A street that is 172 m long is coverd by snow . City workers are useing a snowplow to cleer the street . A tire on the snowplow has turn 43 tines on traveling the lenght .What is the diamater of the tire ?


Answer 1


The diameter of the tire is 1.274 m



total length of the street, L = 172 m

let the radius of the tire = r

let the diameter of the tire, d = 2r

In every single turn, a tire covers a distance, D = 2πr

for the total 43 times, the distance covered, D = L = 43 x 2πr

L = 43 x 2πr

172 = 86πr

[tex]r = \frac{172}{86 \pi} \\\\r = 0.637 \ m[/tex]

d = 2r = 2 x 0.637

d = 1.274 m

Therefore, the diameter of the tire is 1.274 m

Related Questions

WHO is negatively impacted by urban sprawl ?



Although some would argue that urban sprawl has its benefits, such as creating local economic growth, urban sprawl has many negative consequences for residents and the environment, such as higher water and air pollution, increased traffic fatalities and jams, loss of agricultural capacity, increased car dependency, higher taxes, increased runoff into rivers and lakes, harmful effects on human health, including higher rates of obesity, high blood pressure, hypertension and chronic diseases, increased flooding, decrease in social capital and loss of natural habitats, wildlife and open space. In its path, urban sprawl consumes immeasurable acres of forests, farmland, woodlands and wetlands and in its wake, leaves vacant storefronts, boarded up houses, closed businesses, abandoned and usually contaminated industrial sites, and traffic congestion, which can stretch miles from urban centers and is creating a hidden debt of unfunded infrastructure and services, urban decay, social dysfunction, and environmental degradation.


Urban sprawl refers to the expansion of poorly planned, low-density, auto-dependent development, which spreads out over large amounts of land, putting long distances between homes, stores, and work and creating a high segregation between residential and commercial uses with harmful impacts on the people living in these areas and the ecosystems and wildlife that have been displaced. Although some would argue that urban sprawl has its benefits, such as creating local economic growth, urban sprawl has many negative consequences for residents and the environment, such as higher water and air pollution, increased traffic fatalities and jams, loss of agricultural capacity, increased car dependency, higher taxes, increased runoff into rivers and lakes, harmful effects on human health, including higher rates of obesity, high blood pressure, hypertension and chronic diseases, increased flooding, decrease in social capital and loss of natural habitats, wildlife and open space. In its path, urban sprawl consumes immeasurable acres of forests, farmland, woodlands and wetlands and in its wake, leaves vacant storefronts, boarded up houses, closed businesses, abandoned and usually contaminated industrial sites, and traffic congestion, which can stretch miles from urban centers and is creating a hidden debt of unfunded infrastructure and services, urban decay, social dysfunction, and environmental degradation. The website that helped is www.everythingconnects.org

What did Madison mean by the institution of slavery and its consequences form the line of discrimination



Watch hamilton!


15. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), spoils from
than 700 miles of streams.

a. subsurface mining

b. mountaintop removal

c. contour strip mining

d. open-pit mining

e. area strip mining



Not sure but I think its Mountain Top Removal

daes the a freshly ploughed field with rich ,dark soil have a high albedo or a low albedo​





__ is the tradition of a widow killing herself by throwing her body on her husband's burning funeral pyre; it is performed __ today in India.
A. Agni Purana, daily
B. Sati; very rarely
C. Juche; often
D. Shinto; not at all​


The Sati is an ancient Hindu funeral practice where a widow immolates herself on her husband's funeral pyre. B. Sati; very rarely

The tradition described in the question is known as "Sati."

Sati is an ancient Hindu funeral practice where a widow immolates herself on her husband's funeral pyre.

The term "Sati" is derived from the name of the goddess Sati, who is believed to have self-immolated in a mythological tale.

While Sati was practiced in India in the past, it has been officially banned by the British colonial administration in the early 19th century.

The ban was implemented due to the inherent cruelty and violation of human rights associated with the practice.

Sati had already been in decline prior to the ban, as social reformers within India had been advocating against it.

Today, Sati is considered illegal and a criminal offense in India.

It is also condemned by religious authorities and most members of Indian society.

The Indian government has taken significant measures to enforce the ban and prevent any instances of Sati from occurring.

Laws have been enacted to protect the rights and safety of widows, and there are severe penalties for anyone involved in promoting or participating in Sati.

While it is true that rare instances of Sati may still occur, they are illegal and highly condemned.

The Indian government, along with various organizations and activists, is actively working to prevent and eradicate this practice completely.

It is important to recognize that Sati does not represent the mainstream or contemporary cultural practices in India.

For similar questions on Sati



Mississppi River system takes up almost half of the United States and imcludes what 3 major river systems?


Mississippi River system takes up almost half of the United States and includes what 3 major river systems ? Ohio, Missouri, and Mississippi.

Is it true or false





It saves people's rights and also brings peaceful coexistence


On the graph on the right, I’m suppose to put an arrow to show the correct direction that a ship should pass

I just need help on where to place the arrow :,(



top right down 3 left 5


diffetences between the equator and the prime meridian​



the equator is an imaginary horizontal line across the earth and the closer you get to it the warmer it is, the prime meridian is an imaginary vertical line.


Answer: the difference is that the equator runs at 0 degrees longitude and divides the earth in half while the prime meridian is 180 degrees


In the industrialized countries, we find the biggest share of people who are older than ___________?



In the industrialized countries, we find the biggest share of people who are older than young.


Industrialized countries tend to have a low birth rate, which allows the isodod population to be larger than the youth population. This is a great challenge for the country, especially for the industry, as it can result in a lesser amount of productive labor in the product, reducing the number of active workers and promoting an insufficient industry.

Project: in my tribe

Project Overview:
What would it have been like to have been a member of an early human tribe? How would you have fed, clothed, and housed

In this project, you'll use a combination of research and your imagination to develop and describe your own tribe of early

Use Internet or book research as needed; make sure to cite the URLs of any websites you consult.

As you imagine yourself going back
in time, you'll have a number of important decisions to make in order to create a realistic clan:

1. In which era do you live? Are you primarily a foraging and scavenging tribe? A hunting and gathering tribe? An early farmer?

2. Where do you live? Name and describe your region of the world. Is it dry and rocky? Tropical and humid? Cold in winter and hot
in summer?

3. Who is in your tribe? Describe the number and type of people: How many men? How many women? How many children? What
do they wear?

4. Describe your lifestyle: Are you nomadic or have you begun to set down roots? How do you get food to feed yourself and the rest
of the tribe? Do you eat primarily vegetation or do you have meat and milk? What are your primary food sources?

5. Where do you sleep at night? Where do you cook? Where do you bathe?

6. What do you call your tribe or does it not have a name?

7. If you cultivate food and domesticate animals, describe how you do this. For example, what do you feed the animals? How do you do this. For example, what do you feed the animals? How do you plant and harvest crops?

8. Does your tribe use tools, if so, describe them.

9. Do you always have food or are there times you go hungry?

10. Do you have interactions with other tribes? if so, describe them.




1) We lived int he 1720s. We are a hunting and gathering tribe.

2) We lived in near mountain terrain and near forests. Its dry and rocky. And cold in winter and hot in summer.

3) men women and children. Awe have 24,890 women, 56,789 men And 13,896 children. We wore animal skin.

4) we are nomadic. We gather and hunt. Both. Berries, rabbits, and deer.

5) we slept in tents. We cooked outside. We bathed in rivers and lakes.

6) it does not have a name

7) we gaint he animals trust and train them to help us hunt and sniff for berry bushes. We feed the animals berries and meat.

8) Our tribe uses bows and arrows, spears, and axes for hunting. We use our hands and rocks for harvesting and digging.

9) There are times we are hungry in the winter mostly.

10) no

what are the major rivers in Eurasia?


The most important rivers in Eurasia are:
Rhone, Elbe, Oder, Tagus, Thames, Don and Dnieper, among others.

how does the
weather affect tourist
at work​




If the weather is bad the tourist will most likely be in a bad mood, especially if they forgot their umbrella. If its cold, and they're standing around then they're gonna complain about the fact they're cold. If its a clear sunny day they will most likely take pictures and post them on social media which will boost the sites popularity as rhwi friends and followers may now want to visit

what provided evidence that the earth moved around the sun

a. microscope
b. telescope
c. thermometer
d. sattelite​


the answer is d. sattelite

B: Telescope
stars were like the Sun and their distance could be deduced from the disks. They were close enough that the parallax should’ve been observed too.

The topography of an includes which of the following?

A. deltas

B. landforms

C. All of the above

D. meandering rivers


C. All of the above !

describe all types of pollution​


Air , water , land, radioactive , light and thermal

Water pollution, air pollution, solid waste pollution, and noise po/llution are all examples of pollution. Gases and solid particulates can also pollute the air. Groundwater conta/mination is related to soil pollution. Leacha/te from solid waste can be extremely polluting, contaminating soil groundwater.

describe all types of pollution​ in long​


There   are different types of polluti/on: water pollution, air pollution, solid waste pollution and noise pollutio/n. ... Air pollution ca/n be caused by gases or solid particulates. Soil polluti/on is linke/d to groundwater pollution. Solid waste can produce highly polluting leach//ate which contamin/ates soil groundwater.

What is one reason why life expectancy decreases in less developed regions ?



Them being less developed means they could be less developed in medicine


therefore the life expectancy would descrease because they do not have the proper tools to save lives

7. Nanomaterials made out of common, abundant elements may soon replace the need for mining some metals.

a, True
b. False



step-by-step explanation: true.

Describe types of pollution​



When you think of environmental pollution, it typically comes in seven different types. These include air, water, land, radioactive, thermal, light, and sound pollution. Explore the definition and causes of each type of pollution.


types of pollution are follow

1 land pollution

2.water pollution

3. air pollution

4.noise pollution

thermal pollution

Find the perimeter of the figure. 7 11 feet The perimeter of the figure is (Simplify your answer.)​


if the shape is a quadrilateral with the sides being 7 feet on two sides and 11 feet on the other two, then the perimeter would be (11 x 2) + (7 x 2) = 36 feet^2

All of the following political systems would be considered Unlimited governments EXCEPT
a. Constitutional Monarchy
c. Absolute Monarchy
b. Totalitarian Dictatorship
d. Military Dictatorship



i dont know


Click this link and read the article about the Amazon Rain Forest.
After reading the article, write down two of the ways that rainforests benefit us every day and explain why the deforestation
of the rainforest is bad.



1. Economical value

Fruits, oils, nuts and other plant extracts like rubber and chocolate, when harvested in large quantities, yield substantial economic value. Large scale harvesting of plant extracts can provide long-term profits as well as income generation provided measures are set in place to protect rainforests. With that said, rainforest provide significant financial value than when burned down on a large scale for timber.

2. Environmental benefits

High demand of ecologically harvested forest products is vital for preservation measures to succeed. For this reason, it is prudent to buy rainforest products to support the economy which in turn provides the solution to cutting down rainforest only for timber. This way, we can create a sizeable market for forest products while supporting preservation efforts at the same time.

Deforestation is bad for the environment because trees are necessary to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is one of the greenhouse gases that is causing global warming. Animals have habitats in trees and forests and once they're cut down, the birds and animals are at risk.


Describe the government structure of Rome?



today it is Republican and aristocratic

What’s a Human landscape feature



cities, farms, roads or bridges

How does nuclear fusion make life on Earth possible? (1 point)

creates Earth's magnetic field

releases energy that warms Earth

blocks radiation from reaching Earth

creates the sun's magnetic field



releases energy that warms earth answer

The sun is the major source of energy for all life on earth. It's due to the nuclear fusion that takes place inside the sun core which is responsible for the warmth and light.

The solar system is centered by the sun which is 109 times that of earth. The sun emits light in all spectrums and bands. This solar light consist of EMR is a short waveform that is essential for the germination of bacteria and many life forms on earth. The earth absorbs this heat and re-radiates it back during the nighttime. Hence the option B warms earth is correct.

Learn more about the nuclear fusion that makes life possible.


How is Kakadu managing the park in terms of sustainability



Due to Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and with the help of people that lives around the park.


Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 is imposed on the park which helps in the sustainability of this park. This park is managed  by the Aboriginal traditional owners and the Director of National Parks mutually which enhances its sustainability. The people that lives around the park also protect the biodiversity of the park and avoid everything that threatens the sustainability of that park.

pollution of groundwater how does it affect the atmosphere


The Effects of Pollutants on Groundwater Pollutants are so toxic to groundwater because water dissolves a wide range of chemicals, so even a small amount of contaminants will easily spread across the entire supply. A single litre of gasoline, for example, will pollute 1,000,000 litres of groundwater.

A man had stolen his neighbor's money, and later lost his job. This represents the Hindu principle of



Principle of karma.


This represents the Hindu principle of karma. Also called the spiritual system of cause and effect. According to this principle, it is said that intent and actions of an individual (cause) influence the future of that individual (effect). It means that action with good intent will lead to happy and positive results and vice versa.

Wich of the following is not an environmental factor that influences cultures?



where are the choices?


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