a spring has a force constant of 100 n/m and an unstretched length of 0.07 m. one end is attached to a post that is free to rotate in the center of a smooth table, as shown in the top view above. the other end is attached to a 1 kg disc moving in uniform circular motion on the table, which stretches the spring by 0.03 m. friction is negligible. what is the centripetal force on the disc?


Answer 1

F equals 3N with respect to the circle's center, moving in the same direction as the centripetal acceleration.

How much centripetal force is there in a centrifuge?

Centripetal force is the force that pushes an item in the direction of its center of curvature. It is fundamental to how a centrifuge operates.

On a roller coaster, what is centripetal force?

An item travelling in a circle is pushed inward toward what is known as the center of rotation, which is essentially what a roller coaster accomplishes when it travels through a loop. The force that maintains an object moving along a curved route is this pull toward the center, or centripetal force.

To know more about centripetal force visit:-



Related Questions

A 110-pound person pulls herself up 4. 0 feet. This took her 2. 5 seconds. How much power was developed?.


The power developed by a 110 pound person lifting himself 4.0 feet in 2.5 seconds is 0.32 hp.


Power is the speed in doing work, or the rate of energy that is distributed while doing work  in a certain period of time.

The Watt unit is used as a mark of respect for a scientist named James Watt who succeeded in inventing the steam engine.

In addition, the unit of power that is often used besides watts is Horse Power (hp), where 1 hp = 746 Watts.

The equation for determining power is:

P = W/t


P = power (Watt)

W = work (Joule)

t = period (second)

We have,

4.0 feet-lbf  

Determine the work done first,

W = F x s

= (110) (4.10)

=  440 feet-lbf ⇒ 596.2 J

So, the power that was developed:

P = W/t

= (596.2)/(2.5)

= 238.5 watt ⇒ 0.32 hp

Learn more about power here: https://brainly.com/question/12933989


a flight attendant pushes a cart down the aisle of a plane in flight. in determining the acceleration of the cart relative to the plane, which factor do you not need to consider?


A flight attendant pushes a cart down the aisle of a plane in flight. in determining the acceleration of the cart relative to the plane, The velocity of the plane, need to consider.

What is speed?

The pace at which a distance changes over time is referred to as speed. It has a dimension of time-distance. As a result, the fundamental unit of time and the basic unit of distance are combined to form the SI unit of speed. Thus, the meter per second (m/s) is the SI unit of speed. Let us suppose a flight attendant pushes a cart down the aisle of a plane in flight with a force (F) in Newton respectively. Also acceleration of the cart relative to the plane.

Therefore the only factor will be in consideration that will be velocity because we will be neglecting all other factors such as air resistance, relative plane etc.

Hence option (c) will be the correct answer: The velocity of the plane.

To know more about acceleration refer to:



gravitational field of the earth is 11.2 km s the ratio of the escape velocity to the root-mean-square speed of helium, argon, and xenon atoms at 2000 k. does your result help explain the low abundance of the light gas helium in the atmosphere? explain.


The ratio of escape velocity of Helium, Argon   and  Xenon  is 31.5 %, 10.0 % and 5.5 % respectively.


taking T = 2000 K and R = 8.315 J mol-1 K-1

Molar mass for Helium = 4.0026 x 10?3 kg mol-1

Molar mass for Argon   = 39.948 x 10?3 kg mol-1

Molar mass for Xenon  = 131.29 x 10?3 kg mol-1

We get the rms speed for the given gases as followed

Helium =  3.53 km s-1

Argon   = 1.12 km s-1

Xenon  =  0.62 km s-1

The ratio of the escape velocity to the root-mean-square speed of the given gases

The ratio of helium = 31.5 %

The ratio of argon  = 10.0 %

The ratio of xenon = 5.5 %

Yes, the fraction (or ratio) of the speed exceeding the escape velocity (31.5%) is larger in helium, which makes low abundancy of the helium in the atmosphere.

Learn more about escape velocity here:-https://brainly.com/question/16973068


Where are most near infrared telescopes located Why?


The Earth bound infrared telescopes are located on the high mountain tops and in very dry climates to improve visibility.

Infrared telescopes are used to explore the structure of galaxies because it has the ability to use infrared light in detecting celestial bodies present in a galaxy. It makes use of the electromagnetic radiation emitted by these bodies that are detected and resolved by the instrument.

Infrared rays are absorbed by the water vapour in the lower parts of our atmosphere such as near the sea level. Infrared telescoped positioned on high mountains can observe the cosmos at a wavelength near-infrared. In this case, this telescope is positioned on a mountain top where the altitude is high.

To know more about infrared telescopes:



If two trucks have the same mass, but truck a is traveling 15 km/h, and truck b is traveling 30 km/h, what statement is true?.


The true statement is truck B will have a greater stopping distance because its speed is greater hence more distance to cover.

Kinetic energy

The equation of kinetic energy is:

½ mv²

So, the higher the speed/velocity of a moving object, the greater the energy it has.

The question was incomplete, there should be several options :

Truck A has greater kinetic energyTruck A will have a greater stopping distanceTruck B has less kinetic energyTruck B will have a greater stopping distance

The answer is truck B will have a greater stopping distance than truck A, because its speed is greater hence more distance to cover.

Truck B also will have greater kinetic energy because it has more velocity.

Learn more about kinetic energy here: https://brainly.com/question/29632137


in a certain cyclotron a proton moves in a circle of radius 0.500 m. the magnitude of the magnetic field is 1.20 t. (a) what is the oscillator frequency? (b) what is the kinetic energy of the proton, in electron-volts?


The frequency of oscillator is 1.83 X 10⁷ Hz and the kinetic energy of the proton is 1.72 X 10⁷ eV.


Radius of the circle = r = 0.500 m

Magnetic Field = B = 1.20 T

Charge of proton = q = 1.60 X 10⁻¹⁹ C

Mass of proton = m = 1.67 X 10⁻²⁷ Kg

The frequency of oscillator is = f =

= f = 1/t = (qB) / 2πm

= f = ( 1.60 X 10⁻¹⁹ X 1.20 ) / ( 2 X 3.14 X 1.67 X 10⁻²⁷)

= f = 1.83 X 10⁷ Hz


Radius of the circle = r = 0.500 m

Magnetic Field = B = 1.20 T

Charge of proton = q = 1.60 X 10⁻¹⁹ C

Mass of proton = m = 1.67 X 10⁻²⁷ Kg

The kinetic energy of proton = E =

= E = (r X q x B)² / 2 X m

= E =  (0.500 X 1.60 X 10⁻¹⁹ x 1.20)² / 2 X 1.67 X 10⁻²⁷

= E = 1.72 X 10⁷ eV

To know more about Cyclotron:



A sports car has a mass of 1500 kg and accelerates at 5. 0 m/s2. What is the force acting on the sports car? (show your work!).


The Force acting on the sports car is 7500N if it has a mass of 1500Kg and acceleration is 5m/sec².

We know that acceleration is defined as the ratio of velocity to the time taken. We know that if a body has mass and acceleration, then we have a formula F=ma which is derived from newton second law of motion. Acceleration can be many type like angular acceleration, average acceleration, linear acceleration. There is proper relationship between linear acceleration and angular acceleration.

According to newton second law of motion, Force is defined as the ratio of change in momentum of the object to the time taken.

Now, we have mass=1500Kg,a=5m/sec²

Using the above formula and putting the values, we get




Hence, required force is 7500N.

To know more about Force,visit here:


what is mass wasting? what are some of the important variables used to identify and distinguish types of mass wasting (4 points)?


When a slope breaks, there is mass wasting. When a slope is excessively steep and unstable given the materials and environmental factors at play, it fails. The slope angle and the underlying material's strength are the two main criteria that eventually influence slope stability.

Slope failures are categorized according to three factors:

The material that collapsed, its mechanism of failure (how the material moved while failing), and its pace of movements, such as bedrock or loose sediment (how quickly the material moved).

The most crucial feature of a slope collapse is the failure mechanism. The three primary mechanisms of slope failure are as follows:

When anything falls, it travels through the air vertically or almost vertically.

Slide: In slides, the substance slides along a sloping surface as a cohesive mass (with little to no internal motion inside the substance); and

Flow: Inflows, the failing substance moves within, much like a fluid.

To know more about MASS WASTING :



cepheid variables are located in two different galaxies, a and b. both stars have the same average apparent magnitude. the star in galaxy a has a bright-dim-bright period of 10 days. the star in galaxy b has a bright-dim-bright period of 30 days. which of the two galaxies is at a greater distance?


Galaxy B is at a greater distance.

When cepheid variables are located in two different galaxies, A and B, both stars have the same average apparent magnitude. The star in the galaxy A has a bright-dim-bright period of 10 days. The star in galaxy B has a bright-dim-bright period of 30 days, hence galaxy B is at a greater distance compared to galaxy A.

Cepheid variable, one of a class of variable stars whose periods (i.e., the time for one cycle) of variation are closely related to their luminosity and that are therefore useful in measuring interstellar and intergalactic distances.

To know more about Cepheid Variables:



2. a concave lens made out of air is immersed in water (two watch glasses glued to a piece of pipe so that air is inside). will it form a real image that can be focused on a screen? why or why not? justify your answer using a refraction ray diagram.


The lens will form real image that can be focused screen.

As air has less optical density than water, and the shape of air lens is concave, it would act as converging lens when placed in water. And hence it can form a real image that can be focused on a screen.

The behavior of lens can be justified by calculating the focal length. For concave lens R1 is negative and R2 is positive.

Since, focal length is positive and behave as converging lens and forms the real image.

Learn more about real image here:- https://brainly.com/question/3804988


the magnitude of the component of the force that does the work is 43 n. how much work is done on a bookshelf being pulled 5 m at an angle of 37o from the horizontal?


172 joules work is done on a bookshelf being pulled 5 m at an angle of 37o from the horizontal.

Work = Force * times *distance

we will use the component of the force in the direction of the distance

In this problem, let’s say the distance (5.00 m) is horizontal. The horizontal component of the force is  Fcosθ



W = (43.0)(cos37.0)(5.00)

= 172Nm

=  172 Joules

To know more about horizontal component click here:



elements and their properties section 2 chart




i think this will help

how long (in ns) does it take light incident perpendicular to the glass to pass through this 6.4 cm -thick sandwich?


0.76 ns does it take light incident perpendicular to the glass to pass through this 6.4 cm -thick sandwich.

What is refractive index?

The measurement of how much a light beam bends as it travels through different media is called the refractive index. It may alternatively be described as the relationship between the speed of a light ray in a material and the speed of a light ray in a vacuum, or n = c/v.

The more distorted the light is, the slower it moves through the medium, and ultimately, the more effective the refraction is, the higher the index number. A higher index score for eye wear use indicates that less material is required to get the desired effect.

when light goes in a medium,its velocity reduces to c/u (where c = velocity of light, u = refractive index)

since, light ray is incident perpendicular,there would be no refraction

total time taken will be (time=distance/speed)

t = 0.052/(3 × 10⁸/3.2) + 0.014/(3 × 10⁸/1.4) + 0.023/(3 × 10⁸/1.8)

t = 0.76 ns

To know more about light incident refer to:



explain this to a five year old : how is phase shift related to an rlc circuit. how does the math work behind it. show the math


The phase angle in an RLC series circuit is determined by the source frequency.

The capacitor dominates the impedance at extremely low frequencies, and the phase angle is around$ - {90^o}C$. The inductor dominates the impedance at very high frequencies. The RLC series circuit is a very important example of a resonant circuit. It has a minimum of impedance Z=R at the resonant frequency, and the phase angle is equal to zero at resonance. The resonance of a series RLC circuit occurs when the inductive and capacitive reactances are equal in magnitude but cancel each other because they are 180 degrees apart in phase. The sharp minimum in impedance which occurs is useful in tuning applications.

To learn more about rlc circuit click here



an electromagnetic wave of wavelength 435nm is traveling in vacuum in the − z-direction. the electric field has amplitude 2.70×10−3v/m and is parallel to the x-axis.


Given wavelength λ=435λ=435 nm, we can find the frequency by using the formula f​=c​/λ                  f=6.89×1014 Hz

What is an example of an electric field?

The area of space surrounding any electrically charged particle and object where the charge body perceives force is known as the electric field.Examples are:Charges and their arrangements, such as in capacitors and battery cells, produce electric fields.

What are electric field and what does it mean in SI?

Volts / metre (V/m) is the electrical field's SI unit.The Newton's per coulomb unit is the same as this one.These units are derivations from Newton, which stands for force, and Coulomb, which stands for charge.

To know more about electromagnetic wave visit:



ball a is thrown upward at the same time as ball b and with half the speed of ball b. how much higher does b go than a?


The answer is B goes 4 times higher than A.

How does the ball's velocity change when it is thrown or tossed upward?

examining movement to spot falling objects

For instance, a ball is initially moving upward when it is thrown into the air. As the ball approaches its highest point, the magnitude of velocity decreases because gravity accelerates an object toward the earth at a constant rate (g).

The body moves up when it is thrown upward until both the ball's velocity and the force acting on it are zero. The ball then travels at zero velocity with the acceleration caused by gravity until it touches the ground. The ball increases in height as it rises, as well as moving up.

We know,


[tex]u_{A}[/tex] = [tex]u_{B}[/tex] = 0

[tex]V^{2} _{A}[/tex] = 2g[tex]h_{A}[/tex]

[tex]h_{A}[/tex] = [tex]V^{2} _{A}[/tex]/2g

[tex]V^{2} _{b}[/tex] = 2g[tex]h_{B}[/tex]

[tex]h_{B}[/tex] = 2[tex]h_{A}[/tex]


[tex]h_{B}[/tex]= 2[tex]h^{2} _{A}[/tex]/2g

[tex]h_{B}[/tex] =4[tex]h^{2} _{A}[/tex]/2g = 4 [tex]h_{A}[/tex]

Therefore B goes 4 times higher than A.

To know more about speed of ball visit:



What is the internal energy of a system including the kinetic and potential energy of its particles?


Internal energy of a system is the product of specific heat and temperature included with number of moles. (i=nCT) and kinetic energy is product of Boltzmann constant and temperature.

All systems have a certain amount of energy that can be converted into other energy to do work. The kinetic energy within the molecules and atoms that make up the body and the energy generated by the intermolecular forces between them are collectively called internal energy.In other words, the energy hidden in the system that can appear under different conditions can be called the internal energy of the system.

Internal energy is the sum of two energies:

(a) Thermal energy, which is the kinetic energy of molecules in random motion, and

(b) Potential energy of atoms.

Potential atomic energy arises from the atomic forces acting between the atoms of molecules and the intermolecular forces between molecules.Total internal energy, E = kinetic energy (K.E.) + potential energy (P.E.).The state function describes the equilibrium state of the system, as well as the system itself. It is called the state function because the internal energy U is defined by the quantity that determines the state of the system at equilibrium. It is completely determined by the initial and final state of the system. As the temperature of the system increases, the molecules move faster, resulting in an increase in kinetic energy and an increase in internal energy.

To learn more about Internal energy -



the circuit is protected by a ground fault interrupter in the plug. the water in the tank is grounded. the two bare wires correspond to the two pins on the ground fault interrupter plug. if the __________ wire is touched to the water, the ground fault interrupter will disconnect the circuit.


The two bare wires line up with the ground fault interrupter plug's two pins. The ground fault interrupter will off the power if the hot wire comes into contact with water, the ground fault interrupter will disconnect the circuit.

GFCI or a GFI This gadget safeguards against electric shocks caused by malfunctions in household electric appliances. Comparing the current on the input side, which displays the hot side, to the current on the exterior, which displays the neutral side, would accomplish the desired result.

In the scenario when the hot wire provides a 120 VAC current source, the neutral wire provides the hot wire's return path.

To know more about circuit



What is the image of E for a dilation with center 0 0 and a scale factor of 6?


The image E for dilation will be at center , i.e. same locus.

A scaling factor is a factor that enlarges or shrinks the dilated image compared to the original image. Magnification must be positive. If the scale factor is greater than 1, the stretch is an enlargement. Between 0 and 1, dilation is contraction.

The dilation center (or dilation point) is the point at which the image is stretched.

Given: (0,0) center and scale factor 6

Dilation is to transform an image from its original

size to another size without changing its appearance/shape.

Original image is stretched or compressed. The scaling factor is the amount by which the original image is stretched or shrunk.

For example, if A is the point (1, 2) and the scale factor is 2, the center of elongation is given by

OA= (1x2, 2x 2) = (2, 4)

To find the new point, multiply the origin by the scale factor.

Ox 6 = 0, so the specified point (O, O) remains at (0, 0).

The dilated image does not change because the center does not change.

To learn more about Magnification -



Coherent light with wavelength 400 nm passes through two very narrow slits that are separated by 0.200 mm, and the interference pattern is observed on a screen 4.00 m from the slits. (a) What is the width (in mm) of the central interference maximum? (b) What is the width of the first-order bright fringe?


(a) The width (in mm) of the central interference maximum is [tex]8.0mm[/tex].

(b) The width of the first-order bright fringe is [tex]8.0mm[/tex].

fringe width = w=D/d λ  is the wavelength of light

D is the screen distance from the slit

d is a separation between slits

Constructive interference,

⇒dsinθ = n ×λ

⇒sinθ = [tex]\frac{n}{d}[/tex] ×λ

⇒ y = R [tex]\frac{n}{d}[/tex] ×λ ............(1)

here n= 0, ±1 , ........

the width of the central interference maximum,

⇒[tex]y_{max}[/tex] = R λ× [tex]\frac{1}{d}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{4,0m}{0,2mm}[/tex] ×[tex]400nm[/tex]

⇒[tex]y_{max}[/tex] = [tex]8.0mm[/tex]

the width of the first-order bright fringe.

⇒[tex]y_{1}[/tex] - [tex]y_{0}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{R}{d}[/tex]×λ -0 = [tex]\frac{4,0m}{0,2mm}[/tex] ×[tex]400nm[/tex]

⇒[tex]y_{1}[/tex] = [tex]8.0mm[/tex]

In physics, wave assets are coherent if their frequency and waveform are equal. Coherence is an excellent asset of waves that enables stationary (i.e., temporally, or spatially constant) interference. It contains numerous awesome concepts, that are proscribing cases that never pretty arise in fact however permits knowledge of the physics of waves, and has grown to be a very essential idea in quantum physics. more generally, coherence describes all homes of the correlation among physical quantities of a single wave, or between several waves or wave packets.

Interference is the addition, in the mathematical experience, of wave features. A single wave can interfere with itself, but this is nevertheless an addition of two waves (see younger's slits experiment). optimistic or unfavorable interference is restricted cases, and two waves continually intervene, despite the fact that the result of the addition is complex or now not amazing. while interfering, two waves can add collectively to create a wave of more amplitude than either one (optimistic interference) or subtract from each difference to create a wave of lesser amplitude than both (negative interference), relying on their relative section.

Two waves are said to be coherent in the event that they have a consistent relative phase. the amount of coherence can effectively be measured through interference visibility, which looks at the dimensions of the interference fringes relative to the enter waves (as the section offset is numerous); a specific mathematical definition of the diploma of coherence is given with the aid of correlation capabilities.

To learn more about Coherence visit here:



a bicyclist starts down a hill with an initial speed of 3.5 m/s. she moves down the hill with a constant acceleration, arriving at the bottom of the hill with a speed of 8.6 m/s. if the hill is 12 m long, what was its acceleration traveling down the hill?


The acceleration traveling down the hill is 2.571 m/s^2.


initial speed (U)=3.5 m/s

Final velocity(V) =8.6 m/s

Distance covered(s)= 12 m.

Formula : (V)^2=(U)^2+ 2as

                 (8.6)^2 =(3.5)^2+2*a*12

                   a=2.571 m/s^2

velocity is the directional velocity of a moving item as an indicator of the price of trade of role observed from a particular frame of reference and measured by a specific time fashionable.

Acceleration in mechanics, acceleration is the rate of alternate of an item's pace with respect to time. Acceleration is a vector amount. The direction of an object's acceleration is given with the aid of the route of the net force performing on that object.

Learn more about acceleration and velocity:



A particular species of copepod, a small marine crustacean, emits a flash of light consisting of 1.4×1010 photons at a wavelength of 490 nm. The flash lasts for 2.4 s.What is the power of the flash?


The power of the flash is   [tex]2.36 * 10^{-9} W[/tex].

First we calculate the energy of a single photon; i.e.

[tex]E_{1} = hc/\alpha[/tex]

where, h = planck's constant = [tex]6.63 * 10^{-34} Js[/tex]

            c = speed of light = [tex]3 * 10^{8} m/s[/tex]

            [tex]\alpha[/tex] = wavelength = 490 nm = [tex]4.9 * 10^{-7} m[/tex]

Putting these values in equation, we get

[tex]E_{1} = 4.05 * 10^{-19} J[/tex]

Total energy is given by, E=Pt

where, P = power and t= time

Now number of photons is given by : N = E/[tex]E_{1}[/tex]

⇒ [tex]NE_{1} = E[/tex]

⇒ [tex]NE_{1} /t = P[/tex]

Given, N = [tex]1.4*10^{10}[/tex] and t = 2.4 s

Putting these values in above equation we get P = [tex]2.36 * 10^{-9} W[/tex]

To know more about work-energy visit:



a cheetah running at a velocity of 18 m/s accelerates 1 m/s2 for 5 sec. what is the final velocity of the cheetah?


The final velocity of the cheetah is 23 m/s.

How is velocity and accleration related?

Acceleration, then, is the alteration in that velocity. As you maintain or increase speed, acceleration moves in the same direction as velocity. The direction of velocity is in this. While you are retaining or gaining speed, you are accelerating in this direction. An object is accelerating if its velocity is changing, whether by a fixed amount or a variable quantity. Additionally, an item moving at a constant speed is not accelerating. The rate at which velocity varies is known as acceleration. In other words, accelerating. Increasingly, decreasingly, and in a different direction.

A vectorial quantity with both magnitude (speed) and direction is velocity. I can answer your question by using the example of uniform circular motion. In this example, the speed is constant, but the direction is constantly shifting.

Given u = 18m/s

a = 1 m/s^2

t = 5 sec

v = final velocity

We know that according to equation of motion

v = u + at

v = 18 + 1 x 5 = 18 + 5 = 23 m/s

Th final velocity of cheetah is 23m/s.

To know more about final velocity refer:



the figure shows three pairs of polarizers. the double arrow drawn on each polarizer represents the direction of polarization. if the incident light is unpolarized, which pair lets the most light pass?


Most of the polarized light will pass through the angle of cos²30°.

When this unpolarized light passes through a polarizer, the intensity of light reduces to half =Io/2 and this light becomes polarized.

Polarization refers to a situation in which light is made to vibrate in a single direction.

What is polarization?

Let us note that polarization refers to a situation in which light is made to vibrate in a single direction.

The intensity of the light that passes through the depolarizers depends on cos θ²

where θ is the difference between the angles of polarizer's alignment

For the first configuration, θ = 90° - 60° = 30°

cos²30° = 0.75 is greater than cos²60° and cos²45°

Therefore, most of the polarized light will pass through the angle of cos²30°.

To know more about polarized, refer: https://brainly.com/question/14420902


A star is born when
A . it first starts to fuse hydrogen into helium.
B. it first starts to fuse helium into hydrogen.
C. it gets its first planet.
D. when it goes supernova.



a & b


to save money on making military aircraftinvisible to radar, an inventor decides to coatthem with a nonreflective material having anindex of refraction of 1.20, which is betweenthat of air and the surface of the plane. this, hereasons, should be much cheaper thandesigning stealth bombers. (a) what thicknessshould the coating be to inhibit the reflection of4.00-cm wavelength radar? (b) what isunreasonable about this result? (c) whichassumptions are unreasonable or inconsistent?


index of refraction (n) = 1.20 wavelength = 4 cm

What is wavelength radar?

Radar used to measure wind waves is called wave radar. There are several instruments available that are based on various ideas and methods, and they are all frequently termed.

In situations where it's critical to avoid direct contact with the water surface and structural interference, instruments based on radar remote sensing techniques have grown in popularity. Wave measurements from an offshore platform in deep water are an example of a situation where anchoring a wave buoy would be extremely challenging due to rapid currents. Another intriguing situation is that of a ship in motion, where it is extremely impracticable to have equipment in the sea

According to the question:

using the formula for minimum thickness of coating to inhibit reflection: thickness = λ4 thickness = 4 cm

4×1.20 thickness = 0.833 cm

To know more about wavelength radar:



wavelength = 4 cm index of refraction (n) = 1.20

What exactly is wavelength radar?

Wave radar is a type of radar that is used to measure wind waves. There are several instruments available that are based on diverse concepts and methodologies, and they are all often referred to.

Instruments based on radar remote sensing techniques have increased in popularity in circumstances where it is vital to avoid direct contact with the water surface and structural interference. Wave measurements taken from an offshore platform in deep water are an example of a circumstance in which mooring a wave buoy would be exceedingly difficult owing to strong currents. Another fascinating circumstance is that of a ship in motion, when having equipment in the sea is exceedingly impractical.

Using the formula for minimal coating thickness to reduce reflection: 4 is the thickness 4 cm thickness

4x1.20 mm thick = 0.833 cm

To learn more about wavelength radar follow the given link: https://brainly.com/question/13152538


What natural disaster presents the greatest threat to Western Central Europe?



I believe it’s the second one, flooding.




Camille knows that range of motion is very important. She is designing a weekly exercise program and is not sure where flexibility fits in. What
type of exercise will BEST allow her to work on range of motion?
O A.
B. balance
C. flexibility
D. strength training


The best activity for her to do to improve her range of motion is flexibility.

What are a few range of motion illustrations?

The term the range of motion (ROM) describes the extent to which a joint or muscle may be moved or stretched. Everybody has a distinct experience. For instance, whereas some people can perform a complete split, others cannot because their joints are stiff and their muscles are unable to extend as far.

What restricts motion range?

A joint is said to have a restricted range of motion when it cannot move easily and completely in its typical position. A mechanical issue within the joint, swollen tissues around the joint, or pain may restrict motion.

To knoiw more about range of motion visit:



Assume you are driving 20 mph on a straight road. Also, assume that at a speed of 20 miles per hour, it takes 100 feet to stop. If you were to increase your speed to 40 miles per hour, your stopping distance is now [distance].


If the stopping distance for a speed (velocity) 20mph is 100ft, then the stopping distance for a speed (velocity) 40mph is 400ft.

What is velocity?

It defines the direction of the movement of the body or the object. The velocity of a moving object can be zero. Speed is a prime indicator of the rapidity of the object. Velocity is the prime indicator of the position as well as the rapidity of the object.

How to calculate the stopping distance when the speed (velocity) is 40mph?

Given from the question
V₁ = 20mph = 29.334ft / s

S = 100ft Now, let's use the equation of motion

v² - u² = 2as

v = final velocity = 0 (because the car is stopped)

u = initial velocity

a = acceleration (negative if slowing down)

s = distance moved

0 - 29.334² = 2 * (-a) * 100

-860.483556 = - 200a

a = 4.302 ft / s²

Now, when velocity is 40mph, equal to 58.6667 ft/s

using the same equation

v² - u² = 2as

0 - 58.6667² = 2 * (-4.302) * s

-3441.78168889 = - 8.604 * s

s = 400feet (rounded)

Therefore, if you were increase your speed to 40 miles per hour, your stopping distance will be 400 feet.

Learn more about velocity https://brainly.com/question/19979064


a group collected data on velocity and time for an object that's constantly accelerating. how could a value of the constant acceleration be estimated?


Constant acceleration indicates that there is no change in acceleration. The slope of the linear curve in the velocity -time graph gives the constant acceleration.

What is acceleration?

Acceleration is a physical quantity which measures the rate of change in velocity. Acceleration is a vector quantity thus, having both magnitude and acceleration.

Acceleration is mathematically the ratio of change in velocity to the change in time. Thus, if we plot the velocity with different times, we can determine the acceleration from the graph.

If the velocity - time graph gives a linear curve indicating the change in velocity is directly proportional to the change in time and the acceleration is constant. The slope of the straight line, gives the constant acceleration.

To find more on acceleration, refer here:



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