A roller coaster is moving along the track. Complete the sentence that describes the conservation of energy. Mechanical energy is (conserved, not conserved) because the roller coaster (loses, gains) energy due to friction and air resistance as it travels down the track.


Answer 1

Mechanical energy is not conserved because the roller coaster loses energy due to friction and air resistance as it travels down the track.

In a roller coaster, the energy changes from potential energy to kinetic energy and back again many times over the course of a ride.

As there are external forces acting on the system, the mechanical energy will not be conserved.

When the coaster moves down the track, the amount of available mechanical energy decreases throughout the ride because of the friction between the track and coaster and air resistance. These two forces absorb energy from the cart and transform it into thermal energy as well as sound energy, which is then lost to the surrounding.

To know more about the roller coaster:



Related Questions

how fast would a(n) 80 kg man need to run in order to have the same kinetic energy as an 8.0 g bullet fired at 380 m/s ?


14.08 meter per second fast  a(n) 80 kg man need to run in order to have the same kinetic energy as an 8.0 g bullet fired at 380 m/s

We have specified that a man weighs 80 kilograms. Additionally, a bullet's mass is equivalent to 8 grams, which is equal to 8 times 10 to the minus 3 kilogram, and its velocity is equal to 380 meters per second. We will now determine the velocity of a man. Now that we have established that the kinetic energy of the guy is equal to the kinetic energy of the bullet, we can conclude that both are equal. In other words, we may write this as 1 divided by 2 capital m multiplied by v square capital m = 1 divided by 2 capital b multiplied by v square capital b.

Generally the equation for the kinetic energy  is mathematically given as

K.E= 1/2*m*[tex]v{2}[/tex]


K.E =1/2 *0.008*[tex](420){2}[/tex]






To learn more about kinetic energy Please click on the given link:



Need help asap! I’m unsure of how to do this!


The distance between the two balls of mass 0.872 kg is 0.76 m.

What is distance?

Distance is the total length between two point.

To calculate the distance between the twp balls, we use the formula below.


r = √(GMm/F).................. Equation 1


r = Distance between the two ballsm, M = Mass of the first and second ball respectivelyF = Force of attraction between the two ballsG = Universal constant

From the question,


M = m = 0.872 kgF = 8.84×10⁻¹¹ NG = 6.673×10⁻¹¹ Nm²/kg²

Substitute these values into equation 1

r = √(0.872×0.872×6.673×10⁻¹¹/8.84×10⁻¹¹)r = √(0.574)r = 0.76 m

Hence, the distance between the two balls is 0.76 m.

Learn more about distance here:  https://brainly.com/question/26046491


A galaxy with thin spiral arms and a small spherical central bulge would be a type?a. Sab. SBac. Scd. SBce. S0


A galaxy with thin spiral arms and a small spherical central bulge would be a type is Sc. Option C.

Spiral galaxies have a central stellar bulge surrounded by a disk containing arms that form a spiral structure. Stars in the bulge of spiral galaxies tend to be older and redder than others. There is also a much darker, roughly spherical halo of stars surrounding the disk.

Central bulge. Surrounding the core is a vast bulge of stars that are roughly spherical in shape and composed mostly of Population II stars but relatively rich in heavy elements. Spiral galaxies typically have rotating disks with spiraling arms that bend from a dense central region. The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy.

Learn more about A galaxy here:- https://brainly.com/question/13956361


hich of the following best describes how Einstein contributed to the development of the concept of gravity?
He described the movement of balls allowed to roll down inclined planes at various angles.

He said that all bodies would fall at the same speed if they were in a vacuum.

He said that the gravitational force exerted by an object is directly related to its mass.

He described gravity as curved space-time as opposed to a force.


Correct answer is d. He described gravity as curved space time as opposed to force.

Einstein opposed Newton's law of motion saying, that if an object falls from a height, it doesn't experience any force. So, even though that path doesn’t look straight to us, the object experiences no force. This is what is meant by theory of relativity.

What is theory of relativity?

Einstein described thus concept in his theory of relativity, also called as a theory of gravity. The basic idea is that instead of being an invisible force that attracts objects to one another, gravity is a curving or warping of space. The more massive an object, the more it warps the space around it.

The Newton's first law of motion states an object remains in uniform motion unless acted by a force.

But einstein opposed this theory saying, that if an object falls from a height, it doesn't experience any force. Thus, einstein realized that massive things like Earth warp spacetime. A freefalling object then follows the straightest possible path in spacetime. So, even though that path doesn’t look straight to us, the object experiences no force. This is what is meant by theory of relativity.

Thus, the most famous equation in the world, E=mc², came into existence.

To know more about theory of relativity, click on https://brainly.com/question/364776


A 512 Hz tuning fork was sounded at the same time as another tuning fork which has been damaged. Over the course of 10 seconds, 30 beats were heard. What are the possible frequencies of the second fork?


The possible frequency of the second fork is 508.988 Hz or 509Hz approximately.

What is beat frequency ?

When two sounds are played simultaneously, they will conflict with one another. Beats are secondary waves that can be heard when the frequencies of these sounds are sufficiently close to one another. The difference between the two frequencies determines the frequency of these beats:

[tex]f_{beats} = f_{1}-f_{2}[/tex]


[tex]f_{beats}[/tex] = Beat frequency

[tex]f_{1}[/tex] = Frequency of 1st tuning fork

[tex]f_{2}[/tex] = Frequency of 2nd tuning fork


1 hertz = 60 Beats per minute.


Number of beats = 30

time taken = 10 seconds = 0.166 minutes.

Hence, 60 beats per minute = 1 Hz

180.72 beats per minute = 3.012 Hz.


Beat frequency = 3.012Hz

Frequency of 1st tuning fork = 512Hz


[tex]f_{beats} = f_{1}-f_{2}[/tex]

[tex]f_{2}= f_{1}-f_{beats}[/tex]

  = 512 - 3.012

  = 508.988 Hz

Hence, the possible frequency of the second fork is 508.988 Hz or 509Hz approximately.

To know more about frequency please click here https://brainly.com/question/254161


A battery provides a potential difference of 3v so that a current of 2. 5a flows through a bulb. What is the power of this bulb?.


The power of this bulb that is to the battery is found to be 7.5 Watts.

The battery is providing a potential difference of 3 volts and it produces a current of 2.5 ampere that flows through a bulb.

The power of this bulb can be given by the relation,

P = VI

Where P is the power of the bulb, V is the potential difference across the bulb and I is the current that is flowing through the bulb.

Now assigning all the values to the respective terms,

We get,

P =  3(2.5)

P = 7.5 W.

So, the power of this bulb is 7.5 watt.

To know more about the electrical power, visit,



if there is another objective that can be used, having magnification of -400, what other total magnification is possible?


The other total magnification possible is 2000.

What is magnification in compound microscope?

The use of many lenses in a microscope is referred to as compounding. Another form of optical microscope is the compound microscope. Simple microscopes are the other kind of optical microscope. Simple and complex microscopes vary in that a simple microscope only requires one lens, but a compound microscope requires many lenses.

An tool used to see magnified pictures of tiny objects, such as cell structures on a glass slide, is a compound microscope or high-power microscope. Enlarging the apparent size is the process of magnification. This expansion is quantified by a mathematical quantity sometimes known as "magnification." Magnification often refers to scaling up graphics to view more detail and raise resolution.

When using a compound light microscope, the power of the objective lens, which can be 4x, 10x, or 40x, must be multiplied by the power of the eyepiece, which is commonly 10x, to determine the overall magnification.Consequently, a 10x eyepiece combined with a 40X objective lens will result in a 400X magnification. Now that the specimen can be seen with the unaided eye at a 400-fold higher magnification, minute features are made visible.


m = +750

mo = +150

a) total magnification, m  = mo.me

me = m/mo = 750/150 = 5

Thus magnification of eyepiece is 5.

b) Total magnification = mo.me = 400 x 5 = 2000

Thus total magnification of objects having magnification 150 and 400 is 2000.

To know more about magnification visit:



The complete question is:

A simple compound microscope with an overall magnification of -750 has an objective that magnifies by -150.

Part (a) What is the magnification of the eyepiece?

Part (b) If there is another objective that can be used, having magnification of -400, what other total magnification is possible?

Is more elastic potential energy stored in a spring when the spring is compressed by 1 cm than when it is stretched by the same amount justify your answer?


The elastic potential energy stored in a spring when the spring is compressed by 1 cm is same as the elastic potential energy stored in a spring when the spring is stretched by 1 cm.

When a spring is compressed or stretched, it will try to restore its equilibrium position by exerting a force equal and opposite to the external force.

So, the external work done by us in compression as well as stretching will store in the spring as potential energy.

It is given by the equation, PE = 1/2* k * x²

where, x is the displacement from its mean position

k is the spring constant

Thus, the potential energy of a spring will depend on the displacement of either compression or stretching. As the displacement in both the cases is same, elastic potential energy is also same.

To know more about elastic potential energy:



if the old radiator is replaced with a new one that has longer tubes made of the same material and same thickness as those in the old unit, what should the total surface area available for heat exchange be in the new radiator to achieve the necessary heat exchange rate at the recommended temperature gradient?


The total surface area available for heat exchange in the new radiator should be equal to or greater than the surface area of the old radiator. The necessary heat exchange rate and temperature gradient will depend on the specific design of the radiator and the application in which it is used.

When replacing an old radiator with one that has longer tubes constructed of the same material and same thickness, the total surface area available for heat exchange should be calculated to ensure that the desired heat exchange rate is achieved. This value should be equal to or greater than the total surface area of the old radiator and should also be compared to the maximum allowable surface area for the given heat exchange rate to ensure that an efficient transfer of heat is achieved.

The surface area available for heat exchange in a radiator is a critical factor in its ability to efficiently transfer heat from a hot liquid or gas to a cooler environment. In order to achieve the desired heat exchange rate at a recommended temperature gradient, the total surface area of the new radiator should be equal to or greater than the total surface area of the old unit.The total surface area of the new radiator should also be compared to the maximum allowable surface area for the given heat exchange rate. This is because if the total surface area of the new radiator is greater than the maximum allowable surface area, too much heat may be transferred from the hot liquid or gas to the cooler environment, leading to an inefficient transfer of heat.

Learn more about surface area  :https://brainly.com/question/29101132


you are pulling a child in a wagon. the rope handle is inclined upward at a 60∘ angle. the tension in the handle is 20 n.


The work done to pull the wagon 100 m at a constant speed is 1000J.

Work is the amount of force that is required to displace any object.

Work is performed when energy is transferred from one energy store to another. It is also performed when we apply a force to an object and it moves.

When work is performed against a frictional force on an object, the temperature of the object rises.

Force is the energy input to change the position of the object.


Tension T = 20 N

distance, d = 100 m

angle, θ = 60°

Work done = force x distance x Cos θ

Substituting the values in formula, we get

W = 20 x 100 x Cos 60

W = 2000 x 0.5

W = 1000 J

Therefore, the work done to pull the wagon 100 m at a constant speed is 1000J.

To know more about work, refer: https://brainly.com/question/13662169


[NOTE: THIS IS AN INCOMPLETE QUESTION. THE COMPLETE  QUESTION IS: You are pulling a child in a wagon. The rope handle is inclined upward at a 60∘ angle. The tension in the handle is 20 N. How much work does the rope do on the wagon if you pull the wagon 100 m at a constant speed?]

A wave has a wavelength of 2.0 m and a frequency of 8.0 Hz. What is the
speed of the wave?
OA. 16 m/s
OB. 10 m/s
OC. 0.3 m/s
OD. 4.0 m/s


The speed of the wave is 16.0 m/s. Hence, option (A) is correct.

What is speed?

The distance an object travels in a unit of time is its speed. Speed is a scalar quantity since it has simply magnitude and no direction. SI unit is meters per second.

Given that the wave has a wavelength of 2.0 m and a frequency of 8.0 Hz.

Hence, the speed of the wave is = frequency × wavelength

= 8.0 × 2.0 m/s

= 16.0 m/s.

Learn more about speed here:



which method of measuring distances would you use if you wanted to measure the distance to stars in a nearby galaxy?


Trigonometric parallax, also known as star parallax, is a technique used by astronomers to calculate the distances of nearby celestial objects.

What is parallax?

The observed displacement of an object brought on by a shift in the observer's perspective is known as parallax. It is an indispensable instrument in astronomy for figuring out how far away stars are.

The night sky seems two-dimensional when viewed from Earth. But that is not the case. However, it took astronomers thousands of years to discover how to calculate the separations between stars and our planet and produce real three-dimensional maps that depicted the arrangement of galaxies and stars in the cosmos. The so-called parallax, which depends on the same effect as stereoscopic vision, is one of the main techniques they employ.

The procedure is as follows: extend your hand, close your right eye, and lay your thumb over a far-off item. Switch your eyes so that your right is open and your left is closed. In comparison to the background, your thumb will appear to move slightly. You may determine the distance to your thumb by counting this tiny shift and knowing the space between your eyes.

There are no two eyes that can accurately determine the distances to other stars. Instead, the starting point for these calculations is Earth's orbit around the sun.

To learn more about parallax visit:



an electon in a box absorbs light. the longest wavelength in the absorbtion spectrum is 500 nmnm . how long is the box? for general problem-solving tips and strategies for this topic, you may want to view a video tutor solution of spectrum of dye.


The length of the box that absorbs the light is;

L =6.74 × 10^(-10) m


Longest wavelength of spectrum; λ = 500 nm = 500 × 10^(-9) m

The formula for energy of quantization is;

E = h²n²/8mL²

Also, Energy of a photon is;

E = hc/λ


hc/λ = h²n²/8mL²

h will cancel out to give;

c/λ = hn²/8mL²


h is Planck's constant = 6.626 × 10^(-34) m².kg/s

c is speed of light = 3 × 10^(8) m/s

λ is wavelength = 500 × 10^(-9) m

L is length of box

m is mass of electron = 9.11 × 10^(-31) kg

n² is difference in energy levels = (2² - 1²) = 3

Making L the subject gives;

L = √(hn²λ/8mc)


L = √((6.626 × 10^(-34) × 3 × 500 × 10^(-9))/(8 × 9.11 × 10^(-31) × 3 × 10^(8))

L = √(4.5458287596 × 10^(-19))

L = 6.74 × 10^(-10) m

The electron is a subatomic  particle with a bad one standard electric charge. Electrons belong to the primary technology of the lepton particle own family, and are typically thought to be fundamental particles because they have no recognized additives or substructure.

For most realistic purposes, an electron is a structureless particle with an intrinsic angular momentum, or spin. simply two numbers — the electron's mass and its electric price — gasoline the equations that describe its behaviour. From this 'sensible electron' version, physicists constructed present day microelectronics.

By using the best values for the wave-length and the scattering by matter of tough X-rays and ?-rays, the radius of the electron is anticipated as approximately 2 × 10^-10 cm.

Read more at; brainly.com/question/13405242


The correct answer is, length = 6.74 × 10⁻¹⁰ m

Data given to us;

Longest wavelength of spectrum; λ = 500 nm = 500 × 10⁻⁹ m

The formula for energy of quantization is;

E = h²n²/8mL²

Energy of the proton can be calculated by

E = hc/λ

hc/λ = h²n²/8mL²

c/λ = hn²/8mL²


h = Planck's constant = 6.626 × 10⁻³⁴ m².kg/s

c = speed of light = 3 × 10⁸ m/s

λ = wavelength = 500 × 10⁻⁹ m

L = length of box

m = mass of electron = 9.11 × 10⁻³¹ kg

n² = difference in energy levels = (2² - 1²) = 3

We can find the length easily by the above formula,

L = √(hn²λ/8mc)

L = √((6.626 × 10⁻³⁴ × 3 × 500 × 10⁻⁹)/(8 × 9.11 × 10⁻³¹× 3 × 10⁸)

L = √(4.5458287596 × 10⁻¹⁹

L = 6.74 × 10⁻¹⁰ m

Therefore, the length of the box is 6.74 × 10⁻¹⁰ m.

To know more about the length, refer: https://brainly.com/question/17197203


Loretta deposits $350 every quarter into a savings account that earns 4. 5% interest compounded quarterly. What is the balance after 7 years?.


Loretta deposited $350 in a savings account with the 4.5% interest compounded quarterly. The amount at the end of 7 years will be $ 478.75.


Principal (P) = $350

Number of years (t) = 7

Interest rate (r) = 4.5 % or 0.045

We know that, compounded quarterly means interest is calculated four times in an year. The interest for 7 years will be 4 times the number of years. Here,

the number of compounding per year (n) = 4

so, for 7 years = 4*7 = 28

We know that compound interest is calculated as:

A = P{1+(r/n)}^nt

A= 350 {1+(0.045 /4)}^(4)(7)

A= 350 (1+0.01125)^28

A= 350 (1.01125)^28

A= 478.748 or 478.75

The interest (I) for will be ,

I = A-P = 478.75-350= $128.75

So, we can say that, when Loretta deposits $350 at 4.5% interest compounded quarterly, the amount at the end of 7 years will be $ 478.75.

To know more about Compound interest,




Maria determines that the wavelength of a sound wave is 2. 50 meters and that the wave is traveling at 340 m/s.


Maria determines that the wavelength of a legitimate wave is 2.50 meters and that the wave is travelling at 340 m/s the frequency is mu = 136hz.

SO, the frequency of the sound wave is 136hz.Sound waves fall into 3 categories: longitudinal waves, mechanical waves, and strain waves. Keep studying to discover what qualifies them as such. Longitudinal Sound Waves - A longitudinal wave is a wave wherein the movement of the medium's debris is parallel to the path of the strength.

Here We have:

lambda = 2.5mV = 340m / smu =?FORMULA:-V = mu*lambdaNOW,→ 340 = mu * 2.5→ mu = 340/2.5mu = 136hz .

Read more about wavelength;



a hockey puck is accelerated using a hockey stick over a smooth level ice surface the puck has a mass of 0.400kg and is moved by the stick for a distance of 0.800m what was the average forcr applied to the puck if the final speed is 25.0m/s


The average force applied to the puck of mass 0.4 kg is 156.25 N.

What is force?

Force is the product of mass and acceleration.

To calculate the average force applied to the puck, we use the formula below.


F = mv²/2s.............................. Equation 1


F = Average forcem = Mass of the puck = 0.4 kgv = Final speed = 25 m/ss = Distance = 0.8 m

Substitute these values into equation 1

F = (0.4×25²)/(2×0.8)F = 156.25 N

Hence, the average force applied is 156.25 N.

Learn more about force here: https://brainly.com/question/25239010


How important is sleep for muscle recovery?


Sleep is major for muscle building. Our muscles develop and fix when we take proper sleep.

Not getting sufficient sleep will prompt a decrease in development chemical creation that influences tissue and muscle fix. To this end it's vital to get satisfactory profound REM rest for your body's recuperation cycle. In the event that you don't, then you risk losing mass and limit from absence of helpful chemicals like these ones which are delivered during the non-REM stage when they're required most!

It's never past time to get a decent night rest! For your body and muscles to develop you want the appropriate measure of resting. It is said that on the off chance that one dozes 7-9 hours out of every day, they will actually want to recuperate more effectively than not resting by any means, which can lead them towards putting their best self forward in any circumstance.

To know more about sleep, visit here:



Suppose you’re weighing yourself while standing next to the bathroom sink. Using the idea of action and reaction, explain why the scale reading will be less when you push down on the top of the sink. Why will the scale reading be more if you pull up on the bottom of the sink?


Answer: Because you're using your mass to push down on the sink, and vise versa.


What is the elastic potential energy of a spring with K 144?


The elastic potential energy of a spring with k 144 is 72x² J.

The potential energy of a spring is the potential energy stored due to the deformation of a certain elastic object or spring.

It describes the work done to stretch the spring and depends on the spring constant k and the distance stretched.Potential energy of a system is given by PE = (1/2)*k*x²

where, k is the spring constant,

x is the displacement caused by the spring

The SI unit of the elastic potential energy is joule (J).

Spring constant k is 144

let the displacement caused by the spring is x

then the elastic potential energy =

P.E. = (1/2)*k*x²

P.E. = (1/2) * 144 * x²

P.E. = 72 * x²

The elastic potential energy of a spring is 72x² J.

To know more about elastic potential energy,



a radio-controlled race car requires a force of 9.0 newtons to propel it at a speed of 5.0 m/sec. the power rating of the car is:


When requires a force of 9.0 newtons to propel it at a speed of 5.0 m/sec if the power rating of the car is 45.

What is force?

The term "force" has a specific meaning in science, at this level, calling a force a push or a pull is quite appropriate.

A force is not something an item "has in it" or that it "contains, one thing experiences a force from another. There are both living things and non-living objects in the concept of a force.

Therefore, the power rating of the car is 45.

Learn more about force, here:



if a sound has an intensity 100 times the intensity if a softer sound, how much larger on the decibel scale is the loudness level of the more intense sound?


A sound level of 10 dB corresponds to a sound that is  or 10 times as loud. A sound level of 20 db is ascribed to a sound that is 10*10 or 100 times stronger . A sound level of 30 db is attributed to a sound that is 10*10*10, or 1000 times more powerful .

What is sound level ?

The term "sound level" relates to different logarithmic measurements of audible vibrations, including: Sound exposure level is a measurement of how loud a sound is in relation to a standard. The rate at which sound energy is emitted, reflected, transmitted, or received per unit of time is measured as the sound power level.

According to the previously mentioned units of 10, a sound that is 10 times louder will be measured as 10 dB, a sound that is 100 times louder than 0 dB will be measured as 20 dB, a sound that is 1,000 times louder than almost silence will be measured as 30 dB, and so on.

Thus,  A sound level of 30 db is attributed to a sound that is 10*10*10, or 1000 times more powerful.

To learn more about sound level, follow the link;



A student holds a water balloon outside of an open window and lets go. The window is 10 meters above the ground, and the balloon is falling under the acceleration of gravity, which is 9.8 m/s2. There are two equations that can be used to describe its motion over time:

Would the balloon hit the ground before or after 1.0 s of falling? Which equation did you use to decide, and what comparison did you make to determine that it would or would not hit the ground by then?

explain in 3-5 sentences


A uniform accelerated linear motion happens, when a ball is dropped from a certain amount of height.

After solving, we come to know that the water balloon that is dropped by the student 10 meters above the ground, will hit the ground after 1.0s of falling (in 1.4 s).

Which equation is used to describe motion over time for a ball falling from a certain height?

To find the time we need to use the equation that is related the time with the height and the acceleration due to gravity, that is to say, the first equation from the two given, but in the vertical direction:

yf=y0+v0t+1/2at² (1)


yf : is the final height = 0

yo: is the initial height = 10 m

vo: is the initial velociy = 0 (it is dropped)          

a: is the acceleration due to gravity = -9.8 m/s² (it is negative because its direction of motion is downward)

t: is the time =?  

Solving equation (1) for t, we have:


t=√2×10m/9.8m/s =1.4s

Therefore, the balloon will hit the ground after 1.0s of falling.

Main answer is :

We used the first given equation but in the y-direction, because the equation x=x₀+v₀t+(1/2)at², considers a motion in the horizontal direction, and the ball is falling (y-direction).

We did not use the other equation (v = v₀ + at) because we do not know the final velocity of the ball before it hits the ground (v).

To know more about uniform linear motion, click on https://brainly.com/question/118814


what mass of 23592u must undergo fission to operate a 1000-mw power plant for one day if the conversion efficiency is 31 %?


Mass of 23592u must undergo fission to operate a 1000-mw power plant for one day if the conversion efficiency is 31 % is (92)^(235)U`

For 1000MW output, the total power generation is 3000MW, of which 2000W=MW is rejected as "waste" heat. Thus the total energy released in year (3×107s) from fission is about (3×109)(3×107)≈1017 If each fission releases 200MeV of energy, the number of fission required is

(10172×108(1.6×10−19)≈3≈1027fissions The mass of a single uranium atom is about (235u)(1.66×10−27kg/u)≈4.5×10−25kg, so that mass needed is (1017)(2×108)(1.6×10−19) approxeapproxfissionorabouta→n.Since._(92)^(235)U` is only a fraction of normal uranium, and even when the requirement for uranium is of the order of tens of tons.

To know more about Fission



the waves represented by the data pass by the buoy with a speed of 5 m/s. what is the wavelength of these waves?


The wavelength of a wave is equal to the speed of the wave divided by its frequency. Since the frequency of the wave is not given, we cannot calculate the wavelength.

The wavelength of a wave is the distance between two successive peaks or troughs of the wave. In order to calculate the wavelength of the waves represented by the data, we need to know the frequency of the waves. Frequency is the number of waves that pass a given point in a given period of time, usually measured in hertz (Hz).

Once we know the frequency of the waves, we can use the following equation to calculate the wavelength:

Wavelength = Speed of Wave / Frequency

For example, if the frequency of the waves is 0.2 Hz, then the wavelength would be:

Wavelength = 5 m/s / 0.2 Hz = 25 m

Therefore, the wavelength of the waves represented by the data will depend on the frequency of the waves.

to know more about frequency click here:



Why does sleep help injuries?


Sleep helps in injuries recovery by regulating the proper blood flow on all over the body.

As we fall into the further phases of sleep, our muscles will see an expansion in blood stream, which brings along oxygen and supplements that that help recuperate and fix muscles and recover cells.

Hormones assume a part, as well. At the point when the body enters its profound rest stage known as non-REM rest, the pituitary organ discharges development chemicals that invigorate muscle fix and development. At the point when the body doesn't get sufficient rest, the emission of this development chemical decays, and it can become more diligently for your body to recuperate from wounds.

The hormone prolactin, which manages aggravation, is likewise delivered while resting. On the off chance that you don't get sufficient rest, you're bound to encounter irritation in the body, which can make injury recuperation more troublesome while likewise endangering you of additional injury.

To know more about sleep, visit here:



600 joules of heat is absorbed by a system that does 200 j of work on its surroundings. 1) what is the change in the internal energy of the system? (express your answer to one significant figure.)


the change in the internal energy of the system is 400J


Heat absorbed by the system (q) = 600J

Work done by system (W ) = -200J

First law of thermodynamics

ΔU = q + W

ΔU is change in internal energy

ΔU = 600 - 200

ΔU= 400J

Law of thermodynamics:

The legal guidelines of thermodynamics are a set of scientific legal guidelines which outline a group of physical quantities, along with temperature, electricity, and entropy, that symbolize thermodynamic systems in thermodynamic equilibrium.

The zeroth law of thermodynamics defines thermal equilibrium and forms a basis for the definition of temperature: If two systems are each in thermal equilibrium with a third system, then they are in thermal equilibrium with each other.

the primary law of thermodynamics states that, whilst energy passes into or out of a device (as paintings, warmness, or be counted), the machine's internal strength modifications in accordance with the law of conservation of energy.

the second one law of thermodynamics states that in a natural thermodynamic system, the sum of the entropies of the interacting thermodynamic systems by no means decreases. A commonplace corollary of the statement is that warmth does now not spontaneously bypass from a less warm body to a hotter frame.

The third law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of a system approaches a constant value as the temperature approaches absolute zero. The entropy of a system at absolute zero is usually close to zero, except for amorphous solids (glasses).

To learn more about thermodynamic here:



Suppose you drop a rock into a dark well and, using precision equipment, you measure the time for the sound of a splash to return. Neglecting the time required for sound to travel up the well, calculate the distance to the water if the sound returns in 2. 00 s.



Approximately [tex]19.6\; {\rm m}[/tex] (assuming that [tex]g = 9.81\; {\rm m\cdot s^{-2}}[/tex] and that air resistance is negligible.)


Assume that the air resistance on the rock is negligible. During the descent, the acceleration [tex]a[/tex] of the rock will be constant: [tex]a = (-g) = (-9.81)\; {\rm m\cdot s^{-2}}[/tex].

It is given that the descent took [tex]t = 2.00\; {\rm s}[/tex]. Let [tex]x[/tex] denote the displacement (change in position) of the stone. Apply the SUVAT equation [tex]x = (1/2)\, a\, t^{2}[/tex] to find displacement [tex]x\![/tex]:

[tex]\begin{aligned}x &= \frac{1}{2}\, a\, t^{2} \\ &= \frac{1}{2}\, ((-9.81)\; {\rm m\cdot s^{-2}})\, (2.00\; {\rm s})^{2} \\ &\approx (-19.6)\; {\rm m}\end{aligned}[/tex].

Note that [tex]x[/tex] is negative since the water is below the initial position of the rock. Therefore, the distance to the water will be approximately [tex]19.6\; {\rm m}[/tex].

what is the current in milliamperes produced by the solar cells of a pocket calculator through which 4.00 c of charge passes in 4.00 h?


The current in the milliamperes produced by the solar cells of a pocket is 0.278mA

Magnitude of charge passing through the solar cells, C=4.00C

Time period,  t=4.00h

The current is expressed as the rate at which the electric charge is passing through an electrical appliance. So, the current produced by the solar cells is expressed by the following equation:

I =C/t

Substituting values in the above equation we get

I =0.278mA

The current is defined in physics as the amount of charge that passes through an electrical appliance in a certain amount of time. The magnitude of the current is usually measured in amperes. We can convert the current from amperes to milliamperes by utilizing the appropriate conversion factors.

To learn more about Solar cells click here



Why did the big bang not produce a significant proportion of elements heavier than helium?


The big bang did not produce a significant proportion of elements heavier than helium because by the time helium could survive, the temperature had become too low for heavier elements to form.

In the field of physics, the big bang can be described as a theory that the universe was created when the hot mass of a ball was stretched enough due to collisions that the entire universe could be formed from it. After this mass of the ball cooled, life came into existence

It was due to the formation of the big bang that life came into existence. Elements that are lighter and do not have much nuclear radioactivity were easier to be formed. However, the formation of elements such as helium required high nuclear fusion reactions to occur. By the time helium became stable after various nuclear fusion reactions, the big bang had already cooled and hence no more heavier elements could be produced.

To learn more about big bang, click here:



b) given the mass of the rubber in the balloon is 1.80 grams, what is the net vertical force on the balloon if it is let go? consider the buoyant force on the balloon, and the weight of the rubber and the helium inside the balloon. the volume of the rubber itself is negligible


The net vertical force on the balloon is 0.0058 N.

Given that, mass of rubber in the balloon is 1.8 gm

Acceleration due to gravity is 9.81 m/s²

Let ρ is the density of the gas

v is the volume

Buoyant force is given by Fb = ρ* v* g

Fb = 1.22* 9.81* 2* 10⁻³ = 0.0239364 N = 0.024 N

Net vertical force is given by

Fn = Fb - W he - W r = 0.0239364 - 0.175* 2* 10⁻³ * 9.81 - 1.8 * 10⁻³ *9.81

⇒ 0.0057879 N = 0.0058 N

Thus, the net vertical force on the balloon is 0.0058 N.

To know more about force:



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