Can you walk on Brooklyn Bridge for free?


Answer 1

The Brooklyn Bridge is a part of New York City's transportation network that is always open and working well. Crossing the Bridge while driving, biking, or walking is free every day of the week.

The Brooklyn Bridge, which was finished in 1883, was the first structure to span the East River between Manhattan and Brooklyn. It was the world's longest suspension bridge when it first opened. Consider crossing or admiring the neo-gothic towers and recognizable pointed arches from the grounds below.

Use the Brooklyn Bridge Pedestrian Walkway, which starts at the junction of Tillary Street and Boerum Place, or the stairs in the underpass on Washington Street/Cadman Plaza East and Prospect Street to reach the pedestrian walkway.

To learn more about Brooklyn Bridge, visit the link below:


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archaeologists discovered a new set of mummies in egypt with what unique feature?


Numerous mummies were discovered during the excavations, some of which had a golden tongue or amulet inserted into the mouth of the corpse.

This custom was designed to ensure that the deceased could speak in front of the court of the Ancient Egyptian god Osiris and converse in the hereafter. Archaeologists were able to learn more about the intricate burial customs because to the intact coffins. 4,300-Foot Tunnel Under Ancient Egyptian Temple Found by Archaeologists At Taposiris Magna, a temple to the deity of death Osiris, archaeologists in Egypt found an underground tunnel.

The pyramid of an unidentified ancient Egyptian queen has been discovered in Egypt, together with a trove of coffins, mummies, antiques, and a network of connected tunnels.

Learn more about mummies here:


Is this a run-on sentence?
In 2014, researchers discovered forgotten satellite images of Earth from the early 1960s
that, when compared with recent satellite photographs, reveal how humans have altered
the face of the planet.
no is it a run on sentence


Yes it is a run on sentence as the first comma after “that” is incorrectly placed.

Answer: Yes it is a run on sentence as the first comma after “that” is incorrectly placed.


Unintended consequence of covid-19 vaccines–permanent installation of mrna genetic code
a. True
b. False


True ,the human cell might recognize base sets of nucleic acids and construct a perfect representation of the hereditary code to be taken into the cell's core.

This is an enormous issue since the hereditary code for a destructive and deadly protein that is for all time stored in our cells would be given to substantial girl cells, spermatocytes, and oocytes, and eventually to an undeveloped organism.

Alden et al. have shown consolidation of the Pfizer immunization's focal 444 base pair amplicon or correspondent district into the human core in a hepatoma cell line meanwhile. [iii] No trustworthy authority has challenged this article, and no extra examinations have invalidated it.

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explain how the united states used the open door policy and other actions to gain and maintain imperialist influence in china at the turn of the twentieth century.


The United States made a wise decision with the Open Door Policy to foster trade relations with China while also promoting American interests in the Far East.

The United States was able to increase the size of its markets for manufactured goods in the short term thanks to the Open Door Policy. The United States launched the Open Door policy in 1899 and 1900 as a statement of values. It demanded support for Chinese territorial and administrative integrity as well as the maintenance of equal trading rights for all nations with China.

The Open Door Policy was a principle that was never fully enshrined in a treaty or other body of international law. It was said or hinted at, but it was never put into action.

Learn more about open door policy here:


Why does cycling burn so much fat?


Cycling burn so much fat because our stomach muscles are not working as hard as ou quads or glutes when you're riding, but cycling is aerobic in nature means you are burn fat.

The endurance training we do on a cycling elevates our levels of fatty-acid binding proteins and fat carrying enzymes so our body is more efficient at shuttling fatty acids from storage into our working muscles. Simply put, the fitter we get, the more oxygen we can use, so the more fat we can burn.

It can help boost our heart and lung health, improve your blood flow, build muscle strength, and lower our stress levels. On top of that, it can also help us to burn fat, torch calories, and lose weight.

Learn more about burned fat click the link here


Who expanded the palace of versailles to its present size?
a. louis x
b. louis xiv
c. georges de la tour
d. antoine le nain


Louis XIV expanded the palace of Versailles to its present size. The correct answer would be option B.

One of the pinnacles of French art from the 17th century is the Palace of Versailles, which has been on the World Heritage List for 40 years. When Louis XIV moved the Court and government there in 1682, he refurbished and expanded his father Louis XIII's ancient hunting pavilion. The Palace was adorned by a series of rulers until the French Revolution.

Louis XVI was compelled by the French Revolution to relocate from Versailles to Paris in 1789. The Palace would never again serve as a royal residence, and in the 19th century, King Louis-Philippe ordered that it be converted into the Museum of History of France in 1837. The palace's rooms were then used to house fresh collections of sculptures and paintings depicting legendary individuals and significant moments in French history.

To read more about Louis XIV visit:


How did the Marshall Plan change lives of people living in post ww2 europe?


For the United States, the Marshall Plan provided markets for American goods, created reliable trading partners, and supported the development of stable democratic governments in Western Europe.

what happen on 13 April in India ​


Jallianwala Bhag Masscare was held in Amritsar in 13 April in India

What are the main purposes of this speech?


All speeches serve one of three general purposes: to inform, convince, or entertain. You should choose one of these general purposes as your starting point, depending on what your ultimate objective is.

Informational speeches might concentrate on things, people, events, ideas, procedures, or problems. It's critical to keep in mind that the goal of an informative speech is to enlighten the audience, not to persuade them of anything. Pure and manipulative persuasion are the two fundamental types. Speakers that make an effort to persuade others for good intentions do so because they firmly believe in the actions or viewpoints they are trying to sway their audience toward. Speakers who manipulate people frequently do so by falsifying evidence to support their claims because they want to influence an audience to act or believe in a certain way. All speeches serve one of three broad objectives: to inform, convince, or entertain.

learn more about speech here:


In order to avoid discrimination in the workplace, what should employers do?
O make sure company buildings are accessible to employees with disabilities
O attempt to hire a diverse combination of races, genders, and ages
O offer promotions based on job performance, attitude, and other nondiscriminatory criteria
O all of the above


the answer is all of the above, they should do all of those….also the answer is always “all of the above” if it’s an option

what is the trans-atlantic slave trade? how did it impact the culture of the us?


Millions of African men, women, and children were the victims of a trade between European and African slavers. Second, significant parts of the Americas and Europe were able to establish their economies and political systems thanks to the revenues made by Americans and Europeans through the slave trade and slavery.

Other facets of American society bear the cultural imprint of enslaved Africans. For instance, the linguistic patterns developed by enslaved Africans had a significant influence on Southern American speech patterns. Soul food and southern cooking are often used interchangeably. A semi-feudal class that worked with Europeans to legitimize the subjugation of their own people was created in Africa as a result of the Atlantic trade.

These classes originated from the African nobility and the middlemen who made the capture possible.

Learn more about trans-Atlantic slaves here:


What was President Wilson's primary objective in dealing with Latin America?


Overall, Wilson's policies in Latin America served to advance American commercial and geopolitical interests, but his attempt to advance democracy largely fell short of his expectations.

As soon as they took office, President Woodrow Wilson and William Jennings Bryan, who served as his first secretary of state, rejected the Dollar Diplomacy that had governed American relations with Latin America throughout the Taft administration. Wilson decided that the United States would only recognize Latin American governments established on law and order, "not upon arbitrary or irregular force," in a manner compatible with his domestic Progressive reform aspirations and his trust in the superiority of American democracy. Wilson was also prepared to use force on the battlefield to show Latin Americans "how to elect excellent men" as rulers. Students will examine Wilson's efforts to engage in this "missionary diplomacy" in Haiti and Mexico, as well as the reactions of particular Haitians and Mexicans, in this lesson.

learn more about Latin America here


Which of the following accurately describes a difference between the development of feudalism in Japan and in Europe?


The way land was owned in these two regions was a key distinction between feudalism in Japan and feudal Europe.

How was feudalism in Japan different to feudalism in Europe ?

Although most people associate feudalism with Europe, a particular kind of it was developed by the Japanese at the time when European feudalism reached its height.

In the Middle Ages, there were classes of Europeans and Japanese who owned property and others who did not. In contrast to feudalism in Europe, which had a real pyramidal structure, feudalism in Japan consisted of a hierarchy of "inferior" nobility that the king oversaw. This was primarily caused by two facts: First, in Japan, power was centralized much like it was in nation governments in Europe. Due to Japan's challenging geography, the local aristocracy in that country was far more powerful than that in Europe since the emperor could not fully control it.

to learn more about feudalism click:


which generalization can be made about the united states and the number of battleships?


The U.S. armed forces were mainly comprised of many inexperienced young soldiers.

The Maine's keel laying in 1888 marked the start of U.S. Navy battleship building, which was suspended in 1947 with the Kentucky (BB-66unfinished )'s construction. 59 battleships of 23 different basic designs (or "classes") were finished for the Navy throughout this period of approximately six decades.

The Military Factory has [91] entries for U.S. Navy Ships (2022). Below is a list of entries in alphabetical order (1-to-Z). Images of flags are representative of the country of origin, not necessarily the main operator. Go back to the index of Modern Navy Craft.

To know more about united states and the number of battleships:


What was the main purpose of the U.S. government selling war bonds during world war I?


Answer: To help finance military operations and other expenditures during the war without having to raise taxes

Mexico is currently known for deposits of which natural resource?



Explanation: Mexico is known for several resources mainly oil, silver, copper, and wood

the works progress administration was created in 1935, as a part of the new deal. the effectiveness of the wpa was in the —


The Works Progress Administration (WPA) was established in 1935 as a component of the New Deal; it reached its peak of efficiency in 1943.

The Works Progress Administration:

It was an employment program for the jobless that was established in 1935 as part of the New Deal of American President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Although detractors referred to the WPA as an extension of welfare or a means of building up a sizable patronage army devoted to the Democratic Party, the program's goal was to give millions of Great Depression victims useful jobs in order to maintain their skills and self-respect.

The higher purchasing power of the newly hired, whose pay under the scheme ranged from $15 to $90, would stimulate the economy.

To know more about WPA visit:


why were government regulation and federal taxes easy to live with between world war ii and the early 1970s?


The government regulation and federal taxes easy to live with between world war ii and the early 1970s because, GDP was growing at about 4 percent per year.

The federal taxes is a tax that is levied on the yearly income of all people, corporations, and other legal entities. Federal taxes are due on all compensation, including wages, salaries, monetary gifts from employers, company revenue, tips, winnings from gaming, bonuses, and unemployment benefits.

The government invests in the nation and provides goods and services for the benefit of the American people using the federal taxes you pay. The following are the top three expense categories: Medicaid and Medicare are two well-known health programs. social insurance.

For more info about ' federal taxes' click on below link -


a court decides to interpret a law in a way that encourages the limitation of a judge’s power. the court relies on similar past rulings and stays very close to the literal meaning of the constitution in its approach.


A court decides to interpret a law in a way that encourages the limitation of a judge’s power. The court relies on similar past rulings and stays very close to the literal meaning of the constitution in its approach. This court is engaging in judicial  precedent. The correct answer is D.

A court decision that is cited as a constitutional power for the underlying legal concept is referred to as precedent. The decision is determined according to the legal precedent by looking at similar cases that have already happened in the past.

The precedent doctrine, often referred to as stare judgment, or abiding by the decision, is based on the idea that cases should be resolved similarly when they are comparable. The stare decision principle holds that the court's decision should be used as precedent in future instances with a comparable legal issue.

your question is incomplete but most probably your full question was

A court decides to interpret a law in a way that encourages the limitation of a judge’s power. The court relies on similar past rulings and stays very close to the literal meaning of the Constitution in its approach.

This court is engaging in judicial:

a) restraint.

b) review.

c) activism.

d) precedent.

Learn more about judicial  precedent at


What were three reasons why President Wilson asked Congress to declare war on Germany in 1917?


Wilson cited Germany's violation of its pledge to suspend unrestricted submarine warfare in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean, and its attempts to entice Mexico into an alliance against the United States,

Following the sinking of an unarmed French boat, the Sussex, in the English Channel in March 1916, Wilson had threatened to sever diplomatic relations with Germany unless the German Government refrained from attacking all passenger ships and allowed the crews of enemy merchant vessels to escape. In 1917, Germany resumed submarine attacks on passenger and merchant ships, which was the main cause for Wilson's decision to lead the United States into World War I. The German government agreed to these requirements on May 4, 1916, in what became known as the "Sussex commitment."

learn more about wilson here:


william lloyd garrison published a militant anti-slavery newspaper called the liberator. group of answer choices true false


William lloyd garrison published a militant anti-slavery newspaper called the liberator - TRUE

Weekly abolitionist newspaper The Liberator was printed and published in Boston by William Lloyd Garrison and Isaac Knapp up until 1839. It was more religious than political and urged its readers to demand the immediate release of the slaves by appealing to their moral conscience.

William Lloyd Garrison, a prominent white abolitionist and the founder of the significant American Anti-Slavery Society, published and edited it in Boston. The Liberator condemned everyone and everything that would continue slavery over the course of its three decades of publication, including the US Constitution.

For more info about 'Liberator' click on below link -


In my bondage and my freedom, frederick douglass writes that slavery victimizes both slaveholders and slaves. In what way is mrs. Auld a victim of slavery?.


In My Bondage and My Freedom, Mrs. Auld a victim of slavery as Slavery strips her of her innate beliefs and benevolent nature. (Option D)

My Bondage and My Freedom is an autobiographical slave narrative which was written by Frederick Douglass and was originally published in 1855.  The second of three autobiographies by Douglass. It is mainly an expansion of his first autobiography, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. The book describes in detail the experience of his transition from bondage to liberty. In the book, Douglass strongly asserted that slavery victimizes both slaveholders and slaves. In the context, Mrs. Auld was a victim of slavery as slavery strips her of her innate beliefs and benevolent nature. She used to be a kind and caring person before she got slaves.

Note: The question is incomplete as it is missing options which are A) She must obey her husband’s wishes and follow his advice. B) When the Auld’ slaves earn their freedom, Mrs. Auld is helpless. C) She must work hard to keep her slaves well clothed and fed. D) Slavery strips her of her innate beliefs and benevolent nature.

Learn more about My Bondage and My Freedom:


What is the difference between love and attraction ?!​



Love is all about what you do your best to make that person happier. Whereas, the attraction is all about fulfilling your self-satisfaction and your own needs


Was the Brooklyn Bridge built by a woman?


John Augustus Roebling

Although the newspaper did mention Emily Warren Roebling's contributions when the bridge initially opened, it took until 2018 for The New York Times to honor her as the person who created the Brooklyn Bridge by publishing an obituary. Today, the bridge is dedicated to Washington, John, and Emily.

The designer of the Brooklyn Bridge was a notable innovator in the field of steel suspension bridges. He was born in Germany in 1806 and later studied industrial engineering in Berlin before moving to western Pennsylvania at the age of 25 and making an unsuccessful attempt to become a farmer.

For more questions like Brooklyn Bridge visit the link below


how effective was the holy office (or universal inquisition), established by the papacy in 1542? the holy office was filled with internal rivalries and conflicts that prevented it from effectively working, despite a few famous cases. the holy office effectively destroyed heresy within the papal states but had little influence elsewhere. the holy office had considerable success in all catholic lands where political leaders supported it. the holy office's process of rooting out heresy was so effective that many protestant leaders invited it to work in protestant lands.


The accurate response is that the Inquisition had little effect on the eradication of heresy outside of the Papal States.

What was the Holy Inquisition?

The Catholic Church founded the powerful Inquisition to combat and punish heresy throughout Europe and the Americas. The savagery of its torture methods and its persecution of Muslims and Jews made the Inquisition, which started in the 12th century and lasted for hundreds of years, infamous. The Spanish Inquisition, which governed for more than 200 years and murdered about 32,000 people, was its darkest expression. Locals had the chance to confess to heresy when inquisitors entered a town and made their presence known. Those who recognized their crime received punishment ranging from a beating to a pilgrimage.

To know more about Catholic Church visit:


What role did newspapers such as the liberator play in the antislavery movement?.


They reported news related to slavery and the anti-slavery. They offered a place where abolitionists could express their views. They allowed both sides of the slavery issue to express their opinions. They helped spread the abolitionist message.

Why was The Liberator important to the antis-bondages movement?This newspaper was published and edited in Boston by William Lloyd Garrison, a leading white abolitionist and founder of the influential American Anti-Slavery Society. Over the three decades of its publication, The Liberator denounced all people and acts that would prolong bondages including the United States Constitution.Members of the movement were linked by the press, allowing them to collaborate and promote their cause. Abolitionists rallied to the Union cause after the Civil War began in 1861. On January 1, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared slaves free in many parts of the South. The 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution abolished slavery in the country in 1865.

Learn about antislavery movement here:


What president believed that american individualism would get them through the depression?


The president believed that American individualism would get them through the depression is President Hoover's.

The term is often associated with the concept of laissez-faire and its associated proponents but was actually coined by U.S. President Herbert Hoover. Franklin D. Roosevelt was president during the Great Depression. and helped restore confidence to the American people.

He promised immediate and strong action and in his inaugural address, he brought hope by declaring that it is fear itself that we must fear. During his term as governor Coolidge set a record for fiscal conservatism strong support for women's suffrage and vague opposition to Prohibition. During his presidency, he restored public confidence in the White House after many scandals in the Harding administration.

Learn more about The president here:-


the united states–mexico–canada agreement is an example of a –––––––– –––––––– agreement.


A trade pact between the stated parties is illustrated by the agreement between the United States and Mexico. In place of the North American Free Trade Agreement, there is now the USMCA (NAFTA).

What is meant by a trade agreement?

A trade agreement is any agreement between governments that governs their trading ties. Trade pacts that involve two or more states may be bilateral, multilateral, or both. trading internationally. An extensive tax, tariff, and trade pact known as a trade agreement frequently includes investment guarantees. It exists when two or more nations come to an agreement on conditions that facilitate trade between them.

What is the purpose of trade agreements and What is the impact of trade agreements?

FTAs (free trade agreements) enable producers and exporters in the United States increase their access to international markets. Trade obstacles are removed by bilateral and international agreements, tariffs are lowered or eliminated, and economic progress is encouraged.

Trade agreements between nations reduce trade barriers on imported goods and, in theory, should benefit consumers by increasing choice, granting access to higher-quality items, and lowering prices.

To know more about Agreement visit:


In what way did setting these
territorial borders in this
manner affect the future states
in this region?


Answer: Northwest Territory, U.S. territory created by Congress in 1787 encompassing the region lying west of Pennsylvania, north of the Ohio River, east of the Mississippi River, and south of the Great Lakes. Virginia, New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts had claims to this area, which they ceded to the central government between 1780 and 1800. Land policy and territorial government were established by the Northwest Ordinances of 1785 and 1787. Ultimately, five states—Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin—were organized from the territory, and a small part, the land lying between the St. Croix and Mississippi rivers, was incorporated into Minnesota.

Use the list to answer the following question.- Utilized a labor tax system- Flourished in the 15th Century- Located near the Andes Mountains- Emperors considered descendants of the sunWhich of the following cultures is being described?a) Incanb) Mayac) Olmecd) Aztec


Utilized a labor tax system- Flourished in the 15th Century- Located near the Andes Mountains- Emperors considered descendants of the sun, the cultures that is being described was the Incan culture. the correct answer is A.

Who is The Incan people ?

The inhabitants of the Incan empire, which was situated close to the Andes Mountain, were known as the Incan people. They were ruled by emperors who thought they were unique among mortals since they were thought to be direct descendants of the sun.

The Incan empire had an efficient labor tax system that helped it prosper in the 15th century until it was defeated by the Spanish.

Find out more on the Incan at


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