A population of bacteria is growing according to the equation P(t) = 1850e ^ (0.09t). Estimate when the population will exceed 2402t=Give your answer accurate to one decimal place.


Answer 1

We will have the following;

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2402=1850e^{0.09t}\Rightarrow\frac{2402}{1850}=e^{0.09t}\Rightarrow\frac{1201}{925}=e^{0.09t} \\ \\ \Rightarrow ln(\frac{1201}{925})=0.09t\Rightarrow t=\frac{ln(1201/925)}{0.09} \\ \\ \Rightarrow t=2.901289829...\Rightarrow t\approx2.9 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, the population will exceed 2402 bacteria after 2.9 units of time.

Related Questions

Please help me answer question 1,2 and plot this graph


b: When x increases by 1, y increases 1 unit.

c. Apply the slope formula (m)


Replace with 2 points form the table:

For example:

Point 1 = (x1,y1)= (0,3)

Point 2= (x2,y2)= (1,4)



Slope = 1

It doesn't need to be written because x multiplied by 1 is equal to x.




Where :

b= y-intercept = 3( where the line crosses the y-axis)

m= slope=1

Which parent function is f(x)=2^x?


Given the function:


As the coefficeint of x = 1

So, the given function represents a parent function

The original cost of a laptop computer was x dollars. The expression 0.36x represents the value of the laptop today. choose two expressions that also represent the value of the laptop today. A. 1 - 0.64xB. x - 0.36xC. x - 0.64xD. x (1 - 0.36) E. x (1 - 0.64)


The initial price of the computer was $X.

The current price is $0.36X

Thus, the current value is X-0.36X.

By taking the common factor, this can also be expressed as:


Hence, the two(2) expressions that represent the value of the laptop today are options B and option D.

anwsers a. x = 9; angle measure is 27°b. x = 9; angle measure is 45°c. x = 15; angle measure is 45°d. x = 15; angle measure is 27°


The sum of angle 3x and 45 is equal to 72. So equation for x is,


Simplify the equation to obtain the value of x.

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3x+45=72 \\ 3x=72-45 \\ 3x=27 \\ x=9 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Determine the measure of angle 3x.

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3x=3\cdot9 \\ =27 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So value of x is 9 and measure of angle 3x is 27 degree.

The diagonal of the figure Below represent the support beams for a patio covering.What IS the length of each support beam ? Given 30, and 10 yards


Since all the sides of the figure have the same length, then the figure is a rhombus. Then, its diagonals intersect at an angle of 90°.

Let O be the intersection of the diagonals of the rhombus. Notice that the triangle EOA is a right triangle. Since the side EA is the hypotenuse of the triangle, then, recalling the trigonometric functions:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \cos (30)=\frac{EO}{EA} \\ \sin (30)=\frac{OA}{EA} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Use this information to solve for the segments EO and OA:

[tex]\begin{gathered} EO=EA\cdot\cos (30) \\ =10\cdot\frac{\sqrt[]{3}}{2} \\ =5\cdot\sqrt[]{3} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} OA=EA\cdot\sin (30) \\ =10\cdot\frac{1}{2} \\ =5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since the diagonal EM is twice the segment EO and the diagonal BA is twice the segment OA, then the lengths of the diagonals are:

[tex]\begin{gathered} BA=10 \\ EM=10\cdot\sqrt[]{3} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the answer is:

[tex]10\text{ yards and }10\cdot\sqrt[]{3}\text{ yards}[/tex]

write a polynomial function of least degree with integral coefficients that had the given zeros. -3,3,-2


x³ + 2x² - 9x - 18 is the polynomial function of least degree with integral coefficients that had the zeros -3 , 3 , -2.

Given, the zeros of a polynomial be,

-3 , 3 and -2

As, the polynomial has 3 zeros then the degree of the polynomial is also be , 3.

Let the polynomial be,

p(x) = (x - (-3))(x - 3)(x - (-2))

p(x) = (x + 3)(x - 3)(x + 2)

On multiplying the factors, we get

p(x) = (x² - 3²)(x + 2)

p(x) = (x² - 9)(x + 2)

p(x) = (x³ - 9x + 2x² - 18)

p(x) = x³ + 2x² - 9x - 18

So, x³ + 2x² - 9x - 18 is the polynomial function of least degree with integral coefficients that had the zeros -3 , 3 , -2.

Hence, x³ + 2x² - 9x - 18 is the polynomial function of least degree with integral coefficients that had the zeros -3 , 3 , -2.

Learn more about Polynomials here https://brainly.com/question/23974386


First to answer WILL get BRAINLIEST!

which equation is represented by this modal?

1/4 x 1/2 =1/8

1/3 x 1/2 =1/6

1/4 x 1/6 = 1/24

1/4 x 1/3 = 1/12



1/4 x 1/2 =1/8

Step-by-step explanation:

The circle is split into four parts (1/4)

Then one of the parts is split in half (1/2)

So the equation represented by the model is 1/4 x 1/2 = 1/8



Step-by-step explanation:

this is because it has 4 pieces and then it shows 1/2 of a 1/4 piece

Two bags of flour have a total weight of834pounds. What could be their individual weights?Select all that apply.A.7pounds and34poundB.314pounds and512poundsC.434pounds and4poundsD.8pounds and14pound



Two bags have a total weight of 8 3/4 pounds.

What could be their individual weights?

To answer the question, we will select the option that gives a sum of 8 3/4

We will check the options:

A. 7 pounds and 3/4 pounds

The sum = 7 + 3/4 = 7 3/4 pounds

So, option A is wrong

B. 3 1/4 pounds and 5 1/2 pounds

The sum = 3 1/4 + 5 1/2 = 8 3/4

So, option B is correct

C. 4 3/4 pounds and 4 pounds

The sum = 4 3/4 + 4 pounds = 8 3/4 pounds

So, option C is correct

D. 8 pounds and 1/4 pounds

The sum = 8 + 1/4 = 8 1/4

So, option D is wrong

E. 6 pounds and 2 3/4 pounds

The sum = 8 3/4

So, E is correct

The answer will be: B and C and E

Hailey's hope his dad move their old television which weighed 81 lb to the basement then he helped set up their new 32-pound television in the family room how much more did the old television weigh then the new one


To find the answer to this question, find the difference between the old television weight and the new television weight. Substract 32 to 81:


The old television weighs 49 pounds more than the new one.

The function h(t) = -16t(t - 2) + 24 models the height h, in feet, of a ball t seconds after it is thrown straight up into the air. What are the initial velocity and the initial height of the ball? O 16 ft/s: 32 ft 32 ft/s: 24 ft 24 ft/s: 32 ft 48 ft/s: 24 ft



Option B is correct.

Initial velocity = 32 ft/s

Initial height = 24 ft.


The function gives us the function that models the height, h, in feet for the ball as a function of time, t, in seconds.

h(t) = -16t (t - 2) + 24

We are then asked to find the initial velocity and the initial height of the ball.

This means we find the velocity and the height of the ball at t = 0

Velocity is given as the first derivative of the height function

v = (dh/dt)

h(t) = -16t (t - 2) + 24

h(t) = -16t² + 32t + 24

v = (dh/dt) = -32t + 32

When t = 0

v = -32t + 32 = -32 (0) + 32 = 0 + 32 = 32 ft/s

Initial velocity = 32 ft/s

For the initial height, t = 0

h(t) = -16t (t - 2) + 24

h(t) = -16t² + 32t + 24

h(0) = -16(0²) + 32(0) + 24

h(0) = 0 + 0 + 24

h(0) = 24 ft

Initial height = 24 ft.

Hope this Helps!!!

(a) Approximate the population mean and standard deviation of age for malesMale and female populations of totunder 10 years old are represented by age inthe table below. Completo port(a) through10(Round to two decimal places as needed)



Step-by-step explanation:

The population means is an average of a group characteristic. A characteristic is just an item of interest.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \mu=\frac{\sum ^{}_{}x}{N} \\ \mu=\frac{\text{Sum of all the items}}{\text{ Number of items}} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, for the population mean and standard deviation of the age for males;

Total of population: 266


A colony of bacteria is growing exponentially according to the function below, where t is in hours. What will the approximate number of bacteria be after 7 hours?A.270B.1082C.635,818D.45,674


we have the exponential function


For t=7 hours


[tex]\begin{gathered} B(t)=4e^{0.8*7} \\ \\ B(t)=1,082\text{ bacteria} \end{gathered}[/tex]The answer is option B

PLEASE HELP. FUNCTIONS AND RELATIONS. The height of a model rocket, h(t), is a function of the time since it was launched, t. What is the domain of h(t)?


Recall that the domain is all the values of the graph from left to right.

From the given graph we get that its domain consists of all values greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 42.

Then the domain of the given function in algebraic notation is:

[tex]0\leq t\leq42.[/tex]

Answer: Option D.

Please help me on the question I don’t get it c) For architects, by what percent did the median earnings increase for those who held a graduate degree compared to those who were recent college graduates? (round to the nearest integer)d) For nurses, by what percent did the median earnings increase for those who held a graduate degree compared to those who were recent college graduates? (round to the nearest integer)


(a) From the graph, the average recent college graduate engineer makes $65000, and the average recent college graduate accountant makes $40000. Therefore, an engineer makes $65000 - $40000 = $25000 more than the accountant.

(b) In marketing, the average graduate degree holder makes approximately $80000 (rounded down to the nearest thousand), and the average recent college graduate makes approximately $35000 (rounded down to the nearest thousand). Therefore, the average graduate degree holder makes $80000 - $35000 = $45000 more than the average recent college graduate

(c) graduate degree holder architect average earning: $75000 (rounded down to the nearest thousand)

average recent college graduate architect average earning: $35000 (rounded down to the nearest thousand)

The percent increase is computed as follows:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{percent increase = }\frac{\text{ degr}ee\text{ holder - college graduate}}{\text{college graduate}}\cdot100 \\ \text{percent increase = }\frac{75000-35000}{35000}\cdot100 \\ \text{percent increase }\approx114\text{ \%} \end{gathered}[/tex]

(d) graduate degree holder nurse average earning: $ 80000 (rounded down to the nearest thousand)

average recent college graduate nurse average earning: $45000 (rounded down to the nearest thousand)

The percent increase is computed as follows:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{percent increase = }\frac{\text{ degr}ee\text{ holder - college graduate}}{\text{college graduate}}\cdot100 \\ \text{percent increase = }\frac{80000-45000}{45000}\cdot100 \\ \text{percent increase = 78 \%} \end{gathered}[/tex]

(e) Comparison between average earning of a degree holder and of a college graduate for each area:


Increase = degree holders - college graduate

Increase = 110000 - 65000

Increase = 45000


Increase = degree holders - college graduate

Increase = 80000- 45000

Increase = 35000


Increase = degree holders - college graduate

Increase = 100000 - 45000

Increase = 55000


Increase = degree holders - college graduate

Increase = 85000 - 40000

Increase = 45000


Increase = degree holders - college graduate

Increase = 75000 - 35000

Increase = 40000


Increase = degree holders - college graduate

Increase = 80000 - 35000

Increase = 45000

The greatest increase from college graduates to degree holders is in Finance

The regular price of a shirts is $12.00.If Jason bought the shirt for 45% off the regular price,how much did he save? A. $4.50 B. $5.40 C. $5.60 D.$6.60


First, we need to find 45% of $12

45% of $12 = 45/100 x12 = $5.4

He bought the shirt : $12 - $5.4 = $6.6

Therefore he saved $5.40

The volume of a cylinder is 603.2 cubic inches. If the cylinder has a height of 12 inches, what is the area of the base


Volume of a cylinder = base area x heigth

Volume = 603.2 in3

Height = 12 in


603.2 = base area x 12

603.2/12 = base area

Base area = 50.26 in2

Bob works as a plumber he charges an initial fee of $45 and $32.50 an hour Bob was paid $207.50 for his last job how many hours did Bob work on his last job


We have the following:

Bob's earnings can be calculated with the following equation


where x is the number of hours, they tell us that he made a profit of $ 207.50, we replace and solve for x

[tex]\begin{gathered} 207.5=45+32.5x \\ 32.5x=207.5-45 \\ x=\frac{162.5}{32.5} \\ x=5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, Bob worked a total of 5 hours

A Type I error is the mistake of ________ when it is actually true. rejecting the null hypothesisA study of the amount of time it takes a mechanic to rebuild the transmission for a 2010 Chevrolet Colorado shows that the mean is 8.4 hours and the standard deviation is 1.8 hours. If 40 mechanics are randomly selected, find the probability that their mean rebuild time is less than 8.9 hours.


Question 2



Let x be a random variable representing the mean amount of time it takes a mechanic to rebuild the transmission for a 2010 Chevrolet Colorado. Given that it is normally distributed, we would calculate the z score by applying the formula,

z = (x - μ)/σ/√n


μ is the population mean

x is the sample mean

σ is the population standard deviation

n is the sample size

From the information given,

n = 40

x = 8.9

μ = 8.4

σ = 1.8


z = (8.9 - 8.4)/(1.8/√40) = 1.76

We want to calculate P(x < 8.9). The probability value corresponding to z = 1.76 from the normal distribution table is 0.9608

Thus, the probability that their mean rebuild time is less than 8.9 hours is 0.9608

at a baseball game a vender sold combined total of 103 sodas and hotdogs . The numbers of sodas was sold was 57 more than the number of hot dogs sold . Find the number sodas sold and the number of hot dog sold



Number of sodas sold = 80

Number of hot dogs sold = 23


Let th number of sodas be xs

Let the number of hot dogs be h

The vendor sold a combined total of 103 sodas and hot dogs

s + h = 103............(1)

The nmber of soda sold was 57 more tha n the number of hot dogs sold

s = h + 57........()

Subtitute equation (2) into equation (1)

h + 57 + h = 103

2h = 103 - 57

2h = 46

h = 46/2

h = 23

Substitute h = 23 into equation (2)

s = 23 + 57

s = 80

Number of sodas sold = 80

Number of hot dogs sold = 23

Simplify 5(3p - 2) + 2(p +4)


[tex]5\mleft(3p-2\mright)+2\mleft(p+4\mright)\text{ = 17p-2}[/tex]

Here, we want to simplify the expression

To do this, we shall use the term outside the bracket to multiply the terms inside the brackets before we proceed to add them together

We have this as follows;

[tex]\begin{gathered} (5\times3p)-(5\times2)\text{ + (2}\times p_{})\text{ + (2}\times4) \\ =\text{ 15p - 10 + 2p + 8} \\ =\text{ 15p}+2p-10+8 \\ =\text{ 17p -2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Simplify 5(3p-2) +2(p+4)
15p - 10 +2p+8

If each pair of 2 students share one regular size popcorn, how many cups of popcorn will each student get? (1 cup= 14.4in³)



4 cups


First, we calculate the volume of the regular size popcorn:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Volume}=5\times3\times8 \\ =120\; in^3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Given that:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{14}.4in^3=1\text{ cup} \\ 120in^3=x\text{ cups} \\ \frac{14.4}{1}=\frac{120}{x} \\ 14.4x=120 \\ x=\frac{120}{14.4} \\ x=8.33\text{ cups} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, if each pair of 2 students share one regular-size popcorn, each student will get approximately 4 cups.

I am trying to graph a vertical shift for a greatest integer function




The graph of the parent function f(x) = [x] is

The function has the value of x until the next integer. So we have:

f(x) = 0 when x = 0 until x = 1, and then it changes to f(x) = 1. This is for all values of x. We can say that the function "jumps" on each integer and then keeps its value.

If we do a vertical shift of 2 units we have to add 2 to each value of the parent function. This way the shifted function is f(x) = 2 when x = 0 until x = 1, and then it jumps to f(x) = 3:

Martin is 6 years old when his sister Cassandra is 3 years old. How old will Martin be when Cassandra is 6 years old?



Martin's age = 6 years old

Casandra's age = 3 years old

Difference in their age = 6 - 3

Difference in their age = 3

A rain drop hitting a lake makes a circular ripple. If the radius, in inches, grows as a function of time in minutes according to r(t)=15√t+2, find the area of the ripple as a function of time. Find the area of the ripple at t=2 .


FiThe radius, in inches, grows as a function of time in minutes according to:


We know that the area of a circle is given by:

[tex]A=\pi r^2[/tex]

Where r is the radius of the circle. Then, using r(t) in this equation:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A(t)=\pi\cdot\lbrack r(t)\rbrack^2=\pi\lbrack15\sqrt{t+2}\rbrack^2 \\ \\ \therefore A(t)=225\pi(t+2) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Finally, we evaluate this function for t = 2:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A(2)=225\pi(2+2)=225\pi(4) \\ \\ \therefore A(2)=900\pi\text{ in}^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The angle of elevation and the angle of depression are congruent because they areA)Corresponding AnglesB)Alternate Interior AnglesC)Alternate Exterior AnglesD)Vertical Angles



There are given the statement:

The angle of elevation and the angle of depression are congruent:


According to the concept:

The angle of elevation and the angle of depression are congruent because they belong from an alternate interior angle.

Final answer:

Hence, the correct option is B.

Answer the following word problem by setting up an equation and then solving. Type the answer as "first number = " and "consecutive number = The sum of two consecutive numbers is 85, find the numbers.


From the question we're told that the sum of two consecutive numbers is 85,

Let the 1st number by y,

And the consecutive number be y+1

So, the sum of these two numbers will be equal to 85;


Let's go ahead and solve for y in the above equation;

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2y+1=85 \\ 2y=84 \\ y=42 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So the first number is 42.

Let's find the consecutive number;


Therefore, the "first number = 42" and "consecutive number = 43"

which shows the line of best fit for the data




Graphs showing lines through different points.

To get the line of best fit for the data.

The line of best fit refers to a line through a scatter plot of data points that best expresses the relationship between those points.

It is the line that touches most points or passes through most of the points.

From the four graphs given, the line that touches or passes through most points is;

Therefore, the graph above is the line of best fit.

The second graph is the correct answer.

they are 45 baseball points there's 14 basketball points football 21 points soccer 20 points what is the ratio of soccer to baseball and simplest form?



Number of baseball points = 45 points

Number of basketball points = 14 points

Number of football points = 21 points

number of soccer points = 20 points.

To find the ratio of soccer to baseball points, we have:

soccer : baseball = 20 : 45

in simplest form, divide both sides by 5 which is the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of both numbers.

Thus, we have:

20÷5 : 45÷5 = 4:9

Therefore, the ratio of soccer to baseball in simplest form is = 4 : 9


4 : 9

disconnect me pls c bc


tutor loses connection for 30+

find 264 + 638 using drawings of place value blocks. please show the work


In this case, we'll have to carry out several steps to find the solution.

Step 01:


264 + 638

Step 02:

place value blocks


+ 638



That is the full solution.

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