Read this passage from a fictional 20th-century Russian newsletter:The Russian czarist system must end immediately. It is the only thing responsible for the starvation and death Russians face today. Without the czar, Russia would be the wealthiest, most powerful country in the world. If we overthrow him, the Russian people will have the highest standard of living humanity has ever witnessed within six months!

Why would historians most likely question this source's credibility?

A.It references disturbing concepts like starvation and death.
B.It does not discuss any countries other than Russia.
C.It calls for the overthrow of an established government.
D.It makes claims that seem dishonest and unrealistic.


Answer 1


D.It makes claims that seem dishonest and unrealistic.


The dishonest claims that the article made about the Czarist was not only dishonest but was at same time unrealistic. There could be other reasons that made the Russians to be dying like poor medical conditions of their health center, illnesses etc rather than the Czarist system which is a monarchical kind of system practiced in Russia.

Related Questions

What chapter of the constitution that outlines the basic human right and freedom in



1) The Bill of Rights is an integral part of Kenya’s democratic state and is the framework for social, economic and cultural policies.

(2) The purpose of recognising and protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms is to preserve the dignity of individuals and communities and to promote social justice and the realisation of the potential of all human beings.


The rights and fundamental freedoms in the Bill of Rights—

(a) belong to each individual and are not granted by the State;

(b) do not exclude other rights and fundamental freedoms not in the Bill of Rights, but recognised or conferred by law, except to the extent that they are inconsistent with this Chapter; and

(c) are subject only to the limitations contemplated in this Constitution.

select the correct answer.

What would have happened if the first attack on the world trade center in 1933 have been successful

A. One tower would have collapse into the other, killing thousands and destroying a purported symbol of wealth and greed.

B. One tower would have collapsed, and people in the second, terrorist thought, would use the incident to force their government abandon occupation of islamic lands.

C. Both towers would have stood, but the damage would have been so obvious that Americans would pressure the government to abandon its military bases in the Middle East.

D. The terrorists didn’t care whether the attack was successful, as it was training mission preparing militants for their roles in the subsequent September 11 massacre.


Answer: C: Both towers would have stood, but the damage would have been so obvious that Americans would pressure the government to abandon its military bases in the Middle East.



A. One tower would have collapse into the other, killing thousands and destroying a purported symbol of wealth and greed.


its right ong foo

This list refers to the contributions of which Founding Father?
A John Adams
Benjamin Franklin
James Madison
D John Jay


Answer:The answer is A



A) John Adams


What did Christian humanist in Italian humanist have in common



Both believed in the importance of the individual. Both advocated the study of classical thought. Both rejected religious ideas in favor of secular ones. Both argued that biblical principles could solve humanity's problems.


Please give me brainlist

What event best completes the sequence





what was the unoffical motto of the son of liberty



no taxation without representation


Choose all of the items that describe conflicts between the Plains Indians and the United States in the last half of the 19th century.
es )
Ghost Dance
Wounded Knee
Trail of Tears
Little Big Horn
Sequoyah's syllabary



ghost dance, wounded knee, and little big horn


Items that describes conflicts that exist between the Plains Indians as well as the United States in the last half of the 19th century are;

Ghost DanceWounded KneeLittle Big Horn

Plains Wars serves as conflicts that started around early 1850s and this took place between Plains Indians and United States.

And this is because of control of the Great Plains that exist between Mississippi River as well as the Rocky Mountains.

Items that describes this war are;

Ghost DanceWounded KneeLittle Big Horn

Therefore, option A,B,D are correct.

Learn more at:

Please be %100 sure that this is the correct answer.


Islam: worships in a mosque
Judaism: draws religious teachings from the Torah
Both: Founded in the Middle East, monotheistic religion

monethestic religion judiasm.

worship in mosque Islam

What power does the governor have regarding the Louisiana state legislature?
The governor can refuse to enforce laws passed by the legislature.
The governor can veto bills passed by the legislature.
The governor can ask the judicial branch to review the legislature.
The governor can disband the legislature so they cannot meet.


The governor can veto bills passed by the legislature.

Why were Europeans so powerful



Trade was the driving force in making Europe into the dominant world power as it was the midwife for Europe's superior technology and institutions. And Europe's trade happened because their food was quite terrible and they were hungry for spices to make their food tastier.


The Sepoy Revolt (1857 Indian Revolt) began after the solders discovered which of the
They were being paid much less than promised.
They were told that they would be given new summer uniforms that had shorts.
They found out that the cartridges they used were covered in pork and beef fat.
They were being smuggled opium which increased the opium addiction in the region.


It’s the cartridge answer because biting that fat off of the bullets was against their religion

Question 3 of 16
Why were railroads immediately helpful for businesses?
O A. People did not have to own horses to travel.
B. Goods could be shipped with very few workers.
O C. Workers could live farther away from work.
D. Large numbers of goods could be shipped quickly.


This answer is definitely D

Answer: D. Large numbers of goods could be shipped quickly

Explanation: i took the quiz and got it right :)

which faith would a persian person living in iran MOST LIKELY follow
a.sunni islam
b.christianity islam



A. Sunni Islam


The correct answer is A

which types of natural processes have assisted in the geological evolution of earth?


Bdjsbdidmoemsoanabsis e s

Match the invention (or discovery) with its inventor. 1. sewing machine Wright 2. airplane Cooper 3. Tom Thumb Hargreaves 4. spinning jenny Morse 5. transatlantic cable Field 6. telegraph Howe



1. Sewing machine- Howe.

2. Airplane- Wright.

3. Tom Thumb- Cooper.

4. Spinning Jenny- Hargreaves.

5. Transatlantic Cable- Field.

6. Telegraph- Morse.


The various inventions and their inventors or discoverers are as follows-

1. The sewing machine was invented by Elias Howe Jr. in 1846. This invention began what will be the mass production of sewing machines and improved the production of clothing.

2. The Wright brothers invented the airplane in 1903. Their invention led to the development of air travel.

3. The first steam locomotive "Tom Thumb" was invented by Peter Cooper in 1829. This steam engine began what would later develop the means of land travel.

4. The invention of a multi-spindle spinning frame in 1764-65 began a major development in the textile industry. Invented by James Hargreaves, the spinning jenny industrialized the means of textile production.

5. The transatlantic cable was invented by Cyrus West Field in 1854. The invention of the transatlantic telegraph system led to easier and faster means of sending information across nations.

6. The telegraph Morse code was invented by Samuel Morse during 1830-40. This invention revolutionized the manner of long-distance communication through the use of electrical wires to send signals.



bell - telephone

Edison - light bulb

McComrick- reaping machine

Watt- Steam engine


Morse- telagraph

Drake- oil well

Howe - sewing machine

Wright -  airplane

Field - transatlantic cable

Cooper - Tom Thumb

Hargreaves -  spinning jenny

What war caused Great Britain to run up a massive debt, necessitating an increase of taxes on the American colonists?



the war with france



The seven years war


It lasted seven years

what was the outcome of the war for the United States? what was the outcome of the war for Mexico?​



both nation were effected heavily by the war as the united states had greatly expanded into the southwest and mexico was moved south into what it looks like today.


 American victory Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Mexican recognition of U.S. sovereignty over Texas (among other territories) End of the conflict between Mexico and Texas

Think about the different childhoods of Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. How do you think their upbringing affected the way they conducted their approach for African American equality? ​



It was almost a hundred years since slavery, but blacks were still threatened by whites. Police used new tactics to arrest African American on minimal offenses and Jim Crow Laws were still relevant. Although black people were not slaves of a plantation; they were still slaves of America’s inequality. Trying to receive civil rights for African Americans in the 1960s was a revolution for equality. African American’s had two leaders that were not afraid to stand up for black people. Malcolm X and Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King stood for desegregation, independency, and equality. Although both of them had different approaches, both were equally influential. Upbringings, social environments, and life events affected Malcolm X’s and Martin Luther King’s perspective on the extent to how violence should be incorporated into their ideologies.

In the Ethical Demands for Integration, Martin Luther King stated that “the impact of the nonviolent discipline has done a great deal toward creating in the mind of the Negro a new image of himself.” Because African Americans have a history in slavery, blacks are accustomed to punishment for working too slowing or ruining product. Besides his background, Martin Luther King believes that non-violence is the best way to approach to succeed in revolt because it exposes black to a new wave of being a human. African Americans have never had a time to use their knowledge, words, and actions to fundamentally change their government and Martin Luther King believed that it was the time to use it. On the other hand, Malcolm X had a more violent method. Malcolm X believed that it was silence that suppressed slaves in the past and the only way to change it was to respond violently. Violence allowed for African American to have more than a “voice”. It put their words into actions, which he believed to be more influential than peaceful aggression.

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15, 1929 to Martin Luther King Sr. and Alberta Williams King. He had two siblings and he grew up comfortably in a house in Atlanta, Georgia. His family had a middle class income and although he lived in the urban city, he received the best possible education. Until college, his family remained together and they didn’t worry about much financially. He always had the company of his siblings for comfort, support, and enjoyment. Along with his sibling, Martin Luther King’s “second home” was the church. His father and his grandfather were pastors and their role led Martin to want to follow in their footsteps. On the contrary, Malcolm did not have such a cheerful childhood, he states: “People are always speculating- why am I as I am? To understand that of any person, his whole life, from birth, must be reviewed. All pf our experiences fuse into our personality. Everything that has happened to us is an ingredient”. Malcolm Little was born on May 19th 1925 in Omaha, Nebraska to Louise and Earl Little, with the name Malcolm Little. He had ten siblings and his family was well off. His father was financially self- sufficient, a Baptist preacher, and an organizer for Marcus Garvey’s Universal Negro Improvement Association. Because his family was constantly under scrutiny, Malcolm lived with constant fear through his childhood. His family was frequently being harassed by the Klu Klux Klan because of his father’s involvement with the UNIA. At the age of four, Malcolm’s house was burned down and when he was six years old, his father was murdered. Martin Luther King developed a more peaceful approach because of his positive childhood, and Malcolm Little was more violent because that is what he is used to.

These quotes highlight what conterversy of the civil rights movement



A. whether or not to use violence to further the cause.


The Civil Rights movement was a decade-long struggle or campaign by the African Americans for an end to institutionalized racism, social justice, segregation and the likes in the United States of America. It was mainly championed by Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X, as well as some other black American allies.

The above quotes by Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X highlight whether or not to use violence to further the cause.

How did the Native Americans help the US military win the war in the Pacific?



the Native Americans still could speak their native language and could enlist in the armed forces as code talkers


due to the Language of the native americans which not many knew it became the perfect unbreakable code to speak with over radios to thwart enemy interception these became the navajo code talkers and they helped seal the deal of the war with their native "tactical" language

What does the cartoon prove about Theodore Roosevelt?
Roosevelt held many different offices and played many
different roles during his lifetime, not all of them political.
Roosevelt started out as Governor of New York and ended his
career as a famous hunter.
Roosevelt was never happier than during the time in his life
when he was known as "the Peacemaker."
Roosevelt was most serious and determined during his time
as president than at any other time during his life.


C is correct answer

Answer: c


If you wanted to travel from Oklahoma City to another state today, which would not be an option?

A. car
B. train
C. plane
D. boat




that would be rather unsmart WHERE THE WATER SIS


Define in sentence form: border states, Confederate States of America​



Border states

plural noun

the Slave States of Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri, which refused to secede from the Union in 1860–61.


Confederate States of America

The states that broke away were called The Confederate States of America. The states that remained were called the Union Forces.

What were the major ancient empires of Sub-Saharan Africa?



1 The greatest Saharan empire cities were Timbuktu and Djenné, both of which lie on the Niger. While these empires were the most prominent Islamic states in Sub-Saharan Africa, smaller Islamic kingdoms formed to the east, such that nearly the entire northern half of the continent fell under Islamic rule.

Which of the following would be a preference for shopping in a smaller retail shop?

A. You want to be more trendy and fashionable
B. They have fewer selections and higher prices
C. They have more selections and lower prices
D. You have developed a relationship with the workers there

Edit: It's D​


Developing a relationship with an organization's workers can be a factor that impacts consumers' preference when choosing a smaller retail store to shop.

What is relationship marketing?

It corresponds to a strategy that organizations use to have greater proximity and integration with the consumer, through the creation of value, which can be achieved through different situations, such as quality of service, extra benefits, etc.

Therefore, an advantage of a smaller retail store is being able to have a deeper and more personalized relationship with the customer, which is a relevant competitive differentiator.

The correct answer is:

D. You have developed a relationship with the workers there.

Find out more about relationship marketing here:


Is that what I think it is well yes, it is the correct answer was D. You have developed a relationship with the workers there.

Explanation to moderators:

Note don't delete this answer just because I said is that a answer.

what were two reasons that the new england states were ideal for the development of early factories


Answer:New England was ideal for the development for factories because the ppor soil caused people to leave their farms, to find work, river provided water power to run machinery, easily accessible ports for passage, proximity to resources.


What foreign policy actions did John Quincy Adams take that reflected nationalism?


The foreign policy actions that John Quincy Adams took that reflected nationalism were that he promoted national expansion and created the Monroe Doctrine, which stated that if European powers did not meddle with American affairs, Americans wou


its a


what modern day connections can we make with Martin Luther King Jr's Arrest and the boycotts ?



The Black Lives Matter movement and protests


Just like then people of color are being mistreated and therefore people are now taking stands. Both then and now people taking a stand can end them up in jail for reasons that really aren't valid.


Which letters on the above map best represent the mountain passes in the Hindu Kush which provided migration routes into the Indian subcontinent?

L and J
D and H
E and F
A and C



d and h


What is the importance of taxation?


Answer: Its really about money.


Can be when you buy things from anything can be in person or online taxes are pretty much anything you buy and would a few cents to your purchase.

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