a policy (or plan) persuasive speech argues that something is or is not true. question 39 options: true false


Answer 1

A policy (or insurance) compelling speech makes the case that the proposition is accurate.

What does "persuasive writing" mean?

Argument essays, another name for persuasive writing, use reasoning and logic to demonstrate why one idea is more valid than another. It makes an effort to influence the reader to take a specific position or action.

What is the powerful phrase?

A main sentence, supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence are the typical elements of a persuasive paragraph. The writer's opinion is expressed in the topic sentence, and the body phrases bolster that opinion. The final phrase reiterates the author's viewpoint. A persuasive speech is the main idea that fascinates, educates, persuades, or urges action.

To know more about persuasive visit:



Related Questions

3. Which of the following would be a good topic for an informational speech?


Answer: I would choose A because C and D are more persuasive and B is more narrative. Hope this helps!

What kind of monster was Grendel's mother?


Grendel's mother is viewed as a monster because she attacks the king (Heorot) in an act of retaliation for the loss of her son and to regain his arm.

Grendel's mother assaults Heorot as retaliation, and while confronting Beowulf, she behaves in a way that is contrary to how women are often expected to behave—namely, with wrath. In some ways, this behavior is regarded as horrible. She also brutally murders Schere, Hrothgar's most devoted combatant, demonstrating that she is not operating in a motherly or kind manner. She had reflected on her loss and developed a nasty attitude. Grendel's feminine dread lingered in her heart. Mother, living in the chilly, murky lake given to her when Cain killed his only Killing his father's kid, his brother with a sword in rage."

Learn more about Monster here:



What is massive open online courses in your own words?


Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are open enrollment, free online courses. MOOCs provide a flexible and economical approach to enhance your career, gain new skills, and deliver high-quality educational experiences at scale.

An online phenomena known as a massive open online course (MOOC) is made feasible by several factors, including: (1) the facilitation of recognized experts in an area of study through social networking; (2) the use of publicly available online resources; and (3) large numbers of enrolled students.

What is massive open online courses give examples?

Among the largest MOOCs are:

Introduction to Computer Science (Harvard / edX)Learning how to Learn (UC San Diego / Coursera)Machine Learning (Stanford / Coursera)Justice (Harvard / edX)The Science of Happiness (Berkeley / edX)Intro to Artificial Intelligence (Udacity)

Learn more about massive open online courses  to visit this link



What are the 5 stages of the essay writing process?


The general phases include research and discovery, prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing.


A vital component of writing a successful paper is being actively engaged with the sources. Reading a primary source is no longer sufficient for content. One doesn't have to read any books that come up in the research from cover to cover. Peer-reviewed journals that are available online will be the most used secondary resource.


There is no ridiculous or off-topic prewriting idea. By posing questions such as, "Who is going to read my paper?" one can determine your audience. One must write your essay with elementary school students, seminar attendees, or conference attendees in mind.


The Primary step in "writing" one's paper is the draft. It's important to keep in mind that when drafting, one's thesis concept should already be set forward to guide their work. Without a thesis, one's work will be more prone to deviate from the subject, making it more challenging to organize later.


Revision involves identifying issues with one paper's cohesion and overall progress. Smooth transitions greatly simplify reading and understanding a document. The most effective method for preventing and resolving local issues is to use various phrase structures and refrain from repeating the same terms repeatedly.


To find errors, read the document aloud or have a buddy read it.

These different styles will have an effect on the Works Cited page, in-text citations, and layout. APA, Chicago, and MLA formatting options are available online.

To learn more about essay writing, tap here:



Who made satire popular?


Jonathan Swift and Alexander Pope made satire popular.

Satire is a genre of the visual, literary, and performing arts, usually in the form of fiction and less frequently non-fiction, in which vices, follies, abuses, and shortcomings are held up to ridicule, often with the intent of shaming or exposing the perceived flaws of individuals, corporations, government, or society itself into improvement. Although satire is usually meant to be humorous, its greater purpose is often constructive social criticism, using wit to draw attention to both particular and wider issues in society.

Feature of satire is strong irony or sarcasm —"in satire, irony is militant", according to literary critic Northrop Frye— but parody, burlesque, exaggeration, juxtaposition, comparison, analogy, and double entendre are all frequently used in satirical speech and writing. Satire is found in many artistic forms of expression, including internet memes, literature, plays, commentary, music, film and television shows, and media such as lyrics.

To know more about Satire visit:



How does the text "Ivy U. Law" on the board show the cartoonist’s perspective?

It shows that the cartoonist thinks Supreme Court justices are supposed to rely on their opinions.
It shows that the cartoonist thinks the students in Ivy League schools are not working hard enough.
It shows that the cartoonist thinks that many Supreme Court justices have Ivy League educations.
It shows that the cartoonist thinks that classes in Ivy League colleges are conducted on computers.


The correct option is C. It shows that the cartoonist thinks that many Supreme Court justices have Ivy League educations.

What is the cartoonist's perspective?

The viewpoint of a cartoonist regarding a specific topic is expressed through the use of a cartoonist's perspective. The Supreme Court Justice's Ivy League education is apparent from the cartoon. This is written behind the Justice, where he or she is located. However, they are mostly trying to convince you rather than amuse you. An excellent political cartoon provokes discussion on current affairs while simultaneously attempting to persuade you to agree with the cartoonist's viewpoint. Your knowledge is lacking. Consequently, a summary will be provided. Simply said, a perspective shows how the cartoonist sees the issue. It should be highlighted that reading and comprehending the story are necessary in order to get perspective. After then, it's crucial to evaluate the story's topic and storyline. These are essential for understanding the viewpoint.

The correct option is C.

To know more about perspective, visit:



How does wiki editing work?


The quality and accuracy of the pages on Wikipedia are continually being improved by the community of volunteer editors. It exemplifies the "wisdom of crowds" idea. Authoritative sources and verified references should always be used to support factual claims in writing.

Since Wikipedia is a wiki, anybody may edit almost any page and rapidly enhance content. Anyone who has edited Wikipedia is referred to as a Wikipedian or editor. You do not need to register to do this. Small changes add up, and any author may be pleased with themselves for improving Wikipedia for all users. The new Visual Editor (VE) and the Source Editor, which is used for traditional wikitext editing (wiki markup), are the two available editing interfaces.

Learn more about   wiki to visit this link



Who is the biggest boy band in the world?


The Backstreet Boys continue to hold the title of being the best-selling boy band of all time.

Jazz has proved challenging to define. Ragtime, which dates back more than a century, is included in this musical genre, as is rock music from the 2010s, which has a significant influence. Ragtime and rock are the appropriate choices Ragtime was a significant fashion trend from 1897 through 1918. John Philip Sousa developed this style by altering the well-known march. He created more polyrhythms that were influenced by African music.

To learn more about Backstreet please click on below link



Answer: BTS

Explanation: no explanation needed

in the context of individual level factors that influence voter turnout, age is a strong indicator of whether someone will vote or not. young americans tend to be more likely to vote than older americans because of their propensity for social activism.


Because of their proclivity for social activity, young Americans are more likely to vote than older Americans. This assertion is false.

What exactly is social activism?

Social activism is defined as working to influence societal institutions, norms, relationships, and expectations. Social activists aim to change political policy, establish new institutions or organizations, or directly motivate people to change their behavior.

What makes social activism so important?

Ending slavery, fighting dictatorships, protecting workers from mistreatment, conserving the environment, advancing gender equality, combating racism, and a variety of other major issues have all benefited immensely from activism.

learn more about "Social activism" here https://brainly.com/question/28266334


Sort the tiles to show the causal relationships between the events.
The pigs take over as leaders. Mr. Jones oppresses the
The pigs oppress the animals.
The animals rebel against Mr.


Sort the tiles to show the causal relationships between the events.

Hence, the correct sequence is (2), (4), (1), (3)

1. Mr. jones oppressed the animals

2. The animals rebel against Mr. Jones

3. The pigs take over as leaders

4. The pigs oppress the animals

What are events ?

An event is anything that occurs, particularly when it is noteworthy or unique. Events may be used to explain everything that is taking place in a specific context.

The collection of results from an experiment is referred to as an Event in probability. Say, for instance, that you throw a coin as part of an experiment. This experiment's result is whether the coin lands "heads" or "tails." These might be regarded as the incidents related to the experiment. Therefore, an event can be considered to have occurred when the coin lands tails.

To learn more about events checkout the link below :



Need help ASAP!!

Which statement is MOST LIKELY true?

A. Clear-cutting from 1915-1930 resulted in the irreversible loss of forest areas.

B. The United States population boom at the end of the 19th century had little impact on forests.

C. The Wilderness Act of 1964 was successful in increasing forest area, despite rapid population increase.

D. The creation of National Forests through the Weeks Act of 1911 allowed the United States to gain back some lost forest area.



The Answer is definitely not B so the only other logical answer would be A


I took the test

why is cheever looking for a poppet? what is the significance of the one they find


Cheever is looking for a poppet because Abigail Williams was stabbed in the stomach with a needle and accused Elizabeth Proctor of doing so. The poppet, a child's toy, is discovered by Ezekiel Cheever and used as proof that witchcraft was used by Elizabeth Proctor to harm people through voodoo magic.

Can you love your partner in an open relationship?


Even in open relationship you can still love your partner.

A relationship is a connection with other people, it can be in any form. In open relationships, one can love their partner, as the success of any relationship depends upon the mutual understanding of both partners. Honesty and sincerity are characteristics necessary in any relationship.

Open relationships are the perfect solution for people who feel that they want something more or something different in their life. For some people, open relationships tend to work out more as it gives them a sense of love, freedom, and security. It gives them the freedom to express themselves to others and still make a good life.

This helps them in understanding and to love their partners. While being in an open relationship can be rewarding, it takes a lot of work. Open relationships need trust, honesty, vulnerability, and communication to make them successful.

To know more about Open-relationship,



Story name: Jim Smily and his Jumping Frog
How does the theme of a story within a story apply to this passage?

The story has been told within other stories before.
The narrator is telling a story about how to tell stories.
The narrator of the story is really telling two stories.
The reader is reading a story about the narrator telling a story.
The story told by the narrator has two meanings.


The story told by the narrator has two meanings. Does the theme of a story within a story applies to this passage.

What is the passage?

The length of a passage varies depending on the context and the goal of the extraction. A passage can be, for example, a sentence's clause, a few phrases, or it can be a few pages.

Lies and dishonesty, as well as the delicate line between cleverness and dishonesty, are some of the major topics of "Jumping Frog." In the tale, Jim Smiley frequently backs unassuming or common animals to come back and win his wagers at the very last second.

The names of Jim Smiley's two beloved pets, Andrew Jackson and Dan'l Webster (his bulldog and frog, respectively), represent the country's regional

Therefore, Thus, option (D) is correct.

Learn more about the passage here:






IntoNo ChangeWho assured memoment,though,



No Change

Who assured me




Read the following passage. Then answer the question that follows.

In the summer of 1864, tensions between Native Americans and White settlers were high. A peacemaker, Cheyenne chief Black Kettle encouraged his tribe members to stay camped at Sand Creek to await further orders. However, Colonel John Chivington attacked at daylight on November 29, killing 400–500 Native Americans, and returned to Denver a hero. However, many soldiers wrote to the American government and newspapers their versions of the story. "Hundreds of women and children were coming towards us, and getting on their knees for mercy …" With these testimonies, the actions by Chivington were classified as a(n) ________ massacre. Black Kettle survived the massacre and painfully tried to keep the peace by moving his tribe to reservation land in Oklahoma. Unfortunately, another massacre led by George Armstrong Custer would see his demise only four years later.

Considering the connotation of the following choices, which word would be the best fit for this passage?



Considering the connotation of the following choices, the word that would be the best fit for this passage is: "infamous".  infamous is an adjective that has a negative connotation which means "wicked" or "abominable". Thus, because the action of Colonel John Chivington who attacked innocents is explained in the text, the word that adequately qualifies the massacre is "infamous." (Option A)

What connotation?

Language is flexible and nuanced. Writers use narrative approaches to mold language in order to produce complex concepts and deeper meanings. Connotation, a literary tool that refers to the choosing of a word or phrase for its inferred meaning rather than its exact meaning, is one of the greatest ways to do this.

It's like referring to an adult as "youthful" vs "childish": the definitions are the same, but the underlying connotation is vastly different.  The favorable sensation connected with a term that goes beyond its literal, dictionary meaning is referred to as a positive connotation. They might also have a symbolic or cultural significance that elicits a pleasant emotion.

Learn more about Connotation:




ANSWER: Infamous


Considering the context, this choice makes most sense.

Who is a mandated reporter in WA state?


Law enforcement is a mandated reporter in WA state.

Social workers and professional school personnel. Individual providers and operators of a facility. Employees of social service, welfare, mental health, home care, home health agencies.

Law enforcement describes the corporations and personnel liable for imposing laws, preserving public order, and handling public safety. The number one responsibilities of law enforcement consist of the investigation, apprehension, and detention of individuals suspected of criminal offenses.

Laws - a rule or set of policies, enforceable via the courts, regulating the authorities of a nation, the relationship between the organs of government and the topics of the state, and the relationship or conduct of subjects in the direction of each other. a. a rule or body of guidelines made through the legislature.

Learn more about laws here :-



the count instructs jonathan to write three letters home. what is the content of these letters?


The Count has instructed Harker to send three letters home: one informing his family that he is nearly finished, one informing them that he is about to go, and one informing them that he has arrived at Bistritz.

A few days later, even though it is only May 19, Dracula instructs Harker to compose three letters to his fiance and employer and to date them June 12, 19, and 29. Harker is given the go-ahead by the count to write that he has left the castle and is safely returning home. The Count cautions Jonathan from dozing off anywhere else in the castle outside his assigned sleeping quarters. The Count is seen by Jonathan crawling out of a window, face down, with his cloak wrapping around him.

To learn more about Count please click on below link



What power is only given to the House of Representatives in the Constitution?


several powers, including the ability to initiate revenue bills, impeach federal officials, and elect the President in the event of an Electoral College tie.

What distinguishes the House of Representatives?

Since its inception in 1789, the House has been the only branch of government that has been directly elected by American voters.

What is the most powerful position in the United States House of Representatives?

The Speaker is elected by the entire House of Representatives and combines several roles: the institutional role of presiding officer and administrative head of the House, the role of leader of the majority party in the House, and the representative role of an elected member of the House.

Which of the following is a special privilege of the House of Representatives?

They shall be exempt from arrest in all cases, except treason, felony, and breach of the peace, during the session of their respective Houses, and on their way to and from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place.

learn more about House of Representatives visit:



Which of the following is an example of what happens at the literal level of a story?



An illustration of what takes place at the primitive level of a story of PENN FOSTER when a young man encounters the shadowy figure of someone who once resided in his apartment.

Is indeed a Penn Foster diploma accepted?

The Distance Education Credentialing Commission has granted Penn Foster accreditation (DEAC). The Council for Post Secondary Accreditation and even the U.S. Department of Education both designate the DEAC as a recognised accrediting agency (CHEA).

How is Penn Foster compensated?

Penn Foster will collaborate with you to create a strategy that works, whether you prefer to pay your tuition for one lump sum, establish an automatic payment schedule, or send a check. Whatever you decide, Penn Foster faculty support and all instructional materials are included in the cost.

To know more about Penn Foster visit:



what is the point of the long story involving the de lacey family? why are they important to the story?



Summary and Analysis Chapter 12


The monster notices the care and concern the family has for each other, and he senses that there is a mood of despair among the younger family members. The family suffers from poverty and a lack of food. Originally a well-to-do family from France, the De Lacey's have been exiled from France to Germany. The monster learns the French language from the family and practices those words by himself. Desiring to keep his cottagers happy, the monster becomes an aid to the family by secretly hauling wood to the cottage and performing repairs, all under the cover of darkness. He begins to follow a routine of daily activity and time passes from winter to spring.


The monster sees that the De Lacey family has it all, but cannot understand why they seem so depressed. In his opinion, the De Lacey's lack nothing, as they have a "delightful house" and every "luxury": fire for warmth, "delicious viands" when they were hungry, "excellent" clothes, companionship and conversation, and "looks of affection and kindness." The monster discovers that the De Lacey's depression stems from poverty and hunger, so he makes a vow not to steal any more of their food and chooses to help the family by gathering wood and repairing the house and garden.

Seeing his reflection in a small pool of water, the monster discovers himself for the first time and now knows that he is hideous to behold. However awful he appears to the world, it cannot stop him from being a good and benevolent creature, even in the face of tremendous adversity. At the time, he does not even understand the compliments that are directed towards him when he is referred to as a "good spirit" and "wonderful" person by the De Lacey family for easing their burdens. He even dreams of one day presenting himself to "his family," hoping that they will look favorably upon his good deeds, not at his outward appearance.


Which of the following was not a cause of the resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s?
The Klan was opposed to waves of immigrants coming to the United States after World War I.
The Klan opposed urbanization and called for a return to “traditional” values.
The Klan claimed that rural, Protestant, white culture was superior to other cultures.
The Klan encouraged terrorism of white citizens to incite racial violence against African Americans.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided


The Klan encouraged terrorism of white citizens to incite racial violence against African Americans was not a cause of the resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s. Thus, option (d) is correct.

What is Ku Klux Klan?

Ku Klux Klan, either one of two different U.S. hate organizations that used terror to advance their white supremacist cause. A crowd gathers to witness the burning of a Ku Klux Klan emblem. It also reignited interests in the KKK, resulting in the formation of several additional local organizations.

During the 1920s, the Ku Klux Klan was the main emphasis, and they also urged white folk to support murders against African Americans as racial hatred. The Ku Klux Klan, like other American white supremacists, is well-known for its lengthy violent past.

Therefore, option (d) is correct.

Learn more about on Ku Klux Klan, here:



Answer: Its D.The Klan encouraged terrorism of white citizens to incite racial violence against African Americans


It just is

How is infrared detected it is detected in the form of?


Only with the use of specialist equipment, such as infrared cameras and telescopes or night-vision goggles, can the majority of infrared energy be observed and quantified.

These methods measure the heat emitted, or radiated, by an item using infrared rays. Sensing and detection are two of the IR spectrum's most practical uses. Heat, the form of IR radiation, is emitted by every item on Earth. Electronic sensors, such those used in night vision goggles and infrared cameras, can pick this up.Hot bodies and chemicals emit infrared rays. They are known as heat waves because most materials quickly absorb them and this causes the water molecules to move more thermally, therefore heating the substance. Use: For long-distance photography and therapeutic purposes.

Thus this is how infrared is detected.

Refer here to have additional information about infrared:  brainly.com/question/21128736


Who is the cutest boy band in the world?


The Backstreet Boys continue to hold the title of being the best-selling boy band of all time.

BTS, or Bangtan Sonyeondan (Korean: "Bulletproof Boy Scouts" or "Bangtan Boys"), is a South Korean K-pop band, also known as Beyond the Scene, that rose to fame internationally in the late 2010s. One Direction has never managed to overtake the other boy band group, even though they both have the same amount of top 10 songs. On the other hand, BTS has achieved the top spot three times. So who precisely has more total followers on social media? According to the calculations, One Direction has just enough fans to surpass BTS's following (52.4 million followers overall).

To learn more about boy please click on below link



How can students develop ethics?


They should be prepared to work in organizations without ethics policies and taught how to tackle the various ethical issues that arise in various business situations.

Give students the self-assurance to make the judgments they feel are the right ones and the bravery to ask the hard questions. Ethics are well-defined standards that define what actions are acceptable and wrong. It is categorized as a special value that incorporates traits like honesty, discipline, and integrity into daily activities.

Ethics influence behavior and help a person choose the proper course of action. The foundation of performance character is made up of "willed values" including tenacity ,and self-control.

dispositions necessary for ethical functioning are referred to as having moral character, which includes traits like justice, compassion, respect, and honesty.

To learn more about develop ethics from given link



One aspect of a speech conclusion is to help your audience realize that the speech is about to end.a. Trueb. False








Conclusions means to wrap up a story, or finish the end. This is supposed to make the viewer/reader realize the story is ending.

What does an open heart actually mean?


Someone who is open-hearted is kind, loving, and honest. Kind & thoughtful.

Open heart pendants are often connected with love and affection, yet they also represent religious faith, fertility, empathy, luck, and connection in ways other than romantic. For many ladies, the open heart symbol has no significant meaning - they just like the beauty and elegance of the open heart piece

Being open-hearted makes one susceptible to being wounded, disappointed, and rejected. It entails acting as though a shattered heart doesn't exist. Along with vulnerability, there are a few more prerequisites for openheartedness. Genuineness and thankfulness play a significant role in it.

Learn more about Open heart to visit this https://brainly.com/question/29552818


How will dance performance contribute to well being of a person?


Improved flexibility, agility, and coordination are benefits of dance. Dance boosted physical confidence, enhanced spatial awareness, and enhanced brain function.

Dancing is a form of physical activity that strengthens the heart and lungs while also working the mind and the entire body. Both dancing and calorie burning are enjoyable. Excellent workout for both sexes. Increased strength, endurance, athletic performance, muscular tone, and strength are all benefits of dancing exercise.People who dance can become more sociable, more active, and can improve their physical and mental abilities. These are only a few advantages of dancing with more movement. Reducing stress, enhancing relaxation, enhancing bone and muscular strength, controlling weight, and more. Dancing is an extremely enjoyable whole-body workout. It's beneficial for your heart, may make you stronger, improve your coordination and balance.

Thus this is how dance performance will contribute to well being of a person.

Refer here to learn more about dance performance: https://brainly.com/question/29551768


What are 3 things to include in any conclusion?


Things to put in a conclusion:

Conclude the paper in a favorable manner.

Give the reader a sense of completion.

Summarize the essential points and restate them.

The conclusion gives us the opportunity to make a final judgement on the topics we've discussed in our paper, to summarize our ideas, to highlight their significance, and to nudge our reader toward a fresh point of view.

We also have the chance to leave a favorable impression and do so positively. The concluding paragraph or sentence of our thesis, as well as a summary of the main things we've covered, make up the conclusion.

The conclusion supports the thesis, in contrast to the introduction, which explains why it was written in the first place.

To know more about conclusion, visit:



What is the summary of the plot?


A summary of the plot identifies significant characters, names them, and discusses the key moments in the narrative.

Only what happens is described in the plot outline; no attempt is made to analyze or explain what happens. For instance, the story of "The Great Gatsby" might be summed up as follows: "In the 1920s, a young businessman called Nick Carraway moves to Long Island and meets Jay Gatsby, a rich man with an enigmatical past." By becoming familiar with the main characters, the environment, and the plot, the reader may understand the novel's main context.One way to achieve this is to identify the story's plot components. The storyline includes introduction, building suspense, peak, decreasing action, and resolution. The exposition introduces the setting, the principal characters, and the dramatic conflict.

Thus this is the summary of the plot.

Refer here to learn more about summary of the plot: https://brainly.com/question/25605883


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