School.

At school, the other Creek boys quickly take Cal under their wings. Even in the harsh, miserable conditions of the Bureau of Indian Affairs boarding school, he begins to learn about his people's history and heritage. He learns their language and customs. And most of all, he learns how to find strength in a group of friends who have nothing beyond each other.


One Of My Favorite books

Match the inventors with their inventions.

1 .
2 .
steam engine
3 .
light bulb
4 .
5 .
reaping machine
6 .
steel plow
7 .
oil well
8 .


bell - telephone

Edison - light bulb

Oliver- steel plow

McComrick- reaping machine

Watt- Steam engine


Morse- telagraph

Drake- oil well


bell - telephone

Edison - light bulb

McComrick- reaping machine

Watt- Steam engine


Morse- telagraph

Drake- oil well

Howe - sewing machine

Wright -  airplane

Field - transatlantic cable

Cooper - Tom Thumb

Hargreaves -  spinning jenny

The purpose of Huey Long's "Share Our Wealth Plan' was most similar to the purpose of which of these?

A. Franklin Roosevelt's "New Deal program "

B. Martin Luther King's I Have a Dream" speech

C. Ronald Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative

D. Eleanor Roosevelt's Declaration of Human Rights​


It should be d hopefully but make sure

The purpose of Long's "Share Our Wealth Plan' was similar to the purpose of Eleanor Roosevelt's Declaration of Human Rights​. The appropriate response is option D.

What is Eleanor Roosevelt's Declaration of Human Rights​?

Eleanor Roosevelt actively supported social activism and civil rights. She was chosen as the UN Commission on Human Rights' chair during the writing of the UDHR. Where Do Human Rights Begin? was the title of Eleanor's speech she delivered before the UN on the tenth anniversary of the UDHR.

By daring to assert that all people are free and equal, regardless of race, creed, or religion, the UDHR signaled a significant paradigm change. A worldwide agreement placed people, not power politics, at the center of its agenda for the first time.

Long made his "Share Our Wealth" concept public in February 1934 via a national radio broadcast. His strategy involved using federal tax and spending policies to reduce wealth disparity. The right to wealth of an individual would be limited to the following: a maximum INHERITANCE of $5 million.

Hence, the appropriate response is option D.

To learn more about Share Our Wealth Plan


Which part of the Magna Carta is reflected in the US Constitution?

FIRST, THAT WE HAVE GRANTED TO GOD, and by this present charter have confirmed for us and our heirs in perpetuity, that the English Church shall be free, and shall have its rights undiminished, and its liberties unimpaired. That we wish this so to be observed, appears from the fact that of our own free will, before the outbreak of the present dispute between us and our barons, we granted and confirmed by charter the freedom of the Church's elections—a right reckoned to be of the greatest necessity and importance to it—and caused this to be confirmed by Pope Innocent III. This freedom we shall observe ourselves, and desire to be observed in good faith by our heirs in perpetuity.

TO ALL FREE MEN OF OUR KINGDOM we have also granted, for us and our heirs forever, all the liberties written out below, to have and to keep for them and their heirs, of us and our heirs: No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgment of his equals or by the law of the land.

A) before the outbreak of the present dispute between us and our barons
B) This freedom we shall observe ourselves, and desire to be observed in good faith by our heirs in perpetuity
C) to have and to keep for them and their heirs, of us and our heirs
D) except by the lawful judgment of his equals or by the law of the land.



D) except by the lawful judgment of his equals or by the law of the land.


Where does it say in the Constitution that everyone is equal?

The 14th makes everyone born in the United States a citizen, entitled to equal protection in every state. “No State shall... deny to any person the equal protection of the laws.”

It states that: 'No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any other way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgment of his equals or by the law of the land. '

Other info

3. The Magna Carta guaranteed that the king could not impose new taxes without permission from a council.

1. English barons and church leaders wrote the Magna Carta because they could no longer tolerate King John's abuses of their traditional rights.

Another way to rephrase the first one is;

Among the many restrictions placed upon the King by the Nobles was the idea that the king could not impose taxes without the approval of the “common counsel” of the Kingdom:


The committee of Twenty Five were a group of barons in the forefront of the opposition to King John who were entrusted by the terms of clause 61 of Magna Carta to ensure the king’s compliance with its terms.

The church clergy that helped were Cathedral churches in Salisbury and Lincoln.



King John’s father, Henry II (r. 1154–89), introduced extensive judicial reforms, established the authority of the royal courts and laid firm foundations for the future system of justice in England. In contrast, John regularly abused the justice system to suppress his opponents and to extort revenue from the barons. The justice system and feudal law were two of the main themes addressed in Magna Carta, and the most famous clause dealt with justice:

No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any other way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgement of his equals or by the law of the land.

The barons ensured that numerous other clauses in Magna Carta defined in more detail how the justice system and its officials were to operate. These clauses sought to remedy specific abuses by the king and to make the system more consistent, accessible and fair.


Influences concerning US Constitution.

Several ideas in the Constitution were new. These were associated with the combination of consolidated government along with federal relationships with constituent states.

The Due Process Clause of the Constitution was partly based on common law and on Magna Carta (1215), which had become a foundation of English liberty against arbitrary power wielded by a ruler.

Among the most prominent political theorists of the late eighteenth century were William Blackstone, John Locke, and Montesquieu.


British political philosopher John Locke following the Glorious Revolution (1688) was a major influence expanding on the contract theory of government advanced by Thomas Hobbes. Locke advanced the principle of consent of the governed in his Two Treatises of Government. Government's duty under a social contract among the sovereign people was to serve the people by protecting their rights. These basic rights were life, liberty and property.

Montesquieu's influence on the framers is evident in Madison's Federalist No. 47 and Hamilton's Federalist No. 78. Jefferson, Adams, and Mason were known to read Montesquieu.[44] Supreme Court Justices, the ultimate interpreters of the Constitution, have cited Montesquieu throughout the Court's history.[45] (See, e.g., Green v. Biddle, 21 U.S. 1, 1, 36 (1823).United States v. Wood, 39 U.S. 430, 438 (1840).Myers v. United States, 272 U.S. 52, 116 (1926).Nixon v. Administrator of General Services, 433 U.S. 425, 442 (1977).Bank Markazi v. Peterson, 136 U.S. 1310, 1330 (2016).) Montesquieu emphasized the need for balanced forces pushing against each other to prevent tyranny (reflecting the influence of Polybius's 2nd century BC treatise on the checks and balances of the Roman Republic). In his The Spirit of the Laws, Montesquieu argues that the separation of state powers should be by its service to the people's liberty: legislative, executive and judicial.


The constitution was a federal one, and was influenced by the study of other federations, both ancient and extant.



Name the 3 continents that Ancient Greeks established settlements.



Spain France Italy


It’s is Asia, Turkey, Spain, France, Italy, Africa and I think there’s other more

Why did the Mormons migrate to Mexican land instead of a US
Territory? Type your answer in the box below:


Answer: the leader of the Mormons, Joseph Smith, was murdered. Brigham Young became the new leader of the Mormons. Due to the hostility shown towards the Mormons, he decided they needed to move somewhere safer. Young decided to migrate to the Great Salt Lake, just south of the Oregon Trail.


Early South American civilizations shared some important cultural practices. They practiced their religions in a similar way, and they used some of the same artistic methods.
Early South American civilizations also had a lot in common with the civilizations that first developed in other parts of the world. Select two regions from the map and compare the early civilizations in those regions to early civilizations in South America. Then explain why you think civilizations that never had contact with one another had so much in common. Your answer should be two paragraphs long.



In South America, early civilizations developed along the coast because the ... Most important for our knowledge of these peoples, they created the only ... The Olmec also developed a system of trade throughout Mesoamerica, giving ... to their traditional religious practices, collected and burned every codex he could find.

The areas in which civilization developed in Mesoamerica include Mexico and ... People in the Americas developed an entirely different menu of foods than those in ... They also introduced the concept of zero; the first evidence of zero as a ... By the early 1500s the Aztecs had conquered most of Mesoamerica and had



In early civilization, Mesopotamia and Mesoamerica are diverse from early South America because people in the Americas developed an entirely different menu of foods than those in Mesopotamia and Mesoamerica. The areas in which civilization developed in Mesoamerica include Mexico and Mesopotamia include Sumerians. Also, people in South America were hunter-gathers people. Mesopotamia and Mesoamerica people weren't.

In South America, early civilizations developed along the coast. All three regions had rainy areas, dry places along the coast. Because of the different types of land and weather, a variety of plants and animals lived there. All three regions also developed a system of trade.


How did Huey Long deal with the issue of Standard Oil having an unfair monopoly?

He asked the company for campaign donations.
He defended the company in court.
He raised the company’s taxes.
He forced the company to build schools.



He raised the company's taxes.


I studied this for 3 weeks

Using proper units is important when recording data. In this lab, you determined three properties of the objects: mass, volume, and density. What are the units for each property?

question 1. The units used for mass were _____

question 2. the units used for volume were _____

question 3. the units used for density were _____

(the answers are all the same for all questions)

A. Grams
B. Cubic meters
C. Grams / Cubic meters



1: Unit for mass is 'Grams'.

2:Density is 'Grams/Cubic meters(g/cm³)

3:then volume is 'Cubic meters'(eg, cm³)



In 1954, the Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education
overturned Plessy v. Ferguson by ruling segregation unconstitutional.
stated that African American and white schools needed to be equal.
upheld the Separate Car Act by ruling that segregation was legal.
upheld Plessy v. Ferguson by ruling segregation constitutional.



For much of the sixty years preceding the Brown case, race relations in the United States had been dominated by racial segregation. This policy had been endorsed in 1896 by the United States Supreme Court case of Plessy v. Ferguson, which held that as long as the separate facilities for the separate races were equal, segregation did not violate the Fourteenth Amendment. The plaintiffs in Brown asserted that this system of racial separation, while masquerading as providing separate but equal trea...


For considerably of the sixty years foregoing the Brown case, race connections in the United States had been dominated by racial segregation.

What stood the decision of the Board of Education in 1954?

This procedure had been approved in 1896 by the United States Supreme Court issue of Plessy v. Ferguson, which held that as long as the different facilities for the different ethnicities were equal, segregation accomplished not violate the 14th Amendment.

The plaintiffs in Brown contended that this method of racial separation while masquerading as delivering separate but similar tee.

They are thinking of the political skill and determination, the latest chief justice achieved in engineering a unanimous judgment against school segregation the subsequent year.

In the decision, disseminated on May 17, 1954, Warren noted that “in the field of public education the doctrine of ‘separate-but-equal” instruction and other kindnesses were not, in reality, equal at all.

Find more information about Board of Education in 1954 here:

Can you please answer PLEASE HELP and actually answer and answer each question please! please no trick answers and actually answer the question right


Isiisisiisisisis sorry

Was Martin Luther the founder of Protestantism?


yes! martin luther was the founder of protestantism :)

water, food, oxygen, the three nations lived peacefully toghether untill the coronavirus attacked. only the brainliest the masters of the three elements could save the world. When the world needed them most they vanished, their's only 1 person from each tribe setted out and look for them and help save the world. One day they found them and it was year 2022 they fought and fought till they coulldnt no more it wass up to those 1 people from each tribe they didnt know what to do they was scared. but the brainliest didnt quit they got and got lit they gathered everyone from each tribe and it was going down corona didnt stand a chance against them but it didnt give up either it grab all his fellow peers as well (Ft black death, Coxsackievirus, Dengue virus ,and theflu) the viruses already had a plan make them breath them in they did it and it failed cause at the same time all those viruses are old so they all ready had a cure. and the war fought and fought on and eventually the humans won.



umm ok......


Answer: Avatar The Last Airbender.

why did egypt need an organized goverment



The farming, trading, and population was growing quickly so they needed someone to keep order, collect taxes, and protect the country. ... Narmer conquered Lower Egypt, married one of their princesses, combined their crown, and combined their armies.



The farming, trading, and population was growing quickly so they needed someone to keep order, collect taxes, and protect the country.

I need help with this question



Grandfather clause, statutory or constitutional device enacted by seven Southern states between 1895 and 1910 to deny suffrage to African Americans.

What do poll taxes, literacy tests, and grandfather clauses have in common? They were ways to take the vote away from Native Americans in western territories. ... They were ways to take the vote away from African Americans.

I’m currently taking APUSH and I believe it would be C

In what way was Spain different after 1492?
A) There was a policy of religious freedom.
B) All Jews and Muslims had been expelled.
C) It was a collection of small states.
D) It included Portugal.



B: All Jews and muslims had been expelled or asked to leave.


By 1492, all Jews had been forced to leave SPAIN. During this time, all Jews were given the option to convert or leave the country. Those who didn't want to convert were allowed to move to Portugal. This was during the time of the Inquisition where Christianity was the dominant religion in Europe.

What was the mission of the American Colonization Society?

To force southern plantation owners to move a small number of enslaved people to Africa each year

Northerners would steal enslaved people and free them by sending them to Africa

To move formerly enslaved people back to Africa

To bring more African People over to the US to work as enslaved people



To move formerly enslaved people back to Africa


The Treasury Department is responsible for printing money. The Treasury Department is part of which branch of government?
OA. legislative
OC. monetary
OD. judicial



The treasury department is part of the executive branch.

The correct answer is B, the executive branch!


Which word can describe Ulysses during his encounter with the Ciconians?

A. Greedy
B. Selfish
C. Jealous
D. Arrogant


I think The answer is b ( selfish)


I am not but I think it is A


7. Approximately what percentage of the world’s Muslims are Sunni?
if you don't know how to do is okay but don't answer because it may call lie :) thanks 5 point



According to a study in 2015, Islam has 1.8 billion adherents, making up about 24.1% of the world population. Most Muslims are either of two denominations: Sunni (87–90%, roughly 1.6 billion people) or Shia (10-13%, roughly 180–230 million people).

Around 87-90%

If something is incorrect about this answer, please don't refrain from telling me.

How are the ideas of individualism and humanism different from what people believed in the feudal times?


Answer:Humanism relates to secularism in that it is the concept that places human beings, not God or faith, as the center of attention in life. Individualism takes humanism a step further and is the belief that individual humans are capable of great accomplishments.


When crops failed during some years in the Medieval period, areas of Europe experienced __________


Answer: Barley and wheat were the most important crops in most European regions; oats and rye were also grown, along with a variety of vegetables and fruits. Oxen and horses were used as draft animals. Sheep were raised for wool and pigs were raised for meat.

Explanation: Hope you have a great day. Remember your all beautiful


Areas of Europe experienced famine.


Hi, this makes the most sense because since crops were failing it would definitely cause famine. The definition of famine is an “ extreme scarcity of food.”

Pls let me know if this helps.

Answer in complete sentences

*1. What statements in the text suggest why it was necessary for the Spartans to always be prepared for conflict?

2. Why were young Spartan soldiers punished for stealing?

*3. Why does the text imply it was necessary for the Spartans to terrorize the helots?

4. Why did Sparta discourage visitors and travel?

You have to answer all the questions I will give brainliest to the right answer(⌐■_■)



To ready them for a life in the field, the boy soldiers were also encouraged to scavenge and even steal their food, though if detected they were punished with floggings. Just as all Spartan men were expected to be fighters, all women were expected to bear children.


It was necessary for the Spartans to always be prepared for conflict because of enemies surrounded their lands.

Why it was necessary for the Spartans to always be prepared for conflict?

Sparta was an ancient Greek state that was surrounded by enemies which force the Spartan citizens to prepare for war at birth. The presence of enemies compels the Spartans to always be prepared for conflict.

Why did Sparta discourage visitors and travel?

Sparta did not welcome visitors from other cities because they did not want to bring new ideas to their state which leads to change their culture and traditions.

So we can conclude that it was necessary for the Spartans to always be prepared for conflict because of enemies surrounded their lands.

Learn more about conflict here:

who is the head of state in Canada
The president
The prime minister
The governor-General
The monarch of the United Kingdom



Queen Elizabeth II



who is the head of state in Canada?

A. The president

B. The prime minister

C. The governor-General

D. The monarch of the United Kingdom


Option D is the Answer

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