a school ordered three large boxes of board markers after giving 15 markers to each of three teachers there were ninety X the diagram represents the situation how many markers were original in the


Answer 1

Determine the value of x.

[tex]\begin{gathered} x-15+x-15+x-15=90 \\ 3x=90+45 \\ x=\frac{135}{3} \\ =45 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So there are 45 markers originally in each box.

Related Questions

can someone please help me solve and graph this the past few have been incorrect and this is my homework and i really need help


step 1

Solve the inequality

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3x+8\leq11 \\ 3x\leq11-8 \\ 3x\leq3 \\ x\leq1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

the solution for the first inequality is the interval

(-infinite, 1]

step 2

Solve the inequality

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3x+8\text{ > 20} \\ 3x\text{ > 20-8} \\ 3x\text{ > 12} \\ x\text{ > 4} \end{gathered}[/tex]

the solution for the second inequality is the interval

(4, infinite)

step 3

the general solution for the first inequality or the second inequality is

(-infinite, 1] U (4, infinite)see the attached figure to better understand the problem

I know this is easy and i should know but im actually stumped on this one


For the given triangles:

There are 3 pairs of congruent angles

the triangles can not be proved using the congruent angles

the congruent angles used to prove the similarity of the triangles

So, the answer will be:

For the given triangle, we can not prove they are congruent.

What is the surface area of the solid that this net can form?8 mm25 mm8 mm5 mm5 mm8 mm8 mm5 mm5 mm8 mm8 mm25 mmO 730 square millimetersO 875 square millimeters0 1,000 square millimetersO 1,444 square millimeters


The solid is formed by 6 rectangles.

Calculate the area of each one and then add them to obtain the surface area (SA),

Area of a rectangle: Length x width

A1 = 8 x 5 = 40 mm2

A2= 25x5 = 125 mm2

A3 = 8 x 5= 40 mm2

A4 = 25 x 8 = 200 mm2

A5 = 25x5 = 125 mm2

A6 = 25 x 8 = 200mm2

SA = A1+A2+A3+A4+A5+A6 = 40 + 125 +40 +200 +125+ 200 = 730 mm2

Larry answered 8 out of every 10 questions correctly. The test had 70 questions. How many correct answers did Larry give?---What represents the "x" or unknown in this problem?


Representation of fractional numbers

Larry's rate of succesful questions is 8/10.

Then must find how many times is divided 70 in 10 questions

70/10 = 7

if there were a 100% succesful then 70 rresulted

but the rate is 8/10 , then multiply 8x 7 = 56 succesful questions for Larry.

1f(x) =X-24g(x)ХFind: (fog)(x) =


We have the functions:



What is the 15th term in the sequence using the given formula?



The formula is given below as



To figure out the 15th term, we will substitute n=15

By substituting values, we will have

[tex]\begin{gathered} c_{n}=3n-1 \\ c_{15}=3(15)-1 \\ c_{15}=45-1 \\ c_{15}=44 \end{gathered}[/tex]


The final answer is


The THIRD OPTION is the right answer

The formula is given below as
C. = 3n - 1
To figure out the 15th term, we will substitute n=15
By substituting values, we will have
Cn = 3n - 1
C15 = 3(15) -1
C15= 45 - 1
C15 = 44

The answer is

Select all the pairs that represent alternate interior angles.See image for instruction


Alternate means on the opposite side of the transversal, or line n

interior means inside of the parallel lines l and m

The alternate interior angles are 4 and 5

and 3 and 8

Check the boxes for both pairs

which of the following could be the combination of values for the students and the minimum numbers of chaperones the museum requires


3 chaperones ---------------------------- 24 students

9 chaperones --------------------------- 72 students

2chaprones 16 students

7.5 chaperones ----------------------- 60 students

5.6 chaperones------------------------ 45 students

5 chaperones ------------------------- 40

The first two options are correct

A state sales tax of 6% and a local sales tax of 1% are levied in Tampa, Florida. Suppose the price of a particular car in Tampa is $15,000, and an oil change at a certain auto center is $29.Which statement is true another total cost of the car and the oil change after sales tax has been calculated?Select the correct answer


We have the following:

What we must do is calculate the total cost of the car by adding its original value plus the cost of taxes, 6% and 1%

We know that the initial value is $15000, if to that we add 6% of those $15000 and equal 1%, we have


We do the same procedure for the oil change


Therefore the correct statement is the last

I need help on this equation. It’s algebra. SAT PREP.



r = 1.14


The value of a product (A) over time with an increasing rate "i" can be calculated as follows:

A = C(1+i)^t


C is the value of the product at time 0;

A is the value of the product at time t;

i is the increasing rate.

If we compare the expression V=300r^t with A = C(1+i)^t. We can observe that:

r = 1+i

r = 1+0.14

r = 1.14

If 2 dogs cross over a road and 1 dog disappear in the road how did the other dog made it



he was quick???

Step-by-step explanation:

Mark me brainliest!

what is the equation of a line that passes through point (-1,5) and has the slope of m=4


The general equation of a line is given as;


In this question, the slope (which is m) is given as 4. Also we have the points x and y, given as (-1, 5). That is;


Therefore the next step is to find the y-intercept (that is b in the equation).

We substitute for the known values as follows;

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=mx+b \\ 5=4(-1)+b \\ 5=-4+b \\ \text{Add 4 to both sides} \\ 5+4=-4+4+b \\ 9=b \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now we know the value of b and m, we can substitute them as follows;

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=mx+b \\ m=4,b=9 \\ y=4x+9 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Find the x-intercept and the y-intercept without graphing. Write the coordinates of each intercept. When typing the point (x,y) be sure to include parentheses and a comma between your x and y components. Do not put any spaces between your characters. If a value is not an integer type your answer rounded to the nearest hundredth.3x+8y=24the x-intercept is Answerthe y-intercept is Answer


We want to find the x and y-intercepts of


The x-intercept is where the graph cuts the x-axis, when y = 0. To find this in our equation, we just need to evaluate it at y = 0.

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3x+8\times0=24 \\ 3x=24 \\ x=\frac{24}{3}=8 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, the x-intercept is (8, 0).

The y-intercept is where the graph cuts the y-axis, when x = 0. To find this in our equation, we just need to evaluate it at x = 0.

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3\times0+8y=24 \\ 8y=24 \\ y=\frac{24}{8}=3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The y-intercept is (0, 3).

May I please get help with this math problem please I have tried so many times but still could not get the right answers


We know that the sum of interior angles of a triangle equals 180, then, in this case we have the following:


solving for x, we get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 90+2x+17+3x+28=180 \\ \Rightarrow135+5x=180 \\ \Rightarrow5x=180-135=45 \\ \Rightarrow x=\frac{45}{5}=9 \\ x=9 \end{gathered}[/tex]

therefore, x = 9

Find the indicated probability. Round your answer to 6 decimal places when necessary.Find the probability of tossing 1 tails or 1 head on the first 8 tosses of a "fair" coin.


First, find the probability of getting 1 head in 8 tosses

P(1 head) = tosses with exactly 1 head/ total number of possible outcomes

number of outcomes = 2^8 = 256

number of outcomes with 1 head = 8 ( we could get 1 head on the first toss or on the second or on the third......)

P (1 head) = 8/256 = 1/32

The same would be true for tails

P(1 tail) = tosses with exactly 1 tail/ total number of possible outcomes

= 8/256 = 1/32

The formula to calculate the “or” probability of two events A and B is this: P(A OR B) = P(A) + P(B) – P(A AND B).

Since we cannot get P(1 head and 1 tail) since we toss 8 times

P (1head or 1 tail) = 1/32 + 1/32 = 2/32 = 1/16 =.0625

What is the solution to 2x + 2(x – 5)=6,explainhow you solved the equation.explain with words



The solution to the equation is x = 4.


We are told to find the solution to the equation

2x + 2(x - 5) = 6

The first step is to open the bracket by multiplying through by the number outside the bracket, that is, 2.

2x + 2x - 10 = 6

4x - 10 = 6

Add 10 to both sides to leave only 4x on the Left Hand Side.

4x - 10 + 10 = 6 + 10

4x = 16

Divide both sides by 4 to obtain the value of x.

(4x/4) = (16/4)

x = 4

Hope this Helps!!!

6. Cesium-137 has a half-life of 30 years. Suppose a lab stores 30 mg in 1975. How much would be left in 2065? y = a (1 + r) (Fill in answer choices for a, r and t.)


The formula for calculating the amount remaining after a number of half years , n is :

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=\frac{A_{\circ}}{2^n^{}} \\ \text{where A}_{\circ}\text{ =initial }amount \\ n=\frac{t}{t_{\frac{1}{2}}} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The lab store mass of Cesium-137 is 30mg in 1975

then the mass of Cesium-137 in 2065,

Time period =2065-1975

time period t=90 years,

substitute the value and solve for A

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=\frac{30}{2^{\frac{90}{45}}} \\ A=\frac{30}{2^2} \\ A=\frac{30}{4} \\ A=7.5\text{ mg} \end{gathered}[/tex]

In 2065, the mass of Cesium -137 will be 7.5 mg

Answer : 7.5mg

the parent function name for y=|x|


This function is an absolute type of function

8. MOVIE TICKETS Tickets to a movie cost $25 for adults and 5.50 formodents A group of friends purchased 8 tickets for $52.75 a Write a system of equations to represent the station


Tickets for adults --> $25

Tickets for formodents --> $5.50

The equations that would represent the number of adults and formodents in th group of friends:

Let x be adults

Let y be formodents



7(-a-3)=3(2a-6) I have the answer but I need help checking it.



Step 1:

In this question, we are meant to solve the following:

[tex]7\text{ ( - a - 3 ) = 3 ( 2a - 6 )}[/tex]

Step 2:

Simplifying, we have that:

[tex]\begin{gathered} -7a\text{ - 21 = 6a - 18} \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

collecting like terms, we have that:

[tex]\begin{gathered} -21\text{ + 18 = 6 a + 7a} \\ 13\text{ a = -3} \\ \text{Divide both sides by 13, we have that:} \\ a\text{ = }\frac{-3}{13} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 3:

To verify that:

[tex]a\text{ =}\frac{-3}{13}[/tex]

is a solution, we have that:

[tex]7\text{ ( - a - 3 ) = 7 \lbrack -(}\frac{-3}{13}\text{ ) - 3 \rbrack}[/tex][tex]7\lbrack\text{ }\frac{3}{13}\text{ - 3\rbrack = 7 \lbrack }\frac{3}{13}\text{ - }\frac{39}{13}\text{ \rbrack = 7 x }\frac{-36}{13}\text{ = }\frac{-252}{13}\text{ ( Left Hand Side)}[/tex]


[tex]3\text{ ( 2 a - 6 ) = 3 \lbrack{}2(}\frac{-3}{13})\text{ - 6 }\rbrack\text{ = 3 \lbrack}\frac{-6}{13}\text{ - 6\rbrack= 3\lbrack}\frac{-6}{13}\text{ - }\frac{78}{13}\rbrack[/tex][tex]=\text{ 3 \lbrack }\frac{-84}{13}\text{ \rbrack = }\frac{-252}{13}\text{ ( Right Hand Side)}[/tex]


From the solution and from the verification of the answers, we can see that the correct answer is:

[tex]a\text{ = }\frac{-\text{ 3}}{13}[/tex]

Really need help solving this practice from my ACT prep guide It’s a trig practice



- The amplitude of the Sine Function:


- The midline:


- And the period:


- You know that the function does not have a Phase shift.

• You need to remember that, by definition, the General Equation for a Sine Function has this form:


Where "A" is the amplitude, "C" is the phase shift, "D" is the vertical shift and this is the period:


Since the midline is given by the vertical shift, you can identify that, in this case:


And, knowing the period, you can set up that:


Solving for "B", you get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2B=2\pi \\ \\ B=\frac{2\pi}{2} \\ \\ B=\pi \end{gathered}[/tex]

• It is important to remember the following Transformation Rule for Functions:



The function is reflected over the x-axis.

Therefore, knowing all the data, you can set up this equation:

[tex]f(x)=-10\sin (\pi x)+4[/tex]

Hence, the answer is: First option.

Simplify f(x) = 2x^5 for x = 0, 1, 3, 5



f(0) = 0, f(1) = 2, f(3) = 486, f(5) = 6250


The given function is:


To get the value of f(x) for x = 0, 1, 3, and 5, it means we are going to find f(0), f(1), f(3), and f(5).

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(0)=2(0)^5 \\ f(0)\text{ = 2(0)} \\ f(0)\text{ = 0} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} f(1)=2(1)^5 \\ f(1)\text{ = 2(1)} \\ f(1)\text{ = 2} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} f(3)=2(3)^5 \\ f(3)\text{ = 2 (}243) \\ f(3)\text{ = 486} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} f(5)=2(5)^5 \\ f(5)\text{ = 2(}3125) \\ f(5)\text{ = }6250 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Given the kite ABCD, which statement is false?Just the answer.



let's check every option



[tex]\angle ADC\text{ is congruente to }\angle ABC[/tex]

we can see those angles (in black), aand as the lengths of the sides are similar this angles are congruente,so

[tex]\begin{gathered} \angle ADC\text{ is congruent to }\angle ABC \\ \text{true} \end{gathered}[/tex]



For the problem below, find the reference angle, to the nearest 10th (if necessary), and also the two possible quadrants in which θ could lie.tan(θ)=−3


[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Tan}\theta=-3 \\ \theta=\tan ^{-1}-3 \\ \theta=-71.565^0 \\ \text{Tan is only negative on the second and fourth quadrant} \\ \text{Therefore for the second quadrant 180}^0-71.565^0\text{ }=108.435^0\approx108.4^0\text{nearest 10th} \\ \text{for the fourth quadrant 360}^0-71.565^0=288.435^0\approx288.4^0\text{nearest 10th} \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

The two possible quadrants are the second and the fourth

Take away 5 from p????????????????



p - 5

Step-by-step explanation:

5 - p = p - 5

the answer is p-5 because p-5=5-p

10x2+4x factor completely



2x * ( 5x + 2 )

Step-by-step explanation:

10x^2 = 2x * 5x

4x = 2x * 2

10x^2 + 4x = 2x * ( 5x + 2 )

If the sum of a number and nine is tripled ​, the result is two less than twice the number. Find the number.


By solving a simple linear equation we will see that the number is -29.

How to find the number?

Let's define x as the number, then the sentence:

"If the sum of a number and nine is tripled ​, the result is two less than twice the number"

Can be written as the equation:

3*(x + 9) = 2x - 2

This is a linear equation that we can solve for x:

3*(x + 9) = 2x - 2

3x + 27 = 2x - 2

3x - 2x = -2 - 27

x = -29

The number is -29.

Learn more about linear equations:



what is the range of the function graphed below?[tex]1 \leqslant y \ \textless \ 4 \\ - 3 \ \textless \ y \leqslant 3 \\ - 2 \leqslant y \leqslant 3 \\ - 3 \leqslant y \ \textless \ 4[/tex]


The range of the function is (-3, 3]

The range of a function is composed by all the values that y reaches in the function. Here we can see that the functions goes from 3 to -3. Then the range set is (-3, 3]. It has a parentheses in -3 because the function doesn't reach -3

G just called he Noah’s home

5) Francisco practiced playing his violin for 2 1/3 hours on Sunday. He practiced for 5/6 hour on Monday. How much time did Francisco spend playing his violin?(C)1 hours 3 (A)1 hours (B) hour (D) 3-hours, 10 min




Francisco spent 3 hours, 10 minutes playing his violin


Given that:

Francisco practised playing his violin for

2 hours on Sunday

5/6 hours on Monday

The total number of time he spends playing his violin is obtained by adding the number of hours he spends each day.

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2\frac{1}{3}+\frac{5}{6} \\ \\ =\frac{7}{3}+\frac{5}{6} \\ \\ =\frac{19}{6} \\ \\ =3\text{ }\frac{1}{6} \end{gathered}[/tex]

This is 3 hours, 10 minutes.

How many different regrestation codes are possible. And also what is the probability that all the first three digits of the code are not even numbers.


a) Consider the 7-digit registration code to be an arrangement of 7 cells to be filled using the given digits.

In the first cell, one can write any of the digits; on the other hand, there are only 6 digits available to fill the second cell (no number can be used more than once). Therefore, there are 5 digits that can be used in the third cell and so on; thus, there is a total of

[tex]7*6*5*4*3*2*1=7!=5040[/tex]5040 different registration codes.

b) The 5040 different combinations found above are equally probable.

There are only 3 available even numbers (2, 4, and 6); therefore, we need to find the number of combinations such that none of the first three digits is equal to 2, 4, or, 6.

Thus, using a diagram,

There are 4 possible numbers that one can fit in the first cell (1,5,7, or 9), in the second cell, one can fit 3 numbers (any of the remaining ones from cell 1), and so on.

In the fourth cell (first cell in blue), one can fit any even number plus a remaining odd number from cell 3.

Therefore, the total number of codes such that their first three digits are not even are


Then, the corresponding probability is

[tex]P=\frac{576}{5040}=\frac{4}{35}[/tex]The answer to part b) is 4/35

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