a triangle with one right angle and no
congruent sides


Answer 1


That triangle is called a Scalene Triangle

Step-by-step explanation:

Have a great day!

Related Questions

Solve the equation 5.5(x-3)=17+10.5



x= 8

Step-by-step explanation:


5.5x - 16.5= 27.5

5.5x= 44

x= 8



Step-by-step explanation:

this is answer hdhshshshshshuebbdjidusgwbendjdihshe

[tex]y-5\geq -7[/tex]


if you’re trying to find y the answer should be anything that equals more than negative 7 for example y could be 10
y more than or equal -2

What is the sum of the 12th square number and the 10th square number?



12^2 is 144 and 10^2 is 100 :)

Step-by-step explanation:

12 * 12 = 144

10 * 10 = 100

The sum of the 12th square number and the 10th square number is 244. This problem is based on the principle of addition.

The principle of addition states that when two numbers are added together, their sum is a unique number which is not necessarily be divisible by either the numbers or their factors. The addition is inverse operation of the subtraction.

The square of 12th number is 12² = 12 × 12 = 144.

The square of 10th number is 10² = 10 × 10 = 100.

The sum of both numbers = 144 + 100 = 244.

Hence, the answer to the given problem is 244.

Learn more about Addition here:



The sample for a study exhibits undercoverage bias. Select the statement that best describes the bias in the study. O There are not enough subjects in the sample.
O Many of the subjects in the study did not answer every question on the survey.
O The subjects in the study are not representative of the population, because some members of the population were not able to participate in the study.
O The subjects in the study are not representative of the population, because some members of the population refused to take part in the study.​



The subjects in the study are not representative of the population, because some members of the population were not able to participate in the study.

Step-by-step explanation: i got it right on the test

A sample is said to exhibit undercoverage bias, if some of the portion or category of the population are not adequately represented or exempted from the selected sample. Hence, undercoverage bias exists because, The subjects in the study are not representative of the population, because some members of the population were not able to participate in the study.

Undercoverage bias produces non - representative samples as some category of the population may have been exempeted from the study. Hence, option C is correct.

Undercoverage translates that the opinion of some members of the population were not even considered. Hence, the introduction of undercoverage bias.

Learn more : https://brainly.com/question/21774717

Evaluate f(a+2)for f(x)=x^2-9



a^2 + 4a -5

Step-by-step explanation:


((a+2)^2) - (9)


a^2 + 4a -5

If five times a whole number increased by 3 is less than 13, then find the solution set.​


The equation: 5n+3< 13 simplified to: n<2

Felix surrounds a 12 in. by 8 in. photo with a frame that is x inches wide. which quadratic function represents the combined area A of the picture and the frame?

A. A(x)=x^2+20x+96
B. A(x)=x^2+40x+96
C. A(x)=4x^2+20x+96
D. A(x)=4x^2+40x+96



Step-by-step explanation:

Total dimensions = (12+2x) inches by (8+2x) inches

A = (12+2x)(8+2x) = 4x² + 40x + 96

Bryan initially filled a measuring cup with 3/10 of a cup of syrup from a large jug. Then he poured 1/10 of a cup back into the jug. How much syrup remains in the measuring cup?


2/10. 3-1/10 = 2/10.

The function h is given by h ( t ) = ( 1 − t ) ( 8 + 16 t ) models the height of a ball in feet, t seconds after it is thrown.

Where are the zeros of the function?

Are both zeros meaningful and why?

At what height is the ball thrown?


9514 1404 393


zeros: t = 1, t = -1/2no: the domain of the function is t ≥ 08 feet

Step-by-step explanation:

The zeros are the values of t that make the factors zero.

  1 -t = 0   ⇒   t = 1

  8 +16t = 0   ⇒   t = -8/16 = -1/2

The equation is used to model height after the ball is thrown. We don't expect it to be a good model before the ball is thrown (t < 0), so the zero in that region is extraneous.

Only the positive zero is in the function's domain, so that is the only one that is meaningful.


When t = 0 (at the time the ball is thrown), the function value is ...

  h(0) = (1 -0)(8 +0) = 8

The ball is thrown from a height of 8 feet.

What percentage of the flower in the garden are white?
A 20%
B 40%
C 60%
D 90%




Step-by-step explanation:

The percentage of purple flowers and white flowers produced in the F2 generation will be 75% and 25% respectively.

What is percentage?

A percentage is a number or ratio that can be expressed as a fraction of 100. A percentage is a number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100. It is often denoted using the percent sign, "%", although the abbreviations "pct.", "pct" and sometimes "pc" are also used. A percentage is a dimensionless number; it has no unit of measurement.

Here, we have,

F2 generation can be defined as the filial generation that arises from the interbreeding between the offspring of F1 generation. F1 generation is produced when two parents are crossed with each other. And this F1 generation when inter-bred fives rise to F2 generation.

Since the F1 generation consisted of offspring with genotype Pp, the the self cross (Pp × Pp) will produce the F2 generation with offspring PP, Pp, Pp and pp. As a result, the percentage of purple and white flowers will be 75% and 25% respectively.

To know more about percentage, here



The given question is incomplete, the complete question is:

If two homozygous parents with genotype PP and pp are crossed, the F1 generation contains the genotype Pp. If the offspring of F1 generation is self-crossed, what must be the percentage of purple flowers and white flowers in the F2 generation?

Two playful kittens working together can unwind all the balls of yarn in a basket 9
minutes faster than if the first kitten is working alone, and 4 minutes faster than if the
second kitten is working alone. How long does it take each kitten to unwind all the
balls of yarn alone?



The time it takes the first kitten to unwind the balls of yarn alone is 15 minutes

The time it takes the second kitten to unwind the balls of yarn alone is 10 minutes

Step-by-step explanation:

The time it takes the two kitten to unwind the balls of yarn = 9 minutes faster than the first kitten working alone

The time it takes the two kitten to unwind the balls of yarn = 4 minutes faster than the second kitten working alone

Let 'x' represent the time it takes the first kitten to unwind the balls of yarn alone, let 'y' represent the time it takes the second kitten to unwind the balls of yarn alone, and let 't' represent the time it takes the two kitten to unwind the balls of yarn we have;

x = t + 9

y = t + 4

The rate of working, per ball of yarn, of the first kitten = 1/x = 1/(t + 9)

The rate of working, per ball of yarn, of the second kitten = 1/y = 1/(t + 4)

The amount of work each kitten does in the time 't', added together to unwind 1 ball of yarn is given as follows;

t/(t + 9) + t/(t + 4) = 1

(t·(t +4) + t·(t + 9))/(t + 4)×(t + 9) = 1

Using a graphing calculator, we have;

(2·t²+13·t)/(t² + 13·t + 36) = 1

∴ (2·t² + 13·t) = (t² + 13·t + 36)

(2·t² + 13·t) - (t² + 13·t + 36) = 0

t² - 36 = 0

t = √36 = 6

t = 6

x = t + 9 = 6 + 9 = 15

The time it takes the first kitten to unwind the balls of yarn alone, x = 15 minutes

y = t + 4 = 6 + 4 = 10

The time it takes the second kitten to unwind the balls of yarn alone, y = 10 minutes


15 and 10 are correct

Step-by-step explanation:

Please help meh I keep getting it wrong im so sad



1, 2 and 5

Step-by-step explanation:




you just have to shrink it down to 4cm then to 2cm

i wish i could help out more, but i would need to have access to the form

hopefully, this helps anyhow :)

good luck

have a great day !!

5.3 lesson 14 problem set answer


i 100% agree with this statement

The answers are
A. 1/3 cm/s
B. 1/2 cm/s
C. 2/3 cm/s
D. 3/2 cm/s

Please help!!



Step-by-step explanation:

C. 2/3 cm/s

What is the Angled measurement of ∠B


Answer: The measurement of angle B is 50 degrees

Step-by-step explanation: we know all triangles add up to 180 degrees so substitute 40 with a degrees and solve

Step-by-step explanation:

According to the Triangle Sum Theorem, all angles in triangle are sum of 180⁰. This means that m<a + m<b + m<c = 180⁰. You will first solve for a.

m<a + m<b + m<c = 180⁰

2a⁰ + a + 10⁰ + a⁰ = 180⁰ combine like terms.

2a⁰ + a + a⁰ + 10⁰ = 180⁰

4a⁰ + 10⁰ = 180⁰ subtract 10 from both sides.

4a⁰ + 10⁰ - 10⁰ = 180⁰ - 10⁰

4a⁰ = 170⁰ Divide 4 from both sides.

4a⁰ / 4 = 170⁰ / 4

a = 42.5⁰

Now that you found a, plug 42.5⁰ in place of in all angles and solve.

m<a :-




m<b :-

a + 10⁰

42.5⁰ + 10⁰


m<c :-



m<a = 85⁰

m<b = 52.5⁰

m<c = 42.5⁰

Remember that all angle must sum up to 180⁰ in a triangle. So we will now add all of our angle to find it if it equals 180⁰.

m<a + m<b + m<c = 180⁰

85⁰ + 52.5⁰ + 42.5⁰ = 180⁰

180⁰ = 180⁰

Thus, m<b = 52.5⁰.

Hope this helps, thank you :) !!

A 1,300 kg car moving at 20 m/s and a 900 kg car moving at 15 m/a in precisely opposite directions crash head on. If we consider this event to be a perfectly inelastic collision, what is the speed of the cars after the impact?




Step-by-step explanation:

Based on law of conservation of momentum;

m1u1 +m2u2 =(m1+m2)v

v is the velocities of the car after impact

Substitute the given values

1300(20)+900(15) = (1300+900)v

26000 + 13500 = 2200v

39500 = 2200v

v = 39500/2200

v = 17.96m/s

Hence the speed of the cars after impact is 17.96m/s

A right triangle is formed in the first quadrant by the x- and y- axes and a Straight line through the point (2,3). The other vertices are (0,0) (0,Y) (X,0).

a) Write the length L of the hypotenuse as a function of x
b) Find the vertices of the triangle such that its are is a minimum


Answer:the triangle has (2,) and (0, 4) as its vertices for a maximum area

Step-by-step explanation:let P(x,0) be the x-intercept and Q(0,y) be the y-intercept

label (1,2) as A(1,2)

the slope AP = slope AQ

-2/(x-1) = (2-y)/1

2x - xy - 2 + y = -2

y(1-x) = -2x

y = -2x/(1-x) or 2x/(x-1)

H^2 = x^2 + y^2

= x^2 + ( (2x/(x-1) )^2 --- simplify if needed

(don't know why we are finding the hypotenuse ? )

Area of triangle OPQ

= (1/2)base x height

= (1/2)xy

= (1/2)x(2x/(x-1))

= (1/2) (2x^2/(x-1) )

dA/dx = (1/2) [ (x-1)(4x) - 2x^2(1) ]/(x-1)^2

= (1/2) [ 4x^2 - 4x - 2x^2 ]/(x-1)^2

= 0 for a max of A

2x^2 - 4x = 0

x(2x-4) = 0

x=0 ---- > makes no sense, look at diagram


x = 2

then y = 2(2)/(2-1) = 4

the triangle has (2,) and (0, 4) as its vertices for a maximum area



Step-by-step explanation:

help me plsssssssssssssssssssss?


Answer:4. Liters 5. Milliliter 6. Milliliters 7. Liters

8. Liters 9. Liters 10. Liters 11. Milliliters

Step-by-step explanation:


Sink: liters Coffee: milliliters Bottle: milliliters blender: liters

Step-by-step explanation:

Lousina has 4 yards of fabric. she uses 2/5 yard of fabric to make a doll dress. How many doll dresses could Lousina make with the fabric?



10 doll dresses

Step-by-step explanation:

Number of doll dresses = Length of fabric ÷ length of yard used for one doll

                                       = 4  ÷ (2/5)

                                       [tex]= 4 * \frac{5}{2}\\\\= 2 * 5\\= 10[/tex]

2(3a + 2) = – 8
show your work




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]2(3a + 4) = - 8 \\( 2 \times 3a = 6a)(2 \times 2 = 4) \\ - 8 - 4 = - 12 \\ 6a \div - 12 = - 2[/tex]

Veronica says that the expression
7(5x + 2) is equivalent to the expression
12x + 9. Is Veronica correct?


The person on top is correct

YOU GET 100 POINTS!!!! Select the correct graph.

Based on the end behaviors, which graph is the graph of f(x) = -2x4 − 4x3 + x2 + x + 3?



The function is


To find:

The graph of the function by using the end behaviors.


We have,


The degree of the polynomial is 4 which is even and the leading coefficient is -2, which is negative. So,

[tex]f(x)\to -\infty\text{ as }x\to -\infty[/tex]

[tex]f(x)\to -\infty\text{ as }x\to \infty[/tex]

It means, the graph of the function approaches to negative infinity on the both ends.

Therefore, the correct option is C.

What is the measure of the missing angle



45 degrees xxxxxxxxxx

Step-by-step explanation:

simple geo

please help!!! i'll mark you brainliest
20 points (maths)



25,0000000000000pmc squared

Step-by-step explanation:

because it's math.

last one it’s worth 10
Points losers



why did you call us losers?

i think it's B

Help me I have time plz!!




Step-by-step explanation:

3+3 what is it i need help please


6 fooo take this down

f m<1 = 2x + 3 and the m<4 = 3x + 2, then find the m<3.



https://www.mrelisara.com/uploads/5/8/7/3/58736993/chapter_2_review_ws_answers.pdfStep-by-step explanation:


100 Jumping Jacks

90 Jump Overs

80 Squats

70 Toe Taps

60 Shoulder Taps

50 Lunges (25 on each leg)

40 Burgeeps

30 V-Ups

20 Pushups

10 Air Punches


Thank you, you’ll motivate me to work out :)
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